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The trophectoderm (TE) is the first epithelium to be generated during mammalian early development. The TE works as a barrier that isolates the inner cell mass from the uterine environment and provides the turgidity of the blastocyst through elevated hydrostatic pressure. In this study, we investigated the role of tight junctions (TJs) in the barrier function of the TE during mouse blastocyst formation. RT-PCR and immunostaining revealed that the mouse TE expressed at least claudin 4, 6, and 7 among the 24 members of the claudin gene family, which encode structural and functional constituents of TJs. When embryos were cultured in the presence of a GST-fused C-terminal half of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin (GST-C-CPE), a polypeptide with inhibitory activity to claudin 4 and 6, normal blastocyst formation was remarkably inhibited; the embryos had no or an immature blastocoel cavity without expansion, and blastomeres showed a rounded shape. In these embryos, claudin 4 and 6 proteins were absent from TJs and the barrier function of the TE was disrupted; however the basolateral localization of the Na+/K+-ATPase α1 subunit and aquaporin 3, which are thought to be involved in blastocyst formation, appeared normal. These results clearly demonstrate that the barrier function of TJs in the TE is required for normal blastocyst formation.  相似文献   

Differential centrifugation of Triton X-100 or CHAPS lysates from control and cholesterol (CH)-depleted MDCK II cells, segregated integral tight junction (TJ) proteins associated with detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) into two groups. Group A proteins (occludin, claudin-2 and -3) were detected in large, intermediate and small aggregates in both detergents, whereas group B proteins (claudin-1, -4 and -7) were observed in small aggregates in TX-100 and in intermediate and small aggregates in CHAPS. Depletion of CH altered the distribution of group A and B proteins among the three size categories in a detergent-specific manner. In lysates produced with octyl glucoside, a detergent that selectively extracts proteins from DRMs, group A proteins were undetectable in large aggregates and CH depletion did not alter the distribution of either group A or B proteins in intermediate or small aggregates. Neither occludin (group A) nor claudin-1 (group B) was in intimate enough contact with CH to be cross-linked to [(3)H]-photo-cholesterol. However, antibodies to either TJ protein co-immunoprecipitated caveolin-1, a CH-binding protein. Unlike claudins, occludin's presence in TJs and DRMs did not require palmitoylation. Equilibrium density centrifugation on discontinuous OptiPrep gradients revealed detergent-related differences in the densities of TJ-bearing DRMs. There was little or no change in those densities after CH depletion. Removing CH from the plasma membrane increased tyrosine and threonine phosphorylation of occludin, and transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) within 30 min. After 2 h of CH efflux, phospho-occludin levels and TER fell below control values. We conclude that the association of integral TJ proteins with DRMS, pelleted at low speeds, is partially CH-dependent. However, the buoyant density of TJ-associated DRMs is a function of the detergent used and is insensitive to decreases in CH.  相似文献   

The formation of endothelial tight junctions (TJs) is crucial in blood-brain barrier (BBB) differentiation, and the expression and targeting of TJ-associated proteins mark the beginning of BBB functions. Using confocal microscopy, this study analyzed endothelial TJs in adult human cerebral cortex and the fetal telencephalon and leptomeninges in order to compare the localization of two TJ-associated transmembrane proteins, occludin and claudin-5. In the arterioles and microvessels of adult brain, occludin and claudin-5 form continuous bands of endothelial immunoreactivity. During fetal development, occludin and claudin-5 immunoreactivity is first detected as a diffuse labeling of endothelial cytoplasm. Later, at 14 weeks, the immunosignal for both proteins shifts from the cytoplasm to the interface of adjacent endothelial cells, forming a linear, widely discontinuous pattern of immunoreactivity that achieves an adult-like appearance within a few weeks. These results demonstrate that occludin and claudin-5 expression is an early event in human brain development, followed shortly by assembly of both proteins at the junctional areas. This incremental process suggests more rapid establishment of the human BBB, consistent with its specific function of creating a suitable environment for neuron differentiation and neurite outgrowth during neocortical histogenesis.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00418-004-0665-1Daniela Virgintino and Mariella Errede contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, epithelia separate and divide the internal environment maintaining appropriate conditions in each compartment. To maintain homeostasis in these compartments, claudins, major cell adhesion molecules in tight junctions (TJs), regulate movements of several substances through the paracellular pathway (barrier function). In this study, we investigated effects of the flux of several substances between apical and basolateral side on paracellular transport and TJ protein localization. NaCl flux from apical to basolateral side increased paracellular conductance (Gp) and recruited claudin-1 from lateral cell membrane to the apical end with the colocalization with occludin, one of the TJ proteins concentrated at TJ strands. Oppositely-directed flux of sucrose against NaCl flux inhibited these reactions and same directional flux of sucrose with NaCl enhanced the increase of Gp, whereas 10-kDa dextran inhibited these reactions regardless of the side of administration. Our present findings indicated that TJ protein localization and barrier function are regulated depending on the environmental differences between apical and basolateral side.  相似文献   

