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长期以来,我们都是手工绘制植物图。而随着计算机技术的深入普及,利用计算机辅助制图已是相当普遍了。通常用计算机绘制植物图也因为不断开发的软件而有了可能,我在手工绘制植物图的同时,也尝试用计算机绘制植物图,取得了较好的效果。目前我选用的软件是Win-dows95。Windows95的彩绘天地是运用鼠标器点选相应的功能键在屏幕上绘制图形的。这种绘图方法,无论是从整体布局、画面层次及结构,以及线条的刻划均有其独到之处。我们用这种方法绘制一些内容较粗护的几何图形或内容较简洁的示意图形,非常简便而且得心应手。但是,要想用它…  相似文献   

本文运用辩证唯物主义观点,从纵横两个方面比较了植物形态分类学与化学分类学的发展,论述了二者的辩证关系;认为这两个学科的产生和发展有着共同的哲学渊源;形态分类学是化学分类学的重要基础,今后仍将起着主导的、重要的作用,化学分类学是现代植物分类学研究中不可缺少的一个重要手段,但它不能取代形态分类学,而是作为后者的一个重要补充,与其他生物学科一起,共同促进现代植物分类学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

在参阅大量古籍文献的基础上,对我国古代植物的分类和命名进行了探讨。我国很早就用功能属性分类法和自然属性分类法对植物进行分类,有些类群的划分与国际上科学分类法的观点非常相似;运用植物的取象名素创立的“类部“和”种部”的植物命名方法类似于国际上植物命名的双名法。对我国古代植物分类学与国外分类学的异同,以及我国古代植物分类学发展不足的原因也作了分析。  相似文献   

正在中科院各研究所科研创新发展的队伍里,技术支撑系列作为科研创新工作的基础和平台,为科研创新活动提供了基本保障,他们运用自身专业的技术优势,发扬着甘于奉献的工作精神,默默无闻地为科研工作发挥着自身的能量。我作为中科院古脊椎所的一名普通的技术支撑人员,在技术室从事绘图工作。每天以古生物化石为模特,为科研论文绘制插图。在研究所的工作中深刻感受到中科院在创建知识创新工程生态系统中,以建设高水平的公共技术支撑平  相似文献   

植物分类学的历史回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对植物分类学的研究历史进行了简要的回顾.讨论了不同历史时期植物分类学研究的特点以及该时期代表的分类学家和他们的专著,分析了植物分类学的发展趋势以及我国植物分类学工作者所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

过去几十年中对于植物分类学很有影响的一个方面。就是应用植物细胞形态到植物分类和演化的研究。由于这种影响,从而形成了一门植物分类学和植物细胞学结合在一起的边缘科学,称为植物细胞分类学。这一学科后来并与植物细胞遗传学交织在一起,利用杂交等实验手段,更丰富了它的内容。而现在的所谓实验分类学,也很多是在植物细胞分类学的基础上发展出来的。到了近年更出现了根据细胞内  相似文献   

引言苔藓植物分类学是18世纪首先在欧洲发展起来的。早在1729年,意大利人米奇里(P.A.Micheli)在他所著的《新植物属志》(Nova Plantarum Genera)一书中已有关于苔藓植物的记载,并绘有插图。弟伦(J.Dillen)的《藓类植物历史》(HistoriaMuscorum,1741)是较早提及苔藓植物分类的著作。然而,在本书内也含有一些藻类、地衣、石松植  相似文献   

植物分类学是一門古老的学科,它和其他有关的近代生物科学又互相联系、互相促进,仍然在不断发展着。植物分类学的发展和其他自然科学一样是和生产实践和科学实驗的发展紧密相联系的。各个历史时期社会生产力的巨大发展以及有关科学的任何巨大成就,促使植物分类学的发展,产生貭的飞跃。古代大量农业生产知識的积累与药用植物知識的不断增长,为植物分类学的实驗研究創造了条件,为近代植物分类学发展的第一个阶段——人为分类系統阶段打下丁基础。15、16世紀資本主义生产的迅速发展促进了近代自然科学的飞跃发展。植物形态学、解剖学、生理学等有关科学的成长为植物分类学提供了理論基础和科学技术的基础,更正确的描述、有較好的解剖技术,也积累了大量的标本,进行了分类系統的探索,使植物分类学获得很大进展。植物分类学逐步进入了自然分  相似文献   

