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The 2-on-2 haemoglobins, previously named truncated, are monomeric, low-molecular weight oxygen-binding proteins that share the overall topology with vertebrate haemoglobins. Although several studies on 2-on-2 haemoglobins have been reported, their physiological and biochemical functions are not yet well defined, and various roles have been suggested. The genome of the psychrophilic Antarctic marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is endowed with three genes encoding 2-on-2 haemoglobins. To investigate the function played by one of the three trHbs, PhHbO, a PhTAC125 genomic mutant strain was constructed, in which the encoding gene was knocked-out. The mutant strain was grown under controlled conditions and several aspects of bacterium physiology were compared with those of wild-type cells when dissolved oxygen pressure in solution and growth temperature were changed. Interestingly, inactivation of the PhHbO encoding gene makes the mutant bacterial strain sensitive to high solution oxygen pressure, to H2O2, and to a nitrosating agent, suggesting the involvement of PhHbO in oxidative and nitrosative stress resistance.  相似文献   

In a cold and oxygen-rich environment such as Antarctica, mechanisms for the defence against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are needed and represent important components in the evolutionary adaptations. In the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125, the presence of multiple genes encoding 2/2 haemoglobins and a flavohaemoglobin strongly suggests that these proteins fulfil important physiological roles, perhaps associated to the peculiar features of the Antarctic habitat. In this work, the putative role of Ph-2/2HbO, encoded by the PSHAa0030 gene, was investigated by in vivo and in vitro experiments in order to highlight its involvement in NO detoxification mechanisms. The PSHAa0030 gene was cloned and then over-expressed in a flavohaemoglobin-deficient mutant of Escherichia coli, unable to metabolise NO, and the resulting strain was studied analysing its growth properties and oxygen uptake in the presence of NO. We here demonstrate that Ph-2/2HbO protects growth and cellular respiration of the heterologous host from the toxic effect of NO-donors. Unlike in Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2/2 HbN, the deletion of the N-terminal extension of Ph-2/2HbO does not seem to reduce the NO scavenging activity, showing that the N-terminal extension is not a requirement for efficient NO detoxification. Moreover, the ferric form of Ph-2/2HbO was shown to catalyse peroxynitrite isomerisation in vitro, confirming its potential role in the scavenging of reactive nitrogen species. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

