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We drew up a checklist of the Italian vegetation (http://www.prodromo-vegetazione-italia.org/), up to the syntaxonomical rank of alliance. During the compilation of this checklist, we observed that some syntaxa were invalidly published. For this reason, in this article we validated some syntaxa names and, at the same time, described new syntaxa of different hierarchical levels. Therefore, 10 new orders, 1 new suborder, 18 new alliances, 3 new suballiances and 5 new associations are described here. These new syntaxa belong to the following classes: Adiantetea capilli-veneris, Parietarietea judaicae, Thlaspietea rotundifolii, Artemisietea vulgaris, Stellarietea mediae, Galio aparines–Urticetea dioicae, Mulgedio alpini–Aconitetea variegati, Trifolio medii–Geranietea sanguinei, Festuco-Seslerietea, Salicetea herbaceae, Festuco valesiacae–Brometea erecti, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Cisto cretici–Micromerietea julianae, Rhamno catharticae–Prunetea spinosae, Salici purpureae–Populetea nigrae, Salicetea purpureae, Quercetea ilicis and Querco roboris–Fagetea sylvaticae.  相似文献   

The new alliance Cerastio tomentosi-Globularion meridionalis and the new association Helianthemo alpestris-Globularietum meridionalis are here proposed as a contribute to the prodrome of Italian vegetation. The new syntaxa are related to the chamaephytic high-mountain vegetation and they are characterized by a wide presence of endemics, southern European orophytes, mountain-Mediterranean, and amphi-Adriatic species. The proposal aims to differentiate, on a structural basis, the high-mountain vegetation of the Apennines at higher syntaxonomical levels.  相似文献   

New syntaxa of different hierarchical levels are here described in order to update the “Syntaxonomic checklist of the Italian classes, orders and alliances (Vegetation Prodrome of Italy)”, promoted in 2012 by the “Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Protection” in collaboration with the “Italian Society of Botany”. The new alliances, suballiances and associations belong to the Salici purpureae-Populetea nigrae and Querco roboris-Fagetea sylvaticae classes.  相似文献   

Two sets comprising 1419 and 1350 phytosociological relevés of ruderal vegetation classified into 9 and 7 orders, respectively, from an area in the Podunajská ní zina Lowland, western Slovakia were ordinated using correspondence and detrended correspondence analyses. The paper describes a coenocline of the high-ranked syntaxa contained in the data sets, and discusses some issues of the classification of the syntaxa involved.The Bidentetalia and Potentillo-Polygonetalia should be considered a special category of synanthropic vegetation as habitat moisture (flooding and waterlogging) play the controlling role in the formation of structural and dynamical patterns within these communities. The latter factor complex is responsible for the clear separation of these orders from the other syntaxa included in the ordinations. The coenocline of terrestrial ruderal vegetation units has the following sequence along the CA axis 1: Poo-Polygonetalia, Sisymbrietalia, Eragostrietalia, Onopordetalia, Agropyretalia repentis, Artemisietalia vulgaris and Glechometalia hederaceae.Various complexes of soil factors and anthropogenic disturbance are operational along the concatenation (a series of portions composing the coenocline). The factor complex includes soil compaction, trampling disturbance, nutrient status, soil texture and moisture, and solar irradiation. Step-by-step ordination and interpretation of concatenated portions of the coenocline proved to be useful in the analysis of complex data sets.Abbreviations CA = correspondence analysis - DCA = detrended correspondence analysis - PCA = principal components analysis  相似文献   

The study investigates the relevance of fire frequency for the floodplain vegetation of the Okavango Delta in Botswana, considering species composition, species richness, vegetation structure and tree density. Based on flood and fire frequency data derived from a series of satellite images, active and drying floodplains were separated and study plots were selected with fire frequencies up to ten burns between 1989 and 2003. Both for drying and active floodplains, no typical species assemblage could be associated with fire frequency. On drying floodplains, fire frequency showed no effect on species composition, but rather on vegetation structure. While small woody species showed higher cover values on high fire frequency, large trees showed significantly lower cover values on high fire frequency. For active floodplains, a significant response to fire frequency, both positively and negatively could be determined for specific species. But as almost none of these species appear at low or high frequency only, no differences in species composition could be associated with fire frequency. Rather flood frequency and specific annual flood cycles could be described as the determining factors for the vegetation on active floodplains.  相似文献   

