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The neuronal form of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase, which is an obligatory constituent of neurons that utilise nitric oxide as a transmitter, was revealed histochemically in this study by its ability to transfer a proton from reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate to nitro-blue tetrazolium. In the guinea-pig colon, nitric oxide synthase was located in numerous irregularly-shaped myenteric neurons with single axons. In the submucosa, a small number of neurons had strong enzyme activity, whereas many were weakly stained. Nerve fibres were found in the longitudinal muscle, circular muscle, muscularis mucosae and ganglia of the two plexuses. No nerve fibres were found in the lamina propria of the mucosa. The same distribution of nerve cells and fibres was revealed using immunohistochemistry for nitric oxide synthase. Lesion studies showed that the axons of myenteric neurons all projected anally. Myenteric cells were the source of nerve fibres in the circular muscle and in more anally located myenteric ganglia. The sparse innervation of submucous ganglia was intrinsic to the submucous plexus. It is suggested that nitric oxide synthase is one of the transmitters of inhibitory neurons to the muscle and is also utilized by descending interneurons of the myenteric plexus.  相似文献   

The presence of 5-hydroxytryptamine in enteric neurons of the guinea-pig distal colon was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and the projections of the neurons were determined. 5-Hydroxytryptamine-containing nerve cells were observed in the myenteric plexus but no reactive nerve cells were found in submucous ganglia. Varicose reactive nerve fibres were numerous in the ganglia of both the myenteric and submucous plexuses, but were infrequent in the longitudinal muscle, circular muscle, muscularis mucosae and mucosa. Reactivity also occurred in enterochromaffin cells. Lesion studies showed that the axons of myenteric neurons projected anally to provide innervation to the circular muscle and submucosa and to other more anally located myenteric ganglia. The results suggest that a major population of 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons in the colon is descending interneurons, most of which extend for 10 to 15 mm in the myenteric plexus and innervate both 5-hydroxytryptamine and non-5-hydroxytryptamine neurons.  相似文献   

Projections and chemistry of Dogiel type II neurons in the mouse colon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The physiological properties, shapes, projections and neurochemistries of Dogiel type II neurons have been thoroughly investigated in the guinea-pig intestine in which these neurons have been identified as intrinsic primary afferent neurons. Dogiel type II neurons in the myenteric ganglia of mice have similar physiological properties to those in guinea-pigs but whether other features of the neurons are similar is unknown. We have used intracellular dye-filling, retrograde tracing, immunohistochemistry and nerve lesions to determine salient features of Dogiel type II neurons of the mouse colon. Dye-filling showed that the neurons provide profuse terminal networks in the myenteric ganglia and also have axons that project towards the mucosa. Retrograde tracing and lesion studies showed that these axons provide direct innervation to the mucosa. High proportions of the neurons had immunoreactivity for calretinin, calbindin, choline acetyltransferase, the purine P2X2 receptor and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). CGRP was the most selective marker of the neurons. Following surgery to remove an area of myenteric plexus, the CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibres in the mucosa degenerated. Thus, Dogiel type II neurons in mice have similar shapes and projections but some differences in chemistry from those in guinea-pigs. The close similarities between the two species in the shapes, projections and electrophysiology of these neurons suggest that they serve the same functions in both species.These studies were funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)  相似文献   

Summary The neuropile regions in the supraesophageal ganglion ofLocusta migratoria were revealed by Bodian staining of frontal and parasagittal sections.A combined recording and staining technique (CoS method, Rehbein et al., 1974) was used to identify physiologically five different types of auditory ventral cord neurons and mark the course of their axons and the positions of the terminal arborizations. The boundaries of the projection regions are described; they include the various multimodal neuropile regions in the ventrolateral protocerebrum.Previously demonstrated instances of convergence with neurons of other sensory systems, and others likely to exist, are considered with respect to their possible significance in neuronal processing within the auditory system.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, as part of the program Sonderforschungsbereich Bionach, Bochum. The investigations were done at Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Zoologie, Ruhr-UniversitÄt, D-4630 Bochum  相似文献   