The genome of the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 was searched for the presence of genes encoding ester-hydrolysing enzymes. Amongst the others, the gene PSHAa0051 coding for a putative secreted esterase/lipase was selected. The psychrophilic gene was cloned, functionally over-expressed in P. haloplanktis TAC125, and the recombinant product (after named PhTAC125 Lip1) was purified. PhTAC125 Lip1 was found to be associated to the outer membrane and exhibited higher enzymatic activity towards synthetic substrates with long acyl chains. A structural model was constructed using the structure of carboxylesterase Est30 from Geobacillus stearothermophilus as template. The model covered the central part of the protein with the exceptions of PhTAC125 Lip1 N- and C-terminal regions, where the psychrophilic protein displays extra-domains. The constructed model showed a typical α/β-hydrolase fold, and confirmed the presence of a canonical catalytic triad consisting of Ser, Asp and His. The sequence analysis showed that PhTAC125 Lip1 is distantly related to other lipolytic enzymes, but closely related to other putative psychrophilic esterases/lipases. The aligned proteins share common features, such as: (1) a conserved new active-site pentapeptide motif (LGG(F/L/Y)STG); (2) the likely extra-cytoplasmic localization, (3) the absence of a typical calcium-binding pocket, and (4) the absence of a canonical lid. These observations strongly suggest that aligned proteins constitute a novel lipase family, typical of psychrophilic marine γ-proteobacteria, and PhTAC125 Lip1 could be considered the first characterised member of this family. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. D. de Pascale and A. M. Cusano equally contributed to the work.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that macroalgae from Brittany (France) contain products with antifouling activity against marine bacteria, fungi, diatoms, seaweeds and mussels. Little is known regarding the ecological function of these compounds and insufficient attention has been paid to evaluating the possible temporal variation in antifouling activity. Studies of chemical defenses in both terrestrial and marine organisms suggest that organisms vary widely in the production of chemical defenses associated with physical (temperature, light) and biological (e.g. grazing pressure) factors, season and geographical location. The present study aimed to investigate the antifouling activity of crude extracts of monthly collections of the brown alga, Bifurcaria bifurcata, against two marine bacteria, Cobetia marina and Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis, and cypris larvae of the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite. The toxicity of the extracts was determined with a B. amphitrite nauplius assay.The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was found to be subject to seasonal variation, with the highest level of activity recorded from samples collected between April and September. Results of the anti-settlement experiments showed that the extracts of B. bifurcata (when tested from 0 to 100 μg/ml) can be divided into three groups on the basis of their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs): (1) extracts from plants collected from September to March reduced settlement at nontoxic concentrations (50-100 μg/ml); (2) extracts from plants collected from April to July (which were the most active extracts) reduced settlement significantly when tested at >5 μg/ml, but were toxic at 100 μg/ml; (3) the extract prepared from plants harvested in August was inhibitory at >25 μg/ml, but was toxic at 100 μg/ml. Toxicity tests on nauplii showed that LC50 values of samples from the September to March collections were >100 μg/ml, demonstrating that they were nontoxic to nauplii. In contrast, samples obtained from the April to August collections were toxic to nauplii; the most toxic ones being from algae collected in May (LC50=55.6 μg/ml) and in June (LC50=38.3 μg/ml).The antifouling activity of extracts thus reached a peak in summer corresponding to maximal values for water temperature, light intensity and fouling pressure. It remains to be investigated whether this activity has an ecological role in the alga.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae truncated hemoglobin O (trHbO) protects from nitrosative stress and sustains mycobacterial respiration. Here, kinetics of M. leprae trHbO(II)-NO denitrosylation and of O(2)-mediated oxidation of M. leprae trHbO(II)-NO are reported. Values of the first-order rate constant for *NO dissociation from M. leprae trHbO(II)-NO (k(off)) and of the first-order rate constant for O(2)-mediated oxidation of M. leprae trHbO(II)-NO (h) are 1.3 x 10(-4) s(-1) and 1.2 x 10(-4) s(-1), respectively. The coincidence of values of k(off) and h suggests that O(2)-mediated oxidation of M. leprae trHbO(II)-NO occurs with a reaction mechanism in which *NO, that is initially bound to heme(II), is displaced by O(2) but may stay trapped in a protein cavity(ies) close to heme(II). Next, M. leprae trHbO(II)-O(2) reacts with *NO giving the transient Fe(III)-OONO species preceding the formation of the final product M. leprae trHbO(III). *NO dissociation from heme(II)-NO represents the rate limiting step for O(2)-mediated oxidation of M. leprae trHbO(II)-NO.  相似文献   

The (hemo-)globins are among the best-investigated proteins in biomedical sciences. These small heme-proteins play an important role in oxygen supply, but may also have other functions. In addition to well known hemoglobin and myoglobin, six other vertebrate globin types have been identified in recent years: neuroglobin, cytoglobin, globin E, globin X, globin Y, and androglobin. Analyses of the genome of the “living fossil” Latimeria chalumnae show that the coelacanth is the only known vertebrate that includes all eight globin types. Thus, Latimeria can also be considered as a “globin fossil”. Analyses of gene synteny and phylogenetic reconstructions allow us to trace the evolution and the functional changes of the vertebrate globin family. Neuroglobin and globin X diverged from the other globin types before the separation of Protostomia and Deuterostomia. The cytoglobins, which are unlikely to be involved in O2 supply, form the earliest globin branch within the jawed vertebrates (Gnathostomata), but do not group with the agnathan hemoglobins, as it has been proposed before. There is strong evidence from phylogenetic reconstructions and gene synteny that the eye-specific globin E and muscle-specific myoglobin constitute a common clade, suggesting a similar role in intracellular O2 supply. Latimeria possesses two α- and two β-hemoglobin chains, of which one α-chain emerged prior to the divergence of Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii, but has been retained only in the coelacanth. Notably, the embryonic hemoglobin α-chains of Gnathostomata derive from a common ancestor, while the embryonic β-chains – with the exception of a more complex pattern in the coelacanth and amphibians – display a clade-specific evolution. Globin Y is associated with the hemoglobin gene cluster, but its phylogenetic position is not resolved. Our data show an early divergence of distinct globin types in the vertebrate evolution before the emergence of tetrapods. The subsequent loss of globins in certain taxa may be associated with changes in the oxygen-dependent metabolism. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

