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In this paper we report a 3-month-old male newborn with marked hypotonia and an interstitial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 but with preservation of the 4p16 band (karyotype 46,XY,del(4)(pter----p15.3::p14----cen----qter). In contrast to patients with a pure 4p16 deletion this patient presented dysmorphic stigmata which were much more discrete than those found in the typical Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary A de novo interstitial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 3 was prenatally diagnosed in a male fetus, karyotype 46,XY,del(3)(pterp14.2::p11qter). The fetus had craniofacial dysmorphisms, a single transverse palmar crease, ulnar deviation in the wrists, cardiovascular anomalies, a slight ureteric dilatation and a mobile caecum. Our observations are compared with five other cases with interstitial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 3 to delineate further the proximal 3p deletion syndrome. The gene for beta-galactosidase-1 (GLB-1) has previously been assigned to chromosome 3(p21q21). The absence of a gene dosis effect for GLB-1 in this study indicates exclusion of GLB-1 from 3(p11p14.2).  相似文献   

Interstitial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 17   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Partial monosomy 8p is reported in a patient with mild mental deficiency and a facial dysmorphia (a triangular mandible and a peculiarly shaped nose with straight parallel margins).  相似文献   

In this paper the authors describe three patients with trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 4 with special attention to the striking phenotypic changes with age. When they get older the round face with chubby cheeks, deeply-set eyes and broad and flat nasal root with a bulbous nose tip becomes triangular or even long. Postnatal growth retardation is pronounced with short neck and broad, short chest with hyperkyphosis. The moderate to severe mental retardation is associated with almost absence of speech development, severe behavioural problems and poor fine motor development with persisting hypertonia, stiff, unstable gait, joint contractures and seizures.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a male infant with multiple dysmorphic features who is trisomic for chromosome segment 5p13.325p14.2 as a result of recombination aneusomy. His father is a balanced carrier of an inverted insertion of this chromosome segment. The clinical features of this patient are compared with those of other patients with isolated partial 5p trisomy reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A fine structure physical map of the short arm of chromosome 5.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A series of somatic cell hybrids that retain abnormal chromosomes 5 from 11 different persons with deletions or translocations involving 5p have been isolated. One hundred twenty DNA fragments isolated from a genomic library enriched for sequences from 5p were regionally localized by Southern blot analysis of the hybrid cell deletion mapping panel, including five DNA fragments that reveal restriction fragment length polymorphisms. The fine structure physical map of 5p together with the identification of additional polymorphic loci will facilitate the construction of a complete linkage map of this region. In addition, DNA fragments localized to a region near the 5p15.2-5p15.3 border, which appears to be the segment of 5p that is critical in producing the phenotype associated with the cri du chat syndrome when it is rendered hemizygous by deletion, will be useful in a molecular and DNA level analysis of this deletion syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary 3 cases with a Do-chromosome, designated by autoradiography as a No. 14, are presented by the authors. The first case was a mentally retarded boy with minor malformations. Cases 2 and 3 had normal phenotypes and were detected by cytogenetic investigation of family members of a mentally retarded boy with a ring G chromosome. The 14 p-was the only caryotype abnormality in the father (case 2). It was associated with other abnormalities in the daughter (case 3) who had a D/G translocation of the centric fusion type (46, XX, 15-,21-, t(15p21p)+, t(15q21q)+).
Zusammenfassung 3 Fälle mit einem Dp-Chromosom, das durch Autoradiographie als ein Nr. 14 identifiziert werden konnte, werden dargestellt. In dem ersten Fall bestanden Debilität und unbedeutende morphologische Anomalien. Fall 2 und 3 hatten einen normalen Phänotyp und wurden im Verlaufe von cytogenetischen Untersuchungen von Familienangehörigen eines debilen Jungen mit einem Ring 22 entdeckt. Das 14p-Chromosomwar die einzige Anomalie im Karyoy[ des Vaters (Fall 2). Bei der Tochter (Fall 3) bestand außerdem eine D/G-Translokation (46,XX,15-,21-,t(15p21p)+,t(15q21q)+).