<正>上海辰山植物园(中国科学院上海辰山植物科学研究中心)植物分类学研究组科研助理(组长:马金双)招聘公告上海辰山植物园(中国科学院上海辰山植物科学研究中心)植物分类学研究组(研究组长:马金双)研究领域:中国乃至东亚的种子植物分类学,特别是东亚植物分类学文献、中国外来入侵植物、上海都市植物志、卫矛属和马兜铃属植物系统与进化、东亚和南亚大戟属修订、水杉的自然历史、东亚和南亚马兜铃属的修订、中国植物分类学历史等。具体参见:http://www.scpsrc.ac.cn/yjdw_02.asp,或www.metasequoia.org,  相似文献   

通过整合全球植物志文献资料, 结合调查中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE)、北京林业大学森林植物标本馆(BJFC)和中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所植物标本馆(IFP)馆藏腊叶标本, 以及进行野外观测, 获取了草问荆的地理分布数据。采用地理绘图软件MapInfo Profes sional 8.0, 绘制草问荆在中国及世界的资源分布图, 首次提供了其在中国的详细分布资料, 为深入理解和开发草问荆资源提供了必要的生物学基本数据。  相似文献   

Nowadays only digital figures are accepted by the most important journals of taxonomy. These may be produced by scanning conventional drawings, made with high precision technical ink-pens, which normally use capillary cartridge and various line widths. Digital drawing techniques that use vector graphics, have already been described in literature to support scientists in drawing figures and plates for scientific illustrations; these techniques use many different software and hardware devices. The present work gives step-by-step instructions on how to make accurate line drawings with a new procedure that uses bitmap graphics with the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). This method is noteworthy: it is very accurate, producing detailed lines at the highest resolution; the raster lines appear as realistic ink-made drawings; it is faster than the traditional way of making illustrations; everyone can use this simple technique; this method is completely free as it does not use expensive and licensed software and it can be used with different operating systems. The method has been developed drawing figures of terrestrial isopods and some examples are here given.  相似文献   

The groundbreaking research carried out by Philip R. White in the 1930s and 1940s played a critical early role in the development of modern plant biotechnology and the production of biotech crops. He gained instant fame and became a historical figure early in his career by becoming the first person to attain unlimited growth of cultured plant tissues. White was one of the best known and most influential figures of his generation in plant cell culture research. His tireless and lifelong efforts to promote the use of plant cell culture systems inspired a generation of scientists and stimulated much scientific activity. White was not only a brilliant and visionary scientist but also a highly principled man who spoke courageously about the great moral and political issues of his day. He was admired as much for his science as for his humanity. His belief that plant cell culture research was not well represented at national and international meetings, and his deeply held conviction that science had to be international and without borders in order to be of service to humankind led to the founding of the International Association for Plant Biotechnology in 1963, currently the largest forum for the international plant biotechnology community. This tribute honors and celebrates Philip R. White for his inspiring science, for his kind and generous mentoring of young scientists, for his advocacy of plant cell culture research and its applications, for his promotion of international scientific exchange and cooperation, and for his leadership in the founding of the International Association for Plant Biotechnology.  相似文献   

The EEG was recorded in 19 standard derivations according to the international 10–20 system in 30 subjects during a test for figurative creativity. To involve subjects in the creative process, they were presented with the following creative tasks: (Cr1) thinking up and drawing an original picture; (Cr2) drawing a face, a house, and a clown in an original manner; (C1) drawing a picture from memory; and (C2) drawing geometric figures without any system. All the tasks had to be performed using a given set of geometric figures (a circle, semicircle, triangle, and rectangle). Statistical analysis of the EEG spectral power for the frequency bands α1, α2, β1, β2, and γ showed that the creative task performance was characterized by an increase in the EEG power in the β2 and γ bands and single differently directed power changes in the α1, α2, and β1 bands. The findings were compared to previous results of EEG studies on creative activity.  相似文献   

