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Leaf-cutting ants (tribe Attini) are a unique group of ants that cultivate a fungus that serves as a main source of their food. The fungus is grown on fresh leaves that are harvested by workers. We examine the respective contribution of ants and their symbiotic fungus in the degradation of plant material by examining the digestive capacities of seven Attini species in the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. The results show that both, the ants and their mutualistic fungi, have complementary enzymatic activities. Ants are specialized in the degradation of low molecular weight substrates (oligosaccharides and heterosides) whereas the fungus displays high polysaccharidase activity. The two genera Atta and Acromyrmex are not distinguished by a specific enzymatic activity. The seven different mutualistic associations examined display a similar enzymatic profile but have quantitative differences in substrate degradation activities. The respective contribution of ants and the fungus garden in plant degradation are discussed.  相似文献   

Tobacco alkaloids of the anabasine type have been found or confirmed in the venom of five species of arid-dwelling Messor ants. They are frequently accompanied by alkylpyrazines. Messor mediorubra contains four alkaloids, with anabasine the major component and also minor pyrazines. Anabasine was found alone in the venom of Messor semirufus and confirmed in Messor ebeninus. Messor rugosus from Tel Aviv contained a mixture of alkaloids and pyrazines, but those from Ein Yahav contained 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine, some 2-phenylethylamine, and N-ethylidene 2-phenylethylamine. Messor arenarius is confirmed as having a complex but variable mixture of alkaloids and pyrazines.  相似文献   

The Bestrophin-1/VMD2 gene has been implicated in Best disease, a juvenile-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy. The Bestrophin proteins have anion channel activity, and the four mammalian members share sequence homologies in multiple transmembrane domains and an RFP-tripeptide motif. The expression patterns and functions of the Bestrophin genes in retinal pigment epithelium have been studied intensively, whereas little is known about their roles in vertebrate embryogenesis. This study examined the roles of four Xenopus tropicalis homologs of BEST genes. The xtBest genes showed spatially and temporally distinct expression. xtBest-2 was the only maternally expressed Best gene, and both xtBest-2 and the Xenopus laevis Best-2 gene were expressed at the edge of the blastopore lip including the organizer. Ectopic expression of xBest-2 caused defects in dorsal axis formation and in mesodermal gene expression during gastrulation. These results suggest a new role of the Bestrophin family genes in early vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

濒危植物长叶榧的光合生理生态特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王强  金则新  郭水良  管铭  王兴龙 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6460-6470
利用Li-6400 XT便携式光合作用仪对林窗、林缘、林下3种生境中的长叶榧(Torreya ackii)在春、夏、秋、冬4个季节里的光合生理生态指标进行测定,探讨3种生境中长叶榧光合能力的季节变化及其对不同光环境的响应,分析其濒危机制,为长叶榧的迁地保护和种群的繁衍复壮提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)林窗、林缘的长叶榧净光合速率(Pn)日变化在夏季呈"双峰"曲线,其它3个季节均呈"单峰"曲线;林下的Pn日变化在4个季节均呈"单峰"曲线。(2)3种生境中最大净光合速率(Pnmax)、光饱和点(LSP)、表观量子效率(AQY)、最大羧化速率(Vcmax)、最大电子传递速率(Jmax)、磷酸丙糖利用率(TPU)均为夏季最高,使得夏季有较强的光合作用能力,但夏季林窗、林缘的长叶榧出现光合"午休"现象,光补偿点(LCP)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)也较高,使得夏季林窗生境的长叶榧日均Pn明显低于于秋季,林缘的日均Pn与秋季差异不显著。(3)4个季节的日均Pn、Pnmax、LSP、Vcmax、Jma、TPU均为林窗最高,林窗与林下差异显著,表明长叶榧具有阳性植物的特点,适宜生长在光照较强的林窗生境。(4)在生长旺盛的夏、秋季,长叶榧的LSP比伴生物种低,LCP比伴生物种高,对光适应的生态幅度较窄;与伴生物种相比,长叶榧的Pn较低,光合能力较弱,在激烈的种间竞争中处于不利地位,可能成为其濒危的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

