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Summary The present investigation documents morphological characteristics of human Sertoli cells of aged males. Testicular material was obtained from 35 patients (age 62–84 years) with carcinoma of the prostate who had received no previous anticancer therapy. As revealed by light and electron microscopy the appearance of the germinal epithelium showed great individual variations. In all cases examined, however, the occurrence of multinucleate Sertoli cells was a common finding. In seminiferous tubules with intact spermatogenesis these cells closely resembled the normally occurring variants, whereas they displayed features reminiscent of immaturity in the absence of germ cells. It is hypothesized that the nuclei of Sertoli cells in the special situation of aging may resume the capacity to divide, an ability normally restricted to immature cells. Thus, mitosis without subsequent cytokinesis might be an explanation for the formation of multinucleate Sertoli cells.The authors wish to thank Dr. R. Hubmann, Hamburg, for kindly supplying the testicular material. The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. E. Roosen-Runge, Mrs. E. Schäfer, and Mrs. A. Stromeyer is gratefully acknowledgedSupported by grants from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftPresented in part at the Kleinkonferenz der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Schloß Auel, October 3–5, 1980  相似文献   

In the rat, quantitatively normal spermatogenesis is maintained only when intratesticular testosterone (ITT) levels greatly exceed the peripheral T concentration. When ITT concentrations fall below a threshold, germ cells are lost at specific stages of the seminiferous cycle. Germ cells can be restored by high doses of T that binds to androgen receptors (AR) in Sertoli cells. However, the relationships between germ cell dynamics, AR-mediated molecular events, and ITT concentrations are not established. ITT levels may regulate germ cell life and death through an effect on AR localization and AR mRNA or protein levels within Sertoli cells at specific stages of the cycle. We determined AR localization and mRNA and protein expression in adult rat Sertoli cells in relation to reduced and then restored ITT concentrations in vivo. ITT levels were reduced by implanting rats with T- and estradiol (E)-filled capsules for 7-28 days and subsequently restored with large T-filled capsules. AR is normally localized within Sertoli cell nuclei at stages VII-VIII of the seminiferous epithelium. After T/E treatment, AR immunostaining in Sertoli cell nuclei became nondetectable by 14-28 days but was restored 6 h following T restoration. The loss of Sertoli cell nuclear AR localization correlated with increasing numbers of apoptotic germ cells. AR mRNA levels in isolated Sertoli cells did not change through 14 days of T/E treatment, increased significantly by Day 28, and remained elevated 24 h after T restoration. AR mRNA levels in microdissected tubules at stages II-IV, VI-VIII, and IX-XII did not decrease through 14 days of T/E treatment. In contrast, AR protein levels were reduced in seminiferous tubules by Day 14 and in testes at Day 28 post-T/E treatment but were restored within 24 h by T repletion. Therefore, the reduction of ITT concentration results in a time-dependent redistribution of AR and reduced AR protein but not AR mRNA levels in Sertoli cells. Repletion of T restored AR protein and it relocated to Sertoli cell nuclei. By an unknown mechanism, T regulates AR localization within Sertoli cells to determine germ cell life or death.  相似文献   

Androgen receptors (AR) were studied in seminiferous tubule cytosol and testicular nuclear extracts prepared from testes of previously untreated elderly men undergoing orchiectomy as therapy for prostatic carcinoma. Cytosol exhibited high affinity (Kd = 0.8 nM), saturable binding of [3H]methyltrienolone; however, the synthetic progestin, promegestone was a stronger competitor for MT binding sites than were 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or testosterone (T), suggesting the presence of progesterone-like binding sites. Addition of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) produced the usual relative steroid specificity for AR binding and reduced the measured AR binding capacity by 19 +/- 8% (Mean +/- SD, n = 3). The umber of MT binding sites was 30-40 fmol/mg protein, or an average of 65 fmol/g testis, and the equilibrium dissociation constant at 0 degrees C was 0.6-1.4 nM. In the presence of sodium molybdate, binding was stable for 40 h at 0 degrees C and the half-time of dissociation of the MT-AR complex was 12-16 h. The binding of salt extractable (600 mM KCl) nuclear sites to MT was saturable and was specific for androgens. The number of binding sites in nuclear extracts was 170 fmol/g testis and the apparent equilibrium dissociation constant was 4.2 nM. Thus, the binding of MT to human seminiferous tubule cytosol and testicular nuclear extract exhibits properties which are nearly identical to those of the prostate AR. Further study of this androphilic protein may provide insight into the role of androgen in normal and abnormal spermatogenesis in man.  相似文献   

