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β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) is a five-domain protein associated with the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), however, its normal biological function is yet to be defined. β2GPI is N-glycosylated at several asparagine residues and the glycan moiety conjugated to residue 143 has been proposed to interact with the Gly40–Arg43 motif of β2GPI. The Gly40–Arg43 motif has also been proposed to serve as the epitope for the anti-β2GPI autoantibody associated with APS. We hypothesized that the structure or composition of the glycan at Asn-143 might be associated with the APS symptom by shielding or exposing the Gly40–Arg43 motif towards the anti-β2GPI autoantibody. To test this hypothesis we used mass spectrometry (MS) for comparative glycopeptide profiling of human β2GPI obtained from blood serum from four healthy test subjects and six APS patients. It revealed significant differences in the extent of sialylation and branching of glycans at Asn-143. Biantennary glycans were more abundant than triantennary glycans at Asn-143 in both healthy subjects and patients. In APS patient samples we observed a decrease in sialylated triantennary glycans and an increase in sialylated biantennary glycan structures, as compared to controls. These data indicate that some APS patients have β2GPI molecules with a reduced number of negatively charged sialic acid units in the glycan structure at Asn-143. This alteration of the electrostatic properties of the glycan moiety may attenuate the intramolecular interactions with the positively charged Gly40–Arg43 motif of β2GPI and, in turn, leads to conformational instability and exposure of the disease-related linear epitope Gly40–Arg43 to the circulating autoantibody. Thus, our study suggests a link between site-specific glycan profiles of β2GPI and the pathology of antiphospholipid syndrome.  相似文献   

Borrelidin exhibits a wide spectrum of biological activities and has been considered as a non-competitive inhibitor of threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS). However, the detailed mechanisms of borrelidin against ThrRS, especially borrelidin binding site on ThrRS, are still unclear, which limits the development of novel borrelidin derivatives and rational design of structure-based ThrRS inhibitors. In this study, the binding site of borrelidin on Escherichia coli ThrRS was predicted by molecular docking. To validate our speculations, the ThrRS mutants of E. coli (P424K, E458Δ, and G459Δ) were constructed and their sensitivity to borrelidin was compared to that of the wild-type ThrRS by enzyme kinetics and stopped-flow fluorescence analysis. The docking results showed that borrelidin binds the pocket outside but adjacent to the active site of ThrRS, consisting of residue Y313, R363, R375, P424, E458, G459, and K465. Site-directed mutagenesis results showed that sensitivities of P424K, E458Δ, and G459Δ ThrRSs to borrelidin were reduced markedly. All the results showed that residue Y313, P424, E458, and G459 play vital roles in the binding of borrelidin to ThrRS. It indicated that borrelidin may induce the cleft closure, which blocks the release of Thr-AMP and PPi, to inhibit activity of ThrRS rather than inhibit the binding of ATP and threonine. This study provides new insight into inhibitory mechanisms of borrelidin against ThrRS.  相似文献   

β2糖蛋白Ⅰ(beta 2-glycoproteinⅠ,β2GPⅠ)是抗磷脂综合征(antiphospholipid syndrome,APS)血清中抗磷脂抗体(antiphospholipid antibody,a PL)的主要抗原。β2GPⅠ通过第五结构域与阴性磷脂ox LDL结合,进而被a PL识别,是APS动脉血栓发生的关键事件。该研究构建了编码β2GPⅠ第五结构域(β2GPⅠ-DⅤ)、β2GPⅠ-DⅤ突变体及β2GPⅠ-DⅤ的Phe280-Ala320片段的原核表达载体,对其进行诱导表达和纯化,解析了β2GPⅠ-DⅤ与阴性磷脂结合的分子机制,结果表明,β2GPⅠ-DⅤ中Cys281-Cys288以及Ser311-Lys317区段在空间上维持一定构型是与CL结合所必须的前提条件,而C245-C296,C288-C326两个二硫键在维持二者空间构型方面起到一定的作用。在此基础上,进一步检测了具有结合CL生物学活性的r DⅤ结合ox LDL以及APS血清中ox LDL的活性,表明r DⅤ具有与天然β2GPⅠ相一致的生物学活性。该研究获得的rβ2GPⅠ-DⅤ,以及与ox LDL结合的方法体系的建立,为APS早期实验室诊断奠定基础。  相似文献   

