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Summary Although it is known that actin polymerizes rapidly at the plasma membrane during the ingestion phase of phagocytosis, not yet fully understood are the mechanisms by which actin is recruited to form a phagoeytic cup and subsequently is dissociated from the phagosome. The aim of this study was to identify actin-binding proteins that mediated actin filament dynamics during phagosome formation and processing. We report that profilins I and II, which promote filament assembly, and cofilin, which stimulates filament disassembly, were constituents of phagosomes isolated fromDictyostelium discoideum fed latex beads, and associated with actin. Biochemical analyses detected one isoform only of cofilin, which bound actin in unstimulated cells as well as in cells engaged in phagocytosis, subjected to various stress treatments, and through development. At membranes of young phagosomes, profilins I and II colocalized with monomeric actin labeled with fluorescent DNase I, and cofilin colocalized with filamentous actin labeled with rhodamine phalloidin. Both immunocytochemical and quantitative immunoblotting data indicated that the kinetic loss of profilins I, II, and cofilin of maturing phagosomes closely followed the falling levels of actin associated with the vesicles. As evidence of vesicle processing,D. discoideum crystal protein (an esterase) was recruited rapidly to phagosomes and its levels increased while those of actin, profilins I, II, and cofilin jointly decreased. The localization data and concurrent losses of profilins and cofilin with actin from phagosomes are consistent with the roles of these actin-binding proteins in filament dynamics and indicated that they were involved in regulating the assembly and disassembly of the actin coat of phagosomes.Abbreviations DNase deoxyribonuclease - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - NEpHGE nonequilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

ADF/cofilin and actin dynamics in disease   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
ADF/cofilins are key regulators of actin dynamics in normal cells. Recent findings suggest that, under cellular stress, the wild-type proteins might form complexes with actin that can alter cell function. Owing to their rapid formation, these complexes might initiate or aid in the progression of diseases as diverse as Alzheimer's disease and ischemic kidney disease. Although evidence for their involvement in diseases other than Alzheimer's and ischemic kidney disease is tenuous, recent studies suggest that altered production, regulation or localization of these proteins might lead to cognitive impairment, inflammation, infertility, immune deficiencies and other pathophysiological defects.  相似文献   

Eight separate mutations in the actin-binding protein profilin-1 have been identified as a rare cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Profilin is essential for many neuronal cell processes through its regulation of lipids, nuclear signals, and cytoskeletal dynamics, including actin filament assembly. Direct interactions between profilin and actin monomers inhibit actin filament polymerization. In contrast, profilin can also stimulate polymerization by simultaneously binding actin monomers and proline-rich tracts found in other proteins. Whether the ALS-associated mutations in profilin compromise these actin assembly functions is unclear. We performed a quantitative biochemical comparison of the direct and formin mediated impact for the eight ALS-associated profilin variants on actin assembly using classic protein-binding and single-filament microscopy assays. We determined that the binding constant of each profilin for actin monomers generally correlates with the actin nucleation strength associated with each ALS-related profilin. In the presence of formin, the A20T, R136W, Q139L, and C71G variants failed to activate the elongation phase of actin assembly. This diverse range of formin-activities is not fully explained through profilin-poly-L-proline (PLP) interactions, as all ALS-associated variants bind a formin-derived PLP peptide with similar affinities. However, chemical denaturation experiments suggest that the folding stability of these profilins impact some of these effects on actin assembly. Thus, changes in profilin protein stability and alterations in actin filament polymerization may both contribute to the profilin-mediated actin disruptions in ALS.  相似文献   

Ins and outs of ADF/cofilin activity and regulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The actin-binding proteins of the actin-depolymerisation factor (ADF)/cofilin family were first described more than three decades ago, but research on these proteins still occupies a front role in the actin and cell migration field. Moreover, cofilin activity is implicated in the malignant, invasive properties of cancer cells. The effects of ADF/cofilins on actin dynamics are diverse and their regulation is complex. In stimulated cells, multiple signalling pathways can be initiated resulting in different activation/deactivation switches that control ADF/cofilin activity. The output of this entire regulatory system, in combination with spatial and temporal segregation of the activation mechanisms, underlies the contribution of ADF/cofilins to various cell migration/invasion phenotypes. In this framework, we describe current views on how ADF/cofilins function in migrating and invading cells.  相似文献   

