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Gerard Kennedy 《CMAJ》2007,177(12):1475

A sandy culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of exogenous CaCl2 on the indole alkaloid accumulation in Catharanthus roseus under salt stress. One-month seedlings of C. roseus were treated with the different concentrations of NaCl (0, 50, and 100 mmol l? 1) and 7.5 mmol l? 1 CaCl2. The plant samples were analyzed after 7 days of the treatments. The NaCl-stressed plants showed decrease of fresh and dry weight and increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) content compared to control. Tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) activity increased significantly under 50 mmol l? 1 NaCl without CaCl2 addition, 50 mmol l? 1 NaCl with 7.5 mmol l? 1 CaCl2, and CaCl2 treatment without NaCl addition. There was a significant increase in peroxidase activity under NaCl stress compared to control. The vindoline, catharanthine, vincristine, and vinblastine contents increased under salt stress (especially with 50 mmol l? 1 NaCl treatment with or without CaCl2). Addition of CaCl2 to NaCl-stressed plants increased biomass, TDC activity, vindoline, and catharanthine contents and lowered MDA and vincirstine contents compared to the plants without CaCl2. The plants treated with CaCl2 alone showed higher TDC activity, vindoline, catharanthine, and vinblastine content when compared to control. The results showed that exogenous CaCl2 could promote the indole alkaloid metabolism under salt stress.  相似文献   

Dallas D 《Cell》2006,126(2):227-229
Is the Café Scientifique a fashionable by-product of a comfortable age or an indicator of the changing relationship between science and society?  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to investigate differences in plant species composition between managed and unmanaged forests, and to assess if these difference give rise to a higher plant diversity in the unmanaged forest. Furthermore our aim is to relate forest structure to differences in plant species composition, identifying the structural attributes more strongly related to the unmanaged forest vegetation. We compared an old-growth forest and a managed highforest in the Abruzzo Lazio and Molise National Park (Central Italy). Plant species composition and diversity, deadwood components and live structure have been analyzed. We used permutational multivariate analysis of variance to test the response of species composition to management factor; furthermore, we compared species richness and beta diversity. Redundancy analysis has been used to relate plant species abundances to structural variables; the importance of dead and living wood components has been compared through variation partitioning. Plant species composition proved to be significantly different in the two sites, and the old-growth stand showed a higher plant diversity. From a structural point of view, we found differences especially in the amount and quality of deadwood, and in the diameter class distribution. These variables are also the most important in determining the old-growth stand plant species composition according to redundancy analysis. Variation partitioning confirmed the greater importance of the deadwood variables. Our results suggest that including deadwood surveys in traditional forest inventories could help in finding forests with both structural and floristic old-growth properties to be considered in conservation programmes. The imitation of natural dynamics, through the creation of gaps avoiding deadwood removal, could be an effective strategy for restoring old-growth conditions, also in terms of plant diversity.  相似文献   

Paolo Meletti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-4):299-307

Experimental induction of male sterility in Triticum. — Prolonged artificial illumination (12-24 h. every 24 hours) and high temperature (20-25[ddot]C.) induce in « Denti de cani » plants (Meletti, 1955) the transformation of the stamens, which tend to take morphological characteristics of female organs (Meletti, 1960). The prolonged illumination induces, also at temperatures inferior to 20[ddot]C., a remarkable increase of the percentage of « Denti de cani » flowers which have reduced anthers without pollen grains.  相似文献   


The European heathers Erica manipuliflora, Erica multiflora and Erica vagans (sect. Gypsocallis) are related species characterized by a glabrous ovary, exerted, muticous anthers and a pale pink, urceolate corolla. The existence of three species is the most accepted treatment for this group, but there are uncertainties about this taxonomic interpretation. In this article, we used seed morphological characters to assess the systematics of the group. Seeds were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy techniques. E. multiflora has a distinct seed type, 1–1.5 mm long, flattened, yellowish with a striate-reticulate primary sculpture. E. vagans and E. manipuliflora have smaller seeds, brown with a reticulate pattern. Seeds of E. vagans are globose, 0.5 mm wide, while E. manipuliflora has mostly ellipsoid seeds 0.7 mm long. However, seeds of E. manipuliflora from the Adriatic coasts are closer to those of E. vagans, and this may support the existence of E. manipuliflora subsp. anthura.  相似文献   

Duilio Lausi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):293-296

Mediterranean relicts at the mouth of karstic caves. — Far away from the mediterranean maquis stretched along the coast of Trieste, we can still find some groups of rank evergreen-oaks with several other mediterranean species.

