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The mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier is a six helix bundle membrane transport protein, which couples the exit of ATP from the mitochondrial matrix to the entry of ADP. Extended (4×20 ns) molecular dynamics simulations of the carrier, in the presence and absence of bound inhibitor (carboxyatractyloside), have been used to explore the conformational dynamics of the protein in a lipid bilayer environment, in the presence and absence of the carboxyatractyloside inhibitor. The dynamic flexibility (measured as conformational drift and fluctuations) of the protein is reduced in the presence of bound inhibitor. Proline residues in transmembrane helices H1, H3 and H5 appear to form dynamic hinges. Fluctuations in inter-helix salt bridges are also observed over the time course of the simulations. Inhibitor-protein and lipid-protein interactions have been characterised in some detail. Overall, the simulations support a transport mechanism in which flexibility about the proline hinges enables a transition between a ‘closed’ and an ‘open’ pore-like state of the carrier protein.  相似文献   

Experimental nuclear magnetic resonance results for the Arc Repressor have shown that this dimeric protein dissociates into a molten globule at high pressure. This structural change is accompanied by a modification of the hydrogen-bonding pattern of the intermolecular beta-sheet: it changes its character from intermolecular to intramolecular with respect to the two monomers. Molecular dynamics simulations of the Arc Repressor, as a monomer and a dimer, at elevated pressure have been performed with the aim to study this hypothesis and to identify the major structural and dynamical changes of the protein under such conditions. The monomer appears less stable than the dimer. However, the complete dissociation has not been seen because of the long timescale needed to observe this phenomenon. In fact, the protein structure altered very little when increasing the pressure. It became slightly compressed and the dynamics of the side-chains and the unfolding process slowed down. Increasing both, temperature and pressure, a tendency of conversion of intermolecular into intramolecular hydrogen bonds in the beta-sheet region has been detected, supporting the mentioned hypothesis. Also, the onset of denaturation of the separated chains was observed.  相似文献   

Methane hydrate is a crystalline compound with methane molecules enclosed in cages formed by hydrogen-bonded water molecules. Understanding the mechanism of nucleation and crystal growth from methane vapour and liquid water is important for all hydrate applications. However, processes near the water/methane interface are still unclear. In this work, we focused on the crystal growth of methane hydrate seeds located near the water/methane interface. We performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and analysed the crystal growth of the hydrate seed at the interface. New cages formed in the liquid water phase were stabilised when they shared faces with the hydrate seed. We also investigated the crystal growth rate as the time development of the number of methane molecules trapped in hydrate cages, based on the trajectory of the MD simulation. The calculated growth rate in the direction that covers the interface was 1.38 times that in the direction towards the inside of the water phase.  相似文献   

GM2-activator protein (GM2-AP) is a lipid transfer protein that has the ability to stimulate the enzymatic processing of gangliosides as well as T-cell activation through lipid presentation. Our previous X-ray crystallographic studies of GM2-AP have revealed a large lipid binding pocket as the central overall feature of the structure with non-protein electron density within this pocket suggesting bound lipid. To extend these studies, we present here the 2A crystal structure of GM2-AP complexed with platelet activating factor (PAF). PAF is a potent phosphoacylglycerol whose toxic patho-physiological effects can be inhibited by GM2-AP. The structure shows an ordered arrangement of two bound lipids and a fatty acid molecule. One PAF molecule binds in an extended conformation within the hydrophobic channel that has an open and closed conformation, and was seen to contain bound phospholipid in the low pH apo structure. The second molecule is submerged inside the pocket in a U-shaped conformation with its head group near the single polar residue S141. It was refined as lyso-PAF as it lacks electron density for the sn-2 acetate group. The alkyl chains of PAF interact through van der Waals' contacts, while the head groups bind in different environments with their phosphocholine moieties in contact with aromatic rings (Y137, F80). The structure has revealed further insights into the lipid binding properties of GM2-AP, suggesting an unexpected unique mode of lipid packaging that may explain the efficiency of GM2-AP in inhibiting the detrimental biological effects of PAF.  相似文献   

