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Knowledge of plankton biogeography for the Indian and adjacent seas is necessary for an understanding of the regional characteristics and changes in the plankton composition. Some of the plankters will serve as good biogeographical indicator species. Some phytoplankters and tintinnids among zooplankton are promising for use as such labels for the presence of different waters in the Porto Novo (Coromandel coast, Bay of Bengal) region. A biogeographical classification of the local phytoplankton and peculiarities in the distribution of some rare tintinnids occurring there are discussed.  相似文献   



Despite enormous environmental variability linked to glacial/interglacial climates of the Pleistocene, we have recently shown that marine diatom communities evolved slowly through gradual changes over the past 1.5 million years. Identifying the causes of this ecological stability is key for understanding the mechanisms that control the tempo and mode of community evolution.

Methodology/Principal Findings

If community assembly were controlled by local environmental selection rather than dispersal, environmental perturbations would change community composition, yet, this could revert once environmental conditions returned to previous-like states. We analyzed phytoplankton community composition across >104 km latitudinal transects in the Atlantic Ocean and show that local environmental selection of broadly dispersed species primarily controls community structure. Consistent with these results, three independent fossil records of marine diatoms over the past 250,000 years show cycles of community departure and recovery tightly synchronized with the temporal variations in Earth''s climate.


Changes in habitat conditions dramatically alter community structure, yet, we conclude that the high dispersal of marine planktonic microbes erases the legacy of past environmental conditions, thereby decreasing the tempo of community evolution.  相似文献   

We conducted a field experiment to determine the extent to which interference among generalist predators limits their effectiveness as biocontrol agents. We manipulated immigration of a guild of actively hunting generalist ground predators, carabid beetles and lycosid spiders, by intercepting them as they attempted to enter fenced 50-m2 vegetable gardens. Immigration was blocked, allowed at the mean rate measured at our field site, or doubled. Altered immigration rates were maintained through a spring garden of cabbage, bean, eggplant, and cucumber, followed by a summer garden of squash. We monitored densities of carabids and lycosids to discover if altering their immigration rate changed their densities in the plots. We also measured densities of other predators on the ground and in plant foliage, pest numbers, and vegetable yields. Doubling the immigration rate of carabids and lycosids approximately doubled the densities of carabids inside the plots, but did not increase lycosid densities. Increasing the rate of immigration of carabids and lycosids depressed densities of nonlycosid ground spiders. In the spring gardens, manipulation of carabid and lycosid immigration did not influence numbers of predators or herbivores in the foliage and did not affect vegetable productivity. In contrast, in the summer gardens, foliage-dwelling predators were lower, pest densities were marginally lower, and squash productivity was higher in the carabid and lycosid immigration plots compared to the no-immigration treatment. Doubling carabid and lycosid immigration rate never increased the magnitude of their effects on other predators, pests, or plant productivity. Predator interference limited lycosid establishment, reduced densities of other predator taxa, and apparently prevented a doubling of carabid densities from having an increased impact on pest numbers. Nevertheless, despite widespread effects of predator interference, allowing immigration of lycosids and carabids increased squash productivity.  相似文献   

Why and how specialist and generalist strategies evolve are important questions in evolutionary ecology. In this paper, with the method of adaptive dynamics and evolutionary branching, we identify conditions that select for specialist and generalist strategies. Generally, generalist strategies evolve if there is a switching benefit; specialists evolve if there is a switching cost. If the switching cost is large, specialists always evolve. If the switching cost is small, even though the consumer will first evolve toward a generalist strategy, it will eventually branch into two specialists.  相似文献   

The ranges of 10 tropical Pacific phytoplankton species are shown in the maps. Five types of these ranges are discussed. Except for broadly tropical species some species with much narrower ranges are characterized. The bases of ranges and the expatriation areas are given. The bases of ranges of all the species studied fall into similar temperature and salinity limits. Most of the species inhabit a wide range of nutrients concentration, but Climacodium frauenfeldianum and Hemiaulus hauckii are only found at low phosphate and silicate concentrations. These peculiarities determine the geography of ranges of these two species. Among the species investigated only Ceratium gravidum belongs to the shade flora.  相似文献   

