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A new species, Ranunculus giordanoi, belonging to the R. auricomus complex is described from Latium, central Apennines (Italy). It grows in damp meadows on Monti della Laga (National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga), the largest sandstone massif of central Italy. The new species differs from the closely related R. silanus, endemic to Sila (Calabria, southern Apennines), by leaf aperture, shape of the basal leaves, entire or sometimes deeply lobed cauline leaves, gynoclinium without intervallum and longer carpellophores.  相似文献   

Quantum requirements of photosynthetic electron transport have been measured in shoots of Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. (Sitka spruce) from different levels in a forest canopy and in shoots from plants grown in contrasting light environments in controlled environment chambers. Neutral density filters were used to obtain very low photon flux densities. The light absorbed by the chloroplast suspensions was calculated from measurements of the transmittance of the suspensions. The shoots from the top of the forest canopy (“sun” shoots) had lower quantum requirements for photosystems I and II than the shoots from the bottom of the forest canopy (“shade” shoots). High light grown plants and “sun” shoots had higher rates of electron transport at light saturation than low light grown plants and “shade” shoots. Thus a higher potential for electron transport was found to exist in “sun” shoots than in “shade” shoots at both high and low photon flux densities.  相似文献   

When mechanically inoculated to susceptible tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cultivars, nine isolates of PVY from Umbria (Central Italy) and two from Southern Latium gave rise to rapid systemic infection which developed within 6–8 days after inoculation. Systemic spread of the same isolates was slower, or much slower, in infected pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars, 8–14 days for Southern Latium isolates and 20 - 35 days for Umbrian ones. Aphid (Myzus persicae)-moculation of pepper and tobacco plants with two of the Umbrian and one of the Southern Latium isolates confirmed the results from sap-transmission and showed that fewer inoculated pepper plants become infected, especially with Umbrian isolates. In agreement with the data on systemic spread, aphid-acquisition trials indicated that tobacco plants became efficient PVY sources for vectors 6–8 days after inoculation with either group of isolates. Peppers became efficient acquisition hosts 8–15 days after inoculation with Southern Latium isolates but not until 22–45 days after inoculation with Umbrian ones. Southern Latium isolates induced more severe symptoms in pepper cultivars than Umbrian isolates did. One of the Southern Latium isolates was able to systemically infect the resistant pepper cv. Yolo Y, which was never infected by the Umbrian isolates. The Umbrian isolates tested seem to be better adapted to tobacco than peppers, while Southern Latium ones are well adapted to both.  相似文献   


New plant records for Latium and Abruzzi. News are given on ten plants which are rare or interesting for Latium and for Abruzzi. Soleirolia soleirolii, Dictamus albus, Tragopogon samaritanii, Allium fuscum, Stipa setigera are new records for Latium; Tragopogon samaritanii is new also for Abruzzi.  相似文献   


The A. notes some new localities of Latium in which he has found several plants interesting for their rarity, but chiefly for their phytogeographical features in reference to the stations in which these species were found. The following plants are for Latium as new: Bifora radians M. B., Cuscuta pentagona Eng., Lippia nodiflora Rich., Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Lapsana hirta Ten.  相似文献   


We analysed the effects of patch size and isolation on vascular plants in Quercus cerris forest surrounding Rome (Italy). We randomly sampled 96 plots within 18 forest patches with homogeneous environmental variables; the patches ranged from 1.4 ha to 424.5 ha and were divided into four size classes. We performed the analyses at the patch level using linear regression. At the size class level, the analysis of species richness response to fragmentation (area effect) was performed with ANOVA, while the effect on community composition was analysed by means of PERMANOVA. We also investigated which species could be used as indicator species for each size class. Lastly, to evaluate the advantages of conserving several small patches as opposed to few large ones, we used a cumulative area approach ranking forest fragments. The correlation between species richness and patch area was positive, with a significant difference between the “large” and “small” size classes, while analysis on community composition showed that “large” versus “medium” and “large” versus “small” were significantly different. Nemoral species were recognised as indicators in the “large” class, and shrub and edge species in the “small” class. Our results indicate that 10 ha may be a suitable forest size threshold for planning and conservation.  相似文献   


