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Observation on the cambial activity in «Nerium oleander» L. — The cambial activity of «Nerium oleander» has been observed in three localities in Southern Italy: Bari and Lucera, where the oleander is cultivated, and Policoro, in the bed of the river Sinni, where the oleander is spontaneuos. The wood is of the diffuse-porous type. Growth rings corresponding to distinct periods of growth are not distinguishable, as there are no easily distinguishable types of wood (early, intermediate, and late wood). Only occasionally the uniform wood is interrupted by narrow circular bands of a few layers of radially compressed cells. Differences in the behaviour of the cambium have been observed in the three localities. At Policoro there was a long period of activity from the middle of March until November without interruptions. At Bari the cambium was active from the middle of March until the first days of April; after a pause it was active again from the second half of May until die middle of July and again during the second half of September-October and the first ten days of October. In 1957 a slight activity was noticed also during about twenty days in December. At Lucera the active period as compared with Policoro was still shorter than at Bari; in the spring there was a delay in the resumption of activity, while the summer rest period lasted until the middle of October. The cambium was then active again until the first days of November. Some of the differences in the behaviour of the cambium in the three localities could perhaps be explained by climatic or pedologic factors, such as the rich water table in the case of the plant growing in the Sinni bed. In conclusion «N. oleander» seems to be a species adapted to a sub-tropical climate, without distinct growth rings.  相似文献   


Secondary wood growth in both a ♂ and a ♀ plant of Schinus Molle has been studied in Bari, Puglia.

The bulk of the secondary wood has been found to be made up of substitution fibres full of starch grains, which it would be more appropriate to call fusiform wood parenchyma cells (according to the « Glossary of Terms Used in Describing Woods», in Tropical Woods, N° 36, 1933).

There are no annual rings: the thickening is due to the addition of successive «growth layers», 3 or 4 per year.

The cambium does not undergo any evident resting period, neither in summer nor in winter, but only periods of suspended activity: the periods of suspended activity do not occur simultaneously in the ♂ and ♀ plants, but in different months.

Each period of cambial activity passes through the three stages of initial, maximum, and decreasing intensity and lasts for 2–3–4 months depending on the season and the sex.

Tipically the growing period starts with the deposition of new elements; next follows lignification of these same elements; during the third stage starch grains appear in the fusiform and radial parenchyma cells of the newly formed wood.

During 1952, 4 growth layers have been formed in the ♂ and 3 in the ♀ plant. In general each episode is slower and more diluted in time in the ♀ plant as compared to the ♂ one. A diversity in cambial behaviour as regards spring reawakening, between the two sexes of dioiceous plants had been already observed in Rhamnus Alaternus (De Paolis, 1949); in both species the ♂ plant appears to be more sensitive and more speedy in its reactions than the ♀ one.

The author does not know of any research on cambial activity in S. Molle carried out in Peru, the native land of this species. Comparing its cambial activity as revealed by the present researches with that of other evergreen plants spontaneous in Puglia the existence of an essential difference is demonstrated: while in S. Molle cambial activity is subcontinuous, in the Mediterranean evergreen trees and shrubs so far studied the cambium undergoes two resting periods, one in winter, and a more or less well defined one in summer. Moreover cambial activity in S. Molle can be taken as continuous if the plants of both sexes are considered, owing to their asinchronism (the same phenomenon happens in flowering times). This lack of a well defined growth cycle corresponds to a similar lack of a well defined seasonal cycle in the climate of the interandine Peruvian valleys, the original habitat of S. Molle, where the mean temperatures of the coldest months vary from 5,8° C to 11,9° C, while those of the hottest months vary from 10,3° C to 15,9° C, with yearly excursions of 4,5 to 5° C.

On the other hand the type of secondary th ckening by successive apposition of wood layers recalls closely that of a group of Mediterranean plants studied in Puglia, that is Ficus carica (Giannuoli, 1949), Olea europaea (Armenise, 1950), and Phillyrea latifolia (Maranò, 1953). In the case of these species the authors had suggested that they belonged, or were related to genera which had originated or developed in regions lacking a well defined seasonal climatic cycle. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that S. Molle, a recently imported tropical plant has maintained in our Mediterranean climate not only its original type of secondary thickening, but also its original growth rythm. S. Molle can be considered an experimental test of an hypothesis based so far on the interpretation of observation data.  相似文献   


The evolution of the wood ring in arbutus andrachnoides link, in florence (from July 1946 to June 1947).