Some remarkable mosses, as a result of the study of both recent collections and a review of herbarium specimens, are reported in this paper. They are: Anomodon rugelii (Müll.Hal.) Keissl., new record from southern Italy, a moss very rare in the Mediterranean region and considered threatened in many European countries; Blindia acuta (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. and Dichodontium palustre (Dicks.) M. Stech, both new records from Sicily, are very rare mosses in Italy. Moreover, a new locality in Sicily for the little-known species Tortula bolanderi (Lesq. & James) M. Howe is reported.  相似文献   

植被志(vegegraphy)是基于植被调查资料, 全面记叙植被的群落外貌、种类组成、结构和功能、生境条件, 以及地理分布等特征, 并对同类植被进行归纳和总结的志书。“植被志”的英文译为“vegegraphy”, 是本文的新造词, 它是由“vegetation”的词头“vege-”和英文后缀“-graphy” (记叙之意)组成的合成词。《中国植被志》的研编是一项时间紧迫、内容复杂、工作量浩繁的重大科学工程。它的完成将极大提升中国植被科学和生态学的研究水平, 并为中国植被资源的合理利用、生物多样性保护及生态环境治理等提供不可或缺的基础资料。本文首先简述了植被的基本特征(主要包括外貌特征、种类组成、群落结构以及动态变化等)和国内外植被调查的进展情况, 简要回顾了中国植被分类系统的研究历史, 并对以往的分类系统进行了若干修订。在此基础上, 着重讨论并提出了《中国植被志》卷册编排体系和用于《中国植被志》研编的植被类型划分方案。在对植被分类系统的修订方面, 主要对高级分类单位及相对应的英文名称进行了讨论和修订。按照本文修订的分类系统, 中国植被的分类单位及其对应的英文名称分别是: 植被型组(Vegetation Formation Group)、植被型(Vegetation Formation)和植被亚型(Vegetation Subformation)、群系组(Alliance Group)、群系(Alliance)和亚群系(Suballiance)、群丛组(Association Group)以及群丛(Association)。在植被型组中, 划分为9类: 森林、灌丛、草本植被、荒漠、高山冻原与稀疏植被、沼泽与水生植被、农业植被、城市植被及无植被地段。关于《中国植被志》的卷册编排和“植被类型”划分, 首先按高级分类单位——植被型划分相应的“卷”; 在此框架下, 模糊“植被亚型”、“群系组”和“群系”的概念, 确定“植被类型” (Vegetation type), 并将其作为植被志各卷中的“册”。这样处理不仅保证了研编工作的可操作性, 也保持了同一卷册中特定植被类型的完整性。《中国植被志》编排体系中的“植被类型”的划分很重要, 它是指具有相同建群种及相同优势类群(如种、属)的植被组合, 但它不是严格意义上的植被分类单位。“植被类型”的划分遵循“优势类群及生活型的同一性, 生境条件的相对重要性, 植被特征及用途的差异性, 以及突出植被志的应用性”等原则。按该编排体系, 《中国植被志》将由48卷约110册组成。  相似文献   

