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This report describes a novel ECTO-NOX protein with an oscillating activity having a period length of ca. 26 min encountered with buffy coat fractions and sera of aged individuals (70–100 years) that generates superoxide as measured by the reduction of ferricytochrome c. The oscillating, age-related reduction of ferricytochrome c is sensitive to superoxide dismutase, is inhibited by coenzyme Q and is reduced or absent from sera of younger individuals (20–40 years). An oscillating activity with a regular period length is a defining characteristic of ECTO-NOX proteins (a group of cell surface oxidases with enzymatic activities that oscillate). The period length of ca. 26 min is longer than the period length of 24 min for the usual constitutive (CNOX) ECTO-NOX proteins of the cell surface and sera which neither generate superoxide nor reduce ferricytochrome c. The aging-related ECTO-NOX protein (arNOX) provides a mechanism to transmit cell surface oxidative changes to surrounding cells and circulating lipoproteins potentially important to atherogenesis. Additionally, the findings provide a rational basis for the use of dietary coenzyme Q to retard aging-related arterial lesions.  相似文献   

From 1 to 3 h after the onset of cerebellar granule cells (CGC) apoptosis in a low-K+(5 mm KCl) medium there was a large decay of NADH and a 2.5-fold increase of the rate of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production (measured using CGC loaded with dichlorodihydrofluorescein). During the same time period, the ascorbate-dependent NADH oxidase activity, which accounted for more than 90% of both total NADH oxidase activity and NADH-dependent *O2- production of CGC lysates, increased 2.5- to threefold. The stimulation of the ascorbate-dependent NADH oxidase activity by oxidized cytochrome c, 2.5-fold at saturation with a K(0.5) of 4-5 microm cytochrome c, can at least partially explain this activation. The plasma membrane ascorbate-dependent NADH oxidase activity accounted for more than 70% of the total activity (both in terms of NADH oxidase and *O2- release) of CGC lysates. 4-Hydroxyquinazoline (4-HQ), which was found to block this apoptotic process, prevented the increase of ROS production. 4-HQ protection against cell viability loss and DNA fragmentation correlated with the inhibition by 4-HQ of the ascorbate-dependent NADH oxidase activity of CGC lysates, showing the same K(0.5)-value (4-5 mm 4-HQ). The efficient blockade of CGC apoptosis by addition of superoxide dismutase to the medium further supports the neurotoxic role of *O2- overproduction by the plasma membrane ascorbate-dependent NADH oxidase.  相似文献   

Several retinoids, both natural and synthetic, were evaluated for their ability to modulate NADH oxidase activity of plasma membranes of cultured HeLa cells and the growth of HeLa cells in culture. Both NADH oxidase activity and the growth of cells were inhibited by the naturally-occurring retinoids all trans-retinoic acid (tretinoin) and retinol as well as by the synthetic retinoids, trans-acitretin, 13-cis-acitretin, etretinate and arotonoid ethylester (Ro 13-6298). For all retinoids tested, inhibition of NADH oxidase activity and inhibition of growth were correlated closely. With tretinoin, etretinate and arotonoid ethylester, NADH oxidase activity and cell growth were inhibited in parallel in proportion to the logarithm of retinoid concentration over the range of concentrations 10-8 to 10-5 M. Approximately 70% inhibition of both NADH oxidase activity and growth was reached at 10 µM. With retinol, trans-acitretin and 13-cis-acitretin, inhibition of NADH oxidase activity and growth also were correlated but maximum inhibition of both was about 40% at 10 µM. The possibility is suggested that inhibition of the plasma membrane NADH oxidase activity by retinoids may be related to their mechanism of inhibition of growth of HeLa cells in culture. (Mol Cell Biochem 166: 101-109, 1997)  相似文献   

Summary The hormone-stimulated and growth-related cell surface hydroquinone (NADH) oxidase activity of etiolated hypocotyls of soybeans oscillates with a period of about 24 min or 60 times per 24-h day. Plasma membranes of soybean hypocotyls contain two such NADH oxidase activities that have been resolved by purification on concanavalin A columns. One in the apparent molecular weight range of 14–17 kDa is stimulated by the auxin herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The other is larger and unaffected by 2,4-D. The 2,4-D-stimulated activity absolutely requires 2,4-D for activity and exhibits a period length of about 24 min. Also exhibiting 24-min oscillations is the rate of cell enlargement induced by the addition of 2,4-D or the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Immediately following 2,4-D or IAA addition, a very complex pattern of oscillations is frequently observed. However, after several hours a dominant 24-min period emerges at the expense of the constitutive activity. A recruitment process analogous to that exhibited by prions is postulated to explain this behavior.  相似文献   

