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We have determined the nucleotide sequence coding for the chicken brain alpha-spectrin. It is derived both from the cDNA and genomic sequences, comprises the entire coding frame, 5' and 3' untranslated sequences, and terminates in the poly(A)-tail. The deduced amino acid sequence was used to map the domain structure of the protein. The alpha-chain of brain spectrin contains 22 segments of which 20 correspond to the repeat of the human erythrocyte spectrin (Speicher, D. W., and V. T. Marchesi. 1984. Nature (Lond.). 311:177-180.), typically made of 106 residues. These homologous segments probably account for the flexible, rod-like structure of spectrin. Secondary structure prediction suggests predominantly alpha-helical structure for the entire chain. Parts of the primary structure are excluded from the repetitive pattern and they reside in the middle part of the sequence and in its COOH terminus. Search for homology in other proteins showed the presence of the following distinct structures in these nonrepetitive regions: (a) the COOH-terminal part of the molecule that shows homology with alpha-actinin, (b) two typical EF-hand (i.e., Ca2+-binding) structures in this region, (c) a sequence close to the EF-hand that fulfills the criteria for a calmodulin-binding site, and (d) a domain in the middle of the sequence that is homologous to a NH2-terminal segment of several src-tyrosine kinases and to a domain of phospholipase C. These regions are good candidates to carry some established as well as some yet unestablished functions of spectrin. Comparative analysis showed that alpha-spectrin is well conserved across the species boundaries from Xenopus to man, and that the human erythrocyte alpha-spectrin is divergent from the other spectrins.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,130(6):1373-1385
In many eucaryotic cells, the midzone of the mitotic spindle forms a distinct structure containing a specific set of proteins. We have isolated ASE1, a gene encoding a component of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae spindle midzone. Strains lacking both ASE1 and BIK1, which encodes an S. cerevisiae microtubule-associated protein, are inviable. The analysis of the phenotype of a bik1 ase1 conditional double mutant suggests that BIK1 and ASE1 are not required for the assembly of a bipolar spindle, but are essential for anaphase spindle elongation. The steady-state levels of Ase1p are regulated in a manner that is consistent with a function during anaphase: they are low in G1, accumulate to maximal levels after S phase and then drop as cells exit mitosis. Components of the spindle midzone may therefore be required in vivo for anaphase spindle movement. Additionally, anaphase spindle movement may depend on a dedicated set of genes whose expression is induced at G2/M.  相似文献   

The distribution and dynamics of both the ER and Golgi complex in animal cells are known to be dependent on microtubules; in many cell types the ER extends toward the plus ends of microtubules at the cell periphery and the Golgi clusters at the minus ends of microtubules near the centrosome. In this study we provide evidence that the microtubule motor, kinesin, is present on membranes cycling between the ER and Golgi and powers peripherally directed movements of membrane within this system. Immunolocalization of kinesin at both the light and electron microscopy levels in NRK cells using the H1 monoclonal antibody to kinesin heavy chain, revealed kinesin to be associated with all membranes of the ER/Golgi system. At steady-state at 37 degrees C, however, kinesin was most concentrated on peripherally distributed, pre- Golgi structures containing beta COP and vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein newly released from the ER. Upon temperature reduction or nocodazole treatment, kinesin's distribution shifted onto the Golgi, while with brefeldin A (BFA)-treatment, kinesin could be found in both Golgi-derived tubules and in the ER. This suggested that kinesin associates with membranes that constitutively cycle between the ER and Golgi. Kinesin's role on these membranes was examined by microinjecting kinesin antibody. Golgi-to-ER but not ER-to-Golgi membrane transport was found to be inhibited by the microinjected anti-kinesin, suggesting kinesin powers the microtubule plus end-directed recycling of membrane to the ER, and remains inactive on pre-Golgi intermediates that move toward the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Although the distribution of filamentous actin is well characterized in many cell types, the distribution of nonfilamentous actin remains poorly understood. To determine the relative distribution of filamentous and nonfilamentous actin in cultured NRK cells, we have used a number of labeling agents that differ with respect to their specificities toward the