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L'A. illustra la differenziazione di speciali noduli di elementi lignificati nel tessuto di cicatrizzazione, che si forma nell'innesto a becco di luccio del gelso, e mette in rilievo come tali elementi presentino il carattere degli elementi di trasfusione classici delle Gimnosperme, da cui però si differenziano per perforazioni porose sulle membrane. Questo tessuto di trasfusione è da considerarsi come la degenerazione di un legno eteroxilo.  相似文献   


The influence of the growth retarding chemical « AMO-1618 » on the growth and alkaloid content in DATURA STRAMONIUM L. — AMO-1618 (4-hydroxy-5-isopropyl-2-methylphenyl trimethylammonium chloride, 1-piperidine carboxylate) in concentration of 100 and 500 p.p.m. was applied as an aqueous spray, every day for a fortnight period, to the leaves and tops of Datura stramonium L.

The treated plants showed a reduction in growth only at the beginning, they looked, however, expecially the ones receiving the treatment with the highest concentration of the compound, more compact, sturdier and with leaves darker green and more thickened than the control. The plants were harvested four weeks following treatment. Fresh and dry weight data of leaves and roots indicated no significant change in stramonium plants treated with 100 p.p.m., while the ones treated with 500 p.p.m. showed an appreciable increase in leaves weights accompanied by a decrease in roots weights.

No significant difference, between treated and untreated plants, was observed in the concentration of total alkaloids in the leaves and in the roots.  相似文献   

Riassunto Colture in goccia pendente di ovaio embrionale di polio da 11 a 17 giorni d'incubazione sono state studiate col sussidio della microcinematografia in contrasto di fase e ad intervalli di tempo.Si è potuto confermare che dall'espianto migrano cellule germinali (ovogoni ed ovociti), isolate o a gruppi, ed elenienti polinucleati, caratterizzati da fenomeni di movimento quali l'emissione e la retrazione di pseudopodi ed il moto circolatorio dell'ectoplasma.La microcinematografia ha permesso inoltre di Studiare i processi necrobiotici fisiologici delle ovocellule, processi che erano sfuggiti agli Autori precedenti forse per la loro rapidità. In una prima fase, che dura più a lungo (da 30 a 60 minuti primi circa), si verifica inizialmente l'arresto dei movimenti e successivamente il nucleo non appare più evidente mentre il citoplasma si ipertrofizza; talora si osserva la confluenza di più ovocellule in un'unica massa protoplasmatica. Nella seconda fase del processo, che dura pochi minuti secondi, si verifica la citolisi granulosa delle ovocellule.  相似文献   


Frequency and localization of mitosis in lateral root primordia of Marsilea strigosa. At different stages of development of the root primordium of Marsilea strigosa the apical cell undergoes a strong decline in mitotic activity whilst active divisions occur in the mass of cells sorrounding the apical. In the present paper data on the frequency and localization of mitosis in lateral root primordia are collected.  相似文献   


We numerically analysed 154 relevés of Potentillo chrysocraspedae–Festucetum airoidis in order to review the compositional variability of these grasslands, the main eco-floristic gradients and the representativeness of the lectotype. Apart from 30 small-sized clusters composed of singular or transitional relevés (outliers), three distinctive groups of 77, 19 and 12 communities were finally retained and denominated as typical (TP), closed (CL) and open (OP) facies, as they were significantly different in terms of total species cover. The three facies are well separated but do not form distinctive clusters in the non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination space. Juncus trifidus and Agrostis rupestris are the best differential species of OP and TP, respectively, whereas the best discriminator of CL is the higher cover of F. airoides. There are no significant differences between the three facies regarding altitude. The floristic structure of CL indicates poorer but moister soils compared with the other facies. CL may represent either a post-disturbance, recovery phase following sheep overgrazing and intensive trampling, or a late seral stage. OP gathers communities that are little disturbed and mainly occur on ridges and upper, sunny slopes. Although well distinguished floristically, TP is weakly defined in terms of homotoneity and complexity of the core species assemblage. The most representative relevé of TP is poorer in character species than the relevé lectotype (5 versus 12), the latter being classified as an outlier in terms of normal specific assemblage. Such patterns may reflect the spatio-temporal heterogeneity in alpine grasslands due to uncontrolled, intensive grazing and stochastic natural disturbances.  相似文献   


In Ceratonia Siliqua the development of the female gametophyte is of the normal monomegasporial, eightnucleated type. The albumen is nuclear. The microspore tetrads divide simultaneously.  相似文献   


In Pinns Pinca L. la furniazione del sughero dipende da due organizzatori diversi che presiedono rispettivamente al processo di moltiplicazione e a quello di differenziazione : i fasci resinogeni sottoepidermici rappresentano l'organizzatore del fellogeno, l'epidermide rappresenta l'organizzatore del sughero.  相似文献   


Inhibiting effect of antiauxins on some dehydrogenare enzyme systems in the soluble and in the particulate fractions of extracts from plant tissues.

The effect of several antiauxins (trans-cinnamic acid, diphenylacetic acid, 2–4 dichloroanisole, b-phenylpropionic acid, maleic hydrazide) on dehydrogenasic systems in enzymic preparations from higher plant tissues (cauliflower, pea, artichocke) has been investigated. Dehydrogenase activity has been determined, in the soluble (glucose-6-phosphate) as well as in the particulate (malic TPN linked, malic DPN linked, succinic dehydrogenases) fraction of the protoplasma, by the tetrazolium (used «in vacuum») and the Thunberg methods. Mitochondrial preparations have been obtained through repeated precipitations at 20.000 × g., in the cold, in 0,5 M sucrose.

