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电压门控钠离子通道疾病的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈程浩  周桃  云慧  刘新星  谢建平 《生物磁学》2013,(30):5995-6000
细胞膜上的电压门控钠离子通道(Voltage-gated Sodium Channels,VGSCs)是细胞形成动作电位过程中重要的组成构件,由一个大的α亚基和一个或多个不同的β亚基组成,中央是具高度选择性只允许钠离子通过的亲水通道。电压门控钠离子通道在调节细胞膜电位、维持细胞离子稳态、细胞增殖和凋亡等生理过程中发挥着重要作用,因而钠离子通道自身的异变或是相关基因的变异都可能引起一系列身体病变。本文主要介绍了电压门控钠离子通道的结构与功能,阐述了其与癌细胞侵袭转移和神经病理性疼痛的关系,并介绍了几种典型的由钠离子通道基因变异引起的疾病。随着对电压门控钠离子通道及其异常分子机制研究的不断深入,新成果将为生理学、药理学和病理学等领域的研究提供理论基础和新的研究思路,为离子通道疾病的临床预防、诊断与治疗找到新途径。  相似文献   

Li YJ  Ji YH 《生理科学进展》1999,30(4):297-302
通道病理学是当今国际学术发展中一门新兴学科。本文将针对有关电压门控钠通道的变异所导致的机体疾患,如高血钾性周期性麻痹,先天性肌强直等骨骼肌疾患,LQT3,原发笥心室纤颤等心脏病及其所涉及的钠通道突变体,通道的突变位点和电生理性质等一些研究资料与进展作一概括介绍。  相似文献   

电压门控钠通道NaV1.7选择性高表达在伤害感受性脊髓背根神经节的感觉神经元上,在疼痛电信号的产生、传导和调控中具有重要的生理功能。伤害性感受器上的NaV1.7亦在慢性神经痛和炎症痛的病理生理过程中发挥关键作用。近年来的研究发现,人类遗传性疼痛症(如红斑性肢痛病)与NaV1.7钠离子通道基因SCN9A的某些功能增强型突变相关。最近Cox等首次报道了SCN9A突变将导致人先天痛觉完全丧失,而无痛症患者机体其它功能正常,提示NaV1.7将可能成为有效治疗疼痛而无副作用的一个新靶标。  相似文献   

Jia LY  Ji YH 《生理科学进展》1999,30(2):107-107
依靠现代分子生物学技术及电生理的记录,探讨各种Na^+通道亚型在中枢与周边神经系统以及一些非兴奋性组织细胞中的分布,表达,突变及其对信息调控的功能特征,已成为当今神经生物学等学科发展中的一个研究新热点,本文将侧重对有关哺乳动物Na^+通道亚型的分类,在不同组织细胞中的分布及其表达调控的功能机制等一些研究进展做一简要的回眸。  相似文献   

电压门控钠通道与背根神经元伤害性传入   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Tan ZY  Ji YH 《生理科学进展》1999,30(3):198-202
背根神经节(DRG)神经元伤害性传入涉及到多层面复杂的神经递质与其相关靶受体的分子参与和调控。本文侧重结合DRG神经元中钠电流的表达分布规律,简要地论及了电压门控钠通道与DRG神经元伤害性性感觉传入及其调制的一些关系。  相似文献   

电压门控钠通道是细胞兴奋性的重要分子基础,在进化演变中远早于神经元。伴随从细菌到脊椎动物的适应性演变,电压门控钠通道逐渐呈现出复杂的结构、功能和亚型多样性,且与诸多人类疾病密切相关。明确电压门控钠通道时空演变的适应性进化,解析电压门控钠通道的功能和结构多样性与人类重大疾病发生机制的相关性,有助于推进电压门控钠通道靶向临床诊疗新策略和新药的发现。  相似文献   

疼痛是一种常见的疾病和临床症状,有时会严重影响患者的生活质量,因此,疼痛的研究、治疗具有重要的实际意义。电压门控钠离子通道在神经元动作电位的起始和传导中起着关键作用,尤其是亚型Nav1.3、Nav1.7、Nav1.8和Nav1.9,它们广泛存在于背根神经节中,参与了疼痛的形成。其中,Nav1.7的基因突变会导致多种遗传性疾病。因此,这些亚型是潜在的、理想的疼痛治疗靶点。主要对电压门控钠离子通道与疼痛有关的最新研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