The molecular and functional properties of the elongation factor (EF) G from the psychrophilic Antarctic eubacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis (Ph) were studied. PhEF-G catalyzed protein synthesis in vitro that was inhibited by fusidic acid, an antibiotic specifically acting on EF-G. The EF interacted with GDP only in the presence of P. haloplanktis ribosome and fusidic acid with an affinity similar to that displayed by Escherichia coli EF-G. The psychrophilic translocase elicited a ribosome-dependent GTPase that was competitively inhibited by GDP, the slowly hydrolyzable GTP analog GppNHp, and the protein synthesis inhibitor ppGDP. The temperature dependence of the activity of PhEF-G reached its maximum at least 26°C beyond the growth temperature of P. haloplanktis (4–20°C). The heat inactivation profile of the ribosome-dependent GTPase of PhEF-G gave a temperature for half inactivation (46°C), significantly lower than that for half denaturation measured by either UV- (57°C) or fluorescence-melting (62°C). This finding was attributed to a different effect of the temperature on the catalytic domain with respect to that elicited on the other domains constituting the EF, thus confirming the differential molecular flexibility present in psychrophilic enzymes. A molecular model, based on the 3D coordinates of a thermophilic EF-G, showed differences only in connecting loops. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In plants, it has been proposed that hexacoordinate (class 1) non-symbiotic Hbs (nsHb-1) function in vivo as peroxidases. However, little is known about peroxidase activity of nsHb-1. We evaluated the peroxidase activity of rice recombinant Hb1 (a nsHb-1) by using the guaiacol/H2O2 system at pH 6.0 and compared it to that from horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Results showed that the affinity of rice Hb1 for H2O2 was 86-times lower than that of HRP (Km = 23.3 and 0.27 mM, respectively) and that the catalytic efficiency of rice Hb1 for the oxidation of guaiacol using H2O2 as electron donor was 2838-times lower than that of HRP (kcat/Km = 15.8 and 44 833 mM−1 min−1, respectively). Also, results from this work showed that rice Hb1 is not chemically modified and binds CO after incubation with high H2O2 concentration, and that it poorly protects recombinant Escherichia coli from H2O2 stress. These observations indicate that rice Hb1 inefficiently scavenges H2O2 as compared to a typical plant peroxidase, thus indicating that non-symbiotic Hbs are unlikely to function as peroxidases in planta.  相似文献   

Overexpression of thioredoxin (TRX) confers oxidative stress resistance and extends lifespan in mammals and insects. However, less is known about phenotypes associated with loss of TRX. We investigated loss-of-function phenotypes of Trx-2 in Drosophila, and found that the mutant flies are hyper-susceptible to paraquat, a free radical generator, but not to hydrogen peroxide. They contain a high amount of protein carbonyl, which dramatically increases with age. Trx-2 mutants express high levels of anti-oxidant genes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione synthetase. This is the first demonstration of biochemical and physiological consequences caused by loss of Trx-2 in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Hemoglobins (Hbs) reversibly bind gaseous diatomic ligands (e.g., O2) as the sixth heme axial ligand of the penta-coordinate deoxygenated form. Selected members of the Hb superfamily, however, display a functionally relevant hexa-coordinate heme Fe atom in their deoxygenated state. Endogenous heme hexa-coordination is generally provided in these Hbs by the E7 residue (often His), which thus modulates accessibility to the heme distal pocket and reactivity of the heme toward exogenous ligands. Such a pivotal role of the E7 residue is prominently shown by analysis of the functional and structural properties of insect Hbs. Here, we report the 2.6 A crystal structure of oxygenated Gasterophilus intestinalis Hb1, a Hb known to display a penta-coordinate heme in the deoxygenated form. The structure is analyzed in comparison with those of Drosophila melanogaster Hb, exhibiting a hexa-coordinate heme in its deoxygenated derivative, and of Chironomus thummi thummi HbIII, which displays a penta-coordinate heme in the deoxygenated form. Despite evident structural differences in the heme distal pockets, the distinct molecular mechanisms regulating O2 binding to the three insect Hbs result in similar O(2 affinities (P50 values ranging between 0.12 torr and 0.46 torr).  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the diffusion rate of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) through the plasma membrane decreases during adaptation to H2O2 by means of a mechanism that is still unknown. Here, evidence is presented that during adaptation to H2O2 the anisotropy of the plasma membrane increases. Adaptation to H2O2 was studied at several times (15min up to 90min) by applying the steady-state H2O2 delivery model. For wild-type cells, the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy increased after 30min, or 60min, when using 2-(9-anthroyloxy) stearic acid (2-AS), or diphenylhexatriene (DPH) membrane probe, respectively. Moreover, a 40% decrease in plasma membrane permeability to H2O2 was observed at 15min with a concomitant two-fold increase in catalase activity. Disruption of the ergosterol pathway, by knocking out either ERG3 or ERG6, prevents the changes in anisotropy during H2O2 adaptation. H2O2 diffusion through the plasma membrane in S. cerevisiae cells is not mediated by aquaporins since the H2O2 permeability constant is not altered in the presence of the aquaporin inhibitor mercuric chloride. Altogether, these results indicate that the regulation of the plasma membrane permeability towards H2O2 is mediated by modulation of the biophysical properties of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA) participates to heme scavenging, in turn HSA-heme binds gaseous diatomic ligands at the heme-Fe-atom. Here, the effect of abacavir and warfarin on denitrosylation kinetics of HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO (i.e., koff) is reported. In the absence of drugs, the value of koff is (1.3 ± 0.2) × 10−4 s−1. Abacavir and warfarin facilitate NO dissociation from HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO, the koff value increases to (8.6 ± 0.9) × 10−4 s−1. From the dependence of koff on the drug concentration, values of the dissociation equilibrium constant for the abacavir and warfarin binding to HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO (i.e., K = (1.2 ± 0.2) × 10−3 M and (6.2 ± 0.7) × 10−5 M, respectively) were determined. The increase of koff values reflects the stabilization of the basic form of HSA-heme-Fe by ligands (e.g., abacavir and warfarin) that bind to Sudlow’s site I. This event parallels the stabilization of the six-coordinate derivative of the HSA-heme-Fe(II)-NO atom. Present data highlight the allosteric modulation of HSA-heme-Fe(II) reactivity by heterotropic effectors.  相似文献   