Delphinine dolphins arose via a recent, rapid radiation, probably within the last four million years. Although molecular phylogenies are increasingly well resolved, patterns of morphology-ecology-geography are hard to link to phylogeny or to translate into taxonomy. Such problems might be tackled through understanding the drivers of the delphinine radiation. Here, we examine delphinine historical biogeography using the phylogeny of McGowen et al. (Mol Phylogenet Evol 53:891–906, 2009) as our working hypothesis. We used the Spatial Analysis of Vicariance” method to delimit modern distribution patterns, including disjunctions involving sister nodes in the Delphininae. The analysis identified disjunct sister nodes, allowing some interpretation of Delphininae biogeography. The Central American Seaway was probably an important gateway for early delphinids, but the succeeding “hard” barrier of the Panama Isthmus had little influence. Southern African waters form the Atlantic-Indo-Pacific gateway, which is sometimes considered a “soft” barrier because of the variation in the Benguela and Agulhas currents, in turn driven by tectonic changes and/or Pleistocene glacial and interglacial cycles. The latter cycles probably fragmented coastal habitats, allowing allopatric speciation. Geological patterns of turnover in Southern Ocean diatoms, which link to physical oceanic change, closely match the main cluster of delphinine divergences. The Eastern Pacific Barrier, and perhaps the associated Humboldt Current and equatorial “cold tongue,” affect modern distributions, but cause and effect are poorly understood. Future research should involve molecular-morphological phylogenetics for all species, subspecies, and ecomorphs. Complete distributions must be known for all taxa to understand how vicariance and dispersal shaped the distribution of delphinines.  相似文献   

Searching for resources is often a challenging task, especially for small organisms such as insects. Complex stimuli have to be extracted from the environment and translated into a relevant behavioral output. A first step in this process is to investigate the relative roles of the different senses during search for various resources. While the role of olfaction is well documented in nocturnal moths, the olfactory abilities of the closely related diurnal butterflies are poorly explored. Here we investigated how olfactory information is used in the search for host plants and asked if these abilities varied with levels of stimulus complexity. Thus, we tested two nymphalid butterfly species with divergent host plant range in a two-choice olfactometer testing different combinations of host and non-host plants. The experiments show both the monophagous Aglais urticae and the polyphagous Polygonia c-album could navigate towards an odor source, but this ability varied with context. While mated females exhibited a preference for their host plant, unmated females of both species did not show a preference for host plant cues. Furthermore, both species showed inabilities to make fine-tuned decisions between hosts. We conclude that olfactory cues are important for butterflies to navigate towards targets. We argue that there are limitations on how much information can be extracted from host volatiles. These results are discussed in the light of neural processing limitations and degree of host plant specialization, suggesting the necessity of other sensory modalities to sharpen the decision process and facilitate the final oviposition event.  相似文献   

Desert ungulates live in adverse ecosystems that are particularly sensitive to degradation and global climate change. Here, we asked how two ungulate species with contrasting feeding habits, grazing gemsbok (Oryx g. gazella) and browsing springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), respond to an increase in food availability during a pronounced rain period. We used a stable isotope approach to delineate the feeding habits of these two ungulates in the arid Kunene Region of Namibia. Our nineteen months field investigation included two time periods of drought when food availability for ungulates was lowest and an intermediate period with extreme, unusual rainfalls. We documented thirteen isotopically distinct food sources in the isotopic space of the study area. Our results indicated a relatively high dietary plasticity of gemsbok, which fed on a mixture of plants, including more than 30% of C3 plants during drought periods, but almost exclusively on C4 and CAM plant types when food was plentiful. During drought periods, the inferred gemsbok diets also consisted of up to 25% of Euphorbia damarana; an endemic CAM plant that is rich in toxic secondary plant compounds. In contrast, springbok were generalists, feeding on a higher proportion of C3 than C4/CAM plants, irrespective of environmental conditions. Our results illustrate two dietary strategies in gemsbok and springbok which enable them to survive and coexist in the hostile Kunene arid ecosystem.  相似文献   

