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氮肥运筹对小麦产量、氮素利用效率和光能利用率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
连续2年在西南冬麦区的重庆、仁寿、广汉、西昌4个地点,开展3种施氮水平(每公顷纯氮0、120、180 kg,简写为N0、N120、N180)和3种氮肥分配模式(NA:底肥100%;NB:底肥70%+苗肥30%;NC:底肥60%+拔节肥40%)的田间试验,监测小麦花后冠层叶片SPAD值、群体光合速率(CAP)、光能利用等生理参数和籽粒产量,计算氮素利用效率、光能利用率等.结果表明: 随施氮水平增加,小麦上三叶SPAD值、CAP、光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率和产量均呈增加趋势,而氮肥农学利用效率、生产效率、吸收效率和利用效率呈降低趋势.氮肥后移的增效作用因施氮水平而异,SPAD于N180增效明显,而CAP于N120增效明显,不同氮肥管理模式的光能利用率因地点而异.氮肥后移能明显提高小麦氮肥农学效率、生产效率、吸收效率和氮素表观回收率,但氮肥利用效率则略有减少.氮肥后移效果NC总体优于NB处理.不同地点比较,广汉的SPAD值、CAP、PAR截获率、氮肥利用参数较高,其产量也相应最高;西昌的产量、SPAD值及氮素利用效率较高,但其光能利用率和CAP较低;重庆和仁寿的SPAD值、光能利用率及氮素利用效率均较低,其产量也最低.小麦生物产量与各地点的籽粒产量、CAP、SPAD值和PAR累积截获量均呈显著或极显著的正相关关系.表明不同生态区域增施氮肥都能促进小麦增产,氮肥后移可进一步优化产量结构、改善氮肥和光能利用效率,但存在年份和地点差异,各地需要制定有针对性的氮肥管理模式.  相似文献   

黄亿  李廷轩  张锡洲  戢林 《生态学杂志》2014,25(7):1971-1978
通过土培盆栽试验,研究了22份大麦材料在低氮(125 mg·kg-1)和正常氮(250 mg·kg-1)处理下氮素吸收利用效率的基因型差异,探讨氮高效大麦干物质生产与氮素积累特性.结果表明: 大麦氮素吸收利用效率基因型差异显著.低氮处理下籽粒产量、氮素籽粒生产效率及氮素收获指数的最高值分别是最低值的2.87、2.92、2.47倍;氮高效基因型大麦籽粒产量、氮素籽粒生产效率和氮素收获指数均显著大于低效基因型,低氮处理下高效基因型3个参数较低效基因型分别高82.1%、61.5%和50.5%.氮高效基因型大麦各生育期干物质和氮素积累优势明显,干物质积累高峰出现在拔节-抽穗阶段,氮素积累高峰出现在拔节前;低氮处理下高效基因型典型材料DH61、DH121+的干物质量较低效基因型典型材料DH80分别高34.4%、38.3%,氮素积累量较DH80分别高54.8%、58.0%.供试大麦干物质和氮素的阶段性积累量对籽粒产量的影响为拔节前最大,且低氮处理下贡献率最高,分别为47.9%和54.7%;而干物质和氮素的阶段性积累量对氮素籽粒生产效率的影响在抽穗 成熟阶段最大,其次是播种-拔节阶段,低氮处理下这两个阶段的贡献率分别为29.5%、48.7%和29.0%、15.8%.氮高效基因型大麦在各生育期的物质生产和氮素积累能力强,低氮处理下优势较为明显,能够提高拔节前干物质生产和氮素积累能力,并协同提高大麦产量和氮素利用效率.  相似文献   

