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Erv1 is an FAD-dependent thiol oxidase of the ERV (essential for respiration and viability)/ALR (augmenter of liver regeneration) sub-family and an essential component of the mitochondrial import and assembly pathway. Erv1 contains six tryptophan residues, which are all located in the highly conserved C-terminal FAD-binding domain. Though important structural roles were predicted for the invariable Trp95, no experimental study has been reported. In the present study, we investigated the structural and functional roles of individual tryptophan residues of Erv1. Six single tryptophan-to-phenylalanine yeast mutant strains were generated and their effects on cell viability were tested at various temperatures. Then, the mutants were purified from Escherichia coli. Their effects on folding, FAD-binding and Erv1 activity were characterized. Our results showed that Erv1W95F has the strongest effect on the stability and function of Erv1 and followed by Erv1W183F. Erv1W95F results in a decrease in the Tm of Erv1 by 23°C, a significant loss of the oxidase activity and thus causing cell growth defects at both 30°C and 37°C. Erv1W183F induces changes in the oligomerization state of Erv1, along with a pronounced effect on the stability of Erv1 and its function at 37°C, whereas the other mutants had no clear effect on the function of Erv1 including the highly conserved Trp157 mutant. Finally, computational analysis indicates that Trp95 plays a key role in stabilizing the isoalloxazine ring to interact with Cys133. Taken together, the present study provided important insights into the molecular mechanism of how thiol oxidases use FAD in catalysing disulfide bond formation.  相似文献   

In order to correlate between spectroscopic and structural changes in a protein, the environment of Trp 135 in T4 lysozyme was deliberately perturbed by the replacement of Gln 105 with alanine (Q105A), glycine (Q105G), and glutamic acid (Q105E). In wild-type lysozyme, Trp 135 is buried, but the indole nitrogen is hydrogen-bonded to the side-chain of Gln 105. In the Q105G and Q105A mutant structures, the indole nitrogen becomes accessible to solvent. Crystallographic analysis shows that the structures of all of the mutants are similar to wild-type. There are, however, distinct rearrangements of the local solvent structure in response to the new side-chains. There are also small but significant changes in the relative orientations of the two domains of the protein that appear to result from a series of small, concerted movements of side-chains adjacent to residue 105. Evaluation of the fluorescence and phosphorescence of the mutant proteins in terms of their observed three-dimensional structures shows that large spectral changes do not necessarily imply large changes in structure or in static solvent accessibility. Increases in polar relaxation about the excited state of tryptophan may be the result of only small increases in local dynamics or solvent exposure. 1H-NMR was also used to monitor the effects of the substitutions on Trp 138. In Q105E, but not in Q105G, Q105A and WT, the Hε1 chemical shift of Trp 138 is very pH-dependent, apparently reflecting the titration of Glu 105 which has a spectroscopically determined pKa of 6.0. The elevation of the pKa of Glu 105 in Q105E is also reflected in the pH dependence of the stability of this mutant. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We analysed the conformational states of free, tet operator-bound and anhydrotetracycline-bound Tet repressor employing a Trp-scanning approach. The two wild-type Trp residues in Tet repressor were replaced by Tyr or Phe and single Trp residues were introduced at each of the positions 162-173, representing part of an unstructured loop and the N-terminal six residues of alpha-helix 9. All mutants retained in vivo inducibility, but anhydrotetracycline-binding constants were decreased up to 7.5-fold when Trp was in positions 169, 170 and 173. Helical positions (168-173) differed from those in the loop (162-167) in terms of their fluorescence emission maxima, quenching rate constants with acrylamide and anisotropies in the free and tet operator-complexed proteins. Trp fluorescence emission decreased drastically upon atc binding, mainly due to energy transfer. For all proteins, either free, tet operator bound or anhydrtetracycline-bound, mean fluorescence lifetimes were determined to derive quenching rate constants. Solvent-accessible surfaces of the respective Trp side chains were calculated and compared with the quenching rate constants in the anhydrotetracycline-bound complexes. The results support a model, in which residues in the loop become more exposed, whereas residues in alpha-helix 9 become more buried upon the induction of TetR by anhydrotetracycline.  相似文献   