Type I interferons (IFNs) are a family of homologous helical cytokines that exhibit pleiotropic effects on a wide variety of cell types, including antiviral activity and antibacterial, antiprozoal, immunomodulatory, and cell growth regulatory functions. Consequently, IFNs are the human proteins most widely used in the treatment of several kinds of cancer, hepatitis C, and multiple sclerosis. All type I IFNs bind to a cell surface receptor consisting of two subunits, IFNAR1 and IFNAR2, associating upon binding of interferon. The structure of the extracellular domain of IFNAR2 (R2-EC) was solved recently. Here we study the complex and the binding interface of IFNalpha2 with R2-EC using multidimensional NMR techniques. NMR shows that IFNalpha2 does not undergo significant structural changes upon binding to its receptor, suggesting a lock-and-key mechanism for binding. Cross saturation experiments were used to determine the receptor binding site upon IFNalpha2. The NMR data and previously published mutagenesis data were used to derive a docking model of the complex with an RMSD of 1 Angstrom, and its well-defined orientation between IFNalpha2 and R2-EC and the structural quality greatly improve upon previously suggested models. The relative ligand-receptor orientation is believed to be important for interferon signaling and possibly one of the parameters that distinguish the different IFN I subtypes. This structural information provides important insight into interferon signaling processes and may allow improvement in the development of therapeutically used IFNs and IFN-like molecules.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of the D2-glycoprotein   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
Abstract: D2 is a glycoprotein enriched in neuronal membranes and probably involved in intercellular adhesion. An immunochemical relationship between D2 and the neuronal cell adhesion molecule from chick has been demonstrated. Changes in D2 concentration in human body fluids correlate to certain neurological diseases.We here report the purification of the D2 membrane proteins from fetal and adult human brain and the demonstration of physicochemical differences between the two proteins. Enrichments of 133 times (fetal D2) and 350 times (adult D2) were found. Specific rabbit antisera against the purified D2 proteins were produced, and this enabled the setting up of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for D2 quantification in human brain extracts, cerebrospinal fluids, sera, and amniotic fluids.  相似文献   

beta(2)-Glycoprotein I (beta(2)GPI) is a highly glycosylated phospholipid-binding plasma protein comprised of four complement control protein (CCP) domains and a distinct fifth domain. The structural organisation of human and bovine beta(2)GPI in aqueous solution was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Low-resolution models that match the SAXS experimental data best were independently constructed by three different ab initio 3D-reconstruction algorithms. Similar elongated S-shaped models with distinct side-arms, which were correlated to the position of the carbohydrate chains, were restored from all three algorithms. Due to an additional glycosylation site located on the CCP2 domain of bovine beta(2)GPI a small change in the characteristic SAXS parameters was observed, which coincided with results obtained from SDS-PAGE. In comparison to the human analogue the corresponding restored low-resolution models displayed a similar S-shape with less bending in the middle part. As the experimental SAXS curves fit poorly to the simulated scattering curves calculated from the crystallographic coordinates of human beta(2)GPI, the crystal structure was modified. First, additional carbohydrate residues missing from the crystal structure were modelled. Second, on the basis of the low-resolution models, the J-shaped crystal structure was rotated between CCP3 and CCP2 assuming the greatest interdomain flexibility between these domains. An S-shaped model with a tilt angle of approximately 60 degrees between CCP3 and CCP2 yielded the best fit to the experimental SAXS data. Since there is evidence that beta(2)GPI can adopt different conformations, which reveal distinct differences in autoantibody recognition, our data clearly point to a reorientation of the flexible domains, which may be an essential feature for binding of autoantibodies.  相似文献   

Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) is thought to promote atherosclerosis through complex inflammatory and immunologic mechanisms that lead to lipid dysregulation and foam cell formation. Recent findings suggested that oxLDL forms complexes with β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) and/or C-reactive protein (CRP) in the intima of atherosclerotic lesions. Autoantibodies against oxLDL/β2GPI complexes occur in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and significantly correlate with arterial thrombosis. IgG autoantibodies having similar specificity emerged spontaneously in non-immunized NZW × BXSB F1 mice, an animal model of APS, and a monoclonal autoantibody (WB-CAL-1; IgG2a) against complexed β2GPI (oxLDL/β2GPI complexes) was derived from the same mice. WB-CAL-1 significantly increased the in vitro uptake of oxLDL/β2GPI complexes by macrophages. This observation strongly suggests that such IgG autoantibodies are pro-atherogenic. In contrast, IgM anti-oxLDL natural antibodies found in the atherosclerosis-prone mice (ApoE-/- and LDL-R-/- mice) have been proposed to be anti-atherogenic (protective). The presence of IgG anti-oxLDL antibodies in humans has been documented in many publications but their exact clinical significance remains unclear. In this article, we review recent progress in our understanding of the mechanisms involved in oxidation of LDL, formation of oxLDL complexes, and antibody mediated-immune regulation of atherogenesis.  相似文献   

The antiphospholipid syndrome is defined by the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies associated with arterial and/or venous thrombosis, and recurrent abortion accompanied often by thrombocytopenia. These antibodies are heterogeneous and react against phospholipid-binding proteins such as beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2GPI) and prothrombin. The recognition of anti-beta2-glycoprotein I (anti-beta2GPI) by platelet factor 4-heparin complex (PF4-Hc) has been previously evoked and partially confirmed by the present inhibition studies. Further, the anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies were purified from a patient with primary antiphospholipid syndrome using Affi-gel-10-beta2GPI immunoaffinity chromatography. The purified anti-beta2GPI IgM as well as patient serum equally recognized PF4-Hc in ELISA mode. In order to substantiate this data and to better understand we studied an animal model using mouse active immunization with the purified human anti-beta2GPI. The mice showed a significant decrease in their platelet count. In addition the ELISA responses of the immunized mice sera were positive against both beta2GPI and PF4-Hc, substantiating the double recognition. Despite many previous reported animal model studies, this is the first time we have shown the specific recognition of anti-beta2GPI antibodies by PF4-Hc, the results in the induced mice correlating the data observed with some patients.  相似文献   

Optical spectroscopy and molecular docking methods were used to examine the binding of aristolochic acid I (AAI) to human serum albumin (HSA) in this paper. By monitoring the intrinsic fluorescence of single Trp214 residue and performing displacement measurements, the specific binding of AAI in the vicinity of Sudlow's Site I of HSA has been clarified. An apparent distance of 2.53 nm between the Trp214 and AAI was obtained via fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) method. In addition, the changes in the secondary structure of HSA after its complexation with the ligand were studied with circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, which indicated that AAI does not has remarkable effect on the structure of the protein. Moreover, thermal denaturation experiments clearly indicated that the HSA−AAI complexes are conformationally more stable. Finally, the binding details between AAI and HSA were further confirmed by molecular docking studies, which revealed that AAI was bound at subdomain IIA through multiple interactions, such as hydrophobic effect, van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) is a key player in the neurotransmitter release process. Rabphilin-3A is a neuronal C2 domain tandem containing protein that is involved in this process. Both its C2 domains (C2A and C2B) are able to bind PIP2. The investigation of the interactions of the two C2 domains with the PIP2 headgroup IP3 (inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate) by NMR showed that a well-defined binding site can be described on the concave surface of each domain. The binding modes of the two domains are different. The binding of IP3 to the C2A domain is strongly enhanced by Ca(2+) and is characterized by a K(D) of 55 microM in the presence of a saturating concentration of Ca(2+) (5 mM). Reciprocally, the binding of IP3 increases the apparent Ca(2+)-binding affinity of the C2A domain in agreement with a Target-Activated Messenger Affinity (TAMA) mechanism. The C2B domain binds IP3 in a Ca(2+)-independent fashion with low affinity. These different PIP2 headgroup recognition modes suggest that PIP2 is a target of the C2A domain of rabphilin-3A while this phospholipid is an effector of the C2B domain.  相似文献   