During infection, Mycobacterium leprae is faced with the host macrophagic environment limiting the growth of the bacilli. However, (pseudo-)enzymatic detoxification systems, including truncated hemoglobin O (Ml-trHbO), could allow this mycobacterium to persist in vivo. Here, kinetics of peroxynitrite (ONOOH/ONOO) detoxification by ferryl Ml-trHbO (Ml-trHbOFe(IV)O), obtained by treatment with H2O2, is reported. Values of the second-order rate constant for peroxynitrite detoxification by Ml-trHbOFe(IV)O (i.e., of Ml-trHbOFe(III) formation; kon), at pH 7.2 and 22.0 °C, are 1.5 × 104 M−1 s−1, and 2.2 × 104 M−1 s−1, in the absence of and presence of physiological levels of CO2 (∼1.2 × 10−3 M), respectively. Values of kon increase on decreasing pH with a pKa value of 6.7, this suggests that ONOOH reacts preferentially with Ml-trHbOFe(IV)O. In turn, peroxynitrite acts as an antioxidant of Ml-trHbOFe(IV)O, which could be responsible for the oxidative damage of the mycobacterium. As a whole, Ml-trHbO can undertake within the same cycle H2O2 and peroxynitrite detoxification.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of amphotericin B on larval stages (miracidia and primary sporocyst) of the helminth Schistosoma mansoni, the causative agent of human schistosomiasis. Amphotericin B (AmB) is a polyene macrolide that disturbs the function of the cell membrane; it is widely used as prophylactic antimycotic agent in in vitro culture. We show for the first time that S. mansoni miracidia infectivity is considerably reduced after AmB treatment. Moreover we demonstrate that AmB does not affect the development, growth, viability, and behavior of miracidia and primary sporocysts. Our data indicate that AmB effects on S. mansoni sporocyst prevalence are linked to the oxidative properties of AmB. These may alter the capacity of sporocysts to respond to the oxidative stress generated by the snail immune defence system.  相似文献   

Background: The crystallographic structure of the gigantic hemoglobin (erythrocruorin) of the annelid worm, Lumbricus terrestris, provides a molar mass of 3.6 MDa for the hexagonal bilayer structure. Prior to this determination, some light-scattering and ultracentrifugal measurements indicated higher masses: 4.1–4.4 MDa. Values of 3.6 MDa were attributed to dissociation or subunit loss. However, early electron microscopy of the giant hemoglobin from a related annelid, Eumenia crassa by Öster Levin, showed that the hexagonal bilayer molecules were present mostly as oligomers; few were monomeric. Methods: Measurements by light-scattering of solutions of Lumbricus hemoglobin resolved by size-exclusion chromatography have been used to determine the weight-average molar mass of self-associating proteins. The X-ray structure has been re-examined. Results: Our measurements show that both 3.6 MDa monomers and self-association products are present as a mixture. Analysis of the X-ray structure indicates several different kinds of monomer–monomer interactions. Conclusions: We propose that the measured masses of Lumbricus hemoglobin as high as 4.4 MDa, result from oligomerization. These masses would result from the presence of an array of oligomers of various sizes together with monomers of 3.6 MDa. Furthermore, several different kinds of monomer–monomer interactions are clearly evident in the X-ray structure as well as in solution. General significance: The results demonstrate that self-association of monomers of the hemoglobin of Lumbricus terrestris explains the high molar masses of 4.1–4.4 MDa previously observed.  相似文献   

