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Pinus Pinea ovules cultured in vitro. — The degree of growth and autonomical differentiation of Pinus pinea L. proembryo has been studied by means of controlled cultures in vitro of excised ovules.

Proembryos in vitro undergo involution and initials of their growth points change back into parenchimatoides cells.

Completely differentiated embryos cultivated in vitro behave as if they were not physiologicaly ripe in all their parts. Embryos cultured in august, september and october develop into rocotless seedlings. Only embryos cultured in november have roots able to elongate where germinating, but in a still scarce degree in comparison with hypocotile and cotiledons. Hypocotil root ratio is inverted as regards what happens in nature.

The primary endosperm of Pinus pinea L. cultivated in vitro undergoes surface diffuse proliferation.

A case of polyembriony has been observed.  相似文献   


Endosperm embryo interrelationships during germination of PINUS PINEA L. (2nd Note). — Experiments have been performed with unripe fresh seeds paralleled with unripe stored seeds (50 days of storage).

The effect of storage is very similar to the effect of further permanence on the tree.

It is confirmed the importance of the endosperm in the germination process already put in evidence in the 1rst note.

The relationships existing between endosperm and embryo during the germination of the seed become more and more strict as the seed ripens, so that in a ripe seed the embryo develops in a normal seedling only in connection of its own endosperm.

In an unripe seed the embryo is uncompletely controlled by its endosperm.

Some remarks have been made about the degree of maturity of the different parts of the embryo.  相似文献   


Free beta-indoleacetic acid content in shoots of « Vicia sativa » seedlings grown in different environmental conditions. I. Seedlings grown in the dark and in the light. — Free IAA has been determined in shoots of Vicia sativa seedlings grown in the dark and in the light. The alcohol extract of the vegetable material has been submitted to several processes of purification (changes of PH and washing-out in ether, and successively column as well as thin layer chromatography). Lastly the IAA eluted with alcohol from the chromatographic slides is spectrometrically determined (λ = 280 mμ). The data show that the free IAA is contained to a greater extent in the seedlings grown in the dark in comparison to those grown in the light; this difference permaining in the samples of the same age as well as in those of the same height. The obtained data have been submitted to statistical analysis and both assays have shown to be highly significative.  相似文献   


Early stages of germination in PINUS PINEA L. var. FRAGILIS Du Hamel. — The main stages of the hydration process preceeding germination and accompaning root elongation have been observed in Pinus pinea L. seeds, by means of vital colours (Congo red, neutral red, acid fuchsine).

The results are as follows:

a) water penetrates easily through the outer shell of the seed reaching its deepest layer which is less permeable to water. Two or three days were required in our experience for water could overcome this barrier.

b) The inner shell (known as « soft shell ») is almost water-proof and seems to draw water towards the micropilar pole of the seed, so that the first region of the seed which sucks up water is the micropile.

c) Through the micropile water enters the seed and imbibes the column, the pericolumn and the endosperm cells.

The endosperm swells with water until the seed shell blows up, because of the inside pressure. At this time water freely penetrates the seed everywhere.

In natural conditions we may infer that the first tissues which take contact with the soil water are the column and pericolumn. As a certain amount of time is required for penetration of water as far as the column (two or three days in experience conditions) germination starts only after a given amount of water is available in the soil for a certain period of time.

When seed hydration is performed the embryo root starts elongating and gets out of the seed.

The behaviour of the column, the pericolumn and the root cap during the early stages of germination are dexcribed.  相似文献   

Elena Maugini 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2-3):233-242

Anatomical and histological differences between ♀ and ♂ plants of GINKYO BILOBA L. — Morphological characters in several ♀ and ♂ specimens of Ginkyo have been checked, with the aim to put in evidence those which are sex-linked. Anatomical data from a previous research have been utilized. (Maugini 1965).

The main results are here summarized.

In the climate of Florence the female plants unfold their buds in the first ten days of April, the male ones in the middle of March, so that the males break their dormancy about one month before the females.

From the buds opening, brachyblasts are formed both in males and females, and catkins and ovules appear. At the beginning of May, the ovules have considerably grown, and catkins are faded. In the meanwhile the leaves have completely grown up in both sexes. Between the end of September and the beginning of October, the seeds become gold-yellow and begin to be shed off. Dissemination may go on for a long while, and still be active when all the leaves are fallen.

Buds are formed during summer, they are very little and sharp in the female, round and bigger in the male.

