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Combined microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to investigate carbon metabolism in uncultured bacteria from the genus Achromatium. All of the Achromatium species identified in a freshwater sediment from Rydal Water, Cumbria, United Kingdom, which were distinguishable only by FISH, assimilated both [(14)C]bicarbonate and [(14)C]acetate. This extends previous findings that Achromatium spp. present at another location could only utilize organic carbon sources. Achromatium spp., therefore, probably exhibit a range of physiologies, i.e., facultative chemolithoautotrophy, mixotrophy, and chemoorganoheterotrophy, similar to other large sulfur bacteria (e.g., Beggiatoa spp.).  相似文献   

Achromatium is a genus of large unicellular sulfur bacteria. Despite being first described in the late 19th century, no Achromatium spp. have yet been isolated in culture, and for over 100 years, knowledge of their ecology, physiology and relationships to other bacteria has been scant. In recent years, the application of culture-independent techniques combined with in situ process measurements and single-cell activity measurements in sediments harbouring large Achromatium populations, has expanded our knowledge of these bacteria. Aspects of carbon and sulfur metabolism in Achromatium are now better understood, but their preferred electron acceptor(s) remain unknown. Unexpected diversity has been uncovered in Achromatium populations and it is now clear that the organism routinely described as Achromatium oxaliferum actually comprises several distinct Achromatium spp.  相似文献   

Microautoradiography was used to investigate substrate uptake by natural communities of uncultured bacteria from the genus Achromatium. Studies of the uptake of 14C-labelled substrates demonstrated that Achromatium cells from freshwater sediments were able to assimilate 14C from bicarbonate, acetate, and protein hydrolysate; however, 14C-labelled glucose was not assimilated. The pattern of substrate uptake by Achromatium spp. was therefore similar to those of a number of other freshwater and marine sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Different patterns of radiolabelled bicarbonate uptake were noted for Achromatium communities from different geographical locations and indicated that one community (Rydal Water) possessed autotrophic potential, while the other (Hell Kettles) did not. Furthermore, the patterns of organic substrate uptake within a single population suggested that physiological diversity existed in natural communities of Achromatium. These observations are consistent with and may relate to the phylogenetic diversity observed in Achromatium communities. Incubation of Achromatium-bearing sediment cores from Rydal Water with 35S-labelled sulfate in the presence and absence of sodium molybdate demonstrated that this bacterial population was capable of oxidizing sulfide to intracellular elemental sulfur. This finding supported the role of Achromatium in the oxidative component of a tightly coupled sulfur cycle in Rydal Water sediment. The oxidation of sulfide to sulfur and ultimately to sulfate by Achromatium cells from Rydal Water sediment is consistent with an ability to conserve energy from sulfide oxidation.  相似文献   

Large sulfur bacteria of the genus Achromatium are exceptional among Bacteria and Archaea as they can accumulate high amounts of internal calcite. Although known for more than 100 years, they remain uncultured, and only freshwater populations have been studied so far. Here we investigate a marine population of calcite-accumulating bacteria that is primarily found at the sediment surface of tide pools in a salt marsh, where high sulfide concentrations meet oversaturated oxygen concentrations during the day. Dynamic sulfur cycling by phototrophic sulfide-oxidizing and heterotrophic sulfate-reducing bacteria co-occurring in these sediments creates a highly sulfidic environment that we propose induces behavioral differences in the Achromatium population compared with reported migration patterns in a low-sulfide environment. Fluctuating intracellular calcium/sulfur ratios at different depths and times of day indicate a biochemical reaction of the salt marsh Achromatium to diurnal changes in sedimentary redox conditions. We correlate this calcite dynamic with new evidence regarding its formation/mobilization and suggest general implications as well as a possible biological function of calcite accumulation in large bacteria in the sediment environment that is governed by gradients. Finally, we propose a new taxonomic classification of the salt marsh Achromatium based on their adaptation to a significantly different habitat than their freshwater relatives, as indicated by their differential behavior as well as phylogenetic distance on 16S ribosomal RNA gene level. In future studies, whole-genome characterization and additional ecophysiological factors could further support the distinctive position of salt marsh Achromatium.  相似文献   

