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Sex Chromosome Meiotic Drive in Stalk-Eyed Flies   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Meiotically driven sex chromosomes can quickly spread to fixation and cause population extinction unless balanced by selection or suppressed by genetic modifiers. We report results of genetic analyses that demonstrate that extreme female-biased sex ratios in two sister species of stalk-eyed flies, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni and C. whitei, are due to a meiotic drive element on the X chromosome (X(d)). Relatively high frequencies of X(d) in C. dalmanni and C. whitei (13-17% and 29%, respectively) cause female-biased sex ratios in natural populations of both species. Sex ratio distortion is associated with spermatid degeneration in male carriers of X(d). Variation in sex ratios is caused by Y-linked and autosomal factors that decrease the intensity of meiotic drive. Y-linked polymorphism for resistance to drive exists in C. dalmanni in which a resistant Y chromosome reduces the intensity and reverses the direction of meiotic drive. When paired with X(d), modifying Y chromosomes (Y(m)) cause the transmission of predominantly Y-bearing sperm, and on average, production of 63% male progeny. The absence of sex ratio distortion in closely related monomorphic outgroup species suggests that this meiotic drive system may predate the origin of C. whitei and C. dalmanni. We discuss factors likely to be involved in the persistence of these sex-linked polymorphisms and consider the impact of X(d) on the operational sex ratio and the intensity of sexual selection in these extremely sexually dimorphic flies.  相似文献   

Sex Chromosome Meiotic Drive in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER Males   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
McKee B 《Genetics》1984,106(3):403-422
In Drosophila melanogaster males, deficiency for X heterochromatin causes high X-Y nondisjunction and skewed sex chromosome segregation ratios (meiotic drive). Y and XY classes are recovered poorly because of sperm dysfunction. In this study it was found that X heterochromatic deficiencies disrupt recovery not only of the Y chromosome but also of the X and autosomes, that both heterochromatic and euchromatic regions of chromosomes are affected and that the "sensitivity" of a chromosome to meiotic drive is a function of its length. Two models to explain these results are considered. One is a competitive model that proposes that all chromosomes must compete for a scarce chromosome-binding material in Xh(-) males. The failure to observe competitive interactions among chromosome recovery probabilities rules out this model. The second is a pairing model which holds that normal spermiogenesis requires X-Y pairing at special heterochromatic pairing sites. Unsaturated pairing sites become gametic lethals. This model fails to account for autosomal sensitivity to meiotic drive. It is also contradicted by evidence that saturation of Y-pairing sites fails to suppress meiotic drive in Xh(- ) males and that extra X-pairing sites in an otherwise normal male do not induce drive. It is argued that meiotic drive results from separation of X euchromatin from X heterochromatin.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, genes expressed in males tend to accumulate on autosomes and are underrepresented on the X chromosome. In particular, genes expressed in testis have been observed to frequently relocate from the X chromosome to the autosomes. The inactivation of X-linked genes during male meiosis (i.e., meiotic sex chromosome inactivation—MSCI) was first proposed to explain male sterility caused by X-autosomal translocation in Drosophila, and more recently it was suggested that MSCI might provide the conditions under which selection would favor the accumulation of testis-expressed genes on autosomes. In order to investigate the impact of MSCI on Drosophila testis-expressed genes, we performed a global gene expression analysis of the three major phases of D. melanogaster spermatogenesis: mitosis, meiosis, and post-meiosis. First, we found evidence supporting the existence of MSCI by comparing the expression levels of X- and autosome-linked genes, finding the former to be significantly reduced in meiosis. Second, we observed that the paucity of X-linked testis-expressed genes was restricted to those genes highly expressed in meiosis. Third, we found that autosomal genes relocated through retroposition from the X chromosome were more often highly expressed in meiosis in contrast to their X-linked parents. These results suggest MSCI as a general mechanism affecting the evolution of some testis-expressed genes.  相似文献   