Festuca valesiaca Schleich. ex Gaudin subsp. valesiaca is acknowledged as one of the most characteristic grasses of the continental grasslands and steppes of Eurasia. In Italy, the species was known almost only from the continental valleys of the Alpine chain (with the exception of two small populations at the northernmost edge of the Apennines). Here, we report on the first confirmed finding of F. valesiaca subsp. valesiaca in the surroundings of the Fucino Basin, Central Apennines. This finding expands by c. 400?km southwards the species’ range in Italy. The identity of the species was first ascertained by means of leaf cross-sections and stomata measurements, and then confirmed by chromosome count. Its habitat preferences within the area were found to match well with those described in the literature for C-Europe. After discussing some identification issues and the population’s ecological niche, we present the main biogeographic implications of our finding. By recalling and discussing similar examples, we conclude that during the Holocene forest spread some Apennine “dry valleys” performed as refugia for a number of Pleistocene steppic taxa. The grasslands of these areas may thus be ancient and valuable ecosystems maintained by climate and disturbance throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   


The area of S. Rossore is part of an old marshy plane, placed on the right side of the mouth of the river Arno and reaching the mouth of the Serchio, which untill some centuries ago flowed indipendently into the Tirrenian and only later has been diversed into the Arno.

On the dunes and downs of S. Rossore a very interesting type of Flora survives; its present physionomy going up to the Quaternary period, could be preserved till today as S. Rossore has been since a long time a private farm and a park of princes, dukes and kings.

The most interesting Flora of S. Rossore is that of the downs, expecially of the oldest ones (pleistocenic) which separated untill historic times, the open sea from the lagoon of Fasana, which penetrated just inside the present walls of Pisa.

For this reason these downs have been studied with a particular care. The floristic research have been based not only in the study of the specimens collected by the author, but also on the material of which the author could dispose. That is: the specimens of the “Herbarium Centrale Italicum” of the Botanical Institute of Florence, the data of the “Prodromo alla Flora toscana” and of the “Supplemento” by Caruel and Baroni. Altogether the taxa listed up to the present date are more than 700.

The identification of the species has been critically made, adopting the rules of the “International Code of Botanical Nomenclature”. When those rules could not be follewed an explanation has been given.

The facies of the vegetation of S. Rossore are the following: The seashores, the dune tops, the wet downs, partially flooded during the winter, and the permanent marshes.

The facies of the meso-igrophilous woodlands, growing expecially in the most encient downs, has been particularly investigated. In these stations grows a mixed wood of Quercus pedunculata, with Fraxinus oxycarpa, Fraxinus Ornus, Alnus glutinosa, etc., with many boreal-montane plants and Sphagna colonies, particularly at the edge of the partially flooded areas. In these Sphagna colonies are located some of the most exigent atlantic species (Hypericum elodes, Hibiscus palustris, etc.).

These mesophilous-igrophilous woodlands represent a relict of the vegetation pushed planewards to sea level by the glacial climate, and to its ingression is due the scarse importance that presently has here the mesophilous macchia of Quercus Ilex, as is shown by the biological spectrum of the flora of S. Rossore, (P 11, Ch 3, H 33, Cr 20, Th 22) indicating a rather scarse mediterranean character, in comparison with that of M. Argentario.

The flora of S. Rossore has a rather low degree of community (70%) with that of the “Paludi Pontine” which are only a short tract southawrd (2°1/2) and which stood the same geological events. On the other side, the lower degree of community between the Floras of S. Rossore and the Pine Forest of Ravenna (60%) which are located at the same latitude, shows the importance of the Appennines placed as a barreer between the floras of Central Italy.

In this paper has been focussed the importance that the coastal marshes can have had for the preservation of an old tertiary flora during the quaternary period. This flora in fact could be able to move, during the Quaternary, from the marches to the impending hills and viceversa, according to the different glacial phases (a tipical example is Periploca graeca).

