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Karyology of some species of Vicia. The species studied are: Vicia articulata, Vicia monantha, Vicia narbonensis and Vicia ervilia.

The chromosome number 2n = 14 counted for the first three species agrees with that reported in literature; that of Vicia monantha (2n=14) agrees with that quoted by Heitz, while Senn finds 2n=12.

Karyotypes of V. narbonensis and V. ervilia show appreciable differences from those reported in literature.  相似文献   

Summary The comparative study of Malbranchea pulchella, M. Bolognesii-Chiurcoi (two strains) and M. Kambayashii (the two last named species also on original strains) adscertained the identity of species. In spite of superficial analogies with the thallospores (arthrospores) of Actinomyces and Geotrichum, the sporulation in Malbranchea ends to the formation of true conidia; through the generation of a proconidium allied to the same organ of Sporendonema. Between true arthrospores and true conidia intermediate morphologies are recognizable in many genera. The generation of the proconidium and the schizogenese of conidia may be interpreted as a pseudo-endosporulation, not a true endosporulation. The affinities with Helicosporous fungi are only superficial.  相似文献   

Ettore Vidari 《Mycopathologia》1943,3(3-4):225-239
Riassunto L'A. inocula il Monosporium apiospermum Saccardo (ceppo Tarozzi) in conigli, cavie e piccioni allo scopo di riprodurre sperimentalmente il micetoma monosporosico e di studiare l'infiammazione specifica. I tentativi di riprodurre nella zampa del piccione il micetoma monosporosico hanno avuto esito negativo. Nei conigli sono state studiate le modalità dell'infezione primaria e di quelle provocate con reinoculazioni in animali precedentemente preparati. L'A. ha messo in evidenza delle modificazioni umorali ed allergiche negli animali più volte trattati; al lume di questi reperti cerca di chiarire i meccanismi patogenetici della malattia sperimentale e di quella umana. Fa, infine, alcune considerazioni sulla forma parassitaria del Monosporium apiospermium.
Summary The author injects the Monosporium apiospermum Saccardo (Tarozzi strain) into rabbits, guinea-pigs and pigeons in order to reproduce the monosporic mycetoma experimentally and to study specific inflammation. The attempts of reproducing the monosporic mycetoma in the pigeon's foot had a negative result. The modalities of primary infection and of those caused by reinoculation in animals previously prepared, have been studied in rabbits. The Author pointed out some humoral and allergical modifications in animals which had been treated many times; availing himself of these findings he tries to explain the pathogenic mechanism of the experimental and human disease. Finally he makes some consideration on the parasitical form of the Monosporium apiospermum.

Zusammenfassung Verfasser impfo das Monosporium apiospermium Saccardo (stamm Tarozzi) Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen und Tauben zu dem Zwecke ein, das monosporosiche Mycetom experimentell zu erzeugen und die spezifische Entzündung zu studieren. Die Versuche, das monosporosische Mycetom am Taubenfuss hervorzurufen haben ein negatives Ergebnis gezeitigt. Bei den Kaninchen wurden die Modalitäten der primären und der mittels Wiedereinimpfung bei vorbehandelten Tieren hervorgerufenen Entzündungen untersucht. Verfasser konnte bei den mehrmals behandelten Tieren humorale und allergische Veränderungen zum Vorschein bringen; im Lichte dieser Befunde versucht er, die pathogenetischen Mechanismen der experimentellen und menschlichen Erkrankung zu klären. Schliesslich stellt Verfasser einige Betrachtungen über die parasitäre Form des Monosporium apiospermum an.