The survival of these thermophile species is probably due to warm ascensional drafts, coming just in winter from the underneath caves.  相似文献   

Rosalià Abreu (1862–1930) was a wealthy amateur collector and keeper of primates, including apes. She was the first person to keep orangutans and chimpanzees alive in captivity for their natural lifespans, and the first to breed chimpanzees. Although not a scientist, she made her animals available for scientific study, and it was on her animals that the first published observations of chimpanzee mating, birth, and development were made. The system of husbandry that she designed for apes, with an emphasis on spacious cages, vegetarian diet, cleanliness, and social contact (preferably conspecific, but heterospecific where conspecifics were not available), were groundbreaking in their time. Through her extensive correspondence, her methods of husbandry spread and formed the basis of captive ape practices around the world. Though much of Abreu’s work was forward-looking, other aspects, such as her belief that chimpanzees were monogamous and had psychic abilities, strike modern readers as eccentric. Nonetheless primatologists today may be helped to see the cultural assumptions that underlie today’s research by noting those that guided research in the past.
Clive D. L. WynneEmail:


In Ceratonia Siliqua the development of the female gametophyte is of the normal monomegasporial, eightnucleated type. The albumen is nuclear. The microspore tetrads divide simultaneously.  相似文献   


Observation on the cambial activity in «Nerium oleander» L. — The cambial activity of «Nerium oleander» has been observed in three localities in Southern Italy: Bari and Lucera, where the oleander is cultivated, and Policoro, in the bed of the river Sinni, where the oleander is spontaneuos. The wood is of the diffuse-porous type. Growth rings corresponding to distinct periods of growth are not distinguishable, as there are no easily distinguishable types of wood (early, intermediate, and late wood). Only occasionally the uniform wood is interrupted by narrow circular bands of a few layers of radially compressed cells. Differences in the behaviour of the cambium have been observed in the three localities. At Policoro there was a long period of activity from the middle of March until November without interruptions. At Bari the cambium was active from the middle of March until the first days of April; after a pause it was active again from the second half of May until die middle of July and again during the second half of September-October and the first ten days of October. In 1957 a slight activity was noticed also during about twenty days in December. At Lucera the active period as compared with Policoro was still shorter than at Bari; in the spring there was a delay in the resumption of activity, while the summer rest period lasted until the middle of October. The cambium was then active again until the first days of November. Some of the differences in the behaviour of the cambium in the three localities could perhaps be explained by climatic or pedologic factors, such as the rich water table in the case of the plant growing in the Sinni bed. In conclusion «N. oleander» seems to be a species adapted to a sub-tropical climate, without distinct growth rings.  相似文献   

Riassunto In allergologia clinica la sensibilizzazione da miceti ha un ruolo di importanza secondaria rispetto a quella da pollini, ma le nostre conoscenze sul ruolo allergenico delle spore e di altre emanazioni atmosferiche dei miceti sono però stato largemente insoddisfacenti. Contrariamente a quanto avviene per i granuli pollinici, la cui sede di origine, la pianta che li produce, è ben visibile nell'ambiente, per le spore dei miceti è frequentemente impossibile evidenziare la sorgente fungina di appartenenza. Maggiore importanza assumono quindi l'identificazione e la misura della loro concentrazione nell'atmosfera. Il campionamento aerosporologico può essere effettuato con apparecchi volumetrici tipo Hirst che permettono però il solo riconoscimento di alcune spore e non di altre, come quelle di Aspergilli e Penicilli. Per quest'ultime appare più utile la captazione mediante capsule di Petri esposte isolatamente o in un apparecchio campionatore a multistadi del tipo dell'Andersen. Per quanto riguarda i riflessi in allergologia clinica la scarsa frequenza di sensibilizzazione da miceti è verosimilmente da collegare alla carente purificazione e standardizzazione degli estratti allegenici utilizzati. Non esiste infatti un'uniformità nei metodi di estrazione delle componenti allergeniche e quindi c'è molta variabilità nel contenuto antigenico ed allergenico degli estratti di ditte diverse o della stessa ditta in tempi diversi. C'è inoltre da considerare che, contrariamente a quanto avviene per i pollini, non esiste per i miceti una ben definita stagione di presenza ambientale di spore fungine sì da consentire una correlazione con la sintomatologia clinica. La stagione fungina dell'atmosfera libera è infatti frequentemente integrata dalla presenza delle stesse spore all'interno delle abitazioni e/o degli ambienti di lavoro per cui l'esposizione diventa di tipo perenne.   相似文献   


The use of the mini-plug system for the production of container seedlings is relatively new, so there is little information on the potential impact of method on the quality of planting stock. The objective in this study was to evaluate the impact of mini-plug growing method on quality of Pinus brutia seedlings, and compare the performance of this stock type with that of standard container nursery stock. Seedling survival, growth and physiological status (root growth potential, shoot electrolyte leakage) were measured after pre-cultivation in mini-plugs, at the end of the first growing season in standard containers and after field transplanting. Our results showed that mini-plug transplants of P. brutia seedlings performed as well as the standard planting stock currently used in nursery operation in Greece. For the pre-cultivation of P. brutia seedlings in mini-plugs, the use of peat and a density of 2000 mini-plugs m?2 are recommended.  相似文献   

Déjà vu--a study of duplicate citations in Medline   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Duplicate publication impacts the quality of the scientific corpus, has been difficult to detect, and studies this far have been limited in scope and size. Using text similarity searches, we were able to identify signatures of duplicate citations among a body of abstracts. RESULTS: A sample of 62,213 Medline citations was examined and a database of manually verified duplicate citations was created to study author publication behavior. We found that 0.04% of the citations with no shared authors were highly similar and are thus potential cases of plagiarism. 1.35% with shared authors were sufficiently similar to be considered a duplicate. Extrapolating, this would correspond to 3500 and 117,500 duplicate citations in total, respectively. Availability: eTBLAST, an automated citation matching tool, and Déjà vu, the duplicate citation database, are freely available at http://invention.swmed.edu/ and http://spore.swmed.edu/dejavu  相似文献   

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