Abstract. The concept of mapping potential replacement vegetation (PRV) is proposed as a parallel to potential natural vegetation (PNV). Potential replacement vegetation (PRV) is an abstract and hypothetical vegetation which is in balance with climatic and soil factors currently affecting a given habitat, with environmental factors influencing the habitat from outside such as air pollution, and with an abstract anthropogenic influence (management) of given type, frequency and intensity. For every habitat, there is a series of possible PRV-types corresponding to the different anthropogenic influences, e.g. grazing, mowing, trampling or growing cereals. The PRV-concept is especially useful in large-scale mapping (scales > 1 : 25 000) of small areas where replacement vegetation is the focus of attention for managers and land-use planners, for example in nature reserves where the aim is conservation of replacement vegetation managed in a traditional way, or in restoration ecology where the concept may be used for defining restoration goals and evaluating the success of restoration efforts. At smaller scales, PRV-mapping may be useful for revealing the biogeographical patterns of larger areas which may be different from the corresponding PNV patterns, because replacement vegetation and natural vegetation may respond to environmental gradients at different scales. An example of medium-scale PRV-mapping through the coincidence of diagnostic species of vegetation types, based on species distribution grid data, is presented. In cultural landscapes, the advantage of using the PRV-concept instead of PNV is its direct relationship to the replacement vegetation. In the habitat mapping with respect to the replacement vegetation, the PRV concept yields more valuable results than the mapping of actual vegetation, as the latter is strongly affected by spatially variable anthropogenic influences which may be largely independent from climatic and soil factors.  相似文献   

Pavlides  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):41-60
We studied the vegetation of the aquatic ecosystems ofLake Mikri Prespa. The lacustrine vegetationcomprises three distinct forms: floating plants,benthic hydrophytes and helophytes, which aredescribed and classified from the phytosociologicalpoint of view, as follows: (a) the vegetation of thefloating plants belong to the Lemnetea class and isrepresented by two plant communities; (b) thevegetation of the benthic hydrophytes, belongs to thePotametea class consisting of two differentcategories, namely the submersed formations and theemergent formations of the hydrophytes. Various plantcommunities were recognised in this type of vegetationand three among them are considered as the mostrepresentative; (c) the vegetation of helophytes, theprevailing life form in this wetland, belongs to thePhragmitetea class and is represented mainly by sevenwell organised plant communities. The respectivevegetation of two of the five more important wetlandsites is described.The terrestrial vegetation is composed of forestand meadow vegetation. The forest vegetation of theNational Park belongs to the class Querco-Fagetea andshows the following zonation: (a) in the vicinity ofthe lake, at the elevation of 860–1000 m, twoassociations have been found: the mixed deciduous andevergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis andthe evergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum;(b) the deciduous oak forests surround the previouszone at the altitude of 900–1300 m with two principalassociations, namely the Quercetum frainetto and theQuercetum petraeae; (c) in the upper forest layerbetween 1200–1800 m asl, dominate beech forests of theassociation Fagion moesiacum and the less extensiveoccurrence of the mixed beech-fir stands (Ass.Abieti-Fagetum moesiacum).The zone above the tree limit is distinguished by itssubalpine character semi-shrub vegetation extendinghigher than the forest (1800–2000 m), whereas alpine meadowscover the vegetation at higheraltitudes. On the plains and in the forest clearingsexist herbaceous meadow formations of variablestructure, in parallel with the vegetation of specifichabitats, such as nitrophilous and ammophilousplants.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the application of environmental modelling to reconstructive mapping of pre‐impact vegetation using historical survey records and remnant vegetation data. Location The higher elevation regions of the Fleurieu Peninsula region in South Australia were selected as a case study. The Fleurieu Peninsula is an area typical of many agricultural regions in temperate Australia that have undergone massive environmental transformation since European settlement. Around 9% of the present land cover is remnant vegetation and historical survey records from the ad 1880s exist. It is a region with strong gradients in climate and topography. Methods Records of pre‐impact vegetation distribution made in surveyors’ field notebooks were transcribed into a geographical information system and the spatial and classificatory accuracy of these records was assessed. Maps of remnant vegetation distribution were obtained. Analysis was undertaken to quantify the environmental domains of historical survey record and remnant vegetation data to selected meso‐scaled climatic parameters and topo‐scaled terrain‐related indices at a 20 m resolution. An exploratory analytical procedure was used to quantify the probability of occurrence of vegetation types in environmental domains. Probability models spatially extended to geographical space produce maps of the probability of occurrence of vegetation types. Individual probability maps were combined to produce a pre‐impact vegetation map of the region. Results Surveyors’ field notebook records provide reliable information that is accurately locatable to levels of resolution such that the vegetation data can be spatially correlated with environmental variables generated on 20 m resolution environmental data sets. Historical survey records of vegetation were weakly correlated with the topo‐scaled environmental variables but were correlated with meso‐scaled climate. Remnant vegetation records similarly not only correlated to climate but also displayed stronger relationships with the topo‐scaled environmental variables, particularly slope. Main conclusions A major conclusion of this study is that multiple sources of evidence are required to reconstruct past vegetation patterns in heavily transformed region. Neither the remnant vegetation data nor historical survey records provided adequate data sets on their own to reconstruct the pre‐impact vegetation of the Fleurieu Peninsula. Multiple sources of evidence provide the only means of assessing the environmental and historical representativeness of data sets. The spatial distribution of historical survey records was more environmentally representative than remnant vegetation data, which reflect biases due to land clearance. Historical survey records were also shown to be classificatory and spatially accurate, thus are suitable for quantitative spatial analyses. Analysis of different spatial vegetation data sets in an environmental modelling framework provided a rigorous means of assessing and comparing respective data sets as well as mapping their predicted distributions based on quantitative correlations. The method could be usefully applied to other regions where predictions of pre‐impact vegetation cover are required.  相似文献   