Ciliate microzooplankton are important grazers in most pelagic ecosystems and among them, tintinnids, with their largely species‐specific loricas, allow relatively easy assessment of questions of diversity and distributions. Herein, we present the results of a survey of species records of tintinnids from the Southern Ocean (locations below 40°S) reported in 56 publications yielding 2,047 species records (synonyms included) from 402 locations. The 192 species reported can be parsed into two main groups: 32 endemic Southern Ocean species, known only from 40°S and further south, and a second group of 181 widespread species, forms with extensive geographic ranges extending into the Southern Ocean. Widespread species reported from the Southern Ocean can be further divided into a group of 81 species, each recorded multiple times in the Southern Ocean waters and 70 apparent “stray” species which have only been found but once. The endemic and widespread species of the Southern Ocean show both distinct distributional patterns and morphological differences. The assemblage of Southern Ocean endemics is found mostly within the Antarctic zone delimited by the average location of the Polar Front and contains a relatively large portion of wide‐mouthed forms. We give suggestions for future study.  相似文献   

Theoretically, homogeneous environments favor the evolution of specialists whereas heterogeneous environments favor generalists. Canine distemper is a multi-host carnivore disease caused by canine distemper virus (CDV). The described cell receptor of CDV is SLAM (CD150). Attachment of CDV hemagglutinin protein (CDV-H) to this receptor facilitates fusion and virus entry in cooperation with the fusion protein (CDV-F). We investigated whether CDV strains co-evolved in the large, homogeneous domestic dog population exhibited specialist traits, and strains adapted to the heterogeneous environment of smaller populations of different carnivores exhibited generalist traits. Comparison of amino acid sequences of the SLAM binding region revealed higher similarity between sequences from Canidae species than to sequences from other carnivore families. Using an in vitro assay, we quantified syncytia formation mediated by CDV-H proteins from dog and non-dog CDV strains in cells expressing dog, lion or cat SLAM. CDV-H proteins from dog strains produced significantly higher values with cells expressing dog SLAM than with cells expressing lion or cat SLAM. CDV-H proteins from strains of non-dog species produced similar values in all three cell types, but lower values in cells expressing dog SLAM than the values obtained for CDV-H proteins from dog strains. By experimentally changing one amino acid (Y549H) in the CDV-H protein of one dog strain we decreased expression of specialist traits and increased expression of generalist traits, thereby confirming its functional importance. A virus titer assay demonstrated that dog strains produced higher titers in cells expressing dog SLAM than cells expressing SLAM of non-dog hosts, which suggested possible fitness benefits of specialization post-cell entry. We provide in vitro evidence for the expression of specialist and generalist traits by CDV strains, and fitness trade-offs across carnivore host environments caused by antagonistic pleiotropy. These findings extend knowledge on CDV molecular epidemiology of particular relevance to wild carnivores.  相似文献   

