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Abstract. Seed germination characteristics were investigated in the most common Cistus species in Greece, namely C. incanus ssp. creticus and C. salvifolius. In addition to the soft seed subpopulation, both species produce a large fraction of hardcoated, water-impermeable seeds which can be softened and, thus, promoted to germinate by mechanical scarification and thermal pretreatment. Temperature and light control of seed germination are unimportant. In the ecological context of the Mediterranean ecosystems, the eventually advantageous, opportunistic strategy of germination is based on: (a) seed heterospermy (which allows the smaller, softcoated fraction to germinate promptly each year while the majority of the seeds, the hard ones, accumulate in the soil); (b) the seed population heterogeneity in relation to coat hardness (so that any heat conditions produced by fire induce the softening and germination of a certain seed fraction); (c) the notably low germination rate (which suppresses premature germination); (d) the wide, Mediterranean-type (relatively cool), temperature range of germination (while higher temperatures simply inhibit but do not induce any dormancy); and (c) the apparent lack of photo-sensitivity (enabling germination under every light regime). In non-fire years, the temporal distribution of field germination and seedling appearance might be partly determined by the seed dispersal strategy of the individual Cistus species. Nevertheless, the post-fire regeneration response is manifested in the form of a huge wave of germination (of practically all seeds softened by the fire heat), shortly after the onset of the rainy season.  相似文献   

The global climate is predicted to change in the next century; for the Mediterranean Basin, an increase in air temperature more than 4°C and a higher frequency of extreme climatic events such as drought and heat waves are expected. In this work, the response of Cistus salvifolius L. to the rise in winter temperature has been studied. Plants acclimated to winter conditions [outdoor (OUT)] were moved into a greenhouse [indoor (IND)] at higher temperature and eco-physiological behaviour was analysed on leaves after 15 days from plant transferring (IND15d) and on leaves developed IND. IND leaves were characterized by reduced thickness, higher specific leaf area, higher CO2 mesophyll conductance and photosynthetic rate, and lower respiratory rate than leaves grown OUT upon current winter conditions. In IND15d leaves, no improvement of photochemical activity was found. When IND leaves were subjected to a rapid increase in air temperature, the CO2 fixation was not limited indicating a high thermotolerance of photosynthetic machinery. The results for IND leaves indicate the occurrence of a strategy that merging changes in leaf structure as well as in photosynthetic regulation allow C. salvifolius to maintain an elevated carbon gain in response to temperature increase.  相似文献   

The genus Cistus includes many typical species of Mediterranean flora; Cistus species are used as antidiarrheics, as general remedies for treatment of various skin diseases in folk medicine and as anti-inflammatory agents. These species contain flavonoids that are considered to be chain-breaking antioxidants. In this work, we have investigated the effects of crude aqueous extracts from Cistus incanus and Cistus monspeliensis on DNA cleavage and their free-radical scavenging capacity. In addition, their effect on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes was evaluated. These extracts showed a protective effect on DNA cleavage and a dose-dependent free-radical scavenging capacity; Cistus monspeliensis was more active than Cistus incanus; these results were confirmed by a significant inhibition of lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. The experimental evidence, therefore, suggests that because of their antioxidant activity these extracts may offer excellent photoprotection for skin and may be useful in the treatment of human diseases where oxidative stress plays a key role. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Here the functional roles of stellate and dendritic trichomes in Cistus salvifolius L leaves were studied by analysing i) both leaf surface and trichome morphology using scanning electron and light microscopy; and ii) the composition and localisation of polyphenols by coupling liquid chromatography with fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence microimaging. Red-coloured compounds were detected in the stalk cells and the channel in the trichome arm, and appeared to be released at the tip end of the trichome branch. We identified such metabolites as ellagitannins, namely punicalagin and two galloyl derivatives of punicalagin. These ellagitannins accounted for 4.3 % of leaf dry weight and their concentration in the leaf leachate averaged 289.4 mg L (-1). The trichome arms exhibited an appreciable orange-red autofluorescence (centred at 620 nm) when excited with UV light (at 365 nm) or emitted in the yellow waveband (peak centred at 566 nm) when stained with the Naturstoff reagent, and excited at 488 nm. The fluorescence signatures of the trichome arms were consistent with the presence of mono-hydroxy B-ring substituted flavonoids, which were identified as the mono- and di-coumaroyl derivative of a kaempferol 3-O-glycoside. Our data may provide some insights on the functional roles of stellate and dendritic trichomes in the response mechanisms of C. salvifolius to Mediterranean-type climate, based upon (i) the potential effect of released ellagitannins on the soil nitrogen dynamic and (ii) the ability of acylated kaempferol 3-O-glycosides to effectively absorb both the UV-B and UV-A wavelengths.  相似文献   


Two types of glandular hairs have been found in Cistus laurifolius L. (Cistaceae). Both types present a great degree of morphological and histochemical variability, not only at population level but even within a single plant. This fact excludes that the hairs of C. laurifolius could be given a diagnostic value. The two hair types have a mixed hydrophilous and lipophilous secretion in which we have identified, especially in one type of them, cathecolic tannins. The powerful antimycotic activity of such tannins, makes the hairs particularly interesting for the possible ecological implications.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):231-240
Background: Population structure and dynamics in natural ecosystems can be affected by seed viability and dormancy. However, how the endogenous contents of phytohormones and vitamin E in seeds relative to the environment affect viability and dormancy is not yet fully understood.

