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The coordination environment of the CuB center of the quinol oxidase from Acidianus ambivalens, a type B heme–copper oxygen reductase, was investigated by Fourier transform (FT) IR and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The comparative structural chemistry of dinuclear Fe–Cu sites of the different types of oxygen reductases is of great interest. Fully reduced A. ambivalens quinol oxidase binds CO at the heme a 3 center, with ν(CO)=1,973 cm−1. On photolysis, the CO migrated to the CuB center, forming a CuBI–CO complex with ν(CO)=2,047 cm−1. Raising the temperature of the samples to 25°C did not result in a total loss of signal in the FTIR difference spectrum although the intensity of these signals was reduced sevenfold. This observation is consistent with a large energy barrier against the geminate rebinding of CO to the heme iron from CuB, a restricted limited access at the active-site pocket for a second binding, and a kinetically stable CuB–CO complex in A. ambivalens aa 3. The CuB center was probed in a number of different states using EXAFS spectroscopy. The oxidized state was best simulated by three histidines and a solvent O scatterer. On reduction, the site became three-coordinate, but in contrast to the bo 3 enzyme, there was no evidence for heterogeneity of binding of the coordinated histidines. The CuB centers in both the oxidized and the reduced enzymes also appeared to contain substoichiometric amounts (0.2 mol equiv) of nonlabile chloride ion. EXAFS data of the reduced carbonylated enzyme showed no difference between dark and photolyzed forms. The spectra could be well fit by 2.5 imidazoles, 0.5 Cl and 0.5 CO ligands. This arrangement of scatterers would be consistent with about half the sites remaining as unligated Cu(his)3 and half being converted to Cu(his)2ClCO, a 50/50 ratio of Cu(his)2Cl and Cu(his)3CO, or some combination of these formulations. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

Human serum heme–albumin (HSA-heme) displays globin-like properties. Here, the allosteric inhibition of ferric heme [heme-Fe(III)] binding to human serum albumin (HSA) and of ferric HSA–heme [HSA-heme-Fe(III)]-mediated peroxynitrite isomerization by isoniazid and rifampicin is reported. Moreover, the allosteric inhibition of isoniazid and rifampicin binding to HSA by heme-Fe(III) has been investigated. Data were obtained at pH 7.2 and 20.0 °C. The affinity of isoniazid and rifampicin for HSA [K 0 = (3.9 ± 0.4) × 10−4 and (1.3 ± 0.1) × 10−5 M, respectively] decreases by about 1 order of magnitude upon heme-Fe(III) binding to HSA [K h = (4.3 ± 0.4) × 10−3 and (1.2 ± 0.1) × 10−4 M, respectively]. As expected, the heme-Fe(III) affinity for HSA [H 0 = (1.9 ± 0.2) × 10−8 M] decreases by about 1 order of magnitude in the presence of saturating amounts of isoniazid and rifampicin [H d = (2.1 ± 0.2) × 10−7 M]. In the absence and presence of CO2, the values of the second-order rate constant (l on) for peroxynitrite isomerization by HSA-heme-Fe(III) are 4.1 × 105 and 4.3 × 105 M−1 s−1, respectively. Moreover, isoniazid and rifampicin inhibit dose-dependently peroxynitrite isomerization by HSA-heme-Fe(III) in the absence and presence of CO2. Accordingly, isoniazid and rifampicin impair in a dose-dependent fashion the HSA-heme-Fe(III)-based protection of free l-tyrosine against peroxynitrite-mediated nitration. This behavior has been ascribed to the pivotal role of Tyr150, a residue that either provides a polar environment in Sudlow’s site I (i.e., the binding pocket of isoniazid and rifampicin) or protrudes into the heme-Fe(III) cleft, depending on ligand binding to Sudlow’s site I or to the FA1 pocket, respectively. These results highlight the role of drugs in modulating heme-Fe(III) binding to HSA and HSA-heme-Fe(III) reactivity.  相似文献   

Heme–copper oxidases (HCuOs) terminate the respiratory chain in mitochondria and most bacteria. They are transmembrane proteins that catalyse the reduction of oxygen and use the liberated free energy to maintain a proton-motive force across the membrane. The HCuO superfamily has been divided into the oxygen-reducing A-, B- and C-type oxidases as well as the bacterial NO reductases (NOR), catalysing the reduction of NO in the denitrification process. Proton transfer to the catalytic site in the mitochondrial-like A family occurs through two well-defined pathways termed the D- and K-pathways. The B, C, and NOR families differ in the pathways as well as the mechanisms for proton transfer to the active site and across the membrane. Recent structural and functional investigations, focussing on proton transfer in the B, C and NOR families will be discussed in this review. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory Oxidases.  相似文献   