Environmental regulations as well as economic incentives have resulted in greater use of synthetic amino acids in swine diets. Tryptophan is typically the second limiting amino acid in corn-soybean meal-based diets. However, using corn-based co-products emphasizes the need to evaluate the pig’s response to increasing Trp concentrations. Therefore, the objective of these studies was to evaluate the dose–response to increasing standardized ileal digestible (SID) Trp : Lys on growth performance of growing-finishing gilts housed under large-scale commercial conditions. Dietary treatments consisted of SID Trp : Lys of 14.5%, 16.5%, 18.0%, 19.5%, 21.0%, 22.5% and 24.5%. The study was conducted in four experiments of 21 days of duration each, and used corn-soybean meal-based diets with 30% distillers dried grains with solubles. A total of 1166, 1099, 1132 and 975 gilts (PIC 337×1050, initially 29.9±2.0 kg, 55.5±4.8 kg, 71.2±3.4 kg and 106.2±3.1 kg BW, mean±SD) were used. Within each experiment, pens of gilts were blocked by BW and assigned to one of the seven dietary treatments and six pens per treatment with 20 to 28 gilts/pen. First, generalized linear mixed models were fit to data from each experiment to characterize performance. Next, data were modeled across experiments and fit competing dose–response linear and non-linear models and estimate SID Trp : Lys break points or maximums for performance. Competing models included broken-line linear (BLL), broken-line quadratic and quadratic polynomial (QP). For average daily gain (ADG), increasing the SID Trp : Lys increased growth rate in a quadratic manner (P<0.02) in all experiments except for Exp 2, for which the increase was linear (P<0.001). Increasing SID Trp : Lys increased (P<0.05) feed efficiency (G : F) quadratically in Exp 1, 3 and 4. For, ADG the QP was the best fitting dose–response model and the estimated maximum mean ADG was obtained at a 23.5% (95% confidence interval (CI): [22.7, 24.3%]) SID Trp : Lys. For maximum G : F, the BLL dose–response models had the best fit and estimated the SID Trp : Lys minimum to maximize G : F at 16.9 (95% CI: [16.0, 17.8%]). Thus, the estimated SID Trp : Lys for 30 to 125 kg gilts ranged from a minimum of 16.9% for maximum G : F to 23.5% for maximum ADG.  相似文献   

通过大田试验,以水稻(品种‘F优498’)-小麦(品种‘内麦863’)轮作体系为研究对象,根据成都平原稻麦种植体系常规施氮水平,设7个不同猪粪施用处理:对照(CK,无化学氮肥,无猪粪)、常规化肥(T1,无猪粪)、化肥减量25%+猪粪2500 kg·hm-2(T2)、化肥减量50%+猪粪5000 kg·hm-2(T3)、猪粪10000 kg·hm-2(T4)、猪粪15000 kg·hm-2(T5)和猪粪20000 kg·hm-2(T6),研究添加猪粪对稻麦干物质、氮素积累及分配特征、籽粒产量和氮素利用率等的影响.结果表明: 猪粪配施化肥对稻麦各生育期干物质积累均有促进作用,稻麦成熟期作物地上部干物质积累量均以高量猪粪施用处理(T6)最高,但其干物质积累及氮素分配向茎叶富集,且籽粒干物质积累及氮积累分配率显著低于T2处理;随着配施猪粪用量的增加,稻麦氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学利用率、籽粒产量均呈现先增加后减少趋势,其中水稻季以T3处理最优,较常规化肥处理提高11.4%、55.4%、11.4%,小麦季则以T2处理最优,较常规化肥处理提高14.0%、29.1%、14.0%.本试验条件下,2500~5000 kg·hm-2猪粪+化肥减量25%~50%处理,有利于促进稻麦干物质积累、氮素向籽粒运移,达到增产及提高氮素利用率的效果,超量施用猪粪(15000~20000 kg·hm-2)后,土壤氮素供应过量,干物质向经济器官运移受阻,氮素向茎秆富集,贪青晚熟现象严重,稻麦籽粒产量显著下降.  相似文献   