Aims: We studied seed viability and germination capacity in two populations of the Mediterranean shrub, Cistus albidus, exposed to contrasting environmental conditions.

Methods: We measured seed viability and germination capacity and endogenous contents of abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins and vitamin E in seeds collected from two populations, in two environmentally contrasting environments in north-eastern Spain.

Results: Plants growing in the natural site produced seeds with lower germination percentage but similar viability, indicating higher seed dormancy. Enhanced seed dormancy was paralleled with higher contents of ABA and lower contents of gibberellins (GAs). Contents of tocopherols and tocotrienols were higher in seeds of the natural population. Tocopherol contents in seeds correlated positively with the ratio living:total aerial biomass.

Conclusions: Two Mediterranean populations of C. albidus growing in two sites with contrasting environmental conditions showed marked differences in seed dormancy and germination, which may be explained, at least in part, by differences in seed hormonal contents.  相似文献   


Two subspecies of Cistus incanus L. occurring in the southern Balkans were studied: C. incanus L. ssp. incanus and C. incanus ssp. creticus (L.) Heywood. After studying the morphological differences, the communities dominated by these two subspecies were sampled according to the central European method. The localities of the relevés show the distribution pattern of the two subspecies. The typical subspecies can be found in the area of distribution of thermophilous deciduous forests of Carpinion orientalis, whereas the subspecies creticus grows in the area of the evergreen broad‐leaved forests of Quercetea ilicis. The communities were classified as Diantho–Cistetum incani Micevski et Matevski ex ?arni, Matevski et ?ilc ass. nova hoc loco and Calicotomo villosae–Cistetum cretici Oberdorfer 1954. Analyses of traits (life span, life form, proportion of certain families, bioindicator values and chorotypes) reveal that the harshest site conditions prevail within Diantho–Cistetum incani, which appears as an initial stage of the vegetation succession. Calicotome–Cistetum cretici is a subsequent stage of succession, since the extreme degradation of vegetation on these sites results in ephemeral communities dominated by Poa bulbosa assigned to Romulion.  相似文献   

In this study phytochemical compounds and antioxidant capacity, cytotoxic, antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities of hydroethanolic extracts of five Cistus species (C. creticus L., C. laurifolius L., C. monspeliensis L., C. parviflorus Lam. and C. salviifolius L.) distributed in Turkey were investigated. (+)-catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin-3-O-glucoside, kaempferol-3-O-glucoside, luteolin were detected in different amounts. Strongest antioxidant capacities were observed with C. creticus, and C. parvifolius (0.476 and 0.452, respectively). Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the extracts were determined between 32 and 128 μg/mL against different bacteria and Candida strains. C. monspeliensis and C. laurifolius extracts were inhibited the biofilm production levels of three Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, S. enterica, P. aeruginosa), two Gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus, B. subtilis) and three Candida strains (C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei). C. creticus extract showed strongest cytotoxic activity against human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and prostate cell lines (PC-3) (IC50: 14.04±2.78 μg/mL and 34.04±2.74 μg/mL, respectively) among all plants tested.  相似文献   

To better understand aging in perennials, age‐related changes in the physiology of leaves and flower buds of the Mediterranean shrub, Cistus albidus L. were evaluated. Two groups of different ages (5 and 10 years old), both at advanced developmental stages but of similar size, were compared. Total plant biomass, biomass produced per apical meristem and levels of cytokinins, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid in leaves and flower buds, as well as flower production, were measured. No differences in plant size, vegetative growth rates and levels of phytohormones in leaves were observed between 5‐ and 10‐year‐old plants. However, they showed significant differences in flower bud development; the older plants having reduced vigour, with 29.6% of flowers reaching anthesis compared to 52.5% in the younger plants. Furthermore, endogenous concentrations of zeatin and abscisic acid in flower buds at stage I (start of flower organ formation) were 61% and 41%, respectively, smaller in 10‐ than in 5‐year‐old plants. At stage II (with all flower organs formed), zeatin and abscisic acid concentrations decreased by ca. 90% and 80%, respectively, but differences between age groups were still evident (60% and 29% for zeatin and abscisic acid, respectively). Jasmonic acid levels in flower buds decreased by 80% from stage I to II, but did not differ between age groups. Despite reductions in flower bud vigour, total number of flowers per individual was not significantly different between age groups, so that an age‐related loss in reproductive vigour at the organ level did not lead to a decrease in flower production at the whole plant level.  相似文献   

