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Given the limitations and side effects of many synthetic drugs, natural products are an important alternative source for drugs and medications for many diseases. Icariin (ICA), one of the main flavonoids from plants of the Epimedium genus, has been shown to ameliorate osteoporosis and improve bone health in preclinical studies. Those studies have used different in vivo models, mostly rodents, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. The present study shows, for the first time, that ICA reduces bone damage in a Rankl-induced medaka fish (Oryzias latipes), a non-rodent osteoporosis model. Live imaging was previously performed in this model to characterize antiresorptive and bone-anabolic properties of drugs. Here, a new quantification method (IM) was established based on the length of mineralized neural arches to quantify levels of bone mineralization damage and protection in early post-embryonic fish. This method was validated by quantification of three levels of bone damage in three independent Rankl fish lines, and by the determination of different degrees of severity of osteoporosis-like phenotypes in one Rankl line exposed to variable Rankl induction schemes. IM was also used to quantify the efficacy of alendronate and etidronate, two common anti-osteoporotic bisphosphonates, and revealed comparable bone protective effects for ICA and alendronate in this fish osteoporosis model. This study's data support the value of the medaka fish model for bone research and establish a method to screen for novel osteoprotective compounds.  相似文献   

Any release of transgenic organisms into nature is a concern because ecological relationships between genetically engineered organisms and other organisms (including their wild-type conspecifics) are unknown. To address this concern, we developed a method to evaluate risk in which we input estimates of fitness parameters from a founder population into a recurrence model to predict changes in transgene frequency after a simulated transgenic release. With this method, we grouped various aspects of an organism's life cycle into six net fitness components: juvenile viability, adult viability, age at sexual maturity, female fecundity, male fertility, and mating advantage. We estimated these components for wild-type and transgenic individuals using the fish, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). We generalized our model's predictions using various combinations of fitness component values in addition to our experimentally derived estimates. Our model predicted that, for a wide range of parameter values, transgenes could spread in populations despite high juvenile viability costs if transgenes also have sufficiently high positive effects on other fitness components. Sensitivity analyses indicated that transgene effects on age at sexual maturity should have the greatest impact on transgene frequency, followed by juvenile viability, mating advantage, female fecundity, and male fertility, with changes in adult viability, resulting in the least impact.  相似文献   

The availability of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) offers a good genomic platform for a targeted integration of an exogenous gene by a homologous recombination system in Escherichia coli . In combination with microinjection technology, this system allows for the analysis of various aspects of biological phenomena occurring in vivo using Japanese medaka fish ( Oryzias latipes ). Here we describe a streamlined procedure for selecting BAC clones based on the medaka University of Tokyo genome browser (UTGB), followed by rapid modification with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or DsRed fragments for transgenic analysis in medaka. Experimental procedures for BAC DNA preparation, microinjection of medaka embryos and screening of resulting transgenic medaka carrying EGFP/DsRed modified BAC clones are also described.  相似文献   

Sperm nuclear transfer or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a powerful assisted reproductive technology (ART) for treating human male infertility. Controversial reports of increased birth defects have raised concerns about the ART's safety. The cause for birth defects, however, has remained elusive for analysis in human because of the sample size, male infertility genetics, physiological heterogeneity and associated procedures such as embryo manipulations. Animal models are required to evaluate factors leading to the increased birth defects. Here we report the establishment of medakafish model for ICSI and transgenic production. This small laboratory fish has high fecundity and easy embryology. We show that ICSI produced a 5% high percentage of fertile animals that exhibited both paternal and maternal contribution as evidenced by the pigmentation marker. Furthermore, when sperm were pre-incubated with a plasmid ubiquitously expressing RFP and subjected to ICSI, 50% of sperm nuclear transplants showed germline transmission. We conclude that medaka is an excellent model for ICSI to evaluate birth defects and that sperm nuclear transfer can mediate stable gene transfer at high efficiency. Although more demanding for experimentation, sperm-mediated transgenesis should be particularly applicable for aquaculture species with a lengthy generation time and/or a large adult body size.  相似文献   

