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Free-range laying hen systems are increasing within Australia and research is needed to determine optimal outdoor stocking densities. Six small (n=150 hens) experimental flocks of ISA Brown laying hens were housed with access to ranges simulating one of three outdoor stocking densities with two pen replicates per density: 2000 hens/ha, 10 000 hens/ha or 20 000 hens/ha. Birds were provided daily range access from 21 to 36 weeks of age and the range usage of 50% of hens was tracked using radio-frequency identification technology. Throughout the study, basic external health assessments following a modified version of the Welfare Quality® protocol showed most birds were in visibly good condition (although keel damage was increasingly present with age) with few differences between stocking densities. Toenail length at 36 weeks of age was negatively correlated with hours spent ranging for all pens of birds (all r⩾−0.23, P⩽0.04). At 23 weeks of age, there were no differences between outdoor stocking densities in albumen corticosterone concentrations (P=0.44). At 35 weeks of age, density effects were significant (P<0.001) where the eggs from hens in the highest outdoor stocking density showed the highest albumen corticosterone concentrations, although eggs from hens in the 10 000 hens/ha density showed the lowest concentrations (P<0.017). Behavioural observations of hens both on the range and indoors showed more dust bathing and foraging (scratching followed by ground-pecking) was performed outdoors, but more resting indoors (all P<0.001). Hens from the 2000 hens/ha densities showed the least foraging on the range but the most resting outdoors, with hens from the 20 000 hens/ha densities showing the least amount of resting outdoors (all P<0.017). Proportions of dust bathing outdoors tended to differ between the stocking densities (P=0.08). For each of the health and behavioural measures there were differences between pen replicates within stocking densities. These data show outdoor stocking density has some effects on hen welfare, and it appears that consideration of both individual and group-level behaviour is necessary when developing optimal stocking density guidelines and free-range system management practices.  相似文献   

The number and size of free-range laying hen (Gallus gallus domesticus) production systems are increasing within Australia in response to consumer demand for perceived improvement in hen welfare. However, variation in outdoor stocking density has generated consumer dissatisfaction leading to the development of a national information standard on free-range egg labelling by the Australian Consumer Affairs Ministers. The current Australian Model Code of Practice for Domestic Poultry states a guideline of 1500 hens/ha, but no maximum density is set. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tracking technology was used to measure daily range usage by individual ISA Brown hens housed in six small flocks (150 hens/flock – 50% of hens tagged), each with access to one of three outdoor stocking density treatments (two replicates per treatment: 2000, 10 000, 20 000 hens/ha), from 22 to 26, 27 to 31 and 32 to 36 weeks of age. There was some variation in range usage across the sampling periods and by weeks 32 to 36 individual hens from the lowest stocking density on average used the range for longer each day (P<0.001), with fewer visits and longer maximum durations per visit (P<0.001). Individual hens within all stocking densities varied in the percentage of days they accessed the range with 2% of tagged hens in each treatment never venturing outdoors and a large proportion that accessed the range daily (2000 hens/ha: 80.5%; 10 000 hens/ha: 66.5%; 20 000 hens/ha: 71.4%). On average, 38% to 48% of hens were seen on the range simultaneously and used all available areas of all ranges. These results of experimental-sized flocks have implications for determining optimal outdoor stocking densities for commercial free-range laying hens but further research would be needed to determine the effects of increased range usage on hen welfare.  相似文献   

Severe feather-pecking (SFP), a particularly injurious behaviour in laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus), is thought to be negatively correlated with range use in free-range systems. In turn, range use is thought to be inversely associated with fearfulness, where fearful birds may be less likely to venture outside. However, very few experiments have investigated the proposed association between range use and fearfulness. This experiment investigated associations between range use (time spent outside), fearfulness, plumage damage, and BW. Two pens of 50 ISA Brown laying hens (n=100) were fitted with radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders (contained within silicone leg rings) at 26 weeks of age. Data were then collected over 13 days. A total of 95% of birds accessed the outdoor run more than once per day. Birds spent an average duration of 6.1 h outside each day over 11 visits per bird per day (51.5 min per visit). The top 15 and bottom 15 range users (n=30), as determined by the total time spent on the range over 13 days, were selected for study. These birds were tonic immobility (TI) tested at the end of the trial and were feather-scored and weighed after TI testing. Birds with longer TI durations spent less time outside (P=0.01). Plumage damage was not associated with range use (P=0.68). The small group sizes used in this experiment may have been conducive to the high numbers of birds utilising the outdoor range area. The RFID technology collected a large amount of data on range access in the tagged birds, and provides a potential means for quantitatively assessing range access in laying hens. The present findings indicate a negative association between fearfulness and range use. However, the proposed negative association between plumage damage and range use was not supported. The relationships between range use, fearfulness, and SFP warrant further research.  相似文献   

