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Riassunto Gli autori descrivono gli aspetti ultrastrutturali delle cellule di Leydig di Lacerta s. sicula
Raf`. in esemplari in letargo del mese di Gennaio (I gruppo) e in altri in periodo degli amori del mese di Maggio (II gruppo).Negli animali del primo gruppo le cellule di Leydig sono poco numerose, piccole, con scarso sviluppo del reticolo endoplasmatico, e mitocondri di dimensioni ridotte e prevalentemente con creste lamellari.Gli esemplari del secondo gruppo presentano cellule di Leydig numerose ed ipertrofiche con un R.E. liscio sviluppatissimo in forma di tubuli e di vescicole; i mitocondri sono numerosi, ipertrofici, con creste prevalentemente tubulari e con la parete spesso interrotta; sono presenti gocce lipidiche e vari lisosomi.La presenza dei caratteri ultrastrutturali propri delle cellule steroidogenetiche nelle cellule di Leydig degli esemplari di Lacerta s. sicula
Raf`. in periodo degli amori, tende a confermare la loro partecipazione al metabolismo degli steroidi sessuali.
Lavoro eseguito con il contributo n.115.1121.1245. della Impresa di Endocrinologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, e svolto, per le osservazioni al M.E., presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli. 相似文献
On the fine structure of leydig cells in january and may specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf.
Summary In order to study the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in the lizard Lacerta s. sicula Raf., the AA. examined two groups of animals, namely: January specimens in hibernation and May specimens in the mating period.In the animals of the first group, the Leydig cells were scarce, small and possessed a poorly developed E.R. and small mitochondria usually presenting laminar cristae.In the specimens of the second group the interstitial cells were large and possessed a very well developed smooth E.R. arranged in a system of anastomosing tubules and vesicles; the mitochondria were numerous and large, with prevailingly tubular cristae and often with a discontinuous wall. Lipid droplets and lysosomes were also present.The observation on the ultrastructure of the Leydig cells in May specimens of Lacerta s. sicula Raf`. seems to confirm the opinion that these elements participate in the metabolism of the sexual steroids; in fact they possess ultrastructural features that are typical of steroidogenetic cells.
Lavoro eseguito con il contributo n.115.1121.1245. della Impresa di Endocrinologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, e svolto, per le osservazioni al M.E., presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli. 相似文献
Maria Grilli 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(5-6):460-466
Abstract Observations on the infrastructures of ANABAENA CYCADINAE and of root-nodules cells of CYCAS REVOLUTA. — Light and electron microscope observations carried on the fine and ultrafine sections of root-nodules of Cycas revoluta, brought in evidence differences structural and infrastructural of cells. These differences concern mainly the modifications presented by reticulum endoplasmic which in middle-aged cells takes a fragmentary and vescicular aspect, and the mitochondria which, in the same cells, show short cristae starting by outside wall of the organul. About the plastyds, I could bring in evidence that there is plenty of leucoplasts but the proplastyds are still numerous, as the cloroplastyds showing some development of the lamellar system and of grana. Plastyds green are present either in while nodules, either in the root-tops. In no nodules it has been possible to point out the presence of bacteria while it has been possible to verify that Algae have some polymorphism of structure because the chromatoplasma may result essentially of tree different aspects, by me, indicated as reticular type (fig. 12), lamellar type (fig. 10) and type at mixed structure (fig. 11). 相似文献
Osservazioni sul ciclo di sviluppo delle gemme di esemplari mascbili e femminili di Ginkyo biloba L.
