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Tsetse flies use olfactory and gustatory responses, through odorant and gustatory receptors (ORs and GRs), to interact with their environment. Glossina morsitans morsitans genome ORs and GRs were annotated using homologs of these genes in Drosophila melanogaster and an ab initio approach based on OR and GR specific motifs in G. m. morsitans gene models coupled to gene ontology (GO). Phylogenetic relationships among the ORs or GRs and the homologs were determined using Maximum Likelihood estimates. Relative expression levels among the G. m. morsitans ORs or GRs were established using RNA-seq data derived from adult female fly. Overall, 46 and 14 putative G. m. morsitans ORs and GRs respectively were recovered. These were reduced by 12 and 59 ORs and GRs respectively compared to D. melanogaster. Six of the ORs were homologous to a single D. melanogaster OR (DmOr67d) associated with mating deterrence in females. Sweet taste GRs, present in all the other Diptera, were not recovered in G. m. morsitans. The GRs associated with detection of CO2 were conserved in G. m. morsitans relative to D. melanogaster. RNA-sequence data analysis revealed expression of GmmOR15 locus represented over 90% of expression profiles for the ORs. The G. m. morsitans ORs or GRs were phylogenetically closer to those in D. melanogaster than to other insects assessed. We found the chemoreceptor repertoire in G. m. morsitans smaller than other Diptera, and we postulate that this may be related to the restricted diet of blood-meal for both sexes of tsetse flies. However, the clade of some specific receptors has been expanded, indicative of their potential importance in chemoreception in the tsetse.  相似文献   

Sodalis glossinidius is an endosymbiont of Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina morsitans morsitans, the vectors of Trypanosoma congolense. The presence of the symbiont was investigated by PCR in Trypanosoma congolense savannah type-infected and noninfected midguts of both fly species, and into the probosces of flies displaying either mature or immature infection, to investigate possible correlation with the vectorial competence of tsetse flies. Sodalis glossinidius was detected in all midguts, infected or not, from both Glossina species. It was also detected in probosces from Glossina palpalis gambiensis flies displaying mature or immature infection, but never in probosces from Glossina morsitans morsitans. These results suggest that, a) there might be no direct correlation between the presence of Sodalis glossinidius and the vectorial competence of Glossina, and b) the symbiont is probably not involved in Trypanosoma congolense savannah type maturation. It could however participate in the establishment process of the parasite.  相似文献   

Tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) are the cyclical vectors of Trypanosoma spp., which are unicellular parasites responsible for multiple diseases, including nagana in livestock and sleeping sickness in humans in Africa. Glossina species, including Glossina morsitans morsitans (Gmm), for which the Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) is now available, have established symbiotic associations with three endosymbionts: Wigglesworthia glossinidia, Sodalis glossinidius and Wolbachia pipientis (Wolbachia). The presence of Wolbachia in both natural and laboratory populations of Glossina species, including the presence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events in a laboratory colony of Gmm, has already been shown. We herein report on the draft genome sequence of the cytoplasmic Wolbachia endosymbiont (cytWol) associated with Gmm. By in silico and molecular and cytogenetic analysis, we discovered and validated the presence of multiple insertions of Wolbachia (chrWol) in the host Gmm genome. We identified at least two large insertions of chrWol, 527,507 and 484,123 bp in size, from Gmm WGS data. Southern hybridizations confirmed the presence of Wolbachia insertions in Gmm genome, and FISH revealed multiple insertions located on the two sex chromosomes (X and Y), as well as on the supernumerary B-chromosomes. We compare the chrWol insertions to the cytWol draft genome in an attempt to clarify the evolutionary history of the HGT events. We discuss our findings in light of the evolution of Wolbachia infections in the tsetse fly and their potential impacts on the control of tsetse populations and trypanosomiasis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The course of Trypanosoma congolense infections in Glossina morsitans morsitans was followed by electron-microscopic examination of ultrathin sections of the guts and proboscises of infected flies. Guts dissected from flies 7 days after infection with culture procyclic forms of T. congolense had heavy trypanosome infections in the midgut involving both the endo- and ectoperitrophic spaces. Trypanosomes were also seen in the process of penetrating the fully formed peritrophic membrane in the central region of the midgut. By post infection day 21, trypanosomes had reached the proboscis of the fly and were found as clumps of epimastigote forms attached to the labrum by hemidesmosomes between their flagella and the chitinous lining of the food canal. Desmosome connections were observed between the flagella of adjacent epimastigotes. Flies examined at postinfection days 28 and 42 had, in addition to the attached forms in the labrum, free forms in the hypopharynx.  相似文献   