Laying hens are increasingly kept in barn or free-range systems, which not only allows birds to move freely but also potentially entails higher energy expenditures due to higher locomotor activity. Therefore, the aim of our study was to quantify the daily energy expenditure (DEE) and water turnover in freely moving laying hens. For that purpose, 10 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) and 10 Lohmann Brown (LB) hens were obtained from a conventional breeding company at 17 weeks of age. The trial started when birds reached an age of 34 weeks. All 20 birds were kept together in the same littered floor pen (12.1 m2). The pen was equipped with perches, a nest box, feeding and nipple drinkers. The DEE was determined individually for all experimental birds (n = 20) for a total of nine days using the doubly labelled water (DLW) method. Lohmann Brown hens were heavier than LSL hens, but laying rate did not differ between the two breeds, that is, one egg per hen and day during the study period. Average egg mass was 63.1 ± 0.20 g in LB and 61.7 ± 0.12 g in LSL hens, which converted to an egg energy content of 420 and 410 kJ/egg, respectively. Dilution spaces for oxygen and hydrogen differed between the breeds but not the respective turnover rates. Total body water as a percentage of body mass (LB: 54.4%, LSL: 53.8%; SEM = 0.7, F1,18 = 0.41, P = 0.513) and total water intake (TWI) per day (LB: 275 ml/day, LSL: 276 ml/day; SEM = 20, F1,17 = 0, P = 0.994) did not differ between LB and LSL hens. Individual DEE increased with body mass in LB but not in LSL hens. Average DEE did not differ between the two breeds (LB: 1 501 kJ/day; LSL: 1 520 kJ/day; SEM = 32.1, F1,17 = 2.54, P = 0.131). However, when comparing the DEE on a metabolic mass basis, LSL hens expended with 984 kJ/kg0.75 on average significantly more energy per day than LB hens (895 kJ/kg0.75; SEM = 20.3, F1,18 = 10.1, P = 0.005). Our results suggest that the DLW technique is a viable method to measure the energy expenditure and water turnover over several days in laying hens. Furthermore, we show that laying hens kept in floor pens fit into the general pattern of DEE among wild birds.  相似文献   

Severe feather-pecking (SFP) persists as a highly prevalent and detrimental behavioural problem in laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus) worldwide. The present experiment investigated the association between feather-eating and plumage damage, a consequence of SFP, in groups of free-range, ISA Brown laying hens. Single feathers were placed on the floor of the home pens. Feathers were sourced from seven different birds. A total of 50 birds in six pens with extensive plumage damage were compared with birds in six control pens with little plumage damage at 41 to 43 weeks of age (n=12 pens, 600 hens). Birds in pens with extensive plumage damage ingested more feathers (F=8.1, DF=1, 8, P=0.02), and also showed shorter latencies to peck at (χ2=54.5, DF=1, P<0.001), and ingest feathers (χ2=55.6, DF=1, P<0.001). Birds ingested feathers from a bird in the free-range facility, in which the testing took place, more quickly than from a bird housed in a separate cage facility (χ2 = 39.0, DF=6, P<0.001). A second experiment investigated the predictive relationship between feather-eating and plumage damage. Feathers were presented to 16 pens of 50 pullets prior to the development of plumage damage, at 15 weeks of age, and then to the same hens after plumage damage had become prominent, at 40 weeks of age. Birds had a higher probability of ingesting feathers (F=142.0, DF=1, 231, P<0.001), pecked feathers more times (F=11.24, DF=1, 239, P<0.001), and also pecked (χ2 = 127.3, DF=1, P<0.001) and ingested (χ2=189.3, DF=1, P<0.001) the feathers more quickly at 40 than 15 weeks of age. There was a trend for an interaction, where birds pecked feathers from the rump more times than feathers from the back at 40 weeks of age (F=3.46, DF=1, 237, P=0.06). However, a lack of variability in plumage damage between pens in this experiment precluded investigation of the predictive relationship. The results from the present study confirm the association between feather-eating and plumage damage, and suggest that birds may prefer feathers from particular body areas and from particular hens. Future experiments should focus on elucidating whether feather-eating may act as a predictor of SFP.  相似文献   

