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Herpesvirus DNA is packaged into capsids in the nuclei of infected cells in a process requiring at least six viral proteins. Of the proteins required for encapsidation of viral DNA, UL15 and UL28 are the most conserved among herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV), varicella-zoster virus, and equine herpesvirus 1. The subcellular distribution of the pseudorabies virus (PRV) UL28 protein was examined by in situ immunofluorescence. UL28 was present in the nuclei of infected cells; however, UL28 was limited to the cytoplasm in the absence of other viral proteins. When cells expressing variant forms of UL28 were infected with a PRV UL28-null mutant, UL28 entered the nucleus, provided the carboxyl-terminal 155 amino acids were present. Additionally, PRV UL28 entered the nucleus in cells infected with HSV. Two HSV packaging proteins were tested for the ability to affect the subcellular distribution of UL28. Coexpression of HSV UL15 enabled PRV UL28 to enter the nucleus in a manner that required the carboxyl-terminal 155 amino acids of UL28. Coexpression of HSV UL25 did not affect the distribution of UL28. We propose that an interaction between UL15 and UL28 facilitates the transport of a UL15-UL28 complex to the infected-cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Studies on the herpes simplex virus type 1 UL25-null mutant KUL25NS have shown that the capsid-associated UL25 protein is required at a late stage in the encapsidation of viral DNA. Our previous work on UL25 with the UL25 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant ts1204 also implicated UL25 in a role at very early times in the virus growth cycle, possibly at the stage of penetration of the host cell. We have reexamined this mutant and discovered that it had an additional ts mutation elsewhere in the genome. The ts1204 UL25 mutation was transferred into wild-type (wt) virus DNA, and the UL25 mutant ts1249 was isolated and characterized to clarify the function of UL25 at the initial stages of virus infection. Indirect immunofluorescence assays and in situ hybridization analysis of virus-infected cells revealed that the mutant ts1249 was not impaired in penetration of the host cell but had an uncoating defect at the nonpermissive temperature. When ts1249-infected cells were incubated initially at the permissive temperature to allow uncoating of the viral genome and subsequently transferred to the restrictive temperature, a DNA-packaging defect was evident. The results suggested that ts1249, like KUL25NS, had a block at a late stage of DNA packaging and that the packaged genome was shorter than the full-length genome. Examination of ts1249 capsids produced at the nonpermissive temperature revealed that, in comparison with wt capsids, they contained reduced amounts of UL25 protein, thereby providing a possible explanation for the failure of ts1249 to package full-length viral DNA.  相似文献   

Homologues of the UL7 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 are conserved in alpha-, beta-, and gammaherpesviruses. However, little is known about their functions. Using a monospecific rabbit antiserum raised against a bacterial fusion protein, we identified the UL7 gene product of the neurotropic alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PrV). In Western blot analyses of infected cells and purified PrV particles the serum specifically detected a 29-kDa protein, which matches the calculated mass of the 266-amino-acid translation product of PrV UL7. For functional analysis, UL7 was deleted by mutagenesis of an infectious full-length clone of the PrV genome in Escherichia coli. The obtained recombinant PrV-DeltaUL7F was replication competent in rabbit kidney cells, but maximum virus titers were decreased nearly 10-fold and plaque diameters were reduced by ca. 60% compared to wild-type PrV. Electron microscopy of infected cells revealed that in the absence of UL7, formation and nuclear egress of nucleocapsids were not affected, whereas secondary envelopment of cytoplasmic nucleocapsids appeared to be delayed and release of mature virions was less efficient. The observed replication defects were corrected by repair of the viral UL7 gene or by propagation of PrV-DeltaUL7F in UL7-expressing cells. PrV-DeltaUL7F was moderately attenuated in mice. Compared to wild-type virus, mean survival times were prolonged from 2 to 3 days after intranasal infection. However, neuroinvasion and transneuronal spread of PrV were not abolished in the absence of UL7. Thus, UL7 encodes a virion protein of PrV, which plays a role during virion maturation and egress both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Alphaherpesvirus genomes exhibit a generally collinear gene arrangement, and most of their genes are conserved among the different members of the subfamily. Among the exceptions is the UL3.5 gene of pseudorabies virus (PrV) for which positional homologs have been detected in the genomes of varicella-zoster virus, equine herpesvirus 1, and bovine herpesvirus 1 but not in the genomes of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. To identify and characterize the predicted 224 amino acid UL3.5 protein of PrV, a rabbit antiserum was prepared against a UL3.5 fusion protein expressed in Escherichia coli. In Western blot (immunoblot) analyses the antiserum detected a 30-kDa protein in the cytoplasm of PrV infected cells which was absent from purified virions. For functional analysis, UL3.5-expressing cell lines were established and virus mutants were isolated after the rescue of defective, glycoprotein B-negative PrV by insertion of the complementing glycoprotein B-encoding gene of bovine herpesvirus 1 at two sites within the UL3.5 locus. A PrV mutant carrying the insertion at codon 159 and expressing a truncated UL3.5 protein was still capable of efficient productive replication in noncomplementing cells. In contrast, a PrV mutant carrying the insertion at codon 10 of the UL3.5 gene did not express detectable UL3.5 protein and exhibited a dramatic growth deficiency on non-complementing cells with regard to plaque formation and one-step replication. Electron microscopical studies showed an accumulation of unenveloped capsids in the vicinity of the Golgi apparatus. This defect could be compensated by propagation on complementing UL3.5-expressing cell lines. Our results thus demonstrate that the PrV UL3.5 gene encodes a nonstructural protein which plays an important role in virus replication, presumably during virus egress. The functionally relevant domains appear to be located within the N-terminal part of the UL3.5 protein which also comprises the region exhibiting the highest level of homology between the predicted UL3.5 homologous proteins of other alphaherpesviruses.  相似文献   