We simultaneously determined the phylogenetic identification and substrate uptake patterns of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) inhabiting a sewer biofilm with oxygen, nitrate, or sulfate as an electron acceptor by combining microautoradiography and fluorescent in situ hybridization (MAR-FISH) with family- and genus-specific 16S rRNA probes. The MAR-FISH analysis revealed that Desulfobulbus hybridized with probe 660 was a dominant SRB subgroup in this sewer biofilm, accounting for 23% of the total SRB. Approximately 9 and 27% of Desulfobulbus cells detected with probe 660 could take up [(14)C]propionate with oxygen and nitrate, respectively, as an electron acceptor, which might explain the high abundance of this species in various oxic environments. Furthermore, more than 40% of Desulfobulbus cells incorporated acetate under anoxic conditions. SRB were also numerically important members of H(2)-utilizing and (14)CO(2)-fixing microbial populations in this sewer biofilm, accounting for roughly 42% of total H(2)-utilizing bacteria hybridized with probe EUB338. A comparative 16S ribosomal DNA analysis revealed that two SRB populations, related to the Desulfomicrobium hypogeium and the Desulfovibrio desulfuricans MB lineages, were found to be important H(2) utilizers in this biofilm. The substrate uptake characteristics of different phylogenetic SRB subgroups were compared with the characteristics described to date. These results provide further insight into the correlation between the 16S rRNA phylogenetic diversity and the physiological diversity of SRB populations inhabiting sewer biofilms.  相似文献   

The combination of fluorescence in situ hybridization and microautoradiography (FISH-MAR approach) was applied to brine samples of a solar saltern crystallizer pond from Mallorca (Spain) where the simultaneous occurrence of Salinibacter spp. and the conspicuous square Archaea had been detected. Radioactively labeled bicarbonate, acetate, glycerol, and an amino acid mixture were tested as substrates for the microbial populations inhabiting such brines. The results indicated that hitherto uncultured 'square Archaea' do actively incorporate amino acids and acetate. However, Salinibacter spp. only showed amino acid incorporation in pure culture, but no evidence of such activity in their natural environment could be demonstrated. No glycerol incorporation was observed for any component of the microbial community.Communicated by W.D. Grant  相似文献   

A technique based on quantitative microautoradiography (QMAR) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was developed and evaluated in order to determine the quantitative uptake of specific substrates in probe-defined filamentous bacteria directly in a complex system. The technique, QMAR-FISH, has a resolution of a single cell and is based on an improved fixation protocol and the use of an internal standard of bacteria with known specific radioactivity. The method was used to study the in situ ecophysiology of the filamentous bacteria 'Candidatus Meganema perideroedes' and Thiothrix sp. directly in an activated sludge system. The cellular uptake rate of tritium-labelled substrates revealed an average cell-specific uptake rate of 4.1 yen 10-15 mol of acetate cell-1 h-1 and 3.1 yen 10-15 mol of acetate cell-1 h-1 for the two filamentous species respectively. The two filamentous species had very similar activity in all cells along each filament. Surprisingly, the filaments within both probe-defined populations had threefold variation in activity between the different filaments, demonstrating a large variation in activity level within a single population in a complex system. The substrate affinity (Ks) for uptake of acetate of the cells within the two filamentous bacteria was determined by incubation with variable concentrations of labelled acetate. The Ks values of the 'Candidatus Meganema perideroedes' and the Thiothrix filamentous bacteria were determined to be 1.8 micro M and 2.4 micro M acetate respectively.  相似文献   

Intracellular inclusions of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetotactic bacteria produce magnetic crystals in organelles called magnetosomes. The bacterial cells may also have phosphorus-containing granules, sulfur globules, or polyhydroxyalkanoate inclusions. In the present study, the ultrastructure and elemental composition of intracellular inclusions from uncultured magnetotactic bacteria collected in a marine environment are described. Magnetosomes contained mainly defect-free, single magnetite crystals with prismatic morphologies. Two types of phosphorus-containing granules were found in magnetotactic cocci. The most common consisted of phosphorus-rich granules containing P, O, and Mg; and sometimes also C, Na, Al, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, and small amounts of S and Cl were also found. In phosphorus-sulfur-iron granules, P, O, S, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, and frequently Cl, K, and Zn, were detected. Most cells had two phosphorus-rich granules, which were very similar in elemental composition. In rod-shaped bacteria, these granules were positioned at a specific location in the cell, suggesting a high level of intracellular organization. Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules and sulfur globules were less commonly seen in the cells and had no fixed number or specific location. The presence and composition of these intracellular structures provide clues regarding the physiology of the bacteria that harbor them and the characteristics of the microenvironments where they thrive.  相似文献   

