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Size specification of macromolecular assemblies in the cytoplasm is poorly understood [1]. In principle, assemblies could scale with cell size or use intrinsic mechanisms. For the mitotic spindle, scaling with cell size is expected, because the function of this assembly is to physically move sister chromatids into the center of nascent daughter cells. Eggs of Xenopus laevis are among the largest cells known that cleave completely during cell division. Cell length in this organism changes by two orders of magnitude ( approximately 1200 microm to approximately 12 microm) while it develops from a fertilized egg into a tadpole [2]. We wondered whether, and how, mitotic spindle length and morphology adapt to function at these different length scales. Here, we show that spindle length increases with cell length in small cells, but in very large cells spindle length approaches an upper limit of approximately 60 microm. Further evidence for an upper limit to spindle length comes from an embryonic extract system that recapitulates mitotic spindle assembly in a test tube. We conclude that early mitotic spindle length in Xenopus laevis is uncoupled from cell length, reaching an upper bound determined by mechanisms that are intrinsic to the spindle.  相似文献   

Mitotic spindle assembly and maintenance relies on kinesin-5 motors that act as bipolar homotetramers to crosslink microtubules [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]. Kinesin-5 motors have been the subject of extensive structure-function analysis [5], but the regulation of their activity in the context of mitotic progression remains less well understood [2]. We report here that Drosophila kinesin-5 (KLP61F) is regulated by Drosophila Wee1 (dWee1). Wee1 tyrosine kinases are known to regulate mitotic entry via inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdk1 [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10]. Recently, we showed that dWee1 also plays a role in mitotic spindle positioning through γ-tubulin and spindle fidelity through an unknown mechanism [11]. Here, we investigated whether a KLP61F-dWee1 interaction could explain the latter role of dWee1. We found that dWee1 phosphorylates KLP61F in vitro on three tyrosines within the head domain, the catalytic region that mediates movement along microtubules. In vivo, KLP61F with tyrosine→phenylalanine mutations fails to complement a klp61f mutant and dominantly induces spindle defects similar to ones seen in dwee1 mutants. We propose that phosphorylation of the KLP61F catalytic domain by dWee1 is important for the motor's function. This study identifies a second substrate for a Wee1 kinase and provides evidence for phosphoregulation of a kinesin in the head domain.  相似文献   

RBP4, an unexpected adipokine   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Tamori Y  Sakaue H  Kasuga M 《Nature medicine》2006,12(1):30-1; discussion 31

We consider a model for voltage-dependent gating of channels in which the gating charges are on the channel wall and move only a small distance. When this movement occurs across the closed gate, the charges move through the entire transmembrane potential, which is energetically equivalent to their moving across the entire membrane. The channel exists in two open states, O1 and O2, and two closed states, C1 and C2; each open and closed configuration is divided into two states because of the two possible positions of the gating charges. An unusual property of this model is that the electrical work in going from an open to a closed configuration (for example, in going from O1 to C2) is path dependent, and net work can result from going reversibly around a complete cycle. The model channel, like many biological channels, shows bursting activity. This flickering on and off of the channel enables the gate to sense the electric field and decide if it should be in the open or closed configuration. We prove here some general theorms concerning the electrical work associated with the movements of the walls of channels and the movements of charges on these walls.  相似文献   

Smeets LC  Kusters JG 《Trends in microbiology》2002,10(4):159-62; discussion 162
Like other bacterial species with a high frequency of inter-strain recombination, the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori is competent for natural transformation. Recent data, however, indicate that its DNA-uptake system differs significantly from that in other species that contain DNA-uptake systems related to type IV pili. Instead, in H. pylori it has been suggested that the five proteins that form the transmembrane channel of the transformation system are closely related to subunits of type IV secretion systems.  相似文献   