NADH oxidase activity of rat liver plasma membranes was inhibited by lowconcentrations (1-100 nM) of ATP. The inhibition was amplified by additionof nanomolar concentrations (0.1-10) of cyclic AMP. The inhibition wascomplex and related to a marked increase in the Km for NADH at high NADHconcentrations together with a concomitant decrease in the Vmax. In theabsence of added or residual ATP, cyclic AMP was without effect. Theresponse of cyclic AMP + ATP was inhibited by low concentrations of theselective inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, H-89 but not bystaurosporin. The Vmax but not the Km was modified by treating the plasmamembranes with a mild oxidizing agent, N-chlorosuccinamide, or with thereducing agent, dithiothreitol. In the presence of dithiothreitol, the Vmaxwas reduced by cyclic AMP + ATP. In contrast, in the presence ofN-chlorosuccinamide, the Vmax was increased by cyclic AMP + ATP relative tocyclic AMP + ATP alone. Thus, the effect of cyclic AMP + ATP on the Vmaxcould be either an increase or a decrease depending on whether the membraneswere oxidized or reduced. The results demonstrate regulation of NADH oxidaseactivity of rat liver plasma membranes through cyclic AMP-mediatedphosphorylation by membrane-located protein kinase activities where thefinal response is dependent on the oxidation-reduction status of the plasmamembranes.  相似文献   

Summary The stimulation of NADH oxidase activity of plasma membranes of rat liver observed with guanine nucleotides may involve both guanine nucleotide-binding proteins of the plasma membrane and responses not mediated by classic heterotrimeric G proteins. These conclusions are based on findings that detergent treatment and peptide antisera to a consensus guanine nucleotidebinding domain (GAGES) of G subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins reduced but did not eliminate the stimulation of NADH oxidase activity by guanine nucleotides. The proteins immunoprecipitated by the antisera, when added back to plasma membranes, stimulated the NADH oxidase activity. This stimulated rate was further stimulated by the addition of GTP but was not dependent upon guanine nucleotide presence. Additions of cytosol, either fractionated or unfractionated did not appear to stimulate the NADH oxidase activity of rat liver plasma membranes. The activities of the plasma membranes and the activities introduced by the cytosol fractions were nearly, but not entirely, additive. The results are suggestive of a subunit composition of the NADH oxidase but one distinct from that involving solely heterotrimeric G proteins. Also a strong dependence on cytosolic components, as found with the NADPH oxidase complex of neutrophils, is not obvious. In addition, the possibility that the NADH oxidase may exhibit an intrinsic re-sponse to guanine nucleotides, not dependent on accessory proteins, cannot be ruled out. Among the several bands immunoprecipitated with the antisera and reactive with the antisera on Western blots, were peptide bands in the molecular weight range ascribed to the NADH oxidase.  相似文献   

In addition to well-known cell wall peroxidases, there is now evidence for the presence of this enzyme at the plasma membrane of the plant cells (surface peroxidase). Both are able to catalyze, through a chain of reactions involving the superoxide anion, the oxidation of NADH to generate hydrogen peroxide. The latter is oxidized by other wall-bound peroxidases to convert cinnamoyl alcohols into radical forms, which, then polymerize to generate lignin. However, there are other enzymes at the surface of plasma membranes capable of generating hydrogen peroxide (cell wall polyamine oxidase), superoxide anion (plasma membrane Turbo reductase), or both (plasma membrane flavoprotein?). These enzymes utilize NAD(P)H as a substrate. The Turbo reductase and the flavoprotein catalyze the univalent reduction of Fe3+ and then of O2 to produce Fe2+ and \(O_2^{\bar \cdot } \) , respectively. The superoxide anion, in the acidic environment of the cell wall, may then dismutate to H2O2. These superoxide anion- and hydrogen peroxide-generating systems are discussed in relation to their possible involvement in physiological and pathological processes in the apoplast of plant cells.  相似文献   

D. J. Morré 《Protoplasma》1995,184(1-4):14-21
Summary An NADH oxidase activity of the plasma membrane that was growth factor- and hormone-stimulated has been reported and characterized extensively. The activity is constitutively activated in cancer. Thiol groups are important to its activity and its activity as a thiol oxidoreductase or thiol interchange activity may be important to its functioning in growth and membrane trafficking. The activity is inhibited in the presence of GDP and brefeldin A and appears to be found not only at the plasma membrane but also with the Golgi apparatus. The phenotype of an inhibited NADH oxidase is a failure of cells to enlarge. The hypothesis under investigation is that the hormone- and growth factor-stimulated NADH (quinone)/thiol oxidase functions as an essential component of physical membrane displacements associated with cell elongation, vesicle budding and pleomorphic membrane changes in both animal and plant cells.  相似文献   

