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At the end of gastrulation in avians and mammals, the endoderm germ layer is an undetermined sheet of cells. Over the next 24-48 h, endoderm forms a primitive tube and becomes regionally specified along the anterior-posterior axis. Fgf4 is expressed in gastrulation and somite stage embryos in the vicinity of posterior endoderm that gives rise to the posterior gut. Moreover, the posterior endoderm adjacent to Fgf4-expressing mesoderm expresses the FGF-target genes Sprouty1 and 2 suggesting that endoderm respond to an FGF signal in vivo. Here, we report the first evidence suggesting that FGF4-mediated signaling is required for establishing gut tube domains along the A-P axis in vivo. At the gastrula stage, exposing endoderm to recombinant FGF4 protein results in an anterior shift in the Pdx1 and CdxB expression domains. These expression domains remain sensitive to FGF4 levels throughout early somite stages. Additionally, FGF4 represses the anterior endoderm markers Hex1 and Nkx2.1 and disrupts foregut morphogenesis. FGF signaling directly patterns endoderm and not via a secondary induction from another germ layer, as shown by expression of dominant-active FGFR1 specifically in endoderm, which results in ectopic anterior expression of Pdx1. Loss-of-function studies using the FGF receptor antagonist SU5402 demonstrate that FGF signaling is necessary for establishing midgut gene expression and for maintaining gene expression boundaries between the midgut and hindgut from gastrulation through somitogenesis. Moreover, FGF signaling in the primitive streak is necessary to restrict Hex1 expression to anterior endoderm. These data show that FGF signaling is critical for patterning the gut tube by promoting posterior and inhibiting anterior endoderm cell fate.  相似文献   

Patterning of the vertebrate anteroposterior (AP) axis proceeds temporally from anterior to posterior. How dorsoventral (DV) axial patterning relates to AP temporal patterning is unknown. We examined the temporal activity of BMP signaling in patterning ventrolateral cell fates along the AP axis, using transgenes that rapidly turn "off" or "on" BMP signaling. We show that BMP signaling patterns rostral DV cell fates at the onset of gastrulation, whereas progressively more caudal DV cell fates are patterned at progressively later intervals during gastrulation. Increased BMP signal duration is not required to pattern more caudal DV cell fates; rather, distinct temporal intervals of signaling are required. This progressive action is regulated downstream of, or in parallel to, BMP signal transduction at the level of Smad1/5 phosphorylation. We propose that a temporal cue regulates a cell's competence to respond to BMP signaling, allowing the acquisition of a cell's DV and AP identity simultaneously.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the lung is regulated by reciprocal signaling between epithelium and mesenchyme. In previous studies, we have shown that FGF9 signals are essential for lung mesenchyme development. Using Fgf9 loss-of-function and inducible gain-of-function mouse models, we show that lung mesenchyme can be divided into two distinct regions: the sub-mesothelial and sub-epithelial compartments, which proliferate in response to unique growth factor signals. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 9 signals from the mesothelium (the future pleura) to sub-mesothelial mesenchyme through both FGF receptor (FGFR) 1 and FGFR2 to induce proliferation. FGF9 also signals from the epithelium to the sub-epithelial mesenchyme to maintain SHH signaling, which regulates cell proliferation, survival and the expression of mesenchymal to epithelial signals. We further show that FGF9 represses peribronchiolar smooth muscle differentiation and stimulates vascular development in vivo. We propose a model in which FGF9 and SHH signals cooperate to regulate mesenchymal proliferation in distinct submesothelial and subepithelial regions. These data provide a molecular mechanism by which mesothelial and epithelial FGF9 directs lung development by regulating mesenchymal growth, and the pattern and expression levels of mesenchymal growth factors that signal back to the epithelium.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor, retinoblastoma (Rb), is involved in both terminal mitosis and neuronal differentiation. We hypothesized that activation of the Rb pathway would induce cell cycle arrest in primary neural precursor cells, independent of the proposed function of cyclin-dependent kinases 4/6 (CDK4/6) to sequester the CIP/KIP CDK inhibitors (CKIs) p21 and p27 from CDK2. We expressed dominant negative adenovirus mutants of CDKs 2, 4, and 6 (dnCDK2, dnCDK4, and dnCDK6) in neural progenitor cells derived from E12.5 wild type and Rb-deficient mouse embryos. In contrast to previous studies, our results demonstrate that in addition to dnCDK2, the dnCDK4/6 mutants can induce growth arrest. Moreover, the dnCDK4/6-mediated inhibition is Rb-dependent. The dnCDK2 partially inhibited cell growth in Rb-deficient cells, suggesting that CDK2 may have additional targets. A previously proposed function of CDK4/6 is CKI sequestration, thereby preventing the resulting inhibition of CDK2, believed to be the key regulator of cell cycle. However, our immunoprecipitations revealed that the dominant negative CDK mutants could arrest cell growth despite their interaction with p21 and p27. Taken together, our results demonstrate that both CDK2 and CDK4/6 are crucial for cell cycle regulation. Furthermore, our data underscore the importance of the Rb regulatory pathway in neuronal development and cell cycle regulation, independent of CKI sequestration.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin embryo, the oral-aboral axis is specified after fertilization by mechanisms that are largely unknown. We report that early sea urchin embryos express Nodal and Antivin in the presumptive oral ectoderm and demonstrate that these genes control formation of the oral-aboral axis. Overexpression of nodal converted the whole ectoderm into oral ectoderm and induced ectopic expression of the orally expressed genes goosecoid, brachyury, BMP2/4, and antivin. Conversely, when the function of Nodal was blocked, by injection of an antisense Morpholino oligonucleotide or by injection of antivin mRNA, neither the oral nor the aboral ectoderm were specified. Injection of nodal mRNA into Nodal-deficient embryos induced an oral-aboral axis in a largely non-cell-autonomous manner. These observations suggest that the mechanisms responsible for patterning the oral-aboral axis of the sea urchin embryo may share similarities with mechanisms that pattern the dorsoventral axis of other deuterostomes.  相似文献   