Canada’s eastern Arctic (Nunavut and Arctic Quebec—Nunavik, N of 60°) supports large numbers of seabirds in summer. Seabird breeding habitat in this region includes steep, rocky coasts and low-lying coasts backed by lowland sedge-meadow tundra. The former areas support colonial cliff- and scree-nesting seabirds, such as murres and fulmars; the latter inland or coastal seabirds, such as terns, gulls and jaegers. The region supports some 4 million breeding seabirds, of which the most numerous are thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia; 75%), black guillemots (Cepphus grylle; 9%), northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis; 8%) and black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla; 6%). The majority of Arctic seabirds breed in a small number of very large colonies (>10,000 birds), but there are also substantial numbers of non-colonial or small-colony breeding populations that are scattered more widely (e.g. terns, guillemots). Population trends among Canadian Arctic seabirds over the past few decades have been variable, with no strongly negative trends except for the rare ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea): this contrasts with nearby Greenland, where several species have shown steep declines. Although current seabird trends raise only small cause for concern, climate amelioration may enable increased development activities in the north, potentially posing threats to some seabirds on their breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Frankia populations in soil and in root nodules of sympatrically grown Alnus taxa was evaluated by rep-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nifH gene sequence analyses. Rep-PCR analyses of uncultured Frankia populations in root nodules of 12 Alnus taxa (n?=?10 nodules each) growing sympatrically in the Morton Arboretum near Chicago revealed identical patterns for nodules from each Alnus taxon, including replicate trees of the same host taxon, and low diversity overall with only three profiles retrieved. One profile was retrieved from all nodules of nine taxa (Alnus incana subsp. incana, Alnus japonica, Alnus glutinosa, Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia, Alnus incana subsp. rugosa, Alnus rhombifolia, Alnus mandshurica, Alnus maritima, and Alnus serrulata), the second was found in all nodules of two plant taxa (A. incana subsp. hirsuta and A. glutinosa var. pyramidalis), and the third was unique for all Frankia populations in nodules of A. incana subsp. rugosa var. americana. Comparative sequence analyses of nifH gene fragments in nodules representing these three profiles assigned these frankiae to different subgroups within the Alnus host infection group. None of these sequences, however, represented frankiae detectable in soil as determined by sequence analysis of 73 clones from a Frankia-specific nifH gene clone library. Additional analyses of nodule populations from selected alders growing on different soils demonstrated the presence of different Frankia populations in nodules for each soil, with populations showing identical sequences in nodules from the same soil, but differences between plant taxa. These results suggest that soil environmental conditions and host plant genotype both have a role in the selection of Frankia strains by a host plant for root nodule formation, and that this selection is not merely a function of the abundance of a Frankia strain in soil.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Marine goniomonads have a worldwide distribution but ultrastructural information has not been available so far. An isolate of the heterotrophic marine nanoflagellate Goniomonas (G. aff. amphinema) from North Wales (UK) has been studied, providing information on its morphology and cellular structure using video, electron, laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM), and atomic force microscopy. Here, we describe a new feature, a granular area, potentially involved in particle capture and feeding. The binding of the lectin wheat germ agglutinin to the granular area of cells with discharged ejectisomes indicates the adhesive nature of this novel feature. The presence of a microtubular intracellular cytopharynx, apparently also used for feeding, has been revealed by LSCM. The small subunit rRNA gene of the isolate has been sequenced (1,788 bp). Phylogenetic results corroborate significant genetic divergence within the marine members of Goniomonas. This work highlights the need for integrated morphological, ultrastructural, and molecular investigation when describing and studying heterotrophic nanoflagellates.  相似文献   