氮肥处理对氮素高效吸收水稻根系性状及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
2011—2012年在土培条件下,以氮素吸收效率差异较大的15个常规籼稻为供试材料,研究氮肥运筹对不同氮效率品种根系性状、成熟期吸氮量及氮肥利用率的影响,分析影响氮高效水稻氮素吸收的主要根系性状。结果表明:(1)各氮肥处理下,成熟期吸氮量均表现为氮高效品种氮中效品种氮低效品种。适量增施氮肥及基肥+促花肥处理有利于氮高效品种吸氮量的增加,氮素吸收受品种、氮肥处理的显著影响。(2)在施氮量处理下,氮高效品种单株不定根数、单株根干重、单株不定根总长大或较大,单株根活力在常氮(N2)、高氮(N3)处理下有一定的优势;在施氮时期处理下,氮高效品种单株不定根数、单株不定根总长、单株根干重、单株根系总吸收面积、单株根系活跃吸收面积、抽穗期冠根比多数处理有优势;增施氮肥有利于促进氮高效品种单株不定根总长和单株根活力的提高,适量施氮有利于单株不定根数、单株根干重增加,前期施氮可促进不定根的发生和伸长,后期施氮有利于不定根的充实和根系生理性状的提高。此外,增施氮肥可提高各类品种冠根比;(3)在常氮、高氮处理下,氮高效品种氮肥利用率大于氮中效、氮低效品种。(4)提高单株不定根数、单株不定根总长、单株根活力及抽穗期冠根比有利于各类品种吸氮量的提高,增加根干重对氮高效品种吸氮量的提高也有显著的促进作用。结合相关分析与通径分析结果,抽穗期冠根比及单株不定根数、单株根活力、单株不定根总长、单株根干重是影响氮高效品种吸氮能力的主要根系性状。  相似文献   

Nitrogen stable isotopes analysis of individual bone collagen amino acids was applied to archeological samples as a new tool for assessing the composition of ancient human diets and calibrating radiocarbon dates. We used this technique to investigate human and faunal samples from the Kitakogane shell midden in Hokkaido, Japan (5,300–6,000 cal BP). Using compound‐specific nitrogen isotope analysis of individual amino acids, we aimed to estimate i) the quantitative contribution of marine and terrestrial protein to the human diet, and ii) the mean trophic level (TL) from which dietary protein was derived from marine ecosystems. Data were interpreted with reference to the amino acid trophic level (TLAA) model, which uses empirical amino acid δ15N from modern marine fauna to construct mathematical equations that predict the trophic position of organisms. The TLAA model produced realistic TL estimates for the Kitakogane marine animals. However, this model was not appropriate for the interpretation of human amino acid δ15N, as dietary protein is derived from both marine and terrestrial environments. Hence, we developed a series of relevant equations that considered the consumption of dietary resources from both ecosystems. Using these equations, the mean percentage of marine protein in the Kitakogane human diet was estimated to be 74%. Although this study is one of the first systematic investigations of amino acid δ15N in archeological bone collagen, we believe that this technique is extremely useful for TL reconstruction, palaeodietary interpretation, and the correction of marine reservoir effects for radiocarbon dating. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:31–40, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



This paper aims to compare the property difference of spatial and temporal distribution of different nitrogen use efficiency maize genotypes and discuss the physiological mechanism of nitrogen efficiency of maize.


In this study, phenotype of root crowns of maize in seedling stage (V5), bell stage (V12) and silking stage (R1) was conducted to discover phenes and phene modules related to N acquisition. An image was captured for the whole roots. Custom software was used to measure root phenes including root area, root projected structure length, maximum width of roots, and root angle. The study was conducted to examine the differences in spatial and temporal distribution of maize root at two nitrogen levels (0 and 240?kg hm-2), high efficiency genotype ZHENGDAN958 (ZD958) and low efficiency genotype DANYU13 (DY13) are used in field production. Under the low nitrogen stress conditions, the root area of ZD958 significantly increased after bell stage and exceeds the CK by 20.2% at silking stage. With LN, the root projected structure length of ZD958 was longer than that of CK by 49.4% at silking stage. The low efficiency genotype DY13 had no obvious change at two nitrogen levels. The number of the grain yield and root system biomass of high efficiency genotype ZD958 was remarkably larger than that of low efficiency genotype DY13.


During the whole growth stage, the root dry weight, root area and the root width med of high efficiency genotype ZD958 were larger than that of high efficiency genotype DY13. Besides, under the low nitrogen stress conditions, the width of ZD958 deep soil root tended to become longer which is good for the nitrogen absorption from the deep soil. High efficiency genotype can construct a root system which is in a well-developed and reasonable spatial distribution before blooming, so as to ensure plant nitrogen absorption and biomass generation as well. The root index of the nitrogen responsivity of high efficiency genotype ZD958 was higher than that of low efficiency genotype DY13 before blooming.  相似文献   