Current feeder space recommendations in laying hen welfare guidelines are inconsistent among and within countries. One determining criterion forming the recommendations (e.g. 12.0 cm/hen for the EU guideline) is that all birds can feed simultaneously. However, if there are other resources in the environment, as in enriched colony housing (ECH), it is unknown whether group-housed hens will choose to feed simultaneously. This study assesses the impact of feeder space on feeding behavior of 60 laying hens (W-36) in ECH using a ultra-high frequency radio-frequency identification-based tracking system. The feeder spaces investigated were 12.0, 9.5, 8.5 and 6.5 cm/hen, achieved by blocking portions of the overall feeder access to keep hens at the same stocking density. Each feeder space treatment, randomly assigned over the course of the experiment, lasted for 7 consecutive days. Feeding behaviors were characterized as daily time spent at the feeder (TS, min/hen-day), daily frequency of visits to the feeder (FV, #/hen-day), and maximum or average percentage of hens feeding simultaneously (MPB, APB, %). Group-average daily feed intake (FI, g/hen-day), water use (WU, g/hen-day), and hen-day egg production (HDEP, %) were also measured. The results revealed that at 12.0 cm/hen, where unoccupied feeder space was present, a maximum of 59.0±1.4% (average of 31.7±0.3%) hens fed simultaneously. No significant differences were detected among 12.0, 9.5 and 8.5 cm/hen in TS (293±10, 286±10 and 281±10 min/hen-day) and MPB (59.0±1.4, 57.3±1.4 and 53.3±1.4%) (P>0.05). The outcome of no significant differences also held true between 12.0 and 9.5 cm/hen in APB (31.7±0.3 v. 30.8±0.3%) and between 9.5 and 8.5 cm/hen in all response variables measured (P>0.05). However, there were significant differences in APB between 6.5 cm/hen and all other treatments; in TS and FV between 6.5 and 9.5 cm/hen; and in MPB between 6.5 and 12 cm/hen (P<0.05). Considerable inter-hen variability was observed in TS (CV varying from 28.0% to 32.1%) and FV (CV varying from 26.5% to 27.8%). All the feeder spaces tested showed no significant impact on FI, WU or HDEP (P>0.05). The results revealed that synchronous feeding of hens in the ECH did not increase with increasing feeder space. However, it is worth noting that lower feeder space may lead to aggression or frustration which was not quantified in the current study.  相似文献   

The faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a potential source of proteins for poultry, mainly for laying hens whose protein requirements are lower than those of other birds such as growing broilers and turkeys. However, this feedstuff contains anti-nutritional factors, that is, vicine (V) and convicine (C) that are already known to reduce laying hen performance. The aim of the experiment reported here was to evaluate the effects of a wide range of dietary V and C concentrations in laying hens. Two trials were performed with laying hens fed diets including 20% or 25% of faba bean genotypes highly contrasting in V+C content. In Trial 1, faba beans from two tannin-containing cultivars, but with high or low V+C content were dehulled in order to eliminate the tannin effect. In addition to the contrasting levels of V+C in the two cultivars, two intermediate levels of V+C were obtained by mixing the two cultivars (70/30 and 30/70). In Trial 2, two isogenic zero-tannin faba bean genotypes with high or low V+C content were used. In both trials, a classical corn–soybean diet was also offered to control hens. Each experimental diet was given to 48 laying hens for 140 (Trial 1) or 89 (Trial 2) days. Laying performance and egg quality were measured. The redox sensitivity of red blood cells (RBCs) was assessed by measuring hemolysis and reduced glutathione (GSH) concentration in these cells. Egg weight was significantly reduced by the diets containing the highest concentrations of V+C (P<0.0001) in Trial 1 and slightly reduced (P<0.10) in Trial 2, but only weak linear relationships between egg weight and dietary V+C concentration were established. No negative effect of V+C level was observed for egg quality parameters. In contrast, certain parameters (i.e. Haugh units, yolk color) were improved by feeding low V+C diets (P<0.05). Hemolysis of RBCs was higher in hens fed high V+C diets. A decrease in GSH concentration in RBCs of hens fed the highest levels of V+C was observed. Faba bean genotypes with low concentrations of V+C can therefore be used in laying hen diets up to 25% without any detrimental effects on performance levels or egg characteristics, without any risk of hemolysis of RBCs.  相似文献   