Sulfated polysaccharides potently inhibit the infectivity of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in cultured cells. In this study, we have analyzed sulfated xylogalactofucan and alginic acid containing fractions generated from Laminaria angustata, a marine alga. The xylogalactofucan that has apparent molecular mass of 56 ± 5 kDa and unusually low sulfate content contains, inter alia, 1,3-, 1,4- and 1,2-linked fucopyranosyl residues. The algin (molecular mass: 32 ± 5 kDa) contains gulo- (55.5%) and mannuronic (44.5%) acid residues. Introduction of sulfate groups enhanced the macromolecules capability to inhibit the infection of cells by HSV-1. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of these macromolecules against HSV-1 were in the range of 0.2-25 μg ml−1 and they lacked cytotoxicity at concentrations up to 1000 μg ml−1. The sulfate content appeared to be an important hallmark of anti-HSV-1 activity. Our results suggest the feasibility of inhibiting HSV attachment to cells by direct interaction of polysaccharides with viral particles.  相似文献   

Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharide (GBEP) was obtained by hot water extraction, the crude polysaccharide was deproteinized by Sevag method and fractionized by a DEAE Sepharose fast flow anion-exchange column. Five fragments were obtained, including neutral polysaccharide (GBEP-N) and four acidic polysaccharides (GBEP-A1, GBEP-A2, GBEP-A3 and GBEP-A4). GBEP-N and GBEP-A3 were further purified by Superdex 200 gel column chromatography. The resulted two fractions GBEP-NN, and GBEP-AA were characterized by FT-IR, and HPGFC (high pressure gel filtration chromatography). Monosaccharide composition was determined by RP-HPLC method of precolumn derivatization with 1-phenyl-3-5-pyrazolone. GBEP-NN was mainly composed of rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, glucose and galactose, while GBEP-AA was mainly made up of mannose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, galactosamine, glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, and fucose. The crude GBEP exhibited certain antioxidant activity. At the concentration of 5 mg/mL, the hydroxyl radical scavenging effect of GBEP was 90.52%, greater than 77.37% for the positive control ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

Kneallhazia solenopsae is a pathogenic microsporidium that infects the fire ants Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri in South America and the USA. In this study, we analyzed the prevalence and molecular diversity of K. solenopsae in fire ants from North and South America. We report the first empirical evidence of K. solenopsae infections in the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, and S. geminata × Solenopsis xyloni hybrids, revealing an expanded host range for this microsporidium. We also analyzed the molecular diversity at the 16S ribosomal RNA gene in K. solenopsae from the ant hosts S.invicta, S. richteri, S. geminata and S. geminata × S. xyloni hybrids from North America, Argentina and Brazil. We found 22 16S haplotypes. One of these haplotypes (WD_1) appears to be widely distributed, and is found in S. invicta from the USA and S. geminata from southern Mexico. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S sequences revealed that K. solenopsae haplotypes fall into one of two major clades that are differentiated by 2-3%. In some cases, multiple K. solenopsae haplotypes per colony were found, suggesting either an incomplete homogenization among gene copies within the 16S gene cluster or multiple K. solenopsae variants simultaneously infecting host colonies.  相似文献   

Associative learning has been studied in many vertebrates and invertebrates. In social insects, the proboscis extension response conditioning of honey bees has been widely used for several decades. However, a similar paradigm has not been developed for ants, which are advanced social insects showing different morphological castes and a plethora of life histories. Here we present a novel conditioning protocol using Camponotus aethiops. When the antennae of a harnessed ant are stimulated with sucrose solution, the ant extends its maxilla-labium to absorb the sucrose. We term this the “maxilla-labium extension response” (MaLER). MaLER could be conditioned by forward pairing an odour (conditioned stimulus) with sucrose (unconditioned stimulus) in the course of six conditioning trials (absolute conditioning). In non-rewarded tests following conditioning, ants gave significantly higher specific responses to the conditioned stimulus than to a novel odour. When trained for differential conditioning, ants discriminated between the odour forward-paired with sucrose and an odour forward-paired with quinine (a putative aversive stimulus). In both absolute and differential conditioning, memory lasted for at least 1 h. MaLER conditioning allows full control of the stimulation sequence, inter-stimulus and inter-trial intervals and satiety, which is crucial for any further study on associative learning in ants.  相似文献   