The sequence of the 3'-terminal 1210 nucleotides of RNA 1 and the complete sequence of 3389 nucleotides of RNA 2 of tobacco rattle virus (TRV) strain TCM has been deduced. The sequence of the 3'-terminal 1099 nucleotides of RNAs 1 and 2 was found to be identical. Thus the genome of this TRV strain is partially diploid, encoding a 16K protein in both RNA 1 and RNA 2. The sequence that is unique to RNA 2 contains two open reading frames: the coat protein cistron and a cistron for a 29.1K protein, which shows no homology with the RNA 1 encoded 28.8K protein. cDNA probes corresponding to these two open reading frames cross-hybridized to pea early-browning virus RNA 2, but not to RNA 2 of five other tobraviruses tested.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The obligate methanol-utilising bacterium strain 4025 contains cytochromes b and c. Cytochrome a is never present.
  • 2.2. The soluble cytochrome c is similar to that from other methylotrophs in reacting (slowly) with carbon monoxide and it can be separated into two types, differing markedly in their isoelectric points.
  • 3.3. Some of the cytochrome b reacts rapidly with carbon monoxide and is thus the likely cytochrome oxidase (cytochrome o).
  • 4.4. The partially purified, NAD+-independent methanol dehydrogenase is similar to such enzymes from the other methanol-utilising bacteria in respect of its prosthetic group, dependence on ammonia or methylamine for activity and its wide substrate specificity.
  • 5.5. The fluorescence seen in colonies of this organism is probably due to a flavin derivative.
  • 6.6. This study of electron transport components does not shed any light on the unusually high copper requirement shown by this methylotroph.

Carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC are ubiquitous metalloenzymes, grouped into seven different classes, which catalyze the reaction of CO2 hydration to bicarbonate and protons. All of the fifteen human isoforms reported to date belong to the α-class and contain zinc as a cofactor. The structure of human Zn,Cu-CA II has been solved which contains a copper ion bound at its N-terminal, coordinated to His4 and His64. In the active site a dioxygen molecule is coordinated to the zinc ion. Since dioxygen is a rather unexpected CA ligand, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed which suggested a superoxide character of the zinc bound O2.  相似文献   

Virtual gating and nuclear transport: the hole picture   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The eukaryotic nucleus is surrounded by a protective nuclear envelope, which is perforated by trafficking machines termed nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). The NPCs are the sole mediators of exchange between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Small molecules pass through the NPCs unchallenged; however, large macromolecules are excluded unless chaperoned across by transport factors. Here, we suggest a model, termed ‘virtual gating’, to explain the mechanism of this rapid and selective macromolecular trafficking.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a cytokine with roles in tumor surveillance and tolerance. TRAIL selectively induces apoptosis in many malignant but not normal cells but the underlying cause for spontaneous TRAIL sensitivity remains elusive. We propose a novel hypothesis that links TRAIL sensitivity to translational arrest following stresses that inactivate eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (EF2). Affected cells experience a reduction in apoptotic threshold because, due to their short half-lives, levels of anti-apoptotic proteins quickly drop off once translation elongation is inhibited leaving pro-apoptotic proteins unchallenged. This change in protein profile renders affected cells sensitive to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis and places EF2 into the role of a sensor for cellular damage.  相似文献   

Studies designed to elucidate the mechanism of regulation of the GLUT1 isoform of the glucose transporter in response to a variety of cellular stresses are reviewed. Using ts mutants of vesicular stomatitis virus, it was shown that the viral L gene was responsible for the stimulation of glucose transport in infected cells. Immunofluorescence of GLUT1 demonstrated that the increase in glucose transport was the consequence of a translocation of the transporter from a reservoir in cytoplasmic vesicles to the plasma membrane. When cells were cycled between deficient and standard medium, the change in glucose transport rates was paralleled by a cycling of the transporter between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasmic vesicles. The redistribution of GLUT1 was not a consequence of a general redistribution of recycling plasma membrane proteins. Instead, the findings focus attention on the regulated exocytosis of specific membrane constituents in cells that, until recently, were not thought to exhibit this capacity.  相似文献   