Abstract Observations on the development cycle of the buds of male and female specimens of Ginkyo biloba L. – A study of the buds of long shood and short shoot of male and female Ginkyo biloba L. individuals reveals the following: 1) All the buds of the male individuals are bigger and round in shape while those of the female individuals are smaller and conical. 2) Among individuals of the same sex there are no differences between the buds of long and short shoots except that the latter are always bigger. 3) All the buds, both male and female, show a constant number of buds scales (7–14), embryonic leaves (3–7) and leaf primordia (3–4). 4) The increase in diameters is greater in the male than in the female buds. 5) When opening, the buds of the male short shoots can get as big as 11,5 mm × 11,5 mm and those of the female short shoots 5 mmx4 mm. At this time, the long shoots of both sexes show a less marked differences in size (♂ 5 mm × 5 mm; 9 4 mm × 3,5 mm). 6) The male buds of both long and short shoots are always mixed, that is they are provided with a very small apex and pollen sacs. Only on exceptional cases has sterility been observed. On the other hand female buds are mixed, that is they are provided with a shoot apex and ovules, only in the long shoots of three or more years of age and not always; while the buds of the long shoots are always sterile. 7) Opening of the buds, which in both sexes occurs from the base upwards, takes place at the middle of March in the male and in the first decade of April in the female individuals. 8) The appearence of sex, starting from the base, takes place at an earlier time in male individuals. In fact in the buds of the male short shoots it appears as early as July. In the buds of the female short shoots it appears in October. 9) Pollen cones do not appear at the same time in all the buds of the two types of shoot. They are found in the buds of the short shoots in July, in October in the lateral buds of the long shoots and in November in the terminal buds of the same type of shoots. 10) Ovules appear only in some buds of short shoots three or more year old. They are never present in the long and short shoots one or two year old buds. 11) The dates of appearance of the pollen cones and ovules in our Florentine specimens are exactly the same as those reported by SPRECHER (1907) for the Ginkyo plants growing in Geneva. 相似文献
Summary The Dacus oleae larva possesses four Malpighian tubules, two anterior and two posterior ones, which in pairs enter into a ureter. Before opening into the gut, at the level of the transition zone between the mid- and hindgut, each ureter is dilated into an ampulla.The anterior tubules are divided into four regions: distal, transition, middle and proximal ones: while in the posterior tubules only middle and proximal segments are detectable. The distribution of the enzyme systems is indicated in Fig. 3, while the ultrastructural organization which is typical of the cells composing the different regions is schematically represented in Fig. 1. According to the ultrastructural and enzymatic findings, and the discussion on this subject in the literature, the authors are led to assume that in the distal segment occurs the segregation of uric acid, urates and calcium salts. In the transition segment, and still more in the intermediate one, an indiscriminate transport of water and solutes occurs from the haemocoel into the lumen of the tubule by pinocytosis. A fraction of the catabolites is precipitated as chromolipoidal pigments. The transition stages between cytosomes and pigment are described. Along with secretory phenomena the resorption of useful substances occurs in the proximal region. A similar function is performed by the ureter. In the ampulla, which is characterized by a conspicuous system of deep tubular infoldings both at the apical and basal surfaces of its cells, a massive water resorption is presumed to occur. 相似文献
Lucia Di Giovine Vecchione 《Histochemistry and cell biology》1967,9(3):203-216
Riassunto E' stata studiata l'istogenesi e l'istochimica della ghiandola sottomandibolare e sottolinguale di embrione di topo, in condizioni di sviluppo normale e in cultura organotipica in vitro. In condizioni normali l'attività secretrice diviene dimostrabile con mezzi istochimici al 16 giorno di gestazione, come materiale intracellulare. La secrezione presenta fino dall'inizio reazione positiva ai metodi del PAS e di Hale, ed è colorabile col blu alcian. Al 17 giorno compaiono fra le due ghiandole differenze nell'aspetto morfologico del secreto, nell'intensità delle suddette reazioni istochimiche, e nel comportamento rispetto al blu di toluidina che dopo solfatazione dà colorazione metacromatica nella sottolinguale, ma non nella sottomandibolare. Ciò indica che il componente polisaccaridico del secreto ha caratteristiche un po' diverse nelle due ghiandole.Sono state eseguite culture in vitro di ghiandole al 13 giorno di gestazione, su un coagulo di plasma e di estratto embrionale di pollo. Al momento dell'espianto, esse sono all'inizio della loro differenziazione, e sono formate ciascuna da un cordoncino epiteliale e da una gemma solida, entro una comune capsula mesenchimale. Il processo di ramificazione si svolge più lentamente che in vivo, ma la secrezione compare alla stessa età totale. Le ghiandole si sono sviluppate in vitro per 10 giorni e le loro caratteristiche istochimiche sono apparse eguali a quelle che si osservano in condizioni normali di sviluppo.