The ferric form of truncated hemoglobin II from Thermobifida fusca (Tf-trHb) and its triple mutant WG8F-YB10F-YCD1F at neutral and alkaline pH, and in the presence of CN have been characterized by resonance Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations. Tf-trHb contains three polar residues in the distal site, namely TrpG8, TyrCD1 and TyrB10. Whereas TrpG8 can act as a potential hydrogen-bond donor, the tyrosines can act as donors or acceptors. Ligand binding in heme-containing proteins is determined by a number of factors, including the nature and conformation of the distal residues and their capability to stabilize the heme-bound ligand via hydrogen-bonding and electrostatic interactions. Since both the RR Fe–OH and Fe–CN frequencies are very sensitive to the distal environment, detailed information on structural variations has been obtained. The hydroxyl ligand binds only the WT protein giving rise to two different conformers. In form 1 the anion is stabilized by H-bonds with TrpG8, TyrCD1 and a water molecule, in turn H-bonded to TyrB10. In form 2, H-bonding with TyrCD1 is mediated by a water molecule. Unlike the OH ligand, CN binds both WT and the triple mutant giving rise to two forms with similar spectroscopic characteristics. The overall results clearly indicate that H-bonding interactions both with distal residues and water molecules are important structural determinants in the active site of Tf-trHb. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

We show that the antifungal plant defensin Raphanus sativus antifungal protein 2 (RsAFP2) from radish induces apoptosis and concomitantly triggers activation of caspases or caspase-like proteases in the human pathogen Candida albicans. Furthermore, we demonstrate that deletion of C. albicans metacaspase 1, encoding the only reported (putative) caspase in C. albicans, significantly affects caspase activation by the apoptotic stimulus acetic acid, but not by RsAFP2. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the induction of apoptosis with concomitant caspase activation by a defensin in this pathogen. Moreover, our data point to the existence of at least two different types of caspases or caspase-like proteases in C. albicans.  相似文献   

Terpenoid precursor biosynthesis occurs in human and many pathogenic organisms via the mevalonate and 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathways, respectively. We determined the X-ray structure of the Fe/S containing (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl-diphosphate reductase (LytB) of the pathogenic protozoa Plasmodium falciparum which catalyzes the terminal step of the MEP pathway. The cloverleaf fold and the active site of P. falciparum LytB corresponds to those of the Aquifex aeolicus and Escherichia coli enzymes. Its distinct electron donor [2Fe–2S] ferredoxin was modeled to its binding site by docking calculations. The presented structural data provide a platform for a rational search of anti-malarian drugs.  相似文献   

Here we present the crystal structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii RelE-RelB (RelBE) toxin-antitoxin (TA) protein complex determined by the MIRAS (multiple isomorphous replacement with anomalous signal) method. The genes encoding this TA system are located in the chromosome of this archaeon and involved in stress response. RelE acts as an endoribonuclease that cleaves mRNA on the ribosome, and we compare the RelBE complex to the known structures of other TA systems belonging to this group and to endoribonucleases. M. jannaschii RelBE forms a heterotetramer with the antitoxin in the centre of the complex, a configuration that differs vastly from the heterotetramer structure of the previously published RelBE from another archaeon, Pyrococcus horikoshii. The long N-terminal α-helix of the tightly bound M. jannaschii antitoxin RelB covers the presumed active site of the toxin RelE that is formed by a central β-sheet, a loop on one side and a C-terminal α-helix on the other side. The active site of the M. jannaschii toxin RelE harbours positive charges that are thought to neutralize the negative charges of the substrate mRNA, including Arg62 that was changed to Ser62 by the Escherichia coli expression system, thereby leading to inactive toxin RelE. Comparative studies suggest that Asp43 and His79 are also involved in the activity of the toxin.  相似文献   

We used direct ESI-MS analysis to identify derivatives of cardiolipin molecular species (i.e. O-acyl glycosylated cardiolipins) from the thermophilic bacterium Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. We used triple-quadrupole type mass spectrometer for analysis of this complex lipid and enzymatic hydrolysis and 1H and 13C NMR for the identification of these cardiolipin derivatives. These techniques enabled us to identify and quantify the specific molecular species profiles of derivatives of cardiolipin directly from lipid extracts of the bacterium including the identification of the sugar moiety as α-d-mannose and all five acyls including their positional isomers.  相似文献   

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