In contact with lipid bilayers and Ca2+-ions, the intracellular protein human annexin V (wild-type), Mr = 35,800, forms two types of cation-selective channels for the transport of Ca2+-, K+-, Na+- and Mg2+-ions, depending on the protein concentration [AN]. Type (I) channel events are large and predominant at high values [AN] > or = K = 5 nM at 296 K. At 50 mM Ca2+, symmetrical on both membrane sides, AN added at the cis side, the conductance is gCa(I) = 22 +/- 2 pS and at symmetrical 0.1 M K+-conditions: gK(I) = 32 +/- 3 pS, associated with two mean open-times tau1(I) = 0.68 +/- 0.2 ms and tau2(I) = 31 +/- 2 ms. Monoclonal anti-AN antibodies added to the trans-side first increase the mean open-times and then abolish the channel activity, suggesting that type (I) channels refer to a membrane spanning protein complex, probably a trimer T, which at [AN] > K changes its membrane organization to a higher oligomer, probably to the side-by-side double-trimer T2. The smaller type (II) channel events are predominant at low [AN] < or = K and refer to the (electroporative) adsorption complex of the monomer. The conductances g(i)(II) for symmetrical concentrations depend non-linearly on the voltage Um = Uext + U(AN), where U(AN) = 0.02 +/- 0.002 V is the electrostatic contribution of the Ca2+-AN complex and Uext the externally applied voltage. There is only one mean open-time tau(o)(II) which is voltage-dependent according to a functional of b x Um2 where b = 113.9 +/- 15 V(-2), yielding an activation Gibbs free energy of Ga = RT x b x Um2. The conformational flicker probability f(i)(II) in g(i)(II) = g(i)0(II) x gamma(i) x f(i)(II) is non-linearly voltage-dependent according to a functional of a x Um2. The Nernst term gamma(i) refers to asymmetrical ion concentrations. From a = 50 V(-2), independent of the ion type, we obtain f(i)0(II) = 0.03 +/- 0.002 and the conductances for the fully open-channel states: gCa0(II) = 69 +/- 3 pS (0.05 M Ca2+) and gK0(II) = 131 +/- 5 pS (1.2 M K+). From the electroporation term a = pi[r(p)2]epsilon0(epsilon(w) - epsilon(m))/(2 kTd) we determine the mean pore radius of the complex in its fully open state as r(p)= 0.86 +/- 0.05 nm. The adsorbed annexin V (Ca2+) monomer appears to electrostatically facilitate the electric pore formation at the contact interface between the protein and the lipid phase. The complex rapidly flickers and thus limits the ion transport in a voltage-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The ability of kinesin to travel long distances on its microtubule track without dissociating has led to a variety of models to explain how this remarkable degree of processivity is maintained. All of these require that the two motor domains remain enzymatically "out of phase," a behavior that would ensure that, at any given time, one motor is strongly attached to the microtubule. The maintenance of this coordination over many mechanochemical cycles has never been explained, because key steps in the cycle could not be directly observed. We have addressed this issue by applying several novel spectroscopic approaches to monitor motor dissociation, phosphate release, and nucleotide binding during processive movement by a dimeric kinesin construct. Our data argue that the major effect of the internal strain generated when both motor domains of kinesin bind the microtubule is to block ATP from binding to the leading motor. This effect guarantees the two motor domains remain out of phase for many mechanochemical cycles and provides an efficient and adaptable mechanism for the maintenance of processive movement.  相似文献   

Dai C  Gu W 《Molecular cell》2012,45(5):581-582
The WTX gene is frequently lost or mutated in Wilms tumor. In this issue of Molecular Cell, Kim et al. (2012) identify WTX modulation of p53 tumor-suppressor activity through regulation of p53 acetylation. Therefore, WTX differentially regulates the oncogenic β-catenin pathway and the tumor-suppressing p53 pathway.  相似文献   

Selection for an optimum growth curve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G M Tallis 《Biometrics》1968,24(1):169-177

Using high resolution capillary gas chromatography, we have unequivocally separated two possible (6- and 7-)mono-O-methylated tetrahydroisoquinoline metabolites in rat brain after acute intraventricular administration of salsolinol, a cyclized dopamine/acetaldehyde derivative. 7-O-Methylsalsolinol (salsoline) constituted 94–98% of the two isomers in five brain regions examined. These results confirm the report by Bail etal. that salsolinol is largely O-methylated invivo (presumably by brain catechol-O-methyl transferase) on the hydroxyl situated “para” in the parent dopamine molecule. In comparison, dopamine itself, administered intraventricularly to pargyline-pretreated rats, was O-methylated exclusively on the “meta” hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

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