At a global scale, cereal yields and fertilizer N consumption have increased in a near-linear fashion during the past 40 years and are highly correlated with one another. However,large differences exist in historical trends of N fertilizer usage and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE)among regions, countries, and crops. The reasons for these differences must be understood to estimate future N fertilizer requirements. Global nitrogen needs will depend on: (i) changes in cropped cereal area and the associated yield increases required to meet increasing cereal demand from population and income growth, and (ii) changes in NUE at the farm level. Our analysis indicates that the anticipated 38% increase in global cereal demand by 2025 can be met by a 30% increase in N use on cereals, provided that the steady decline in cereal harvest area is halted and the yield response to applied N can be increased by 20%. If losses of cereal cropping area continue at the rate of the past 20 years (-0.33% per year) and NUE cannot be increased substantially, a 60% increase in global N use on cereals would be required to meet cereal demand. Interventions to increase NUE and reduce N losses to the environment must be accomplished at the farm- or field-scale through a combination of improved technologies and carefully crafted local policies that contribute to the adoption of improved N management; uniform regional or national directives are unlikey to be effective at both sustaining yield increases and improving NUE. Examples from several countries show that increases in NUE at rates of 1% per year or more can be achieved if adequate investments are made in research and extension. Failure to arrest the decrease in cereal crop area and to improve NUE in the world's most important agricultural systems will likely cause severe damage to environmental services at local, regional, and global scales due to a large increase in reactive N load in the environment.  相似文献   

过量施用氮肥导致氮肥利用率降低,环境风险加大.合理降低施氮量、优化氮肥运筹对于小麦高产高效栽培具有重要意义.本研究采用大田试验,以常规施氮方式(240 kg N·hm-2, 基肥∶拔节肥∶孕穗肥=5∶3∶2)为对照,研究了不同施氮量(240、180、150 kg N·hm-2,分别用N240、N180、N150表示)及基苗肥施用时期(基施、4叶期施、6叶期施,分别用L0、L4、L6表示)对小麦产量和氮素利用效率的影响.结果表明: 小麦籽粒产量随施氮量的降低而降低,但N180与N240处理相比无显著差异,而N150处理显著降低;氮肥农学效率和吸收效率均以N180处理最高.不同施肥时期间,L4处理的籽粒产量和氮肥利用率最高.N180四叶施肥(N180L4)处理的产量与对照无显著差异,但氮肥利用率显著提高.N180L4处理叶面积指数、旗叶光合速率、叶片氮含量、旗叶硝酸还原酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、拔节后干物质和氮素积累量较对照未显著降低.适量降低氮肥用量配合基肥后移能够提高生育后期光合生产能力和氮素吸收同化能力,在保持高产的条件下实现氮素利用效率的同步提高.  相似文献   

Animal production systems convert plant protein into animal protein. Depending on animal species, ration and management, between 5% and 45 % of the nitrogen (N) in plant protein is converted to and deposited in animal protein. The other 55%-95% is excreted via urine and feces, and can be used as nutrient source for plant (= often animal feed) production. The estimated global amount of N voided by animals ranges between 80 and 130 Tg N per year, and is as large as or larger than the global annual N fertilizer consumption. Cattle (60%), sheep (12%) and pigs (6%) have the largest share in animal manure N production.The conversion of plant N into animal N is on average more efficient in poultry and pork production than in dairy production, which is higher than in beef and sheep production. However, differences within a type of animal production system can be as large as differences between types of animal production systems, due to large effects of the genetic potential of animals, animal feed and management. The management of animals and animal feed, together with the genetic potential of the animals, are key factors to a high efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein.The efficiency of the conversion of N from animal manure, following application to land, into plant protein ranges between 0 and 60%, while the estimated global mean is about 15%. The other 40%- 100% is lost to the wider environment via NH3 volatilization, denitrification, leaching and run-off in pastures or during storage and/or following application of the animal manure to land. On a global scale, only 40%-50% of the amount of N voided is collected in barns, stables and paddocks, and only half of this amount is recycled to crop land. The N losses from animal manure collected in barns, stables and paddocks depend on the animal manure management system. Relative large losses occur in confined animal feeding operations, as these often lack the land base to utilize the N from animal manure effectively.Losses will be relatively low when all manure are collected rapidly in water-tight and covered basins, and when they are subsequently applied to the land in proper amounts and at the proper time, and using the proper method (low-emission techniques).There is opportunity for improving the N conversion in animal production systems by improving the genetic production potential of the herd, the composition of the animal feed, and the management of the animal manure. Coupling of crop and animal production systems, at least at a regional scale, is one way to high N use efficiency in the whole system. Clustering of confined animal production systems with other intensive agricultural production systems on the basis of concepts from industrial ecology with manure processing is another possible way to improve Nuse efficiency.  相似文献   