Terrestrial panoramic cues, path integration and search behavior are the main navigational strategies used by ants to locate food and find their way back to the nest. Searching becomes important when the other navigational cues are either not available or cannot provide sufficient information to pinpoint the goal. When searching in one-dimensional channels Melophorus bagoti ants exhibit a systematic drift in the starting-point-to-goal direction as they turn back and forth, sometimes past the goal location ( Narendra et al., 2008). Here we show that this drift in channels is not a stereotypical part of the search behavior in these ants. It rather depends on the conditions of training. In experiments in which the nest entrance is located not at the end but at the side of the channel, forward drift is not always part of the nest search. Experiments on food searches showed that with the food source at the end of the channel, ants performed a linear drift in the starting-point-to-food direction. With food at the side of the channel, they showed a less pronounced drift toward the food source. In this constrained environment, especially with the goal at the end of the channel, ants seem to learn a routine such as ‘run along the channel’, and mix this routine with their usual strategy of turning back and forth in search.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. OX1 is able to metabolize toluene and o-xylene through the TOU catabolic pathway, whereas its mutant M1 strain was found to be able to use m- and p-xylene as carbon and energy source, using the TOL catabolic pathway. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the phe lower operon of the TOU catabolic pathway, and the sequence of the last four genes of the xyl-like lower operon of the TOL catabolic pathway. DNA sequence analysis shows the gene order within the operons to be pheCDEFGHI (phe operon) and xyl-likeQKIH (xyl-like operon), identical to the order found for the isofunctional genes of meta operons in the toluene/xylene pathway of TOL plasmid pWW0 from Pseudomonas putida mt-2 and the phenol/methylphenol pathway of pVIl50 from Pseudomonas sp. CF600. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences are homologous to the equivalent gene and enzyme sequences from other Pseudomonas meta pathways. Recombinant 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (HMSD) and 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolase (HMSH), coded by pheCD genes, respectively, and ADA and HOA enzymes from both phe and xyl operons were expressed in E. coli and steady-state kinetic analysis was carried out. The analysis of the kinetic parameters of HMSD and HMSH showed that the enzymes from Pseudomonas sp. OX1 are more specialized to channel metabolites into the two branches of the lower pathway than homologous enzymes from other pseudomonads. The kinetics parameters of recombinant ADA from phe and xyl-like operon were found to be similar to those of homologous enzymes from other Pseudomonas strains. In addition, the enzyme from xyl-like operon showed a substrate affinity three times higher than the enzyme from phe operon.  相似文献   