It has been particularly pointed out the importance of the woodlands of the plane and the coastal marshes in preserving the colonies of montane or boreal-meso-philous-igrophilous species during the interglacial periods, (for ex. Narcissus poëticus, Leucojum aestivum, Menyanthes trifoliata, etc.) This phenomenon is particularly important in the marshes, situated in the lower course of the river Arno, penetrating far into the Peninsula, where they are dominated by the peacks of the Appennines and of the Apuane Alps.

From this research it is possible to argue that some atlantic species (mediter-ranean-atlantic as Erodium maritimum and Anagallis tenella and eu-atlantic as Hypericum elodes) could have spread towards the mediterranean basin along the coastal platforms, which gradually emerged above sem level in consequance of the glacial eustatism.

This migration was possible during the ascending phases of the glaciacions, when the climate was markedly of an oceanic type.

This study has been made with the aim of emphasising the opportunity of the establishment of a “National Park” in S. Rossore, to preserve his relict formation so important to testify the history of the quaternary vegetation of the mediterranean coasts, and particularly the anteclimax of the higrophilous downs, represented by the coastal “Selve”.  相似文献   


In this communication reports are given on experiments and observations regarding treatment of several plants with Gibberellic acid and consequent manifestations of stem growth with twining-climbing behaviour. This phenomenon has been observed in plants which normally never present similar behaviour (Lactuca Scariola L.) and it has been provoked in plants genetically more or less predisposed (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cult. “aquila rossa” e Soja hispida Moench. cult. “Castelli” and “Giessner”). Normally climbing plants, as Ipomaea versicolor, has been treated for control.

In Phaseolus and in Soja the action of Gibberellic acid has been very considerable as plants thus treated have assumed all the characteristics of climbing growth. Photos and Tables clearly show the extent of such action.

In Ipomaea, in conformity with work hypothesis, we can clearly observe the meagre advantage in growth of internodes following tratment with Gibberellic Acid.

The purpose of these experiments, as is obvious, is to lay the bases for a physiological interpretation of climbing behaviour. It is clear by results obtained that, subordinately, at least, to certain qualitative structural manifestations, plants thrive with or without climbing behaviour according to whether their growth is more or less rapid and of different proportions. Increasing growth rapidity by tratment with Gibberellic Acid, we may obtain an twining growth phenomenon in plants genetically more or less predisposed towards said phenomenon, in those plants, that is, which in special environnmental conditions may sometimes, although exceptionally, manifest the tendency to climbing growth. This effect is obtained on plants in which we do not usually meet these phenomena but which, evidently, have the possibility of manifest them provided that am exceptional growth stimulas is operating.

From what above said we can deduce a first and simple work hypothesis, which will be the object of study in the near future, and which prospects the possibility that typically climbing plants owe their behaviour to the capacity of regulating their growth also in consequence of the formation of appropriate quantities of substances with gibberellinlike action and lacking some growth inhibiting condition. The same thing might be true for the plants which are climbing only on exceptional occasions, and a similar possibility might be given to the plant by particular external conditions in which the individual is formed, grows and develops.

Is is interesting also to observe that the analogy between climbing behaviour induced by Gibberellic Acid and natural one, extends also to leaf expansion behaviour and to other characteristics facts included in the field of etiolated plants.

Successive experiments will give us a deeper knowledge of this particular aspect of climbing behaviour and will define the conditions in which movements of shoot apex take place under the action of Gibberellic Acid and structural manifestations inherent, in comparison to those of naturally climbing plants.  相似文献   