The anatomical characters of the wood ring of the stem and of the young branch of Arbutus andrachnoides Link have been studied in Florence.

The results are the following: the cambial tissue in the stem starts dividing at the end of April and continues during the summer months, ending completely in September.

In the branch the cambium differentiates almost a month earlier, namely at the beginning of April.

In both cases the only wood ring produced is completed at the end of September. Comparing the evolution of this wood with the climatic factors it can be seen that the cambium activity starts in a period of remarkable rainfall and of regular increase of temperature and presents a remarkable activity still at the end of August.

Arbutus andrachnoides Link. is a spontaneous hybrid between A. Unedo and A. Andrachne and its distribution (in Greece and in the gréek islands) shows that A. Unedo and A. Andrachne had the possibility to overlap in this area and to produce this hybrid.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):337-356

Field measurements of the elongation of shoots of Hypnum cupressiforme and lsothecium myosuroides reveal considerable variation. Differences in growth rates in the following situations were found to be significant: at different heights on a trunk, on different sides of sloping trunks, on different species of tree and, over a period, on different trees of a single species at a site.

Monthly growth measurements of H. cupressiforme and Platygyrium repens in Wytham Wood, Berkshire, show that H. cupressiforme grows faster, but that the growth patterns of these species are similar. Most of the annual growth for 1970 and 1971 took place during the autumn and winter. Growth between April and August was very slight. The seasonality of the growth of four pleurocarpous mosses at Wychwood, Oxfordshire, was very similar to the species measured at Wytham. Comparison of seasonal growth records with climatic records for stations near Oxford shows a close correlation Qetween growth and wetness. Monthly rainfall minus potential evapotranspiration (Rf–Et) is particularly closely related to monthly shoot growth.

At Roborough, North Devon, growth of H. cupressiforme was measured every 3 months. Considerable growth occurred during autumn and winter. At this site the summers are wetter and this appears to permit an extension of the growing period, considerable growth occurring between May and October.

In 1970 and 1971 summer growth at several localities was compared. Summer growth was again closely related to Rf–Et. The summer growth in wetregions does not seem to be accompanied by a proportionally high winter growth rate. The wetter the climate, the earlier in the year the peak period of bryophyte growth occurs and the more closely the annual pattern of growth correlates with temperature and day length.  相似文献   


The evolution of cambial activity during one year in Viburnum Tinus L. in Bari has been studied. The research seems to be particularly difficult in this evergreen shrub. The wood is of the porous diffused type with scarse evidence of wood rings. The vessel diameter varies rather irregularly in the wood ring; on the other side the fibers show wide variations and may be assumed as a good index of the wood ring evolution. Both in the branch and in the stem only one wood ring each year is formed.

Cambial activity prosecutes during the whole year, with an irregular step. During the period July-beginning of September the cambium devides very slowly, or possibly stops deviding.

The early wood is produced earlier in the branch than in the stem; namely in February-end of May in the branch and in March-beginning of June in the stem. The stimulating growth stuffs evidently proceeds downwards from the top to the base of the plant. The relations between ring evolution and climatic factors are discussed. The peculiar cambial poussée during the month of June seems to be correlated with the exceptionally aboundant rainfall of May in Puglia in 1947.

The late wood is formed during the other months discontinuosly. The alternation between the two phases of cambium division and wood lignification has been focussed. The wood ring in Viburnym Tinus is annual and the early wood differentiates in spring.  相似文献   

Given recent climatic trends, it is crucial to understand the plasticity and adaptiveness of forest trees in order to evaluate their current and future responses to changing climatic conditions. We investigated inter- and intra-annual xylem growth and its relation to weather factors in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and a co-occurring conifer, either Norway spruce (Picea abies) or Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), at five sites with different elevations and climatic conditions, in Spain, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. The selected sites were located in central and marginal parts across the distribution range of the investigated species. The results showed that climate-growth relationships vary between different species at the same site and within the same species at different sites, indicating diverse survival strategies among the observed species but also high plastic capacity within the same species. Moreover, xylogenesis analysis revealed the capacity of trees to adapt the beginning and cessation of wood formation depending on conditions. In case of beech, shortening growth duration in dryer and warmer environments and the opposite in the case of conifers, with which the growing period was extended in such conditions. Consequently, the plasticity capacity of beech was limited due to short growth duration, while conifers (especially pine) proved to be able to compensate climatic constrictions by growing over a longer period and becoming more adapted to survival in drought-prone environments.  相似文献   


The vegetative growth of the olive tree in Messina is described. The growth period begins at the end of March and prosecutes without interruption as late as November. The secondary wood tissue producted during summer time (from Yuly to August) is abnormal being of a parenchimatoide type. During winter there is a well defined rest period.

