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We describe 2 new species of leucochloridiid-like brachylaimoid digeneans parasitizing a variety of birds in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica, each of which we assign to a new genus. According to Pojmanska's (Pojmanska, T. 2002a. Superfamily Brachylaimoidea Joyeux & Foley, 1930. In Keys to the Trematoda, D. I. Gibson, A. Jones, and R. A. Bray [eds.]. CAB International and The Natural History Museum, London, U.K., p. 31-36.) key for the Brachylaimoidea, we are unable to place either species in any family. One species most closely resembles members of Leucochloridium by having well-developed suckers, lacking an esophagus, and having cecal shoulders, gonads at the posterior end, and the genital pore at posterior end of body but differs by having symmetrical testes, a posttesticular ovary, and a terminal genital pore; thus, we propose the genus Bakkeius for it. The second new genus resembles members of Michajlovia by having ventral genital pores but differs by having extracecal uterine loops in the forebody, a cirrus sac containing the pars prostatica and seminal vesicle, and gland cells surrounding the genital pore; thus, we propose Pojmanskia for it. These new genera must currently be treated as incertae sedis according to Pojmanska (op. cit.); however, we feel that future phylogenetic analyses will require emendation of the family diagnosis for Leucochloridiidae to include those taxa with terminal and ventral genital pores and with preovarian testes.  相似文献   

From the Buschmann-Klippe-Formation, mainly considered as Late Precambrian in age until now, the ArchaeocyathaBuschmannia roeringi, n. gen., n. sp. is described. Based on this discovery, an Early Cambrian age for the Nama-group is assumed.  相似文献   

We propose Tinamutrema as a new genus for Brachylaima centrodes (Braun, 1901) Dollfus, 1935 and for T. canoae, as a new species inhabiting tinamus in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Specimens from Costa Rica resemble B. centrodes in having an elongate body, pretesticular genital pore and terminal genitalia, intercecal uterine loops occupying all available space between the anterior testis and the intestinal bifurcation, an oral sucker width:pharynx width ratio of approximately 1:0.55, an oral sucker:ventral sucker width ratio of approximately 1:1, and vitelline follicles extending into the forebody closer to the pharynx than to the anterior margin of the ventral sucker and by living in the cloaca. They differ from B. centrodes in having vitelline follicles that do not extend as far anteriorly as those in B. centrodes, which extend anteriorly to the level of the anteriormost extent of the cecal "shoulders," dense tegumental spination as opposed to sparse or no spination, relatively smaller cirrus with fewer spines, longer and more sinous pars prostatica, and forebody averaging 36% of total body length (TBL) as opposed to 42% TBL. Both species differ from other members of the Brachylaimidae in possessing a spinose cirrus and a cirrus sac containing both the cirrus and the pars prostatica. Preliminary phylogenetic assessment suggests that these traits are plesiomorphic, and thus the species are basal to the rest of the Brachylaimidae, whose diagnosis we emend accordingly.  相似文献   

Divisispiculimermis mirus n. gen., n. sp., a mermithid parasitizing larvae of Chironomus sp. in the Cajón o Grande Stream, Córdoba, Argentina, is described. The new genus differs from all other mermithid genera in having paired spicules which are separated and divided into proximal and distal sectors. The other diagnostic characters of the genus are medium size, nematodes with the cuticle appearing smooth (lacking cross fibers under the light microscope); head separated from the rest of the body by a slight constriction at the level of the amphids, six cephalic papillae, mouth papillae absent, mouth opening posterior to level of cephalic papillae; six hypodermal chords at midbody; weakly S-shaped vagina; postparasitic juvenile with a tail appendage.  相似文献   

Summary Four new species of hystrignathid nematodes are described from the midgut caeca of Passalus unicornus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from St. Lucia, West Indies. Artigasia horridospina n.sp. is differentiated from A. dispar van Waerebeke, 1973 by virtue of fewer rows of spines in the oesophageal region and in possessing lateral alae, and from A. insignia Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in the extent of the oesophageal spiens and in having the lateral alae commence more anteriorly. The first annule is also much shallower than that of A. insignia. Longior semialata n.sp. is differentiated from L. longicollis Travassos & Kloss, 1958 on body length, b ratio, egg size and the starting point of the lateral alae. Mentecle magnifica n.sp. differs from M. parvus Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having the spines of the oesophageal region extending much further down the body and in having ridged eggs. It is also longer and relatively thinner. Paraxyo ensicrinatus n.sp. differs from P. monodelpho Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having a proportionately longer tail. The spines in the oesophageal region also extend considerably further posteriorly than in P. monodelpho.Two types of male associated with the above nematodes are described and illustrated, but not assigned to females. Pulchrocephala? pulchrocephala Travassos, 1925 is redescribed from the gut of the mole-cricket Scapteriscus vicinus.Scanning electron micrographs of four of the described species are given and briefly discussed. ac]19801024  相似文献   