The toxin Kid and antitoxin Kis are encoded by the parD operon of Escherichia coli plasmid R1. Kid and its chromosomal homologues MazF and ChpBK have been shown to inhibit protein synthesis in cell extracts and to act as ribosome-independent endoribonucleases in vitro. Kid cleaves RNA preferentially at the 5' side of the A residue in the nucleotide sequence 5'-UA(A/C)-3' of single-stranded regions. Here, we show that RNA cleavage by Kid yields two fragments with a 2':3'-cyclic phosphate group and a free 5'-OH group, respectively. The cleavage mechanism is similar to that of RNases A and T1, involving the uracil 2'-OH group. Via NMR titration studies with an uncleavable RNA mimic, we demonstrate that residues of both monomers of the Kid dimer together form a concatenated RNA-binding surface. Docking calculations based on the NMR chemical shifts, the cleavage mechanism and previously reported mutagenesis data provide a detailed picture of the position of the AUACA fragment within the binding pocket. We propose that residues D75, R73 and H17 form the active site of the Kid toxin, where D75 and R73 are the catalytic base and acid, respectively. The RNA sequence specificity is defined by residues T46, S47, A55, F57, T69, V71 and R73. Our data show the importance of these residues for Kid function, and the implications of our results for related toxins, such as MazF, CcdB and RelE, are discussed.  相似文献   

Sirtuin proteins are a highly conserved class of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)-dependent lysine deacylases. The pleiotropic human isoform 2 of Sirtuins (SIRT2) has been engaged in the pathogenesis of cancer in a plethora of reports around the globe. Thus, SIRT2 modulation is deemed as a promising approach for pharmaceutical intervention. Previously, we reported S-Trityl-l-Cysteine (STLC)-ornamented dimethylaminopyridine chemical entity named STC4 with a significant SIRT2 inhibitory capacity; this was separate from the conventional application of STLC scaffold as a kinesin-5 inhibitor. An interactive molecular docking study of SIRT2 and STC4 showed interaction between Asn168 of SIRT2 and the methyl ester of STC4, that appears to hinder STC4 to reach the selective pocket of the protein unlike strong SIRT2 inhibitor SirReal2. To improve its activity, herein, we utilized S-trityl cysteamine pharmacophore lacking the methyl ester. Nine compounds were synthesized and assayed affording three biopertinent SIRT2 inhibitors, and two of them, STCY1 and STCY6 showed higher inhibitory activity than STC4. These compounds have pronounced anti-proliferative activities against different cancer cell lines. A molecular docking study was executed to shed light on the supposed binding mode of the lead compound, STCY1, into the selective pocket of SIRT2 by interaction of the nitrogen of pyridine ring of the compound and Ala135 of the protein. The outcome of the study exposes that the active compounds are effective intermediates to construct more potent biological agents.  相似文献   