The cambium produces secondary wood and bark with an alternate rythm, so that in spring the wood production prevails on the liber and in autumn the opposite condition is realized.

Each phase of production of secondary conducting tissues (wood as well as bark) is followed by a phase of starch storing.

In the stem several false wood rings are produced during one year, while in the young branches each wood ring corresponds to one year.

The longitudinal growth and cork formation on the branches of the year are particularly pronounced during spring (March-May).

Cambium cells swell in a characteristic way before they start dividing and collapse during the resting periods, thickening evidently their walls, so that in winter it is difficult to distinguish a cambial cell from a parenchimatic one.

The behaviour of the vegetative growth of the olive tree in Messina is discussed on the base of the climatic characters of the region.  相似文献   


The woody tissue of Ceratonia siliqua is of the diffuse-porous type, being mainly constituted of fibres full of starch grains (sostitution fibres; fusiform cells of the wood parenchyma).

The wood formed throughout the year is uniform and the annual rings are hardly distinguishable except for the presence of apotracheal parenchyma. The cambium shows a marked activity from May to July, and a less pronounced one from July to September; it is hardly or not at all active from October to April. During these latter months the cambium is completely dormant only in January, while during the others, especially the ones prior to the late spring reawakening, it can function in localised areas for short lapses of time.

These observations have been carried out in a female plant cultivated in Apulia, a region where Ceratonia siliqua is not a normal component of the natural plant cover. It is of some interest therefore to compare them with what is known of the same species in Israel, where C. siliqua is a spontaneous element of the maquis vegetation. The behaviour of the cambium of C. siliqua is similar in both regions but in Israel the maximum of activity begins earlier in the year and last for a longer period (mid-April to mid- August), after which the cambium becomes gradually less active until its activity is reduced to a minimum during autumn and winter. A short period of dormancy precedes the spring-time reawakening. This subcontinuous activity of the cambium together with the occurrence of flowering time in autumn-winter shows C. siliqua to be a tropical type of plant, but is nevertheless in good agreement with the eastern mediterranean climate.

In Apulia on the other hand we notice that the subcontinuous activity of the cambium is more potential than real, giving rise to sporadic and localised episodes from October to May. While this and other differences can be interpreted as direct responses to local climatic conditions, the general disturbances in the vegetative cycle can not be explained in the same way. In other words while the tendency of the cambium to remain dormant from October to May is probably caused by the relatively severe winter conditions, the shorter period of functioning in the spring—summer, the full resting period occurring in January rather than in February-March, and the attempts to resume meristematic activity already in February, while the full reawakening only occurs in May, can only be ascribed to indirect climatic action. These disturbances are probably to be seen as conseguences of the fact that the climatic conditions during the Apulian summer allow the flowers, whose primordia are well evident in July, to blossom in October-November and exceptionally even in August that is at least one month earlier than in Israel, where flowering occurs in December. This alteration in the flowering time affects the rythm of cambial activity causing it to be out of phase with the climatic cycle.

C. siliqua appears therefore not to be perfectly adapted to the Apulian climate even though it can often be found where it could not possibly have been planted, as on the steep flanks of fairly deep gulleys, and can be considered to be at least sub-spontaneous.  相似文献   