During replication of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), viral DNA is synthesized in the infected cell nucleus, where DNA-free capsids are also assembled. Genome-length DNA molecules are then cut out of a larger, multigenome concatemer and packaged into capsids. Here we report the results of experiments carried out to test the idea that the HSV-1 UL6 gene product (pUL6) forms the portal through which viral DNA passes as it enters the capsid. Since DNA must enter at a unique site, immunoelectron microscopy experiments were undertaken to determine the location of pUL6. After specific immunogold staining of HSV-1 B capsids, pUL6 was found, by its attached gold label, at one of the 12 capsid vertices. Label was not observed at multiple vertices, at nonvertex sites, or in capsids lacking pUL6. In immunoblot experiments, the pUL6 copy number in purified B capsids was found to be 14.8 +/- 2.6. Biochemical experiments to isolate pUL6 were carried out, beginning with insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus expressing the UL6 gene. After purification, pUL6 was found in the form of rings, which were observed in electron micrographs to have outside and inside diameters of 16.4 +/- 1.1 and 5.0 +/- 0.7 nm, respectively, and a height of 19.5 +/- 1.9 nm. The particle weights of individual rings as determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy showed a majority population with a mass corresponding to an oligomeric state of 12. The results are interpreted to support the view that pUL6 forms the DNA entry portal, since it exists at a unique site in the capsid and forms a channel through which DNA can pass. The HSV-1 portal is the first identified in a virus infecting a eukaryote. In its dimensions and oligomeric state, the pUL6 portal resembles the connector or portal complexes employed for DNA encapsidation in double-stranded DNA bacteriophages such as phi29, T4, and P22. This similarity supports the proposed evolutionary relationship between herpesviruses and double-stranded DNA phages and suggests the basic mechanism of DNA packaging is conserved.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the UL31 open reading frame is predicted to encode a basic protein with a hydrophilic amino terminus and a nuclear localization signal. To identify its gene product, we constructed a viral genome in which the thymidine kinase gene was inserted between the UL31 and UL32 open reading frames. The thymidine kinase gene was then deleted, and in the process, the 5' terminus of the UL31 open reading frame was replaced with a 64-bp sequence in frame with the complete, authentic sequence of the UL31 open reading frame. The inserted sequence encoded a hydrophilic epitope derived from glycoprotein B of human cytomegalovirus and for which a monoclonal antibody is available. We report that in infected cells, the tagged protein localized in and was dispersed throughout the nucleus. Nuclear fractionation studies revealed that the UL31 protein partitions with the nuclear matrix. The protein is phosphorylated in infected cells maintained in medium containing 32Pi.  相似文献   

