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Diagnoses of three corticolous species of Discolichenes from Hawaii are presented:Bacidia violascens K. Kalb etVězda sp. n.,Dimerella degeneri K. Kalb etVězda sp. n. andD. frederici K. Kalb sp. n. The isotypes will be distributed in fasc. No. 70 of the “Lichenes selecti exsiccati” (issued by the Botanical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Pr?honice near Praha).  相似文献   

Loppi, S. & Mariotti, M. G. 1995. — Remarks on Aspicilia parasitica (Lecanoraceae, Lichenes). — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 557–559. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Morphology and distribution of Aspicilia parasitica B. de Lesd., a much neglected species, are discussed. Since the holotype has been lost, a lectotype was selected. Examination of the latter and other specimens showed that the diagnostic characters are quite constant. All of known stations of A. parasitica are in the central-eastem Mediterranean area and include Italy, Algeria, Greece and Bulgaria.  相似文献   

Six new genera are designated for the predominantly foliicolous specíes with hyaline, septate ascospores originally included in the artificial generaBacidia, Catillaria andLopadium. These areFellhanera gen. n. which, on the basis of ascus structure, belongs to the familyPilocarpaceae and includes 19 species, as well asBadimia gen. n. (6 species),Barubria gen. n. (1 species),Loflammia gen. n. (3 species),Calopadia gen. n. (6 species) andLogilvia gen. n. (1 species) which with the previously described generaLasioloma R. Sant. andTapellaria Müll. Arg. em.R. Sant. are classified in the familyEctolechiaceae as they are related toSporopodium Mont. The campylidia, special reproductive organs of the lichens concerned, are present in all members of the family. They are considered to be phylogenetically derived from apothecia. The conidia they produce vary in shape and structure and can be divided into different types, each of which is characteristic of a particular genus. The necessary new combinations are introduced in an appendix.  相似文献   

The phycobiont of all species ofLempholemma analyzed is attacked by haustoria. The haustoria of these five species ofLempholemma and of two species with unknown apothecium but with a thallus quite similar toLempholemma are described. They show distinct morphological and functional characters which allow species delimitation.
Frau Prof. Dr.Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Here 13 species of the nonfoliicolous species of the lichen familyEctolechiaceae Zahlbr. em.Haf. are reported, which were found in a collection from Brazil. Six species are described as new:Badimia corticola (sp.n.),Calopadia isidiosa (sp.n.),C. psoromoides (sp.n.),C. subfusca (sp.n.),Tapellaria corticola (sp.n.), andT. schindleri (sp.n.). Seven species have been identified with earlier described species:Calopadia chacoënsis (Malme) comb. n. (=Lopadium chacoënse Malme),C. foliicola (Fée) Vězda,C. fusca (Müll. Arg.) Vězda,C. lecanorella (Nyl.) comb. n.,C. perpallida (Nyl.) Věda,C. phyllogena (Müll. Arg.) Vězda, andTapellaria epiphylla (Müll. Arg.) Sant. A key and illustrations for all studied species are provided, and the nomenclatural problem of the correct generic name of thePyrenotrichum Mont. (anamorph) forCalopadia Vězda orTapellaria Sant. (teleomorphs) are discussed.  相似文献   

Placidiopsis pseudocinerea is described as a new species, which up to now is known from six localities in the Alps and northern Norway. The species is morphologically and anatomically very similar toCatapyrenium cinereum (Pers.)Koerb. but differs in having two-celled spores.

Zusammenfassung 67 Proben von 5Pertusaria-Arten, deren Thallus C+ rot Reaktion zeigt, wurden dünnschicht- und papierchromatographisch geprüft.P. hemisphaerica undP. velata (beide mit Lecanorsäure) sowieP. bryontha undP. subviridis (beide mit Gyrophorsäure) wurden erstmals chemisch untersucht. InP. lactea wurde das Vorkommen von Lecanorsäure und Variolarsäure bestätigt. 2 Proben, die nur alsP. lactea bestimmt werden können, jedoch dem Typ nicht entsprechen, enthielten zusätzlich Spuren Psoromsäure. Weiterhin wurden 5 Proben vonP. rupestris (C-)geprüft (mit Stictinsäure und dem Xanthon Coronaton).Beide Autoren: 1 Berlin 41, Grunewaldstr. 35.Für die Entleihung von Herbarmaterial danken wir den Herren Prof. Dr. G.Follmann (B), Prof. Dr. H.Merxmüllee (M), Prof. Dr. J.Poelt (Berlin) und Dipl.-Ing. H.Ullrich (Goslar), für die Überprüfung einiger Proben Herrn Dr. O.Almborn (Lund). Für die Überlassung von Testsubstanzen sind wir den Herren Prof. Dr. G.Follmann (B), Dr. habil. S.Huneck (Freital) und Frau Dr. C. F.Culberson (Durham, N. C.) zu Dank verpflichtet. — Herrn Prof. Dr. J.Poelt danken wir sehr für die Anregung der Arbeit und die ständige Beratung bei der Durchführung.  相似文献   