This study assesses the biogeographic classification of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) on the basis of the species diversity and distribution of reef-building corals. Twenty one locations were sampled between 2002 and 2011. Presence/absence of scleractinian corals was noted on SCUBA, with the aid of underwater digital photographs and reference publications for species identification. Sampling effort varied from 7 to 37 samples per location, with 15 to 45 minutes per dive allocated to species observations, depending on the logistics on each trip. Species presence/absence was analyzed using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient, followed by cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling. Total (asymptotic) species number per location was estimated using the Michaelis-Menten equation. Three hundred and sixty nine coral species were named with stable identifications and used for analysis. At the location level, estimated maximum species richness ranged from 297 (Nacala, Mozambique) to 174 (Farquhar, Seychelles). Locations in the northern Mozambique Channel had the highest diversity and similarity, forming a core region defined by its unique oceanography of variable meso-scale eddies that confer high connectivity within this region. A distinction between mainland and island fauna was not found; instead, diversity decreased radially from the northern Mozambique Channel. The Chagos archipelago was closely related to the northern Mozambique Channel region, and analysis of hard coral data in the IUCN Red List found Chagos to be more closely related to the WIO than to the Maldives, India and Sri Lanka. Diversity patterns were consistent with primary oceanographic drivers in the WIO, reflecting inflow of the South Equatorial Current, maintenance of high diversity in the northern Mozambique Channel, and export from this central region to the north and south, and to the Seychelles and Mascarene islands.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how environmental change in the Southern Ocean will affect marine diversity, habitats and distribution remain limited. The habitats and distributions of Southern Ocean cephalopods are generally poorly understood, and yet such knowledge is necessary for research and conservation management purposes, as well as for assessing the potential impacts of environmental change. We used net-catch data to develop habitat suitability models for 15 of the most common cephalopods in the Southern Ocean. Using modeled habitat suitability, we assessed favorable areas for each species and examined the relationships between species distribution and environmental parameters. The results compared favorably with the known ecology of these species and with spatial patterns from diet studies of squid predators. The individual habitat suitability models were overlaid to generate a “hotspot” index of species richness, which showed higher numbers of squid species associated with various fronts of the Antarctic circumpolar current. Finally, we reviewed the overall distribution of these species and their importance in the diet of Southern Ocean predators. There is a need for further studies to explore the potential impacts of future climate change on Southern Ocean squid.  相似文献   

Photoheterotrophic microbes, which are capable of utilizing dissolved organic materials and harvesting light energy, include coccoid cyanobacteria (Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus), aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria, and proteorhodopsin (PR)-containing bacteria. Our knowledge of photoheterotrophic microbes is largely incomplete, especially for high-latitude waters such as the Arctic Ocean, where photoheterotrophs may have special ecological relationships and distinct biogeochemical impacts due to extremes in day length and seasonal ice cover. These microbes were examined by epifluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, and quantitative PCR (QPCR) assays for PR and a gene diagnostic of AAP bacteria (pufM). The abundance of AAP bacteria and PR-containing bacteria decreased from summer to winter, in parallel with a threefold decrease in the total prokaryotic community. In contrast, the abundance of Synechococcus organisms did not decrease in winter, suggesting that their growth was supported by organic substrates. Results from QPCR assays revealed no substantial shifts in the community structure of AAP bacteria and PR-containing bacteria. However, Arctic PR genes were different from those found at lower latitudes, and surprisingly, they were not similar to those in Antarctic coastal waters. Photoheterotrophic microbes appear to compete successfully with strict heterotrophs during winter darkness below the ice, but AAP bacteria and PR-containing bacteria do not behave as superior competitors during the summer.Photoheterotrophy, which is the ability to utilize organic substrates and to harvest light energy, occurs in a broad range of microbes (14). Phototrophic microbes should be included in models of carbon cycling and food web dynamics, which now typically include only photoautotrophs, which produce organic carbon and oxygen, and heterotrophs, which consume organic matter and oxygen via aerobic respiration (55). Photoheterotrophy is potentially an important competitive adaptation, enabling microbes to survive adverse conditions or to outgrow competitors. Photoheterotrophic microbes include proteorhodopsin (PR)-containing bacteria, aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria, and cyanobacteria.PR is a membrane protein that binds retinal and functions as a light-driven proton pump that can have several physiological functions, including ATP generation (15). The actual role of PR in the environment is uncertain, however. Light enhances the growth of some PR-containing bacteria, such as Dokdonia sp. (17), but has no effect on the growth of others, including Pelagibacter ubique (16) and the SAR92-like strain HTCC2207 (44). Similarly, Campbell et al. (4) found no significant correlation with light intensity for three of four PR gene types examined in the North Atlantic Ocean. Nevertheless, emerging biogeographic patterns of PR genes are providing clues about what controls the distribution and abundance of PR-containing photoheterotrophs in oceanic systems. One of the first oceanic environments to be examined for PR was the coastal waters near Palmer Station, Antarctica (2). Sequence analysis revealed that the Antarctic PRs differed from those isolated from Monterey Bay and surface waters in the central North Pacific (2). In spite of this early report, there has been no work on PR-containing bacteria in Arctic waters. PR-containing bacteria may have unique responses to the continuous summer light, winter darkness, and shading by seasonal ice cover that occur in high-latitude environments.The diversity and abundance of AAP bacteria have been examined by sequencing of the pufM gene (20, 51, 58), which is involved in bacteriochlorophyll (BChl a) synthesis, and by counting of BChl a-fluorescing cells by infrared fluorescence microscopy (14). Enumeration by infrared epifluorescence microscopy indicates that the abundance of AAP bacteria in environments such as the North Pacific Gyre and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean ranges from 1% to 10% (12, 13, 42) and can exceed 10% of the total prokaryotic community in estuaries (41, 50). AAP bacteria have been found in freshwater high-latitude waters (20, 35), but sequence analysis of pufM genes indicates that these AAP bacteria are distinct from those found in marine systems (50). The abundance of AAP bacteria decreases with latitude within the North Atlantic Ocean, from the central gyre to the waters near Greenland (13). Although these photoheterotrophic microbes are still present at 65°N, extrapolation of the trend suggests that AAP bacteria might be absent from the high-latitude waters of the Arctic Ocean.Polar waters appear to be an exception to the otherwise widespread distribution of coccoid cyanobacteria in the world oceans (33, 54). The abundance of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus decreases with latitude, as exemplified by the 4-orders-of-magnitude decline in abundance between 44°S and 62°S in the South Atlantic Ocean (25). The abundance of Synechococcus also decreases with latitude in the North Atlantic Ocean, between the central gyre and the waters near Greenland, to a low level at 65°N (13). The strong correlation between abundance and temperature (25) suggests that coccoid cyanobacteria are not important at high latitudes, although there are scattered reports of Prochlorococcus in waters as far north as 60°N, near Iceland (27), and of Synechococcus in Antarctic coastal waters (53). However, more data are needed on the abundance of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus in polar waters such as the Arctic Ocean.The goal of this study was to explore the abundance and diversity of photoheterotrophic microbes in the Arctic Ocean in order to develop a better picture of the biogeographic range of these biogeochemically important microbes and to gain insights into their ecology. Coastal waters of the Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea were sampled in summer at the end of 24-h daylight and in winter following the period of 24-h darkness. The abundances of cyanobacteria, PR-containing bacteria, and AAP bacteria were monitored using flow cytometry, infrared epifluorescence microscopy, and real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR). These data provide a unique perspective on the potential impact of photoheterotrophic microbes on food webs and carbon cycling in this high-latitude aquatic system.  相似文献   