At a global scale, cereal yields and fertilizer N consumption have increased in a near-linear fashion during the past 40 years and are highly correlated with one another. However, large differences exist in historical trends of N fertilizer usage and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) among regions, countries, and crops. The reasons for these differences must be understood to estimate future N fertilizer requirements. Global nitrogen needs will depend on: (i) changes in cropped cereal area and the associated yield increases required to meet increasing cereal demand from population and income growth, and (ii) changes in NUE at the farm level. Our analysis indicates that the anticipated 38% increase in global cereal demand by 2025 can be met by a 30% increase in N use on cereals, provided that the steady decline in cereal harvest area is halted and the yield response to applied N can be increased by 20%. If losses of cereal cropping area continue at the rate of the past 20 years (-0.33% per year) and NUE cannot be increased substantially, a 60% increase in global N use on cereals would be required to meet cereal demand. Interventions to increase NUE and reduce N losses to the environment must be accomplished at the farm- or field-scale through a combination of improved technologies and carefully crafted local policies that contribute to the adoption of improved N management; uniform regional or national directives are unlikey to be effective at both sustaining yield increases and improving NUE. Examples from several countries show that increases in NUE at rates of 1% per year or more can be achieved if adequate investments are made in research and extension. Failure to arrest the decrease in cereal crop area and to improve NUE in the world's most important agricultural systems will likely cause severe damage to environmental services at local, regional, and global scales due to a large increase in reactive N load in the environment.  相似文献   

Animal production systems convert plant protein into animal protein. Depending on animal species, ration and management, between 5% and 45 % of the nitrogen (N) in plant protein is converted to and deposited in animal protein. The other 55%-95% is excreted via urine and feces, and can be used as nutrient source for plant (= often animal feed) production. The estimated global amount of N voided by animals ranges between 80 and 130 Tg N per year, and is as large as or larger than the global annual N fertilizer consumption. Cattle (60%), sheep (12%) and pigs (6%) have the largest share in animal manure N production. The conversion of plant N into animal N is on average more efficient in poultry and pork production than in dairy production, which is higher than in beef and sheep production. However, differences within a type of animal production system can be as large as differences between types of animal production systems, due to large effects of the genetic potential of animals, animal feed and management. The management of animals and animal feed, together with the genetic potential of the animals, are key factors to a high efficiency of conversion of plant protein into animal protein. The efficiency of the conversion of N from animal manure, following application to land, into plant protein ranges between 0 and 60%, while the estimated global mean is about 15%. The other 40%-100% is lost to the wider environment via NH3 volatilization, denitrification, leaching and run-off in pastures or during storage and/or following application of the animal manure to land. On a global scale, only 40%-50% of the amount of N voided is collected in barns, stables and paddocks, and only half of this amount is recycled to crop land. The N losses from animal manure collected in barns, stables and paddocks depend on the animal manure management system. Relative large losses occur in confined animal feeding operations, as these often lack the land base to utilize the N from animal manure effectively. Losses will be relatively low when all manure are collected rapidly in water-tight and covered basins, and when they are subsequently applied to the land in proper amounts and at the proper time, and using the proper method (low-emission techniques). There is opportunity for improving the N conversion in animal production systems by improving the genetic production potential of the herd, the composition of the animal feed, and the management of the animal manure. Coupling of crop and animal production systems, at least at a regional scale, is one way to high N use efficiency in the whole system. Clustering of confined animal production systems with other intensive agricultural production systems on the basis of concepts from industrial ecology with manure processing is another possible way to improve N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Sow productivity improvements continue to increase metabolic demands during lactation. During the peripartum period, energy requirements increase by 60%, and amino acid needs increase by 150%. As litter size has increased, research on peripartum sows has focused on increasing birth weight, shortening farrowing duration to reduce stillbirths and improving colostrum composition and yield. Dietary fibre can provide short-chain fatty acids to serve as an energy source for the uterus prior to farrowing; however, fat and glucose appear to be the main energy sources used by the uterus during farrowing. Colostrum immunoglobulin G concentration can be improved by increasing energy and amino acid availability prior to farrowing; however, the influence of nutrient intake on colostrum yield is unequivocal. As sows transition to the lactation period, nutrient requirements increase with milk production demands to support large, fast-growing litters. The adoption of automated feed delivery systems has increased feed supply and intake of lactating sows; however, sows still cannot consume enough feed to meet energy and amino acid requirements during lactation. Thus, sows typically catabolise body fat and protein to meet the needs for milk production. The addition of energy sources to lactation diets increases energy intake and energy output in milk, leading to a reduction in BW loss and an improvement in litter growth rate. The supply of dietary amino acids and CP close to the requirements improves milk protein output and reduces muscle protein mobilisation. The amino acid requirements of lactating sows are variable as a consequence of the dynamic body tissue mobilisation during lactation; however, lysine (Lys) is consistently the first-limiting amino acid. A regression equation using published data on Lys requirement of lactating sows predicted a requirement of 27 g/day of digestible Lys intake for each 1 kg of litter growth, and 13 g/day of Lys mobilisation from body protein reserves. Increases in dietary amino acids reduce protein catabolism, which historically leads to improvements in subsequent reproductive performance. Although the connection between lactation catabolism and subsequent reproduction remains a dogma, recent literature with high-producing sows is not as clear on this response. Many practical aspects of meeting the nutrient requirements of lactating sows have not changed. Sows with large litters should approach farrowing without excess fat reserves (e.g. <18 mm backfat thickness), be fed ad libitum from farrowing to weaning, be housed in a thermoneutral environment and have their skin wetted to remove excess heat when exposed to high temperatures.  相似文献   