Lavoro eseguito coi mezzi forniti da contratti di ricerca dell'U.S.A.E.C. (NYO-3355-10) e dell'Euratom (043-65-1 BIO I) e con un contributo del C.N.R. 相似文献
Summary Histogenesis and histochemistry of submandibular and sublingual glands of mouse embryo were studied both during normal development and in vitro. In normal conditions secretory activity becomes detectable by histochemical methods at the 16th day of gestation as intracellular material. From the start, secretion shows a positive reaction to the PAS and Hale's method, and stains with alcian blue. At the 17th day differences may be shown between the two glands in the morphological features of the secretion, in the intensity of the above said histochemical reactions, and in the behaviour towards toluidine blue, which after sulfation gives metachromatic staining in the sublingual, but not in the submandibular gland. This indicates that the polysaccharidic component of the secretion has different characters in the two glands.Cultures in vitro were made of glands at the 13th day of gestation, on a clot of chicken plasma and embryo extract. At explantation time, they are just beginning their differentiation, and both consist of an epithelial cord and a solid bud, contained in a common mesenchymal capsule. The ramification process goes on at a slower rate in vitro than in vivo, but secretion appears at the same total age. The glands developed in vitro for 10 days and their histochemical features appeared to be comparable to those which were observed in normal developmental conditions.
Lavoro eseguito coi mezzi forniti da contratti di ricerca dell'U.S.A.E.C. (NYO-3355-10) e dell'Euratom (043-65-1 BIO I) e con un contributo del C.N.R. 相似文献
Prof. Piera Scaramella Petri 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):564-582
Summary The author has produced wounds in the stem of Ricinus communis, studing the regeneration and cicatrization processes. The rapidity of the surface cicatrization is in relation with the water loss of the waunded cells. Both in the stems woumded let free and in those in which an extra tissue has been introduced, the cicatrization processes tacke place. They only take place with different velocity. The healing process lead to the reconstruction of the cortical and the conducting tissues. The whole reconstruction of the stele may occur, when the flow of the assimilated stuffs is slowed. Sothat it is probable that the regeneration depends more upon the tissue nutrition tham on a specifical properti of the tissues. 相似文献
Sergio Tonzig 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):583-618
Summary At intervals of about 4 days and over the whole extension of the respective cycles, samples of air were taken in the morning, noon and evening in fields of wheat, rye, oats, corn, clover and oilnavew bird rape; these samples, taken at foliage level, were assessed for their CO2 contents. The results were expressed both in form of tables as well of diagrams. In this manner the daily and annual periodical pattern of the CO2 contents in the air is shown. The reasons of this periodical pattern are discussed with particular reference to the action developed by the surronding conditions (such as temperature, water availability, etc.) acting on the soil microflora, by which CO2 is produced, and on the CO2 consumption by green plants, as well as to the relationships existing between CO2 consumption and different biological types of plants. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die sogenannten serösen oder bläschenförmigen Zellen des Knochenmarks (Bizzozero) des stark verhungernden Kaninchens sind bekanntlich Fettzellen, in denen das Fett verbraucht wurde; in denselben habe ich nie weder Speicherung vitaler Farbstoffe, beobachtet, noch andere Merkmale, welche auf eine Umwandlung in Histiozyten hindeuten. Wenn dagegen bei diesen Tieren mehrfach Blut entnommen wurde, wandeln sich die serösen Zellen in typische Histiozyten; ihre Form wird unregelmäßig, mit zahlreichen Fortsätzen, in Beziehung mit dem Reticulum des Knochenmarks; das Zytoplasma dieser Zellen speichert Trypanblau in erheblicher Menge und erscheint mit Hämosiderinkörnchen beladen. Ich vermute deshalb, daß in den serösen Zellen des Knochenmarks die latenten histiozytären Eigenschaften durch den hämopoietischen Reiz erweckt werden. 相似文献
Francesco D'amato 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):660-679
Summary 1) Young stems of Asparagus officinalis L., from 12 to 46 cm. in length, were decapitated just below the shoot apex and 2,4-D was applied to the cut surface in concentrations 0,1% to 2% by weight in lanolin paste. Decapitated Asparagus stems treated with lanolin only served as controls. A total of 50 stems, of which 10 controls, were investigated. 