A superfamily of transport proteins, which includes the lactose permease of Escherichia coli, contains a highly conserved motif, G-X-X-X-D/E-R/K-X-G-R/K-R/K, in the loops that connect transmembrane segments 2 and 3 and transmembrane segments 8 and 9. Previous analysis of this motif in the lactose permease (A. E. Jessen-Marshall, N. J. Paul, and R. J. Brooker, J. Biol. Chem. 270:16251-16257, 1995) has shown that the conserved glycine residue found at the first position in the motif (i.e., Gly-64) is important for transport function. Every substitution at this site, with the exception of alanine, greatly diminished lactose transport activity. In this study, three mutants in which glycine-64 was changed to cysteine, serine, and valine were used as parental strains to isolate 64 independent suppressor mutations that restored transport function. Of these 64 isolates, 39 were first-site revertants to glycine or alanine, while 25 were second-site mutations that restored transport activity yet retained a cysteine, serine, or valine at position 64. The second-site mutations were found to be located at several sites within the lactose permease (Pro-28 --> Ser, Leu, or Thr; Phe-29 --> Ser; Ala-50 --> Thr, Cys-154 --> Gly; Cys-234 --> Phe; Gln-241 --> Leu; Phe-261 --> Val; Thr-266 --> Iso; Val-367 --> Glu; and Ala-369 --> Pro). A kinetic analysis was conducted which compared lactose uptake in the three parental strains and several suppressor strains. The apparent Km values of the Cys-64, Ser-64, and Val-64 parental strains were 0.8 mM, 0.7 mM, and 4.6 mM, respectively, which was similar to the apparent Km of the wild-type permease (1.4 mM). In contrast, the Vmax values of the Cys-64, Ser-64, and Val-64 strains were sharply reduced (3.9, 10.1, and 13.2 nmol of lactose/min x mg of protein, respectively) compared with the wild-type strain (676 nmol of lactose/min x mg of protein). The primary effect of the second-site suppressor mutations was to restore the maximal rate of lactose transport to levels that were similar to the wild-type strains. Taken together, these results support the notion that Gly-64 in the wild-type permease is at a site in the protein which is important in facilitating conformational changes that are necessary for lactose translocation across the membrane. According to our tertiary model, this site is at an interface between the two halves of the protein.  相似文献   

Using the human Pin1 WW domain (hPin1 WW), we show that replacement of two nearest neighbor non-hydrogen-bonded residues on adjacent beta-strands with tryptophan (Trp) residues increases beta-sheet thermodynamic stability by 4.8 kJ mol(-1) at physiological temperature. One-dimensional NMR studies confirmed that introduction of the Trp-Trp pair does not globally perturb the structure of the triple-stranded beta-sheet, while circular dichroism studies suggest that the engineered cross-strand Trp-Trp pair adopts a side-chain conformation similar to that first reported for a designed "Trp-zipper" beta-hairpin peptide, wherein the indole side chains stack perpendicular to each other. Even though the mutated side chains in wild-type hPin1 WW are not conserved among WW domains and compose the beta-sheet surface opposite to that responsible for ligand binding, introduction of the cross-strand Trp-Trp pair effectively eliminates hPin1 WW function as assessed by the loss of binding affinity toward a natural peptide ligand. Maximizing both thermodynamic stability and the domain function of hPin1 WW by the above mentioned approach appears to be difficult, analogous to the situation with loop 1 optimization explored previously. That introduction of a non-hydrogen-bonded cross-strand Trp-Trp pair within the hPin1 WW domain eliminates function may provide a rationale for why this energetically favorable pairwise interaction has not yet been identified in WW domains or any other biologically evolved protein with known three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Exopenicillinase of Bacillus cereus 569/H was cross-linked with toluene 2,4-diisocyanate in the presence of cephalothin, cloxacillin or no substrate. The derivatives show significant differences in susceptibility to inactivation by heat, urea, iodination or proteolysis. Such differences can be predicted from the contrasting effects of these substrates on the conformation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The GGAs (Golgi-localizing, gamma-adaptin ear homology domain, ARF-binding) are a family of multidomain proteins implicated in protein trafficking between the Golgi and the endosomes. All three GGAs (1, 2, and 3) bind to the mannose 6-phosphate receptor tail via their VHS domains, as well as to the adaptor protein complex-1 via their hinge domains. The latter interaction has been proposed to be important for cooperative packaging of cargo into forming clathrin-coated carriers at the trans-Golgi network. Here we present evidence that GGA1 function is highly regulated by cycles of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Cell fractionation showed that the phosphorylated pool of GGA1 resided predominantly in the cytosol and that recruitment onto membranes was associated with dephosphorylation. Okadaic acid inhibition studies and in vitro dephosphorylation assays indicated that dephosphorylation is mediated by a protein phosphatase 2A-like phosphatase. Dephosphorylation of GGA1 induced a change in the conformation to an "open" form as measured by gel filtration and sucrose gradient analyses. This was associated with enhanced binding to ligands because of release of autoinhibition and increased binding to the adaptor protein complex-1 gamma-appendage. A model is proposed for the regulation of GGA1 function at the trans-Golgi network.  相似文献   