The vegetation of the study site near Rome (Castelporziano Estate), where different woodland types occur, was analysed on the basis of ecological indicator values (Zeigerwerte) for light, temperature, continentality of climate, soil moisture, soil pH and nitrogen. Indicator values were estimated with Hill's reprediction algorithm for the flora of Central-Southern Italy relying on a database of 4,207 original relevés representing a balanced survey of the vegetation of this and surrounding areas. It was possible to obtain indicator values for an important fraction of the Italian Mediterranean flora. Results are ecologically reasonable, and it was possible to find strong correlation between the recalculated values and a few environmental variables. These correlations were not significant in an analogous test with subjectively derived scores of Ellenberg indicator values.  相似文献   

Syntaxonomical study of Italian wall vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A syntaxonomical study of Italian wall vegetation based on classification and ordination of a large phytosociological data set from various authors (using the IAHOPA program) has confirmed the alliances Centrantho-Parietarion and Galio-Parietarion (order Parietarietalia judaicae, class Parietarietea judaicae), as already proposed by traditional syntaxonomy. The variation in humidity and the north-south geographical gradient are shown to be the most significant factors for the differentiation of this vegetation in Italy. The presence of some associations belonging to the class Asplenietea trichomanis (alliance Cystopteridion, Potentillion caulescentis and Centaureo-Campanulion) shows a strong connection with natural rock vegetation.  相似文献   

喀斯特植被是喀斯特生态系统结构与功能稳定的重要维持者。国内外学者较早关注喀斯特植被的结构、功能和管理等方面研究并发表了诸多成果,但对该领域的发展历程、研究趋势和热点等却鲜有评论。利用1990—2017年Web of Science(WoS)和CNKI数据库中喀斯特植被生态学研究的相关文献信息,运用文献计量统计和可视化方法对年度发文量、引用频次、作者、国家、机构、期刊、关键词等进行分析,解析了28年间国内外该领域的研究态势并对未来发展提出了建议。结果表明,1990—2017年间WoS和CNKI数据库中分别收录了该领域文献457篇和1256篇,28年间发文量呈现波动增长趋势,且在2006年后步入快速发展期。WoS中的文献涉及全球60个国家,我国的发文量占发文总量的50.33%,遥居全球榜首,其次是美国和斯洛文尼亚等国。此外,发文量前10的作者均来自我国,发文量较多的机构也多来自我国,这充分表明我国学者在喀斯特植被生态学方面的研究非常活跃,是全球该领域前沿动向和发展趋势的引领者。期刊分析结果表明,《Environmental Earth Sciences》和《生态学报》分别是该领域外文和中文...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the relationships between the physical features of rivers and the distribution of macrophyte vegetation. Field work was undertaken at 207 stations along the Scorff River and its tributaries, a salmon river system in southern Brittany (western France). The physical features were considered using a principal component analysis (PCA). Stepwise multiple regression models made it possible to assess their relationships with the botanical data. The first five axes of the physical PCA (used as explicative variables) were initially linked to the most frequently surveyed species, then to their eco-morphological types, and, finally to Arber’s (1920. Water Plants. A Study of Aquatic Angiosperms. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 414 pp) morphological classification. It was concluded that plant morphology was closely related to these environmental factors. This could contribute to the development of predictive models for plant distribution and could increase the knowledge of reference vegetation related to bioindication systems.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns are presented for selected aquatic algae, and terrestrial algae, mosses and lichens, at three large, coastal ice-free regions on Ross Island. Each region is unique in certain aspects of its vegetation. The variation in areal and quantitative occurrence of different components of the vegetation in diverse ponds and streams, and over exposed ground surfaces, is related to the levels of marine salts in the environment, fertilisation by birds, water availability, substratum type and degree of exposure. A comparison is made with other antarctic, coastal, ice-free regions where similar broadscale patterns have been recognised.  相似文献   