In Australia, free-range egg production pullets are typically reared indoors, but adult layers get outdoor access. This new environment may be challenging to adapt to, which could impair egg production and/or egg quality. Adaptation might be enhanced through rearing enrichments. We reared 1386 Hy-Line Brown® chicks indoors with three treatments across 16 weeks: (1) a control group with standard litter housing conditions, (2) a novelty group providing novel objects that changed weekly, and (3) a structural enrichment group with custom-designed structures to partially impair visibility across the pen and allow for vertical movement. Pullets were transferred to a free-range system at 16 weeks of age with daily outdoor access provided from 25 until 64 weeks. Daily egg production at different laying locations (large nests, small nests and floor), weekly egg weights and egg abnormalities were recorded from 18 to 64 weeks old. External and internal egg quality parameters of egg weight, shell reflectivity, albumen height, haugh unit, yolk colour score, shell weight and shell thickness were measured at 44, 52, 60 and 64 weeks. There was a significant interaction between rearing treatment and nest box use on hen-day production from weeks 18 to 25 (P < 0.0001) with the novelty hens laying the most eggs and the control hens the fewest eggs in the nest box. Similarly, from 26 to 64 weeks, the novelty hens laid more eggs in the large nest boxes and fewer eggs on the floor than both the structural and control hens (P < 0.0001). Egg weight and abnormalities increased with age (P < 0.0001), but rearing treatment had no effect on either measure (both P ≥ 0.19). Rearing treatment affected shell reflectivity and yolk colour with the control hens showing paler colours across time relative to the changes observed in the eggs from enriched hens. The novelty hens may have established nest box laying patterns as they were more accustomed to exploring new environments. The differences in egg quality could be related to stress adaptability or ranging behaviour. This study shows that enriching environments during rearing can have some impacts on production parameters in free-range hens.  相似文献   