NADH oxidase activity of plasma membranes from rat hepatoma and HeLa cells responded to thiol reagents in a manner different from that of plasma membranes of liver. Specifically, the NADH oxidase activity of plasma membranes of HeLa cells was inhibited by submicromolar concentrations of the thiol reagentsp-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB),N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), or 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrophenylbenzoic acid) (DTNB), whereas that of the rat liver plasma membranes was unaffected or stimulated over a wide range of concentrations extending into the millimolar range. With some hepatoma preparations, the NADH oxidase activity of hepatoma plasma membranes was stimulated rather than inhibited by PCMB, whereas with all preparations of hepatoma plasma membranes, NEM and DTNB stimulated the activity. In contrast, NADH oxidase activity of rat liver plasma membrane was largely unaffected over the same range of PCMB concentrations that either stimulated or inhibited with rat hepatoma or HeLa cell plasma membranes. Dithiothreitol and glutathione stimulated NADH oxidase activity of plasma membranes of rat liver and hepatoma but inhibited that of HeLa plasma membranes. The findings demonstrate a difference between the NADH oxidase activity of normal rat liver plasma membranes of rat hepatoma and HeLa cell plasma membranes in addition to the differential response to growth factors and hormones reported previously (Brunoet al., 1992). Results are consistent with a structural modification of a NADH oxidase activity involving thiol groups present in plasma membranes of rat hepatoma and HeLa cells but absent or inaccessible with plasma membranes of rat liver.  相似文献   

Simple acidification of aqueous alkaline peroxynitrite quantitatively generates singlet (1Δg) molecular oxygen, detected and quantitated spectroscopically (1270 nm). This observation provides a chemical basis for physiological cytotoxicity of ONOO? generated in the diffusion - controlled reaction of cellular NO? and O. The experiments consist of (i) chemical generation of ONOO? from NO? gas and KO2 powder in alkaline aqueous solution; (ii) absorption spectral identification of ONOO? in the near-UV with maximum at 302 nm; (iii) spectroscopic identification of 1O2 by its emission band at 1200–1340 nm with maximum at 1275 nm; and (iv) quantitation of 1O2 generated in ONOO?/H+ reaction by comparison of the chemiluminescence intensity at 1270 nm with that from H2O2/OCl? reaction that generates 1O2 with unit efficiency at alkaline pH. 1O2 was generated with unit efficiency with respect to ONOO? concentration by the ONOO?/H+ reaction.  相似文献   