All of the antiauxins tested, at concentrations ranging between 60 and 400 p. p. m., clearly inhibited dehydrogenase activity, both in the soluble as in the mitochondrial systems. Inhibition appeared non competitive, and indipendent from coenzyme concentration; it was more evident at lower pH values, and it increased with pretreatment of the enzyme with the antiauxins, in the absence of substrate.

These results are interpreted as an evidence for the capacity of antiauxins to act directly on fundamental metabolic systems, even in absence of auxin.

The lack of specificity and the characteristics of the inhibiting action of antiauxins on dehydrogenase systems suggest that they could act through the inactivation of some chemical group of general diffusion and importance among the enzymes of the class here investigated; very probably, of -SH groups.  相似文献   


L'A. si è proposto di chiarire il valore sistematico del Peucedanum venetum Koch. nei confronti della specie Linneana P. alsaticum L., in base all'esame dei caratteri morfologici esterni ed a quello dei caratteri anatomici del caule, del picciolo e del lembo fogliare, dei raggi dell'ombrella, del frutto. In questo esame (particolarmente in quello anatomico) ha ritenuto opportuno il confronto con altre entità di questo genere, onde cercare di precisare il valore sistematico dei vari caratteri. Conclude con l'affermare che il Peucedanum venetum Koch. è da considerarsi come specie autonoma, ben distinta dal P. alsaticum L.  相似文献   


Studies on root apical meristem. VII. Activities of some enzymes of glycolysis, of the Krebs cycle and of the pentose phosphate cycle. — The enzymes assayed are: aldolase, glyceraldheyde-3-phosphate: NAD oxidoreductase, triosephosphate isomerase, fumarate hydratase, aconitate hydratase, glucose-6-phosphate: NADP oxidoreductase, 6-phosphogluconate: NADP oxidoreductase. The determinations were made on pea roots (Pisum sativum cv. Alaska) which were obtained by germinating seeds on moist vermiculite, in the dark, at 25° C, either for 2 or 7 days. In both cases samples were collected from the meristematic zone (0-2 mm from the apex) and from the extending zone (2-4 mm from the apex). All the enzymes determined are present both in the meristematic and in the extending zone of the root. If referred to a fresh weight basis, their activities are always greater in the meristem; if referred to a dry weight or to a protein basis, the values in the meristematic zone are nearly equal to, or higher than those in the extending zone. With respect to the development of the cell in the root from the meristematic to the vacuolated state, the present results indicate that the change in volume is accompanied by increases is the enzymes tested.  相似文献   


L'A. studia la differenziazione degli elementi legnosi del fascio radicolare ed ipocotilare di Ephedra altissima Desf. e ne deduce conclusioni sulla natura eterogenea del fascio, dal punto di vista sia anatomico che funzionale.  相似文献   

Riassunto Il succo di uova di Bombyx mori, riscaldate a 50° C per mezz'ora, all'inizio della svernatura, mostra un cospicuo aumento di viscosità rispetto al controllo. Dopo circa due mesi le uova riscaldate forniscono succo ancora notevolmente più viscoso del controllo. L'esame dei dati viscosimetrici mostra che durante questo tempo vi è stata una regolazione viscosa, ma imperfetta, che si può stimare con approssimazione del 43,17%. Anche ammettendo che si giunga ad avere una regolazione completa, è- da supporre che l'ambiente anomalo, in cui per un tempo così lungo viene a trovarsi l'embrione, non sia senza effetto su di questo e possa indurre sul futuro organisme somazioni o vere mutazioni.
Zusammenfassung Preßsaft von Eiern von Bombyx mori, bis auf 50° für eine halbe Stunde lang erwärmt, zeigt eine entschieden größere Viskosität als der von Kontrolleiern. Ungefähr 2 Monate lang bleibt diese Viskosität gleich, trotzdem schlüpfen die Eier zu 100%. Die erhöhte Viskosität entsteht wahrscheinlich durch Dishydratation der Eier oder durch Veränderungen in der Micellärstruktur der proteischen Komplexe.Diese erhöhte irreversible Viskosität erlaubt in jedem Fall die normale Entwicklung der Eier.Es erscheint möglich, daß eine irreversible Änderung eines chemischphysischen Charakters des Cytoplasmas, wie die beschriebene, der Grund einer Mutation sein kann, indem sie auf die Chromosomen wirkt und das Cytoplasma, in welchem die Chromosomen arbeiten, verändert.


Effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis on the development of metabolic activity in the endosperm during the germination of castor bean seeds. — The effect of chloramphenicol, streptomycin and actinomycin-C on the increase of the activities of glyceroaldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase, aldolase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, fructose 1–6 diphosphate-1-phosphatase, phosphomonoesterase, in the endosperm of germinating castor bean seeds was investigated.

In all cases, the protein synthesis inhibitors depressed the activation of the enzymes tested: in particular, actinomycin (50 μg/ml) completely suppressed the increase of the activities.

The development of the rate of oxygen uptake and the conversion of fats to sugars was strongly affected by the inhibitors.

These data suggest that the increase of the activities of several enzymes in the germinating endosperm is dependent on enzyme synthesis rather than on the conversion from the inactive to the active form of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Sans résumécon sei figure intercalate nel testoPervenuto alla Redazione il 21 luglio 1929  相似文献   

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