Summary Neuromedin U immunoreactivity was located histochemically in the guinea-pig small intestine. Projections of immunoreactive neurons were determined by analysing patterns of degeneration following nerve lesions. The co-localization of neuromedin U immunoreactivity with immunoreactivity for substance P, neuropeptide Y, vasoactive intestinal peptide and calbindin was also investigated. Neuromedin U immunoreactivity was found in nerve cells in the myenteric and submucous plexuses and in nerve fibres in these ganglionated plexuses, around submucous arterioles and in the mucosa. Reactive fibres did not supply the muscle layers. Most reactive nerve cells in the myenteric ganglia had Dogiel type-II morphology and in many there was co-localization of calbindin, although some Dogiel type-II neuromedin U neurons were calbindin negative. Lesion studies suggest that these myenteric neurons project circumferentially to local myenteric ganglia. Projections from myenteric neurons also run anally in the myenteric plexus, while other projections extend to submucous ganglia, and still further projections run from the intestine to provide terminals in the coeliac ganglia. In the submucous ganglia neuromedin U was co-localized in three populations of nerve cells: (i) those with vasoactive intestinal peptide immunoreactivity, (ii) neurons containing neuropeptide Y, and (iii) neurons containing substance P. Each of these populations sends nerve fibres to the mucosa. Neuromedin U immunoreactivity is thus located in a variety of neurons serving different functions in the intestine and therefore probably does not have a single role in intestinal physiology.  相似文献   

The distribution of nerve cells and fibres with immunoreactivity for the calcium-binding protein, calretinin, was studied in the distal colon of the guinea-pig. The projections of the neurons were determined by examining the consequences of lesioning the myenteric plexus. Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons comprised 17% of myenteric nerve cells and 6% of submucous nerve cells. Numerous calretinin-immunoreactive nerve fibres were located in the longitudinal and circular muscle, and within the ganglia of the myenteric and submucous plexuses. Occasional fibres were found in the muscularis mucosae, but they were very rare in the lamina propria of the mucosa. Lesion studies revealed that myenteric neurons innervated the underlying circular muscle and provided both ascending and descending processes that gave rise to varicose branches in myenteric ganglia. Calretinin-immunoreactive fibres also projected to the tertiary component of the myenteric plexus, and are therefore likely to be motor neurons to the longitudinal muscle. Varicose fibres that supplied the submucous ganglia appear to arise from submucous nerve cells. Arterioles of the submucous plexus were sparsely innervated by calretinin-immunoreactive fibres. The submucous plexus was the principal source of immunoreactive nerve fibres in the muscularis mucosae. This work shows that calretinin-IR reveals different neuronal populations in the large intestine to those previously reported in the small intestine.  相似文献   

