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全球交通基础设施网络的不断扩张导致的栖息地丧失和破碎化已成为生物多样性下降的主要影响因素之一。国外开展了大量的道路对野生动物生存影响的研究, 相对而言, 我国在该领域的研究刚刚起步。本文通过总结截止于2021年国内的144篇案例研究文献以及新浪微博中210条道路交通伤害信息, 将我国道路对野生动物的影响分为栖息地丧失、栖息地破碎化、回避或聚集路边、阻碍或促进迁移、种群隔离、野生动物通道和道路交通伤害等方面, 从研究方法、研究地点、研究物种和研究结果等不同角度进行梳理和总结。近年来, 我国的相关研究呈现不断增长的趋势, 研究地点主要集中在可可西里、长白山和秦岭地区; 研究物种主要为青藏高原有蹄类、大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)和亚洲象(Elephas maximus)。未来重点发展方向应包括: (1)道路野生动物基础数据采集平台建设; (2)我国不同动物地理分区的道路野生动物相关研究; (3)深入开展学科交叉与部门合作以及国际交流合作。公众在社交媒体发布的相关信息表明近年来公众对道路交通伤害问题越来越关注, 未来开展基于公民科学收集道路交通伤害数据具有迫切性和可行性。  相似文献   

传统中医药发展与濒危药用野生动物的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏未铭  赵德怀 《四川动物》2006,25(3):523-525
中医药是我国传统文化的重要组成部分,对维系中华民族的繁荣昌盛做出了重要贡献。当代中医药发展在走向世界的过程中既面临许多机遇,也面临着来自濒危药用野生物种保护等诸多方面的压力。在此基础上,本文简要介绍了我国药用野生动物资源的现状,初步分析了导致野生动物濒危的原因,提出了可持续利用的我国中医药发展的基本原则,并针对性地提出了促进我国中医药发展与濒危药用野生动物保护协调的几条措施。  相似文献   

周学红  杨锡涛  唐谨成  张伟 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6708-6718
生态文明建设对野生动物资源保护提出了新的要求。在实践中,需要借鉴国内外研究成果和成功案例,并克服目前我国野生动物保护中存在的问题。综述了国内外相关文献,认为:目前世界上的野生动物就地保护方式主要是建立保护区和国家公园,在发挥保护作用同时,也给周边居民带来负面影响,从而制约了野生动物保护与当地社区经济的协调发展。传统的"命令-控制型"保护政策忽略了当地居民的生活需求,不利于形成居民积极的保护态度;居民的保护态度除了受来自野生动物造成的损害的影响,还和周边居民的年龄、受教育程度、经济收入等密切相关;为提高居民保护积极性,经济激励机制有着重要作用。目前,国内外保护工作中一般应用的经济激励措施主要包括直接经济补偿、生态旅游、现代狩猎、生态补偿等。  相似文献   

蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2006,14(2):144-144
野生动物活体运输过程会对动物产生生理胁迫,进而威胁被运输动物的健康。因而,野生动物活体运输与野生动物保护密切相关,是野生动物保护的一个新课题。野生动植物国际贸易中涉及大量的航空运输,因而《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)制定了《活体野生动物装运准备和运输  相似文献   

城市湿地公园具有与湿地类似的生态功能和典型特征,对城市地区的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文对不同地区的城市湿地公园进行研究,包括不同气候类型、使用年份和面积大小等不同方面,并对野生动物栖息地特别是鸟类栖息地进行了数据统计和分类分析。通过文献研究、数据统计和比较分析,探索城市湿地公园生物多样性保护指标体系的基本组成及其相关性。本文写作目的是建立适当的城市湿地公园栖息地评估标准,支持生态中国建设。  相似文献   

青藏铁路线上的野生动物通道与藏羚羊保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青藏铁路是世界上自然条件最独特而极端、海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路。青藏高原是我国乃至全世界生态系统最脆弱的地区,沿线野生动物种类多、数量大,特别是大中型有蹄类如藏羚羊等,也是野生动物中最独特的类群,它们活动范围大,不同季节间取食、饮水和繁殖等往往需要进行大规模、长距离的迁移,青藏铁路的建设无疑也不可避免地会对它们的正常活动产生阻碍。在青藏铁路建设中,我国首次引入了国外野生动物通道的理念,根据当地的自然条件.设计了3种基本类型的野生动物通道。同时,在施工中也根据藏羚羊等迁移的特点,施工期采取了动物优先的措施,并对将来营运提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   