McKee B 《Genetics》1987,116(3):409-413
Males carrying certain X-4 translocations exhibit strongly skewed sperm recovery ratios. The XP4D half of the translocation disjoins regularly from the Y chromosome and the 4PXD half disjoins regularly from the normal 4. Yet the smaller member of each bivalent is recovered in excess of its pairing partner, apparently due to differential gametic lethality. Chromosome recovery probabilities are multiplicative; the viability of each genotype is the product of the recovery probability of its component chromosomes. Meiotic drive can also be caused by deficiency for X heterochromatin. In(1)sc4Lsc8R males show the same size dependent chromosome recoveries and multiplicative recovery probabilities found in T(1;4)BS males. Meiotic drive in In(1)sc4Lsc8R males has been shown to be due to X-Y pairing failure. Although pairing is regular in the T(X;4) males, the striking phenotypic parallels suggest a common explanation. The experiments described below show that the two phenomena are, in fact, one and the same. X-4 translocations are shown to have the same effect on recovery of independently assorting chromosomes as does In(1)sc4Lsc8R. Addition of pairing sites to the 4PXD half of the translocation eliminates drive. A common explanation—failure of the distal euchromatic portion of the X chromosome to participate in X:Y meiotic pairing—is suggested as the cause for drive. The effect of X chromosome breakpoint on X-4 translocation induced meiotic drive is investigated. It is found that translocations with breakpoints distal to 13C on the salivary map do not cause drive while translocations broken proximal to 13C cause drive. The level of drive is related to the position of the breakpoint—the more proximal the breakpoint the greater the drive.  相似文献   

Meiotic Drive in Drosophila Involving Chromosome Breakage   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
John Erickson 《Genetics》1965,51(4):555-571