“The New Red List of the Italian Flora” includes all the Italian policy species and other species of known conservation concerns for a total of 400 taxa, 65% of which are threatened with extinction. The Red List is based on a huge georeferenced data-set useful for conservation purposes.  相似文献   


Observations on the genus Lulworthia Suth., on its relationship with Limnoria Menzies and records of others species. – Near a coral-limestone before Bogliasco-Genova panels of various woods: Abies alba, Ochroma lagopus, Fagus silvatica, Olea europaea, Larix decidua, Pinus pinaster, Populus alba have been laid as a bait. When they have been fished out again, after lengths of time varying from a minimum of a month and a half to a maximum of eleven months, with intervals of about one month and a half, they have often presented, besides the normal bentonic flora and fauna, numerous long, bright, septate, brown hyphae emerging from the wood. Only after the panels have been perforated by Limnoria tripunctata the perithecia of Lulworthia sp. appear; the quantity of these seems to be inversely proportional to that of the brown hyphae, which is particularly evident in Olea and Populus. In some preparations (slides) it is possible to notice connections between the brown mycelium inside the wood and the perithecia of the ascomicete. It is believed that the brown hyphae represent the vegetative stage of the strain of Lulworthia found at Bogliasco but that only after the perforation and alteration of the wood caused by Limnoria, the fungus is able to form the perithecia. The biometric values of the above mentioned Lulworthia are given. Besides, the finding of the Papulaspora halima Anast. is reported; such species, described in California in 1963, has been found in Japan, too. It is also noticed the presence of Corollospora maritima Wender., already found in other stations of the Mediterranean, and other ubiquitous species.  相似文献   


Flower colour and anthocyanidin pigments in some species of the Italian flora.—The anthocyanidin pigments, cyanidin and peonidin, of Corydalis cava and C. solida have been identified. The chromatic variation of C. cava is due to quantitative variation of the pigments. Only quantitative differences exist between the two species C. cava and C. solida. The pigments are absent in the white flowers.

The pigments of Pulmonaria visianii in all flower ages are delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin. The blueing of flowers with ageing depends on pH; being 5.6 for red, 6.0 for purple and 6.7 for blue flowers.  相似文献   

Mario Orsenigo 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):250-252

MECHANISM OF COCHLIOBOLIN ACTIVITY: A PREVENTIVE NOTE. — Coch-liobolin caused leakage of phosphate and organic compounds from corn rootlets and potato discs, at room temperature. The leakage does not occur at 1–5°C, but when potato discs are incubated at this temperature and then thoroughly washed and brought at 25°C, a sharp increase of phosphate may be noticed in the incubation solutions.

Cochliobolin inhibited partially the aerobic respiration of glucose and endogenous carbon in Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus resting cells. Aerobic respiration of pyruvate, succinate, fumarate and malate was completely inhibited, while the inhibition of lactate and Lketoglutarate respiration required a short lag period. The hydrogen-ion concentration of the media seemed to be an important factor controlling the rapidity of action of the inhibitor, because at pH 4 and 5 at least 120 minutes were required prior any effect could be observed, while only 30 minutes were required at pH 6.

The effects of cochliobolin on Micrococcus resting cells were irreversible In contrast, respiratory activities of acetonic powders were refractory to the substance under aerobic conditions, and oxidation of pyruvate, malate, fumarate, succinate and α-ketoglutarate were not affected by saturated solutions of cochliobolin. It is suggested that the first site of attack is the cell wall-cell membrane unit, altering cell permeability, so that inorganic ions and other cofactors essential to respiration are lost in consequence of the leakage through the cell membrane.  相似文献   