Kidd  P.S.  Díez  J.  Monterroso Martínez  C. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):189-205
The effects of heavy metals on the growth, mineral composition (P, K, Fe and Mn) and metal accumulation of five populations of Cistus ladanifer subsp. ladanifer from NE Portugal were investigated in hydroponic experiments. Plants were exposed to increasing concentrations (0–2000 M) of one of eight heavy metals: Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb or Zn. Populations of C. ladanifer, whose origin was ultramafic soils (S and UB) or soils developed on basic rocks (B), showed a higher tolerance to the metals Cd, Co, Cr, and Mn, and a considerable degree of tolerance to Ni. In contrast, populations originating on acid-rock soils (M and SC) showed higher tolerance to the metals Cu and Zn. Populations showed different patterns of metal accumulation and distribution in the plant parts, suggesting different mechanisms of metal tolerance are used. The more Cd-, Co- and Mn-tolerant populations (S, UB, B and SC (Cd)) showed accumulation of these three metals in the shoots (shoot:root metal concentration ratios (S:R) > 1). Shoot concentrations of up to 309 g Cd g–1, 2667 g Co g–1 and 6214 g Mn g–1 were found in these populations. The populations, UB and M, showed considerable tolerance to Ni and Zn, respectively. These populations accumulated up to 4164 g Ni g–1 and 7695 g Zn g–1 in their shoot tissues, and these metals were efficiently transported from the roots to aerial parts (S:R > 3 (Ni), S:R > 1 (Zn)). In contrast, the S and SC populations maintained higher growth rates in the presence of Ni and Zn, respectively, but showed exclusion mechanisms of metal tolerance: reduced Ni and Zn transport to shoots (S:R < 1). Cistus ladanifer was not able to efficiently transport Cr, Cu or Pb from its roots to its aerial parts (S:R ranged from 0–0.4). The more Cu-tolerant populations, M and SC, showed a greater restriction of Cu transport to the shoots than the ultramafic- or basic-rock populations. Significant changes in the plant mineral composition were found, however, concentrations were generally above mineral deficiency levels. Based on these preliminary results the possible usefulness of this plant for phytoremediation technologies is discussed. However, further investigations are necessary to evaluate its growth and metal accumulation under soil and field conditions.  相似文献   

KHATIJAH, H. H., CUTLER, D. F. & MOORE, D. M., 1992. Leaf anatomical studies of Eugenia L. species from the Malay Peninsula. The leaf and petiole anatomy of 25 Malaysian species of Eugenia L. sensu lato was investigated to determine the value of vegetative anatomy for the identification of non-flowering material. Twelve characters proved useful for the identification of species: type of stomata; shape of leaves in T.S.; shape of midrib bundle; sclerenchyma sheath; cutinization of outer epidermal wall; presence or absence of sclereids, idioblasts, hypodermis, columnar epidermal cells, solitary crystals; number of palisade layers and the shape of vascular strand, sclerenchyma sheath and sclereids in the parenchyma of the petiole. Using these characters an anatomical key was constructed to assist identification of the species. Only the closely related species E. stapfiana and E. nilidula could not be separated on anatomical characters.
The anatomical data support the treatment of Henderson (1949) of section Acmena but not of sections Cleistocalyx and Fissicalyx , which fit better in section Syzygium.  相似文献   

Effects of the length: width ratio of a leaf blade and petiole length on shoot light capture were studied with computer simulation. Both a larger length: width ratio and longer petiole contributed to larger light capture per unit leaf area due to a reduced aggregation of leaf area around the stem. Other conditions being equal, shoots with narrow leaves and no petioles and those with wide leaves with petioles showed similar light capture as long as the mean distance of the leaf blade from the stem was the same. In shoots with a short internode and/or distichous phyllotaxis, however, narrow leaves contributed more to avoiding mutual shading than wide leaves with petioles. The predominance of light coming from a higher angular altitude also favored narrow leaves. The possible consequences of these results in the adaptive geometry of plant architecture are discussed.  相似文献   

