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The interferon-induced transmembrane proteins (IFITMs) restrict infection by numerous viruses, yet the importance and regulation of individual isoforms remains unclear. Here, we report that murine IFITM1 (mIFITM1) is palmitoylated on one nonconserved cysteine and three conserved cysteines that are required for anti-influenza A virus activity. Additionally, palmitoylation of mIFITM1 regulates protein stability by preventing proteasomal degradation, and modification of the nonconserved cysteine at the mIFITM1 C terminus supports an intramembrane topology with mechanistic implications.  相似文献   

The interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) proteins broadly inhibit the entry of diverse pathogenic viruses, including Influenza A virus (IAV), Zika virus, HIV-1, and SARS coronaviruses by inhibiting virus-cell membrane fusion. IFITM3 was previously shown to disrupt cholesterol trafficking, but the functional relationship between IFITM3 and cholesterol remains unclear. We previously showed that inhibition of IAV entry by IFITM3 is associated with its ability to promote cellular membrane rigidity, and these activities are functionally linked by a shared requirement for the amphipathic helix (AH) found in the intramembrane domain (IMD) of IFITM3. Furthermore, it has been shown that the AH of IFITM3 alters lipid membranes in vitro in a cholesterol-dependent manner. Therefore, we aimed to elucidate the relationship between IFITM3 and cholesterol in more detail. Using a fluorescence-based in vitro binding assay, we found that a peptide derived from the AH of IFITM3 directly interacted with the cholesterol analog, NBD-cholesterol, while other regions of the IFITM3 IMD did not, and native cholesterol competed with this interaction. In addition, recombinant full-length IFITM3 protein also exhibited NBD-cholesterol binding activity. Importantly, previously characterized mutations within the AH of IFITM3 that strongly inhibit antiviral function (F63Q and F67Q) disrupted AH structure in solution, inhibited cholesterol binding in vitro, and restricted bilayer insertion in silico. Our data suggest that direct interactions with cholesterol may contribute to the inhibition of membrane fusion pore formation by IFITM3. These findings may facilitate the design of therapeutic peptides for use in broad-spectrum antiviral therapy.  相似文献   

Interferon-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) protein family members IFITM1, -2, and -3 restrict the infection of multiple enveloped viruses. Significant enrichment of a minor IFITM3 allele was recently reported for patients who were hospitalized for seasonal and 2009 H1N1 pandemic flu. This IFITM3 allele lacks the region corresponding to the first amino-terminal 21 amino acids and is unable to inhibit influenza A virus. In this study, we found that deleting this 21-amino-acid region relocates IFITM3 from the endosomal compartments to the cell periphery. This finding likely underlies the lost inhibition of influenza A virus that completes its entry exclusively within endosomes at low pH. Yet, wild-type IFITM3 and the mutant with the 21-amino-acid deletion inhibit HIV-1 replication equally well. Given the pH-independent nature of HIV-1 entry, our results suggest that IFITM3 can inhibit viruses that enter cells via different routes and that its N-terminal region is specifically required for controlling pH-dependent viruses.  相似文献   

Xie  Linlin  Ju  Zhao  Zhong  Chaojie  Wu  Yingjun  Zan  Yuxing  Hou  Wei  Feng  Yong 《中国病毒学》2021,36(1):85-94
The human myxovirus resistance 2(Mx2/Mx B) protein, a member of interferon(IFN)-inducible dynamin-like large GTPases, restricts a number of virus infections. Inhibition of these viruses occurs at poorly-defined steps after viral entry and has a common requirement for Mx B oligomerization. However, the GTPase activity is essential for the anti-viral effects of Mx B against herpesviruses and HBV but not HIV-1. To understand the role of Mx B GTPase activity, including GTP binding and GTP hydrolysis, in restriction of HIV-1 infection, we genetically separated these two functions and evaluated their contributions to restriction. We found that both the GTP binding and hydrolysis function of Mx B involved in the restriction of HIV-1 replication. The GTPase activity of Mx B contributed to its nuclear location, interaction with nucleoporins(NUPs) and HIV-1 capsids. Furthermore, Mx B disrupted the association between NUPs and HIV-1 cores dependently upon its GTPase activity. The function of GTPase activity was therefore multi-faceted, led to fundamentally distinct mechanisms employed by wild-type Mx B and GTPase activity defective Mx B mutations to restrict HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

