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Flora of Popoli's gorges (Central Italy). — The results of floristic research developed from 1967 to 1969 at the Popoli's gorges (province of Pescara, in Abruzzo, Central Italy) are reported. Short accounts on the geographic position, on the geology and climate of the gorges are given, together with the floristic index of 696 entities, 4 of which are new for Abruzzo. For each species the biological and the phytogeographical categories are indicated; and for the whole of the flora the biological spectrum. This shows that this flora is a submediterranean one, with altitude influences. Critical remarks are developed about the taxonomy and distribution in the region of Abruzzo of several species wich looked particularly significant to the author.  相似文献   


The author reports the results of some floristic research carried out on the islet of Pan di Zucchero (W-SW Sardinia). The presence of endemism and of a low and creeping Artemisia arborescens coverage have been pointed out, as well as a natural unviolated state unique among the Sardinian microinsular habitats, due to the inacessibility of the area.  相似文献   

Summary Common frogs (Rana edulis) were inoculated intraperitoneally with the following fungi: 1) pathogenic for man and animals:Coccidioides immitis, Gilchristia dermatitidis, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Phialophora verrucosa andSporotrichum beurmanni; 2) pathogenic for man and plants:Sporotrichum poae; 3) pathogenic for plants:Botrytis cinerea. The fungi of the group 1) (and, to a lesser extent, the group 2) produced a localized granuloma, without (or almost without) dissemination, with a reduced, aspecific reaction, chiefly in the gastro-duodenal plica. The species of the group 3) is not pathogenic at all.On the contrary, for broad bean young plants (and, to a lesser extent, castor bean plants) the fungi of the group 1) were not pathogenic, while the fungus of the group 3) was fully pathogenic.S. poae appears to be of moderate pathogenicity; less pathogenic has beenS. beurmanni.

Un riassunto parziale di queste prove è stato presentato dai due Autori al Third International Congress for Microbiology, New York, 2–9 September 1939 (Sect. VI, Paper No. 5) e pubblicato nel 1940 (Redaelli P., Ciferri R. eBaldacci Blastomycosis, Sporotrichosis and Coccidioidal granuloma on animals and plants. Mycopathologia,II, 322–326 1940. Le esperienze furono quindi proseguite dai due Autori seniores, secondo una più vasta scala di ricerche, sinchè il sopraggiungere della guerra e le difficoltà di lavoro inerenti obbligarono a sospenderle. Ancora nell'intento di onorare la memoria del compianto amico e collaboratore Prof.P. Redaelli, ci decidiamo a dare alla luce queste note, ora pubblicate in esteso, completate con le prove eseguite dopo la presentazione della nota suddetta. R. C.  相似文献   


A report about new or interesting plants in the Marche region. I. — The author points out or in some cases confirms the occurrence in this region of 107 species or subspecies. The report is based on the collections and observations made by the author himself and his collaborators during the last years. 31 of such entities (Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens, Amaranthus blitoides, Cerastium brachypetalum subsp. roeseri, C. silvaticum, Silene alba subsp. divaricata, Ceratocephalus falcatus, Malcolmia orsiniana, Arabis collina, Fibigia clypeata, Neslia paniculata subsp. thracica, Hymenolobus pauciflorus, Biscutella didyma, Hirschfeldia incana, Rapistrum rugosum subsp. orientale, R. rugosum subsp. linnaeanum, Sempervivum italicum, Lembotropis nigricans, Chamaecytisus polytrichus, Ononis mitissima, Melilotus neapolitana, Trifolium hybridum subsp. hybridum, T. phleoides, Lotus edulis, Oxalis europaea, O. articulata, Euphorbia prostrata, Rhamnus alpinus subsp. fallax, Fumana arabica, Oenonthe lachenalii, Pimpinella tragium subsp. lithophila, Ferula communis subsp. glauca) are quite new or never dealt with for the Marche region, sometimes even for the whole central section of the Italian Peninsula; other 18 (Moehringia pentandra, Minuartia mediterranea, Stellaria nemorum subsp. glochidisperma, Cerastium semidecandrum subsp. semidecandrum, Sagina maritima, Spergularia marina, S. bocconii, Petrorhagia velutina, Adonis flammea, Sisymbrium orientale, Rorippa amphibia, Cardamine resedifolia, Capsella rubella, Potentilla detomasii, Vicia lathyroides, Trigonella monspeliaca, Hippocrepis ciliata, Geranium purpureum) are briefly reported in Middle Italy by the Italian general Floras, but till now have not been mentioned in works dealing with regional floristic. The remaining 58 entities are already known in the Marche, but scarcely reported, or their location is either not clearly defined or insufficiently described. For these new localities and stations are given, or general information on their distribution throughout the region is provided.  相似文献   