Abstract. Midgut protease activity in Glossina morsitans centralis and G. m. morsitans , at 48h post bloodmeal averaged 1.8IU of trypsin-like activity. These two tsetse subspecies differ in their susceptibility to trypanosome infection. Except for low levels in flies fed on waterbuck blood (0.7IU), activity did not differ in flies fed a variety of host bloods (goat, pig, cow, buffalo, eland) and trypanosome species ( Trypanosoma congolense, T.brucei, T.simiae ). Protease activity was also not correlated with infection rates, despite large differences in infection rates among experiments. Nevertheless, addition of 0.06M D(+)-glucosamine to parasitaemic blood resulted in a three-fold reduction in protease activity, coincident with a large increase in infection rate. This effect did not occur when parasites or D(+)-glucosamine were added alone to the bloodmeal, suggesting that the effect was due to metabolism of D(+)-glucosamine by parasites.  相似文献   

Several dipteran insects are vectors of parasites causing major human infectious diseases. Among these, the tsetse fly, Glossina spp., is responsible for the transmission of trypanosomes, the pathogens responsible for sleeping sickness in Africa. A better understanding of insect-parasite interactions will help establish new strategies to fight this important often fatal disease. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are part of the humoral immune response in insects during bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. Here, we studied the immune response of Glossina morsitans to bacteria and to Trypanosoma brucei brucei by analyzing the synthesis of AMPs as markers of the humoral immune response. By reversed-phase chromatography, mass spectrometry analysis, Edman degradation and in vitro antimicrobial assays of the hemolymph of immune-challenged adults of G. morsitans, we identified three AMPs: a cecropin, an attacin and a defensin. These three AMPs were found to be induced upon systemic bacterial infection and also after per os infections by bacteria and parasites.  相似文献   