filamentous or nonfilamentous form, including monoclonal and polyclonal anti-actin antibodies, vitamin D-binding protein (DBP), and fluorescent phalloidin. Numerous punctate structures were identified that bind poorly to phalloidin but stain positively with several anti-actin antibodies. These bead structures also stain with DBP, suggesting that they are enriched in nonfilamentous actin. Similar punctate structures were observed after the microinjection of fluorescently labeled actin into living cells, allowing us to examine their dynamics in living cells. The actin-containing punctate structures were observed predominantly in the region behind lamellipodia, particularly in spreading cells induced by wounding confluent monolayers. Time-lapse recording of cells injected with fluorescent actin indicated that they form continuously near the leading edge and move centripetally toward the nucleus. Our results suggest that at least part of the unpolymerized actin molecules are localized at discrete sites, possibly as complexes with monomer sequestering proteins. These structures may represent transient storage sites of G-actin within the cell which can be transformed rapidly into actin filaments upon stimulation by specific signals.  相似文献   

Thirty-four cytochrome P-450 sequences from one bacterial and six vertebrate species have been aligned with the aid of a computer alignment algorithm. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using the unweighted-pair-group and neighbor-joining methods. The two trees differed at only a single branch point near the base of the tree. The cytochrome P-450 superfamily of proteins clustered into eight families and contained 16 gene-duplication events. The first gene duplication occurred approximately 1,360 Myr before the present (Mybp) and gave rise to cytochrome P-450s found in two different cellular organelles, the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Both groups utilize cholesterol or its metabolites as substrates, implying that cholesterol existed greater than 1,360 Mybp. The fourth gene duplication (approximately 900 Mybp) gave rise to the drug-metabolizing P-450s. These proteins aid in the detoxification of foreign chemicals, as opposed to the metabolism of endogenous compounds. The importance of the capacity to metabolize drugs is reflected in 11 further gene duplications occurring in this lineage. The first occurred approximately 800 Mybp and gave rise to the two major P-450 families, the phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene families. An apparent increase in the rate of cytochrome P-450 evolution is noted between the bird-mammal divergence (300 Mybp) and the mammalian radiation (75 Mybp).   相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3333-3346
Talin is a high molecular weight protein localized at adhesion plaques in fibroblasts. It binds vinculin and integrin and appears to participate in generating a transmembrane connection between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton. We have recently shown that talin is an abundant protein in platelets, cells highly specialized for regulated adhesion. Although talin constitutes greater than 3% of the total protein in intact human platelets, its location within the cells had not been defined. In the work reported here, we have investigated the distribution of talin in resting and activated human platelets by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. We have found that talin undergoes an activation-dependent change in its subcellular location. In resting platelets, which are nonadhesive, talin is uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, in thrombin- and glass-activated, substratum-adherent platelets, talin is concentrated at the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. This dramatic, regulated redistribution of talin raises the possibility that talin plays a role in the controlled development of platelet adhesion.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1755-1766
The implantation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) into muscular tissues induces ectopic bone formation at the site of implantation. To investigate the mechanism underlying this process, we examined whether recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) converts the differentiation pathway of the clonal myoblastic cell line, C2C12, into that of osteoblast lineage. Incubating the cells with 300 ng/ml of BMP- 2 for 6 d almost completely inhibited the formation of the multinucleated myotubes expressing troponin T and myosin heavy chain, and induced the appearance of numerous alkaline phosphatase (ALP)- positive cells. BMP-2 dose dependently induced ALP activity, parathyroid hormone (PTH)-dependent 3',5'-cAMP production, and osteocalcin production at concentrations above 100 ng/ml. The concentration of BMP-2 required to induce these osteoblastic phenotypes