李耀琪  王志恒 《植物生态学报》2021,45(10):1154-1172
叶片是植物与环境进行水气交换的重要场所, 形态多变。叶片形态可直接影响植物的生理生化过程, 反映植物的资源获取策略。该文以叶片大小、叶形、叶缘特征(有无叶齿)和叶型(单、复叶)等形态性状为例, 总结了当前叶片形态的研究进展, 分析了叶形态性状的生态功能, 综述叶片形态的地理分布, 探讨叶片形态性状变化的驱动因素及其对生态系统功能的影响。现有研究主要聚焦于局域尺度的特定类群, 关注叶大小、叶缘具齿性以及叶型的地理分布与生态成因, 发现叶片的形态发育受基因调控, 叶形态性状与其他性状相互权衡, 其空间变异受气温和降水量共同驱动。以叶大小为代表的叶片形态性状影响水分和养分循环, 能够反映气候变化下的群落响应, 也可用于预测生态系统初级生产力。今后应结合新方法获得覆盖度高且区域无偏的数据, 探索叶形态在长时间尺度上的适应性进化, 研究叶形态特征及其对生态系统功能影响的尺度推绎。该文有助于从叶片的角度认识植物对环境变化的响应, 以性状为桥梁将个体适合度、群落动态与生态系统功能联系起来, 能够加深对植物群落生态学和功能生物地理学等相关领域研究进展的了解。  相似文献   

Variations in physiology and metabolic products of Cistus creticus subsp. eriocephalus along an altitudinal gradient (350–750 m.a.s.l.) within the Monti Lucretili Regional Natural Park (central Italy) were studied. The results showed that the phenol production was in relationship with the net photosynthetic rates and the chlorophyll content. In particular, the increasing caffeic acid (CA) content with altitude suggested its role in providing an additional photo‐protection mechanism, by its ability to consume photochemical reducing power and acting as an alternative C‐atom sink under high light conditions. The metabolic production was tested by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) fingerprint analysis, highlighting the potential of this technique in biologic studies.  相似文献   

Abstract. In white light(W) stem elongation of green plants is stimulated when some far-red light (F) is added to W (Holmes & Smith, 1975, 1977b). The effect of adding F to a background W was quantified using Vigna sinensis L. plants and relatively high fluence rate W. F was given selectively to the 1st internode and the internode elongation rate (E.R) was recorded using linear voltage displacement transducers. Results confirm that adding F to background W stimulates internode E. R. The stimulation is very quickly measurable after switching F on and falls off rapidly after switching F off. The stimulation is not dependent on F fluence rate per per se but is strictly dependent on the quantum flux ratio F/W. These data are strongly in favour of phytochrome as the receptor, whose activity is controlled by the PFR content or the [PFR]/[P] ratio. A common mode of action for phytochrome in W and in darkness is suggested. The results indicate independence and additivity of the E. R.modulation by W light quantity and of the modulation by light quality.  相似文献   

Developmental process of sun and shade leaves in Chenopodium album L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors’ previous study of Chenopodium album L. revealed that the light signal for anatomical differentiation of sun and shade leaves is sensed by mature leaves, not by developing leaves. They suggested that the two‐cell‐layered palisade tissue of the sun leaves would be formed without a change in the total palisade tissue cell number. To verify that suggestion, a detailed study was made of the developmental processes of the sun and shade leaves of C. album with respect to the division of palisade tissue cells (PCs) and the data was expressed against developmental time (leaf plastochron index, LPI). The total number of PCs per leaf did not differ between the sun and shade leaves throughout leaf development (from LPI ?1 to 10). In both sun and shade leaves, anticlinal cell division of PCs occurred most frequently from LPI ?1 to 2. In sun leaves, periclinal division of PCs occurred synchronously with anticlinal division. The constancy of the total number of PCs indicates that periclinal divisions occur at the expense of anticlinal divisions. These results support the above suggestion that two‐cell‐layered palisade tissue is formed by a change of cell division direction without a change in the total number of PCs. PCs would be able to recognize the polarity or axis that is perpendicular to the leaf plane and thereby change the direction of their cell divisions in response to the light signal from mature leaves.  相似文献   


Relative growth rate (RGR) is a fundamental trait for comparative plant ecology but cannot be measured in situ, leading to problems in interpreting vegetation function. However, the components of RGR (net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf weight ratio (LWR), and specific leaf area (SLA)) can be calculated for wild plants from morphological measurements (leaf area, leaf dry mass, whole plant dry mass), which potentially reflect RGR. Seeds of 19 species from Italian prealpine calcareous grasslands were collected and seedlings were cultivated under controlled conditions. RGR, NAR, LAR, LWR and SLA were analysed. The results demonstrated that RGR was positively correlated with SLA and LAR (p < 0.01). Furthermore, LAR was positively correlated with LWR and negatively with NAR (p < 0.05). Monocotyledons showed significantly higher LAR, LWR and NAR than dicotyledons, as the latter allocated a greater proportion of biomass to stems, but RGR and SLA showed no such phylogenetic constraint. Therefore SLA is the most reliable indicator of RGR in ecological and functional surveys of prealpine calcareous grasslands, and has the additional advantage that it can be measured from leaf material alone. Lower mean RGR and SLA for calcareous grassland species suggests that this vegetation is less likely to recover from the effects of disturbance than meadows and dry meadows.  相似文献   

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