Five long-timescale (10 ns) explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations of a DNA tetradecanucleotide dimer are performed using the GROMOS 45A4 force field and the simple-point-charge water model, in order to investigate the effect of the treatment of long-range electrostatic interactions as well as of the box shape and size on the structure and dynamics of the molecule (starting from an idealised B-DNA conformation). Long-range electrostatic interactions are handled using either a lattice-sum (LS) method (particle–particle–particle–mesh; one simulation performed within a cubic box) or a cutoff-based reaction-field (RF) method (four simulations, with long-range cutoff distances of 1.4 or 2.0 nm and performed within cubic or truncated octahedral periodic boxes). The overall double-helical structure, including Watson–Crick (WC) base-pairing, is well conserved in the simulation employing the LS scheme. In contrast, the WC base-pairing is nearly completely disrupted in the four simulations employing the RF scheme. These four simulations result in highly distorted compact (cutoff distance of 1.4 nm) or extended (cutoff distance of 2 nm) structures, irrespective of the shape and size of the computational box. These differences observed between the two schemes seem correlated with large differences in the radial distribution function between charged entities (backbone phosphate groups and sodium counterions) within the system.  相似文献   

Macromolecular function arises from structure, and many diseases are associated with misfolding of proteins. Molecular simulation methods can augment experimental techniques to understand misfolding and aggregation pathways with atomistic resolution, but the reliability of these predictions is a function of the parameters used for the simulation. There are many biomolecular force fields available, but most are validated using stably folded structures. Here, we present the results of molecular dynamics simulations on the intrinsically disordered amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), whose misfolding and aggregation give rise to the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Because of the link between secondary structure changes and pathology, being able to accurately model the structure of Aβ would greatly improve our understanding of this disease, and it may facilitate application of modeling approaches to other protein misfolding disorders. To this end, we compared five popular atomistic force fields (AMBER03, CHARMM22 + CMAP, GROMOS96 53A6, GROMOS96 54A7, and OPLS-AA) to determine which could best model the structure of Aβ. By comparing secondary structure content, NMR shifts, and radius of gyration to available experimental data, we conclude that AMBER03 and CHARMM22 + CMAP over-stabilize helical structure within Aβ, with CHARMM22 + CMAP also producing elongated Aβ structures, in conflict with experimental findings. OPLS-AA, GROMOS96 53A6, and GROMOS96 54A7 produce very similar results in terms of helical and β-strand content, calculated NMR shifts, and radii of gyration that agree well with experimental data.  相似文献   

An understanding of the dissolution process of cellulose derivatives is important not only for basic research but also for industrial purposes. We investigated the dissolution process of cellulose triacetate II (CTA II) nano-sized crystal in DMSO solvent using molecular dynamics simulations. The nano-sized crystal consists of 18 CTA chains. During the 9 ns simulation, it was observed that one chain (C01) located at the corner of the lozenge crystal was solvated by the DMSO molecules and moved away from the remaining cluster into the DMSO solvent. The analysis showed that the breakage of the interaction between the H1, H3, and H5 hydrogens of the pyranose ring and the acetyl carbonyl oxygen in the C01 and C02 adjacent chains would be crucial for the dissolution of CTA. The DMSO molecules solvating around these atoms would prevent the re-crystallization of the CTA molecules and facilitate further dissolution.  相似文献   

Cyclophilins are proteins that catalyze X-proline cis-trans interconversion, where X represents any amino acid. Its mechanism of action has been investigated over the past years but still generates discussion, especially because until recently structures of the ligand in the cis and trans conformations for the same system were lacking. X-ray crystallographic structures for the complex cyclophilin A and HIV-1 capsid mutants with ligands in the cis and trans conformations suggest a mechanism where the N-terminal portion of the ligand rotates during the cis-trans isomerization. However, a few years before, a C-terminal rotating ligand was proposed to explain NMR solution data. In the present study we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to generate a trans structure starting from the cis structure. From simulations starting from the cis and trans structures obtained through the rotational pathways, the seeming contradiction between the two sets of experimental data could be resolved. The simulated N-terminal rotated trans structure shows good agreement with the equivalent crystal structure and, moreover, is consistent with the NMR data. These results illustrate the use of MD simulation at atomic resolution to model structural transitions and to interpret experimental data.  相似文献   