对野生动物物种按照珍贵、濒危程度等分类分级,根据价值采取不同保护措施,是我国野生动物保护的基本制度。价值评估的准确性对于实现保护目的、管理的有效性和处罚的公平性至关重要。我国于2019年制定《水生野生动物及其制品价值评估办法》(下称《评估办法》),规定水生野生动物的基准价值和涉案个体价值核算方法。然而,该方法对于2019年后新纳入名录的水生野生动物未规定基准价值,只能依据物种间的种属接近程度确认价值。随着越来越多水生野生动物新进入名录,这一方法的科学性受到质疑。鉴于此,本文通过使用《评估办法》对2021年新纳入《国家野生动物保护名录》的236种(类)水生野生动物进行价值评估,评价现行评估方法的合理性;并结合IUCN物种濒危状况评价及生物学种群增长模型,提出改进的价值评估方法。研究结果显示:(1)2021年国家林业和草原局、农业农村部公布的《国家野生动物保护名录》新增的236种(类)水生野生动物中,仅有30种(类)明确规定了基准价值,8种(类)新增国家I级重点保护野生动物、131种(类)新增国家II级重点保护动物评估参照“其他种”,价值评估存在明显偏差,67种(类)新增保护动物则无明确可...  相似文献   

至今,包括我国在内的国际社会在生物多样性保护上采取了多种行动计划,但世界各国领导人在2002年于南非召开的联合国"世界可持续发展"峰会上所作的在2010年"国际生物多样性年"前扭转生物多样性快速丧失趋势的承诺至今都无法实现。究其主要原因,除了没有解决好生物多样性的可持续利用外,还在于所采取的多种保护行动中忽视了文化层面,尤其是土著民族生态文化多样性的保护与应用。本文以地处滇南的西双版纳傣族热带雨林生态文化为例,讨论了民族生态文化在生物多样性保护与持续利用上的重要作用,即生物多样性保护与文化多样性保护是一枚硬币的两面,相辅相成,缺一不可。  相似文献   

高速公路对野生动物生存环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对长沙市绕城高速公路、长永高速公路、永浏高等级公路和岳麓山风景区周边高等级公路的考察,并以岳麓山风景区周边公路网作为研究模型,概述高速公路网络对自然区域野生动物的生存空间及活动通道的分割,而影响野生动物的觅食、迁徙和基因交流,导致生物物种衰退或消亡的趋势.  相似文献   


This research is an examination of the relationship between representations of nonhuman species in nature-oriented television programs and films and viewer perceptions of those species. Of particular interest were the relationships between the message strategies used to tell the stories of the lives of other species (e.g., action orientation, use of high visibility sources, personification, demonstrations of similarity, and so forth) and the perceptions of those species. Focus group discussions of four video presentations revealed four types of message/communication strategies: (1) credibility of the narrator and/or featured humans, (2) emphasis on similarity of the species to humans, (3) degree of personification of the species, and (4) juxtaposition of elements and arguments. The impact of these message/communication strategies on participant perceptions is discussed, and several recommendations for the structure and critical assessment of media portrayals of nonhuman species are offered.  相似文献   

As a reflection on recent debates on the value of wild animals we examine the question of the intrinsic value of wild animals in both natural and man-made surroundings. We examine the concepts being wild and domesticated. In our approach we consider animals as dependent on their environment, whether it is a human or a natural environment. Stressing this dependence we argue that a distinction can be made between three different interpretations of a wild animal’s intrinsic value: a species-specific, a naturalistic, and an individualistic interpretation. According to the species-specific approach, the animal is primarily considered as a member of its species; according to the naturalistic interpretation, the animal is seen as dependent on the natural environment; and according to the individualistic approach, the animal is seen in terms of its relationship to humans. In our opinion, the species-specific interpretation, which is the current dominant view, should be supplemented—but not replaced by—naturalistic and individualistic interpretations, which focus attention on the relationship of the animal to the natural and human environments, respectively. Which of these three interpretations is the most suitable in a given case depends on the circumstances and the opportunity for the animal to grow and develop according to its nature and capabilities.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is the unifying feature underlying the toxicity of anthropogenic pollution (e.g., heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and nitrogen-oxides) and the ultimate culprit in the development of many diseases. Yet, there has been no attempt to summarize the published data on wild terrestrial animals to reveal general trends regarding the effects of pollution on oxidative stress. The main findings of this meta-analysis reveal that, as predicted, there is an overall increase in oxidative stress when exposed to pollution. This is mainly due to a weak overall increase of oxidative damages, although there is some variation across taxa. The reduced form of glutathione (GSH) and its associated enzymes are the most reliable biomarkers. This result is important when choosing biomarkers and when using less-invasive sampling of endangered species, or for longitudinal approaches. To be able to predict future population outcomes, possible treatments, but also evolutionary responses to a changing environment, a greater integration of biotic factors such as temperature, bioavailability of toxic elements, and species-specific responses are needed.  相似文献   