Summary Double-labelling immunohistochemistry and retrograde transport of the carbocyanine dye, DiI, were used to establish the pathways of submucous neurons to the mucosa of the guinea-pig small intestine. Following the application of DiI to a villus, DiI-labelled nerve cell bodies were found in the submucous plexus up to 8.3 mm circumferentially and 3.8 mm longitudinally. The size of each of the four characterised classes of submucous neurons was determined and their distributions and projections mapped. Cells characterised by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactivity accounted for 52% of DiI-labelled cells and had the longest projections. Cells characterised by neuropeptide Y (19%) or by calretinin immunoreactivity (13% of all DiI-labelled neurons) had relatively short projections and cells with substance P immunoreactivity (20%) had intermediate lengths of projection. When DiI was applied directly to the submucous plexus, filled neurons of all classes had significantly shorter projections, indicating that they must run for considerable distances in other pathways to the mucosa, probably via the non-ganglionated plexus. On average, each villus is innervated by at least 70 submucous neurons. From quantitative estimates there are 9 submucous neurons per villus. Thus, each submucous neuron is likely to supply about 8 villi. This demonstrates a high degree of convergence and divergence in the innervation of the mucosa.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified the chemistries, shapes, projections and electrophysiological characteristics of several populations of neurons in the distal colon of the guinea-pig but it is unknown how these characteristics correlate to define the classes of neurons present. We have used double-label immunohistochemical techniques to identify neurochemically distinct subgroups of enteric neurons in this region. On the basis of colocalisation of neurochemical markers and knowledge gained from previous studies of neural projections, 17 classes of neurons were identified. The myenteric plexus contained the cell bodies of 13 distinct types of neurons. Four classes of descending interneurons and three classes of ascending interneurons were identified, together with inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons to both the circular and longitudinal muscle layers. Dogiel type II neurons, which are presumed to be intrinsic primary afferent neurons, were located in myenteric and submucosal ganglia; they were all immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and often calbindin and tachykinins. Three classes of secretomotor neurons with cell bodies in submucosal ganglia were defined. Two of these classes were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase and the other class was immunoreactive for both vasoactive intestinal peptide and nitric oxide synthase. Some of the secretomotor neurons probably also have a vasomotor function. The neural subtypes defined in the present study are similar in many respects to those found in the small intestine, although differences are evident, especially in populations of interneurons. These differences presumably reflect the differing physiological roles of the two intestinal regions.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of the effect of stimulation of afferent fibers in ventral roots on dorsal horn interneurons were investigated in experiments on anesthetized cats. Dorsal horn interneurons on which such fibers project were shown to exist. In particular, some dorsal horn interneurons can exert an inhibitory influence on effects of dorsal root fiber activation.Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 300–305, May–June, 1985.  相似文献   

Neurons establish diverse dendritic morphologies during development, and a major challenge is to understand how these distinct developmental programs might relate to, and influence, neuronal function. Drosophila dendritic arborization (da) sensory neurons display class-specific dendritic morphology with extensive coverage of the body wall. To begin to build a basis for linking dendrite structure and function in this genetic system, we analyzed da neuron axon projections in embryonic and larval stages. We found that multiple parameters of axon morphology, including dorsoventral position, midline crossing and collateral branching, correlate with dendritic morphological class. We have identified a class-specific medial-lateral layering of axons in the central nervous system formed during embryonic development, which could allow different classes of da neurons to develop differential connectivity to second-order neurons. We have examined the effect of Robo family members on class-specific axon lamination, and have also taken a forward genetic approach to identify new genes involved in axon and dendrite development. For the latter, we screened the third chromosome at high resolution in vivo for mutations that affect class IV da neuron morphology. Several known loci, as well as putative novel mutations, were identified that contribute to sensory dendrite and/or axon patterning. This collection of mutants, together with anatomical data on dendrites and axons, should begin to permit studies of dendrite diversity in a combined developmental and functional context, and also provide a foundation for understanding shared and distinct mechanisms that control axon and dendrite morphology.  相似文献   

Zinc ions in the synaptic vesicles of zinc-enriched neurons (ZEN) seem to have an important role in normal physiological and pathophysiological processes in target organ innervation. The factor directly responsible for the transport of zinc ions into synaptic vesicles is zinc transporter 3 (ZnT3), a member of the divalent cation zinc transporters and an excellent marker of ZEN neurons. As data concerning the existence of ZEN neurons in the small intestine is lacking, this study was designed to disclose the presence and neurochemical coding of such neurons in the porcine jejunum. Cryostat sections (10 m?? thick) of porcine jejunum were processed for routine double- and triple-immunofluorescence labeling for ZnT3 in various combinations with immunolabeling for other neurochemicals including pan-neuronal marker (PGP9.5), substance P (SP), somatostatin (SOM), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), leu-enkephalin (LENK), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), neuropeptide Y (NPY), galanin (GAL), and calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP). Immunohistochemistry revealed that approximately 39%, 49%, and 45% of all PGP9.5- positive neurons in the jejunal myenteric (MP), outer submucous (OSP), and inner submucous (ISP) plexuses, respectively, were simultaneously ZnT3+. The majority of ZnT3+ neurons in all plexuses were also VAChT-positive. Both VAChT-positive and VAChT-negative ZnT3+ neurons co-expressed a variety of active substances with diverse patterns of co-localization depending on the plexus studied. In the MP, the largest populations among both VAChT-positive and VAChT-negative ZnT3+ neurons were NOS-positive cells. In the OSP and ISP, substantial subpopulations of ZnT3+ neurons were VAChT-positive cells co-expressing SOM and GAL, respectively. The broad-spectrum of active substances that co-localize with the ZnT3+ neurons in the porcine jejunum suggests that ZnT3 takes part in the regulation of various processes in the gut, both in normal physiological and during pathophysiological processes.  相似文献   