1,1-Dichloropropene (1,1-DCP) is a contaminant present in both ground and surface waters used as sources for drinking water. Structural similarity to several compounds with known mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, and recent demonstration of mutagenicity in vitro, suggest this compound may be similarly mutagenic in vivo. A transgenic fish model, the lamda transgenic medaka, was used to evaluate the potential mutagenicity of this contaminant in vivo following sub-chronic exposure for 6 weeks. Mutant frequencies of the cII target gene (MF) increased six-fold in the livers of fish exposed to the lowest 1,1-DCP exposure concentration (0.44 mg/L, MF = 18.4 x 10(-5), and increased with each treatment, culminating in a 32-fold induction in fish from the highest 1,1-DCP treatment (16.60 mg/L, MF = 96.3 x 10(-5). Mutations recovered from treated fish showed a distinctive mutational spectrum comprised predominantly of +1 frameshift mutations, induced 166-fold above that of untreated animals. The majority of frameshifts were +1 insertions at thiamine and adenine. These results represent the first evidence of mutagenicity of 1,1-DCP in vivo, and of the highly characteristic spectrum of induced mutations dominated by +1 frameshift mutations. Based upon results from previous in vitro studies, the similar role of glutathione S-transferase (GSTT1-1) in the activation of 1,1-DCP to a mutagen in vivo is also suggested. This study further illustrates the utility of the lamda transgenic medaka as a model for identifying and characterizing potential genetic health risks associated with chemical exposures in the environment.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of tamoxifen in a human endometrial explant culture model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although long-term tamoxifen therapy is associated with increased risk of endometrial cancer, little is known about the ability of endometrial tissue to biotransform tamoxifen to potentially reactive intermediates, capable of forming DNA adducts. The present study examined whether explant cultures of human endometrium provide a suitable in vitro model to investigate the tissue-specific biotransformation of tamoxifen. Fresh human endometrial tissue, microscopically uninvolved in disease, was cut into 1 x 2-mm uniform explants and incubated with media containing either 25 or 100 microM tamoxifen in a 24-well plate. Metabolites were analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC using postcolumn, online, photochemical activation and fluorescence detection. Three metabolites, namely, alpha-hydroxytamoxifen, 4-hydroxytamoxifen, and N-desmethyltamoxifen were identified in culture medium and tissue lysates. N-desmethyltamoxifen was found to be the major metabolite in both tissue and media extracts of tamoxifen-exposed explants. Incubations of tamoxifen with recombinant human cytochrome P-450s (CYPs) found that CYP2C9 and CYP2D6 produced all three of the above tamoxifen metabolites, while CYP1A1 and CYP3A4 catalyzed the formation of alpha-hydroxytamoxifen and N-desmethyltamoxifen, and CYP1A2 and CYP1B1 only formed the alpha-hydroxy metabolite. CYP2D6 exhibited the greatest activity for the formation of all three tamoxifen metabolites. Western immunoblots of microsomes from human endometrium detected the presence of CYPs 2C9, 3A, 1A1 and 1B1 in fresh endometrium, while CYPs 2D6 and 1A2 were not detected. Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis also confirmed the presence of CYPs 2C9, 3A and 1B1 in fresh human endometrium and in viable tissue cultured for 24 h with or without tamoxifen. Together, the results support the use of explant cultures of human endometrium as a suitable in vitro model to investigate the biotransformation of tamoxifen in this target tissue. In addition, the results support the role of CYPs 2C9, 3A, 1A1 and 1B1 in the biotransformation of tamoxifen, including the formation of the DNA reactive alpha-hydroxytamoxifen metabolite, in human endometrium.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are macrophage-related bone resorbing cells of hematopoietic origin. Factors that regulate osteoclastogenesis are of great interest for investigating the pathology and treatment of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. In mammals, receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (Rankl) is a regulator of osteoclast formation and activation: its misexpression causes osteoclast stimulation and osteoporotic bone loss. Here, we report an osteoporotic phenotype that is induced by overexpression of Rankl in the medaka model. We generated transgenic medaka lines that express GFP under control of the cathepsin K promoter in osteoclasts starting at 12 days post-fertilization (dpf), or Rankl together with CFP under control of a bi-directional heat-shock promoter. Using long-term confocal time-lapse imaging of double and triple transgenic larvae, we monitored in vivo formation and activation of osteoclasts, as well as their interaction with osteoblasts. Upon Rankl induction, GFP-positive osteoclasts are first observed in the intervertebral regions and then quickly migrate to the surface of mineralized neural and haemal arches, as well as to the centra of the vertebral bodies. These osteoclasts are TRAP (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) and cathepsin K positive, mononuclear and highly mobile with dynamically extending protrusions. They are exclusively found in tight contact with mineralized matrix. Rankl-induced osteoclast formation resulted in severe degradation of the mineralized matrix in vertebral bodies and arches. In conclusion, our in vivo imaging approach confirms a conserved role of Rankl in osteoclastogenesis in teleost fish and provides new insight into the cellular interactions during bone resorption in an animal model that is useful for genetic and chemical screening.  相似文献   