综合国内外有关野生动物采集精液方法的经验资料,结合我们的试验体会,进行了总结。根据野生动物生殖生理特点、生物学特性、生存环境等,对其适宜的人工采精方法进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

Demographic and life history data from wild populations of long-lived primate species are difficult to acquire but are critical for evaluating population viability and the success of conservation efforts. Camera trapping provides an opportunity for researchers to monitor wild animal populations indirectly and could help provide demographic and life history data in a way that demands fewer person-hours in the field, is less disruptive to the study population because it requires less direct contact, and may be cost effective. Using data on group composition collected concurrently though both direct observation and camera trap monitoring, we evaluate whether camera traps can provide reliable information on population dynamics (births, disappearances, interbirth intervals, and other demographic variables) for a wild population of white-bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth), an Endangered species. We placed camera traps focused on the sole access point used by the monkeys to visit a geophagy site located roughly in the center of one group’s home range, and we reviewed all of the photos collected at that site over a roughly 3-yr period to identify the individual monkeys recorded in the pictures. Group composition based on 2947 photos containing 3977 individual monkey images matched perfectly data collected concurrently through direct observation. The camera traps also provided estimates of the dates when individuals disappeared from the study group, and of infant births during the study. We conclude that long-term camera trap monitoring of wild populations of white-bellied spider monkeys—and other animals that are individually recognizable and that regularly visit predictable resources—can be a useful tool for monitoring their population dynamics indirectly.  相似文献   

The life histories of holo-anhydrobiotic animals differ fromthose of all other organisms by a regular or irregular entranceinto an ametabolic state induced by desiccation. Such ametabolicperiods will arrest growth and reproduction completely and thusaffect primary life history parameters dramatically. The selectiveforces and the genetic and physiological trade-offs acting onanhydrobiotic animals are to a large extent unknown. Assuminglow growth rates and low juvenile to adult survival, generaltheoretical models on life history responses to stress predictthat anhydrobiotic animals will be selected for a high degreeof iteroparity, with low fecundity, large egg size, and lowtotal reproductive investment. A high degree of variabilityin growth and reproduction should create a selective force inthe same direction. Although basic empirical data on life historyparameters are very scarce, available observations seem to beconsistent with this prediction.  相似文献   

Domestication has led to similar changes in morphology and behavior in several animal species, raising the question whether similarities between different domestication events also exist at the molecular level. We used mRNA sequencing to analyze genome-wide gene expression patterns in brain frontal cortex in three pairs of domesticated and wild species (dogs and wolves, pigs and wild boars, and domesticated and wild rabbits). We compared the expression differences with those between domesticated guinea pigs and a distant wild relative (Cavia aperea) as well as between two lines of rats selected for tameness or aggression towards humans. There were few gene expression differences between domesticated and wild dogs, pigs, and rabbits (30–75 genes (less than 1%) of expressed genes were differentially expressed), while guinea pigs and C. aperea differed more strongly. Almost no overlap was found between the genes with differential expression in the different domestication events. In addition, joint analyses of all domesticated and wild samples provided only suggestive evidence for the existence of a small group of genes that changed their expression in a similar fashion in different domesticated species. The most extreme of these shared expression changes include up-regulation in domesticates of SOX6 and PROM1, two modulators of brain development. There was almost no overlap between gene expression in domesticated animals and the tame and aggressive rats. However, two of the genes with the strongest expression differences between the rats (DLL3 and DHDH) were located in a genomic region associated with tameness and aggression, suggesting a role in influencing tameness. In summary, the majority of brain gene expression changes in domesticated animals are specific to the given domestication event, suggesting that the causative variants of behavioral domestication traits may likewise be different.  相似文献   

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