Analyses were made of subfossil Eubosmina remains from the Lake Neuendorfer See, a lake in the middle part of the river Spree in the “Urstromtal” of Baruth situated in the eastern part of Germany. In addition to Bosmina (Bosmina) longirostris (O. F. M., 1785) Bosmina (Eub.) longicornis longicornis Schoedler, 1866 occured in the lake from the Boreal (sediment depth 15.85 m) to the recent surface layers of the core. Other eubosminids did not occur during the history of the Lake Neuendorfer See with the exception of few remains of B. (Eub.) longispina, which were detected in the lowermost layers of the core during the late Pleistocene. In the present-day plankton, Bosmina (Eub.) l. longicornis was the only eubosminid found in the Lake Neuendorfer See. During the long period between colonization during the Boreal to the present, no changes were detected in typical morphological features of B. (Eub.) l. longicornis. All remains of Eubosmina in the layers above 15.85 m belong undoubtedly to the same taxon. No signs of any morphological instability (other then ontogenetic and cyclomorphic formchanges) or “morphological transition” (Hofmann, 1977) to other taxa could be found. By using paleolimnological analyses, the named taxon has proven to be a “good” entity within the group of long-spined taxa of the subgenus Eubosmina.  相似文献   

Tropical forest ecosystems are the world's richest and most complex habitats and globally recognised for their importance in the human survival. Birds constitute an important component of tropical forests, not only in terms of their diversity, but also in terms of their role in the ecosystem. However, despite great advances made in our knowledge and protection of tropical forest birds, our efforts remain inadequate, particularly in Africa. African forests are being cut down by a very high rate (4 million hectare disappearing per year), putting at risk so many bird species, that the first challenge for research and conservation is to help managers in identifying priorities.

The relationship emphasised by the theme of the PAOC 9 “Birds, Habitats and People” is well examined during the symposium on the “Conservation of Forest Birds in Afiica”. The papers presented cover a wide range of topics. A broad scale analysis on the congruence between forest birds and mammals (Neil et al.) compares species richness and species endemism in the Afrotropical region. Larison et al. compare avian biodiversity of montane forest birds of northern Cameroon and Bioko island and evaluate their conservation potential based on species richness and human impacts and attitudes. A similar approach is done by Waiyaki and Bennun on birds of coastal forests in southern Kenya, while Math et al. examine the distribution the east Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi sokokensis in one single forest of Arabuko-Sokoke. The major threat to tropical forests today is the selective logging. The effect of this issue is presented by Dranzoa in a case study from Uganda's Kibale National Park.

Results of these papers show the necessity to take into account the particular requirements of all species in the management of the forest, the socio-cultural considerations in implementation of conservation measures, the necessity of policy changes in some cases and the necessity of further research.  相似文献   

N-stable isotope analysis of macroalgae has become a popular method for the monitoring of nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Basing on changes in their δ15N, macroalgae have been successfully used as biological traps to intercept nitrogen inputs. As different nitrogen sources differ in their isotopic signature, this technique provides useful information on the origin of pollutants and their extension in the water body. However, isotopic fractionation potentially resulting from microbial nitrogen processing, and indirect isotopic variations due to effects of physicochemical conditions on algal nutrient uptake and metabolism, may affect anthropogenic N isotopic values during transportation and assimilation. This in turn can affect the observed isotopic signature in the algal tissue, inducing isotopic variations not related to the origin of assimilated nitrogen, representing a “background noise” in isotope-based water pollution studies.In this study, we focused on three neighbouring coastal lakes (Caprolace, Fogliano and Sabaudia lakes) located south of Rome (Italy). Lakes were characterized by differences in terms of anthropogenic pressure (i.e. urbanization, cultivated crops, livestock grazing) and potential “background noise” levels (i.e. nutrient concentration, pH, microbial concentration). Our aim was to assess nitrogen isotopic variations in fragments of Ulva lactuca specimens after 48 h of submersion to identify and locate the origins of nitrogen pollutants affecting each lake. δ15N were obtained for replicated specimens of U. lactuca spatially distributed to cover the entire surface of each lake, previously collected from a benchmark, unpolluted site. In order to reduce the environmental background noise on isotopic observations, a Bayesian hierarchical model relating isotopic variation to environmental covariates and random spatial effects was used to describe and understand the distribution of isotopic signals in each lake.Our procedure (i) allowed to remove background noise and confounding effects from the observed isotopic signals; (ii) allowed to detect “hidden” pollution sources that would not be detected when not accounting for the confounding effect of environmental background noise; (iii) produced maps of the three lakes providing a clear representation of the isotopic signal variation even where background noise was high. Maps were useful to locate nitrogen pollution sources, identify the origin of the dissolved nitrogen and quantify the extent of pollutants, showing localized organic pollution impacting Sabaudia and Fogliano, but not Caprolace. This method provided a clear characterization of both intra- and inter-lake anthropogenic pressure gradients, representing a powerful approach to the ecological indication and nitrogen pollution management in complex systems, as transitional waterbodies are.  相似文献   

