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Sommario Gli AA. descriono in uno stipite diC. pulcherrima (Lindner) Windisch degli aspetti ameboidi delle blastospore. Ritengono che questi aspetti più che preludere a processi sporologici, precedano forse la formazione di pseudomicelio; per questo essi aspetti ameboidi non hanno alcun particolare valore sistematico in quanto da ditenersi una fase che occuperebbe un posto intermedio tra quella non filamentosa tipoTorulopsis e quella filamentosa tipoCandida.
About some morphological appearances ofCandida pulcherrima (Lindner) Windisch
Summary The AA. describe in a strain ofC. pulcherrima (Lindner) Windisch, some amoeboid appearances of blastospores. They think these figures to be, more than the introduction to sporologic processes, the preamble to the formation of pseudomycelium; for this reason these amoeboid figures have no peculiar systematic value, as they are to be considered as a stage likely placed between the non-filamentous one of theTorulopsis type, and the filamentous one of theCandida type.


Nella famiglia delle Lauraceae è stata fino ad oggi riconosciuta la formazione di un vero periplasmodio nei due generi Sassafras e Cinnamomum. Il periodo e le modalità di sviluppo fanno riferire il primo al tipo che si osserva nelle Monocotiledoni, il secondo a quello delle Dicotiledoni. Nei due tipi alcune particolarità morfologiche permettono induzioni sul significato fisiologico del periplasmodio.  相似文献   

Riassunto è stato condotto uno studio su un gruppo di 296 pazienti affetti da atopia respiratoria residenti nella provincia di La Spezia. I soggetti erano sottoposti a prick test e/o RAST. Veniva considerata l'incidenza dei singoli allergeni. Dai dati emerge l'importanza delle Graminacee quali maggior responsabili di sensibilizzazioni al contrario di altre zone della Liguria ove è predominante la Parietaria.
Summary In the present investigation 296 patients with respitatory atopy, resident in La Spezia have been studied. The diagnosis was estabilished on the basis of prick test and RAST. We evaluated the incidence of each allergen. We reported the aetiological importance of Grasses in La Spezia, whereas Parietaria is less predominant.

Riassunto Nel 1960Castellani descrisse un lievito capsulato produttore di un pigmento nero, isolato da un caso di ulcere multiple della gamba. In seguitoCastellani ha isolato altri due ceppi simili al primo. I tre ceppi, secondoCastellani, appartengono ad una nuova specie di criptococco:Cryptococcus ater. Questo fungo è stato oggetto di una nota pubblicata dagli AA. nel 1963.In questa comunicazione sono riportati i dati morfologici, biochimici e biologici relativi ai tre ceppi studiati dagli AA. nel loro laboratorio. Dopo aver confermata la diagnosi di criptococco gli AA. concludono trattarsi di una nuova specie denominabileCryptococcus aterCastellani 1960.
Summary In 1960Castellani described a capsulated yeast which produces a black pigment, isolated from multiple ulcers of the legs.Castellani subsequently isolated two more yeasts similar to the first one and he pointed out that all of them belong to a new species ofCryptococcus: Cryptococcus ater.This fungus was already object of a note published in 1963. In this communication the morphological, chemical, and biological data regarding this yeast obtained in our laboratory are reported. We confirm that it is a new species ofCryptococcus: Cryptococcus aterCastellani 1960.