Positional homologs to the UL51 open reading frame of herpes simplex virus type 1 have been identified throughout the herpesvirus family. However, no respective protein has so far been described for any of the herpesviruses. With rabbit antisera directed against oligopeptides predicted to comprise antigenic regions of the deduced pseudorabies virus (PrV) UL51 protein, a polypeptide with a size of 30 kDa was identified in PrV-infected cell lysates and in purified virions. This molecular mass correlates reasonably well with the predicted mass of 25 kDa of the 236-amino-acid deduced UL51 protein. Antisera raised against peptides derived from different predicted antigenic regions all detected the 30-kDa protein in Western blot (immunoblot) analyses. Specificity was ascertained by peptide competition. Subcellular fractionation showed the presence of the UL51 protein mainly in the nucleus of infected cells. After separation of purified virion preparations into envelope and capsid, the PrV UL51 protein was detected in the capsid fraction. In summary, we identified the first herpesvirus UL51 protein and demonstrate that it represents a structural component of PrV virions.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL37 open reading frame encodes a 120-kDa late (gamma 1), nonstructural protein in infected cells. Recent studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that the UL37 protein interacts in the cytoplasm of infected cells with ICP8, the major HSV-1 DNA-binding protein. As a result of this interaction, the UL37 protein is transported to the nucleus and can be coeluted with ICP8 from single-stranded DNA columns. Pulse-labeling and pulse-chase studies of HSV-1-infected cells with [35S]methionine and 32Pi demonstrated that UL37 was a phosphoprotein which did not have a detectable rate of turnover. The protein was phosphorylated soon after translation and remained phosphorylated throughout the viral replicative cycle. UL37 protein expressed from a vaccinia virus recombinant was also phosphorylated during infection, suggesting that the UL37 protein was phosphorylated by a cellular kinase and that interaction with the ICP8 protein was not a prerequisite for UL37 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) syncytial (syn) mutants cause formation of giant polykaryocytes and have been utilized to identify genes promoting or suppressing cell fusion. We previously described an HSV-1 recombinant, F1 (J.L. Goodman, M. L. Cook, F. Sederati, K. Izumi, and J. G. Stevens, J. Virol. 63:1153-1161, 1989), which has unique virulence properties and a syn mutation in the carboxy terminus of glycoprotein B (gB). We attempted to replace this single-base-pair syn mutation through cotransfection with a 379-bp PCR-generated fragment of wild-type gB. The nonsyncytial viruses isolated were shown by DNA sequencing not to have acquired the expected wild-type gB sequence. Instead, they had lost their cell-cell fusion properties because of alterations mapping to the UL45 gene. The mutant UL45 gene is one nonsyncytial derivative of F1, A4B, was found to have a deletion of a C at UL45 nucleotide 230, resulting in a predicted frame shift and termination at 92 rather than 172 amino acids. Northern (RNA) analysis showed that the mutant UL45 gene was normally transcribed. However, Western immunoblotting showed no detectable UL45 gene product from A4B or from another similarly isolated nonsyncytial F1 derivative, A61B, while another such virus, 1ACSS, expressed reduced amounts of UL45. When A4B was cotransfected with the wild-type UL45 gene, restoration of UL45 expression correlated with restoration of syncytium formation. Conversely, cloned DNA fragments containing the mutant A4B UL45 gene transferred the loss of cell-cell fusion to other gB syn mutants, rendering them UL45 negative and nonsyncytial. We conclude that normal UL45 expression is required to allow cell fusion induced by gB syn mutants and that the nonessential UL45 protein may play an important role as a mediator of fusion events during HSV-1 infection.  相似文献   

P L Ward  D E Barker    B Roizman 《Journal of virology》1996,70(5):2684-2690
An open reading frame mapping antisense to the UL43 gene of herpes simplex virus 1 encodes a protein with an apparent Mr of 38,000. The protein was detected in wild-type-infected cells with rabbit monospecific polyclonal antibody directed against a fusion protein containing all of the sequences encoded by the open reading frame. The antibody did not react with mutants from which the open reading frame was deleted. Expression of this gene, designated UL43.5, was grossly decreased or abolished in infected cells incubated in medium containing inhibitory concentrations of phosphonoacetic acid, suggesting that it is regulated as a gamma gene. UL43.5 is dispensable in cell culture. UL43.5 protein colocalized with the major capsid protein (infected cell protein 5) and the capsid scaffolding proteins (infected cell protein 35) in nuclear structures situated at the periphery of the nucleus. The predicted amino acid sequence indicates that the UL43.5 protein is a highly hydrophilic protein. The colocalization of UL43.5 protein with capsid proteins in discrete nuclear structures suggests that the former may be involved in assembly of viral particles in an accessory role in cells in culture.  相似文献   

