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Researches on the vegetation of Valsesia. VII. «Notholaena marantae» (L.) Desv. in the Sesia Valley. — It's hereby described a station of Notholaena marantae (L.) Desv. near «Giavina Rossa» (Valsesia-Piedmont, Italy). This is probably the only place in the whole valley. The fern grows in a kind of ground formed by peridotitic rocks and on a little dry wall supporting the debris. The fern presence in a wooden valley, and under an oceanic climate could be a very interesting subject for hystorical geobotanic researches.  相似文献   


Si elencano altre 107 specie vascolari da aggiungere alle 569 già pubblicate in un primo Contributo sulla vegetazione dei dintorni di Rignano sull'Arno. In base alla categoria biologica di Raunkiaer assegnata a ciascuna speice, si traggono considerazioni sul carattere della vegetazione stessa. Si riportano quindi alcuni rilievi eseguiti, sempre con sistema di Raunkiaer(consigliato da Negri), specialmente sulle fitocenosi del bacino sedimentario pliocenico di Marnia, che presentano un grande interesse. Si nota l'urto e la compenetrazione di due consorzi eterogenei, l'uno mediterraneo e l'altro montano-continentale, e si pongono in risalto interessanti formazioni atlantiche di brughiera, analoghe a quelle già rilevate da Corti nelle colline a S-W di Firenze. Rispetto alle cenosi di queste colline, ammessa un'antica continuità fitocenotica, presumibile dalle spicate analogie attuali, quelle di Marnia, adiacenti al piano basale di Pratomagno, costituiscono un gradino a carattere un poco pi[ugrave] montano.  相似文献   


The dates of foundation of the oldest university botanical gardens.

The dates of foundation of the oldest Botanical Gardens in Italy are not well known to the greatest part of the students of Botanical History.

Also today Ms. A. Guillaumin in his « Histoire de la Botanique en France (Paris, 1954) pag. 188» writes it was « Serenissima Repubblica Veneta » who founded the first Botanical Garden in 1533, whilst in that year only the chair of Bonafede had been constituded and the foundation of the Botanical Garden in Padoa happened later in 1545.

Really the most ancient Botanical Garden in the world is not that of Padoa, but that of Pisa.

Recently in the « Archivio di Stato » of Florence has been discovered by Fedeli a letter dated July 4 th 1545 written by Luca Ghini. From it it is clear that already a month before that date Luca Ghini was collecting plants to be coultivated in the academic garden of Pisa « for utility of students ».

The critical analysis of many papers by Luigi Anguillara allowe us to establish that Luca Ghini with the same Anguillara collected plants in the surreoundings of Pisa and on the Apuane Alps, from 1543 to 1544, and planted them in the academic garden of Pisa, which therefore must be considered the first Botanical Garden in the world, founded in the Summer 1543.

The second Botanical Garden in order of time is that of Padoa having been established by the « Senato Veneto » in 1545 and actually founded on July 7 th 1545 (de Visiani). The first director of Botanical Garden of Padoa was Luigi Anguillara after having left Pisa where he cooperated with Luca Ghini to found the Botanical Garden of Pisa.

Finally the third Botanical Garden is that of Florence (« Giardino dei Semplici ») founded as a dependance of that of Pisa by Luca Ghini, for school utility during the holyday, when the Florentine students remained at home. The date of its founding is December 1st 1545, as it appears from an an attorney document dated November 16th 1545 preserved in the « Archivio di Stato » of Florence (Volpi).

In conclusion the right chronology of the oldest University Botanical Gardens in the world is as follows:

1st: Pisa, Summer 1543

2nd: Padoa, July 7th 1545

3rd: Florence, December 1st 1545.  相似文献   


The present study deals with the grassland complex of communities which may be found on the limestones in the south-eastern Alps; these communities show in fact a particular interest for their high biodiversity degree and for their importance for the traditional land-use economy of the south-European mountain regions. Phytosociological relevés corresponding to well-defined plant associations have been used in order to get information on the relationships among plant species diversity, biomass, chorotypes, pollination types, functional strategies and soil characteristics. The analysis was carried out both along an altitudinal and a soil evolution gradient. The analysis of the correlations among the variables and the application of the principal component analysis shows a positive correlation between soil parameters and biomass, eurichory, anemogamy and C- and R-strategies; on the contrary, a negative correlation among stenochory, entomogamy and S-strategy with the soil evolution seems to be present. This article shows how the phytosociological approach can be used to get information and knowledge on the correlations between several variables useful to understand the complex nature of the plant communities in order to support management plans.  相似文献   


An interesting discovery in the Maritim Alps flora. ARTEMISIA CAMPHORATA Vill. with galls of DIARTHRONOMYIA KIEFFERI Trotter. Its geographical distribution and phytogeographical analysis. — The Author signals the finding, in the Maritim Alps flora, of some stations of an interesting discovery: Artemisia camphorata Vill. with galls of Diarthronomyia (Rhopalomyia) Kiefferi Trotter, and explains the characteristics of this Cecidomyide, (gall-midge).

He exhibits the results obtained through inquiries (investigations) directed to define the geographical area of Diarthronomyia Kiefferi, in reference to that of its host plant, of which the zoocecidium is exclusive.

The author makes also a map of the area and analyses the phytogeographical characte ristics and the mediterranean physiognomy of the new found stations.  相似文献   


Account on the Cartography of the Vegetation of the Basin of Bormio (Valtellina). Presentation of the phytosociological Map 1:5000. — The authors illustrate the features of the new phytosociological map of the basin of Bormio (Valtellina). The chief types of vegetation of the region are outlined.  相似文献   


It is related on some phytocenoses of the southerly Florence hills, lying on the boundary of the two basal biochores of peninsular vegetation. Although the proximity and the chorographical analogy at the south-westerly ones and at Ceceri Mount, which are included yet in the » Quercetum Ilicis « ambit, these hills are whereas sensible displaced in the » Quercetum pubescentis «. They have microtherme elements of higher planes, but they have in yet the marks of littoral biochore, for instance Smilax aspera, abundantly penetrating in hedges and in a pine-grove but non in coppices of Quercus Cerris.  相似文献   


The A. is dealing in his research the groups of ophiolitics rocks of Rossena (Reggio Emilia). He enumerates the kinds found in the formation and describes the different types of association wich colonise the diabase and the largest of the little periferic tops of serpentine. He ascertains in this rock the lack of the relict species.  相似文献   

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