C. E. Malan 《Mycopathologia》1943,3(3-4):255-261
Riassunto È descritto un nuovo genere di blastomiceti anascosporei al quale viene dato il nome di Cystidiella in riferimento agli articoli a forma di cistidio che ne sono la principale caratteristica.Si ritiene che questo nuovo genere, nel quadro sistematico dei blastomiceti anascosporei, trovi il suo posto nella tribù, o sottofamiglia, delle Trichosporeae, della famiglia delle Torulopsidaceae, accanto al gen. Trichosporon, col quale ha dei punti di contatto.La specie in base alla quale è descritto questo nuovo genere è stata isolata dal terreno di un campo di segale in montagna, nelle Valli Valdesi del Piemonte (Italia) e ad essa è stato dato il nome di Cystidiella valdensis. Del genere e della specie nuova è data un'accurata descrizione corredata dalle relative diagnosi latine.
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine neue Gattung von anaskosporogenen Sprosspilze beschrieben, der die Name Cystidiella in Bezug auf den kystidienförmigen Arthrosporen, die das hauptsächlichen Kennzeichen darstellen, gegeben wird.Der Verfasser haltet dass im Stamm der anaskosporogenen Sprosspilze die neue Gattung scinen Platz in der Tribus (oder Unterfamilie) Trichosporeae der Familie Torulopsidaceae, neben der Gattung Trichosporon, mit der sie viele Berührungspunkte besitzt, finde.Die neue Art, worüber diese neue Gattung begrundet ist, wurde aus dem Boden eines Roggenfeldes in der Waldenseren Thälern der Piemonte (Italien) isoliert und Cysdidiella valdensis benannt.Man gibt eine ausführliche Beschreibung (mit lateinischen Diagnosen) der neuen Gattung und Art.


Preliminary account of the microfungi colonizing Pistaca lentiscus L. litter - A preliminary account of the microfungi colonizing Pistacia lentiscus L. leaf litter in five small islands of South Sardinia is carried out. Two species, Beltrania rhombica Penzig and Endophragmiella boewei (Crane) Hughes are present in almost all the samples investigated. A very low index in richness of species seems to be characteristic of this particular area.  相似文献   

Sommario E' del 1974, sulla traccia fornita dall'International Biological Program, che è in atto nel nostro Paese il monitoraggio pollinico. Su iniziativa dell'Assessorato Ambiente della Regione Emilia Romagna e del CNR, nasce la prima rete regionale pilota di monitoraggio aerobiologico rivolta particolarmente ai granuli pollinici responsabili di allergia. Nel 1980 il campionamento pollinico supera i confini regionali e si estende a tutta la penisola, tanto che due anni dopo operano in Italia 20 stazioni. Attualmente vi sono in Italia 57 centri di monitoraggio aerobiologico che operano nell'ambito dell'Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia, fondata a Bologna nel marzo 1985 e comprendente studiosi provenienti da discipline diverse. E' indispensabile che ogni punto di monitoraggio pollinico abbia un confronto costante con i risultati clinici e la componente vegetale del territorio. A Ferrara i risultati di cinque anni di rilevamento hanno evidenziato tre gruppi principali di pollini allergenici: Graminacee, Urticaee (in particolare il genere Parietaria), Composite (in particolare il genere Artemisia), mentre scarsa è l'incidenza dei pollini degli alberi. Ricerche cliniche, svolte nel 1980 e nel 1982 su due gruppi di pazienti allergopatici, confermano i dati aerobiologici. Le percentuali di positività agli skin-tests sono per le Graminacee il 90% (1980) e l'88% (1982), ler le Urticacee il 30% (1980) e il 27% (1982), per le Composite il 15% (1980) e il 12% (1982). Abbiamo effettuato anche un'indagine sul territorio della provincia di Ferrara per verificare la presenza e consistenza di alcune specie di piante allergeniche. Tralasciando le Graminacee che, per essere assai diffuse, non giustificano una verifica sul campo, abbiamo dato maggior spazio ai generi Parietaria e Urtica (fam. Urticacee) e ai generi Artemisia e Ambrosia (fam. Composite). Nel nostro territorio sono presenti solamente 2 specie diParietaria (P. officinalis eP. diffusa) e 2 specie diUrtica (U. diodica eU. urens). Riguardo alle Composite abbiamo verificato la presenza di 4 specie diArtemisia molto comuni in tutto il territorio ferrarese, mentre 2 specie diAmbrosia sono diffuse soltanto lungo il litorale. Si può affermare che, in campo allergologico, la combinazione di dati aerobiologici, clinici e botanici costituisce la base per giungere ad una diagnosi corretta e per impostare una terapia il più mirata possibile.   相似文献   