Abstract. Teneral Glossina morsitans centralis and G. brevipalpis were fed in vitro upon medium containing procyclic Trypanosoma brucei brucei derived from the midguts of G. m. centralis or G. brevipalpis which had immature trypanosome infections. The tsetse were then maintained on rabbits and, on day 31, were dissected to determine the infection rates. In G. m. centralis the midgut and salivary gland infection rates by T. b. brucei were 46.0% and 27.0% with procyclic trypanosomes from G. m. centralis, and 45.4% and 24.7% with procyclic trypanosomes from G. brevipalpis, respectively. In G. brevipalpis the rates were 20.2% and 0.0% with procyclic trypanosomes from G. m. centralis, and 28.0% and 0.0% with procyclic trypanosomes from G. brevipalpis, respectively. Teneral G. m. centralis and G. brevipalpis were also fed similarly upon procyclic T. b. brucei derived from G.m.centralis or G. brevipalpis on day 31 of infection, the former tsetse species had mature infections while the latter were without infections in the salivary glands. In G.m.centralis the infection rates in the midgut and salivary glands were 48.9% and 17.0%, and 38.0% and 17.0% when fed on procyclic trypanosomes from G.m.centralis and G. brevipalpis, respectively. In G. brevipalpis the rates were 21.5% and 0.0%, and 10.7% and 0.0% with procyclic trypanosomes of G.m.centralis and G. brevipalpis origin, respectively. Thus, procyclic T. b. brucei from susceptible G.m.centralis could not complete cyclical development in refractory G. brevipalpis, whereas those from G. brevipalpis developed to metatrypanosomes in the salivary glands of G.m.centralis. Teneral and 15-day-old non-teneral G.m.centralis were fed in vitro upon heparinized goat's blood containing T. b. brucei bloodstream trypomastigotes, or upon medium containing procyclic T. b. brucei derived from G.m.centralis with mature infections. On day 31 their infection rates were determined. The infection rates by T. b. brucei in the midgut and salivary glands of G.m.centralis fed on the infected blood were 70.4% and 40.4% when fed as teneral tsetse, as against 15.3% and 4.0% when fed as non-teneral tsetse. Those tsetse which were fed on the medium containing procyclic trypanosomes showed rates of 50.0% and 25.6%, as against 11.6% and 2.5%, respectively. It would appear, therefore, that maturation of T. b. brucei in tsetse is probably not determined simply by an interaction between lectin and procyclic trypanosomes in the midgut of non-teneral tsetse, but it is the result of a complex interaction between many interrelated physiological factors of both the trypanosome and the tsetse vector.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei s.l. co-exist within the animal populations of Eastern Africa; T. b. brucei a parasite which only infects livestock and wildlife and T. b. rhodesiense a zoonotic parasite which infects domestic livestock, wildlife, and which in humans, results in the disease known as Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness. In order to assess the risk posed to humans from HAT it is necessary to identify animals harbouring potentially human infective parasites. The multiplex PCR method described here permits differentiation of human and non-human infective parasites T. b. rhodesiense and T. b. brucei based on the presence or absence of the SRA gene (specific for East African T. b. rhodesiense), inclusion of GPI-PLC as an internal control indicates whether sufficient genomic material is present for detection of a single copy T. brucei gene in the PCR reaction.  相似文献   

Abstract Measurements of residual haematin in males of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood reared in the laboratory at 25oC suggest that blood meal digestion is completed in 4 or 5 days after feeding. However, a high proportion of haematin is present as faecal matter 2 days after feeding and it is concluded that digestion is completed sooner than indicated by the regression of logio haematin on time. Therefore, low levels of residual haematin in field-caught tsetse provide no indication of the frequency with which they feed. For this reason the effects of feeding frequency upon various reproductive parameters in the laboratory have been examined. It is concluded that the best performance is achieved by G.m. morsitans females which ingest four blood meals per inter-larval period and that for a similar performance in G.pallidipes five blood meals are required. The extent to which such feeding frequencies are a reflection of feeding activity in the field are discussed in terms of the biochemical requirements to maintain a reproductive adult female tsetse in positive energy balance.  相似文献   

In field studies, tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossinidae) feed more successfully on cattle infected with Trypanosoma congolense Broden (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) than on cattle infected with T. vivax Ziemann or uninfected cattle. Here we describe the first laboratory investigation of this phenomenon. In the first experiment, caged Glossina pallidipes Austen were fed for 1 and 5 min on a Boran steer infected with T. congolense clone IL 1180 and on an uninfected steer. Feeding success was recorded in this way five times over several weeks. The same protocol was subsequently used in three additional experiments with the following combinations: G. pallidipes and a steer infected with T. vivax stock IL 3913, G. morsitans centralis Machado and a steer infected with T. congolense, and G. morsitans centralis and a steer infected with T. vivax. The four experiments were replicated once, making eight experiments in total. In three experiments there was increased tsetse feeding success, measured at 1 min, after a steer became infected (T. congolense, two experiments and T. vivax, one experiment). Analysis of all data combined found no significant differences in tsetse feeding success on the different groups of cattle prior to infection, but after infection tsetse feeding success was significantly greater on the infected cattle (P< 0.001). Trypanosoma congolense infection led to a greater increase in tsetse feeding success than T. vivax infection. The increase in feeding success was not related to changes in the level of anaemia, skin surface temperature or parasitaemia. A possible explanation is the effects of trypanosome infection on cutaneous vasodilation and/or blood clotting in infected cattle. When allowed to feed for 5 min, nearly all tsetse engorged successfully and effects of cattle infection on feeding success were not found.  相似文献   