During a screening of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) in agricultural soils, two strains, IH9 and OCI1, were isolated from the rhizosphere of grasses in Spain, and they showed a high ability to solubilize phosphate in vitro. Inoculation experiments in chickpea and barley were conducted with both strains and the results demonstrated their ability to promote plant growth. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of these strains were nearly identical to each other and to those of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus DSM 30006T, as well as the strain CIP 70.29 representing genomospecies 3. Their phenotypic characteristics also coincided with those of strains forming the A. calcoaceticus–baumannii complex. They differed from A. calcoaceticus in the utilization of l-tartrate as a carbon source and from genomospecies 3 in the use of d-asparagine as a carbon source. The 16S–23S intergenic spacer (ITS) sequences of the two isolates showed nearly 98% identities to those of A. calcoaceticus, confirming that they belong to this phylogenetic group. However, the isolates appeared as a separate branch from the A. calcoaceticus sequences, indicating their molecular separation from other A. calcoaceticus strains. The analysis of three housekeeping genes, recA, rpoD and gyrB, confirmed that IH9 and OCI1 form a distinct lineage within A. calcoaceticus. These results were congruent with those from DNA–DNA hybridization, indicating that strains IH9 and OCI1 constitute a new genomovar for which we propose the name A. calcoaceticus genomovar rhizosphaerae.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular parasite, has two distinctive growth stages, namely rapidly growing tachyzoites and slowly growing bradyzoites. Here we report a unique physiological function of the last committed glycolytic enzyme of T. gondii, lactate dehydrogenase (TgLDH), which is present in two isoforms and expressed in a stage-specific manner. TgLDH1 is present in tachyzoites while TgLDH2 is found in bradyzoites. Using clonal transgenic parasites over-expressing either TgLDH1 or TgLDH2, we showed that the enzymatic activity, growth, and virulence of tachyzoites were unaffected by the presence of the recombinant protein. Interestingly, under alkaline conditions the presence of the recombinant TgLDH proteins increased the differentiation, as detected by the formation of cyst structures in vitro, while green fluorescent protein did not. The differentiation enhancement of the recombinant TgLDH1 and TgLDH2 strongly suggests that TgLDH1 and TgLDH2 have an important physiological function, in addition to being glycolytic enzymes and differentiation markers.  相似文献   

The extracellular polysaccharides (EPSs) isolated from Porphyridium cruentum were degraded by hermetical-microwave and H2O2 under ultrasonic waves. Six products were obtained with molecular weights of 6.53, 256, 606, 802.6, 903.3 and 1002 kDa. The antitumor and immunomodulatory activities of different-molecular-weight (MW) polysaccharides were evaluated by the S180-tumor-bearing mouse model in vivo and peritoneal macrophage activation in vitro. The degraded EPSs all showed clear immunomodulation to different extents. The MW of the EPSs had a notable effect on their activity. The 6.53-kDa fragment had the strongest immunoenhancing activity. Different doses of EPS all inhibited the growth of the implanted S180 tumor. The tumor inhibition index at high, middle and low doses was 53.3%, 47.5% and 40.5%, respectively. In addition, three different concentrations of EPS significantly increased lymphocyte proliferation, which indicated the unique mechanism of the antitumor effect of EPS.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify a collection of 35 Cupriavidus isolates at the species level and to examine their capacity to nodulate and fix N(2). These isolates were previously obtained from the root nodules of two promiscuous trap species, Phaseolus vulgaris and Leucaena leucocephala, inoculated with soil samples collected near Sesbania virgata plants growing in Minas Gerais (Brazil) pastures. Phenotypic and genotypic methods applied for this study were SDS-PAGE of whole-cell proteins, and 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequencing. To confirm the ability to nodulate and fix N(2), the presence of the nodC and nifH genes was also determined, and an experiment was carried out with two representative isolates in order to authenticate them as legume nodule symbionts. All 35 isolates belonged to the betaproteobacterium Cupriavidus necator, they possessed the nodC and nifH genes, and two representative isolates were able to nodulate five different promiscuous legume species: Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, L. leucocephala, Macroptilium atropurpureum, P. vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata. This is the first study to demonstrate that C. necator can nodulate legume species.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and taxonomic position of slow-growing Genista tinctoria rhizobia from Poland, Ukraine and England were estimated by comparative 16S rDNA, atpD, and dnaK sequence analyses, PCR-RFLP of 16S rDNA, DNA G + C content, and DNA–DNA hybridization. Each core gene studied placed the G. tinctoria rhizobia in the genus Bradyrhizobium cluster with unequivocal bootstrap support. G. tinctoria symbionts and bradyrhizobial strains shared 96–99% similarity in 16S rDNA sequences. Their similarity for atpD and dnaK sequences was 93–99% and 89–99%, respectively. These data clearly showed that G. tinctoria rhizobia belonged to the genus Bradyrhizobium. 16S rDNA sequence analysis was in good agreement with the results of the PCR-RFLP of the 16S rRNA gene. Although the tested strains formed separate lineages to the reference bradyrhizobia their RFLP 16S rDNA patterns were quite similar. The genomic DNA G + C content of three G. tinctoria rhizobia was in the range from 60.64 to 62.83 mol%. Data for species identification were obtained from DNA–DNA hybridization experiments. G. tinctoria microsymbionts from Poland were classified within Bradyrhizobium japonicum genomospecies based on 56–82% DNA–DNA similarity.  相似文献   