Summary The method of mapping the vegetation on scale 1: 200,000 and the starting points in relation to the potential natural vegetation and ecotopes, are discussed.In view of the planological background of this study, some restrictions have been added to the concept of potential natural vegetation, concerning the period of development and the human influence.The relationship between soil, ground water and vegetation was studied, which resulted in the map of the potential natural vegetation.Each type of potential natural vegetation stands for a series of vegetation types on the same site. Seven main series, with a number of sub-series are distinguished. Within each vegetation series the plant communities have been spread over five groups, according to their structure and naturalness.Ecotopes and ecotope complexes are considered as landscape ecological units. A list of ecotopes was obtained by interpreting topographical maps and by inventory data.The actual vegetation was mapped by estimating the size of the ecotopes within the separate areas. It was expressed in a five figure code for the five groups from the vegetation and ecotopes is combined into the vegetation map of The Netherlands.Interpretation problems, some of them specific for The Netherlands, are discussed and some remarks are made on the necessity of further research.Contribution to the Symposium on Plant Species and Plant Communities, held at Nijmegen, 11–12 November 1976, on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor Victor Westhoff.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van Ooststroom, Flora van Nederland, 18e druk, 1975, Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen; nomenclature of syntaxa follows Westhoff & den Held (1969)  相似文献   

The need for a scientifically based wildlife management plan and more knowledge on the vegetation ecology of the Borakalalo Nature Reserve prompted an ecological investigation of the Reserve. One of the aims was to develop a structural classification of the woody component using species size (SPIZE) classes. A further aim was to compare the various structural classes identified with the recognized floristically derived plant communities of the Reserve. The frequency, density, percentage crown cover and importance value for each woody species were calculated. A classification of the woody component was done using a TWINSPAN classification algorithm on this structural density data. Fifteen structural SPIZE classes were identified, described and compared with the described plant communities. The results of this study indicate that structural SPIZE classes could also be used to explain the spatial distribution of woody species within and between various plant communities.  相似文献   

蒲高忠  王柯懿  莫凌  曾丹娟  陈霞霞 《广西植物》2021,41(10):1632-1643
喀斯特天坑(Tiankeng)是近年来在喀斯特地区发现的一类深陷地表的负地形地质奇观,由于受到四周岩壁的圈闭作用及地形的约束,喀斯特天坑内部形成了一种绝无仅有的原始小气候,孕育了丰富独特的动物、植物和微生物资源。该文在系统梳理前期天坑研究文献的基础上,以天坑植被生态系统研究为重点,兼顾天坑分布和演化规律,综述了天坑在这些方面的主要研究进展和新的认识,进而分析了目前天坑研究中存在的问题。围绕上述天坑研究领域,提出了天坑研究未来发展的5个研究方向:(1)系统性、大尺度和多学科联合探究天坑成因及其植被生态系统的演化规律;(2)天坑内生物资源对坑外荒漠化地区生态修复作用及其机制;(3)天坑土壤微生物分布规律及其与植物互作机制;(4)环境变化对喀斯特天坑生态系统的影响效应;(5)旅游开发对天坑植被生态系统的影响评估。  相似文献   

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