Schmidt von Braun S  Schleiff E 《Planta》2008,227(5):1151-1159
Chloroplasts accumulate in response to low light, whereas high light induces an actin-dependent avoidance movement. This is a long known process, but its molecular base is barely understood. Only recently first components of the blue light perceiving signal cascade initiating this process were described. Among these, a protein was identified by the analysis of a deletion mutant in the corresponding gene resulting in a chloroplast unusual positioning phenotype. The protein was termed CHUP1 and initial results suggested chloroplast localization. We demonstrate that the protein is indeed exclusively and directly targeted to the chloroplast surface. The analysis of the deletion mutant of CHUP1 using microarray analysis shows an influence on the expression of genes found to be up-regulated, but not on genes found to be down-regulated upon high light exposure in wild-type. Analyzing a putative role of CHUP1 as a linker between chloroplasts and the cytoskeleton, we demonstrate an interaction with actin, which is independent on the filamentation status of actin. Moreover, binding of CHUP1 to profilin—an actin modifying protein—could be shown and an enhancing effect of CHUP1 on the interaction of profilin to actin is demonstrated. Therefore, a role of CHUP1 in bridging chloroplasts to actin filaments and a regulatory function in actin polymerization can be discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Regulation of growth cone actin dynamics by ADF/cofilin.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nervous system development is reliant on neuronal pathfinding, the process in which axons are guided to their target cells by specific extracellular cues. The ability of neurons to extend over long distances in response to environmental guidance signals is made possible by the growth cone, a highly motile structure found at the end of neuronal processes. Growth cones detect directional cues and respond with either attractive or repulsive movements. The motility of growth cones is dependent on rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, presumably mediated by actin-associated proteins under the control of incoming guidance signals. This article reviews how one such family of proteins, the ADF/cofilins, are emerging as key regulators of growth cone actin dynamics. These proteins are essential for rapid actin turnover in a variety of different cell types. ADF/cofilins are heavily co-localized with actin in growth cones and are necessary for neurite outgrowth. ADF/cofilin activities are regulated through reversible phosphorylation by LIM kinases and slingshot phosphatases. LIM kinases are downstream effectors of the Rho GTPases Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. Growing evidence suggests that extracellular guidance cues may locally alter actin dynamics by regulating the activity of LIM kinase and ADF/cofilin phosphatases via the Rho GTPases. In this way, ADF/cofilins and their upstream effectors may be pivotal to our understanding of how guidance information is translated into physical alterations of the growth cone actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

In the purification of proline hydroxylase by affinity chromatography on poly(L-proline)-Sepharose it was found earlier that two other components, profilin and the complex profilin-actin, also bind with high affinity to this matrix. We have exploited this observation to develop a rapid procedure for the isolation of profilin and profilin-actin complexes in high yields directly from high-speed supernatants of crude tissue-extracts. Through an extensive search for elution conditions, avoiding poly(L-proline) as the desorbant, we have found that active proteins can be recovered from the affinity column with a buffer containing 30% dimethyl sulphoxide. Subsequent chromatography on hydroxylapatite separates free profilin and the two isoforms of profilactin, profilin-actinβ and profilin-actinγ. The profilin-actin complexes produced this way have high specific activities in the DNAase-inhibition assay, give rise to filaments on addition of Mg2+, and can be crystallized. From the isolated profilin-actin complexes the β- and γ-actin isoforms of non-muscle cells can easily be prepared in a polymerization competent form. Pure profilin is either obtained from an excess pool present in some extracts or by dissociation of profilin-actin complexes and removal of the actin.  相似文献   

The actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin family of proteins play an essential role in actin dynamics and cytoskeletal re-organization. Human tissues express two isoforms in the same cells, ADF and cofilin, and these two proteins are more than 70% identical in amino acid sequence. We show that ADF is a much more potent actin-depolymerizing agent than cofilin: the maximum level of depolymerization at pH 8 by ADF is about 20 microM compared to 5 microM for cofilin, but little depolymerization occurs at pH 6.5 with either protein. However, we find little difference between the two proteins in their binding to filaments, their severing activities or their activation of subunit release from the pointed ends of filaments. Likewise, they show no significant differences in their affinities for monomeric actin: both bind 15-fold more tightly to actin.ADP than to actin.ATP. Complexes between actin.ADP and ADF or cofilin associate with both barbed and pointed ends of filaments at similar rates (close to those of actin.ATP and much higher than those of actin.ADP). This explains why high concentrations of both proteins reverse the activation of subunit release at pointed ends. The major difference between the two proteins is that the nucleating activity of cofilin-actin.ADP complexes is twice that of ADF-actin.ADP complexes and this, in turn, is twice that of actin.ATP alone. It is this weaker nucleating potential of ADF-actin.ADP that accounts for the much higher steady-state depolymerizing activity. The pH-sensitivity is due to the nucleating activity of complexes being greater at pH 6.5 than at pH 8. Sequence analysis of mammalian and avian isoforms shows a consistent pattern of charge differences in regions of the protein associated with F-actin-binding that may account for the differences in activity between ADF and cofilin.  相似文献   