Characterization of a gene encoding cellulase from uncultured soil bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To detect cellulases encoded by uncultured microorganisms, we constructed metagenomic libraries from Korean soil DNAs. Screenings of the libraries revealed a clone pCM2 that uses carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as a sole carbon source. Further analysis of the insert showed two consecutive ORFs (celM2 and xynM2) encoding proteins of 226 and 662 amino acids, respectively. A multiple sequence analysis with the deduced amino acid sequences of celM2 showed 36% sequence identity with cellulase from the Synechococcus sp., while xynM2 had 59% identity to endo-1,4-beta-xylanase A from Cellulomonas pachnodae. The highest enzymatic CMC hydrolysis was observable at pH 4.0 and 45 degrees C with recombinant CelM2 protein. Although the enzyme CelM2 additionally hydrolyzed avicel and xylan, no substrate hydrolysis was observed on oligosaccharides such as cellobiose, pNP-beta-cellobioside, pNP-beta-glucoside, and pNP-beta-xyloside. These results showed that CelM2 is a novel endo-type cellulase.  相似文献   

The adhesion to inert solid surfaces was explored as a novel approach for the enrichment of previously uncultured bacteria from natural microbial communities. Enrichments on solid steel, glass and synthetic polymeric surfaces were established using samples from five freshwater lakes, a marine microbial mat and an alpine soil, and were subsequently analysed by molecular fingerprinting and sequencing of their 16S rRNA gene fragments. The majority of the enriched phylotypes grouped with the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria or Bacteroidetes and in several cases were related to typical biofilm‐forming species and genera. Most enrichments were most closely related to previously uncultured phylotypes and none had previously been cultivated from the original environments even when applying improved high throughput liquid cultivation techniques. Of the 13 phylotypes enriched from freshwater samples, seven were previously unknown, three matched so‐far uncultured environmental clones, and three were identical to previously cultivated bacteria. Of the 17 phylotypes recovered from soil, 12 were previously unknown with five of these phylotypes representing novel genera, whereas five phylotypes were identical to previously cultured soil bacteria. The feasibility of the biofilm‐enrichment approach was exemplified by the successful isolation of a not‐yet cultured Betaproteobacterium that constituted a discernible component of the alpine soil microbial community in situ and exhibited only 93% similarity to its closest cultured relative. Based on these results, cultivation on solid surfaces represents a promising approach to recover isolates that have so far escaped cultivation as suspended cultures in liquid media.  相似文献   