植物营养器官在枯萎过程中将部分氮素转移到储藏组织之中,是植物适应生境的重要策略。以位于内蒙古荒漠草原的增温和添加氮素的交互试验为平台,对建群种短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)以及优势种无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)、银灰旋花(Convolvulus ammannii)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)和木地肤(Kochia prostrata)等5种多年生植物绿叶期和枯叶期氮浓度,以及氮素回收效率进行了研究。结果表明:增温处理下,植物绿叶期和枯叶期的平均氮素浓度提高了5.5%和11.3%,氮素回收效率显著降低了7.0%。氮素添加使绿叶期植物氮浓度显著提高了5.2%,使植物氮素回收效率降低2.9%。增温和氮素添加对植物枯叶期、绿叶期氮浓度和氮素回收效率有显著的交互作用。氮浓度和氮素回收效率对增温和氮素添加的响应在5个物种间都有显著差异,即这种响应具有物种特异性。研究表明独立的增温和氮素添加以及两者的交互作用都降低该荒漠草原生态系统中植物氮素回收效率,这些结果将为气候变化条件下荒漠生态系统氮素回收效率变化趋势的预测提供数据支持和实验证据。  相似文献   

Mustard is cultivated throughout the world for oil in its seeds. Itrequires high nitrogen input for improved productivity but the nitrogen appliedto the soil is not fully utilised by the crops due to various constraints. Theobjective of the reported research was to determine if foliar- appliedgibberellic acid (GA3) could enhance crop growth and increasenitrogen-use efficiency. A field experiment was conducted during 1997–98in which GA3 (10–5 M) was applied tofoliage at 40d after sowing (pre-flowering) to mustard grown with 0, 40(sub-optimal), 80 (optimal) and 120 (supra-optimal) kgN ha–1. Foliar spray of GA3 was effectiveonly when plants received sufficient N (80 kgN ha–1). GA3 sprays significantly enhancedplant dry mass, leaf area, carbon dioxide exchange rate, plant growth rate,cropgrowth rate and relative growth rate. GA3 -treated plants showedenhanced nitrogen-use efficiency through redistribution of N to seeds.  相似文献   