Braun M  Hauslage J  Czogalla A  Limbach C 《Planta》2004,219(3):379-388
Polar organization and gravity-oriented, polarized growth of characean rhizoids are dependent on the actin cytoskeleton. In this report, we demonstrate that the prominent center of the Spitzenkörper serves as the apical actin polymerization site in the extending tip. After cytochalasin D-induced disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, the regeneration of actin microfilaments (MFs) starts with the reappearance of a flat, brightly fluorescing actin array in the outermost tip. The actin array rounds up, produces actin MFs that radiate in all directions and is then relocated into its original central position in the center of the Spitzenkörper. The emerging actin MFs rearrange and cross-link to form the delicate, subapical meshwork, which then controls the statolith positioning, re-establishes the tip-high calcium gradient and mediates the reorganization of the Spitzenkörper with its central ER aggregate and the accumulation of secretory vesicles. Tip growth and gravitropic sensing, which includes control of statolith positioning and gravity-induced sedimentation, are not resumed until the original polar actin organization is completely restored. Immunolocalization of the actin-binding proteins, actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF) and profilin, which both accumulate in the center of the Spitzenkörper, indicates high actin turnover and gives additional support for the actin-polymerizing function of this central, apical area. Association of villin immunofluorescence with two populations of thick undulating actin cables with uniform polarity underlying rotational cytoplasmic streaming in the basal region suggests that villin is the major actin-bundling protein in rhizoids. Our results provide evidence that the precise coordination of apical actin polymerization and dynamic remodeling of actin MFs by actin-binding proteins play a fundamental role in cell polarization, gravity sensing and gravity-oriented polarized growth of characean rhizoids.Abbreviations ADF Actin-depolymerizing factor - CD Cytochalasin D - MF Microfilament  相似文献   

The binding sites for actin depolymerising factor (ADF) and cofilin on G-actin have been mapped by competitive chemical cross-linking using deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I), gelsolin segment 1 (G1), thymosin beta4 (Tbeta4), and vitamin D-binding protein (DbP). To reduce ADF/cofilin induced actin oligomerisation we used ADP-ribosylated actin. Both vitamin D-binding protein and thymosin beta4 inhibit binding by ADF or cofilin, while cofilin or ADF and DNase I bind simultaneously. Competition was observed between ADF or cofilin and G1, supporting the hypothesis that cofilin preferentially binds in the cleft between sub-domains 1 and 3, similar to or overlapping the binding site of G1. Because the affinity of G1 is much higher than that of ADF or cofilin, even at a 20-fold excess of the latter, the complexes contained predominantly G1. Nevertheless, cross-linking studies using actin:G1 complexes and ADF or cofilin showed the presence of low concentrations of ternary complexes containing both ADF or cofilin and G1. Thus, even with monomeric actin, it is shown for the first time that binding sites for both G1 and ADF or cofilin can be occupied simultaneously, confirming the existence of two separate binding sites. Employing a peptide array with overlapping sequences of actin overlaid by cofilin, we have identified five sequence stretches of actin able to bind cofilin. These sequences are located within the regions of F-actin predicted to bind cofilin in the model derived from image reconstructions of electron microscopical images of cofilin-decorated filaments. Three of the peptides map to the cleft region between sub-domains 1 and 3 of the upper actin along the two-start long-pitch helix, while the other two are in the DNase I loop corresponding to the site of the lower actin in the helix. In the absence of any crystal structures of ADF or cofilin in complex with actin, these studies provide further information about the binding sites on F-actin for these important actin regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Actin and microtubules are major cytoskeletal elements of most cells including neurons. In order for a cell to move and change shape, its cytoskeleton must undergo rearrangements that involve breaking down and reforming filaments. Many recent reviews have focused on the signaling pathways emanating from receptors that ultimately affect axon growth and growth cone steering. This particular review will address changes in the actin cytoskeleton modulated by the family of actin dynamizing proteins known as actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin or AC proteins. Though much is known about inactivation of AC proteins through phosphorylation at ser3 by LIM or TES kinases, new mechanisms of regulation of AC have recently emerged. A novel phosphatase, slingshot (SSH), and the 14-3-3 family of regulatory proteins have also been found to affect AC activity. The potential role of AC proteins in modulating the actin organizational changes that accompany neurite initiation, axonogenesis, growth cone guidance, and dendritic spine formation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an important genetic model organism for studying the mechanisms of endocytosis and cytokinesis. However, most work on the biochemical properties of fission yeast actin-binding proteins has been done with skeletal muscle actin for matters of convenience. When simulations of mathematical models of the mechanism of endocytosis were compared with events in live cells, some of the reactions appeared to be much faster than observed in biochemical experiments with muscle actin. Here, we used gelsolin affinity chromatography to purify actin from fission yeast. S. pombe actin shares many properties with skeletal muscle actin but has higher intrinsic nucleotide exchange rate, faster trimer nucleus formation, faster phosphate dissociation rate from polymerized actin, and faster nucleation of actin filaments with Arp2/3 complex. These properties close the gap between the biochemistry and predictions made by mathematical models of endocytosis in S. pombe cells.  相似文献   