was the same as that required to almost completely inhibit myotube formation. Incubating primary muscle cells with 300 ng/ml of BMP-2 for 6 d also inhibited myotube formation, whereas induced ALP activity and osteocalcin production. Incubation with 300 ng/ml of BMP-2 suppressed the expression of mRNA for muscle creatine kinase within 6 h, whereas it induced mRNA expression for ALP, PTH/PTH-related protein (PTHrP) receptors, and osteocalcin within 24-48 h. BMP-2 completely inhibited the expression of myogenin mRNA by day 3. By day 3, BMP-2 also inhibited the expression of MyoD mRNA, but it was transiently stimulated 12 h after exposure to BMP-2. Expression of Id-1 mRNA was greatly stimulated by BMP-2. When C2C12 cells pretreated with BMP-2 for 6 d were transferred to a colony assay system in the absence of BMP-2, more than 84% of the colonies generated became troponin T-positive and ALP activity disappeared. TGF-beta 1 also inhibited myotube formation in C2C12 cells, and suppressed the expression of myogenin and MyoD mRNAs without inducing that of Id-1 mRNA. However, no osteoblastic phenotype was induced by TGF-beta 1 in C2C12 cells. TGF-beta 1 potentiated the inhibitory effect of BMP-2 on myotube formation, whereas TGF-beta 1 reduced ALP activity and osteocalcin production induced by BMP-2 in C2C12 cells. These results indicate that BMP-2 specifically converts the differentiation pathway of C2C12 myoblasts into that of osteoblast lineage cells, but that the conversion is not heritable.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(6):1533-1541
The alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) receptor/low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is important for the clearance of proteases, protease-inhibitor complexes, and various ligands associated with lipid metabolism. While the regulation of receptor function is poorly understood, the addition of high concentrations of the 39-kD receptor-associated protein (RAP) to cells inhibits the binding and/or uptake of many of these ligands. Previously, we (Kounnas, M.Z., R.E. Morris, M.R. Thompson, D.J. FitzGerald, D.K. Strickland, and C.B. Saelinger. 1992. J. Biol. Chem. 267:12420-12423) [corrected] showed that Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) could bind immobilized LRP. Also, the addition of RAP blocked toxin-mediated cell killing. These findings suggested that PE might use LRP to gain entry into toxin-sensitive cells. Here we report on a strategy to select PE-resistant lines of Chinese hamster ovary cells that express altered amounts of LRP. An important part of this strategy is to screen PE-resistant clones for those that retain sensitivity to both diphtheria toxin and to a fusion protein composed of lethal factor (from anthrax toxin) fused to the adenosine diphosphate-ribosylating domain of PE. Two lines, with obvious changes in their expression of LRP, were characterized in detail. The 14-2-1 line had significant amounts of LRP, but in contrast to wild-type cells, little or no receptor was displayed on the cell surface. Instead, receptor protein was found primarily within cells, much of it apparently in an unprocessed state. The 14-2-1 line showed no uptake of chymotrypsin-alpha 2M and was 10-fold resistant to PE compared with wild-type cells. A second line, 13-5-1, had no detectable LRP mRNA or protein, did not internalize alpha 2M-chymotrypsin, and exhibited a 100-fold resistance to PE. Resistance to PE appeared to be due to receptor-specific defects, since these mutant lines showed no resistance to a PE chimeric toxin that was internalized via the transferrin receptor. The results of this investigation confirm that LRP mediates the internalization of PE.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):2731-2739
Addition of EGF to human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells increases the rate of fluid-phase pinocytosis 6-10-fold as measured by horseradish peroxidase uptake (Haigler, H.T., J. A. McKanna, and S. Cohen. 1979. J. Cell Biol. 83:82-90). We show here that in the absence of extracellular Na+ or in the presence of amiloride the stimulation of pinocytosis by EGF is substantially reduced. Amiloride had no effect on the endocytosis of EGF itself or of transferrin, demonstrating that the receptor-mediated endocytotic pathway operated normally under conditions that blocked stimulated pinocytosis. Amiloride blocked EGF- stimulated pinocytosis in both HCO3(-)-containing and HCO3(-)-free media. The EGF-stimulated pinocytotic activity can frequently be localized to areas of the cell where membrane spreading and ruffling are taking place. These results demonstrate that (a) EGF induces a distinct amiloride-sensitive endocytotic pathway on A431 cells; (b) occupied EGF receptors do not utilize this pathway for their own entry; (c) endocytosis of occupied EGF receptors is not in itself sufficient to stimulate pinocytosis.  相似文献   