Tight junctions and the modulation of barrier function in disease   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Tight junctions create a paracellular barrier in epithelial and endothelial cells protecting them from the external environment. Two different classes of integral membrane proteins constitute the tight junction strands in epithelial cells and endothelial cells, occludin and members of the claudin protein family. In addition, cytoplasmic scaffolding molecules associated with these junctions regulate diverse physiological processes like proliferation, cell polarity and regulated diffusion. In many diseases, disruption of this regulated barrier occurs. This review will briefly describe the molecular composition of the tight junctions and then present evidence of the link between tight junction dysfunction and disease.  相似文献   

Members of the claudin family of proteins are the main components of tight junctions (TJs), the major selective barrier of the paracellular pathway between epithelial cells. The selectivity and specificity of TJ strands are determined by the type of claudins present. An understanding of the cooperation between different claudins in various tissues is thus important. To study the possible cooperation between claudin 11 and claudin 14, we have generated claudin 11/claudin 14 double-deficient mice, which exhibit a combination of the phenotypes found in each of the singly deficient mutants, including deafness, neurological deficits, and male sterility. These two claudins have distinct and partially overlapping expression patterns in the kidney. Claudin 11 is located in both the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, whereas claudin 14 occurs in both the thin descending and thick ascending limbs of the loop of Henle and in the proximal convoluted tubules. Although daily urinary excretion of Mg(++), and to a lesser extent of Ca(++), tends to be higher in claudin 11/claudin 14 double mutants, these changes do not reach statistical significance compared with wild-type animals. Thus, under normal conditions, co-deletion of claudin 11 and claudin 14 does not affect kidney function or ion balance. Our data demonstrate that, despite the importance of each of these claudins, there is probably no functional cooperation between them. Generation of additional mouse models in which different claudins are abolished should provide further insight into the complex interactions between claudin proteins in various physiological systems.  相似文献   

The tight junction seal formed between epithelial cells varies among tissues in both tightness and ionic charge selectivity. We recently demonstrated that the extracellular domains of the claudin family of proteins are determinants of both characteristics, but in that study other unidentified domains in the claudins clearly contributed to their physiological potency. To investigate the importance of the cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal domains in determining the degree to which a claudin can influence barrier properties, we constructed chimeras by exchanging the tails of claudin-2 and -4 and expressing them in MDCK II cells. Although swapping these domains had little effect on claudin localization, we found that the tail of claudin-2 could stabilize claudin-4, with a concomitant increase in both protein level and physiologic influence. This difference in stability was not an artifact of their chimeric structure, since metabolic radio-labeling experiments revealed that the half-life of endogenous claudin-2 is more than three times longer than claudin-4 (>12 h and ∼4 h respectively). Further, half-life was not affected by removing the carboxyl-terminal three amino acids, which form a PDZ-binding motif. The finding that cytoplasmic tails of claudins strongly influence stability reveals a potential mechanism by which cells can establish their tight junction protein composition and thus function.This revised version was published online in August 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

Tight junctions contribute to the paracellular barrier, the fence dividing plasma membranes, and signal transduction, acting as a multifunctional complex in vertebrate epithelial and endothelial cells. The identification and characterization of the transmembrane proteins of tight junctions, claudins, junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), occludin and tricellulin, have led to insights into the molecular nature of tight junctions. We provide an overview of recent progress in studies on these proteins and highlight their roles and regulation, as well as their functional significance in human diseases.  相似文献   

The blood–nerve barrier in peripheral nerves is important for maintaining the environment for axons. Breakdown of the barrier by nerve injury causes various pathologies. We hypothesized that the breakdown and recovery of the blood–nerve barrier after injury are associated with the changes in the expression of intercellular junctional proteins. To test this hypothesis, we induced crush injuries in the rat sciatic nerve by ligation and analyzed spatiotemporal changes of claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 by immunoconfocal microscopy and morphometry and compared them with changes in the permeability of the blood–nerve barrier by intravenous and local administration of Evans blue–albumin (EBA). On day 1 after removal of the ligature EBA leaked into the connective tissue in the endoneurium and then the leakage gradually decreased and disappeared on day 7. On day 1 claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 had totally disappeared from the perineurium and endoneurium. Thereafter, claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, and VE-cadherin recovered from day 2, whereas connexin43 was redetected on day 5. These results indicate that the breakdown and following recovery of the blood–nerve barrier are closely associated with changes in the expression of claudins, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 and that the recovery time course is similar but nonidentical.  相似文献   