Isolation of novel lipolytic genes from uncultured bacteria of pond water   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Metagenomic libraries give access to gene pool of bacteria present in environmental samples avoiding the culture bias. A metagenomic library of pond water microbial assemblage in plasmid vector containing about 532 Mb of community DNA was prepared. Screening of a part of the unamplified library resulted in isolation of 11 unique lipolytic clones with an ability to hydrolyze tributyrin. DNA sequence of the lipolytic genes varied in G+C composition from 57% to 75%. Twelve lipolytic genes encoding proteins with 25-70% amino acid identity with proteins in the databases were identified. Ten of the encoded proteins belonged to seven known lipolytic protein families. One of the proteins was similar to recently identified esterase BioH. A lipolytic protein with high similarity to yet uncharacterized alpha/beta hydrolase protein family abh_upf0017 was identified from one of the clones. Conserved motif for lipolytic enzymes GXSXG, conserved aspartic and histidine residues were identified in this encoded protein.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones assist protein folding by ATP-dependent association with linear peptide segments of a large variety of folding intermediates. The molecular basis for this ability to differentiate between native and non-native conformers was investigated for the DnaK homolog of Escherichia coli. We identified binding sites and the recognition motif in substrates by screening 4360 cellulose-bound peptides scanning the sequences of 37 biologically relevant proteins. DnaK binding sites in protein sequences occurred statistically every 36 residues. In the folded proteins these sites are mostly buried and in the majority found in beta-sheet elements. The binding motif consists of a hydrophobic core of four to five residues enriched particularly in Leu, but also in Ile, Val, Phe and Tyr, and two flanking regions enriched in basic residues. Acidic residues are excluded from the core and disfavored in flanking regions. The energetic contribution of all 20 amino acids for DnaK binding was determined. On the basis of these data an algorithm was established that predicts DnaK binding sites in protein sequences with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Chitinases from uncultured marine microorganisms.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Our understanding of the degradation of organic matter will benefit from a greater appreciation for the genes encoding enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of biopolymers such as chitin, one of the most abundant polymers in nature. To isolate representative and abundant chitinase genes from uncultivated marine bacteria, we constructed libraries of genomic DNA isolated from coastal and estuarine waters. The libraries were screened for genes encoding proteins that hydrolyze a fluorogenic analogue of chitin, 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-N,N'-diacetylchitobioside (MUF-diNAG). The abundance of clones capable of MUF-diNAG hydrolysis was higher in the library constructed with DNA from the estuary than in that constructed with DNA from coastal waters, although the abundance of positive clones was also dependent on the method used to screen the library. Plaque assays revealed nine MUF-diNAG-positive clones of 75,000 screened for the estuarine sample and two clones of 750,000 for the coastal sample. A microtiter plate assay revealed approximately 1 positive clone for every 500 clones screened in the coastal library. The number of clones detected with the plaque assay was consistent with estimates of the portion of culturable bacteria that degrade chitin. Our results suggest that culture-dependent methods do not greatly underestimate the portion of marine bacterial communities capable of chitin degradation.  相似文献   

Two species of beta-lactamase determined by plasmids in enteric bacteria that show some resemblance to TEM enzymes are described. Both are distinct from all other plasmid-mediated beta-lactamases and differ from the TEM beta-lactamases in ability to hydrolyze some substrates, in isoelectric point, in immunological specificity, and in susceptibility to inhibition. One of the enzyme species, mediated by plasmid p453, has been briefly described previously. We have discovered that this beta-lactamase, designated SHV-1, is unique in its response to inhibition by the sulfhydryl group reagent p-chloromercuribenzoate, because the hydrolysis of cephaloridine but not that of benzylpenicillin is affected. This enzyme is found in a variety of plasmid types which were transferred from several bacterial species collected from a wide geographic range. The other enzyme species is novel; only a single plasmid determining this kind of beta-lactamase (designated HMS-1) has been detected.  相似文献   

Of the four investigated Rhodococcus strains (R. rhodochrous 172, R. opacus 4a and 557, and R. rhodnii 135), the first three strains were found to be able to completely transform fluorene when it was present in the medium as the sole source of carbon at a concentration of 12-25 mg/l. At a fluorene concentration of 50-100 mg/l in the medium, the rhodococci transformed 50% of the substrate in 14 days. The addition of casamino acids and sucrose (1-5 g/l) stimulated fluorene transformation, so that R. rhodochrous 172 could completely transform it in 2-5 days. Nine intermediates of fluorene transformation were isolated, purified, and structurally characterized. It was found that R. rhodnii 135 and R. opacus strains 4a and 557 hydroxylated fluorene with the formation of 2-hydroxyfluorene and 2,7-dihydroxyfluorene. R. rhodochrous 172 transformed fluorene via two independent pathways to a greater degree than did the other rhodococci studied.  相似文献   

RNase P recognizes many different precursor tRNAs as well as other substrates and cleaves all of them accurately at the expected position. RNase P recognizes the tRNA structure of the precursor tRNA by a set of interactions between the catalytic RNA subunit and the T- and acceptor-stems mainly, although residues in the 5-leader sequence as well as the 3-terminal CCA are important. These conclusions have been reached by several studies on mutant precursor tRNAs as well as cross-linking studies between RNase P RNA and precursor tRNAs. The protein subunit of RNase P seems also to affect the way that the substrate is recognized as well as the range of substrates that can be used by RNase P, although the protein does not seem to interact directly with the substrates. The interaction between the protein and RNA subunits of RNase P has been extensively studiedin vitro. The protein subunit sequence is not highly conserved among bacteria, however different proteins are functionally equivalent as heterologous reconstitution of the RNase P holoenzyme can be achieved in many cases.Abbreviations C5 protein protein subunit fromE. coli RNase P - EGS external guide sequence - M1 RNA RNA subunit formE. coli RNase P - ptRNA precursor tRNA - RNase P ribonuclease P  相似文献   