The plasticity of climate-growth relationships of trees is one of the main factors determining the climate-induced changes in forest productivity and composition. In this study, high-frequency variation of tree-ring width (TRW) of four native and three alien tree species and two hybrids of Populus L. growing in Latvia (hemiboreal zone) was compared using a principal component analysis based on TRW indices for the period 1965–2009. The effect of climatic factors was assessed using a bootstrapped correlation analysis. Influence of common climatic factors related to the length of the vegetation season, winter temperature, and water regime in summer was traced in the TRW of the studied species and hybrids. The combination and effect of the identified factors differed by species (and hybrids), to a certain extent explaining the diversity of TRW patterns. Nevertheless, some similarities among the species were also observed, suggesting the plasticity of growth response. Scots pine was generally sensitive to winter temperatures, but Norway spruce was mainly sensitive to summer water regime, while black alder was sensitive to winter temperatures and precipitation in spring. In contrast, silver birch showed the lowest sensitivity to the tested climatic factors (demonstrating sensitivity to winter precipitation in a few sites), suggesting tolerance to weather fluctuations. The TRW of the alien species was primarily sensitive to climatic factors related to water regime in the summer of the year preceding the formation of tree-ring, implying differences in mechanisms regulating wood increment. Nevertheless, temperature in the dormant period was significant for European larch in a few sites, suggesting sensitivity to cold damage. The variation of TRW of Populus hybrids diverged from others, as their growth was negatively correlated with the temperature in autumn, spring, and summer and positively correlated with water balance. Although the annual water balance in Latvia is positive, the effect of water deficit on tree growth was apparent.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes in tree rings have widely been used for palaeoclimate reconstructions since tree rings record climatic information at annual resolution. However, various wood components or different parts of an annual tree-ring may differ in their isotopic compositions. Thus, sample preparation and subsequent laboratory analysis are crucial for the isotopic signal retained in the final tree-ring isotope series used for climate reconstruction and must therefore be considered for the interpretation of isotope–climate relationships. This study focuses on wood of Corsican Pine trees (Pinus nigra ssp. laricio) as this tree species allows to reconstruct the long-term climate evolution in the western Mediterranean. In a pilot study, we concentrated on methodological issues of sample preparation techniques in order to evaluate isotope records measured on pooled whole tree-ring cellulose and whole tree-ring bulk wood samples. We analysed 80-year long carbon and oxygen chronologies of Corsican Pine trees growing near the upper tree line on Corsica. Carbon and oxygen isotope records of whole tree-ring bulk wood and whole tree-ring cellulose from a pooled sample of 5 trees were correlated with the climate parameters monthly precipitation, temperature and the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (sc-PDSI). Results show that the offsets in carbon and oxygen isotopes of bulk wood and cellulose are not constant over time. Both isotopes correlate with climate parameters from late winter and summer. The carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of cellulose are more sensitive to climatic variables than those of bulk wood. The results of this study imply that extraction of cellulose is a pre-requisite for the reconstruction of high-resolution climate records from stable isotope series of P. nigra ssp. laricio.  相似文献   


The epiphytic bryophytes inhabiting trees of different size/age in a Quercus ilex wood from Madonie Mountains (northern Sicily, Italy) were studied with the purpose of describing the changes that take place in the bryophyte stratum during the tree lifespan. Results indicate an increase of bryophyte cover combined with a progressive decrease of epiphytic lichens and the existence of an active process of species and community substitution. The way these processes take place corresponds to a succession sequence, which is characterised by a high number of pioneer species on the youngest trees and a sharp decline of species number on middle‐aged and old trees due to the great spread of Leptodon smithii and a few other pleurocarpous mosses. The comparison of these traits to those from central Spain evidences differences in patterns of tree colonisation by epiphyte bryophytes between the two areas and suggests that climatic conditions play a chief role in the epiphytic bryophyte establishment and succession in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   


The author has examined the cambial activity and the formation of the annual ring in Quercus aegilops from February 1954 to February 1955. Material was collected at Tricase (Lecce) the only Italian locality where this oriental species grows although it is doubtful whether it is spontaneous.

Cambial activity starts in the middle of April both in the main stem and in the branches following flowering and bud development. It goes on for about five months until the second half of August forming a complete growth ring. This annual ring shows the normal sequence of early wood with wide vessels formed during the second half of April and the whole of May, intermediate wood with medium and small size vessels, parenchima, and fibres formed in June-July, and late wood with few small size vessels, parenchima, and fibres formed from the end of July to middle August.

There is no reawakening of cambial activity in autumn even if the climatic conditions are favourable. Tylosis are very easily formed in the wood vessels and by this process the plant can withstand the drought of the Apulian summer.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):243-250
Background: Mature trees often provide ecological niches of value to specialised flora and fauna, signalled by such attributes as epiphytes, trunk rot and dead branches. In Britain, they are often found in parklands and wood pastures, which are rare habitats in Europe.

Aims: As species differences in veteran attributes of such trees have not been studied, we surveyed eight Holarctic tree species in Chillingham Park, in north-east England, where the stems are of broadly similar age (200–250 years).

Methods: The following variables were scored for 779 trees: presence or absence of veteran attributes, community status (alone, in a group, or in a linear feature), stem diameter, altitude at which growing, and the ground vegetation.

