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对应关系形成的分子机制的阐明对于在理论上深入了解对应关系本质和生命系统运行机制,在应用方面帮助人工利用、干预或构建对应关系具有重要意义.分子生物学的快速发展为对应关系的分子机制进行更深入和全面的认识提供了条件.本文在综合比较各种生物大分子基础上,提出系统性的多单体生物大分子模型理论,试图揭示对应关系形成的一般分子机制.该模型理论认为多单体生物大分子具有种类的高多样性,对应关系对多单体生物大分子高效完成各种生物学功能具有必要性,同时,多单体生物大分子的结构和性质也为对应关系的形成提供了可能性.对应关系的形成过程是一个相对独立的可分为3个阶段的复杂过程.在多单体生物大分子结构和性质基础上,从与配体间的识别机制、作用机制及亲和性三方面揭示了对应关系的形成机制.对多单体生物大分子产生对应关系的必然性、形成的分子机制的复杂性及在理论和应用方面的重要价值也进行了讨论.  相似文献   


结合具体实例,从管理意识、集体决策机制、预算管理三方面阐述了在决策层面上强化内控的必要性和可行性,总结出内控控制管理通过决策层面的强化后,将更有效地避免或降低各种风险, 提高经营管理效率, 促进医院管理工作、经济工作产生新的飞跃。


Cycloheximide (2·0 µg ml–1) inhibits theincorporation of [14C]phenylalanine and [14C]adenine into insolublecompounds in Ankistrodesmus braunii. 6-Methylpurine (1·0mM) inhibits only the incorporation of [14C]adenine and it isconcluded that it inhibits RNA synthesis. When ammonium-growncells of Ankistrodesmus or Chlorella are nitrogen-starved orwhen ammonium-grown cells of Dunalitlla are resuspended in nitratemedium, the appearance of nitrate reductase in these organismsis not inhibited by 6-methylpurine. The appearance of nitratereductase activity in Ankistrodesmus or Chlorella is inhibitedby 6-methylpurine when ammonium-grown organisms are preincubatedwith this substance for 1-2 h before nitrogen starvation. Itis concluded that cells growing with ammonium and lacking nitratereductase activity nevertheless contain preformed mRNA for nitratereductase synthesis.  相似文献   

Simultaneous oxygenation and monitoring of glucose stimulus-secretion coupling factors in a single technique is critical for modeling pathophysiological states of islet hypoxia, especially in transplant environments. Standard hypoxic chamber techniques cannot modulate both stimulations at the same time nor provide real-time monitoring of glucose stimulus-secretion coupling factors. To address these difficulties, we applied a multilayered microfluidic technique to integrate both aqueous and gas phase modulations via a diffusion membrane. This creates a stimulation sandwich around the microscaled islets within the transparent polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) device, enabling monitoring of the aforementioned coupling factors via fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, the gas input is controlled by a pair of microdispensers, providing quantitative, sub-minute modulations of oxygen between 0-21%. This intermittent hypoxia is applied to investigate a new phenomenon of islet preconditioning. Moreover, armed with multimodal microscopy, we were able to look at detailed calcium and KATP channel dynamics during these hypoxic events. We envision microfluidic hypoxia, especially this simultaneous dual phase technique, as a valuable tool in studying islets as well as many ex vivo tissues.  相似文献   

Spinal Mechanisms in the Control of Lamprey Swimming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. The lamprey, an anguilliform fish, swims using lateralundulatory movement; a transverse wave passes backward, fromhead to tail, the amplitude of the wave increasing as it movestailward. The wave of muscle activity producing this movementtravels down the body faster than the mechanical wave. The wayin which certain features of anguilliform movement contributeto its efficiency have been described. The neural activity underlyingswimming is characterized by: 1) rhythmical alternation betweenthe two sides of a single segment; 2) a burst duration thatremains a constant proportion of the cycle time and is independentof the cycle frequency; 3) rostrocaudal phase lag that is constantand also independent of the cycle frequency. Local circuitsin the lamprey spinal cord can generate this locomotory patternin the absence of sensory feedback following activation of excitatoryamino acid receptors; the pattern is centrally generated. Ithas been hypothesized that the spinal central pattern generatorfor locomotion consists of a series of segmental burst generatorscoupled together by an intersegmental coordinating system. Theintersegmental coordinating system functions to keep the frequenciesof the oscillators along the cord constant and to provide theappropriate rostrocaudal phase lag. Mechanosensitive units withinthe spinal cord are sensitive to movement of the spinal cord\notochordand movement of the spinal cord/notochord can entrain the burstpattern. Entrainment occurs through movement-related feedbackonto neurons at the local level. The possible roles this movement-relatedfeedback plays during locomotion are discussed.  相似文献   

When exposed to stress such as high seawater temperature, corals and other cnidarians can bleach due to loss of symbiotic algae from the host tissue and/or loss of pigments from the algae. Although the environmental conditions that trigger bleaching are reasonably well known, its cellular and molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Previous studies have reported the occurrence of at least four different cellular mechanisms for the loss of symbiotic algae from the host tissue: in situ degradation of algae, exocytic release of algae from the host, detachment of host cells containing algae, and death of host cells containing algae. The relative contributions of these several mechanisms to bleaching remain unclear, and it is also not known whether these relative contributions change in animals subjected to different types and/or durations of stresses. In this study, we used a clonal population of the small sea anemone Aiptasia, exposed individuals to various precisely controlled stress conditions, and quantitatively assessed the several possible bleaching mechanisms in parallel. Under all stress conditions tested, except for acute cold shock at 4°C, expulsion of intact algae from the host cells appeared to be by far the predominant mechanism of bleaching. During acute cold shock, in situ degradation of algae and host-cell detachment also became quantitatively significant, and the algae released under these conditions appeared to be severely damaged.  相似文献   