The association of caffeine and actinocin derivatives (ActII), analogs of the antitumor antibiotic actinomycin D, was studied by molecular dynamics simulation in explicit solvent (water and Na+ and Cl? ions). Information was obtained describing in detail the association of caffeine and ActII in water and water-salt solution and the interaction of monomers and their associates with the ionic hydrate environment. The schemes of hydration of monomers of actinocin derivatives and caffeine and their self-and heteroassociates are determined. The calculated energies of monomer interaction in associates indicate that dimerization of these compounds in aqueous solutions is advantageous in energy. Both self-and heteroassociates are stabilized by van der Waals, electrostatic, and hydrophobic interactions, as well as intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The rearrangement of the hydration shells of monomers during their association in water is energy-unfavorable and destabilizes the associates. In water-salt solutions, it is energy-favorable for the systems containing associates of the singly charged ActII+ and caffeine-ActII+. The formation of caffeine-actinocin heterodimers is preferable in energy to the formation of self-associates. In this way caffeine can decrease the concentration of the actinocin derivatives in solution and thereby decrease their biological activity.  相似文献   

The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+‐ATPase (SERCA) couples ATP hydrolysis to transport of Ca2+. This directed energy transfer requires cross‐talk between the two Ca2+ sites and the phosphorylation site over 50 Å distance. We have addressed the mechano‐structural basis for this intramolecular signal by analysing the structure and the functional properties of SERCA mutant E309Q. Glu309 contributes to Ca2+ coordination at site II, and a consensus has been that E309Q only binds Ca2+ at site I. The crystal structure of E309Q in the presence of Ca2+ and an ATP analogue, however, reveals two occupied Ca2+ sites of a non‐catalytic Ca2E1 state. Ca2+ is bound with micromolar affinity by both Ca2+ sites in E309Q, but without cooperativity. The Ca2+‐bound mutant does phosphorylate from ATP, but at a very low maximal rate. Phosphorylation depends on the correct positioning of the A‐domain, requiring a shift of transmembrane segment M1 into an ‘up and kinked position’. This transition is impaired in the E309Q mutant, most likely due to a lack of charge neutralization and altered hydrogen binding capacities at Ca2+ site II.  相似文献   

Calmodulin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has different Ca2+ binding properties from other calmodulins. We previously reported that the maximum number of Ca2+ binding was 3 mol/mol and the fourth binding site was defective, which was different from 4 mol/mol for others. Their macroscopic dissociation constants suggested the cooperative three Ca2+ bindings rather than a pair of cooperative two Ca2+ bindings of ordinary calmodulin. Here we present evidence for yeast calmodulin showing the intramolecular close interaction between the N-terminal half domain and the C-terminal half domain, while the two domains of ordinary calmodulin are independent of each other. We will discuss the relationship of the shape and the shape change caused by the Ca2+ binding to the enzyme activation in yeast. The functional feature of calmodulin in yeast will also be considered, which might be different from the one of vertebrate calmodulin.  相似文献   