Viral receptors serve both to target viruses to specific cell types and to actively promote the entry of bound virus into cells. Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) can form complexes in vitro with a truncated soluble form of the HRV cell surface receptor, ICAM-1. These complexes appear to be stoichiometric, with approximately 60 ICAM molecules bound per virion or 1 ICAM-1 molecule per icosahedral face of the capsid. The complex can have two fates, either dissociating to yield free virus and free ICAM-1 or uncoating to break down to an 80S empty capsid which has released VP4, viral RNA, and ICAM-1. This uncoating in vitro mimics the uncoating of virus during infection of cells. The stability of the virus-receptor complex is dependent on temperature and the rhinovirus serotype. HRV serotype 14 (HRV14)-ICAM-1 complexes rapidly uncoat, HRV16 forms a stable virus-ICAM complex which does not uncoat detectably at 34 degrees C, and HRV3 has an intermediate phenotype. Rhinovirus can also uncoat after exposure to mildly acidic pH. The sensitivities of individual rhinovirus serotypes to ICAM-1-mediated virus uncoating do not correlate with uncoating promoted by incubation at low pH, suggesting that these two means of virus destabilization occur by different mechanisms. Soluble ICAM-1 and low pH do not act synergistically to promote uncoating. The rate of uncoating does appear to be inversely related to virus affinity for its receptor.  相似文献   

The phosphorescence and fluorescence properties of bacterial luciferase (alphabeta) mutants from Xenorhabdus luminescens were investigated. All tryptophans in the alpha and beta subunits were replaced with tyrosines except for one or two tryptophans in the alpha subunit. Because one luciferase mutant (W250) retained only a single tryptophan in the alpha subunit while two other mutants (W182/250 and W194/250) each contained two tryptophans in the alpha subunit, it was possible to deduce the spectral properties of these specific tryptophans (Trp182, Trp194, Trp250). Analyses of the phosphorescence properties were particularly revealing as only a single phosphorescence emission peak at 411-414 nm was observed for the W250 and W194/250 mutants while peaks at 409 and 414 nm could be clearly observed for the W182/250 mutant. Coupled with intrinsic fluorescence quenching experiments, these results show that alphaTrp182 is in a distinctly polar environment while alphaTrp250 is in a hydrophobic region and illustrate the advantages of using phosphorescence to recognize different microenvironments for tryptophan residues.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of ribosomal protein S1.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The proton NMR spectrum of S1 reveals that S1 has considerable tertiary structure in physiological buffers, but more structural flexibility than normal for globular proteins. S1's NMR spectrum is independent of the method of preparation.  相似文献   

In order to monitor the conformational changes of tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from Escherichia coli in solution resulting from amino acid substitutions, we have assigned the Tyr resonances in the aromatic region of the 1H-NMR spectrum to specific residues. In the spectrum of the alpha-subunit deuterated with [2,3,4,5,6-2H5]Phe and [3,5-2H2]Tyr, the C2 and C6 protons of Tyr gave completely isolated signals at acidic p2H. Some of the C3 and C5 proton resonances overlapped with each other at acidic p2H. By using a series of mutant alpha-subunits in which each Tyr was singly substituted with His or Phe, we can now assign each of seven Tyr resonances in the aromatic region to a specific residue. We have previously studied the conformational stability of a series of variant alpha-subunits at position 49 [Yutani et al. (1987) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 84, 4441-4444]. We now compare the 1H-NMR spectra in the aromatic region of the wild-type alpha-subunit and mutant alpha-subunits substituted with Phe or Gly in place of Glu-49. The results suggest that the major conformational effects of substitutions at position 49 are localized close to the position of substitution.  相似文献   

In elucidating function of two important single-stranded regions [SSrA (726-731 nt) and SSrB (762-766 nt)] derived mainly from three secondary structure models in genomic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme possessing self-cleavage activity, we have constructed several random mutants at those two regions on the HDV88 molecule (683-770 nt) by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. When self-cleavage activities were compared among mutants, at the region SSrA, G726 was found to play an important role during cleavage reaction since substitutions of the base to A (mutant A20) or C (mutant A16) or U (mutant A23), reduced the ribozyme activity to very low levels suggesting the importance of G726 position. C763 at SSrB region was found to play a more significant role during catalysis than G726 (at region SSrA) since any substitutions at C763 completely inactivated the ribozyme. Other bases located in these two regions could be substituted to other bases at the expense of some self-cleavage activity. The results presented here together with our previous deletion analysis indicate that these two regions may play an important role during cleavage process.  相似文献   