In both sexes leaves turn yellow and begin to fall between the end of October and the beginning of November. Females are generally considered more precocious than males in shedding leaves, but this behaviour did not result constant in the plants under observations so that the « leaf-fall time » cannot be considered a sex-linked character.

In shoots and stems of males and females, proceeds downwards tracheid deposition and differentiation, the highest activity being in the brachyblasts, where cambium works continuosly, and the lowest in the stem, where late wood formation can be found only in the male plants. Unevenness of cambial activity along the plant axis is particularly evident in the female, where late wood formation in the stem is rare.

The rhythm of cambial activity along shoots and stems of males and females have been compared with that of the buds, with the following results: both in the female and male plants the young leaves start expanding about two months before cambium activity starts in the stem. The male plant is more precocious than the female, probably the slower vegetation rhythm of the female being related to the seed ripening process.  相似文献   


Proliferation and formation of roots in leaf fragments of «Cichorium intybus» L.: histological observations. — Leaf fragments of Cichorium intybus grown in vitro, from radical stocks, are cultivated in aseptic media. They are taken from different leaf areas and planted into the substratum with their distal or proximal part, or else put down horizontally on it. The frequency of proliferation is influenced only by the position of the fragments in relation to the substratum. Histological variations connected with the arising and the development of callus and roots are studied. The proliferation of the callus as well as the formation of roots by the leaf fragments take place in the area of the veins; the callus, in its turn, may give rise to other callus or roots. The callus obtained consist either of more or less homogeneous parenchima with vascular nodules, or of untidy masses of tracheids, parenchimal cells and little dividing cells. The roots have a structure similar to that of roots directly cultivated in vitro from radical stocks of chicory and to that of the roots in the natural state.  相似文献   


HISTOGENESIS AND ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PORTIONS OF SOLANUM TUBEROSUM SPROUTS CULTIVATED IN VITRO. — Disks cut from sprouts of Solanum tuberosum L. have been cultured on White's basic or modified medium (White, 1943) with 20 mg/l KH22PO4 50 mg/l adenine, and 12 or 24 mg/l NAA.

Sections were prepared according to Morel's method (1948). Only on the disks cultured on White's modified medium with 12 mg/1/NAA growth glomerules and a normal meristematic layer were present, while there were no signs of cellular hypertrophy and organogenetic phenomena.

12 mg/l appears therefore to be the optimal dose of NAA for cultures of excised portions of potato sprouts. Adenine is however always necessary because it triplicates the growth activity of the tissues and because through its antagonism with regard to auxin it favours the genesis of the callus.  相似文献   


The biotic vectors for pollen and seed dispersal are compared in respect to their task. The type of rewards as well as the attracting mechanisms for pollinators and animals responsible for seed dispersal are listed. The rise of deception mechanisms (false advertisements) from seduction mechanisms are described.  相似文献   


Seasonal variations of mineral nutrients and trace elements in Fagus sylvatica L. leaves at Vallombrosa (FI). - During the vegetative periodo 1987 monthly samples of beech leaves were collected in Vallombrosa forest area to determine the nutritive situation of beech trees by leaves analysis. Among nutrients, potassium appears the worst supplied one. Even copper is present in very low values, under the critical level. Heavy metals as manganese, aluminium, lead, cadmium and also iron show a clear increase during the vegetative season.  相似文献   

Optimized somatic embryogenesis in Pinus strobus L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Somatic embryogenesis (SE) initiation in Pinus strobus was optimized by the manipulation of plant growth regulator (PGR) concentrations in the culture medium. Modified Litvay medium (MLV) of Litvay et al. (1985) supplemented with lower than routinely used PGR concentration increased initiation of established embryogenic cultures from approximately 20 to 53%. The original developmental stage of zygotic embryos had a pronounced effect on the SE response. The optimum stage was the pre- to shortly post-cleavage stage. A substantial genetic influence on initiation of SE was indicated by a significant variance component due to families. Genotype X collection date and genotype X media interactions had large effects on initiation of SE. The PGR levels in the culture medium prior to maturation had a significant effect on subsequent production of mature somatic embryos. Embryogenic tissue initiated and proliferated on medium with a low level of PGR consistently produced a high number of somatic embryos, indicating that optimized initiation protocol also enhanced somatic embryo production. Somatic embryos of 93 embryogenic lines (representing five families) that were initiated on media with different PGR concentrations were converted to plants at an overall frequency of 76%, and grown in the greenhouse. With these improved protocols, application of P. strobus SE in commercial clonal forestry is feasible as an alternative to traditional breeding and reforestation.  相似文献   