Studies on human osteoclast formation have been hampered by lack of a defined isolated progenitor cell population. We describe here the establishment of a human leukemic cell line (designated FLG 29.1) from bone marrow of a patient with acute monoblastic leukemia. The cultured cells are predominantly undifferentiated leukemic blasts, but addition of 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA; 0.1 microM) induces irreversible differentiation into adherent, non-dividing, multinucleated cells. TPA-treated cells bear surface antigens typical of fetal osteoclasts, degrade 45Ca-labeled devitalized bone particles, display tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase in both mononuclear and multinuclear cells and receptors for calcitonin. Calcitonin increases intracellular cAMP accumulation in TPA-treated cells. TPA-treated cells show some ultrastructural features of osteoclasts as evidenced by transmission EM. These results indicate that FLG 29.1 cells may represent an osteoclast committed cell population, which upon induction with TPA acquire some morphological, phenotypical, and functional features of differentiated osteoclasts.  相似文献   

The small RNP complexes of defined morphology and biochemical composition termed prosomes, first isolated from the cytoplasm associated with repressed mRNA (Martins de Sa, C., M.-F. Grossi de Sa, O. Akhayat, F. Broders, and K. Scherrer. J. Mol. Biol. 1986. 187:47-493), were found also in the nucleus (Grossi de Sa, M.-F., C. Martins de Sa, F. Harper, O. Coux, O. Akhayat, P. Gounon, J. K. Pal, Y. Florentin, and K. Scherrer. 1988. J. Cell Sci. 89:151-165). Immunofluorescence, immunoelectron microscopy, and immunochemical studies using mAbs directed against some of the prosomal proteins of duck erythroblasts indicate that in the cytoplasm of HeLa and PtK cells, prosome antigens are associated with the intermediate filament network of the cytokeratin type.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(5):1407-1418
Neurite formation by dissociated chick sympathetic neurons in vitro begins when one of the many filopodia that emanate from the cell body of a neuron is invaded by cytoplasm containing microtubules and other components of axoplasm (Smith, 1994). This study was undertaken to determine whether this process depends on assembly of microtubules. To inhibit microtubule assembly, neurons were grown in medium containing nocodazole or colchicine. In one series of experiments, neurons first were exposed to the microtubule-stabilizing drug, taxol, so that existing microtubules would remain intact while assembly of new microtubules was inhibited. The ability of neurons to form neurites was assessed by time-lapse video microscopy. Neurons subsequently were stained with antibodies against the tyrosinated and acetylated forms of alpha-tubulin and examined by laser confocal microscopy to visualize microtubules. Neurons were able to form short processes despite inhibition of microtubule assembly and they did so in a way that closely resembled process formation in control medium. Processes formed by neurons that had not been pretreated with taxol were devoid of microtubules. However, microtubules were present in processes of taxol- pretreated neurons. These microtubules contained acetylated alpha- tubulin, as is typical of stable microtubules, but not tyrosinated alpha-tubulin, the form present in recently assembled microtubules. These findings show that the initial steps in neurite formation do not depend on microtubule assembly and suggest that microtubules assembled in the cell body can be translocated into developing neurites as they emerge. The results are compatible with models of neurite formation which postulate that cytoplasm from the cell body is transported into filopodia by actomyosin-based motility mechanisms.  相似文献   

A novel gene of the calmodulin superfamily, encoding a 29-kD neuronal protein here named "calretinin," has been isolated as a cDNA clone from chick retina. The encoded sequence includes four putative calcium-binding sites and a fusion protein binds calcium. The most similar protein known is the 28-kD intestinal calcium-binding protein, calbindin (58% homology). Both genes date from before the divergence of chicks from mammals. The distribution of calretinin and calbindin mRNAs in chick tissues has been mapped using RNA gel blots and in situ hybridization. RNAs from both genes are abundant in the retina and in many areas of the brain, but calretinin RNA is absent from intestine and other nonneural tissues. Calretinin and calbindin are expressed in different sets of neurons throughout the brain. Calretinin RNA is particularly abundant in auditory neurons with precisely timed discharges.  相似文献   