C.I. Acid Red 73 is a reactive azo dye with a variable potential carcinogenicity. The mechanism mediating interactions that occur between the dye and DNA have not been completely understood thus far. In this study, molecular docking techniques were applied to describe the most probable mode of DNA binding as well as the sequence selectivity of the C.I. Acid Red 73 dye. These docking experiments revealed that the dye is capable of interacting with the minor groove of the DNA on the basis of its curved shape, which fits well with the topology of double-stranded DNA. In addition, the dye can bind selectively to the minor groove of the DNA by applying CGT sequence selectivity. Further, the minor groove can be recognized although DNA targets present intercalation gaps. However, intercalative binding can also occur when the DNA target possesses an appropriate intercalation gap. Compared with the other eight DNA sequences that were studied, the DNA dodecamer d(CGCGATATCGCG)2 (PDB ID: 1DNE) presents a very favorable target for the binding of C.I. Acid Red 73 to the minor groove, with the lowest binding free energy −9.19 kcal/mol. Results reported from this study are expected to provide useful information for research involving further simulations of molecular dynamics and toxicology investigations of the dye.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP2) has been previously found to regulate cell surface expression of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule K(d) and bind strongly to K(d). In the study reported here, we demonstrated that APLP2 binds, in varied degrees, to several other mouse MHC class I allotypes and that the ability of APLP2 to affect cell surface expression of an MHC class I molecule is not limited to K(d). L(d), like K(d), was found associated with APLP2 in the Golgi, but K(d) was also associated with APLP2 within intracellular vesicular structures. We also investigated the effect of beta(2)m on APLP2/MHC interaction and found that human beta(2)m transfection increased the association of APLP2 with mouse MHC class I molecules, likely by affecting H2 class I heavy chain conformation. APLP2 was demonstrated to bind specifically to the conformation of L(d) having folded outer domains, consistent with our previous results with K(d) and indicating APLP2 interacts with the alpha1alpha2 region on each of these H2 class I molecules. Furthermore, we observed that binding to APLP2 involved the MHC alpha3/transmembrane/cytoplasmic region, suggesting that conserved as well as polymorphic regions of the H2 class I molecule may participate in interaction with APLP2. In summary, we demonstrated that APLP2's binding, co-localization pattern, and functional impact vary among H2 class I molecules and that APLP2/MHC association is influenced by multiple domains of the MHC class I heavy chain and by beta(2)m's effects on the conformation of the heavy chain.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanism of interaction between chaperonin GroEL and substrate proteins, we studied the conformational changes; of the fifth domain of human beta(2)-glycoprotein I upon binding to GroEL. The fifth domain has a large flexible loop, containing several hydrophobic residues surrounded by positively charged residues, which has been proposed to be responsible for the binding of beta(2)-glycoprotein I to negatively charged phospholipid membranes. The reduction by dithiothreitol of the three intramolecular disulfide bonds of the fifth domain was accelerated in the presence of stoichiometric amounts of GroEL, indicating that the fifth domain was destabilized upon interaction with GroEL. To clarify the GroEL-induced destabilization at the atomic level, we performed H/(2)H exchange of amide protons using heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The presence of GroEL promoted the H/(2)H exchange of most of the protected amide protons, suggesting that, although the flexible loop of the fifth domain is likely to be responsible for the initiation of binding to GroEL, the interaction with GroEL destabilizes the overall conformation of the fifth domain.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase I (Top1) is an essential enzyme participating to all those processes associated with separation of DNA strands. It manages superhelical tensions through the transient breakage of one strand of duplex DNA, followed by the unwinding of supercoiled DNA. Camptothecins, a class of alkaloids extracted from the wood of a Chinese tree, were found to be potent inhibitors of Topoisomerase I. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Anti-cancer Agents Mechanism Database contains several camptothecins derivatives, classified as selective Top1 inhibitors. In this work we performed molecular docking studies on 24 camptothecin-like inhibitors present in this database (using Autodock 3.0.5). In order to consider the different orientations of the active site residues, docking was performed using four different structures of a Top1-DNA complex. The results obtained allowed us to analyze some conformations adopted by the inhibitors during active site binding, confirming the role of hydrogen bond and contributed to clarify the loss of activity due to single point mutations.  相似文献   