Growth cone motility and navigation in response to extracellular signals are regulated by actin dynamics. To better understand actin involvement in these processes we determined how and in what form actin reaches growth cones, and once there, how actin assembly is regulated. A continuous supply of actin is maintained at the axon tip by slow transport, the mobile component consisting of an unassembled form of actin. Actin is co-transported with actin-binding proteins, including ADF and cofilin, structurally related proteins essential for rapid turnover of actin filaments in vivo. ADF and cofilin activity is regulated through phosphorylation by LIM kinases, downstream effectors of the Rho family of GTPases, Cdc42, Rac and Rho. Attractive and repulsive extracellular guidance cues might locally alter actin dynamics by binding specific GTPase-linked receptors, activating LIM kinases, and subsequently modulating the activity of ADF/cofilin. ADF is enriched in growth cones and is required for neurite outgrowth. In addition, signals that influence growth cone behavior alter ADF/cofilin phosphorylation, and overexpression of ADF enhances neurite outgrowth. Growth promoting effects of laminin are mimicked by expression of constitutively active Cdc42 and blocked by expression of the dominant negative Cdc42. Repulsive effects of myelin and sema3D on growth cones are blocked by expression of constitutively active Rac1 and dominant negative Rac1, respectively. Thus a series of complex pathways must exist for regulating effectors of actin dynamics. The bifurcating nature of the ADF/cofilin phosphorylation pathway may provide the integration necessary for this complex regulation.  相似文献   

The continuously changing polar cytoplasmic organization during initiation and tip growth of root hairs is reflected by a dynamic redistribution of cytoskeletal elements. The small G-actin binding protein, profilin, which is known to be a widely expressed, potent regulator of actin dynamics, was specifically localized at the tip of root hairs and co-distributed with a diffusely fluorescing apical cap of actin, but not with subapical actin microfilament (MF) bundles. Profilin and actin caps were present exclusively in the bulge of outgrowing root hairs and at the apex of elongating root hairs; both disappeared when tip growth terminated, indicating a tip-growth mechanism that involves profilin-actin interactions for the delivery and localized exocytosis of secretory vesicles. Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), a ligand of profilin, was localized almost exclusively in the bulge and, subsequently, formed a weak tip-to-base gradient in the elongating root hairs. When tip growth was eliminated by the MF-disrupting inhibitor cytochalasin D, the apical profilin and the actin fluorescence were lost. Mastoparan, which is known to affect the PIP2 cycle, probably by stimulating phospholipases, caused the formation of a meshwork of distinct actin MFs replacing the diffuse apical actin cap and, concomittantly, tip growth stopped. This suggests that mastoparan interferes with the PIP2-regulated profilin-actin interactions and hence disturbs conditions indispensable for the maintenance of tip growth in root hairs. Received: 11 March 1999 / Accepted: 27 May 1999  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cellular movements are powered by the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments. Actin dynamics are controlled by Arp2/3 complex, the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) and the related Scar protein, capping protein, profilin, and the actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF, also known as cofilin). Recently, using an assay that both reveals the kinetics of overall reactions and allows visualization of actin filaments, we showed how these proteins co-operate in the assembly of branched actin filament networks. Here, we investigated how they work together to disassemble the networks. RESULTS: Actin filament branches formed by polymerization of ATP-actin in the presence of activated Arp2/3 complex were found to be metastable, dissociating from the mother filament with a half time of 500 seconds. The ADF/cofilin protein actophorin reduced the half time for both dissociation of gamma-phosphate from ADP-Pi-actin filaments and debranching to 30 seconds. Branches were stabilized by phalloidin, which inhibits phosphate dissociation from ADP-Pi-filaments, and by BeF3, which forms a stable complex with ADP and actin. Arp2/3 complex capped pointed ends of ATP-actin filaments with higher affinity (Kd approximately 40 nM) than those of ADP-actin filaments (Kd approximately 1 microM), explaining why phosphate dissociation from ADP-Pi-filaments liberates branches. Capping protein prevented annealing of short filaments after debranching and, with profilin, allowed filaments to depolymerize at the pointed ends. CONCLUSIONS: The low affinity of Arp2/3 complex for the pointed ends of ADP-actin makes actin filament branches transient. By accelerating phosphate dissociation, ADF/cofilin promotes debranching. Barbed-end capping proteins and profilin allow dissociated branches to depolymerize from their free pointed ends.  相似文献   