The heme–copper oxidases (HCOs) catalyze the reduction of O2 to water, and couple the free energy to proton pumping across the membrane. HCOs are divided into three sub-classes, A, B and C, whose order of emergence in evolution has been controversial. Here we have analyzed recent structural and functional data on HCOs and their homologues, the nitric oxide reductases (NORs). We suggest that the C-type oxidases are ancient enzymes that emerged from the NORs. In contrast, the A-type oxidases are the most advanced from both structural and functional viewpoints, which we interpret as evidence for having evolved later.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) caused by mutations in cardiac myosin–binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) is a heterogenous disease in which the phenotypic presentation is influenced by genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. Though mouse models have been used extensively to study the contractile effects of cMyBP-C ablation, early postnatal hypertrophic and dilatory remodeling may overshadow primary contractile defects. The use of a murine engineered cardiac tissue (mECT) model of cMyBP-C ablation in the present study permits delineation of the primary contractile kinetic abnormalities in an intact tissue model under mechanical loading conditions in the absence of confounding remodeling events. We generated mechanically integrated mECT using isolated postnatal day 1 mouse cardiac cells from both wild-type (WT) and cMyBP-C–null hearts. After culturing for 1 wk to establish coordinated spontaneous contraction, we measured twitch force and Ca2+ transients at 37°C during pacing at 6 and 9 Hz, with and without dobutamine. Compared with WT, the cMyBP-C–null mECT demonstrated faster late contraction kinetics and significantly faster early relaxation kinetics with no difference in Ca2+ transient kinetics. Strikingly, the ability of cMyBP-C–null mECT to increase contractile kinetics in response to adrenergic stimulation and increased pacing frequency were severely impaired. We conclude that cMyBP-C ablation results in constitutively accelerated contractile kinetics with preserved peak force with minimal contractile kinetic reserve. These functional abnormalities precede the development of the hypertrophic phenotype and do not result from alterations in Ca2+ transient kinetics, suggesting that alterations in contractile velocity may serve as the primary functional trigger for the development of hypertrophy in this model of HCM. Our findings strongly support a mechanism in which cMyBP-C functions as a physiological brake on contraction by positioning myosin heads away from the thin filament, a constraint which is removed upon adrenergic stimulation or cMyBP-C ablation.  相似文献   

The ctaCIDIEI and ctaCIIDIIEII gene clusters that encode heme–copper cytochrome oxidases have been characterized in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and the inactivation of ctaDI was shown to affect high-light adaptation. In this study, Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 wild-type, ctaDI, ctaDII, and ctaDI–ctaDII double mutants were grown under extreme high-light and oxidative stress to further assess the roles of cytochrome oxidases in cyanobacteria. Cells of the ctaDI mutant strain barely grew under extreme high-light illumination of 4.5 mE m−2 s−1, suggesting that CtaDI is required for high-light acclimation in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002. The ctaDI–ctaDII double mutant cells unexpectedly tolerated extreme high-light intensity, indicating that the disruption of ctaDII gene suppresses the high-light sensitivity phenotype of the ctaDI single mutant. The ctaDII mutant cells also exhibited higher tolerance to the oxidative stress compound, methyl viologen, in the growth media. The ctaDII mutant and the ctaDI–ctaDII double mutant cells had approximately twofold higher levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, indicating that the disruption of ctaDII gene increased the capacity to decompose active oxygen species. These results suggest that the CtaII cytochrome oxidase may be involved with the oxidative stress response, including the control of SOD expression.  相似文献   

A mechanism for proton pumping is described that is based on chemiosmotic principles and the detailed molecular structures now available for cytochrome oxidases. The importance of conserved water positions and a step-wise gated process of proton translocation is emphasized, where discrete electron transfer events are coupled to proton uptake and expulsion. The trajectory of each pumped proton is the same for all four substrate electrons. An essential role for the His-Tyr cross-linked species is discussed, in gating of the D- and K-channels and as an acceptor/donor of electrons and protons at the binuclear center.  相似文献   

In this work we study the effect of hydration on the dynamics of a protein in confined geometry, i.e. encapsulated in a porous silica matrix. Using elastic neutron scattering we investigate the temperature dependence of the mean square displacements of non-exchangeable hydrogen atoms of sol-gel encapsulated met-myoglobin. The study is extended to samples at 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 g water/g protein fractions and comparison is made with met-myoglobin powders at the same average hydration and with a dry powder sample. Elastic data are analysed using a model of dynamical heterogeneity to take into account deviations of elastic intensity from gaussian behaviour in a large momentum transfer range and reveal a specific, model independent, effect of sol-gel confinement on protein dynamics, consisting mainly in a reduction of large-scale motions that are activated at temperatures larger than approximately 230 K. Surprisingly, the effect of confinement depends markedly on hydration and has a maximum at about 35% water/protein fraction corresponding to full first shell hydration. The presence of hydration-dependent MSD also in encapsulated met-Mb strongly supports the idea that the effect of sol-gel confinement on protein dynamics involves a modification of the structural/dynamical properties of the co-encapsulated solvent more than direct protein-matrix interactions.  相似文献   