Sagittopteris  belemnopteroides gen.et sp.nov.在山西的发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
山西晚古生代植物自赫勒(Halle,1927)研究以来向为世人瞩目。解放后,李星学(1963)又对华北广大地区月门沟群的化石进行了详细研究,补充了前人的不足。近年来,山西省区域地质调查队在1/20万区域地质调查和一系列的专题研究中,采集了大量化石标本。笔者在鉴定中发现不少有意义的分子,本文报道的即系其中之一。化石为作者之一肖素珍于1976年在晋东南参加剖面测制时采集的。本种在山西其他地区亦有出现。如太原西山、沁水杏峪、柳林、沁  相似文献   

J. Chazeau 《BioControl》1983,28(4):373-378
Résumé Stethorus exspectatus n.sp. etS. exsultabilis n.sp. sont décrits de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée. Leurs proies connues sont citées, et quelques informations nouvelles sur la répartition du genreStethorus dans le Pacifique sont données.
Summary Stethorus exspectatus n.sp. andS. exsultabilis n.sp. are described from Papua New Guinea, with records of their prey and new data on the distribution ofStethorus in the Pacific area.

描述了贵州水城大河边煤矿晚二叠世龙潭组的植物茎干化石Guizhouoxylon dahebianense gen. et sp. nov., 茎具清楚生长轮,髓部较大,初生木质部内始式,原生木质部由环纹管胞、稀螺纹管胞组成,后生木质部包括有密螺纹管胞和密螺纹至梯纹增厚的导管组成,导管近端部的穿孔板椭圆形,梯纹至网纹增厚。次生木质部密材型,射线单列,一般低矮,管胞自内向外由梯状纹孔变为不规则拥挤分布的具缘纹孔,偶而可见木薄壁细胞。根据后生木质部中导管的穿孔板类型与低等被子植物Platanus acerifolia Willd相似,也讨论了被子植物的起源问题。  相似文献   

Rossmania ukurunduensis gen. and sp. nov. collected in the reverve Bolshekhekhtsirsky (Khabarovsk Territory, Russian Far East) is described and illustrated.Rossmania aculeata comb. Nov. is indicated as the second species of the genus.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine schon vonReinboldt beschriebene neue Art vonPhlyctochytrium wurde wiedergefunden und erhielt den NamenPhl. reinboldtae.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

大家知道,鳞翅目通常是取食高等植物,但其中也有取食低等植物的——真菌(食菌性,MeToa);植物的碎屑(食残性,eTpToA);甚至有的取食动物躯体附属物——毛皮、毛、皮革等(食角性,kepaToa);此外,还应指出,有食动物的情况,即捕食性(XHecTBo)。 对鳞翅目来说,肉食性(OTOHocTb)及捕食性的现象是很稀少的,目前共有几十种  相似文献   

In Opiliones, male genital morphology plays a key role in systematics and understanding the evolution of the group because functional modifications often outline higher taxonomic levels. In Nemastomatidae, different lateral stabilizing structures on the penial truncus cane developed independently. These wing-like protuberances serve as anchor points for two muscular tendons and are interpreted traditionally as generic characters. A newly discovered species from Monte Saccarello in the Ligurian Alps of North-western Italy is unique in providing anchor points as stabilizing parts of the distal truncus cane below the glans by short and narrow lateral folds. To place this unusual species within the Nemastomatidae one must re-evaluate the usefulness of male genital morphological and other characters used in the systematics of the family. The resulting phylogenetic framework is supplemented with available molecular genetic data. Based on both datasets, the creation of a new genus seems justified. Saccarella schilleri gen. n. sp. n. is subsequently described and further defined. The endemism and biogeography of the harvestmen fauna in the South-western Alps are discussed with respect to this enigmatic genus.  相似文献   

The fore wing of the new genus and speciesMoltenia rieki of the order Hymenoptera, tentatively belonging to the family Xyelidae, is described from the Molteno Formation (Upper Triassic) of South Africa. This fossil is a representative from the early evolutionary history of this order and the oldest Hymenoptera from central Gondwanaland. However, the plesiomorphic characters in its wing venation do not allow a clear assignment to a recent subgroup of the Hymenoptera, although generally it can be assumed that the Xyelidae had a much higher diversity during the Triassic than today.  相似文献   

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