Fausto Lona 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):516-534

Test of winter wheat, spring wheat and winter-spring oats together with some strains of biennial and annual crop-plats were cultivated in mountain (1600 o. s. 1.) and in low-land (160 o. s. o.) in the same edaphic and chronological conditions. Other environmental conditions (therefore essentially climatic, according to the altitudinal degree) determined the following phenological and biological pictures:

Winter wheat strains (“Tevere” and “Rieti”) were able to ear in mountaint at the second-third month from sowing; instead in low-land, naturally, they were not able to ear (with wery few exceptions for “Tevere” individui). Winter-spring oat strain (so called “autumnalis”: Hort. Bot. Szeged, 1937) eared earlier in mountain than in low-land. Spring strains eared, to some extent, earlier in low-land. Biennial crop-plants made (in some respect) much developmental progress in mountain; Brassica rapa L. (var. di Milano) flowered in mountain at first year, in low-land retaining — on the contrary — his biennial character.

Natural vernalisation of “Tevere” winter wheat seeds occur in mountain. Plants rising from such seeds showed a spring character when cultivated in low-land.

Results are discussed under several ecological view points. Particularly with respect to thermoperiodicity and development.  相似文献   

Astragalus exscapus L. subsp. exscapus (Fabaceae) is a rare and declining perennial herb with a very fragmented distribution range. It is interpreted as a relict of the glacial steppe flora. In Italy, it was known until now only from the Alpine “dry valleys”, namely from Val d’Aosta and Val Venosta/Vinschgau. We report on the discovery of a population on the slopes of the Fucino basin in the Central Apennines (Abruzzo, Italy). The finding significantly expands the known species range (the site is >600 km away from the nearest known populations), suggesting that during Pleistocene steppic phases it had a wide distribution across Europe. A. exscapus adds to a number of other steppic relicts found in the Fucino basin, highlighting that some inner valleys of the Central Apennines, featuring a relatively continental climate, perform as “interglacial refugia” for the steppe flora. Further research is needed to ascertain the species’ local distribution and abundance, and to clarify its vicariance history; however, the finding underlines the need to re-evaluate priorities in landscape management, as in the Apennines dry grasslands are often given low values compared to forests and are frequently destroyed by afforestation practices with non-native conifers.  相似文献   


Mycoflora of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) stumps. - This work is a first contribution to the knowledge of the mycoflora colonizing Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) stumps in Italy.

Autochthonous fungal species were isolated from the wood of A. alba stumps from three different sites in the Tuscan Apennines.

Frequency values for the isolated species and taxonomic groups were calculated.

Deuteromycetes (57–82.5%) occurred more frequently than basidiomycetes (5–36%), phycomycetes (0.7–11.6%) and ascomycetes (0–1%). The most common genera were found to be: Aleurodiscus, Penicillium, Phellinus, Phialophora, Scytalidium, Sistotrema and Trichoderma.

An effective method of isolation from wood is also described.  相似文献   


During a research on gill ectoparasites of callichthyids fishes from the Peruvian Amazonia, the following monogenoideans were found: Philocorydoras peruensis n. sp. from Corydoras splendens (Castelnau); Philocorydoras multiradiatus n. sp. and Philocorydoras jumboi n. sp. from Brochis multiradiatus (Orcés, V.). All new species described herein are mainly differentiated from their congeners based on the morphology of the copulatory complex. In P. peruensis n. sp. the cirrus is “J”-like shaped tube slightly tilted to one side, while in P. jumboi n. sp. is “J”-like shaped tube in a straight position and in P. multiradiatus n. sp. the cirrus is an arced tube with inflated base and distally narrow. Brochis (Orcés, V.) represents a new genus hosting species of Philocorydoras. All new species presented in this work represent the first species of Philocorydoras reported for Peru.