Axons fail to regenerate in the adult central nervous system (CNS) following injury. Developing strategies to promote axonal regeneration is therapeutically attractive for various CNS pathologies such as traumatic brain injury, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Because the RhoA pathway is involved in neurite outgrowth, Rho-associated kinases (ROCKs), downstream effectors of GTP-bound Rho, are potentially important targets for axonal repair strategies in CNS injuries. We investigated the effects and downstream mechanisms of ROCK inhibition in promoting neurite outgrowth in a PC-12 cell model. Robust neurite outgrowth (NOG) was induced by ROCK inhibitors Y-27632 and H-1152 in a time-and dose-dependent manner. Dramatic cytoskeletal reorganization was noticed upon ROCK inhibition. NOG initiated within 5 to 30 minutes followed by neurite extension between 6 and 10 hours. Neurite processes were then sustained for over 24 hours. Rapid cofilin dephosphorylation was observed within 5 minutes of Y-27632 and H-1152 treatment. Re-phosphorylation was observed by 6 hours after Y-27632 treatment, while H-1152 treatment produced sustained cofilin dephosphorylation for over 24 hours. The results suggest that ROCK-mediated dephosphorylation of cofilin plays a role in the initiation of NOG in PC-12 cells.  相似文献   

To study cellular actin dynamics, a cell-free assay based on fluorescence anisotropy was developed. Using G-actin-Alexa as a probe, we found that anisotropy enhancement reflects F-actin elongation. Anisotropy enhancement varies with the concentration of magnesium and calcium cations and with ethylenediaminetetraacetate or well-known effectors of the polymerization. This assay gives the overall status of actin dynamics in cell extracts which are the closest conditions to in vivo, implying most of the regulating proteins that are missing in purified actin measurements. It can be used in a large-scale screening for chemical compounds which modulate actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Cofilin/ADF proteins are a ubiquitously expressed family of F-actin depolymerizing factors found in eukaryotic cells including plants. In vitro, cofilin/ADF activity has been shown to be essential for actin driven motility, by accelerating actin filament turnover. Three actin depolymerizing factors (n-cofilin, m-cofilin, ADF) can be found in mouse and human. Here we show that in mouse the non-muscle-specific gene-n-cofilin-is essential for migration of neural crest cells as well as other cell types in the paraxial mesoderm. The main defects observed in n-cofilin mutant embryos are an impaired delamination and migration of neural crest cells, affecting the development of neural crest derived tissues. Neural crest cells lacking n-cofilin do not polarize, and F-actin bundles or fibers are not detectable. In addition, n-cofilin is required for neuronal precursor cell proliferation and scattering. These defects result in a complete lack of neural tube closure in n-cofilin mutant embryos. Although ADF is overexpressed in mutant embryos, this cannot compensate the lack of n-cofilin, suggesting that they might have a different function in embryonic development. Our data suggest that in mammalian development, regulation of the actin cytoskeleton by the F-actin depolymerizing factor n-cofilin is critical for epithelial-mesenchymal type of cell shape changes as well as cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Emerging data indicate that actin dynamics is associated with ciliogenesis. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we find that nuclear distribution gene C (NudC), an Hsp90 co-chaperone, is required for actin organization and dynamics. Depletion of NudC promotes cilia elongation and increases the percentage of ciliated cells. Further results show that NudC binds to and stabilizes cofilin 1, a key regulator of actin dynamics. Knockdown of cofilin 1 also facilitates ciliogenesis. Moreover, depletion of either NudC or cofilin 1 causes similar ciliary defects in zebrafish, including curved body, pericardial edema and defective left-right asymmetry. Ectopic expression of cofilin 1 significantly reverses the phenotypes induced by NudC depletion in both cultured cells and zebrafish. Thus, our data suggest that NudC regulates actin cytoskeleton and ciliogenesis by stabilizing cofilin 1.  相似文献   

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