Pollen analysis of the sediments of a bog on the slopes of Panià di Corfino (Apennines, near Lucca). Fossil pollens in the sediments of a bog situated on the slopes of Pania di Corfino (Lucca) have been studied. The site studied lies on oligocenic rocks and is surrounded by beeches.

From a depth of 120 cm up to 50 cm the prevailing pollens belong to species typical of beech and silver-fir woods. Layers from 50 to 25 cm contain mostly pollen of herbaceous plants and of Ericales shrubs, especially belonging to the genus Vaccinium. The upper layers (25 to 5 cm) show a prevalence of Pinus mugo pollen. These data suggest that, after a long period during which climatic conditions resembled those of the present, a shift to a colder climate lowered the upper limit of the beechwoods.  相似文献   


Chromatic variability of tepals in species of Crocus L. of South-eastern Alps.—The anthocyanidins causing the color of tepals of some species of Crocus L. in the Italian South-eastern Alps were determined and characterized. The genus Crocus of this region is represented by four entities: C. napolitanus Mord. & Loisel., C. albiflorus Kit. ex Schult., C. reticulatus Stev. ex Adam. and C. weldenii Hoppe ex Baker.

The distribution of anthocyanidins in the four entities confirms the existence of a systematic distance among the species belonging to Reticulati and the species belonging to Anulati. Two anthocyanidins, i.e. delphynidin and petunidin, which are always present in other entities, have not been found in C. weldenii; this species is characterized by the only presence of malvidine.

The anthocyanidins assume therefore in this case a chemotaxonomic meaning.  相似文献   

Silvia Zenari 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2-4):252-286

The author gives notice, for the first time, of the presence of Juniperus Sabina L. in the Passiria Valley (Alto Adige); she describes its distribution both in this valley and in the Vizze Valley carefully and from the comparison between the floristic composition of its phytocenoses in both valleys, she concludes that the various species living with J. Sabina are associated with it only because they find in its shrubs suitable life conditions. On the whole even for this phytocenosis, as for the others which can develope in chemically different substrata and spread in altitude remarkably, the known «companions» depend on the kind of the soil most of them belong to the flora typical of the single altitudinal belts and horizons on which the association develop unless particular local conditions permit the infiltration of some species belonging to different altitudinal belts as in one of the stations examined by the author in the Passiria Valley.  相似文献   


The results of two years of collection in a small isle in the southern Sardinia are reported, consisting in a floristic list of 116 entities distributed in 96 genera and 41 families. The biological spectrum of this flora puts in evidence a typical Mediterranean environment, characterized by a marked summer dryness. The ratio: number of entities/surface of the studied site has been compared with that of other small southern Sardinian islands, resulting the highest value. This floristic aspect, as well as differences in the biological spectrum, is interpreted as the result of the presence in the area under study of a desultory link with the mainland, in form of a sandy isthmus. This seems important in breaking the biological balance of the small island.  相似文献   


Cultural techniques for wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation. — The author, on the basis of his experience coming from the work carried out on the embryo transplantation for several years, takes in consideration some aspects, at technical level, regarding the best way to cultivate wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation operations.