神经病理性痛的交感—感觉耦联作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xu H  Hu SJ 《生理科学进展》2001,32(2):111-115
周围组织和神经受到损伤引起自发性疼痛、触刺激诱发痛和痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。交感神经系统通过发展异常交感功能,或者通过影响传入神经异常活动参与上述的病理性变化,进而造成神经病理性痛。本文对目前关于交感-感觉耦联作用及其受体、细胞内和神经机制进行综述。  相似文献   

电压门控性K 通道是由4个相同亚单位构成的四聚体通道,其中每个亚单位都含有1个电压感受器,并且4个亚单位合起来组成1个中央孔.电压门控性通道蛋白具有3种主要功能,一是离子通透功能,二是门控蛋白构象改变,三是门控与感知机制的偶联.通道具有高通透速率和高选择性,通过构象改变的门控机制有3种,一是S6束交叉门控,二是球链门控,三是选择性滤器的门控.  相似文献   

电压门控性钠离子通道与伤害性感受   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
伤害性感受器激活引起疼痛的概念,现已广泛被人们接受,大量实验表明,伤害性感受器兴奋性的变化与一些离子通道有关,对河豚毒素不敏感的电压依赖性钠离子通道(TTXr)选择性地分布于与伤害性感受有关的初级感受神经元,炎症反应和神经损伤诱发的慢性疼痛可诱发这种TTXr功能及基因表达的变化,TTXr通道蛋白的反义寡核苷酸(antisense ODN)处理可对抗炎症或神经损伤引起的痛觉过敏或超敏,提示TTXr在伤害性感受中起重要作用,有望成为特异性镇痛药物的药理作用靶点。  相似文献   

The role of voltage-gated sodium channels in neuropathic pain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Use-dependent inhibitors of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC) are important therapeutic tools for chronic pain management, but are limited by possible severe side effects. Recent studies have provided much new information on the function of several voltage-gated sodium channels that are predominantly expressed in peripheral sensory neurons, and on their possible link to pathological pain states arising from injuries to the sensory nerve. The use of antisense oligonucleotides to target specific channel subtypes shows that the functional localization of the channel subtype Na(V)1.8 after nerve injury is essential for persistent pain states. The putative roles of Na(V)1.3 and Na(V)1.9 in neuropathic pain are also discussed. These studies may form a basis for developing inhibitors to target specific channel subtype(s) for use in chronic pain treatment.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the ion channels, receptors and signalling mechanisms involved in pain pathophysiology, and which specific channels play a role in subtypes of pain such as neuropathic and inflammatory pain, has expanded considerably in recent years. It is now clear that in the neuropathic state the expression of certain channels is modified, and that these changes underlie the plasticity of responses that occur to generate inappropriate pain signals from normally trivial inputs. Pain is modulated by a subset of the voltage-gated sodium channels, including Nav1.3, Nav1.7, Nav1.8 and Nav1.9. These isoforms display unique expression patterns within specific tissues, and are either up- or down-regulated upon injury to the nervous system. Here we describe our current understanding of the roles of sodium channels in pain and nociceptive information processing, with a particular emphasis on neuropathic pain and drugs useful for the treatment of neuropathic pain that act through mechanisms involving block of sodium channels. One of the future challenges in the development of novel sodium channel blockers is to design and synthesise isoform-selective channel inhibitors. This should provide substantial benefits over existing pain treatments.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are a large and functionally diverse group of ion channels found throughout the central nervous system (CNS) and the periphery. Neuronal functions include the control of neurotransmitter release and neuronal excitability in important pain pathways. In the current review we will give an overview of the data that has been generated in support of these channels performing a pivotal role in the pain pathway.  相似文献   

Nomenclature of voltage-gated sodium channels   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  

Slow inactivation in voltage-gated sodium channels is a biophysical process that governs the availability of sodium channels over extended periods of time. Slow inactivation, therefore, plays an important role in controlling membrane excitability, firing properties, and spike frequency adaptation. Defective slow inactivation is associated with several diseases of cell excitability, such as hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, myotonia, idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and long-QT syndrome. These associations underscore the physiological importance of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, our understanding of the molecular substrates for slow inactivation is still fragmentary. This review covers the current state of knowledge concerning the molecular underpinnings of slow inactivation, and its relationship with other biophysical processes of voltage-gated sodium channels.  相似文献   

The rising phase of the action potential in excitable cells is mediated by voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs), of which there are nine mammalian subtypes with distinct tissue distribution and biophysical properties. The involvement of certain VGSC subtypes in disease states such as pain and epilepsy highlights the need for agents that modulate VGSCs in a subtype-specific manner. Conotoxins from marine snails of the Conus genus constitute a promising source of such modulators, since these peptide toxins have evolved to become selective for various membrane receptors, ion channels and transporters in excitable cells. This review covers the structure and function of three classes of conopeptides that modulate VGSCs: the pore-blocking mu-conotoxins, the delta-conotoxins which delay or inhibit VGSC inactivation, and the muO-conotoxins which inhibit VGSC Na(+) conductance independent of the tetrodotoxin binding site. Some of these toxins have potential therapeutic and research applications, in particular the muO-conotoxins, which may develop into potential drug leads for the treatment of pain states.  相似文献   