Feline McDonough Sarcoma (FMS)-like tyrosine kinase 4 (FLT4) is a marker for lymphatic vessels and some high endothelial venules in human adult tissues. We generated a transgenic medaka fish in which the lymphatic vessels and some blood vessels are visible in vivo by transferring the promoter of medaka flt4 driving the expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) using a see-through medaka line. To do this, we identified and cloned medaka flt4 and generated a construct in which the promoter was the 4-kb region upstream of the translation initiation site. The fluorescent signal of EGFP could be observed with little background, and the expression pattern correlated well with that of flt4 determined by whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization. Because a see-through medaka line is transparent until adult, the model is useful for visualizing the lymphatic vessels not only in embryo and fry but also in adult. This model will be a useful tool for analyzing lymphatic development.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing the luciferase gene from the firefly (Photinus pyralis) fused to the Chinese hamster metallothioneine I promoter (ChMTI) were microinjected into the pronuclei of medaka (Oryzias latipes) eggs, which were then artificially inseminated. Evidence of integration into the genome was gained from observation of germ-line transmission in a mendelian fashion from the F1 to the F2 generation. However, gene expression (light emission) could not be demonstrated in the established transgenic line. In a separate program, transient expression of gene constructs containing the luciferase gene fused to various promoters was compared in medaka embryos. Plasmids were microinjected into pronuclei, and homogenates from 3-day-old embryos were measured for light emission using a luminometer. Among the various promoters tested (SV40, RSV-LTR, ChMTI, HSP70, and mouse albumin), the highest levels of luciferase gene expression were observed in gene constructs containing ChMTI and HSP70 gene promoters. Expression in these two constructs was significantly increased following administration of ZnSO4 or heat treatment, respectively. Plasmids were also introduced into goldfish fibroblast-like cells in vitro, in which enzymatically active luciferase was transiently expressed. Assaying for expression of luciferase provided a rapid and sensitive method for monitoring promoter activity. The potential usefulness of this fish species for cancer research is discussed based on accumulated information from carcinogenesis studies.  相似文献   

Inducible transgenic mouse models that impose a constraint on both temporal and spatial expression of a given transgene are invaluable. These animals facilitate experiments that can address the role of a specific cell or group of cells within an animal or in a particular window of time. A common approach to achieve inducibility involves the site-specific recombinase 'Cre', which is linked to a modified version of one of various steroid hormone-binding domains. Thus, the expression of Cre is regulated such that a functional nuclear transgene product can only be generated with the addition of an exogenous ligand. However, critical requirements of this system are that the nuclear localization of the transgene product be tightly regulated, that the dosage of the inducing agent remains consistent among experimental animals and that the transgene cassette cannot express in the absence of the inducing agent. We used the Cre ER(T2) cassette, which is regulated by the addition of the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen to determine whether cross-contamination of tamoxifen between animals housed together can be a significant source of spurious results. We found that cross-contamination of exogenous tamoxifen does occur. It occurred in all animals tested. We suggest that the mechanism of contamination is through exposure to tamoxifen in the general environment and/or to coprophagous behavior. These results have important implications for the interpretation and design of experiments that use 'inducible' transgenic animals.  相似文献   