Microbial communities inhabit algae cell surfaces and produce a variety of compounds that can impact the fitness of the host. These interactions have been studied via culturing, single-gene diversity and metagenomic read survey methods that are limited by culturing biases and fragmented genetic characterizations. Higher-resolution frameworks are needed to resolve the physiological interactions within these algal–bacterial communities. Here, we infer the encoded metabolic capabilities of four uncultured bacterial genomes (reconstructed using metagenomic assembly and binning) associated with the marine dinoflagellates Gambierdiscus carolinianus and G. caribaeus. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that two of the genomes belong to the commonly algae-associated families Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae. The other two genomes belong to the Phycisphaeraceae and include the first algae-associated representative within the uncultured SM1A02 group. Analyses of all four genomes suggest these bacteria are facultative aerobes, with some capable of metabolizing phytoplanktonic organosulfur compounds including dimethylsulfoniopropionate and sulfated polysaccharides. These communities may biosynthesize compounds beneficial to both the algal host and other bacteria, including iron chelators, B vitamins, methionine, lycopene, squalene and polyketides. These findings have implications for marine carbon and nutrient cycling and provide a greater depth of understanding regarding the genetic potential for complex physiological interactions between microalgae and their associated bacteria.  相似文献   

Both the changes in the activities of nitrogenase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase and in the extracellular and intracellular NH4+ concentrations were investigated during the transition from an NH4+ free medium to one containing NH4+ ions for a continuous culture of Azotobacter vinelandii. If added in amounts causing 80-100% repression of nitrogenase, ammonium acetate, lactate and phosphate are absorbed completely, whereas chloride, sulfate and citrate are only taken up to about 80%. After about 1-2 hrs the NH4+ remaining in the medium is absorbed too, indicating the induction or activation of a new NH4+ transport system. One of the new permeases allows the uptake of citrate in the presence of sucrose. Addition of inorganic NH4+ level leads to a reversible rise in the glutamine synthetase activity which is not prevented by chloramphenicol, and to a reversible decrease in nitrogenase activity. During these measurements glutamate dehydrogenase activity remains close to zero. The intracellular NH4+ level of about 0.6 mM does not change when extracellular NH4+ is taken up and repression of nitrogenase starts.  相似文献   

东海表层沉积物纯培养与非培养细菌多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2011年7月采集了浙江舟山沿岸海底沉积物样品(122°10′41″E,29°49′7″N),通过埋片原位观察、荧光显微计数、纯培养菌分离以及非培养细菌构建克隆文库的方法,分析和研究了东海表层沉积物细菌群落结构及其多样性.埋片原位观察和荧光显微计数法的结果表明:沉积物样品中细菌的细胞数量为(9.30±3.44)×107 cells/g;通过分离纯化共获得313株细菌,分属于20个属,4种培养基对细菌的分离效果依次为RO>M l>Zobell 2216>MR2A;常规形态学与生理生化鉴定结果显示芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和海球菌属(Marinococcus)从数量和种类上皆为优势菌属,分别占分离菌株总数的21.08%和17.25%;对73株典型海洋细菌进行16S rDNA分子鉴定发现,厚壁菌门(57.5%)、γ-变形杆菌纲(32.9%)、黄杆菌纲(4.1%)和放线菌纲(5.5%)等为主要类群.非培养细菌克隆文库序列分析发现:细菌克隆子主要属于厚壁菌门和变形杆菌门,而芽孢杆菌纲和γ-变形杆菌纲是上述两个门的优势类群.综合纯培养与非培养数据得出东海海域表层沉积物细菌多样性丰富,具有进一步开发研究的价值.  相似文献   

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