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Riassunto Vengono presi sinteticamente in esame gli scopi, il programma e i metodi della Flora Palinologica Italiana e della Sezione Aeropalinologica che verrà sviluppata su ?Aerobiologia?. La sezione in oggetto illustra la morfobiometria di pollini importanti dal punto di vista aerobiologico e, inizialmente, tratterà specie dotate anche di interesse allergologico. In questo primo contributo è presentata, come esempio, la scheda palinologica diUrtica dioica L. (n. 168 della Flora Palinologica Italiana).   相似文献   


Account on the Cartography of the Vegetation of the Basin of Bormio (Valtellina). Presentation of the phytosociological Map 1:5000. — The authors illustrate the features of the new phytosociological map of the basin of Bormio (Valtellina). The chief types of vegetation of the region are outlined.  相似文献   


Phytoplankton collected during the fishes death occured off the western middle Adriatic coasts in May 1969. — A taxonomic inventory of some phytoplankton samples taken during a « red bloom » occured off the Italian Adriatic coasts from Cattolica to Cervia is given and discussed. The most common species was Peridinium depressum Bailey. It is also noticeable the presence of many Ceratium species and of Oxytoxum sceptrum (Stein) Schroder, a dinoflagellate rare for the Adriatic sea. The study of hydrological data and the comparison of this list with that of the species collected six days before, 50 miles southward, let us suppose that, for an anomalous circulation of waters with mediterranean characteristic, a stock of tipic pelagic species were transported very close to our coasts. Particular favourable conditions allowed big development of Peridinium depressum and its metabolism was responsible of the Oxygen deficency that was noted and was the cause of the fishes' death.  相似文献   


A report about new or interesting plants in the Marche region. I. — The author points out or in some cases confirms the occurrence in this region of 107 species or subspecies. The report is based on the collections and observations made by the author himself and his collaborators during the last years. 31 of such entities (Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens, Amaranthus blitoides, Cerastium brachypetalum subsp. roeseri, C. silvaticum, Silene alba subsp. divaricata, Ceratocephalus falcatus, Malcolmia orsiniana, Arabis collina, Fibigia clypeata, Neslia paniculata subsp. thracica, Hymenolobus pauciflorus, Biscutella didyma, Hirschfeldia incana, Rapistrum rugosum subsp. orientale, R. rugosum subsp. linnaeanum, Sempervivum italicum, Lembotropis nigricans, Chamaecytisus polytrichus, Ononis mitissima, Melilotus neapolitana, Trifolium hybridum subsp. hybridum, T. phleoides, Lotus edulis, Oxalis europaea, O. articulata, Euphorbia prostrata, Rhamnus alpinus subsp. fallax, Fumana arabica, Oenonthe lachenalii, Pimpinella tragium subsp. lithophila, Ferula communis subsp. glauca) are quite new or never dealt with for the Marche region, sometimes even for the whole central section of the Italian Peninsula; other 18 (Moehringia pentandra, Minuartia mediterranea, Stellaria nemorum subsp. glochidisperma, Cerastium semidecandrum subsp. semidecandrum, Sagina maritima, Spergularia marina, S. bocconii, Petrorhagia velutina, Adonis flammea, Sisymbrium orientale, Rorippa amphibia, Cardamine resedifolia, Capsella rubella, Potentilla detomasii, Vicia lathyroides, Trigonella monspeliaca, Hippocrepis ciliata, Geranium purpureum) are briefly reported in Middle Italy by the Italian general Floras, but till now have not been mentioned in works dealing with regional floristic. The remaining 58 entities are already known in the Marche, but scarcely reported, or their location is either not clearly defined or insufficiently described. For these new localities and stations are given, or general information on their distribution throughout the region is provided.  相似文献   


A report about new or interesting plants in the Marche region. III. — The authors report about the occurrence in the Marche of 61 entities of specific or infraspecific rank, 22 of which are new or unpublished concerning the region, while the remaining 39 have been previously very little or imprecisely mentioned; as to the latter new localities and stations are shown or general information on the distribution over the Marche district has been supplied. Out of the first 22 entities, 18 (Fumaria muralis subsp. muralis, Cardamine flexuosa, Lunaria annua subsp. pachyrhiza, Colutea arborescens subsp. gallica, Astragalus monspessulanas subsp. illyricus, Cornus sanguinea subsp. australis, Galium verrucosum, Hedypnois rhagadioloides subsp. tubaeformis, Andryala tenuifolia, Sonchus asper subsp. glaucescens, Rheichardia picroides var. maritima, Podospermum canum, Scorzonera austriaca, S. hirsuta, Bidens frondosa, Guizotia abyssinica, Ambrosia elatior, A. trifida) are, as far as the authors know, quite new or unpublished concerning the Marche, while 4 (Rumex angiocarpus, Trifolium repens subsp. prostratum, Epilobium lanceolatum, Picris hieracioides subsp. spinulosa) are generally reported in Middle Italy or over the whole Italian territory by the general Floras, but till now have not been mentioned in works dealing with regional flora.  相似文献   

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