Galectins are vertebrate lectins interacting with beta-galactosides and derivates thereof such as blood group A, B and H determinants. The expression of gelectin-1 and -3 and galectin-specific binding sites by human Sertoli cells was analyzed in normal human testis and Sertoli cell only-syndrome (SCOS). Staining intensity was scored semiquantitatively on a 4-grade scale. Sertoli cells in normal testes displayed a moderate cytoplasmic and weak nuclear staining for galectin-1-specific binding sites. Galectin-3-specific binding sites were expressed in Sertoli cells less intensely than accessible ligands for galectin-1 (mean score 2.25 for galectin-1 and 1.50 for galectin-3). Germ cells were only weakly reactive. Tubular walls were negative for both classes of galectin-specific binding sites. In SCOS, galectin-1 binding was moderate to strong and more pronounced than galectin-3 binding by Sertoli cells (mean scores 4.00 and 2.25). Tubular walls were negative for galectin-staining. The ratio for galectin-1-/galectin-3-specific binding (staining score ratio) was 1.50 form normal testis and 1.78 for SCOS disclosing a relative increase of galectin-3 binding sites in the latter. Staining with galectin-1- and -3-specific antisera showed a strong cytoplasmic galectin-1 immunoreactivity in Sertoli cells of normal and SCOS testis (score 4.00 for both). Anti-galectin-3 did not stain Sertoli cells or germ cells in normal testis. Only Leydig cells were labeled (score 3.00). In SCOS a weak to moderate nuclear staining of Sertoli cells was noted (score 2.00). Galectin-3 expression and galectin-1-specific binding sites were found to be increased in Sertoli cells of SCOS. This modulation of reactivity can have implications for Sertoli cell interactions with galectin-reactive extracellular matrix components like laminin and for anti-apoptotic effects.  相似文献   

Summary The structural relationship between the Sertoli cell and the developing spermatid was studied with the electron microscope. In the contact area of the Sertoli cell with the anterior part of the developing spermatid, a filamentous structure is observed. This structure consists of fine tubular filaments about 100 Å in diameter associated with dense material. The functional significance of the structure is discussed.Supported by Grant HD-00593-05 of National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service. The author is indebted to Dr. T. Katayama, Department of Urology, Chiba University, for supplying the materials.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells dictate spermatogonial stem cell niches in the mouse testis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sustained spermatogenesis in adult males relies on the activity of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). In general, tissue-specific stem cell populations such as SSCs are influenced by contributions of support cells that form niche microenvironments. Previous studies have provided indirect evidence that several somatic cell populations and the interstitial vasculature influence SSC functions, but an individual orchestrator of niches has not been described. In this study, functional transplantation of SSCs, in combination with experimental alteration of Sertoli cell content by polythiouracil (PTU)-induced transient hypothyroidism, was used to explore the relationship of Sertoli cells with SSCs in testes of adult mice. Transplantation of SSCs from PTU-treated donor mice into seminiferous tubules of normal recipient mice revealed a greater than 3-fold increase in SSCs compared to those from testes of non-PTU-treated donors. In addition, use of PTU-treated mice as recipients for transplantation of SSCs from normal donors revealed a greater than 3-fold increase of accessible niches compared to those of testes of non-PTU treated recipient mice with normal numbers of Sertoli cells. Importantly, the area of seminiferous tubules bordered by interstitial tissue and percentage of seminiferous tubules associated with blood vessels was found to be no different in testes of PTU-treated mice compared to controls, indicating that neither the vasculature nor interstitial support cell populations influenced the alteration of niche number. Collectively, these results provide direct evidence that Sertoli cells are the key somatic cell population dictating the number of SSCs and niches in mammalian testes.  相似文献   

Androgens play a critical role in the development of the male reproductive system, including the positioning of the gonads. It is not clear, however, which developmental processes are influenced by androgens and what are the target tissues and cells mediating androgen signaling during testicular descent. Using a Cre-loxP approach, we have produced male mice (GU-ARKO) with conditional inactivation of the androgen receptor (Ar) gene in the gubernacular ligament connecting the epididymis to the caudal abdominal wall. The GU-ARKO males had normal testosterone levels but developed cryptorchidism with the testes located in a suprascrotal position. Although initially subfertile, the GU-ARKO males became sterile with age. We have shown that during development, the mutant gubernaculum failed to undergo eversion, a process giving rise to the processus vaginalis, a peritoneal outpouching inside the scrotum. As a result, the cremasteric sac did not form properly, and the testes remained in the low abdominal position. Abnormal development of the cremaster muscles in the GU-ARKO males suggested the participation of androgens in myogenic differentiation; however, males with conditional AR inactivation in the striated or smooth muscle cells had a normal testicular descent. Gene expression analysis showed that AR deficiency in GU-ARKO males led to the misexpression of genes involved in muscle differentiation, cell signaling, and extracellular space remodeling. We therefore conclude that AR signaling in gubernacular cells is required for gubernaculum eversion and outgrowth. The GU-ARKO mice provide a valuable model of isolated cryptorchidism, one of the most common birth defects in newborn boys.  相似文献   