The calcium-binding protein S100B binds to several potential target proteins, but there is no detailed information showing the location of the binding site for any target protein on S100B. We have made backbone assignments of the calcium-bound form of S100B and used chemical-shift changes in spectra of 15N-labeled protein to locate the site that binds a peptide corresponding to residues 265-276 from CapZ alpha, the actin capping protein. The largest chemical-shift changes are observed for resonances arising from residues around the C terminus of the C-terminal helix of S100B and residues Val-8 to Asp-12 of the N-terminal helix. These residues are close to but not identical to residues that have been identified by mutational analysis to be important in other S100 protein-protein interactions. They make up a patch across the S100B dimer interface and include some residues that are quite buried in the structure of calcium-free S100B. We believe we may have identified a binding site that could be common to many S100 protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The antiphospholipid syndrome is caused by autoantibodies directed against beta(2)-glycoprotein I (beta(2)GPI). Dimerization of beta(2)GPI results in an increased platelet deposition to collagen. We found that apolipoprotein E receptor 2' (apoER2'), a member of the low density lipoprotein receptor family, is involved in activation of platelets by dimeric beta(2)GPI. To identify which domain of dimeric beta(2)GPI interacts with apoER2', we have constructed domain deletion mutants of dimeric beta(2)GPI, lacking domain I (DeltaI), II (DeltaII), or V (DeltaV), and a mutant with a W316S substitution in the phospholipid (PL)-insertion loop of domain V. DeltaI and DeltaII prolonged the clotting time, as did full-length dimeric beta(2)GPI; DeltaV had no effect on the clotting time. Second, DeltaI and DeltaII bound to anionic PL, comparable with full-length dimeric beta(2)GPI. DeltaV and the W316S mutant bound with decreased affinity to anionic PL. Platelet adhesion to collagen increased significantly when full-length dimeric beta(2)GPI, DeltaI, or DeltaII (mean increase 150%) were added to whole blood. No increase was found with plasma beta(2)GPI, DeltaV, or the W316S mutant. Immunoprecipitation indicated that full-length dimeric beta(2)GPI, DeltaI, DeltaII, and the W316S mutant can interact with apoER2' on platelets. DeltaV did not associate with apoER2'. We conclude that domain V is involved in both binding beta(2)GPI to anionic PL and in interaction with apoER2' and subsequent activation of platelets. The binding site in beta(2)GPI for interaction with apoER2' does not overlap with the hydrophobic insertion loop in domain V.  相似文献   

β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI) is an abundant multidomain plasma protein that plays various roles in the clotting and complement cascades. It is also the main target of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) in the acquired coagulopathy known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Previous studies have shown that β2GPI adopts two interconvertible biochemical conformations, oxidized and reduced, depending on the integrity of the disulfide bonds. However, the precise contribution of the disulfide bonds to β2GPI structure and function is unknown. Here, we substituted cysteine residues with serine to investigate how the disulfide bonds C32-C60 in domain I (DI) and C288-C326 in domain V (DV) regulate β2GPI''s structure and function. Results of our biophysical and biochemical studies support the hypothesis that the C32-C60 disulfide bond plays a structural role, whereas the disulfide bond C288-C326 is allosteric. We demonstrate that absence of the C288-C326 bond, unlike absence of the C32-C60 bond, diminishes membrane binding without affecting the thermodynamic stability and overall structure of the protein, which remains elongated in solution. We also document that, while absence of the C32-C60 bond directly impairs recognition of β2GPI by pathogenic anti-DI antibodies, absence of the C288-C326 disulfide bond is sufficient to abolish complex formation in the presence of anionic phospholipids. We conclude that the disulfide bond C288-C326 operates as a molecular switch capable of regulating β2GPI''s physiological functions in a redox-dependent manner. We propose that in APS patients with anti-DI antibodies, selective rupture of the C288-C326 disulfide bond may be a valid strategy to lower the pathogenic potential of aPL.  相似文献   

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