The distribution of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the presumed non-adrenergic noncholinergic inhibitory neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO), was demonstrated in the enteric nervous system of the porcine caecum, colon and rectum. Techniques used were NOS-immunocytochemistry and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPHd)-histochemistry. Throughout the entire large intestine, NOS-immunoreactive (IR) and NADPHd-positive neurons were abundant in the myenteric and outer submucous plexus. In the inner submucous plexus, only a small number of positive neurons were found in the caecum and colon, while a moderate number was observed in the rectum. The nitrergic neurons in the porcine enteric nerve plexuses were of a range of sizes and shapes, with a small proportion showing immunostaining for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Varicose and non-varicose NOS-IR and NADPHd-positive nerve fibres were present in the ganglia and connecting strands of all three plexuses. Nerve fibres were also numerous in the circular muscle layer, scarce in the longitudinal muscle coat and negligible in the mucosal region. The abundance of NOS/NADPHd in the intrinsic innervation of the caecum, colon and rectum of the pig implicates NO as an important neuronal messenger in these regions of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Efferent projections of the thalamic locomotor region were investigated using the horseradish peroxidase technique of retrograde axonal transport. This enzyme was injected into different brain structures. Function was monitored during a micro-injection into the locomotor areas. It was found that direct descending projections from the hypothalamic locomotor region lead mainly to ipsilateral structures and reach the lumbar sections of the spinal cord. Neurons of the locomotor area of the hypothalamus make their major connections with thelocus coeruleus area and the medial brainstem reticular formation. Projections were observed from the hypothalamic locomotor region to the mesencephalic locomotor area and the locomotor strip.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 817–23, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

Song G  Li Q  Shao FZ 《生理学报》2001,53(5):391-395
实验在6只成年猫上进行,将WGA-HRP微量注入C5膈神经核内,通过逆行追踪及5-HT免疫组织化学FITC荧光双重标记方法,研究了中缝核5-HT能神经元向脊髓膈神经核的投射,同时观察了延髓膈肌产运动神经元接受5-HT能纤维投射的情况,结果在中缝苍白核观察到较多的HRP-5-HT双标记神经元,在中缝大核,中缝隐核观察到少数散在的双标记神经元,在延髓疑核,孤束核腹外侧区域的HRP单核记神经元(即膈肌前运动神经元)周围观察到5-HT能轴突末梢,结构表明:发自中缝苍白核5-HT能神经元的传出纤维可投射到脊髓膈神经核,延髓膈肌前运动神经元接受5-HT能纤维的传入投射。  相似文献   

The effect of nitric oxide (NO) on ion transport in the porcine proximal colon was investigated in slide-stripped epithelia mounted in Ussing chambers. The serosal addition of the NO-donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 0.5 mM) or S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP, 0.5 mM) induced a steep increase of short-circuit current ( I(sc)). The stimulatory effect of SNP on I(sc) could not be blocked by piroxicam or tetrodotoxin. Potassium channel inhibitors (quinidine, tetraethylammonium or barium) added serosally reduced the SNP- or SNAP-induced increases of I(sc). In chloride-free solutions, the SNP-induced increase of I(sc) was smaller than in chloride-containing solutions. Cl(- )and Na(+) flux measurements demonstrated that SNP diminished Cl(-) and Na(+) net absorption. Pre-treatment with barium was able to block the inhibitory effect of SNP on NaCl net absorption totally. NO effects on paracellular pathways were assessed by measuring flux rates of [(14)C]-D-mannitol. SNP did not change unidirectional D-mannitol flux rates. In conclusion, NO inhibits NaCl net absorption in the proximal colon of pigs by acting directly on the enterocyte. The antiabsorptive (and/or prosecretory) effect of NO depends on a functional basolateral potassium conductance.  相似文献   