The UL20 open reading frame is positionally conserved in different alphaherpesvirus genomes and is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein. A previously described UL20- mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) exhibited a defect in egress correlating with retention of virions in the perinuclear space (J. D. Baines, P. L. Ward, G. Campadelli-Fiume, and B. Roizman, J. Virol. 65:6414-6424, 1991). To analyze UL20 function in a related but different herpesvirus, we constructed a UL20- pseudorabies virus (PrV) mutant by insertional mutagenesis. Similar to HSV-1, UL20- PrV was found to be severely impaired in both cell-to-cell spread and release from cultured cells. The severity of this defect appeared to be cell type dependent, being more prominent in Vero than in human 143TK- cells. Surprisingly, electron microscopy revealed the retention of enveloped virus particles in cytoplasmic vesicles of Vero cells infected with UL20- PrV. This contrasts with the situation in the UL20- HSV-1 mutant, which accumulated virions in the perinuclear cisterna of Vero cells. Therefore, the UL20 gene products of PrV and HSV-1 appear to be involved in distinct steps of viral egress, acting in different intracellular compartments. This might be caused either by different functions of the UL20 proteins themselves or by generally different egress pathways of PrV and HSV-1 mediated by other viral gene products.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) UL25 gene product, a minor capsid protein, is required for encapsidation but not cleavage of replicated viral DNA. This study set out to investigate the potential interactions of UL25 protein with other virus proteins and determine what properties it has for playing a role in DNA encapsidation. The UL25 protein is found in 42 +/- 17 copies per B capsid and is present in both pentons and hexons. We introduced green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a fluorescent tag into the N terminus of UL25 protein to identify its location in HSV-1-infected cells and demonstrated the relocation of UL25 protein from the cytoplasm into the nucleus at the late stage of HSV-1 infection. To clarify the cause of this relocation, we analyzed the interactions of UL25 protein with other virus proteins. The UL25 protein associates with VP5 and VP19C of virus capsids, especially of the penton structures, and the association with VP19C causes its relocation into the nucleus. Gel mobility shift analysis shows that UL25 protein has the potential to bind DNA. Moreover, the amino-terminal one-third of the UL25 protein is particularly important in DNA binding and forms a homo-oligomer. In conclusion, the UL25 gene product forms a tight connection with the capsid being linked with VP5 and VP19C, and it may play a role in anchoring the genomic DNA.  相似文献   

The UL51 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encodes a phosphoprotein whose homologs are conserved throughout the herpes virus family. Recently, we reported that UL51 protein colocalizes with Golgi marker proteins in transfected cells and that targeting of UL51 protein to the Golgi apparatus depends on palmitoylation of its N-terminal cysteine at position 9 (N. Nozawa, T. Daikoku, T. Koshizuka, Y. Yamauchi, T. Yoshikawa, and Y. Nishiyama, J. Virol. 77:3204-3216, 2003). However, its role in the HSV replication cycle was unknown. Here, we generated UL51-null mutants (FDL51) in HSV-1 to uncover the function of UL51 protein. We show that the mutant plaques were much smaller in size and that maximal titers were reduced nearly 100-fold compared to wild-type virus. Electron microscopy indicated that the formation of nucleocapsids was not affected by the deletion of UL51 but that viral egress from the perinuclear space was severely compromised. In FDL51-infected cells, a large number of enveloped nucleocapsids were observed in the perinuclear space, but enveloped mature virions in the cytoplasm, as well as extracellular mature virions, were rarely detected. These defects were fully rescued by reinsertion of the UL51 gene. These results indicate that UL51 protein is involved in the maturation and egress of HSV-1 virus particles downstream of the initial envelopment step.  相似文献   

In pseudorabies virus (PrV), an open reading frame that partially overlaps the gene for the essential glycoprotein gII has been shown to encode a protein homologous to the ICP18.5 polypeptide of herpes simplex virus type 1 (N. Pederson and L. Enquist, Nucleic Acids Res. 17:3597, 1989). To study the function of this protein during the viral replicative cycle, a PrV mutant which carries a beta-galactosidase expression cassette interrupting the ICP18.5(PrV) gene was constructed. This mutant could be propagated only on cell lines that were able to provide ICP18.5(PrV) in trans after transformation with a corresponding genomic PrV DNA fragment. Detailed analysis showed that inactivation of the ICP18.5(PrV) gene did not impair infection of noncomplementing cells, nor did it impair early or late gene expression, as shown by immunoprecipitation of glycoproteins gII, gIII, and gp50. Surface localization of glycoproteins as demonstrated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analyses was also not affected. Southern blot hybridizations, however, showed that cleavage of replicative concatemeric viral DNA did not occur in noncomplementing cells infected by the ICP18.5 mutant PrV. In addition, electron microscopic analysis revealed an accumulation of empty capsids in the nucleus of mutant-infected noncomplementing cells. We conclude that the ICP18.5(PrV) protein is necessary for viral replication and plays an essential role in the process of mature capsid formation.  相似文献   