Responses from catfish retinal ganglion cells were evoked by a spot or an annulus of light and were analyzed by a procedure identical to the one used previously to study catfish amacrine cells (Sakai H. M., and K.-I. Naka, 1992. Journal of Neurophysiology. 67:430-442.). In two- input white-noise experiments, a response evoked by simultaneous stimulation of the center and surround was decomposed into the components generated by the center and surround through a process of cross-correlation. The center and surround responses were also decomposed into their linear and nonlinear components so that the response dynamics of the linear and nonlinear components could be measured. We found that the concentric organization of the receptive field was determined by linear components, i.e., the first-order kernels generated by the center and surround were of opposite polarity. Both the center and surround generated second-order kernels with similar signatures, i.e., the second-order components formed a monotonic receptive field. The peak response time of the first- and second-order kernels from the surround was longer by approximately 20 ms than that of the center. Except for the DC potential present in the intracellular responses, almost identical first- and second-order kernels for the center and surround were obtained from both the intracellular response and spike discharges. Thus, information on concentric organization of a receptive field is translated into spike discharges with little loss of information. A train of spike discharges carries, simultaneously, at least four kinds of information: two linear and two nonlinear components, which originate in the receptive field center and the surround. A spike train is not a simple signaling device but is a carrier of complex and multiple signals. Victor, J. D., and R. M. Shapley (1979. Journal of General Physiology. 74:671-687.) discovered similarly that, in the cat retina, static second-order nonlinearity is encoded into spike trains. Results obtained in this study support the thesis that signals generated by the preganglionic cells are translated into spike discharges without major modification and that those signals can be recovered from the spike trains (Sakuranaga, M., Y. Ando, and K.-I. Naka. 1987. Journal of General Physiology. 90:229-259.; Korenberg, M. J., H. M. Sakai, and K.-I. Naka. 1989. Journal of Neurophysiology. 61:1110-1120.). Current injection studies have shown that such signal transmission is possible (Sakai, H. M., and K.-I. Naka, 1988a. Journal of Neurophysiology. 60:1549-1567.; 1990. Journal of Neurophysiology. 63:105-119.).  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent sodium channels are distributed nonuniformly over the surface of nerve cells and are localized to morphologically distinct regions. Fluorescent neurotoxin probes specific for the voltage-dependent sodium channel stain the axon hillock 5-10 times more intensely than the cell body and show punctate fluorescence confined to the axon hillock which can be compared with the more diffuse and uniform labeling in the cell body. Using fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) we measured the lateral mobility of voltage-dependent sodium channels over specific regions of the neuron. Nearly all sodium channels labeled with specific neurotoxins are free to diffuse within the cell body with lateral diffusion coefficients on the order of 10(-9) cm2/s. In contrast, lateral diffusion of sodium channels in the axon hillock is restricted, apparently in two different ways. Not only do sodium channels in these regions diffuse more slowly (10(-10)-10(-11) cm2/s), but also they are prevented from diffusing between axon hillock and cell body. No regionalization or differential mobilities were observed, however, for either tetramethylrhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine, a probe of lipid diffusion, or FITC-succinyl concanavalin A, a probe for glycoproteins. During the maturation of the neuron, the plasma membrane differentiates and segregates voltage-dependent sodium channels into local compartments and maintains this localization perhaps either by direct cytoskeletal attachments or by a selective barrier to channel diffusion.  相似文献   

The current model of cytokinesis proposes that spindle poles and associated microtubules determine the cleavage plane, and, once the signal has been delivered to the cortex, the entire mitotic apparatus can be removed without affecting cell division. While supported by compelling data from Echinoderm embryos, recent observations suggest that the model may not be universally applicable. In this study, we have examined the relationship(s) among microtubules, chromosomes, and cleavage activity in living normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with multipolar mitotic figures. We found that cleavage activity correlated with the distribution of midzone microtubule bundles and Telophase Disc 60 protein (TD60) rather than the position of spindle poles. In addition, reduction of midzone microtubules near the cortex, by either nocodazole treatment or spontaneous reorganization in tripolar cells, caused inhibition or regression of furrowing. These results demonstrate that continuous interaction between midzone microtubule bundles and the cortex is required for successful cleavage in tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3147-3155