We previously reported that expression of tight-junction molecules occludin, claudin-6 and claudin-7, as well as establishment of epithelial polarity, was triggered in mouse F9 cells expressing hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4alpha [H. Chiba, T. Gotoh, T. Kojima, S. Satohisa, K. Kikuchi, M. Osanai, N. Sawada. Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4alpha triggers formation of functional tight junctions and establishment of polarized epithelial morphology in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells, Exp. Cell Res. 286 (2003) 288-297]. Using these cells, we examined in the present study behavior of tight-junction, adherens-junction and cell polarity proteins and elucidated the molecular mechanism behind HNF-4alpha-initiated junction formation and epithelial polarization. We herein show that not only ZO-1 and ZO-2, but also ZO-3, junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-B, JAM-C and cell polarity proteins PAR-3, PAR-6 and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) accumulate at primordial adherens junctions in undifferentiated F9 cells. In contrast, CRB3, Pals1 and PATJ appeared to exhibit distinct subcellular localization in immature cells. Induced expression of HNF-4alpha led to translocation of these tight-junction and cell polarity proteins to beltlike tight junctions, where occludin, claudin-6 and claudin-7 were assembled, in differentiated cells. Interestingly, PAR-6, aPKC, CRB3 and Pals1, but not PAR-3 or PATJ, were also concentrated on the apical membranes in differentiated cells. These findings indicate that HNF-4alpha provokes not only expression of tight-junction adhesion molecules, but also modulation of subcellular distribution of junction and cell polarity proteins, resulting in junction formation and epithelial polarization.  相似文献   

Epithelia in multicellular organisms constitute the frontier that separates the individual from the environment. Epithelia are sites of exchange as well as barriers, for the transit of ions and molecules from and into the organism. Therapeutic agents, in order to reach their target, frequently need to cross epithelial and endothelial sheets. Two routes are available for such purpose: the transcellular and the paracellular pathways. The former is employed by lipophilic drugs and by molecules selectively transported by channels, pumps and carriers present in the plasma membrane. Hydrophilic molecules cannot cross biological membranes, therefore their transepithelial transport could be significantly enhanced if they moved through the paracellular pathway. Transit through this route is regulated by tight junctions (TJs). The discovery in recent years of the molecular mechanisms of the TJ has allowed the design of different procedures to open the paracellular route in a reversible manner. These strategies could be used to enhance drug delivery across epithelial and endothelial barriers. The procedures employed include the use of peptides homologous to external loops of integral TJ proteins, silencing the expression of TJ proteins with antisense oligonucleotides and siRNAs as well as the use of toxins and proteins derived from microorganisms that target TJ proteins.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) connect epithelial cells and form a semipermeable barrier that only allows selective passage of ions and solutes across epithelia. Here we show that mice lacking EpCAM, a putative cell adhesion protein frequently overexpressed in human cancers, manifest intestinal barrier defects and die shortly after birth as a result of intestinal erosion. EpCAM was found to be highly expressed in the developing intestinal epithelium of wild-type mice and to localize to cell-cell junctions including TJs. Claudin-7 colocalized with EpCAM at cell-cell junctions, and the two proteins were found to associate with each other. Claudins 2, 3, 7, and 15 were down-regulated in the intestine of EpCAM mutant mice, with claudin-7 being reduced to undetectable levels. TJs in the mutant intestinal epithelium were morphologically abnormal with the network of TJ strands scattered and dispersed. Finally, the barrier function of the intestinal epithelium was impaired in the mutant animals. These results suggest that EpCAM contributes to formation of intestinal barrier by recruiting claudins to cell-cell junctions.  相似文献   

Occludin is a transmembrane protein of the tight junction with two extracellular loops. Our previous demonstration that the extracellular loops are adhesive suggested the possibility that they contribute to localizing occludin at the tight junction. To address this question, truncated forms of occludin were generated in which one or both of the extracellular loops were deleted. These constructs were expressed in both occludin-null Rat-1 fibroblasts and in MDCK epithelial cells. The patterns of sensitivity to proteinase K suggested all constructs were present on the plasma membrane and retained the normal topology. In fibroblasts, all truncated forms of occludin colocalized with ZO-1 at regions of cell-cell contact, demonstrating that even in the absence of tight junctions cytoplasmic interactions with ZOs is sufficient to cluster occludin. In MDCK cell monolayers, both full-length and occludin lacking the first extracellular loop colocalized with ZO-1 at the tight junction. In contrast, constructs lacking the second, or both, extracellular loops were absent from tight junctions and were found only on the basolateral cell surface. By freeze-fracture electron microscopic analysis, overexpression of full length occludin induced side-to-side aggregation of fibrils within the junction, while excess occludin on the lateral membrane did not form fibrils. These results suggest that the second extracellular domain is required for stable assembly of occludin in the tight junction and that occludin influences the structural organization of the paracellular barrier. Received: 26 June 2000/Revised: 25 September 2000  相似文献   