Keel bone damage (KBD) in laying hens is an important welfare problem in both conventional and organic egg production systems. We aimed to identify possible risk factors for KBD in organic hens by analysing cross-sectional data of 107 flocks assessed in eight European countries. Due to partly missing data, the final multiple regression model was based on data from 50 flocks. Keel bone damage included fractures and/or deviations, and was recorded, alongside with other animal based measures, by palpation and visual inspection of at least 50 randomly collected hens per flock between 52 and 73 weeks of age. Management and housing data were obtained by interviews, inspection and by feed analysis. Keel bone damage flock prevalences ranged from 3% to 88%. Compiled on the basis of literature and practical experience, 26 potential associative factors of KBD went into an univariable selection by Spearman correlation analysis or Mann–Whitney U test (with P<0.1 level). The resulting nine factors were presented to stepwise forward linear regression modelling. Aviary v. floor systems, absence of natural daylight in the hen house, a higher proportion of underweight birds, as well as a higher laying performance were found to be significantly associated with a higher percentage of hens with KBD. The final model explained 32% of the variation in KBD between farms. The moderate explanatory value of the model underlines the multifactorial nature of KBD. Based on the results increased attention should be paid to an adequate housing design and lighting that allows the birds easy orientation and safe manoeuvring in the system. Furthermore, feeding management should aim at sufficient bird live weights that fulfil breeder weight standards. In order to achieve a better understanding of the relationships between laying performance, feed management and KBD further investigations are needed.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that hens that are reared in aviaries but produce in furnished cages experience poorer welfare in production than hens reared in caged systems. This hypothesis is based on the suggestion that the spatial restriction associated with the transfer from aviaries to cages results in frustration or stress for the aviary reared birds. To assess the difference in welfare between aviary and cage reared hens in production, non-beak trimmed white leghorn birds from both rearing backgrounds were filmed at a commercial farm that used furnished cage housing. The videos were taken at 19 and 21 weeks of age, following the birds'' transition to the production environment at 16 weeks. Videos were analysed in terms of the performance of aversion-related behaviour in undisturbed birds, comfort behaviour in undisturbed birds, and alert behaviour directed to a novel object in the home cage. A decrease in the performance of the former behaviour and increase in the performance of the latter two behaviours indicates improved welfare. The results showed that aviary reared birds performed more alert behaviour near to the object than did cage reared birds at 19 but not at 21 weeks of age (P = 0.03). Blood glucose concentrations did not differ between the treatments (P>0.10). There was a significant difference in mortality between treatments (P = 0.000), with more death in aviary reared birds (5.52%) compared to cage birds (2.48%). The higher mortality of aviary-reared birds indicates a negative effect of aviary rearing on bird welfare, whereas the higher duration of alert behavior suggests a positive effect of aviary rearing.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of chromium propionate on egg production, egg quality, plasma biochemical parameters and egg chromium deposition in late-phase laying hens. Four hundred thirty-two 60-weeks old laying hens were divided into four groups of 108 birds per group according to egg production. The dietary treatments consisted of the basal diet adding with 0, 200, 400, and 600 μg/kg chromium as chromium propionate. All laying hens were given feed and water ad libitum for 8 weeks. The addition of 400 μg/kg Cr as chromium propionate increased egg production (P?<?0.01) during the later 4 weeks, but decreased albumen height, yolk color score, and Haugh unit of eggs. Six hundred micrograms per kilogram Cr as chromium propionate supplementation improved shell thickness (P?<?0.05). 200 μg/kg Cr as chromium propionate supplementation decreased the uric acid concentration by 31 % (P?<?0.05). However, supplemental Cr did not affect the egg chromium deposition of hens (P?>?0.05). These data indicated that feeding of late-phase laying hens with chromium propionate could improve egg production, increase eggshell thickness, but do not result in abnormal levels of chromium deposition in eggs.  相似文献   