Results: Trees were generally of only moderate mean diameter. Alder (Alnus glutinosa) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) had the most veteran attributes (4.30 and 4.16, respectively), followed by oak (Quercus sp.) (3.65), then by birch (Betula agg.) (3.49), beech (Fagus sylvatica) (3.12), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) (2.77), larch (Larix sp.) (2.47) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) (1.92). Trees growing at middle altitudes and alone, or in linear features (rather than in groups), had most veteran attributes; 32% of trees exhibited three or more.

Conclusions: To capture the veteran tree interest of a site, a survey protocol must consider the history of a site as well as the numbers of veteran attributes exhibited by individual trees, which may differ among species. Finally, alder has not attracted particular attention in these habitats, and we suggest that its fast-growing and rot-prone nature may make it of particular interest for conservation of saproxylic biodiversity.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):365-375
Background: Temperature directly affects xylogenesis at high-elevation treelines. The low-temperature limitation of meristematic processes is thus key to understand treeline formation.

Aims: We aimed to experimentally test in situ the direct low-temperature effect on wood tissue formation at the alpine treeline.

Methods: We applied controlled Peltier-mediated cooling and warming (±3 K) to branch segments in Pinus uncinata at the treeline in the Swiss Alps. In addition, we studied xylogenesis in untreated trees during the growing season by sequential micro-coring.

Results: Micro-cores indicated that the cambial zone was fully developed by the time the cooling and warming treatment started, shortly after snowmelt. Presumably, because of this, experimental cooling of branches did not significantly reduce the number of cells produced per season. Warming extended the formation of early wood into the late season, and thus reduced the fraction of late wood.

Conclusions: We conclude that temperatures very early in the season determine the width of the cambial zone which, in turn, strongly controls the number of tracheids produced during the remaining growing season. Temperatures later in the season mainly determine the early wood to late wood ratio. These data provide an empirical basis for the mechanistic understanding of tree growth at the treeline in response to temperature.  相似文献   


Observations on needle length and longevity of Pinus pinea L. - We investigated needle length and longevity of Pinus pinea L. to understand their ecological significance. Samplings regarded five coastal pinewoods (four in the province of Grosseto, one in the province of Lucca) and isolated trees in different sites of Tuscany. We found a significant variation in needle length among different positions of the crown (central, intermediate and peripheral), among individuals of the same site and among different sites; isolated trees showed longer needles and a longer retention than pines in stands. We also obtained a highly significant linear regression between length of different-aged needles (from 1988 to 1992) and rainfall of the period march-august of the same years. Our results suggest that, despite its high variability, needle ength is influenced by climatic conditions (overall by rainfalls) and by the water availability of the site where pines grow. Needle retention depends largely on the position of needles within the crown and on the drought effect: at the upper position, three or, seldom, four-year old needle can persist if the summer drought period is not too long and the site conditions are favourable; at the lower level only two-year old needles are retained. Needle longevity decreases sharply in years with severe drought, therefore it can be used as an index of climatic and edaphic stress.  相似文献   


Study of wood recovered from waterlogged archaeological sites in London reveals much about the trees that grew in the city's hinterland between about AD 800 and 1300. Tentative reconstructions of some specific types of trees and ‘treeland’ have been made by combining three-dimensional recording of the timbers and roundwood with examination of how the wood was used, tree-ring analysis, species identification and experimental work in ancient woodland. It has also been possible to gain some appreciation of general trends during the mediaeval period such as the intensification of woodland management and the disappearance of wildwood conditions.  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of instrumental climatic data in the South American tropics, it is valuable to explore the dendrochronological potential of the numerous tree species growing in the region. In this paper, we assessed for the first time the dendrochronological characteristics of Schinopsis brasiliensis, an arboreal species from the dry-tropical Cerrado and Chaco forests in Bolivia and adjacent countries. Similar to most woody species in the Cerrado and Chaco regions, growth rings of S. brasiliensis are delimited by the presence of thin but continuous lines of marginal parenchyma. Based on 22 samples from 15 trees, we present the first ring-width chronology for this species covering the period 1812–2011 (200 years). Additionally, a 106-year floating chronology from S. brasiliensis was developed using cores from four columns from the church of San Miguel, Santa Cruz, built in the period 1720–1740. Standard dendrochronological statistics indicate an important common signal in the radial growth of S. brasiliensis. The comparison of variations in regional climate and ring widths shows that tree growth is directly related to spring-summer rainfall and inversely related to temperature. Following the winter dry season, rainfall in late spring and early summer increases soil water supply, which activates tree growth. In contrast, above-average temperatures during the same period increase evapotranspiration, intensify the water deficit and reduce radial growth. The dependence of S. brasiliensis growth on water supply is evidence of its dendrochronological potential for reconstructing past precipitation variations in the extensive tropical Cerrado and Chaco forest formations in South America. Using wood from historical buildings opens the possibility of extending the chronologies of S. brasiliensis over the past 400–500 years.  相似文献   


Key message

We demonstrate that tropical trees growing in wet climates can have a marked seasonality in cambium activity and stem growth associated with high temperature and day length of summer.