The water-soluble Dictyophora indusiata polysaccharides (DIP) were extracted from the fruiting body of D. indusiata. The structural features of purified DIPs I and II were investigated. The results indicated that DIP I was composed of glucose (Glc) and mannose (Man) with molecular weight of 2100 kDa, while DIP II comprised of xylose (Xyl), galactose (Gal), glucose (Glc) and Man with molecular weight of 18.16 kDa. The glycosidic linkage of DIP I was composed of →1)-Glc-(6→: →1)-Man-(3,6→ with the ratio of 5.6:1.0, while DIP II was composed of →1)-Glc-(6→: →1)-Man-(3,6→: →1)-Xyl-(5→: →1)-Gal-(3→: →1)-Gal-(6→: with the ratio of 4.9: 15.5: 7.8: 1.0: 5.7. DIP significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the malondialdehyde (MDA), lipofuscin levels and increased the superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities of mice. The strong in vivo antioxidant activity indicated DIP had great potential as functional food.  相似文献   

Host-plant finding by foundress queens is an important step in the establishment of ant–plant symbioses and olfactory cues may play a crucial role in the MacarangaCrematogaster ant–plant system for attracting foundresses over longer distances. MicroSPE was used to investigate leaf volatiles of 11 myrmecophytic and non-myrmecophytic Macaranga species. Chemical analysis (GC–MS) yielded a total of 114 compounds comprising a great diversity, including aliphatic compounds, aromatics, mono- and sesquiterpenoids. An analysis of the volatile data using the CNESS distances of the chemical profiles, followed by visualization of the data with non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) showed that even closely related species sharing the same ant partners have clearly different scent patterns. Comparison of spectra of volatile compounds between obligate myrmecophytic Macaranga species and myrmecophilous species that are only facultatively associated with unspecific arboreal ants did not reveal general differences. Choice experiments conducted with foundresses revealed that the ants have the capacity to distinguish between different host species. However, the behavior of the foundresses following surface contact with saplings indicates that other cues, like surface structure, may play a more important role in host-recognition over short distances than volatile compounds. We discuss alternative hypotheses for the possible role of leaf volatiles in the examined Macaranga species as chemical defense against herbivores.  相似文献   

We caught solitary foragers of the Australian Jack Jumper ant, Myrmecia croslandi, and released them in three compass directions at distances of 10 and 15 m from the nest at locations they have never been before. We recorded the head orientation and the movements of ants within a radius of 20 cm from the release point and, in some cases, tracked their subsequent paths with a differential GPS. We find that upon surfacing from their transport vials onto a release platform, most ants move into the home direction after looking around briefly. The ants use a systematic scanning procedure, consisting of saccadic head and body rotations that sweep gaze across the scene with an average angular velocity of 90° s−1 and intermittent changes in turning direction. By mapping the ants’ gaze directions onto the local panorama, we find that neither the ants’ gaze nor their decisions to change turning direction are clearly associated with salient or significant features in the scene. Instead, the ants look most frequently in the home direction and start walking fast when doing so. Displaced ants can thus identify home direction with little translation, but exclusively through rotational scanning. We discuss the navigational information content of the ants’ habitat and how the insects’ behaviour informs us about how they may acquire and retrieve that information.  相似文献   

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