Cadherins are key Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecules at adherens junctions (AJs) in fibroblasts and epithelial cells, whereas claudins are key Ca(2+)-independent cell-cell adhesion molecules at tight junctions (TJs) in epithelial cells. The formation and maintenance of TJs are dependent on the formation and maintenance of AJs. Nectins are Ca(2+)-independent immunoglobulin-like cell-cell adhesion molecules which comprise a family of four members, nectin-1, -2, -3, and -4, and are involved in the formation of AJs in cooperation with cadherins, and the subsequent formation of TJs. We show here that the velocity of the formation of the E-cadherin-based AJs is increased by overexpression of nectin-1 and is reduced by addition of the nectin-1 inhibitors to the medium in L cells stably expressing E-cadherin and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Moreover, the velocity of the formation of the claudin-based TJs is increased by overexpression of nectin-1 and is reduced by addition of the nectin-1 inhibitors to the medium in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. These results indicate that nectins regulate the velocity of the formation of the E-cadherin-based AJs and the subsequent formation of the claudin-based TJs.  相似文献   

Development of tight junctions and cell polarity in epithelial cells requires a complex cellular machinery to execute an internal program in response to ambient cues. Tight junctions, a product of this machinery, can act as gates of the paracellular pathway, fences that keep the identity of plasma membrane domains, bridges that communicate neighboring cells. The polarization internal program and machinery are conserved in yeast, worms, flies and mammals, and in cell types as different as epithelia, neurons and lymphocytes. Polarization and tight junctions are dynamic features that change during development, in response to physiological and pharmacological challenges and in pathological situations like infection.  相似文献   

细胞间紧密连接(tight junctions)广泛存在于上皮细胞及内皮细胞之间,其作用是保持细胞间结构的完整性,确保其功能的正常发挥,紧密连接上有很多种蛋白,occludin蛋白是其中主要蛋白之一,occludin蛋白的结构发生变化会导致紧密连接结构及功能的改变,而紧密连接结构与功能的紊乱是很多临床疾病共同的病理生理学特点,如肿瘤、中风及炎症性肺疾病。Occludin蛋白的结构及功能的改变受很多机制的调控,本文主要对occludin蛋白的结构、功能、调控机制及其与紧密连接之间的关系进行叙述。  相似文献   

Recombinant monoclonal antibodies are beginning to revolutionize cancer therapy. In combination with standard chemotherapy, high response rates have been reported with antibodies of the human IgG1 isotype for treatment of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and breast cancer. It is becoming apparent that targets for antibody-based therapies do not necessarily need to be absent from normal tissues but can be present there either in low copy numbers or with binding epitopes shielded from the therapeutic antibody. Here, we studied whether claudin proteins that form tight junctions in normal epithelia are still expressed on carcinoma cells and whether their extracellular domains can be recognized by antibodies. We show that mRNAs of claudins 1, 3, 4, and 7 are all expressed in different human carcinoma cell lines, while claudin 8 was selectively expressed in breast and pancreas cancer lines. Chicken polyclonal antibodies were raised against peptides contained within predicted extracellular domains of claudins 1, 3, and 4. Affinity-purified IgG fractions for claudins 3 and 4 were monospecific and bound to human breast and colon carcinoma lines, but not to a line of monocytic origin. Claudin 3 antibodies also homogeneously stained human renal cell carcinoma tissue and micrometastatic tumor cells as identified by cytokeratin staining in bone marrow biopsies of breast cancer patients. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting and immunocytochemistry indicated that claudin antibodies bound to the surface of tumor cells. By analogy to other tumor-associated antigens that are differentially accessible to antibodies on tumor vs normal tissue, we propose that certain claudin proteins have potential as targets for novel antibody-based therapies of carcinomas.  相似文献   

Brain development occurs in a specialized environment maintained by a blood–brain barrier (BBB). An important structural element of the BBB is the endothelial tight junction (TJ). TJs are present during the embryonic period, but BBB impermeability accrues over an extended gestational interval. In studies of human premature infants, we used immunomicroscopy to determine if amounts of the TJ proteins ZO-1, claudin and occludin increase with gestational age in vessels of germinal matrix (GM) and cortex. By 24 weeks postconception (PC), TJ proteins were present in both GM and cortical vessels, but immunoreactivity in the GM of the youngest subjects was less than in older subjects. At 24 weeks PC, TJ protein immunoreactivity in GM vessels was less than in cortical vessels suggesting that TJ maturation progresses along a superficial to deep brain axis. This concept correlates with conclusions from previous analyses of the expression of brain endothelial cell alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. AP appears in cortical vessels before appearing in deep white matter and GM vessels. Together, these data indicate that differentiation of some functional specializations is still in progress in GM vessels during the third trimester. This maturation could relate to the pathogenesis of germinal matrix hemorrhage–intraventricular hemorrhage.  相似文献   

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