Abstract .In a single generation of selection, two lines of Glossina morsitans centralis were established that differed significantly in susceptibility to Trypanosoma congolense clone IL 1180. Reciprocal crosses demonstrated that susceptibility was a maternally inherited trait. Differences between the lines, to all phases of the trypanosome infection, were maintained for eight generations, whereas differences in susceptibility to midgut infections were maintained for twenty-eight generations. Thereafter, the lines did not differ in susceptibility to Trypanosoma congolense IL 1180. Susceptibility to infections with Trypanosoma congolense IL 1180 was only a weak predictor of susceptibility to T. congolense clones IL 13-E3 and K60/1, as well as clone T. brucei brucei STIB 247-L. However, the susceptible and refractory lines displayed these phenotypes when tested with Trypanosoma vivax, indicating that the factors that affect susceptibility to trypanosomes are expressed both within and outside the midgut.  相似文献   

Puparia of Glossina morsitans centralis (Machado), G.fuscipes fuscipes (Newstead) and G.brevipalpis (Newstead) were incubated at 25 +/- 1 degrees C, 28 +/- 1:25 +/- 1 degrees C, day:night or 29 +/- 1 degrees C throughout the puparial period, and maintained at 70-80% relative humidity. Puparial mortality was higher at 29 than at 25 degrees C (optimum temperature) in all three species, particularly in G.f.fuscipes and G.brevipalpis. Adults of G.m.centralis from puparia incubated at 29 degrees C, and those of this subspecies, G.f.fuscipes and G.brevipalpis from puparia incubated at 28:25 degrees C, day:night or 25 degrees C throughout, were infected as tenerals (27 h old) by feeding them at the same time on goats infected with Trypanosoma congolense (Broden) IL 1180 after the parasites were detected in the wet blood film. Infection rates on day 25 post-infected feed were higher in G.m.centralis from puparia incubated at 29 degrees C and in adults of the three different tsetse species from puparia incubated at 28:25 degrees C, day:night, than in those from puparia incubated at 25 degrees C. However, in G.f.fuscipes the labral and hypopharyngeal infection rates were not significantly different from those of the tsetse produced by puparia kept at 25 degrees C.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Experiments were performed on male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and female Musca domestica L. to investigate their phototactic responses at long wavelengths. In both species, green light was less attractive than red (relative to a 400 nm standard). In M. domestica this can be adequately explained by an intensity-dependent phototactic reversal at wavelengths above 500 nm; red light could be matched in attractiveness by a low intensity green light, implying that no true red-green discriminating ability exists, but that red is perceived as a dim green. Although a partial phototactic reversal was also observed in G. m. morsitans at 525–575 nm, no tested intensity of green matched red in attractiveness. It appears therefore that G. m. morsitans may be an unusual dipteran in possessing a method of discriminating red and green light independently of intensity. Both species also resolved near-UV from green.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The effects of age and hunger on the responses of male Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G.pallidipes Austen to freeze-killed female decoys, were examined in the laboratory. In both species, activity, estimated as the total number of interactions between males and decoys, increased with both age and hunger. Interactions were divided into short-stay (<60 s) and long-stay, full copulatory responses. In both species, young, unfed males were significantly less likely to attempt to copulate with a decoy after encounter than were fed males. Among fed males the proportion of interactions that proceeded to full copulatory attempts did not change with increasing age, but decreased consistently with increasing hunger. At all ages and hunger levels, G.pallidipes were more active than G.m.morsitans. However, after encountering a decoy, G.pallidipes were less likely to attempt to copulate than G.m.morsitans. In both species the duration of copulatory attempts did not change with age, but declined with increasing hunger. Copulatory attempts by G.pallidipes were significantly shorter than those of G.m.morsitans. The results are discussed in relation to the behaviour of tsetse in response to control devices such as traps and targets.  相似文献   

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