哺乳动物X染色体失活机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
哺乳动物X染色体连锁基因的剂量平衡,是通过雌性胚胎发育早期随机或印记失活一条X染色体来实现的,这是一个复杂的过程,包括:启动、计数、选择、维持等一系列的步骤。X染色体失活中心是X染色体失活的主控开关座位,调节X失活的早期事件,失活发生后,X染色体的失活状态可稳定地存在并传递给后代,这一过程涉及基因组印记的形成。此外,在雄性动物,精原细胞减数分裂早期也存在着短暂的X染色体失活现象。现对哺乳动物X染色体失活机制的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Hybrid sterility (HS) belongs to reproductive isolation barriers that safeguard the integrity of species in statu nascendi. Although hybrid sterility occurs almost universally among animal and plant species, most of our current knowledge comes from the classical genetic studies on Drosophila interspecific crosses or introgressions. With the house mouse subspecies Mus m. musculus and Mus m. domesticus as a model, new research tools have become available for studies of the molecular mechanisms and genetic networks underlying HS. Here we used QTL analysis and intersubspecific chromosome substitution strains to identify a 4.7 Mb critical region on Chromosome X (Chr X) harboring the Hstx2 HS locus, which causes asymmetrical spermatogenic arrest in reciprocal intersubspecific F1 hybrids. Subsequently, we mapped autosomal loci on Chrs 3, 9 and 13 that can abolish this asymmetry. Combination of immunofluorescent visualization of the proteins of synaptonemal complexes with whole-chromosome DNA FISH on pachytene spreads revealed that heterosubspecific, unlike consubspecific, homologous chromosomes are predisposed to asynapsis in F1 hybrid male and female meiosis. The asynapsis is under the trans- control of Hstx2 and Hst1/Prdm9 hybrid sterility genes in pachynemas of male but not female hybrids. The finding concurred with the fertility of intersubpecific F1 hybrid females homozygous for the Hstx2Mmm allele and resolved the apparent conflict with the dominance theory of Haldane''s rule. We propose that meiotic asynapsis in intersubspecific hybrids is a consequence of cis-acting mismatch between homologous chromosomes modulated by the trans-acting Hstx2 and Prdm9 hybrid male sterility genes.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(7):1329-1338.e7
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Sex chromosome drivers are selfish elements that subvert Mendel''s first law of segregation and therefore are overrepresented among the products of meiosis. The sex-biased progeny produced then fuels an extended genetic conflict between the driver and the rest of the genome. Many examples of sex chromosome drive are known, but the occurrence of this phenomenon is probably largely underestimated because of the difficulty to detect it. Remarkably, nearly all sex chromosome drivers are found in two clades, Rodentia and Diptera. Although very little is known about the molecular and cellular mechanisms of drive, epigenetic processes such as chromatin regulation could be involved in many instances. Yet, its evolutionary consequences are far-reaching, from the evolution of mating systems and sex determination to the emergence of new species.Meiotic drivers are selfish genetic elements that subvert Mendelian segregation during gametogenesis for their own benefit. They are passed on to most, if not all, of the functional gametes produced by heterozygotes. Therefore, drivers can increase in frequency and invade populations even if they reduce individual fitness, which is usually the case. The drivers are typically expressed in one sex, of which fertility is impaired. This also has deleterious consequences for the opposite sex and is expected to promote adaptations to counteract drive through sexual selection and sexual conflict. Furthermore, sex-linked meiotic drivers expressed in the heterogametic sex typically lead to biased offspring sex ratios, which represents an additional cost and can exacerbate the sexual conflict.Morgan et al. (1925) were the first to observe sex-biased offspring, which turned out to be caused by a sex-linked meiotic driver. Unfortunately, the Drosophila affinis strain was lost before any conclusive study could be performed. Later, Gershenson (1928) found that the offspring of some Drosophila obscura males were female biased. He showed that these males carried an X-linked genetic element (hereafter “sex ratio” or SR) responsible for the sex-ratio distortion, and showed that the SR did not affect the viability of the male offspring but acted as a gametic killer of Y-bearing sperm. Gamete killing or disabling is observed in males; in females, meiotic drive is usually a result of centromere competition for access to the egg.In its original definition (from Gershenson''s work and others), the term meiotic drive applies to the consequences of the mechanics of the meiotic divisions (Sandler and Novitski 1957). Here, under the term “sex chromosome drive,” we will include more broadly any case of preferential transmission that results directly or indirectly from an event that took place before, during, or after meiosis. Sex chromosome drive is different from sex-ratio adjustment, in which the favored chromosome is not the actor of its drive (West and Sheldon 2002). As emphasized by Sandler and Novitski (1957), it is also different from selection in the haploid phase as a consequence of the gamete''s intrinsic fitness.Only a few dozen cases of sex chromosome drive have been described, mainly in Drosophila and other Diptera (reviewed in Jaenike 2001; Burt and Trivers 2006). One possible explanation for the rarity of reported cases is that a biased sex ratio is not evolutionarily stable. Fisher (1930) predicted that natural selection will favor a 1:1 sex ratio, and that any deviation will be counterselected. This means that variants with counteracting effects can be selected at unlinked loci. Consistent with this prediction, autosomal drive suppressors and resistant Y chromosomes have been found in several Drosophila species (De Carvalho and Klaczko, 1994; Carvalho et al. 1997; Cazemajor et al. 1997). Three different cryptic X-linked SR systems have been described in the same species (Drosophila simulans: Paris, Winters, and Durham systems), showing that they can evolve repeatedly and be completely neutralized in the wild, remaining undetectable unless appropriate genetic crosses are performed (Merçot et al. 1995; Tao et al. 2001, 2007a). D. simulans also teaches us that the time window leading up to neutralization can be very narrow (Bastide et al. 2013). However, variants that enhance distortion can be selected if they are linked to the distorter. Inversions should prevent recombination with nondriving X chromosomes and keep together the loci that interact to induce drive, as found in D. pseudoobscura (Wu and Beckenbach 1983). These examples illustrate the extended genetic conflict that can result from the evolution of sex chromosome drive.Among the known cases of sex chromosome drive, X chromosome drive is much more common than Y chromosome drive. This may be because Y-linked drivers are always expressed, at each generation, unlike X-linked drivers. All else being equal, Y chromosome drive spreads faster and leads to a higher risk of extinction owing to the lack of females (Hamilton 1967). Furthermore, when the sex chromosomes are well differentiated, the Y chromosome usually has many fewer genes, which may provide fewer opportunities for a driver to evolve. On the other hand, heteromorphic sex chromosomes are expected to facilitate the evolution of meiotic drive. Indeed, the more divergent the sex chromosomes are, the less they recombine, reducing the risk of producing a suicide chromosome that carries both the driver and a sensitive allele at the target locus (Charlesworth and Hartl 1978; Frank 1991; Hurst and Pomiankowski 1991).  相似文献   