Constant-rate stocking of predator-prey systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We examine the qualitative effects of constant-rate stocking of either or both species in a predator-prey system. The hypotheses are made as mild as possible so that several types of systems with different qualitative alternatives may be studied.Sponsored by the United States Army under Contract No. DAAG29-75-C-0024 and the National Research Council of Canada under Grant No. A-3138.The authors wish to thank Mr. Al Mackenzie for drawing the numerous figures which appear in this paper.  相似文献   

关于植物营养生态学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物营养学与植物生态学发展的前沿交叉正形成了植物营养生态学,植物营养生态学是探讨植物营养利用策略的科学,包括植物体内营养的合理利用策略和植物对无机营养环境的改造以利于营养吸收的各种可能策略。其研究内容主要包括养分利用效率、植物体内营养的再利用、体内营养含量格局和植物对土壤无机营养环境的改造。植物营养生态学以植物种群为研究对象。它的发展对深刻理解种群的生态行为特征具有重要意义,同时对如何增进人工混交群落的营养协调性具有实践上的指导意义。营养生态机理的各个方面是相互协调和相互补充的整体,营养生态机理的效率决定了种群营养合理利用的程度和在营养资源上的竞争力。目前,研究上尚缺少营养策略与其它生态策略的关联性的探讨,随着各种营养策略研究上的深入,这种关联性探讨将成为今后植物营养生态学的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   

The Draw-an-Archaeologist Test (DART) is an easy way to elieit students' conceptions about archaeology and can be adapted to other subject matter. When implemented as the first activity of an archaeology unit, it provides a starting point for introducing archaeology and addressing students' misconceptions about it. In this drawing activity, students are asked to describe not only what archaeologists do, but who they are in terms of gender and ethnicities. This activity can be used to generate a discussion on equity and to access differences between genders and ethnicities, which fulfills one of the national science education standards for the history and nature of science.  相似文献   

Brain neurodynamics was studied by the EEG method during the performance of a task for figurative (or imaginative) creativity. The EEG was recorded in 19 standard derivations according to the international 10–20 system in 30 subjects. The following creative tasks were presented to subjects to involve them in the creative process: (Crl) thinking up and drawing an original picture; (Cr2) drawing a face, a house, and a clown in an original manner; (C1) drawing a picture from memory; and (C2) drawing geometric figures without any system. All the tasks had to be performed using a given set of geometric figures (a circle, semicircle, triangle, and rectangle). Statistical analysis of the EEG coherence function in these states for the frequency bands Δ, θ, α1, α2, β1, β2, and γ showed that the performance of creative and control tasks was associated with significant coherence changes in all the EEG frequency bands. As compared to the control tasks, performance of creative tasks caused an increase in the coherence of the α1-and α2 bands, more pronounced when creative tasks were compared with the second control task. In addition, the performance of the creative tasks (as compared to the control tasks) was accompanied by a decrease in the interhemispheric coherence of high-frequency rhythms (β2 and γ) and an increase in the intrahemispheric coherence of these rhythms. The findings are compared to the results of previous EEG studies on creative activity.  相似文献   



With continuing identification of novel structured noncoding RNAs, there is an increasing need to create schematic diagrams showing the consensus features of these molecules. RNA structural diagrams are typically made either with general-purpose drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator, or with automated or interactive programs specific to RNA. Unfortunately, the use of applications like Illustrator is extremely time consuming, while existing RNA-specific programs produce figures that are useful, but usually not of the same aesthetic quality as those produced at great cost in Illustrator. Additionally, most existing RNA-specific applications are designed for drawing single RNA molecules, not consensus diagrams.  相似文献   

The mirine plant bug genus Paramiridius, previously known only from a single Taiwanese species, is reported from Indochinese Laos for the first time and redefined. Two additional species, Paramiridius indochinensis and Paramiridius laomontanus, are described as new to science. The female genitalic structures of the genus are documented for the first time. Habitus illustrations, figures of male genitalia, and key are provided for all three known Paramiridius species.  相似文献   

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