In the mammalian testis, meiotic and postmeiotic germ cell antigens are granted immune privilege. Both local immune suppression and specialized intercellular junctions between somatic Sertoli cells have been proposed to contribute to a highly restricted and effective blood-testis barrier (BTB) that helps maintain tolerance to germ cell antigens. Several studies have suggested that androgens play a role in immune suppression, although direct evidence for this is lacking. We previously reported that Sertoli cell-specific ablation of the androgen receptor (Ar) decreases expression of Cldn3, an androgen-regulated gene and component of Sertoli cell tight junctions, and increases the permeability of the BTB to biotin, a small-molecular-weight tracer. The physiological consequences of Sertoli cell-specific Ar (S-Ar) ablation on immune privilege are unknown. Here we show that in the testes of S-Ar mutant mice, the ultrastructure of Sertoli cell tight junctions is defective and testicular IgG levels are elevated. The interstitium of S-Ar mutant testes becomes populated with macrophages, neutrophils, plasma cells, and eosinophils, and serum samples of mutant mice contain antibodies against germ cell antigens. Together, these results suggest that Sertoli cell-specific deletion of the androgen receptor results in loss of testicular immune privilege. Suppressed levels of androgen signaling may be a contributing factor in idiopathic male infertility.  相似文献   

Sertoli and Leydig cell functions were evaluated in men with testicular damage due either to cytotoxic chemotherapy (CCT) or radiotherapy (XRT). Serum immunoactive inhibin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations were measured in 15 men (19-50 years) who had received 6-10 courses of combination CCT (mustine, vinblastine, procarbazine and prednisolone) for Hodgkin's disease 1-8 years earlier and 18 men (21-49 years) who had undergone unilateral orchidectomy for testicular seminoma followed by XRT (30 Gy) to the remaining testis, 1-4 years earlier. Normal men (n = 16, 19-36 years) acted as controls. Median inhibin (422 U/l) and testosterone (16.0 nmol/l) levels in the CCT-treated group were not significantly different from controls, whereas median FSH (14.5 IU/l) and LH (10.0 IU/l) levels were higher (p less than 0.0001 and p less than 0.001) than normal (2.9 and 5.5 IU/l). The median inhibin/FSH (I/FSH) ratio in the patients was lower (p less than 0.0001) than in the controls (33.8 vs. 187.0) as was the testosterone/LH (T/LH) ratio (1.7 vs. 3.8, p less than 0.001). In the XRT-treated group, both median inhibin (194.5 U/l) and testosterone (12.7 nmol/l) levels were lower (p less than 0.0001 and p less than 0.01) than normal (532.8 U/l and 20.0 nmol/l) in the presence of greatly elevated FSH (26.0 IU/l) and LH (14.5 IU/l) levels. In conclusion, CCT-induced testicular damage is associated with subtle Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction demonstrated by the reduced I/FSH and T/LH ratios; however, compensatory mechanisms maintain normal testosterone and inhibin levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Sertoli cells of pig fetuses from 35 days postcoitum until 1 mo after birth have been investigated by light and electron microscopy in decapitated animals and their control littermates, as well as in untreated animals. Until 52 days postcoitum, Sertoli cells change in form during the formation of sex cords but from then onwards they are rather uniform. They primarily display an elongated nonindented nucleus with one or more prominent nucleoli, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and in the basal compartment below or beside the nucleus, a large lipid droplet. There are large quantities of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) from 52 days postcoitum onwards, often with complex whirl forms and a parallel arrangement of profiles with relatively few ribosomes. After birth their numbers seem to be somewhat less, and by 1 mo after birth the RER profiles are often shorter and almost free of ribosomes. Clustered ribosomes are found in large quantities throughout the period under investigation. Especially in the early fetal period, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) profiles show prominently filled cisternae. Mitochondria are mostly long and slender, or small and ovoid. Most have lamellar cristae, but mixed lamellar-tubular cristae can also be seen. Between decapitated, control and untreated animals no obvious ultrastructural differences could be observed. The peritubular cell sheath surrounding the sex cords did not show signs of differentiation into a layer of myoid cells.  相似文献   

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