J. Loidl 《Genetics》1995,139(4):1511-1520
Meiotic chromosome pairing in isogenic triploid and tetraploid strains of yeast and the consequences of polyploidy on meiotic chromosome segregation are studied. Synaptonemal complex formation at pachytene was found to be different in the triploid and in the tetraploid. In the triploid, triple-synapsis, that is, the connection of three homologues at a given site, is common. It can even extend all the way along the chromosomes. In the tetraploid, homologous chromosomes mostly come in pairs of synapsed bivalents. Multiple synapsis, that is, synapsis of more than two homologues in one and the same region, was virtually absent in the tetraploid. About five quadrivalents per cell occurred due to the switching of pairing partners. From the frequency of pairing partner switches it can be deduced that in most chromosomes synapsis is initiated primarily at one end, occasionally at both ends and rarely at an additional intercalary position. In contrast to a considerably reduced spore viability (~40%) in the triploid, spore viability is only mildly affected in the tetraploid. The good spore viability is presumably due to the low frequency of quadrivalents and to the highly regular 2:2 segregation of the few quadrivalents that do occur. Occasionally, however, quadrivalents appear to be subject to 3:1 nondisjunction that leads to spore death in the second generation.  相似文献   

One of the key differences between mitosis and meiosis is the necessity for exchange between homologous chromosomes. Crossing-over between homologous chromosomes is essential for proper meiotic chromosome segregation in most organisms, serving the purpose of linking chromosomes to their homologous partners until they segregate from one another at anaphase I. In several organisms it has been shown that occasional pairs of chromosomes that have failed to experience exchange segregate with reduced fidelity compared to exchange chromosomes, but do not segregate randomly. Such observations support the notion that there are mechanisms, beyond exchange, that contribute to meiotic segregation fidelity. Recent findings indicate that active centromere pairing is important for proper kinetochore orientation and consequently, segregation of non-exchange chromosomes. Here we discuss the implications of these findings for the behavior of meiotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

植物减数分裂染色体配对与染色体组分析的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
简要介绍了植物减数分裂染色体配对研究.综述了减数分裂染色体配对研究在鉴定异源易位系、确定多倍体物种类型、分析物种间亲缘关系和物种的染色体组来源及探讨杂种不育的细胞遗传学机制等诸多方面的应用进展.分析了影响染色体配对的主要因素,如配对控制体系、遗传背景和外界环境条件等,并展望了染色体配对研究与其他技术结合在染色体组分析中的应用前景.  相似文献   

简要介绍了植物减数分裂染色体配对研究。综述了减数分裂染色体配对研究在鉴定异源易位系、确定多倍体物种类型、分析物种间亲缘关系和物种的染色体组来源及探讨杂种不育的细胞遗传学机制等诸多方面的应用进展。分析了影响染色体配对的主要因素, 如配对控制体系、遗传背景和外界环境条件等,并展望了染色体配对研究与其他技术结合在染色体组分析中的应用前景。  相似文献   

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