Excessive fecal excretion of phosphorus (P) has increasingly become an environmental issue due to oversupply of P in layer rations, and thus it is imperative to minimize safety margins for P to ensure the sustainability of the egg industry. In this study, a 12-week feeding trial (22 to 34 weeks of age) was conducted to evaluate the effects of phytase supplementation on production performance, plasma biochemistry, egg and bone quality and P excretion of laying hens fed various levels of non-phytate P (NPP). Forty-eight Lohmann white laying hens were randomly allocated to one of six corn–soybean meal–oat-based diets: diets containing 2.0, 2.5 or 3.0 g/kg NPP without phytase, and diets containing 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 g/kg NPP with phytase (1 000 U/kg diet) where phytase inclusion was expected to provide 1.0 g/kg NPP to laying hens, thus making the phytase-unsupplemented treatment served as a control for the phytase-supplemented treatment accordingly. Productive performance was recorded during the experimental period. Blood and egg samples were collected, and digestibility studies were conducted at weeks 6 and 12 of the experiment. Bone mineralization was evaluated at the end of the experiment. Egg weight and egg production, feed consumption, BW and feed conversion ratio of laying hens fed lower NPP diets supplemented with phytase were comparable to those of hens fed high NPP phytase-unsupplemented controls. Eggshell thickness, specific gravity, Haugh units, tibia bone mineral density, tibia ash percent, plasma P and other biochemical parameters were not significantly different among dietary treatments. Total P intake, excretion and retention were affected by diet (P < 0.001), but its deposition in eggs was not significantly different. Contrast analysis further showed that total P excretion of phytase present vs phytase absent was averagely reduced by 40.4 mg/hen per day (P < 0.01). Moreover, total P excretion was linearly (P < 0.01) reduced with lowering dietary NPP, and this relationship was similar regardless of whether phytase was supplemented or not. The results from this study indicated that NPP levels in laying hen diets could be reduced to 1.0 g/kg (excluding the portion of NPP released by phytase) with the inclusion of phytase, without negative effects on production performance and health of the hens, thereby diminishing P excretion into environment.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to estimate the optimal dietary zinc (Zn) level of brown-egg laying hens fed a corn–soybean meal diet from 20 to 40 weeks of age. A total of 120 20-week-old Beijing Red commercial laying hens were randomly allotted by bodyweight to one of five treatments with six replicates of four birds each in a completely randomized design, and fed a Zn-unsupplemented corn–soybean meal basal diet containing 27.95 mg Zn/kg by analysis and the basal diets supplemented with 30, 60, 90, or 120 mg Zn/kg as Zn sulfate (reagent grade ZnSO4·7H2O) for a duration of 20 weeks. Laying performance, egg quality, tissue Zn concentrations, and activities of serum alkaline phosphatase (AKP), and liver copper-Zn superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) were measured. Regression analyses were performed to estimate an optimal dietary Zn level whenever a significant quadratic response (P < 0.05) was observed. Tibia Zn concentration (P = 0.002) and serum AKP activity (P = 0.010) showed significant quadratic responses to dietary supplemental Zn levels. The estimates of dietary Zn requirements for brown-egg laying hens from 20 to 40 weeks of age were 71.95 and 64.63 mg/kg for tibia Zn concentration and serum AKP activity, respectively. The results from this study indicate that the tibia Zn might be a more suitable and reliable parameter for Zn requirement estimation, and the optimal dietary Zn level would be about 72 mg/kg for brown-egg laying hens fed a corn–soybean meal diet from 20 to 40 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Extending laying cycle is a tendency in hen breeding, but egg quality declines as laying hens age. The present study was conducted to investigate the interactive effects of vitamins A and K3 on laying performance, egg and tibia quality, and antioxidative status of aged Roman Pink laying hens. In a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, 1 080 87-week-old laying hens were allocated to nine groups with eight replicates in each group. Deficient, adequate and excess vitamins A (0, 7 000 and 14 000 IU/kg) and K3 (0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg) were supplemented into a basal diet with 1 320 IU/kg of vitamin A and 0.5 mg/kg of vitamin K3. After 2 weeks of adaption to basal diet, hens were fed corresponding diets for 8 weeks. Vitamins A and K3 did not significantly affect the laying performance. However, they showed interactive effects on yolk ratio at week 93 as well as tibia weight and diameter (P < 0.05), and hens fed deficient vitamins A and K3 had the highest yolk ratio and tibia weight, but the lowest tibia diameter. Compared with deficient addition, adequate or excess vitamins A and K3 increased yolk color at weeks 93 and 97 (P < 0.05). Compared with hens fed deficient or excess vitamins, hens fed adequate vitamins A and K3 had higher eggshell strength at week 93 or 97 (P < 0.05). Increasing vitamin A elevated plasma total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) activity and decreased hepatic glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity (P < 0.05). Excess vitamin K3 increased hepatic T-SOD activity (P < 0.05). Vitamins A and K3 exhibited interaction on the activities of antioxidative enzymes in eggshell gland (P < 0.05), and adequate or excess vitamins A and K3 increased the activities of GSH-Px, T-SOD and catalase (CAT). Adequate and excess vitamin A up-regulated the mRNA expression of GSH-Px1, GSH-Px3 and SOD1 in eggshell gland (P < 0.05). Vitamins A and K3 showed interactive effects on CAT mRNA expression in eggshell gland (P < 0.05) and hens fed adequate vitamins A and K3 had the highest CAT mRNA levels. In conclusion, dietary addition of vitamins A and K3 improved the eggshell quality and yolk color as well as antioxidative status in eggshell gland of aged laying hens. Adequate vitamins A and K3 showed beneficial effects and excess levels did not exhibit superior effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of rearing density on pecking behaviour and plumage during rearing and throughout the laying period in aviaries. Chicks were reared on sand at high (H; 13 m−2) or low (L; 6.5 m−2) density, in four rearing pens of 390 chicks and eight pens of 195 chicks, respectively, each pen measuring 30 m2. Proportions of chicks per pen performing various types of pecking behaviour were recorded by scan sampling during 16 observation bouts in each rearing pen at 6 weeks of age and during 24 observation bouts at 12 weeks. Individual body weights and plumage condition were recorded. Later, these pullets were housed at 17 hens m−2 in Tiered Wire Floor (TWF; 3 H and 3 L pens of 275 hens) and Laco-Volétage (2 H and 2 L pens of 275 hens) aviaries. At 35 weeks, two samples of eight hens from each aviary pen were observed for pecking behaviour in a test pen. Throughout the laying period, additional records were collected on pecking behaviour, body weight, plumage condition, egg production, and mortality. The L birds had better plumage condition at 6 weeks of age and throughout the laying period. These birds also ground pecked more frequently than H birds during rearing and the laying period. At 12 weeks, L birds feather pecked less than H birds, but no relationship was found between rearing density and feather-pecking behaviour during the laying period. Although TWF hens feather pecked more frequently than Volétage hens, there was no interaction between rearing density and type of aviary for the various pecking behaviours.  相似文献   