We have looked for conserved DNA sequences between four herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein genes encoding gB, gC, gD, and gE and pseudorabies virus (PRV) DNA, HSV-1 DNA fragments representing these four glycoprotein-coding sequences were hybridized to restriction enzyme fragments of PRV DNA by the Southern blot procedure. Specific hybridization was observed only when HSV-1 gB DNA was used as probe. This region of hybridization was localized to a 5.2-kilobase (kb) region mapping at approximately 0.15 map units on the PRV genome. Northern blot (RNA blot) analysis, with a 1.2-kb probe derived from this segment, revealed a predominant hybridizing RNA species of approximately 3 kb in PRV-infected PK15 cells. DNA sequence analysis of the region corresponding to this RNA revealed a single large open reading frame with significant nucleotide homology with the gB gene of HSV-1 KOS 321. In addition, the beginning of the sequenced PRV region also contained the end of an open reading frame with amino acid homology to HSV-1 ICP 18.5, a protein that may be involved in viral glycoprotein transport. This sequence partially overlaps the PRV gB homolog coding sequence. We have shown that the PRV gene with homology to HSV-1 gB encoded the gII glycoprotein gene by expressing a 765-base-pair segment of the PRV open reading frame in Escherichia coli as a protein fused to beta-galactosidase. Antiserum, raised in rabbits, against this fusion protein immunoprecipitated a specific family of PRV glycoproteins of apparent molecular mass 110, 68, and 55 kilodaltons that have been identified as the gII family of glycoproteins. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence indicated that the PRV gII protein shares 50% amino acid homology with the aligned HSV-1 gB protein. All 10 cysteine residues located outside of the signal sequence, as well as 4 of 6 potential N-linked glycosylation sites, were conserved between the two proteins. The primary protein sequence for HSV-1 gB regions known to be involved in the rate of virus entry into the cells and cell-cell fusion, as well as regions known to be associated with monoclonal antibody resistance, were highly homologous with the PRV protein sequence. Furthermore, monospecific antibody made against PRV gII immunoprecipitated HSV-1 gB from infected cells. Taken together, these findings suggest significant conservation of structure and function between the two proteins and may indicate a common evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Meckes DG  Wills JW 《Journal of virology》2007,81(23):13028-13036
The UL16 tegument protein of herpes simplex virus is conserved throughout the herpesvirus family. It has been reported to be capsid associated and may be involved in budding by providing an interaction with the membrane-bound UL11 protein. UL16 has been shown to be present in all the major locations that capsids are found (i.e., the nucleus, cytoplasm, and virions), but whether it is actually capsid associated in each of these has not been reported. Therefore, capsids were purified from each compartment, and it was found that UL16 was present on cytoplasmic but not nuclear capsids. In extracellular virions, the majority of UL16 (87%) was once again not capsid associated, which suggests that the interaction is transient during egress. Because herpes simplex virus (HSV) buds into the acidic compartment of the trans-Golgi network (TGN), the effect of pH on the interaction was examined. The amount of capsid-associated UL16 dramatically increased when extracellular virions were exposed to mildly acidic medium (pH 5.0 to 5.5), and this association was fully reversible. After budding into the TGN, capsid and tegument proteins also encounter an oxidizing environment, which is conducive to disulfide bond formation. UL16 contains 20 cysteines, including five that are conserved within a putative zinc finger. Any free cysteines that are involved in the capsid interaction or release mechanism of UL16 would be expected to be modified by N-ethylmaleimide, and, consistent with this, the amount of capsid-associated UL16 dramatically increased when virions were incubated with this compound. Taken together, these data suggest a transient interaction between UL16 and capsids, possibly modified in the acidic compartment of secretory vesicles and requiring a release mechanism that involves cysteines.  相似文献   