Nucellar embryogenesis in undeveloped ovules in some navel orange cultivars. - Nucellar embryogenesis has been studied in some cultivars of navel orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. Histological observations have been carried out in undeveloped ovules excised 2, 4, 6, 8 months after anthesis. Ovules under study derived a) from flowers naturally pollinated or hand-pollinated with pollen of Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.; b) from emasculated flowers, and c) from flowers deprived of stigma. In absence of pollination, as well as in absence of fertilization, the nucellar embryos reached the globular stage.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Durch frühzeitige Zerstörung der ganzen primären Augenblase, bzw. des oberflächlichen Abschnittes der Augenanlage mit dem anliegenden Ektoderm, wurde beim Hühnerembryo die Entwicklung des ektodermalen Bestandteiles derHarderschen Drüse verhindert. Trotzdem legte sich der mesenchymale Bestandteil der Drüse an normaler Stelle an und entwickelte sich normal bis zum Ausschlüpfen; nur war die ausschließlich aus Mesenchym zusammengesetzte Anlage etwas kleiner als die normale Drüse. Vom 10. Tage der Bebrütung ab erscheint bei den operierten Embryonen der bindegewebige Bestandteil der Drüse als eine scharf konturierte, von den anliegenden Geweben gesonderte Masse von länglicher Form. Vom 16. Tage der Bebrütung ab dringen in die bindegewebige Masse kleine runde, stark granulierte Wanderzellen (vielleicht Makrophagen) ein; dasselbe wurde in der normalen Drüse beobachtet.Dadurch wird das Bestehen einer relativen Unabhängigkeit zwischen den beiden Bestandteilen derHarderschen Drüse, dem epithelialen und dem mesenchymalen Anteil, bewiesen; die Vermutung liegt also nahe, daß eine gewisse Unabhängigkeit in der Determination der beiden bestehe.  相似文献   

Summary The author follows the formation, the resting features and the further development of the peculiar hyphal bodies ofDelacroixia coronata. By the microscopical examination of colonies grown in Couch medium on cover-slips, he distinguishes various schemes of development and septation in the hyphal bodies recorded above and, after having mentioned the uncertainty of some other denominations (azygospores, parthenospores), he states that they are to be considered chlamidospores in the sense ofLangeron.  相似文献   


L'A., inquadrato il lavoro nel vasto campo degli antagonismi tra vegetali, considera se la microflora che si sviluppa per elezione sulle ricche radici della barbabietola da zucchero possa esercitare una influenza sull'incompatibilità, frequentemente riscontrata nella Bassa Valle Padaria, esistente tra la saccarifera e il Mais, e che si manifesta con un minor rigoglio vegetativo di quest'ultimo quando è consociato o segue la Chenopodiacea.  相似文献   


A study of Sternbergia lutea Ker-Gawl lipidsoluble pigments during some phases of its biological cycle. — In the present paper we have examined the pigments of Sternbergia lutea and their variations during some particular phases of its biological cycle in order to obtain useful information on their probable function in the plant. Therefore, we have analyzed the pigments of the leaves, floral scape, tepals and anthers. The results obtained show that Sternbergia lutea is characterized by the same pigment composition as that of the other higher plants. In addition to this, three further carotenoids have been observed (mainly in the tepals and anthers). Chromatographic and spectrophotometric properties of these new pigments indicate their relationship with carotene isomers that have already been examined. During the phases of vegetative cycle of Sternbergia lutea chlorophylls and carotenoids increase concomitantly with the growth of the plant. Carotenes reach a significant maximum value only in anthers. In the course of the necrosis (that obviously occurs in different stages for the various organs) is observed a higher decrease of chlorophylls (in the green tissues) and of the carotenes (in the anthers) while lutein and violaxanthin increase greatly (in the tepals).  相似文献   

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