2) Apart from the sprouting of lateral buds in two plants, no other macroscopical or histological reaction was noticed in the control material. Following treatment with 2,4-D, on the contrary, the following gross responses were evidently seen a) Bending reaction (figs. 2, 3, 5). This was found to occur in 13 plants, on the second to fourth day since decapitation and at a distance of 1 to 5 cm. from the cut surface. Only in one case was the bending so pronounced as to bring about a complete change in polarity of the upper portion of the stem; b) Tumor formation. In 8 plants, 7 of which had been treated with doses 1% or 2% of 2,4-D, a swelling appeared just below the surface of decapitation. Due to a difference in cell elongation between the cells of the fundamental parenchyma and those of the cortex, the cut surface took, in a few days, a spoon-like appearance (fig. 10). In two of the 8 plants a tumor-like swelling was noted at some distance from decapitation (fig. 11); c) Unbalanced elongation in fasciated stems. This brought about the bending towards the cut surface of the more elongated portion in fasciated stems (fig. 15); d) Longitudinal splits in fasciated stems. (figs. 12, 13). Longitudinal splits were noticed in some of the fasciated stems, which appeared also affected by a very strong gummosis; e) Survival of decapitated stems. 2,4-D treatment clearly increases the survival of decapitated stems, the maximum duration of survival being 19 days in controls and 30 to 33 days in some stems treated with 1% or 2% phyto-hormone; f) Sprouting of lateral buds (figs. 4, 5). The frequency of this phenomenon in 2,4-D treated material is not higher as compared with that of controls. However, the treatment seems to induce some auxinlike responses in lateral branches. 3) Concerning the histological reactions, the following can be said a) No mitosis stimulation is induced neither by wounding alone nor by wounding plus 2,4-D in any portion of the Asparagus stem; b) radial cell elongation of cortical cells and, in some cases, of pericycle cells (Borgstrom's «transverse reaction») is responsible for both sub-terminal tumors and the two tumor-like swellings of the type reported in fig. 11 (fig. 20 for histological details). Differential elongation in different portions of the stem is responsible for some of the gross responses referred to above; c) extensive lignification and suberization of parenchyma and, sometimes, epidermal cells occur in 2,4-D treated material. Lignification begins, on the 12th to the 15th day since decapitation, in the cells of the pericycle and fundamental parenchyma surrounding the outermost bundles and gradually spreads centripetally reaching, in extreme cases, some portions of the pith (fig. 24). In these same cases, the lignification process (which is generally present in the first 2 or 3 cm. below the cut surface) may extend as far as 7 cm. below the surface of decapitation. The lignification process appears not to be spred evenly in the stem, being sometimes localized in one or more large areas (fig. 18) and expressing itself in highest degree in zones near the divergence of leaf traces (fig. 16). Lignification of cortical parenchyma and of isolated groups of epidermal cells occurs in a later stage, being concomitant with some suberization process in other cells of the same region of the stem. Photographs of different patterns of both suberization and lignification processes in the layers from epidermis to outermost bundles are reported in figs. 26 to 31, all taken from material treated with 2% 2,4-D. The lignification process takes place according to the well-known scheme of «vascular differentiation» (Sinnot e Bloch 1945); d) gummosis is very common in 2,4-D treated material. The various stages of gummosis in the different tissues of the stem have been described and special attention has been paid to the extensive formation of lysigenous spaces, following cell degeneration (figs. 32 to 37). 4) In discussing the results of the present investigation, the point is stressed that by experimental means it has been possible to induce in Asparagus some patterns of tissue differentiation and distribution which are to be found in other species of Monocotyledons. After taking into special consideration the actually available data on «vascular differentiation», a twofold effect of 2,4-D on this process is assumed to have taken place, namely: a) favouring influence on cell wall lignification and b) prolongation of survival, probably bringing about a kind of «aging» of tissues. This prolongation of survival seems also to have been a determining factor in the occurrence of the strong gummosis noticed. 相似文献
Dott. Luigi Farina 《Mycopathologia》1943,4(1):162-171
Riassunto L'A. ha eseguito una serie di ricerche sperimentali sulla cavia consistenti in inoculazioni ripetute per molti giorni per via epicutanea di Tric. Gyps. Ast., Ach. Quinq., Micr. Lan., in reinoculazioni omologhe e crociate ripetute, inoculazioni in animali pretrattati con iniezioni di tricofitina. L'A ha constatato che 1 ripetere le inoeulazioni porta al costituirsi di alterazioni cutanee a carattere intensamente infiammatorio anziehè portare ad un'attenuarsi progressivo delle lesioni. Nelle reinoculazioni omologhe e crociate le lesioni insorte invece di tendere ad una rapida risoluzione si stabiliscono e durano a lungo. Il pretrattamento con tricofitina in animali, che poi ricevono un'unica inoculazione, influenza nettamente l'aspetto della micosi che insorge; ciò avviene in aumento o in diminuzione a seconda della quantità di antigene iniettato. Riportandosi dopo queste acquisizioni alle lesioni umane del tipo infiammatorio l'A. prospetta l'ipotesi ehe esse siano legate ad inoculazioni multiple e le forme torpide, a parità di micete, ad un'unica inoculazione.