The UL17 protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 is essential for packaging the viral genome into the procapsid, a spherical assembly intermediate, and is present in the mature virus particle. We have examined the distribution of UL17 in various assembly products and virions to determine which component of the virus particle UL17 is associated with and at what stage in capsid assembly UL17 is required. UL17 was present in the procapsid, in the DNA-containing angularized C capsid, and in two other angularized capsid forms, A and B, that lack DNA and are thought to be dead-end products. The results suggest that UL17 is a minor capsid protein which is incorporated into the procapsid during assembly of the particle. UL17 was also found in virions and in noninfectious structures known as light (L) particles, which possess a tegument and envelope but lack a capsid. The level of UL17 in these particles was much greater than the amount that could be attributed to capsid contamination of the purified L-particle preparation, suggesting that UL17 is also a tegument protein. The finding that virions contain approximately twofold more UL17 than do C capsids provided further support for the idea that UL17 is present in two different structural components within the mature virion. The UL25 packaging protein, which is also present in virions, was not found in significant amounts in L particles, indicating that it is associated only with the capsid. UL6, the third virion-associated packaging protein, was present in slightly increased levels in L particles.  相似文献   

The large tegument protein encoded by the UL36 gene of pseudorabies virus (PrV) physically interacts with the product of the adjacent UL37 gene (B. G. Klupp, W. Fuchs, H. Granzow, R. Nixdorf, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 76:3065-3071, 2002). To analyze UL36 function, two PrV recombinants were generated by mutagenesis of an infectious PrV full-length clone in Escherichia coli: PrV-DeltaUL36F exhibited a deletion of virtually the complete UL36 coding region, whereas PrV-UL36BSF contained two in-frame deletions of 238 codons spanning the predicted UL37 binding domain. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed that the mutated gene product of PrV-UL36BSF did not interact with the UL37 protein. Like the previously described PrV-DeltaUL37 (B. G. Klupp, H. Granzow, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 75:8927-8936, 2001) but in contrast to PrV-DeltaUL36F, PrV-UL36BSF was able to replicate in rabbit kidney (RK13) cells, although maximum virus titers were reduced ca. 50-fold and plaque diameters were reduced by ca. 45% compared to wild-type PrV. PrV-DeltaUL36F was able to productively replicate after repair of the deleted gene or in a trans-complementing cell line. Electron microscopy of infected RK13 cells revealed that PrV-UL36BSF and phenotypically complemented PrV-DeltaUL36F were capable of nucleocapsid formation and egress from the nucleus by primary envelopment and deenvelopment at the nuclear membrane. However, reenvelopment of nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm was blocked. Only virus-like particles without capsids were released efficiently from cells. Interestingly, cytoplasmic nucleocapsids of PrV-UL36BSF but not of PrV-DeltaUL36F were found in large ordered structures similar to those which had previously been observed with PrV-DeltaUL37. In summary, our results demonstrate that the interaction between the UL36 and UL37 proteins is important but not strictly essential for the formation of secondary enveloped, infectious PrV particles. Furthermore, UL36 possesses an essential function during virus replication which is independent of its ability to bind the UL37 protein.  相似文献   

Homologs of the small tegument protein encoded by the UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus type 1 are conserved throughout all herpesvirus subfamilies. However, their function during viral replication has not yet been conclusively shown. Using a monospecific antiserum and an appropriate viral deletion and rescue mutant, we identified and functionally characterized the UL11 protein of the alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PrV). PrV UL11 encodes a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 10 to 13 kDa that is primarily detected at cytoplasmic membranes during viral replication. In the absence of the UL11 protein, viral titers were decreased approximately 10-fold and plaque sizes were reduced by 60% compared to wild-type virus. Intranuclear capsid maturation and nuclear egress resulting in translocation of DNA-containing capsids into the cytoplasm were not detectably affected. However, in the absence of the UL11 protein, intracytoplasmic membranes were distorted. Moreover, in PrV-DeltaUL11-infected cells, capsids accumulated in the cytoplasm and were often found associated with tegument in aggregated structures such as had previously been demonstrated in cells infected with a PrV triple-mutant virus lacking glycoproteins E, I, and M (A. R. Brack, J. M. Dijkstra, H. Granzow, B. G. Klupp, and T. C. Mettenleiter, J. Virol. 73:5364-5372, 1999). Thus, the PrV UL11 protein, like glycoproteins E, I, and M, appears to be involved in secondary envelopment.  相似文献   

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