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Baldwin's critique raises some valid points. However, none invalidates our main findings of correlations between leaf and floral defences, and induction of nectar alkaloids. We believe our study successfully demonstrated linkages between leaf and floral traits, and we hope it inspires further research in multiple systems and settings.  相似文献   

Secondary compounds may benefit plants by deterring herbivores, but the presence of these defensive chemicals in floral nectar may also deter beneficial pollinators. This trade-off between sexual reproduction and defense has received minimal study. We determined whether the pollinator-deterring effects of a nectar alkaloid found in the perennial vine Gelsemium sempervirens depend on ecological context (i.e. the availability of alternative nectar sources) by monitoring the behavioural response of captive bumblebees (Bombus impatiens, an important pollinator of G. sempervirens in nature) to nectar alkaloids in several ecologically relevant scenarios. Although alkaloids in floral nectar tended to deter visitation by bumblebees, the magnitude of that effect depended greatly on the availability and nectar properties of alternative flowers. Ecological context should thus be considered when assessing ecological costs of plant defense in terms of pollination services. We consider adaptive strategies that would enable plants to minimize pollinator deterrence because of defensive compounds in flowers.  相似文献   

  • The induction of defences in response to herbivory is a key mechanism of plant resistance. While a number of studies have investigated the time course and magnitude of plant induction in response to a single event of herbivory, few have looked at the effects of recurrent herbivory. Furthermore, studies measuring the effects of the total amount and recurrence of herbivory on both direct and indirect plant defences are lacking. To address this gap, here we asked whether insect leaf herbivory induced changes in the amount and concentration of extrafloral nectar (an indirect defence) and concentration of leaf phenolic compounds (a direct defence) in wild cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).
  • We conducted a greenhouse experiment where we tested single event or recurrent herbivory effects on defence induction by applying mechanical leaf damage and caterpillar (Spodoptera frugiperda) regurgitant.
  • Single events of 25% and 50% leaf damage did not significantly influence extrafloral nectar production or concentration. Extrafloral nectar traits did, however, increase significantly relative to controls when plants were exposed to recurrent herbivory (two episodes of 25% damage). In contrast, phenolic compounds increased significantly in response to single events of  leaf damage but not to recurrent damage. In addition, we found. that local induction of extrafloral nectar production was stronger than systemic induction, whereas the reverse pattern was observed for phenolics.
  • Together, these results reveal seemingly inverse patterns of induction of direct and indirect defences in response to herbivory in wild cotton.

Background and Aims Many plants produce extrafloral nectar (EFN), and increase production following above-ground herbivory, presumably to attract natural enemies of the herbivores. Below-ground herbivores, alone or in combination with those above ground, may also alter EFN production depending on the specificity of this defence response and the interactions among herbivores mediated through plant defences. To date, however, a lack of manipulative experiments investigating EFN production induced by above- and below-ground herbivory has limited our understanding of how below-ground herbivory mediates indirect plant defences to affect above-ground herbivores and their natural enemies.Methods In a greenhouse experiment, seedlings of tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) were subjected to herbivory by a specialist flea beetle (Bikasha collaris) that naturally co-occurs as foliage-feeding adults and root-feeding larvae. Seedlings were subjected to above-ground adults and/or below-ground larvae herbivory, and EFN production was monitored.Key Results Above- and/or below-ground herbivory significantly increased the percentage of leaves with active nectaries, the volume of EFN and the mass of soluble solids within the nectar. Simultaneous above- and below-ground herbivory induced a higher volume of EFN and mass of soluble solids than below-ground herbivory alone, but highest EFN production was induced by above-ground herbivory when below-ground herbivores were absent.Conclusions The induction of EFN production by below-ground damage suggests that systemic induction underlies some of the EFN response. The strong induction by above-ground herbivory in the absence of below-ground herbivory points to specific induction based on above- and below-ground signals that may be adaptive for this above-ground indirect defence.  相似文献   

Direct measurement of the carbon (C) 'cost' of mycorrhizas is problematic. Although estimates have been made for arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal symbioses, these are based on incomplete budgets or indirect measurements. Furthermore, the conventional model of unidirectional plant-to-fungus C flux is too simplistic. Net fungus-to-plant C transfer supports seedling establishment in c. 10% of plant species, including most orchids, and bidirectional C flows occur in ectomycorrhiza utilizing soil amino acids. Here, the C cost of mycorrhizas to the green orchid Goodyera repens was determined by measurement of simultaneous bidirectional fluxes of 14C labelled sources using a monoxenic system with the fungus Ceratobasidium cornigerum. Transfer of C from fungus to plant ('up-flow') occurs in the photosynthesizing orchid G. repens (max. 0.06 microg) whereas over five times more current assimilate (min. 0.355 microg) is simultaneously allocated in the reverse direction to the mycorrhizal fungus ('down-flow') after 8 d. Carbon is transferred rapidly, being detected in plant-fungal respiration within 31 h of labelling. This study provides the most complete C budget for an orchid-mycorrhizal symbiosis, and clearly shows net plant-to-fungus C flux. The rapidity of bidirectional C flux is indicative of dynamic transfer at an interfacial apoplast as opposed to reliance on digestion of fungal pelotons.  相似文献   

Florivory: the intersection of pollination and herbivory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
McCall AC  Irwin RE 《Ecology letters》2006,9(12):1351-1365
Plants interact with many visitors who consume a variety of plant tissues. While the consequences of herbivory to leaves and shoots are well known, the implications of florivory, the consumption of flowers prior to seed coat formation, have received less attention. Herbivory and florivory can yield different plant, population and community outcomes; thus, it is critical to distinguish between these two types of consumption. Here, we consider the ecological and evolutionary consequences of florivory. A growing number of studies recognize that florivory is common in natural systems and in some cases surpasses leaf herbivory in magnitude and impact. Florivores can affect male and female plant fitness via direct trophic effects and through altered pathways of species interactions. In particular, florivory can affect pollination and have consequences for plant mating and floral sexual system evolution. Plants are not defenceless against florivore damage. Concepts of resistance and tolerance can be applied to plant–florivore interactions. Moreover, extant theories of plant chemical defence, including optimal defence theory, growth rate hypothesis and growth differentiation–balance hypothesis, can be used to make testable predictions about when and how plants should defend flowers against florivores. The majority of the predictions remain untested, but they provide a theoretical foundation on which to base future experiments. The approaches to studying florivory that we outline may yield novel insights into floral and defence traits not illuminated by studies of pollination or herbivory alone.  相似文献   

To defend themselves against herbivore attack, plants produce secondary metabolites, which are variously inducible and constitutively deployed, presumably to optimize their fitness benefits in light of their fitness costs. Three phytohormones, jasmonates (JA) and their active forms, the JA-isoleucine (JA-Ile) and ethylene (ET), are known to play central roles in the elicitation of induced defenses, but little is known about how this mediation changes over ontogeny. The Optimal Defense Theory (ODT) predicts changes in the costs and benefits of the different types of defenses and has been usefully extrapolated to their modes of deployment. Here we studied whether the herbivore-induced accumulation of JA, JA-Ile and ET changed over ontogeny in Nicotiana attenuata, a native tobacco in which inducible defenses are particularly well studied. Herbivore-elicited ET production changed dramatically during six developmental stages, from rosette through flowering, decreasing with the elongation of the first corollas during flower development. This decrease was largely recovered within a day after flower removal by decapitation. A similar pattern was found for the herbivore-induced accumulation of JA and JA-Ile. These results are consistent with ODT predictions and suggest that the last steps in floral development control the inducibility of at least three plant hormones, optimizing defense-growth tradeoffs.  相似文献   

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