Phytase has long been used to decrease the inorganic phosphorus (Pi) input in poultry diet. The current study was conducted to investigate the effects of Pi supplementation on laying performance, egg quality and phosphate–calcium metabolism in Hy-Line Brown laying hens fed phytase. Layers (n = 504, 29 weeks old) were randomly assigned to seven treatments with six replicates of 12 birds. The corn–soybean meal-based diet contained 0.12% non-phytate phosphorus (nPP), 3.8% calcium, 2415 IU/kg vitamin D3 and 2000 FTU/kg phytase. Inorganic phosphorus (in the form of mono-dicalcium phosphate) was added into the basal diet to construct seven experimental diets; the final dietary nPP levels were 0.12%, 0.17%, 0.22%, 0.27%, 0.32%, 0.37% and 0.42%. The feeding trial lasted 12 weeks (hens from 29 to 40 weeks of age). Laying performance (housed laying rate, egg weight, egg mass, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio) was weekly calculated. Egg quality (egg shape index, shell strength, shell thickness, albumen height, yolk colour and Haugh units), serum parameters (calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D), tibia quality (breaking strength, and calcium, phosphorus and ash contents), intestinal gene expression (type IIb sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter, NaPi-IIb) and phosphorus excretion were determined at the end of the trial. No differences were observed on laying performance, egg quality, serum parameters and tibia quality. Hens fed 0.17% nPP had increased (P < 0.01) duodenum NaPi-IIb expression compared to all other treatments. Phosphorus excretion linearly increased with an increase in dietary nPP (phosphorus excretion = 1.7916 × nPP + 0.2157; R2 = 0.9609, P = 0.001). In conclusion, corn–soybean meal-based diets containing 0.12% nPP, 3.8% calcium, 2415 IU/kg vitamin D3 and 2000 FTU/kg phytase would meet the requirements for egg production in Hy-Line Brown laying hens (29 to 40 weeks of age).  相似文献   

The role of macrophages in the function of the hen ovary has not yet been described, although these cells may be an important regulator of ovarian function in mammals. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the frequency of macrophages during ageing and follicular atresia, and the effects of sex steroids on the macrophage population in the hen ovary. Cryostat sections of ovarian tissues of immature, young laying and old laying hens and those of immature hens treated with or without diethylstilboestrol (DES) or progesterone were immunostained for macrophage cells using mouse anti-chicken macrophage monoclonal antibody. Macrophages were observed under a light microscope and counted using a computer assisted image analyser. The frequency of macrophages in both the stroma and theca of primary follicles was significantly greater in young laying hens than in immature and old laying hens and these cells were more frequent in old laying hens than in immature hens (P < 0.01). Macrophages were more frequent in atretic follicles than in normal follicles (P < 0.01). The number of macrophages in both the stroma and theca of primary follicles of DES-treated birds was significantly greater than in those of progesterone-treated and control birds (P < 0.01). Progesterone had no significant effect on the population of macrophages. These results suggest that macrophages in the ovary increase in association with sexual maturation of birds and atresia of follicles and decrease during ageing. Oestrogen may be one of the factors that affect the population of macrophages in the hen ovary.  相似文献   