Wu S  Li RW  Li W  Beshah E  Dawson HD  Urban JF 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35470
Helminth infection in pigs serves as an excellent model for the study of the interaction between human malnutrition and parasitic infection and could have important implications in human health. We had observed that pigs infected with Trichuris suis for 21 days showed significant changes in the proximal colon microbiota. In this study, interactions between worm burden and severity of disruptions to the microbial composition and metabolic potentials in the porcine proximal colon microbiota were investigated using metagenomic tools. Pigs were infected by a single dose of T. suis eggs for 53 days. Among infected pigs, two cohorts were differentiated that either had adult worms or were worm-free. Infection resulted in a significant change in the abundance of approximately 13% of genera detected in the proximal colon microbiota regardless of worm status, suggesting a relatively persistent change over time in the microbiota due to the initial infection. A significant reduction in the abundance of Fibrobacter and Ruminococcus indicated a change in the fibrolytic capacity of the colon microbiota in T. suis infected pigs. In addition, ∼10% of identified KEGG pathways were affected by infection, including ABC transporters, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis as well as α-linolenic acid metabolism. Trichuris suis infection modulated host immunity to Campylobacter because there was a 3-fold increase in the relative abundance in the colon microbiota of infected pigs with worms compared to naïve controls, but a 3-fold reduction in worm-free infected pigs compared to controls. The level of pathology observed in infected pigs with worms compared to worm-free infected pigs may relate to the local host response because expression of several Th2-related genes were enhanced in infected pigs with worms versus those worm-free. Our findings provided insight into the dynamics of the proximal colon microbiota in pigs in response to T. suis infection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify myenteric pathways to the circular and longitudinal muscle of the guinea pig proximal colon. To identify excitatory and inhibitory muscle motoneurones, we applied the neuronal retrograde tracer DiI onto the circular or longitudinal muscle layer and performed additional immunohistochemistry for nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). On average 166 +/- 81 circular muscle motoneurones (CMMN) and 100 +/- 74 longitudinal muscle motoneurones (LMMN) were labelled by DiI tracing. Myenteric pathways innervating the muscle were either ascending (DiI-labelled neurones with oral projections) or descending (DiI-labelled neurones with anal projections). The circular muscle was preferentially innervated by ascending pathways (66.0 +/- 9.1%). Most ascending CMMN were ChAT-positive (87.2 +/- 8.5%), whereas descending CMMN were mainly NOS-positive (82.3 +/- 14.6%). Most ascending (62.2 +/- 11.1%) and descending (82.0 +/- 12.5%) CMMN had circumferential projection preferences (circumferential projections were longer than projections along the longitudinal gut axis). In contrast to the polarised projections to the circular muscle, the longitudinal muscle was equally innervated by ascending (46.2 +/- 15.1%) and descending (53.9 +/- 15.1%) neurones. Ascending and descending pathways to the longitudinal muscle consisted predominantly of ChAT-positive neurones (98.1 +/- 1.9% and 68.0 +/- 8.5%, respectively), and both pathways had prominent longitudinal projection preferences. Only 25.5% of the descending LMMN were NOS-positive. In conclusion, the circular muscle in the proximal colon is innervated by descending inhibitory (NOS-positive neurones) and ascending excitatory (ChAT-positive neurones) pathways. In contrast, the longitudinal muscle is primarily innervated by ascending and descending excitatory motoneurones, and only a small proportion of the descending pathway consisted of inhibitory motoneurones.  相似文献   

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