Based on corresponding ascocarp ontogeny and thallus structure, the genera Euopsis and Harpidium are included in the family Lichinaceae. In the two species of Euopsis, E. granatina and E. pulvinata, the apothecia develop from ascogonia in generative tissue, while in H. rutilans they are pycnoascocarps. In thallus anatomy, the species of Euopsis resemble Pyrenopsis haematopsis and allied species, while H. rutilans corresponds in structure and development of the thallus and apothecia to Pyrenopsis haemaleella (syn. P. sphinctotricha). H. rutilans is the first member of Lichinaceae known to have only a green algal symbiont. In E. granatina, two phycobionts are always present, a species of Gloeocapsa and a chlorococcalean alga. In Euopsis and Harpidium, the ascus wall is composed of an outer, non-expansible and an inner, expansible layer; the latter surrounds the protoplast as an amyloid collar, which expands during spore release into a long, tapering rostrum. In Euopsis, the outer wall layer is strongly amyloid and the upper part separated from the expanded amyloid rostrum by a non-amyloid zone, appearing like a slit in LM studies. The ultrastructure and function of the ascus in E. granatina has been studied in TEM and is interpreted as functionally unitunicate-rostrate. Unitunicate asci with short rostrum are described for P. haemaleella and P. haematopsis.  相似文献   

J. Ishay 《Insectes Sociaux》1968,15(3):245-250
Zusammenfassung Es ist der Beweis erbracht worden, dass die Kolonien vonVespa orientalis L. nicht ohne Larven bestehen können oder genauer gesagt, ohne Speichelabsonderung der Larven. Diese bilden die einzige Quelle von Rohstoffen für den Stickstoffmetabolismus der Arbeiterinnen und für die Königin, da diese selbst über keine Protease verfügen, welche für den Proteinabbau benötigt werden. Von besonderer Wichtigkeit ist dies für die Eiproduktion der Königin. Dieses Ergebnis legt nahe, dass das Gesellschaftsleben der Hornissen wahrscheinlich als eine Symbiose zwischen Erwachsenen und Larven aufzufassen ist.
Summary From the foregoing, it is clear that among the Oriental hornet there is absolute inter-dependence between the larvae and the adults, i.e. a symbiosis in whick the function of the adults is to collect food while that of the larvae is to digest it. At the beginning of the season, when the nector which serves as food for the adults is abundant in nature, the inter-dependence is chiefly with respect to protein digestion. With the advent of summer, the is in Israël and countries of a similar climate, a drop in the natural nectar supply, and the interdependence of the workers and larvae becomes obligatory also with respect to carbohydrates.

Die Uebersetzung aus dem hebraïschen Original ins Deutsche wurde von D'A. Rauchverger, Ramat-Gan, vorgenommen.  相似文献   


Anatomical observations upon a teratological form of TULIPA ORIENTALIS Levier. — The author illustrates a singular case of abnormal concomimitances in Tulipa orientalis Levier, which hears six flowers on the same scape: three of these flowers are disposed in a terminal « bouquet » and three at different heights in the scape.

Almost all the pistils of these flowers were tetracarpellate; one of them being greatly hypertrophic in respect of the others, and completely devoided of ovules.

Very interesting for its rarity and here observed for the first time for the Tulipa genus, is the presence of a very small and almost perfect supernumerary tetracarpellate pistil, joining the normal pistil of one of the terminal flowers, and the origine of which can't be ascribed to a simple scission, but only to an evident case of multiplication as the two pistils appear distinctely independent.  相似文献   

InUmbilicaria hirsuta andU. grisea the so-called soredia originate from structured plectenchyma of the upper thallus layer (thus contrasting with true soredia, which are pushed off from unstructured medullar plectenchyma), and, therefore, are termed parasoredia. Both species have been regarded to comprise (in western Europe) forms with relatively large thalli and a pale lower surface; rhizinomorphs may be present (with varying density) or absent; propagation is not by parasoredia, but by flattened diaspores (schizidia s. l.) These forms are united here and described as a separate species:U. freyi (syn.U. hirsuta var.pyrenaica Frey andU. grisea resp.murina f.subpapyria Frey). So far, the species is known to occur from the western Alps through C. France to the Pyrenees, C. Spain and Italy including Sardinia.
Herrn Prof. Dr.Lothar Geitler zum 90. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

A brief historical background is provided concerning some early collectors and their pteridophyte collections in South Africa which preceded the publication of Kunze's Acotyledonearum Africae Australioris Recensio Nova , a paper which was largely based on the pteridophyta collection of Drege, Ecklon and Zeyher. This paper was reprinted twice during 1836. Inconsistencies led to a great deal of confusion. Kunze recognized a total of 123 species (a figure which excluded forms and varieties), and of these 29 were described for the first time. The destruction of Kunze's herbarium resulted in most of his species which are described here, and elsewhere, remaining untypified. A search in most of the prominent European herbaria has revealed that adequate duplicates still exist and most of the taxa described by Kunze in the relevant publication can now be typified.  相似文献   

山东侧柏林生长生态特性的数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用多元分析方法研究了26个生态因子对山东侧柏林的3个生长指标的影响.结果表明影响林分生长的主要因子是:温度、土壤厚度、海拔和密度,排出了生态因子对林分生长指标的重要性序列,给出了林分生长指标的优化数学模型.  相似文献   

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