Dipyridyl-dithio substrates were cleaved by isolated vesicles of plasma membranes prepared from etiolated hypocotyls of soybean. The cleavage was stimulated by auxins at physiological concentrations. The substrates utilized were principally 2,2-dithiodippyrine (DTP) and 6,6-dithiodinicotinic acid (DTNA). The DTP generated 2 moles of 2-pyridinethione whereas the 6,6-dithiodinicotinic acid generated 2 moles of 6-nicotinylthionine. Both products absorbed at 340 nm. The auxin herbicide, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) stimulated the activity approximately 2-fold to a maximum at about 10 M. Concentrations of 2,4-D greater than 100 M inhibited the activity. Indole-3-acetic acid stimulated the activity as well. The growth-inactive auxin, 2,3-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,3-D), was without effect. DTNA cleavage correlated with oxidation of NADH and reduction of protein disulfide bonds reported earlier in terms of location at the external plasma membrane surface, absolute specific activity, pH dependence and auxin specificity. The dipyridyl-dithio substrates provide, for the first time, a direct measure of the disulfide-thiol interchange activity of the protein previously measured only indirectly as an auxin-dependent ability of isolated plasma membrane vesicles to restore activity to scrambled and inactive RNase.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide is now accepted as a neuromodulator, which can be involved in neuronal defence against oxidative stress insults in the brain. In this work we show that concentrations of H2S within the physiological range reported in the brain produce a reversible inhibition of the NADH oxidase activity and coupled superoxide anion production by synaptic plasma membranes from rat brain. At physiological pH 7 the concentration of H2S needed for 50% inhibition of the NADH oxidase activity is 5 ± 1 μM, which is within the low range of the reported physiological H2S concentrations. Thus, the NADH oxidase activity of the neuronal plasma membrane can act as a sensor of local H2S depletion in neurones. H2S inhibition of the NADH oxidase activity of the neuronal plasma membrane can be accounted for direct reduction by H2S of cytochrome b5. However, H2S fails to afford a significant protection against the inhibition of this activity by peroxynitrite. In conclusion, our results point out that H2S is more potent as inhibitor of reactive oxygen species formation than as a sacrificial antioxidant.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to the pesticide rotenone induces a selective degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons and reproduces the features of Parkinson's disease in experimental animals. This action is thought to be relevant to its inhibition of the mitochondrial complex I, but the precise mechanism of this suppression in selective neuronal death is still elusive. Here we investigate the mechanism of dopaminergic neuronal death mediated by rotenone in primary rat mesencephalic neurons. Low concentrations of rotenone (5-10 nM) induce the selective death of dopaminergic neurons without significant toxic effects on other mesencephalic cells. This cell death was coincident with apoptotic events including capsase-3 activation, DNA fragmentation, and mitochondrial membrane depolarization. Pretreatment with coenzyme Q10, the electron transporter in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, remarkably reduced apoptosis as well as the mitochondrial depolarization induced by rotenone, but other free radical scavengers such as N-acetylcysteine, glutathione, and vitamin C did not. Furthermore, the selective neurotoxicity of rotenone was mimicked by the mitochondrial protonophore carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP), a cyanide analog that effectively collapses a mitochondrial membrane potential. These data suggest that mitochondrial depolarization may play a crucial role in rotenone-induced selective apoptosis in rat primary dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase was found to partially inhibit both chemiluminescence and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction from intact human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. This capacity to reduce NBT was lost when the polymorphonuclear leukocytes were sonicated, but could be regained if exogenous NADPH (or NADH) was added to the system. Superoxide dismutase was found to inhibit this NADPH- and NADH-dependent NBT reduction. A mechanism is proposed that relates superoxide anion generation to the univalent reduction of O2 by the activated NADPH (and NADH) oxidase. The relationship of superoxide anion production to NBT reduction, singlet molecular oxygen generation, and chemiluminescence is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis produces acetoin as a major extracellular product. However, the by-products of 2,3-butanediol, lactic acid and ethanol were accompanied in the NADH-dependent pathways. In this work, metabolic engineering strategies were proposed to redistribute the carbon flux to acetoin by manipulation the NADH levels. We first knocked out the acetoin reductase gene bdhA to block the main flux from acetoin to 2,3-butanediol. Then, among four putative candidates, we successfully screened an active water-forming NADH oxidase, YODC. Moderate-expression of YODC in the bdhA disrupted B. subtilis weakened the NADH-linked pathways to by-product pools of acetoin. Through these strategies, acetoin production was improved to 56.7 g/l with an increase of 35.3%, while the production of 2,3-butanediol, lactic acid and ethanol were decreased by 92.3%, 70.1% and 75.0%, respectively, simultaneously the fermentation duration was decreased 1.7-fold. Acetoin productivity by B. subtilis was improved to 0.639 g/(l h).  相似文献   