Fermented feed has the potential to improve poultry gastrointestinal microecological environment, health condition and production performance. Thus, the present study was undertaken to explore the effects of fermented feed on the laying performance, egg quality, immune function, intestinal morphology and microbiota of laying hens in the late laying cycle. A total of 360 healthy Hy-Line Brown laying hens aged 80 weeks were used to conduct a 56-day study. All hens were randomly separated into two treatment groups, with five replicates of 36 hens each as follows: basal diet containing 0.0% fermented feed (CON) and 20% fermented feed (FF). Subsequent analyses revealed that fermented feed supplementation was associated with significant increases in laying rates together with reduced broken egg rates and feed conversion ratio for hens in FF group (P < 0.05). There were additionally significant increases in both albumen height and Haugh unit values in hens following fermented feed supplementation (P < 0.05). Fermented feed was also associated with increases in duodenal, jejunal and ileac villus height (P < 0.05). Laying hens fed fermented feed had higher immune globulin (Ig)A, IgG, IgM levels (P < 0.01,) and higher interleukin 2, interleukin 6, tumour necrosis factor α and interferon γ (P < 0.05) concentrations than CON. Analysis of the microbiota in these laying hens revealed the alpha diversity was not significantly affected by fermented feed supplementation. Firmicutes abundance was reduced in caecal samples from FF hens relative to those from CON hens (30.61 vs 35.12%, P < 0.05). At the genus level, fermented feed was associated with improvements in relative Lactobacillus, Megasphaera and Peptococcus abundance and decreased Campylobacter abundance in laying hens. These results suggest that fermented feed supplementation may be beneficial to the laying performance, egg quality, immunological function, intestinal villus growth and caecal microecological environment of laying hens at the end of the laying cycle.  相似文献   

Magnesium (Mg) concentrations in diets have been associated with performance and eggshell quality of laying hens, but the results have been inconclusive. In this experiment, the effects of increasing concentrations of dietary Mg on productive performance and eggshell quality of aged laying hens were evaluated. A total of 640 Hy-Line Brown laying hens of 72 weeks of age were randomly allotted to one of four dietary treatments with four replicates per treatment. A commercial-type basal diet containing 1.6 g/kg Mg was prepared, and three additional diets were prepared to contain 2.3, 2.6, or 3.0 g/kg Mg in diets by adding 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 g of MgO to the basal diet. The diets were fed to hens ad libitum for 5 weeks. Results indicated that Mg concentrations in eggshells were increased (linear, P?<?0.01) with increasing concentrations of Mg in diets. Increasing concentrations of Mg in diets decreased (linear and quadratic, P?<?0.01) broken and shell-less egg production, but improved (linear, P?<?0.05) eggshell strength. Feed intake was decreased (linear, P?<?0.05) with the concentrations of Mg in diets, but hen-day egg production, egg weight, feed conversion ratio, and Haugh unit were not affected by increasing concentrations of Mg in diets. Hunter L* and a* values of eggshell were decreased (linear, P?<?0.05) as the concentrations of Mg in diets increased. In conclusion, feeding aged laying hens with diets containing increasing concentrations of Mg up to 3.0 g/kg improves eggshell strength, but has no detrimental effects on laying performance.  相似文献   

Worldwide, farm animals are kept on litter or foraging substrate that becomes increasingly soiled throughout the production cycle. For animals like laying hens, this means that it is likely they would scratch, forage and consume portions of excreta found in the litter or foraging substrate. However, no study has investigated the relative preference of laying hens for foraging and consumption of feed mixed with different percentages of excreta. A total of 48 White Leghorn laying hens of two strains, a commercial strain (Lohmann LSL-Lite (LSL), n=24) and UCD-003 strain (susceptible to liver damage, n=24), were individually housed and given access to feed mixed with increasing percentages of hen excreta (0%, 33%, 66% and 100% excreta diets) and corn as a luxury food reward (four corn kernels per diet daily). The amount of substrate and number of corn kernels consumed from each diet was recorded for a period of 3 weeks. Both LSL and UCD-003 hens preferred to consume and forage in diets with 0% excreta, followed by 33% and finally diets containing 66% and 100% excreta. Despite the presence of excreta-free diets, birds consumed on average 61.3 g per day of the diets containing excreta. Neither physical health, measured by plasma enzyme activity levels, nor cognitive differences, assessed by recalling a visual discrimination task, was associated with relative feeding or foraging preference. In conclusion, this study demonstrated a clear preference for feeding and foraging on substrate without excreta in laying hens. However, considering the amount of excreta diets consumed, further studies are needed to understand the causes and consequences of excreta consumption on physiological and psychological functioning, and how this information can be used to allow adjustments in the management of foraging substrates in farmed birds.  相似文献   

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