Extracellular regulation of growth factor signaling is a key event for embryonic patterning. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) are among the molecules that regulate this signaling during embryonic development. Here we study the function of syndecan1 (Syn1), a cell-surface HSPG expressed in the non-neural ectoderm during early development of Xenopus embryos. Overexpression of Xenopus Syn1 (xSyn1) mRNA is sufficient to reduce BMP signaling, induce chordin expression and rescue dorso-ventral patterning in ventralized embryos. Experiments using chordin morpholinos established that xSyn1 mRNA can inhibit BMP signaling in the absence of chordin. Knockdown of xSyn1 resulted in a reduction of BMP signaling and expansion of the neural plate with the concomitant reduction of the non-neural ectoderm. Overexpression of xSyn1 mRNA in xSyn1 morphant embryos resulted in a biphasic effect, with BMP being inhibited at high concentrations and activated at low concentrations of xSyn1. Interestingly, the function of xSyn1 on dorso-ventral patterning and BMP signaling is specific for this HSPG. In summary, we report that xSyn1 regulates dorso-ventral patterning of the ectoderm through modulation of BMP signaling.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence elements called insulators have two basic kinds of properties. Barrier elements block the propagation of heterochromatic structures into adjacent euchromatin. Enhancer blocking elements interfere with interaction between an enhancer and promoter when placed between them. We have dissected a compound insulator element found at the 5' end of the chicken β-globin locus, which possesses both activities. Barrier insulation is mediated by two kinds of DNA binding proteins: USF1/USF2, a heterodimer which recruits multiple enzyme complexes capable of marking histone on adjacent nucleosomes with 'activating' marks, and Vezf1, which protects against DNA methylation. We have found that the heterochromatic region upstream of the insulator element is maintained in its silent state by a dicer-dependent mechanism, suggesting a mechanism for Vezf1 function in the insulator. Enhancer blocking function in the β-globin insulator element is conferred by a binding site for CTCF. Consistent with this property, CTCF binding was found some years ago to be essential for imprinted expression at the Igf2/H19 locus. Work in many laboratories has since demonstrated that CTCF helps stabilize long-range interactions in the nucleus. We have recently shown that in the case of the human insulin locus such an interaction, over a distance of ~300kb, can result in stimulation of a target gene which itself is important for insulin secretion. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Chromatin in time and space.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a crucial role in eye vesicle patterning in vertebrates. Shh promotes expression of Pax2 in the optic stalk and represses expression of Pax6 in the optic cup. Shh signaling contributes to establishment of both proximal–distal and dorsal–ventral axes by activating Vax1, Vax2, and Pax2. In the dorsal part of the developing retina, Bmp4 is expressed and antagonizes the ventralizing effects of Shh signaling through the activation of Tbx5 expression in chick and Xenopus. To examine the roles of Shh signaling in optic cup formation and optic stalk development, we utilized the Smoothened (Smo) conditional knockout (CKO) mouse line. Smo is a membrane protein which mediates Shh signaling into inside of cells. Cre expression was driven by Fgf15 enhancer. The ventral evagination of the optic cup deteriorated from E10 in the Smo-CKO, whereas the dorsal optic cup and optic stalk develop normally until E11. We analyzed expression of various genes such as Pax family (Pax2/Pax6), Vax family (Vax1/Vax2) and Bmp4. Bmp4 expression was greatly upregulated in the optic vesicle by the 21-somite stage. Then Vax1/2 expression was decreased at the 20- to 24-somite stages. Pax2/6 expression was affected at the 27- to 32-somite stages. Our data suggest that the effects of the absence of Shh signaling on Vax1/Vax2 are mediated through increased Bmp4 expression throughout the optic cup. Also unchanged patterns of Raldh2 and Raldh3 suggest that retinoic acid is not the downstream to Shh signaling to control the ventral optic cup morphology.  相似文献   