We study how functional constraints bound and shape evolution through an analysis of mammalian voltage-gated sodium channels. The primary function of sodium channels is to allow the propagation of action potentials. Since Hodgkin and Huxley, mathematical models have suggested that sodium channel properties need to be tightly constrained for an action potential to propagate. There are nine mammalian genes encoding voltage-gated sodium channels, many of which are more than approximately 90% identical by sequence. This sequence similarity presumably corresponds to similarity of function, consistent with the idea that these properties must be tightly constrained. However, the multiplicity of genes encoding sodium channels raises the question: why are there so many? We demonstrate that the simplest theoretical constraints bounding sodium channel diversity--the requirements of membrane excitability and the uniqueness of the resting potential--act directly on constraining sodium channel properties. We compare the predicted constraints with functional data on mammalian sodium channel properties collected from the literature, including 172 different sets of measurements from 40 publications, wild-type and mutant, under a variety of conditions. The data from all channel types, including mutants, obeys the excitability constraint; on the other hand, channels expressed in muscle tend to obey the constraint of a unique resting potential, while channels expressed in neuronal tissue do not. The excitability properties alone distinguish the nine sodium channels into four different groups that are consistent with phylogenetic analysis. Our calculations suggest interpretations for the functional differences between these groups.  相似文献   

NaChBac, a six-alpha-helical transmembrane-spanning protein cloned from Bacillus halodurans, is the first functionally characterized bacterial voltage-gated Na(+)-selective channel. As a highly expressing ion channel protein, NaChBac is an ideal candidate for high resolution structural determination and structure-function studies. The biological role of NaChBac, however, is still unknown. In this report, another 11 structurally related bacterial proteins are described. Two of these functionally expressed as voltage-dependent Na(+) channels (Na(V)PZ from Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens and Na(V)SP from Silicibacter pomeroyi). Na(V)PZ and Na(V)SP share approximately 40% amino acid sequence identity with NaChBac. When expressed in mammalian cell lines, both Na(V)PZ and Na(V)SP were Na(+)-selective and voltage-dependent. However, their kinetics and voltage dependence differ significantly. These single six-alpha-helical transmembrane-spanning subunits constitute a widely distributed superfamily (Na(V)Bac) of channels in bacteria, implying a fundamental prokaryotic function. The degree of sequence homology (22-54%) is optimal for future comparisons of Na(V)Bac structure and function of similarity and dissimilarity among Na(V)Bac proteins. Thus, the Na(V)Bac superfamily is fertile ground for crystallographic, electrophysiological, and microbiological studies.  相似文献   

One of the major physiological roles of the neuronal voltage-gated sodium channel is to generate action potentials at the axon hillock/initial segment and to ensure propagation along myelinated or unmyelinated fibers to nerve terminal. These processes require a precise distribution of sodium channels accumulated at high density in discrete subdomains of the nerve membrane. In neurons, information relevant to ion channel trafficking and compartmentalization into sub-domains of the plasma membrane is far from being elucidated. Besides, whereas information on dendritic targeting is beginning to emerge, less is known about the mechanisms leading to the polarized distribution of proteins in axon. To obtain a better understanding of how neurons selectively target sodium channels to discrete subdomains of the nerve, we addressed the question as to whether any of the large intracellular regions of Nav1.2 contain axonal sorting and/or clustering signals. We first obtained evidence showing that addition of the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal region of Nav1.2 restricted the distribution of a dendritic-axonal reporter protein to axons of hippocampal neurons. The analysis of mutants revealed that a di-leucine-based motif mediates chimera compartmentalization in axons and its elimination in soma and dendrites by endocytosis. The analysis of the others generated chimeras showed that the determinant conferring sodium channel clustering at the axonal initial segment is contained within the cytoplasmic loop connecting domains II-III of Nav1.2. Expression of a soluble Nav1.2 II-III linker protein led to the disorganization of endogenous sodium channels. The motif was sufficient to redirect a somatodendritic potassium channel to the axonal initial segment, a process involving association with ankyrin G. Thus, it is conceivable that concerted action of the two determinants is required for sodium channel compartmentalization in axons.  相似文献   

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