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G. Naidoo  S. Naidoo 《Oecologia》1992,90(3):445-450
Summary Flooding responses in Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth., a perennial C4 grass, propagated from plants collected on the fringes of a mangrove swamp, were examined in a glasshouse study over 42 days. Flooding significantly reduced soil redox potential, induced adventitious root development, shifted resource allocation from below- to above-ground components without affecting total biomass accumulation and significantly decreased below-ground/above-ground biomass ratios. Although soil waterlogging significantly increased alcohol dehydrogenase activity (ADH) after 30 h, significant increase in central air space by 45–50% of the cross-sectional stem area eliminated root hypoxia, and ADH activity decreased to levels equivalent to drained controls after 42 days. In addition, flooded plants exhibited significantly higher carbon dioxide assimilation rates but similar relative growth rates (RGR) to drained controls. The results indicate that S. virginicus responds to water-logging by a combination of metabolic, morphological and anatomical mechanisms, which may account for its widespread distribution in coastal lagoons, estuaries and marshes.  相似文献   


L'A. stabilisce che in Lochnera rosea lo sviluppo del gametofito è di tipo normale; le microspore si dividono secondo il tipo simultanco; il tappeto è di secrezione. Fenomeni di associazione dei cromosomi del corrcdo aploide potrebbero indicare che il numero aploide S di questa specie sia derivato dal num. t.  相似文献   


Endosperm embryo interrelationships during germination of PINUS PINEA L. (2nd Note). — Experiments have been performed with unripe fresh seeds paralleled with unripe stored seeds (50 days of storage).

The effect of storage is very similar to the effect of further permanence on the tree.

It is confirmed the importance of the endosperm in the germination process already put in evidence in the 1rst note.

The relationships existing between endosperm and embryo during the germination of the seed become more and more strict as the seed ripens, so that in a ripe seed the embryo develops in a normal seedling only in connection of its own endosperm.

In an unripe seed the embryo is uncompletely controlled by its endosperm.

Some remarks have been made about the degree of maturity of the different parts of the embryo.  相似文献   


Action of cyanide on growth and greening of seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua.—The effects of cyanide on growth and greening of dark germinated seedlings of Picea abies and Larix decidua are studied. While growth of Picea seedlings is scarcely inhibited, the effect of the inhibitor on Larix seedlings is very drastic. Greening of Picea seedlings is never inhibited while, at stronger concentrations, cyanide weakly inhibits greening of Larix seedlings. When seedlings are treated with cyanide and salicylhydrossamic acid, an inhibitor of mithocondrial respiration cyanide non-sensible, growth is inhibited more strongly than when cyanide only is used and greening too is inhibited. Cyanide is shown to be able to reach megagametophyte and embryo and to be incorporated steadily.  相似文献   


Phytogeographic and phytosociological meaning of the Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach community at S. Elia Cape (Cagliari).—Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach station at S. Elia Cape, the most western station of its distributive area, sets the question whether the accompanying vegetation must be attributed to eastern or western associations. An analysis of the species shows some residual members of the Poterium spinosum and Corydothymus capitatus Lavrentiades 1969 association, but not sufficient to recognize this coenosis, which is anyhow included in the Oleo-Ceratonion. The boundary of these coenosis with the eastern area is attributed to a N-W/S-E climate gradient, set possibly in post glacial ages.  相似文献   

Charles R. Gunn 《Brittonia》1972,24(2):169-176
The generic concept ofStictocardia is evaluated and accepted. Two species, whose nomenclature is interwoven withIpomoea alba andI. macrantha, are described, discussed, and illustrated.  相似文献   


In questo lavoro abbiamo determinato le caratteristiche di entrata del saccarosio in funzione della sua concentrazione esterna, incubando i pezzi in saccarosio triziato, in condizioni normali e di stress osmotico. Nelle parti apicali l'assorbimento di saccarosio esogeno è lineare in presenza di basse concentrazioni mentre non lo è ad alte concentrazioni. Per quanto riguarda le parti basali la linearità si mantiene per tutte le concentrazioni; inoltre nelle parti apicali l'assorbimento è maggiore che nelle basali e la differenza aumenta all' aumentare delle concentrazioni di saccarosio esterno. Abbiamo poi studiato l'assunzione di saccarosio con osmotici diversi in cui fosse presente anche saccarosio marcato. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che le parti apicali stressate prendono meno saccarosio dei controlli, mentre nelle basi stressate l'assorbimento, pur essendo inferiore a quello degli apici, è superiore rispetto ai controlli. Le differenze nel trasporto del saccarosio negli apici e nelle basi potrebbero essere spiegate dal fatto che a parità di peso nelle zone apicali ci sono più cellule di dimensioni inferiori che non hanno completato la distensione cellulare e che essendo in attiva crescita sono metabolicamente più attive. Nelle zone basali è invece presente un maggiore numero di cellule morte (xilema completamente differenziato). Questi due fattori potrebbero determinare nelle parti apicali un maggiore assorbimento con prevalenza del trasporto attivo e nelle parti basali un assorbimento inferiore con prevalenza del trasporto per diffusione.  相似文献   

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