The Author describes some cases of bandage of vine branchs and bunchs of grapes in a cultivated vine in the form of a bower. About various cases of natural bandage, he retains that these phenomenons cannot well habe a determined origin but various causes possibly have on influence over the manifestation of these abnormal processes about the susceptibility of some subyects towards forms of deviating development. The vine branch's bandage is for the delineated cases, in correlation to the simultaneous development of two vegetative cones from someone bud, with the following conyoined development with two increased together vine branchs, while the bandage of bunchs of grapes springs from the union of floral secondary aces and from very great activity of the productive organs.  相似文献   

Particulate membrane preparations have been isolated from cambial cells, and from differentiating and differentiated xylem cells of the main stem of pine trees. These preparations synthesise a 14 glucomannan from guanosine 5-diphosphate-mannose. The polysaccharide and the synthase have been characterized and the Km and Vmax for the synthase determined as 85 M and 52.9 M·min-1, respectively. The enzymic activity was inhibited by the addition of guanosine 5-diphosphate-D-glucose so that the presence of an epimerase on the particulate fraction in conjunction with the synthase probably allowed the heteropolymer to be formed with the optimal ratio of the concentrations of the nucleoside-diphosphate sugar donors. No evidence for a polyprenyl-phosphate derivative as an intermediate during the polymer synthesis was obtained. Part of the control mechanism for the deposition of the large amounts of the glucomannan during the secondary thickening of the tracheids of the vascular system is by an increase in the amount of synthase activity at the endomembrane system of the cells. This probably occurs by an increase in the amount of enzyme which is modulated by gene regulation during differentiation.Abbreviations GDP guanosine 5-diphosphate - GLC gasliquid chromatography  相似文献   

 Although Pinus pinea L. is an important forest species in the Mediterranean region, few reports exist on its ectomycorrhizal associates. Sixty isolates, obtained from fungal sporocarps collected in mixed forests of P. pinea in Catalonia (northeastern Spain), were tested for ectomycorrhiza formation on containerized P. pinea seedlings when applied as mycelial inoculum produced in peat-vermiculite. A total of 17 isolates, in 8 genera (Amanita, Hebeloma, Laccaria, Lactarius, Pisolithus, Rhizopogon, Scleroderma and Suillus), formed ectomycorrhizas and the percentages of mycorrhizal short roots varied among isolates and species from 13% to 89%. Some of these fungi are cited for the first time in association with P. pinea. The results indicate further fungal candidates for controlled inoculation of P. pinea seedlings in the nursery. Accepted: 29 October 1998  相似文献   

Genetic association is a powerful method for dissecting complex adaptive traits due to (i) fine-scale mapping resulting from historical recombination, (ii) wide coverage of phenotypic and genotypic variation within a single experiment, and (iii) the simultaneous discovery of loci and alleles. In this article, genetic association among single nucleotide polymorphisms (58 SNPs) from 20 wood- and drought-related candidate genes and an array of wood property traits with evolutionary and commercial importance, namely, earlywood and latewood specific gravity, percentage of latewood, earlywood microfibril angle, and wood chemistry (lignin and cellulose content), was tested using mixed linear models (MLMs) that account for relatedness among individuals by using a pairwise kinship matrix. Population structure, a common systematic bias in association studies, was assessed using 22 nuclear microsatellites. Different phenotype:genotype associations were found, some of them confirming previous evidence from collocation of QTL and genes in linkage maps (for example, 4cl and percentage of latewood) and two that involve nonsynonymous polymorphisms (cad SNP M28 with earlywood specific gravity and 4cl SNP M7 with percentage of latewood). The strongest genetic association found in this study was between allelic variation in alpha-tubulin, a gene involved in the formation of cortical microtubules, and earlywood microfibril angle. Intragenic LD decays rapidly in conifers; thus SNPs showing genetic association are likely to be located in close proximity to the causative polymorphisms. This first multigene association genetic study in forest trees has shown the feasibility of candidate gene strategies for dissecting complex adaptive traits, provided that genes belonging to key pathways and appropriate statistical tools are used. This approach is of particular utility in species such as conifers, where genomewide strategies are limited by their large genomes.  相似文献   

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