Monofloral Iranian honeys from eight floral sources were analyzed to determine their anti-HIV-1 activities as well as their effects on lymphocyte proliferation. The Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) used in this study were prepared from five healthy volunteers who were seronegative for HIV, HCV, HBV and TB. The anti-HIV-1 activity of eight different honeys was performed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay and high pure viral nucleic acid kit. The results demonstrated that monofloral honeys from Petro selinum sativum, Nigella sativa, Citrus sinensis, Zataria multiflora, Citrus aurantium and Zizyphus mauritiana flowers had potent anti-HIV-1 activity with half maximal effective concentration (EC50) values of 37.5, 88, 70, 88, 105 and 5 µg/ml respectively. However, monofloral Iranian honeys from Astragalus gummifer and Chamaemelum nobile flowers had weak anti-HIV-1 activity. The frequency and intensity of CD4 expression on PBMCs increased in the presence of all honey types. CD19 marker were also increased after the treatment with monofloral honeys from Z.multiflora and N. sativa. The anti-HIV-1 agent in monofloral honeys from P.sativum, N. sativa, Z. multiflora and Z. mauritiana flowers was detected by spectroscopic analysis as methylglyoxal. Time of drug addition studies demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of methylglyoxal is higher on the late stage of HIV-1 infection. The result demonstrated that methylglyoxal isolated from monofloral honey types is a good candidate for preclinical evaluation of anti-HIV-1 therapies.  相似文献   

目的:制备具有高效价强特异性的抗HIV-1 p15(gag)鸡卵黄抗体(IgY),纯化并分析其免疫学活性。方法:用纯化的HIV-1 p15(gag)蛋白抗原免疫蛋鸡,用水稀释法对IgY抗体进行粗提取并结合乙醇沉淀和氯化钠盐析法纯化抗体,再通过SDS-PAGE、Western blot、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)检测抗体的纯度、特异性及效价。结果:表达纯化的HIV-1 p15(gag)-GST融合蛋白分子量为45kDa,用于抗体检测的抗原。用纯化的His-P15蛋白作为免疫原免疫蛋鸡后,获得的卵黄抗体重链、轻链分子量分别为65kDa和25kDa。8倍体积水稀释卵黄,pH值5.1,20%冰乙醇及0.028mol/L盐溶液分离纯化,纯度可达96℅,每毫升卵黄液可得到的卵黄抗体为9.8mg。终浓度为18%~25%的冰乙醇纯化的抗体浓度高且稳定,同时具有较强的特异性和较高的效价。结论:用HIV-1p15(gag)蛋白免疫蛋鸡,可以获得高效价的特异性抗体IgY,为IgY抗体在HIV-1p15蛋白的研究奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

The stress-activated protein kinase Gcn2 regulates protein synthesis by phosphorylation of translation initiation factor eIF2α. Gcn2 is activated in amino acid-deprived cells by binding of uncharged tRNA to the regulatory domain related to histidyl-tRNA synthetase, but the molecular mechanism of activation is unclear. We used a genetic approach to identify a key regulatory surface in Gcn2 that is proximal to the predicted active site of the HisRS domain and likely remodeled by tRNA binding. Mutations leading to amino acid substitutions on this surface were identified that activate Gcn2 at low levels of tRNA binding (Gcd- phenotype), while other substitutions block kinase activation (Gcn- phenotype), in some cases without altering tRNA binding by Gcn2 in vitro. Remarkably, the Gcn- substitutions increase affinity of the HisRS domain for the C-terminal domain (CTD), previously implicated as a kinase autoinhibitory segment, in a manner dampened by HisRS domain Gcd- substitutions and by amino acid starvation in vivo. Moreover, tRNA specifically antagonizes HisRS/CTD association in vitro. These findings support a model wherein HisRS-CTD interaction facilitates the autoinhibitory function of the CTD in nonstarvation conditions, with tRNA binding eliciting kinase activation by weakening HisRS-CTD association with attendant disruption of the autoinhibitory KD-CTD interaction.  相似文献   

研究了具有抗HIV-1活性的大环多胺类化合物与RNA的识别作用,以及其对cos-7细胞凋亡的影响,以进一步探讨其抗HIV-1的作用机理.实验采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳方法, 观察化合物与RNA的识别作用;通过流式细胞计数法探讨其对cos-7细胞凋亡的影响;运用计算机分子模型, 从理论上Docking计算化合物与TAR RNA结合的可能性.结果表明, 大环多胺类化合物MP-1、MP-2和MP-3不仅具有断裂RNA的作用,并可抑制Tat-RNA的相互作用, 还可影响cos-7细胞亚二倍体的含量; 理论化学计算数据与实验结果基本一致.这一结果提示化合物的抗HIV-1活性可能通过作用于病毒基因组RNA而发挥作用,是多靶作用的结果.  相似文献   

Neuropilins (Nrp) are type I transmembrane proteins that function as receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and class III Semaphorin (Sema3) ligand families. Sema3s function as potent endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors but require proteolytically processing by furin to compete with VEGF for Nrp binding. This processing liberates a C-terminal arginine (CR) that is necessary for binding to the b1 domain of Nrp, a common feature shared by Nrp ligands. The CR is necessary but not sufficient for potent Nrp inhibition, and the role of upstream residues is unknown. We demonstrate that the second-to-last residue (C-1), immediately upstream of the CR, plays a significant role in controlling competitive ligand binding by orienting the C-terminus for productive Nrp binding. With the use of a peptide library derived from Sema3F, C-1 residues that preferentially adopt an extended bound-like conformation, including proline and β-branched amino acids, were found to produce the most avid competitors. Consistent with this, analysis of the binding thermodynamics revealed that more favorable entropy is responsible for the observed binding enhancement of C-1 proline. We further tested the effect of the C-1 residue on Sema3F processing by furin and found an inverse relationship between processing and inhibitory potency. Analysis of all Sema3 family members reveals two non-equivalent furin processing sites differentiated by the presence of either a C-1 proline or a C-1 arginine and resulting in up to a 40-fold difference in potency. These data reveal a novel regulatory mechanism of Sema3 activity and define a fundamental mechanism for preferential Nrp binding.  相似文献   