Read at the First Congress of International Society for Tropical Dermatology, Naples, June 8–13, 1964.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vorliegende Untersuchungen wurden nach demselben Programm durchgeführt wie die schon veröffentlichten über hyalinen Knorpel. Eine genaue Analyse der Struktur des Ohrknorpels und der Epiglottis bei einem großen menschlichen Materiale (81 bzw. 84 Individuen verschiedenen Alters) ließ uns beweisen, daß im Gegensatz zu den elastischen Fasern, die sich sehr frühzeitig während des fetalen Lebens differenzieren, und bei denen die territoriale Gliederung schon nach der Geburt wahrnehmbar ist und sich mit einem weit rascheren Rhythmus als bei dem hyalinen Knorpel vervollkomment, merkwürdigerweise die elastischen Knorpelelemente erst in späterem Alter eine hochkomplizierte Struktur erreichen, in dem Sinne, daß die elastischen Fasern während des ganzen Lebens an Zahl zunehmen und sich in dicke elastische Platten umwandeln. Gleichzeitig wurden kataplastische Erscheinungen beobachtet, die bei weitem nicht so erheblich sind wie bei dem hyalinen Knorpel. Zum ersten Male wurde von uns eine besondere Entartungsform (bei der Epiglottis) beobachtet, die manche Analogie mit der Asbestmetamorphose des hyalinen Knorpels hat. Es findet auch eine Zersplitterung der elastischen Fasern statt. Beim elastischen Knorpel, wie wir selbst bei hyalinem Knorpel beobachtet haben, schließen sich die kataplastischen Erscheinungen an die progressiven direkt an. Wir halten es für sehr wahrscheinlich, daß die Zunahme der elastischen Substanz dazu bestimmt ist, die Verminderung der elastischen Fähigkeit des elastischen Knorpels, welche wieder mit den auftretenden kataplastischen Erscheinungen zusammenhängt, zu ersetzen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verf. erläutert einen noch nicht geschilderten morphologischen Befund. Während der bei Kaninchen mit Thorotrast ausgeführten Speicherungsuntersuchungen des retikulär-endothelialen Systems hat er beobachten können, daß die Kupffer-Sternzellen bei seit langer Zeit behandelten Tieren aus ihrem normalen Sitz im hepatischen Acinus gegen seine zentrale Ader gewandert sind, indem sie um dieselbe einen Umkreis von mit Thorotrast belasteten Kupffer- Sternzellen bildeten und indem sie auch in das Leberaderblut eindrangen. Dagegen findet man bei seit kurzer Zeit behandelten Tieren die mit Thorotrast belasteten Zellen im Acinus, wie gewöhnlich, diffus verteilt. Verf. erörtert diese Befunde im Zusammenhang mit der Bedeutung und dem Wesen der KupfferSternzellen.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli AA. sono riusciti ad isolare, per la prima volta, Schizomiceti cellulositici del genere Cytophaga ed Attinomiceti del genere Actinomyces, dall'intestino delle Termiti. Sono altresí isolate alcune specie fungine, come era già noto. Gli Attinomiceti isolati non dimostrano di possedera capacità di attaccare la cellulosa, analogamente a quanto accade per altri ceppi di diversa provenienza degli stessi microrganismi.Gli AA. confrontano e discutono i loro resultati con quelli di altri AA. tendenti ad attribuire ai Protozoi simbionti delle Termiti una attività cellulositica, che ad essi non sembra sufficientemente provata. Gli AA. ritengono che tale attività si debba, invece, attribuire ai Batteri simbionti dei Protozoi e a quelli aderenti alle pareti dell'intestino delle Termiti stesse.
Summary From the intestinal apparatus of the Termites were isolated, for the first time, cellulositic bacteria of the genus Cytophaga, in addition to ray-fungi of the genus Actinomyces and species of true fungi previously known. The cellulositic activity of Actinomyces has not been, instead, experimentally demostrated.The results obtained are discussed in relation to the presumed cellulositic activity of Protozoa symbiotic of the Termite ants.