The aggregation of Aβ42 peptides is considered as one of the main causes for the development of Alzheimer's disease. In this context, Zn2+ and Cu2+ play a significant role in regulating the aggregation mechanism, due to changes in the structural and the solvation free energy of Aβ42. In practice, experimental studies are not able to determine the latter properties, since the Aβ42–Zn2+ and Aβ42–Cu2+ peptide complexes are intrinsically disordered, exhibiting rapid conformational changes in the aqueous environment. Here, we investigate atomic structural variations and the solvation thermodynamics of Aβ42, Aβ42–Cu2+, and Aβ42–Zn2+ systems in explicit solvent (water) by using quantum chemical structures as templates for a metal binding site and combining extensive all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with a thorough solvation thermodynamic analysis. Our results show that the zinc and copper coordination results in a significant decrease of the solvation free energy in the C-terminal region (Met35-Val40), which in turn leads to a higher structural disorder. In contrast, the β-sheet formation at the same C-terminal region indicates a higher solvation free energy in the case of Aβ42. The solvation free energy of Aβ42 increases upon Zn2+ binding, due to the higher tendency of forming the β-sheet structure at the Leu17-Ala42 residues, in contrast to the case of binding with Cu2+. Finally, we find the hydrophobicity of Aβ42–Zn2+ in water is greater than in the case of Aβ42–Cu2+.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA), the most prominent protein in plasma, is best known for its exceptional ligand binding capacity. HSA participates in heme scavenging by binding the macrocycle at fatty acid site 1. In turn, heme endows HSA with globin-like reactivity and spectroscopic properties. A detailed pH-dependent kinetic and spectroscopic investigation of iron(II) heme-HSA and of its carbonylated form is reported here. Iron (II) heme-HSA is a mixture of a four-coordinate intermediate-spin species (predominant at pH 5.8 and 7.0), a five-coordinate high-spin form (mainly at pH 7.0), and a six-coordinate low-spin species (predominant at pH 10.0). The acidic-to-alkaline reversible transition reflects conformational changes leading to the coordination of the heme Fe(II) atom by the His146 residue via its nitrogen atom, both in the presence and in the absence of CO. The presence of several species accounts for the complex, multiexponential kinetics observed and reflects the very slow interconversion between the different species observed both for CO association to the free iron(II) heme-HSA and for CO dissociation from CO-iron(II) heme-HSA as a function of pH.  相似文献   

Binding of proteins to particular DNA sites across the genome is a primary determinant of specificity in genome maintenance and gene regulation. DNA-binding specificity is encoded at multiple levels, from the detailed biophysical interactions between proteins and DNA, to the assembly of multi-protein complexes. At each level, variation in the mechanisms used to achieve specificity has led to difficulties in constructing and applying simple models of DNA binding. We review the complexities in protein–DNA binding found at multiple levels and discuss how they confound the idea of simple recognition codes. We discuss the impact of new high-throughput technologies for the characterization of protein–DNA binding, and how these technologies are uncovering new complexities in protein–DNA recognition. Finally, we review the concept of multi-protein recognition codes in which new DNA-binding specificities are achieved by the assembly of multi-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) contains at least two major integrin recognition domains, Arg159-Gly-Asp161 (RGD) and Ser162-Val-Val-Tyr-Gly-Leu-Arg168 (SVVYGLR), recognized by αvβ3 and α5β1 and α4 and α9 integrins, respectively. OPN is specifically cleaved by thrombin and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 or MMP-7 at a position of Arg168/Ser169 (R/S) and Gly166/Leu167 (G/L), respectively. We in this study examined the requirement of residues within SVVYGLR for the α4 and α9 integrin recognition and how MMP-cleavage influences the integrin recognition. The residues, Val164, Tyr165, and Leu167 are critical for α4 and α9 integrin recognition in both cell adhesion and cell migration. The residue Arg168 is additionally required for α9 integrin recognition in cell adhesion and this explains why α9 integrin binds to only thrombin cleaved form of OPN. α4 integrin is able to bind to SVVYG (MMP-cleaved form of RAA OPN-N half), while α9 integrin is not, supporting the above notion that Arg168 is additionally required for α9 integrin-mediated cell adhesion. The residue Val163 is important for α4, but not for α9 integrin recognition in cell migration. Importantly, we found that the replacement of Arg168 by Ala (R168A mutant) induces the augmentation of cell migration via α4 and α9 integrins.  相似文献   

A selection of World Wide Web sites relevant to papers published in this issue of Current Opinion in Structural Biology.  相似文献   

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