EJ Son  L Wu  H Yoon  S Kim  JY Choi  J Bok 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40735
The mammalian cochlear duct is tonotopically organized such that the basal cochlea is tuned to high frequency sounds and the apical cochlea to low frequency sounds. In an effort to understand how this tonotopic organization is established, we searched for genes that are differentially expressed along the tonotopic axis during neonatal development. Cochlear tissues dissected from P0 and P8 mice were divided into three equal pieces, representing the base, middle and apex, and gene expression profiles were determined using the microarray technique. The gene expression profiles were grouped according to changes in expression levels along the tonotopic axis as well as changes during neonatal development. The classified groups were further analyzed by functional annotation clustering analysis to determine whether genes associated with specific biological function or processes are particularly enriched in each group. These analyses identified several candidate genes that may be involved in cochlear development and acquisition of tonotopy. We examined the expression domains for a few candidate genes in the developing mouse cochlea. Tnc (tenacin C) and Nov (nephroblastoma overexpressed gene) are expressed in the basilar membrane, with increased expression toward the apex, which may contribute to graded changes in the structure of the basilar membrane along the tonotopic axis. In addition, Fst (Follistatin), an antagonist of TGF-β/BMP signaling, is expressed in the lesser epithelial ridge and at gradually higher levels towards the apex. The graded expression pattern of Fst is established at the time of cochlear specification and maintained throughout embryonic and postnatal development, suggesting its possible role in the organization of tonotopy. Our data will provide a good resource for investigating the developmental mechanisms of the mammalian cochlea including the acquisition of tonotopy.  相似文献   

Feedback regulations are integral components of the cAMP signaling required for most cellular processes, including gene expression and cell differentiation. Here, we provide evidence that one of these feedback regulations involving the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase PDE4D plays a critical role in cAMP signaling during the differentiation of granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle. Gonadotropins induce PDE4D mRNA and increase the cAMP hydrolyzing activity in granulosa cells, demonstrating that a feedback regulation of cAMP is operating in granulosa cells in vivo. Inactivation of the PDE4D by homologous recombination is associated with an altered pattern of cAMP accumulation induced by the gonadotropin LH/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), impaired female fertility, and a markedly decreased ovulation rate. In spite of a disruption of the cAMP response, LH/hCG induced P450 side chain cleavage expression and steroidogenesis in a manner similar to wild-type controls. Morphological examination of the ovary of PDE4D-/- mice indicated luteinization of antral follicles with entrapped oocytes. Consistent with the morphological finding of unruptured follicles, LH/hCG induction of genes involved in ovulation, including cyclooxygenase-2, progesterone receptor, and the downstream genes, is markedly decreased in the PDE4D-/- ovaries. These data demonstrate that PDE4D regulation plays a critical role in gonadotropin mechanism of action and suggest that the intensity and duration of the cAMP signal defines the pattern of gene expression during the differentiation of granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Simultaneous hybridization with differentially labeled fluorescent probes for in situ hybridization analysis revealed several novel expression patterns of prestalk genes during multicellular development of Dictyostelium. Seven prestalk genes and one prespore gene (pspA) were analyzed in this study. The patterns identified here indicate that prestalk cells are more heterogeneous than previously thought. Heterogeneity was observed in peripheral prestalk tissues such as the pstAO domain of a slug and the prestalk region surrounding a stalk tube of a culminant. Heterogeneity was also observed in the core pstAB cells of the slug and immature stalk cells within the stalk tube. The upper- and lower-cups of a late culminant were also composed of several subdomains.  相似文献   

The gene 4 protein of bacteriophage T7, a functional hexamer, comprises DNA helicase and primase activities. Both activities depend on the unidirectional movement of the protein along single-stranded DNA in a reaction coupled to the hydrolysis of dTTP. We have characterized dTTPase activity and hexamer formation for the full-length gene 4 protein (gp4) as well as for three carboxyl-terminal fragments starting at residues 219 (gp4-C219), 241 (gp4-C241), and 272 (gp4-C272). The region between residues 242 and 271, residing between the primase and helicase domains, is critical for oligomerization of the gene 4 protein. A functional TPase active site is dependent on oligomerization. During native gel electrophoresis, gp4, gp4-C219, and gp4-C241 migrate as oligomers, whereas gp4-C272 is monomeric. The steady-state k(cat) for dTTPase activity of gp4-C272 increases sharply with protein concentration, indicating that it forms oligomers only at high concentrations. gp4-C219 and gp4-C241 both form a stable complex with gp4, whereas gp4-C272 interacts only weakly with gp4. Measurements of surface plasmon resonance indicate that a monomer of T7 DNA polymerase binds to a dimer of gp4, gp4-C219, or gp4-C241 but to a monomer of gp4-C272. Like the homologous RecA and F(1)-ATPase proteins, the oligomerization domain of the gene 4 protein is adjacent to the amino terminus of the NTP-binding domain.  相似文献   

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