Summary The A. has attendet to a series of experimental researches on the guinea pig, consisting of inoculations of Tric. Gyps. Ast., Ach. Quinq., Micr. Lan., repeated during many days, by epidermidal way, of reinoculations repeated homologous and crossed and of inoculations is animals preventively treated with trichophitin injections. The A. has ascertained that repetition of the inoculations brings about alterations of a nature intensely inflammatory, instead of bringing about the progressive decrease of the lesions. In the homologous and crossed reinoculations, the originated lesions, instead of showing a tendency to a rapid resolution, settle down and last long. The preventive to a rapid resolution, settle down and last long. The preventive treatment with trichophitin in animals that will aftewards be inoculated only once, affect clearly the aspect of the rising mycosis that will be weaker or stronger, according to the quantity of the injected trichophitin. Alter these acquisitions, the A. referring to the human lesions of an inflammatory nature, expresses the hipothesis that they may be connected with multiple inoculations and that the torpid forms, with he same quantity of fungus, may be connected with one single inoculation.
Zusammenfassung Der V. hat eine Versuchsreihe an dem Meerschweinchen durchgeführt. Diese bestand aus viele Tage durch wiederholten Einimpflungen von Tric. Gyps. Ast., Ach. Quinq., Micr. Lan., auf dem epidermoidalen Wege, aus homologen und gekreuzten wiederholten Wiedereinimpfungen und aus Einimpfungen an mit Trichophiteimspritzungen vorbehandelten Tieren. Der V. hat festgestellt dafz die Wiederholung der Einimpfungen zur Entstehung hochentzündlicher hautartiger Veränderungen führt statt zu einer Verminderung der fortschreitenden Verletzungen zu führen. In den homologen und gekrezten Wiedereinimpfungen lassen sich die aufgetretenen Verletzungen nieder und dauern lange, statt zu einer schnellen Entscheidung zu neigen. Die Vorbehandlung mit Trichophitin an Tieren, die nachher eine einzige Einimpfung bekommen werden, beëinflüsst deutlich das Aussehen der auftretenden Mycosis, die je nach der Menge an eingespritztem Trichophitin stärker oder schwächer sein wird. Nach diesen Erwerben, bezieht sich der V. auf die entzündlichen Menschenverletzungen und nimmt an dafs sie mit vielfachen Einimpfungen und die torpiden Formen, bei gleichen Pilze, mit einer einzigen Einimpfungen verbinden sind.
Résumé L'A. a fait une serie de recherches experimentales sur le cobaye, consistent dans des inoculations de Tric. Gyps. Ast., Ach. Quinq., Micr. Lan., répétées pendant plusieurs jours, par la voie épidermique, dan des réinoculations homologiques et croisées répétées et des inoculations dans des animaux traités précedentement avec des injections de tricophytine. L'A a constaté che la répétition des inoculations cause des alterations cutanées d'une nature fortement inflammatoire. Dans les réinoculations homologues et croisées, les lésions surgies au lieu d'aboutir à une rapide résolution, se fixent et durent longuement. Le traitement préventif avec de la tricophitine dans des animaux qui seront inoculés une seule fois, influence clairement l'aspect de la naissante mycose, qui sera plus faible ou plus forte, selon la quantitè des fongus injecté. Aprés ces acquisitions l'A. se référant aux lesions humaines d'une nature inflammatoire, exprime l'hypothèse qu'elles soient en rapport avec des inoculations multiples et que les formes atones, avec le même fongus, soient en rapport avec une unique inoculation.相似文献
Abstract Phytogeographic and phytosociological meaning of the Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach community at S. Elia Cape (Cagliari).—Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach station at S. Elia Cape, the most western station of its distributive area, sets the question whether the accompanying vegetation must be attributed to eastern or western associations. An analysis of the species shows some residual members of the Poterium spinosum and Corydothymus capitatus Lavrentiades 1969 association, but not sufficient to recognize this coenosis, which is anyhow included in the Oleo-Ceratonion. The boundary of these coenosis with the eastern area is attributed to a N-W/S-E climate gradient, set possibly in post glacial ages. 相似文献