The proliferation of arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis. Previous studies have indicated that the glycosaminoglycan heparin specifically inhibited the growth of vascular SMCs in vivo and in culture, although the precise mechanism(s) of action have not been elucidated. In this study, we have examined the ability of specific mitogens (PDGF, EGF, heparin-binding growth factors, phorbol esters, and insulin) to stimulate SMC proliferation. Our results indicate that SMCs derived from different species and vascular sources respond differently to these growth factors. We next examined the ability of heparin to inhibit the proliferative responses to these mitogens. In calf aortic SMCs, heparin inhibits a protein kinase C-dependent pathway for mitogenesis. Detailed cell cycle analysis revealed several new features of the effects of heparin on SMCs. For example, heparin has two effects on the Go----S transition: it delays entry into S phase and also reduces the number of cells entering the cycle from Go. Using two separate experimental approaches, we found that heparin must be present during the last 4 h before S phase, suggesting a mid-to-late G1 heparin block. In addition, our data indicate that heparin-treated SMCs, while initially blocked in mid-to-late G1, slowly move back into a quiescent growth state in the continued presence of heparin. These results suggest that heparin may have multiple targets for its antiproliferative effect.  相似文献   

Mental retardation, hydrocephalus, and agenesis of the corpus callosum are observed both in fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and in children with mutations in the gene for the cell adhesion molecule L1. We studied the effects of ethanol on cell-cell adhesion in mouse fibroblasts transfected with human L1. L1-transfected fibroblasts exhibited increased cell-cell adhesion compared with wild-type or vector- transfected controls. Ethanol potently and completely inhibited L1- mediated adhesion both in transfected L cells and NIH/3T3 cells. Half- maximal inhibition was observed at 7 mM ethanol, a concentration achieved in blood and brain after ingesting one alcoholic beverage. In contrast, ethanol did not inhibit the adhesion of fibroblasts transfected with vector alone or with N-CAM-140. L1-mediated cell-cell adhesion was inhibited with increasing potency by n-propanol and n- butanol, but was not inhibited at all by n-alcohols of 5 to 8 carbons, acetaldehyde, or acetate, suggesting that ethanol interacts directly with a small hydrophobic pocket within L1. Phenylalanine, teratogenic anticonvulsants, and high concentrations of glucose did not inhibit L1- mediated cell-cell adhesion. Ethanol also inhibited potently the heterotypic adhesion of rat cerebellar granule cells to a monolayer of L1-transfected NIH/3T3 cells, but had no effect on their adhesion to N- CAM-140 or vector-transfected NIH/3T3 cells. Because L1 plays a role in both neural development and learning, ethanol inhibition of L1-mediated cell-cell interactions could contribute to FAS and ethanol-associated memory disorders.  相似文献   

The myristoylated form of c-Abl protein, as well as the P210bcr/abl protein, have been shown by indirect immunofluorescence to associate with F-actin stress fibers in fibroblasts. Analysis of deletion mutants of c-Abl stably expressed in fibroblasts maps the domain responsible for this interaction to the extreme COOH-terminus of Abl. This domain mediates the association of a heterologous protein with F-actin filaments after microinjection into NIH 3T3 cells, and directly binds to F-actin in a cosedimentation assay. Microinjection and cosedimentation assays localize the actin-binding domain to a 58 amino acid region, including a charged motif at the extreme COOH-terminus that is important for efficient binding. F-actin binding by Abl is calcium independent, and Abl competes with gelsolin for binding to F- actin. In addition to the F-actin binding domain, the COOH-terminus of Abl contains a proline-rich region that mediates binding and sequestration of G-actin, and the Abl F- and G-actin binding domains cooperate to bundle F-actin filaments in vitro. The COOH terminus of Abl thus confers several novel localizing functions upon the protein, including actin binding, nuclear localization, and DNA binding. Abl may modify and receive signals from the F-actin cytoskeleton in vivo, and is an ideal candidate to mediate signal transduction from the cell surface and cytoskeleton to the nucleus.  相似文献   

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