Summary A case is presented of partial deletion of the short arm of the chromosome No. 4, but with a mewing cry, typical of the 5p — deletion syndrome. The clinical examination revealed similar features to those described in other cases of 4p — deletion, namely low birth weight, hypertelorism, facial asymmetry, failure to thrive, mental retardation, beak-shaped nose, low set ears, broad nasal bridge, skeletal anomalies and hypotony. The mewing character of the voice was confirmed by analysis of the voice spectrum. The deleted chromosome was identified by the measurement technique.  相似文献   

Summary A girl with delayed growth in body height and weight, retarded psychomotor development, facial dysmorphism, high-arched palate, extension defects of elbows, and a probable hearing impairment is presented. A chromosome investigation by both conventional and high-resolution banding techniques revealed an apparently pure interstitial deletion of the proximal segment of the short arm of chromosome 3 (46, XX, del(3) (p11p14.2) de novo). The paternal karyotype is 47,XYY. The clinical features of the patient are compared with those of two previously reported cases in the literature with an interstitial 3p deletion.  相似文献   

A series of 175 lambda phage carrying human inserts isolated from a library that is specific for the short arm of human chromosome 5 (5p) have been regionally mapped on 5p using a deletion mapping panel of 16 human-hamster cell hybrids, each of which contains a chromosome 5 with a different deletion in the short arm. Seventy-five single copy DNA fragments were screened with 12 restriction enzymes for their ability to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Twenty-eight of these DNA fragments, which are located in 13 distinct physical regions of 5p, were found to detect RFLPs. These DNA markers make it possible to construct a linkage map that will span the entire length of 5p and will allow the relationship between genetic and physical distance for this region of the genome to be examined at a high level of resolution.  相似文献   

Sex tests based on amelogenin are part of various PCR multiplex reaction kits widely used for human gender identification and have important applications in forensic casework, prenatal diagnosis, DNA databasing and blood sample storage. The two most common sex tests based on amelogenin are represented by primer sets that delimit a 6-bp deletion on the X chromosome to produce X/Y fragments of 106/112 or 212/218 bp, respectively. Few cases of AMELY deletion, usually considered as polymorphisms, have been reported so far and a detailed characterization of the molecular alteration is still lacking. In this study, we describe a large interstitial deletion of the Y short arm encompassing the AMELY locus in two unrelated individuals. The first case was identified in an oligozoospermic, otherwise phenotypically normal, 32-year-old man during the screening for Y microdeletions performed on a sample of infertile males. The second one was found among amniotic liquid samples tested by quantitative fluorescence-polymerase chain reaction and cytogenetic analysis for prenatal diagnosis. The extent of the deletion, spanning approximately 2.5 Mb, was better characterised by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, followed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and STS marker analysis.W. Lattanzi and M.C. Di Giacomo contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

C Dacou-Voutetakis  M Drakopoulou 《Hormone research》1988,30(4-5):173-6; discussion 177
Two brothers were examined because of ichthyosis and hypogonadism. Their testes were small. There was no response of plasma testosterone to human chorionic gonadotropin and no response of plasma luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone to intravenous luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone. They both had hyposmia. Steroid sulfatase activity in white blood cells was zero. Flow cytometry and the use of special probes indicated that these two brothers had a large deletion of the short arm of the X chromosome which included the STS locus, the closely linked locus DXS237 and probably the gene for hypogonadism, findings which offer the opportunity for speculations on the locus of control of normal testicular development and function.  相似文献   

Summary A case of partial deletion of chromosome No. 13 identified by G banding as 46,XX,del(13)(q21-qter) is reported in an infant with severe microcephaly, microphthalmos, talipes calcaneovalgus, and a single crease on each of the little fingers. A review of other cases of chromosome No. 13 deletion that were identified by banding is presented and the correlation between clinical features and deletion of specific bands is discussed.  相似文献   

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