The conformation of nifedipine, a cardiac and smooth muscle calcium ion channel antagonist is studied in a hydrated bilayer of forty nine 1,2-di-myristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcho-line (DMPC) molecules using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation technique. The simulation was carried out in conditions of constant number, volume and temperature (NVT) at 310 K, which is above the liquid crystalline (Lα) transition temperature of DMPC. The periodic boundary conditions were applied in three-dimensions. Thus the model represented an infinite bilayer. The important geometric parameters characteristic to DMPC and nifedipine molecules were calculated and compared with other theoretical and experimental results pertaining to nifedipine and other related dihydrophyridine (DHP) analogues. Our results suggest that conformational parameters required for antagonist activity are fairly conserved during the interaction of nifedipine with DMPC bilary and bilayer stabilizes the drug conformation in the bioactive form.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes are important regulatory enzymes that have been implicated in many diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and in the eradication of HIV/AIDS. Given their potential clinical ramifications, PKC modulators, e.g. phorbol esters and bryostatin, are also of great interest in the drug development. However, structural details on the binding between PKC and its modulators, especially bryostatin – the highly potent and non-tumor promoting activator for PKCs, are still lacking. Here, we report the first comparative molecular dynamics study aimed at gaining structural insight into the mechanisms by which the PKC delta cys2 activator domain is used in its binding to phorbol ester and bryostatin-1. As anticipated in the phorbol ester binding, hydrogen bonds are formed through the backbone atoms of Thr242, Leu251, and Gly253 of PKC. However, the opposition of H-bond formation between Thr242 and Gly253 may cause the phorbol ester complex to become less stable when compared with the bryostatin binding. For the PKC delta-bryostatin complex, hydrogen bonds are formed between the Gly253 backbone carbonyl and the C30 carbomethoxy substituent of the ligand. Additionally, the indole Nε1 of the highly homologous Trp252 also forms an H-bond to the C20 ester group on bryostatin. Backbone fluctuations also suggest that this latter H-bond formation may abrogate the transient interaction between Trp252 and His269, thus dampening the fluctuations observed on the nearby Zn2+-coordinating residues. This new dynamic fluctuation dampening model can potentially benefit future design of new PKC modulators.  相似文献   

A new high-resolution structure is reported for bovine rhodopsin, the visual pigment in rod photoreceptor cells. Substantial improvement of the resolution limit to 2.2 A has been achieved by new crystallization conditions, which also reduce significantly the probability of merohedral twinning in the crystals. The new structure completely resolves the polypeptide chain and provides further details of the chromophore binding site including the configuration about the C6-C7 single bond of the 11-cis-retinal Schiff base. Based on both an earlier structure and the new improved model of the protein, a theoretical study of the chromophore geometry has been carried out using combined quantum mechanics/force field molecular dynamics. The consistency between the experimental and calculated chromophore structures is found to be significantly improved for the 2.2 A model, including the angle of the negatively twisted 6-s-cis-bond. Importantly, the new crystal structure refinement reveals significant negative pre-twist of the C11-C12 double bond and this is also supported by the theoretical calculation although the latter converges to a smaller value. Bond alternation along the unsaturated chain is significant, but weaker in the calculated structure than the one obtained from the X-ray data. Other differences between the experimental and theoretical structures in the chromophore binding site are discussed with respect to the unique spectral properties and excited state reactivity of the chromophore.  相似文献   

Hydration of protein cavities influences protein stability, dynamics, and function. Protein active sites usually contain water molecules that, upon ligand binding, are either displaced into bulk solvent or retained to mediate protein–ligand interactions. The contribution of water molecules to ligand binding must be accounted for to compute accurate values of binding affinities. This requires estimation of the extent of hydration of the binding site. However, it is often difficult to identify the water molecules involved in the binding process when ligands bind on the surface of a protein. Cytochrome P450cam is, therefore, an ideal model system because its substrate binds in a buried active site, displacing partially disordered solvent, and the protein is well characterized experimentally. We calculated the free energy differences for having five to eight water molecules in the active site cavity of the unliganded enzyme from molecular dynamics simulations by thermodynamic integration employing a three-stage perturbation scheme. The computed free energy differences between the hydration states are small (within 12 kJ mol−1) but distinct. Consistent with the crystallographic determination and studies employing hydrostatic pressure, we calculated that, although ten water molecules could in principle occupy the volume of the active site, occupation by five to six water molecules is thermodynamically most favorable. Proteins 32:381–396, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The interaction of a set of monovalent (Na+, K+) and divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+) metal cations with single-chain polyguluronate (periodic chain based on a dodecameric repeat unit, 21-helical conformation) is investigated using explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations (at 300 K and 1 bar). A total of 14 (neutralising) combinations of the different ions are considered (single type of cation or simultaneous presence of two types of cation, either in the presence or absence of chloride anions). The main observations are: (1) the chain conformation and intramolecular hydrogen bonding is insensitive to the counter-ion environment; (2) the binding of the cations is essentially non-specific for all ions considered (counter-ion atmosphere confined within a cylinder of high ionic density, but no well-defined binding sites); (3) the density and tightness of the distributions of the different cations within the counter-ion atmosphere follow the approximate sequence Ca2+>Mg2+>K+~Na+; (4) the solvent-separated binding of the cations to the carboxylate groups of the chain is frequent, and its occurrence follows the approximate sequence K+>Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+ (contact-binding events as well as the binding of a cation to multiple carboxylate groups are very infrequent); and (5) the counter-ion atmosphere typically leads to a complete screening of the chain charge within 1.0–1.2 nm of the chain axis and, for most systems, to a charge reversal at about 1.5 nm (i.e. the effective chain charge becomes positive at this distance and as high in magnitude as one-quarter of the bare chain charge, before slowly decreasing to zero). These findings agree well (in a qualitative sense) with available experimental data and predictions from simple analytical models, and provide further insight concerning the nature of alginate–cation interactions in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to gain fundamental insights into the mechanisms for the primary detonation process of 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB) under shock wave loading using self-consistent charge density-functional tight binding(SCC-DFTB) calculations combined with the multiscale shock technique (MSST). The primary process starts with shock loading and ends with the formation of dynamically stable heterocyclic clusters, which could inhibit the reactivity of TATB. The results show that the initial step of shocked TATB decomposition is the N–O bond cleavage; then carbon rings aggregate and connect by N atoms to form clusters; after the carbon rings open, heterocyclic clusters with nitrogen are formed, and persist throughout the simulation. This is a new mechanism for the primary processes of shocked TATB and this initiation mechanism is independent of the initial shock speeds.  相似文献   