The small lake “Lago di Corree”, located in the middle Volturno plain (Campania Region, Italy), is a biotope belonging to the Roccamonfina–foce Garigliano Regional Park. It is a “habitat island” in a landscape matrix characterised by intensive agriculture. In the present investigation, plant biodiversity loss, assessed by means of historical and recent field floristic surveys, is related to the lake dynamics and landscape transformation inferred using remote sensing (photointerpretation). A dramatic reduction of plant diversity, and the regional-scale local extinction of several aquatic species are reported  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase from the leaves of Burley 21 tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, protamine sulfate treatment and calcium-phosphate gel adsorption.

The enzyme has optimum pH at 7.4 and is specific for reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPNH) as the electron donor. The nitrite formed increased in proportion to the rate at which DPNH disappeared in the reaction mixtures. Addition of flavin adenine dinucleo-tide (FAD) to the assay system enhanced the activity. FAD content in the “highly purified” enzyme was also determined. The enzyme was sensitive to heavy metals and SH-group inhibitors.

Discussions are presented on the metal and the properties of the enzyme in comparison to those published on other higher plants.  相似文献   

For the Bribri and the Cabecar Indians of Costa Rica the environment is divided in two: the “near”, indigenous space; and the “far”, natural space, which they think does not belong to them. In the former, the following agroecosystems can be distinguished according to biodiversity and intensity of human activity: tropical home garden, rotating slashand-burn agriculture, plantain polyculture, and plantain monoculture. In the “far” space, these two culturally close groups harvest wild plants observing ancestral rules, which have helped ensure a sustainable use of forest resources. Their diet is based on 84 species, of which 24 are harvested in the “far” environment (hombron, semko, platanillo, tacaco, etc.) and 60 are obtained in the “near” environment (maize, bean, cacao, manioc, etc.). Owing to acculturation, exotic species (mainly rice, sugarcane, plantain, cacao and citrus fruit) have become part of their diet and crops.  相似文献   

Marine biotic indices (AMBI, BENTIX) and the statistical tool M-AMBI (Multivariate AMBI) were applied as a comparative approach in assessing the Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS) of two Mediterranean coastal lakes (Caprolace and Fogliano lakes) situated in the Circeo National Park (Central Italy). The macrobenthic community was analysed using univariate indices (community structure), correspondence analysis (CA) and taxonomic distinctness indices (Δ+ and Λ+). The community composition showed a dominance of lagoonal species in both coastal lakes, while in Caprolace lake marine taxa were also found. Diversity index (H′) complies to ranges found in Mediterranean lagoons and taxonomic distinctness indices demonstrated that taxonomy structure is in accordance with natural variability ranges. Principal component analysis (PCA) on chemical parameters of water and sediment showed that both coastal lakes differ mainly in their organic matter composition. In fact, the protein fraction of bio-polymeric carbon prevails in Fogliano lake, while the ‘refractory’ component represented by carbohydrate fraction is predominant in Caprolace lake. The difference between the two coastal lakes was also demonstrated by co-inertia analysis (COIA) performed using abundance of species and concentrations of chemical parameters. The results from the application of the three biotic indices do not highlight a clear distinction between the two lagoons. However, the AMBI index provided a more suitable evaluation of EcoQS corresponding to ‘slightly polluted’ lagoons while M-AMBI and moreover BENTIX indices indicated a worsening situation. The biotic indices are widely used in assessing the EcoQS in marine environments, but their proper application in transitional waters would depend on a resettlement; thresholds established in the biotic index scale values need to be modified according to natural variability of transitional waters referring to abiotic conditions and abundance of tolerant species.  相似文献   

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