In particular, the author refers on the possibility to sow the transplants just made (while the traditional method foresees the drying of transplants for 48–96 hours under laboratory conditions) and he illustrates the results of the transplant culture in jiffypots, which allow to improve survival of materials intended for the growth in field.  相似文献   


Soil microfungi in homogeneous areas of three plant communities of North Italy.—The soil microfungi associated with three different community types in Prealpine region of North Italy were investigated. Frequency values for the taxonomic entities isolated were calculated, based on occurrence at sampling sites, in each community. Most of the entities were quantitatively rare. The microfungal communities associated with Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior, with Ostrya carpinifolia and with Fagus sylvatica appeared to be a distinctive group, even if many of them contained a substantial number of species wich are common with other vegetation types.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'autore ha studiato l'ultrastruttura dell'ectoderma dell'area embrionale nel blastoderma di polio.L'ectoderma è formato medialmente, presso la linea primitiva, da alcuni strati di cellule; lateralmente è costituito da una sola fila di cellule. Esso appoggia sulla membrana basale che ha uno spessore di 250 Å.Le cellule sono connesse tra loro da giunzioni del tipo della zonula adhaerens e del tipo della zonula occludens solo presso il contorno superiore dell'ectoderma; in basso sono invece separate da ampi spazi.Nella parte mediale dell'ectoderma, dove questo è pluristratificato, numerosi vacuoli di assorbimento dell'albume si trovano sulla superficie alta; essi sono sempre situati sopra una zonula adhaerens e sono formati dai lembi citoplasmatici di due cellule contigue. L'autore avanza l'ipotesi che nei vacuoli l'acqua dell'albume si separi dalla componente solida e scenda poi negli spazi intercellulari.
Summary The author has studied the ultrastructure of the ectoderm in the embryonic area of the blastoderm of the chicken.The ectoderm is constituted, medially close to the primitive streak, by a few layers of cells, laterally by a single layer. It lies on the basement membrane which is 250 Å thick.The cells are connected to one another by structures of the type of the zonula adhaerens and of the zonula occludens only in proximity of the upper outline of the ectoderm; inferiorly they are, on the contrary, separated by wide spaces.In the medial part of the ectoderm, where this is pluristratified, numerous digestive vacuoles of the albumen are present on the upper surface; they are always situated above a zonula adhaerens and are formed by the cytoplasmic processes of two contiguous cells. The author forwards the hypothesis that within these vacuoles the water of the albumen separates from the solid component and moves thereafter into the intercellular spaces.


TRINIA DALECHAMPII in the Illyric component of the Flora of the Apuan Alps. — On a mountaintop in the Apuan Alps, the author found Trinia dalechampii, an Illyric entity known until now in Ytaly only in the central and southern Apennines. He also indicates that a Greco-Apennine Oligo-Miocene bridge was the probable migration-route of this species and likewise of the Illyric entities of the Apennines.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'A. si è interessato di ricercare in carta e cartoni da imballaggio provenienti da vari Paesi la presenza di microrganismi carticoli.Ha trovato che il 74% di campioni esaminati ospitano specie diChaetomium o di altri funghi (Aspergillus flavipes, Stachybotrys spp.,Memnoniella echinata, etc.) nonchè batteri cellulosololitici riferibili si generiCytophaga eCellvibrio.
Summary The author has investigated microorganisms occurring on wrapping paper and cardboard. He found that 74% of the examined samples were containing species ofChaetomium and/or other fungi (Aspergillus flavipes, Stachybotrys spp.,Memnoniella echinata, etc.), as well as cellulosolytic Bacteria referable to generaCytophaga andCellvibrio.