The physiological and biochemical mechanisms on boron (B)-induced alleviation of aluminum (B)-toxicity in plants have been examined in some details, but our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes is very limited. In this study, we first used the cDNA-AFLP to investigate the gene expression patterns in Citrus grandis roots responsive to B and Al interactions, and isolated 100 differentially expressed genes. Results showed that genes related to detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and aldehydes (i.e., glutathione S-transferase zeta class-like isoform X1, thioredoxin M-type 4, and 2-alkenal reductase (NADP+-dependent)-like), metabolism (i.e., carboxylesterases and lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase-like 4-like, nicotianamine aminotransferase A-like isoform X3, thiosulfate sulfurtransferase 18-like isoform X1, and FNR, root isozyme 2), cell transport (i.e., non-specific lipid-transfer protein-like protein At2g13820-like and major facilitator superfamily protein), Ca signal and hormone (i.e., calcium-binding protein CML19-like and IAA-amino acid hydrolase ILR1-like 4-like), gene regulation (i.e., Gag-pol polyprotein) and cell wall modification (i.e., glycosyl hydrolase family 10 protein) might play a role in B-induced alleviation of Al-toxicity. Our results are useful not only for our understanding of molecular processes associated with B-induced alleviation of Al-toxicity, but also for obtaining key molecular genes to enhance Al-tolerance of plants in the future.  相似文献   

Five anabolic and two catabolic enzymes of arginine metabolism were neither repressed nor induced after inclusion of arginine in the growth medium of Anabaena variabilis.  相似文献   

The brain of Helisoma duryi contains several neurodendocrinecentres. Factors) present in the cerebral ganglia are thoughtto be involved in normal shell growth while neurosecretory substancespresent in the visceral ganglion are involved in the repairof damaged shell. In Lymnaea stagnalis a growth hormone is producedby the cerebral ganglion which stimulates periostracum formationand the calcification of the inner shell layer. The second effectis thought to occur through the action of a mantle edge calciumbinding protein. In Helisoma, mantle collar is able to produce the periostracumin vitro. The presence of brain from a fast growing donor increasesthe amount of periostracum produced by a mantle collar froma slow growing animal. This effect is further enhanced by theremoval of the lateral lobes. The periostracum produced by fastgrowing animals has a higher glycine content than that producedby slow growing snails. The presence of dorsal epithelial tissueenhances the incorporation of calcium into periostracum formedin vitro. These findings suggest that a single factor is present in thebrain of fast growing Helisoma which modulates shell formationrates in vivo and periostracum formation in vitro.  相似文献   

Sea bass can regulate the concentration of Na+, K+, and Cl-, among other ions, in their blood, skin, gills, and kidney. Therefore, the salinity of the water does not have a great influence on their metabolism, and sea bass can live in both sea and freshwater in accordance with the salt concentration. Most salinity control occurs in the gills, primarily through the control of chloride cells present there. The concentration of ions in the blood is controlled by the cotransporter Na+ / K+ / 2Cl- (NKCC) in the chloride cell, and the subunits of Na+ / K+ ATPase (NKA) function to maintain homeostasis. The expression of NKA is regulated by subunits of the protein FXYD, allowing the sea bass to survive in compliance with the salinity. In this way, it is possible for sea bass to live in sea and freshwater by controlling the salinity of its body using functions of various channels, proteins, and genes present in the chloride cells of sea bass. In this study, we investigated recent studies of salt control mechanisms in sea bass and their application.  相似文献   

Interallelic Complementation at the sh Locus in Maize at the Enzyme Level   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Chourey PS  Nelson OE 《Genetics》1979,91(2):317-325
EMS-induced sh mutants and their heterozygotes were examined for the enzyme, sucrose synthetase, which has previously been shown to be coded by the Sh locus. Complementing heterozygotes have a wild-type phenotype, but show no hybrid protein band after starch gel electrophoresis. The existence of a heteromeric complex, however, is inferred from the two-fold elevation in sucrose cleavage activity in the complementing heterozygotes as compared to the mutant homozygotes. The observations on complementation described here are unique, as the elevation in the activity of this reversible enzyme is noticed only in one direction (viz, sucrose cleavage) of the reaction and not the other (sucrose synthesis).  相似文献   

宿主-病毒在miRNA水平上的相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是近来发现的重要基因调节子,在许多生物学过程包括抗病毒防御中发挥着重要作用.越来越多的证据表明一些病毒或者编码它们自己的miRNAs或者颠覆细胞miRNAs.由此,宿主和病毒编码miRNAs及其靶标形成了宿主和病毒间新一调节层面的相互作用.深入理解宿主-病毒间miRNAs介导的相互作用,不仅有利于阐明病毒致病的分子基础,而且有利于制定更好的治疗策略.  相似文献   

After reviewing recent attempts to develop sustainability indicators, this article shows how the principles of productive efficiency can be used to elaborate such indicators at the firm level. The theory of productive efficiency is somewhat expanded to incorporate fundamental issues of sustainable development: environment, equity, and futurtty. Efficiency, in the expanded notion of productive efficiency, is viewed as a necessary condition for sustainability. Working with aggregate performance indicators, it is important not to lose track of the relevant basic information. Therefore, instead of elaborating one unique indicator; we propose to implement several kinds of indicators, each of which stresses one particular focus (e.g., environmental vs. social concems). The definition of sustainable development indicators is illustrated with reference to a small data set of U.S. fossil fuel-fired electric utilities. In a sustainabiltty perspective, two important aspects are stressed, namely, the use of nonmewable resources and the inclusion of employment as a variable to maximize rather than an input to minimize. The article ends with a discussion of the significance of, and limits to, the proposed indicators.  相似文献   

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