Animal proteins are naturally 15N enriched relative to the diet and the extent of this difference (Δ15Nanimal-diet or N isotopic fractionation) has been correlated to N use efficiency (NUE; N gain or milk N yield/N intake) in some recent ruminant studies. The present study used meta-analysis to investigate whether Δ15Nanimal-diet can be used as a predictor of NUE across a range of dietary conditions, particularly at the level of between-animal variation. An additional objective was to identify variables related to N partitioning explaining the link between NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet. Individual values from eight publications reporting both NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet for domestic ruminants were used to create a database comprising 11 experimental studies, 41 treatments and individual animal values for NUE (n=226) and Δ15Nanimal-diet (n=291). Data were analyzed by mixed-effect regression analysis taking into account experimental factors as random effects on both the intercept and slope of the model. Diets were characterized according to the INRA feeding system in terms of N utilization at the rumen, digestive and metabolic levels. These variables were used in a partial least squares regression analysis to predict separately NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet variation, with the objective of identifying common variables linking NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet. For individuals reared under similar conditions (within-study) and at the same time (within-period), the variance of NUE and Δ15Nanimal-diet not explained by dietary treatments (i.e. between-animal variation plus experimental error) was 35% and 55%, respectively. Mixed-effect regression analysis conducted with treatment means showed that Δ15Nanimal-diet was significantly and negatively correlated to NUE variation across diets (NUE=0.415 −0.055×Δ15Nanimal-diet). When using individual values and taking into account the random effects of study, period and diet, the relationship was also significant (NUE=0.358 −0.035×Δ15Nanimal-diet). However, there may be a biased prediction for animals close to zero, or in negative, N balance. When using a novel statistical approach, attempting to regress between-animal variation in NUE on between-animal variation in Δ15Nanimal-diet (without the influence of experimental factors), the negative relationship was still significant, highlighting the ability of Δ15Nanimal-diet to capture individual variability. Among the studied variables related to N utilization, those concerning N efficiency use at the metabolic level contributed most to predict both Δ15Nanimal-diet and NUE variation, with rumen fermentation and digestion contributing to a lesser extent. This study confirmed that on average Δ15Nanimal-diet can predict NUE variation across diets and across individuals reared under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Uptake of organic nitrogen by plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

From 14 values reported for nine species of polychaetes, a highly significant (P < 0.0005) multiple correlation (r = 0.987) between the nitrogen content of food (N) and absorption efficiency (Ae) is observed and is adequately fitted by the polynomial cubic equation: Ae = 11.744−13.353 N+6.510 N2−0.458 N3.  相似文献   

Improvement of feed efficiency in pigs has been achieved essentially by increasing lean growth rate, which resulted in lower feed intake (FI). The objective was to evaluate the impact of strategies for improving feed efficiency on the dynamics of FI and growth in growing pigs to revisit nutrient recommendations and strategies for feed efficiency improvement. In 2010, three BWs, at 35±2, 63±9 and 107±7 kg, and daily FI during this period were recorded in three French test stations on 379 Large White and 327 French Landrace from maternal pig populations and 215 Large White from a sire population. Individual growth and FI model parameters were obtained with the InraPorcR software and individual nutrient requirements were computed. The model parameters were explored according to feed efficiency as measured by residual feed intake (RFI) or feed conversion ratio (FCR). Animals were separated in groups of better feed efficiency (RFI or FCR), medium feed efficiency and poor feed efficiency. Second, genetic relationships between feed efficiency and model parameters were estimated. Despite similar average daily gains (ADG) during the test for all RFI groups, RFI pigs had a lower initial growth rate and a higher final growth rate compared with other pigs. The same initial growth rate was found for all FCR groups, but FCR pigs had significantly higher final growth rates than other pigs, resulting in significantly different ADG. Dynamic of FI also differed between RFI or FCR groups. The calculated digestible lysine requirements, expressed in g/MJ net energy (NE), showed the same trends for RFI or FCR groups: the average requirements for the 25% most efficient animals were 13% higher than that of the 25% least efficient animals during the whole test, reaching 0.90 to 0.95 g/MJ NE at the beginning of the test, which is slightly greater than usual feed recommendations for growing pigs. Model parameters were moderately heritable (0.30±0.13 to 0.56±0.13), except for the precocity of growth (0.06±0.08). The parameter representing the quantity of feed at 50 kg BW showed a relatively high genetic correlation with RFI (0.49±0.14), and average protein deposition between 35 and 110 kg had the highest correlation with FCR (−0.76±0.08). Thus, growth and FI dynamics may be envisaged as breeding tools to improve feed efficiency. Furthermore, improvement of feed efficiency should be envisaged jointly with new feeding strategies.  相似文献   

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