Sperimentatore presso il Laboratorio di Cartotecnica Speciale dell Ente Nazionale per la Cellulosa e per la Carta.  相似文献   


Sono state fatte diverse prove per la reazione di Schiff, di Feulgen e di Bauer su tessuti vegetali. Diversi tipi di membrane, fra cui quelle lignificate, sono risultati Schiff positivi. I nuclei sono risultati Feulgen positivi, con l'eccezione dei nuclei del gametofito maturo di Crinum sp., i quali sono tutti Feulgen negativi, meno quelli antipodali. L'amido e tutte le membrane sono risultati Bauer positivi.  相似文献   


L'A. descrive il comportamento del nucleolo di Paphiopedilum Spicerianum nel nucleo in riposo c in divisione, mettendo in evidenza l'esistenza di una sostanza nucleolare, conservata in seguito a fissazione' del materiale con una miscela di acido cromico e formolo, con postcromizzazione in acido cromico.  相似文献   


L'A. facendo delle osservazioni comparative tra le caratteristiche di sviluppo vegetativo e fiorale rilevate tanto sui rametti ordinari che nei casi anomali di formazione di gemme su spine di Aurantiaceae mette in rilievo il presumibile antagonismo tra sviluppo vegetativo e fiorale che si verifica in genere tra le due importanti attività fisiologiche della pianta.

Nello stesso tempo dà notizia di nuovi casi di formazione di gemme e di foglie su spine di Citrus limonum L. che, confrontati con quelli descritti in precedenti lavori dell'A. riguardanti lo sviluppo di fiori su spine di Aurantiaceae, confermano che gli abbozzi fogliari contigui alle gemme si evolvono regolarmente quando la gemma sia polarizzata nello sviluppo vegetativo o sia allo stato latente, mentre restano in genere allo stato rudimentale quando la gemma viene a polarizzarsi verso lo sviluppo fiorale. Ciò si verifica in generale negli abbozzi fogliari che si sviluppano sulle rachidi fiorali ed eccezionalmente in quelli che sono in rapporto con la gemma che dà origine ad una rachide fiorale.  相似文献   


Purpose of this paper is to point out the residues of Quercus Ilex woods in the hilly region of Murgia di Putignano (Puglia) which lies inside the distribution area of Q. trojana, now the main wood-forming tree-species of this territory.

Fourteen different small Q. Ilex stands are mentioned, as marked on alleged map. One of them (n° 1 on the map) has been more carefully studied through a whole year, and all plants growing in it have been collected.  相似文献   


The use of life-forms in phytosociological classifications: an example with data from xerophilous pastures.—The classification power of life-forms connecting to phytosociological data processing for xerophilous pastures of Central Southern Apennine (ecological classification) is discussed. Saturejo montanae-Brometum erecti Avena, Blasi 1979 and Seslerio nitidae-Brometum Bruno 1968 are compared on the basis of their weighted life-forms spectra. The high correlation between classification obtained by floristic data and classifications by life-forms is stressed.  相似文献   


THE DISCOVERING OF THE KETELEERIA'S POLLEN-GRAIN IN SOME QUATERNARY DEPOSITS OF THE CENTRAL AND NORTHERN ITALY. — The Author observes the specy of Keteleeria with the pollen analysis executed on deposits of turfys, clays and brown coals of some Umbro-Marchigiano and of the Po Plain localyties.

The Keteleeria to-day is living only in China and Japan; in Italy it was living also during the early and middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   


L'A. studia la struttura anatomica della clava dello spadice di Arum, indaga le intime modificazioni cellulari che avvengono durante il suo periodo di accrescimento, di maturità e di senescenza, e viene a rilevare alcuni segni della senescenza cellulare. Inoltre mette in evidenza le differenze morfologiche tra i procossi di necrobiosi in natura e in ambiente asfittico; segnala la vacuolizzazione delle masse cromatiniche come la causa principale della cariocinesi. Fa infine osservare che il parossismo termico (funzione prima di tale organo) rimane nei limiti biologici senza dirette azioni deleterie sulla struttura citologica della clava.  相似文献   

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