Trp repressor of Escherichia coli K-12 is a dimeric protein (monomer size, 108 amino acids) that acquires high affinity for certain operator targets in double-stranded DNA upon interaction with L-tryptophan. High titer antiserum directed against E. coli Trp repressor protein, elicited in rabbits, was monospecific toward native or denatured Trp repressor. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure antigen-antibody reaction, we found that the binding of L-tryptophan to Trp repressor was associated with a marked decrease in antibody reactivity that presumably accompanied a conformational change in this protein to a state with strong affinity for trp operator-bearing DNA. We analyzed the pattern of cleavage of Trp repressor by chymotrypsin and trypsin and the effect of L-tryptophan on such hydrolytic cleavages. Chymotrypsin cleaved Trp repressor mainly between residues 71 and 72. In the presence of L-tryptophan this cleavage was slowed. The first-order rate constants for chymotryptic digestion of Trp repressor were 7.6 X 10(-2) and 4.6 X 10(-2) min-1 in the absence and presence of L-tryptophan, respectively. Tryptic digestion was more complex. Initial cleavage of Trp repressor occurred with approximately equal facility between residues 69-70 or 84-85. Subsequent tryptic hydrolyses led eventually to a major core fragment containing the first 54 amino acids of Trp repressor plus four other fragments from the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein. In the presence of L-tryptophan, cleavage by trypsin between residues 54-55 and 84-85 was retarded, even when a previous hydrolytic event elsewhere in the protein had occurred. Tryptophan had essentially no effect on the tryptic hydrolysis of peptide bond 97-98, but accelerated cleavage at peptide bond 69-70. The first-order rate constants for the first tryptic cleavage of Trp receptor were 1.55 X 10(-1) and 1.33 X 10(-1) min-1 in the absence and presence of ligand, respectively. Our results are compatible with a structural model wherein certain amino acid side chains and peptide bonds of Trp repressor (specifically, those of residues 69-85) lie on or near the surface of the protein. This region of Trp repressor has been predicted to contain the operator recognition site. The susceptibility to proteolytic attack of at least four peptide bonds in this area changes when the protein interacts with L-tryptophan.  相似文献   

X B Tang  J R Casey 《Biochemistry》1999,38(44):14565-14572
AE1, the chloride/bicarbonate anion exchanger of the erythrocyte plasma membrane, is highly sensitive to inhibition by stilbene disulfonate compounds such as DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2, 2'-disulfonate) and DNDS (4,4'-dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate). Stilbene disulfonates recruit the anion binding site to an outward-facing conformation. We sought to identify the regions of AE1 that undergo conformational changes upon noncovalent binding of DNDS. Since conformational changes induced by stilbene disulfonate binding cause anion transport inhibition, identification of the DNDS binding regions may localize the substrate binding region of the protein. Cysteine residues were introduced into 27 sites in the extracellular loop regions of an otherwise cysteineless form of AE1, called AE1C(-). The ability to label these residues with biotin maleimide [3-(N-maleimidylpropionyl)biocytin] was then measured in the absence and presence of DNDS. DNDS reduced the ability to label residues in the regions around G565, S643-M663, and S731-S742. We interpret these regions either as (i) part of the DNDS binding site or (ii) distal to the binding site but undergoing a conformational change that sequesters the region from accessibility to biotin maleimide. DNDS alters the conformation of residues outside the plane of the bilayer since the S643-M663 region was previously shown to be extramembranous. Upon binding DNDS, AE1 undergoes conformational changes that can be detected in extracellular loops at least 20 residues away from the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer. We conclude that the TM7-10 region of AE1 is central to the stilbene disulfonate and substrate binding region of AE1.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in integrins are important for efficient ligand binding during activation. We proposed that the I domain of the integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) could exist in both open and closed conformations and generated constitutively activated LFA-1 by locking the I domain in the open conformation. Here we provide structural and biochemical evidence to validate conformational change in the I domain of LFA-1 upon activation. Two monoclonal antibodies to alpha(L), HI111 and CBR LFA-1/1, bind wild-type LFA-1 well, but their binding is significantly reduced when LFA-1 is locked in the open conformation. Furthermore, this reduction in monoclonal antibody binding also occurs when LFA-1 is activated by divalent cations. HI111 maps to the top region of the I domain that is close to the putative ligand-binding site surrounding the MIDAS (metal ion-dependent adhesion site). The epitope of CBR LFA-1/1 is at the C-terminal segment of the I domain that links to the beta-propeller, and undergoes a large movement between the open and closed conformations. Our data demonstrate that these two regions undergo significant conformational changes during LFA-1 activation and that the I domain of activated LFA-1 adopts a similar tertiary structure as the predicted locked open form.  相似文献   

At least 40% of families affected with cerebral cavernous malformation have a mutation in Krit1. We previously identified two point mutations in Krit1 leading to changes in amino acids (D137G and Q210E) in two different families. Further RNA analysis reveals that both point mutations actually activate cryptic splice-donor sites, causing aberrant splicing and leading to a frameshift and protein truncation. To date, no simple missense mutations have been detected in Krit1.  相似文献   

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