P. Pinetti 《Mycopathologia》1965,25(1-2):87-99
Summary The Author gives his theory on the mechanism of action of griseofulvin in the process of recovery from dermatomycoses.The concept of an unhabitability of the str. corneum as a sequel of griseofulvin saturation seems to the A. to be unacceptable in the light of the most recent investigations. The antimycotic activity of griseofulvin is not sufficient to explain the therapeutic effect obtainable, and it can only justify the refractoriness to experimental infections in animals and in superinfection in man.In the recovery process from dermatomycoses griseofulvin intervenes as a slowing factor on the progress of the mycoses, adding its effect to the natural expulsive forces of the epidermis and hair structure, and thus, leading to a definite cure.The A. underlines the added value of the non-antimycotic, pharmacologic action of griseofulvin (anti-inflammatory, vascular, pilogenetic), demonstrated by the A. self and by other research workers in the healing process of dermatomycoses.  相似文献   


Action of some respiratory inhibitors on growth and greening of seedlings of Picea and Larix.—The effects of sodium azide, arseniate, jodoacetate, fluoride and 2,4-dinitrophenol on growth and greening of dark germinated seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua were studied.

All the inhibitors showed a negative influence on growth (determined as fresh weight) of Picea seedlings and even more remarkably on Larix seedlings.

Greening was significantly inferior to that of control plants only for groups of Picea seedlings treated with sodium azide, at all the concentrations used, and for groups treated with fluoride and arseniate at the highest concentrations.

All the groups of Larix seedlings, instead, treated with inhibitors, with the exception of the ones treated with sodium fluoride at the lowest concentrations, presented a chlorophyll content inferior to that of control groups.

From the above results the different influence of inhibitors on Picea and on Larix seedlings might be due to the different metabolic pathways through which the pigment synthesis in the two species under study takes place.  相似文献   


A method to quantify the dynamic schemes of vegetation based on information functions.—The dynamic schemes of vegetation as proposed by Braun-Blanquet have been never quantified with the aim to give indirect measures of the probability of transition between the types. This work presents a method that quantifies the arrows between the types by means of a redundancy measure. This is calculated by comparing the phytosociological types two by two. Redundancy, as proposed here, measures the similarity between the tables not only based on species composition but also on the basis of species cooccurrence. The method relies on the assumption that in a succession the higher is the redundancy between the types, that are presumably in sequence, the higher is the probability and then the velocity of transition from one type to another one. An example is given with data from coastal dune grasslands of the Venice Lagoon.  相似文献   


Observations on the development cycle of the buds of male and female specimens of Ginkyo biloba L. – A study of the buds of long shood and short shoot of male and female Ginkyo biloba L. individuals reveals the following: 1) All the buds of the male individuals are bigger and round in shape while those of the female individuals are smaller and conical. 2) Among individuals of the same sex there are no differences between the buds of long and short shoots except that the latter are always bigger. 3) All the buds, both male and female, show a constant number of buds scales (7–14), embryonic leaves (3–7) and leaf primordia (3–4). 4) The increase in diameters is greater in the male than in the female buds. 5) When opening, the buds of the male short shoots can get as big as 11,5 mm × 11,5 mm and those of the female short shoots 5 mmx4 mm. At this time, the long shoots of both sexes show a less marked differences in size (♂ 5 mm × 5 mm; 9 4 mm × 3,5 mm). 6) The male buds of both long and short shoots are always mixed, that is they are provided with a very small apex and pollen sacs. Only on exceptional cases has sterility been observed. On the other hand female buds are mixed, that is they are provided with a shoot apex and ovules, only in the long shoots of three or more years of age and not always; while the buds of the long shoots are always sterile. 7) Opening of the buds, which in both sexes occurs from the base upwards, takes place at the middle of March in the male and in the first decade of April in the female individuals. 8) The appearence of sex, starting from the base, takes place at an earlier time in male individuals. In fact in the buds of the male short shoots it appears as early as July. In the buds of the female short shoots it appears in October. 9) Pollen cones do not appear at the same time in all the buds of the two types of shoot. They are found in the buds of the short shoots in July, in October in the lateral buds of the long shoots and in November in the terminal buds of the same type of shoots. 10) Ovules appear only in some buds of short shoots three or more year old. They are never present in the long and short shoots one or two year old buds. 11) The dates of appearance of the pollen cones and ovules in our Florentine specimens are exactly the same as those reported by SPRECHER (1907) for the Ginkyo plants growing in Geneva.  相似文献   

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