研究了具有抗HIV-1活性的大环多胺类化合物与RNA的识别作用,以及其对cos-7细胞凋亡的影响,以进一步探讨其抗HIV-1的作用机理。实验采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳方法。观察化合物与RNA的识别作用。通过流式细胞计数法探讨其对cos-7细胞凋亡的影响。运用计算机分子模型,从理论上Docking计算化合物与TAR RNA结合的可能性。结果表明,大环多胺类化合物MP-1、MP-2和MP-3不仅具有断裂RNA的作用,并可抑制Tat-RNA的相互作用,还可影响cos-7细胞亚二倍体的含量;理论化学计算数据与实验结果基本一致,这一结果提示合物的抗HIV-1活性可能通过作用于病毒基因组RNA而发挥作用,是多靶作用的结果。  相似文献   

Highlights? The long S6K1 isoform functions as a tumor suppressor ? S6K1 short isoforms are upregulated in breast cancer and possess oncogenic properties ? S6K1 short isoforms bind mTORC1 and enhance cap-dependent translation ? Inhibition of mTORC1 can reverse the oncogenic properties of the S6K1 short isoforms  相似文献   

The interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) family of proteins have recently been identified as important host effector molecules of the type I interferon response against viruses. IFITM1 has been identified as a potent antiviral effector against hepatitis C virus (HCV), whereas the related family members IFITM2 and IFITM3 have been described to have antiviral effects against a broad range of RNA viruses. Here, we demonstrate that IFITM2 and IFITM3 play an integral role in the interferon response against HCV and act at the level of late entry stages of HCV infection. We have established that in hepatocytes, IFITM2 and IFITM3 localize to the late and early endosomes, respectively, as well as the lysosome. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that S-palmitoylation of all three IFITM proteins is essential for anti-HCV activity, whereas the conserved tyrosine residue in the N-terminal domain of IFITM2 and IFITM3 plays a significant role in protein localization. However, this tyrosine was found to be dispensable for anti-HCV activity, with mutation of the tyrosine resulting in an IFITM1-like phenotype with the retention of anti-HCV activity and co-localization of IFITM2 and IFITM3 with CD81. In conclusion, we propose that the IFITM proteins act in a coordinated manner to restrict HCV infection by targeting the endocytosed HCV virion for lysosomal degradation and demonstrate that the actions of the IFITM proteins are indeed virus and cell-type specific.  相似文献   


Novel TSAO-T analogues, in which the ribofuranosyl moiety has been replaced by an hexofuranosyl sugar moiety, have been prepared and evaluated for their inhibitory effect on HIV-1 replication in cell culture. In contrast to the prototype compound TSAO-T, the hexofuranosyl derivatives proved not active at subtoxic concentrations.


Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases play distinct roles in a variety of cellular signaling pathways and are regulated through multiple mechanisms. In this study, a novel 61-kDa member of the MAP kinase family, termed extracellular signal-regulated kinase 7 (ERK7), has been cloned and characterized. Although it has the signature TEY activation motif of ERK1 and ERK2, ERK7 is not activated by extracellular stimuli that typically activate ERK1 and ERK2 or by common activators of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 kinase. Instead, ERK7 has appreciable constitutive activity in serum-starved cells that is dependent on the presence of its C-terminal domain. Interestingly, the C-terminal tail, not the kinase domain, of ERK7 regulates its nuclear localization and inhibition of growth. Taken together, these results elucidate a novel type of MAP kinase whereby interactions via its C-terminal tail, rather than extracellular signal-mediated activation cascades, regulate its activity, localization, and function.  相似文献   

The IFITM proteins inhibit HIV-1 infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lu J  Pan Q  Rong L  He W  Liu SL  Liang C 《Journal of virology》2011,85(5):2126-2137
Type I interferon protects cells from virus infection through the induction of a group of genes collectively named interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). In this study, we utilized short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to deplete ISGs in SupT1 cells in order to identify ISGs that suppress the production of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Among the ISG candidates thus identified were interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) proteins, including IFITM1, IFITM2, and IFITM3, that potently inhibit HIV-1 replication at least partially through interfering with virus entry. Further mutagenesis analysis shows that the intracellular region, rather than the N- and C-terminal extracellular domains, is essential for the antiviral activity of IFITM1. Altogether, these data suggest that the IFITM proteins serve as important components of the innate immune system to restrict HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

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