Monitoring the rhythm of tree growth associated with the growth rings can contribute substantially to understanding forest dynamics and the management of tropical forests. In this study, we monitored the girth increment rhythm and described the wood characteristics (anatomy of growth rings, wood specific gravity) in 10 tropical tree species (103 individuals) naturally occurring in a wet and weakly seasonal region of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil. We aimed to verify whether tree growth dynamics are associated with climate and woody anatomy in tropical trees with contrasting ecological characteristics. We installed permanent dendrometer bands and monthly assessed the girth increment for 22 months. We collected wood samples (non-destructive method), measured wood specific gravity and prepared permanent slides to characterize the growth ring markers. We found growth rings in all species (distinct in six species); deciduous species produced more distinguishable tree rings compared with semi-deciduous and evergreen tree species. Species varied in their accumulated girth growth (in average, from 1.83 to 62.64 mm), growth rates (1–15 %), and annual radial increment (0.16–5.44 mm). Girth increment was positively related to temperature and day length in five out of ten tree species, indicating the possible effects of these climatic variables in triggering cambial activity in these species. The growth pattern varied among species and was marginally associated to the tree deciduousness. We concluded that even in wet and less seasonal climates, there can be an association in the cambium activity and stem growth with the hotter and longer days of summer months.

Ancient trees are considered one of the most important habitats for biodiversity in Europe and North America. They support exceptional numbers of specialized species, including a range of rare and endangered wood‐living insects. In this study, we use a dataset of 105 sites spanning a climatic gradient along the oak range of Norway and Sweden to investigate the importance of temperature and precipitation on beetle species richness in ancient, hollow oak trees. We expected that increased summer temperature would positively influence all wood‐living beetle species whereas precipitation would be less important with a negligible or negative impact. Surprisingly, only oak‐specialist beetles with a northern distribution increased in species richness with temperature. Few specialist beetles and no generalist beetles responded to the rise of 4°C in summer as covered by our climatic gradient. The negative effect of precipitation affected more specialist species than did temperature, whereas the generalists remained unaffected. In summary, we suggest that increased summer temperature is likely to benefit a few specialist beetles within this dead wood community, but a larger number of specialists are likely to decline due to increased precipitation. In addition, generalist species will remain unaffected. To minimize adverse impacts of climate change on this important community, long‐term management plans for ancient trees are important.  相似文献   


The evolution of the wood ring in Quercus pubescens W. and in Quercus Ilex L. in Florence (from June 1946 to June 1947).

The present study deals with the anatomical characters of the wood ring of Q. pubescens and of Q. Ilex. In both the specimens the wood of the stem and of the young branch has been investigated.

In both plants studied the cambial tissue of the stem starts dividing at the end of April, reaching its maximum activity from May to June.

On the contrary the cambium of the branch differentiates in Q. pubescens a month earlier (18 March-18 April) than in Q. Ilex (18 April-18 May). While in the branch of Q. Ilex a false ring can be seen corresponding to the autumn months, nothing of the kind is found in the branch of Q. pubescens; though it presents a false ring in the stem.

It is difficult to date clearly the period when the cambium stops its activity, but probably it happens at the end of August in the samples of the stem.

The leaf buds of Q. pubescens and of Q. Ilex open during April-May and the young branch is completely developed at the end of June. In both oaks some buds open in autumn, but the small branches are prevented to develop because of the cold.

No comparison can be made between the opening of the buds and the beginning of the cambial activity in the stem and in the branch.

Considering the evolution of these woods and their relationship to climatic factors, we can see that the cambial activity starts during a period of remarkable rainfall and of regular increase of temperature, and stops almost completely at the end of July, when temperature and dryness reach their highest values.

The autumn rainfall would favour again a cambial activity, but the values of the temperature, regularly decreasing, do not allow it.  相似文献   

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