The role of crystal packing in determining the observed conformations of amino acid side-chains in protein crystals is investigated by (1) analysis of a database of proteins that have been crystallized in different unit cells (space group or unit cell dimensions) and (2) theoretical predictions of side-chain conformations with the crystal environment explicitly represented. Both of these approaches indicate that the crystal environment plays an important role in determining the conformations of polar side-chains on the surfaces of proteins. Inclusion of the crystal environment permits a more sensitive measurement of the achievable accuracy of side-chain prediction programs, when validating against structures obtained by X-ray crystallography. Our side-chain prediction program uses an all-atom force field and a Generalized Born model of solvation and is thus capable of modeling simple packing effects (i.e. van der Waals interactions), electrostatic effects, and desolvation, which are all important mechanisms by which the crystal environment impacts observed side-chain conformations. Our results are also relevant to the understanding of changes in side-chain conformation that may result from ligand docking and protein-protein association, insofar as the results reveal how side-chain conformations change in response to their local environment.  相似文献   

Designing of rapid, facile, selective, and cost-effective biosensor technology is a growing area for the detection of various classes of pesticides. The biosensor with these features can be achieved only through the various bio-components using different transducers. This study, therefore, focuses on the usage of molecular docking, specificity tendencies, and capabilities of proteins for the detection of pesticides. Accordingly, the four transducers, acetylcholinesterase (ACH), cytochromes P450 (CYP), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and protein kinase C (PKC) were selected based on their applications including neurotransmitter, metabolism, detoxification enzyme, and protein phosphorylation. Then after molecular docking of the pesticides, fenobucarb, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and parathion onto each enzyme, the conformational behavior of the most stable complexes was further analyzed using 50 ns Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations carried out under explicit water conditions. In the case of protein kinase C (PKC) and cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme (CYP), the fenobucarb complex showed the most suitable combination of free energy of binding and inhibition constant ?4.42 kcal/mol (573.73 μM) and ?5.1 kcal/mol (183.49 μM), respectively. Parathion dominated for acetylcholinesterase (ACH) with ?4.57 kcal/mol (448.09 μM) and lastly dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane for glutathione S-transferase (GST), ?5.43 kcal/mol (103.88 μM). The RMSD variations were critical for understanding the impact of pesticides as they distinctively influence the energetic attributes of the proteins. Overall, the outcomes from the extensive analysis provide an insight into the structural features of the proteins studied, thereby highlighting their potential use as a substrate in biorecognition sensing of pesticide compounds.  相似文献   

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