Explaining spatial patterns of biological organisation remains a central challenge for biogeographic studies. In marine systems, large-scale ocean currents can modify broad-scale biological patterns by simultaneously connecting environmental (e.g. temperature, salinity and nutrients) and biological (e.g. amounts and types of dispersed propagules) properties of adjacent and distant regions. For example, steep environmental gradients and highly variable, disrupted flow should lead to heterogeneity in regional communities and high species turnover. In this study, we investigated the possible imprint of the Leeuwin (LC) and East Australia (EAC) Currents on seaweed communities across ~7,000 km of coastline in temperate Australia. These currents flow poleward along the west and east coasts of Australia, respectively, but have markedly different characteristics. We tested the hypothesis that, regional seaweed communities show serial change in the direction of current flow and that, because the LC is characterised by a weaker temperature gradient and more un-interrupted along-shore flow compared to the EAC, then coasts influenced by the LC have less variable seaweed communities and lower species turnover across regions than the EAC. This hypothesis was supported. We suggest that this pattern is likely caused by a combination of seaweed temperature tolerances and current-driven dispersal. In conclusion, our findings support the idea that the characteristics of continental-scale currents can influence regional community organisation, and that the coupling of ocean currents and marine biological structure is a general feature that transcends taxa and spatial scales.  相似文献   

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