目的探讨他莫昔芬诱导的hGfapCreERT2转基因鼠小脑中表达Cre重组酶的细胞类型。方法 hGfapCre-ERT2/Rosa26R转基因小鼠在胚胎晚期和出生早期用他莫昔芬诱导Cre重组酶表达,对小脑组织切片行X-gal染色,然后用细胞种类特异性抗体进行免疫组织化学染色,并和X-gal染色双重标记。结果在出生后第7天(P7)、第14天(P14)和第60天(P60),X-gal阳性染色和胶质细胞抗体Blbp阳性染色共标记,和神经元抗体Neun、浦肯野细胞抗体Calbindin及少突胶质细胞前体细胞抗体NG2不共标。结论自胚胎晚期第17.5天(E17.5)后用他莫昔芬诱导hGfapCreERT2转基因鼠,发现Cre重组酶特异性在小脑星形胶质细胞中表达,不在神经元、浦肯野细胞、少突胶质细胞前体细胞中表达。  相似文献   

A transgenic animal model system was used to analyze the mitogenic effects of GRF on its target cell, the pituitary somatotroph. We have previously established a strain of mice that express a mouse metallothionein-I/human GRF (hGRF) fusion gene, and that grow to be abnormally large due to GH hypersecretion. We show here that chronic GRF production in these mice leads to the development of enormous pituitary glands. The increase in pituitary size appears to be largely the result of a selective proliferation (hyperplasia) of somatotrophs, the GH-producing cells. This observation provides direct evidence that a neuropeptide may act as a specific trophic factor for its target cell. In addition to this effect on pituitary development, we find that the pituitary is a major site of expression of mouse metallothionein-I/hGRF mRNA, and of hGRF peptide. This tissue specificity was unexpected in that neither component of the fusion gene is highly expressed in the normal pituitary. It suggests that pituitary somatotrophs might produce and respond to GRF in an essentially autocrine fashion in these transgenic animals.  相似文献   

亢逸  关桂君  洪云汉 《遗传》2017,39(6):441-454
鱼类性别决定和性分化呈多元性,既有雌雄同体也有雌雄异体。性腺的雌雄性分化过程受遗传和环境因素(如温度、光照、激素和pH值等)影响,具有可逆可塑性。随着生物技术和基因组学的迅速发展,近年来脊椎动物性别决定和性分化的研究有了重大进展和显著突破。本文通过聚焦青鳉及其他硬骨鱼纲保守存在的dmrt1gsdfamh等雄性因子,探讨硬骨鱼普遍存在的雌雄性别可塑可逆信号通路,并介绍了新的基因组编辑和性控育种技术,为单性选育等水产养殖技术的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the estrogen action that confers endometrial sensitization to nontraumatic deciduogenic stimuli by use of antiestrogens. Tamoxifen, ethamoxytriphetol, and clomiphene and its two component enantiomers inhibited decidual induction in pseudopregnant rats when administered 17 h before pyrathiazine. Unexpectedly, clomiphene (250 micrograms/rat) and tamoxifen (25 micrograms/rat) proved inhibitory at all times up to and including the time of induction. Clomiphene, administered in the hours preceding decidual induction, inhibited the increase of ornithine decarboxylase activity, which normally marks the end of the induction phase. Clomiphene had no inhibitory effect on the availability or receptor binding of progesterone. Clomiphene also inhibited implantation of blastocysts when administered at the time of their adherence to the uterus. The inhibition by antiestrogens of decidual induction could not be explained on the basis of the current understanding of mechanisms of estrogen action. The discrepancies were that no latent period between the time of antiestrogen administration and decidual induction was observed and no difference was observed in the inhibitory activities of the isomers of clomiphene.  相似文献   

In this study, we verified nuclear transport activity of an artificial nuclear localization signal (aNLS) in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). We generated a transgenic medaka strain expresses the aNLS tagged enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) driven by a medaka beta‐actin promoter. The aNLS‐EGFP was accumulated in the nuclei of somatic tissues and yolk nuclei of oocytes, but undetectable in the spermatozoa. The fluorescent signal was observed from immediately after fertilization by a maternal contribution. Furthermore, male and female pronuclei were visualized in fertilized eggs, and nuclear dynamics of pronuclear fusion and subsequent cleavage were captured by time‐lapse imaging. In contrast, SV40NLS exhibited no activity of nuclear transport in early embryos. In conclusion, the aNLS possesses a strong nuclear localization activity and is a useful probe for fluorescent observation of the pronuclei and nuclei in early developmental stage of medaka.  相似文献   

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