C.L. Greenstock  R.W. Miller 《BBA》1975,396(1):11-16
The rate of reaction between superoxide anion (O¯.2) and 1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonic acid (tiron) was measured with pulse radiolysis-generated O¯.2. A kinetic spectrophotometric method utilizing competition betweenp-benzoquinoneand tiron for O¯.2 was employed. In this system, the known rate of reduction ofp-benzoquinonewas compared with the rate of oxidation of tiron to the semiquinone. From the concentration dependence of the rate of tiron oxidation, the absolute second order rate constant for the reaction was determined to be 5 · 108 M?·s?1. Ascorbat reduced O¯.2 to hydrogen peroxide with a rate constant of 108 M?1 · s?1 as determined by the same method. The tiron semiquinone may be used as an indicator free radical for the formation of superoxide anion in biological systems because of the rapid rate of oxidation of the catechol by O¯.2 compared to the rate of O¯.2 formation in most enzymatic systems.Tiron oxidation was used to follow the formation of superoxide anion in swollen chloroplasts. The chloroplasts photochemically reduced molecular oxygen which was further reduced to hydrogen peroxide by tiron. Tiron oxidation specifically required O¯.2 since O2 was consumed in the reaction and tiron did not reduce the P700 cation radical or other components of Photosystem I under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Transplasma membrane electron transport in both plant and animal cells activates proton release. The nature and components of the electron transport system and the mechanism by which proton release is activated remains to be discovered. Reduced pyridine nucleotides are substrates for the plasma membrane dehydrogenases. Both plant and animal membranes have unusual cyanide-insensitive oxidases so oxygen can be the natural electron acceptor. Natural ferric chelates or ferric transferrin can also act as electron acceptors. Artificial, impermeable oxidants such as ferricyanide are used to probe the activity. Since plasma membranes containb cytochromes, flavin, iron, and quinones, components for electron transport are present but their participation, except for quinone, has not been demonstrated. Stimulation of electron transport with impermeable oxidants and hormones activates proton release from cells. In plants the electron transport and proton release is stimulated by red or blue light. Inhibitors of electron transport, such as certain antitumor drugs, inhibit proton release. With animal cells the high ratio of protons released to electrons transferred, stimulation of proton release by sodium ions, and inhibition by amilorides indicates that electron transport activates the Na+/H+ antiport. In plants part of the proton release can be achieved by activation of the H+ ATPase. A contribution to proton transfer by protonated electron carriers in the membrane has not been eliminated. In some cells transmembrane electron transport has been shown to cause cytoplasmic pH changes or to stimulate protein kinases which may be the basis for activation of proton channels in the membrane. The redox-induced proton release causes internal and external pH changes which can be related to stimulation of animal and plant cell growth by external, impermeable oxidants or by oxygen.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that regulate water channels in the plant plasma membrane (PM) were investigated in Arabidopsis suspension cells. Cell hydraulic conductivity was measured with a cell pressure probe and was reduced 4-fold as compared to control values when calcium was added in the pipette and in bathing solution. To assess the significance of these effects in vitro, PM vesicles were isolated by aqueous two-phase partitioning and their water transport properties were characterized by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Membrane vesicles isolated in standard conditions exhibited reduced water permeability (P(f)) together with a lack of active water channels. In contrast, when prepared in the presence of chelators of divalent cations, PM vesicles showed a 2.3-fold higher P(f) and active water channels. Furthermore, equilibration of purified PM vesicles with divalent cations reduced their P(f ) and water channel activity down to the basal level of membranes isolated in standard conditions. Ca2+ was the most efficient with a half-inhibition of P(f) at 50-100 microM free Ca2+. Water transport in purified PM vesicles was also reversibly blocked by H+, with a half-inhibition of P(f )at pH 7.2-7.5. Thus, both Ca2+ and H+ contribute to a membrane-delimited switch from active to inactive water channels that may allow coupling of water transport to cell signalling and metabolism.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that the plasma membrane-bound ATPase activity is influenced by the redox poise of the cytoplasm. Purified plasma membrane vesicles from leaves of Elodea canadensis Michx. and E. nuttallii (Planch.) St. John were isolated using an aqueous polymer two-phase batch procedure. The distribution of marker enzyme activities confirmed the plasma membrane origin of the vesicles. The vesicles exhibited NADH-ferricyanide reductase activity, indicating the presence of a redox chain in the plasma membrane. The K+, Mg2+-ATPase activity associated with these vesicles was inhibited by the sulfhydryl reagents N-ethylmaleimide and glutathione (GSSG). Furthermore the activity was inhibited by NAD+. This inhibition by NAD+ was relieved by increasing the NADH/NAD+ ratio. The possibility that the ATPase activity is regulated by the cytoplasmic NAD(P)H/ NAD(P)+ ratio is discussed, as well as the role of a plasma membrane-bound redox chain.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membranes (SPMV) decrease the steady state ascorbate free radical (AFR) concentration of 1 mM ascorbate in phosphate/EDTA buffer (pH 7), due to AFR recycling by redox coupling between ascorbate and the ubiquinone content of these membranes. In the presence of NADH, but not NADPH, SPMV catalyse a rapid recycling of AFR which further lower the AFR concentration below 0.05 μM. These results correlate with the nearly 10-fold higher NADH oxidase over NADPH oxidase activity of SPMV. SPMV has NADH-dependent coenzyme Q reductase activity. In the presence of ascorbate the stimulation of the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV by coenzyme Q1 and cytochrome c can be accounted for by the increase of the AFR concentration generated by the redox pairs ascorbate/coenzyme Q1 and ascorbate/cytochrome c. The NADH:AFR reductase activity makes a major contribution to the NADH oxidase activity of SPMV and decreases the steady-state AFR concentration well below the micromolar concentration range.  相似文献   

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