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Germination and growth of ABIES ALBA mill. in different light and temperature conditions. — The results of a research on white fir from different localities are summarized as follows:

a) Germination of seeds from three italian localities (Tuscany, lat. 43°, 44'; Abruzzo, lat. 41°, 52'; Calabria, lat. 38°, 33') has been tested in several ecological conditions (temperature, light and chilling); it has been found that 22 °C, 8 hrs. of light and a 3 weeks prechilling at 5 °C, are stimulating conditions for all the seeds. The Cala-brian seeds seem the most reactive.

b) Growth in different photoperiodic conditions has been tested on seedlings from the Appennine, from France (lat. 49°, 10') and Poland (lat. 49°, 39'). Growth is evidently stimulated by long-day conditions in all the seeds experimented and growth acceleration touches its maximum in the Calabrian seedlings, provided they germinated at 12°C in the ligth.

It has been concluded that Calabrian Abies behaves as a Biotype, evidently distinguished from all the others, and an ecological explanation of this behaviour has been attemped.  相似文献   


Effects of temperature and sea water on germination behaviour of Althenia filiformis Petit seeds. - Germination capacity and energy of Althenia filiformis Petit seeds have been investigated, 90 and 180 days after ripening, to carry out a preliminary study on ecology of this species.

This species, halophite and hydrophyte, is spreaded along the coast shores of middle-west mediterranean sea and atlantic shores of Morocco, Spain, Portugal and France.

Seeds were soaked in the dark, at 10°, 20°, 30°C, in solutions at different salt concentration: sea water; sea water diluted in deionized water at ratios (v/v) 1: 2, 1: 4, 1: 8; sea water plus 26 gr/l NaCl; deionized water, as control.

The experimental results show that germination is reduced and delayed when seeds are soaked in progressively concentrated salt solutions; in sea water plus 26 gr/l NaCl seed germination is inhibited.

Seeds pretreated by soaking at 3°C for 10 days in sea water diluted (1:1) by deionized water did not show, when soaked in salt solution at weak and middle concentration, any delay in germination in comparison with unpretreated seeds. On the contrary, pretreated and unpretreated seeds sown in sea water at 30°C had shown, 180 days after ripening, a significant depression in germination values as compared with seeds sown at 20°C.  相似文献   

Piera Lado 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):489-502

On the inhibition of seeds germination and of growth by cell enlargement by the osmotic pressure of the medium. — The mechanism of inhibition by osmotic pressure (O.P.) of the medium on growth and respiration of germinating wheat, castor bean and lettuce sèeds and of etiolated pea internode segments was investigated.

The following results were obtained:

1 - External osmotic pressure (up to 0.3 M) of various substances such as mannitol, urea, glucose, NaCl, was shown to inhibit the germination and growth of lettuce, wheat and castor bean seeds.

2 - a) A remarkable decrease of the development of respiration during the first 48 h of germination was demonstrated in embryos of wheat seeds germinated and maintained in mannitol solutions at concentration from 0,2 to 0,3 M.

b) A slight but reproducible inhibition of óxygen uptake by O.P. was also observed in embryos isolated from wheat seeds germinated in water for 24 and 34 h and transported respectively in water or into 0,2 M mannitol solutions.

This is interpreted as indicating that high external O.P. inhibits both the respiratory metabolism and the development with time of enzyme systems supporting respiration.

3 - Mannitol solutions (0,2–0,3 M) inhibited completely growth by cell enlargement in pea internode sections, while they did not at all affect oxygen uptake and protein synthesis ( 14 C - leucine incorporation). The stimulatory effect of auxin on pea elongation was almost completely suppressed by mannitol, whereas the hormone stimulation of respiration remained unchanged.

These data are interpreted as indicating that in tissues, presenting an advanced differentiation, high external O.P. inhibits growth by a direct physico-chemical mechanism; while the inhibitory effect in embrional tissues seems to comprehend, besides this direct effect, a complicated metabolic component, apparently influencing protein synthesis.  相似文献   


Cytological and genetic aspects of aging in seeds. — Our present knowledge on the occurrence and accumulation in seeds of chromosome structural changes and of mutations with increasing age is reviewed. It is shown that mutations are the result, rather than the cause, of seed aging and that they are due to metabolites accumulating in seeds during aging. The mechanisms of this « automutagenic effect » of metabolites are discussed.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):307-318
Background: Seedling germination and survival is a critical control on forest ecosystem boundaries, such as at the alpine–treeline ecotone. In addition, while it is known that species respond individualistically to the same suite of environmental drivers, the potential additional effect of local adaptation on seedling success has not been evaluated.

Aims: To determine whether local adaptation may influence the position and movement of forest ecosystem boundaries, we quantified conifer seedling recruitment in common gardens across a subalpine forest to alpine tundra gradient at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA.

Methods: We studied Pinus flexilis and Picea engelmannii grown from seed collected locally at High (3400 m a.s.l.) and Low (3060 m a.s.l.) elevations. We monitored emergence and survival of seeds sown directly into plots and survival of seedlings germinated indoors and transplanted after snowmelt.

Results: Emergence and survival through the first growing season was greater for P. flexilis than P. engelmannii and for Low compared with High provenances. Yet survival through the second growing season was similar for both species and provenances. Seedling emergence and survival tended to be greatest in the subalpine forest and lowest in the alpine tundra. Survival was greater for transplants than for field-germinated seedlings.

Conclusions: These results suggest that survival through the first few weeks is critical to the establishment of natural germinants. In addition, even small distances between seed sources can have a significant effect on early demographic performance – a factor that has rarely been considered in previous studies of tree recruitment and species range shifts.  相似文献   


Inactivation and riactivation of enzymes in endosperms of castor bean seeds. — On the basis of previous results, the possibility has been investigated of the reversible interconversion of active and inactive form of enzymes in castor bean seeds, during their development.

The results described here indicate that:

  1. the activity of some glycolytic enzymes increases greatly (81% and 400% increase of, respectively, Gl-6-P-dehydrogenase and aldolase) upon incubation of dry seeds for few hours at 4 °C.

  2. The decrease of enzyme activity upon dehydration of seeds and the increase during the subsequent imbibition can be shown reproducibly.

  3. This same observation is made for oxygen uptake.

These results are interpreted to indicate the reversible inactivation of enzymes caused by dehydration of seeds.  相似文献   


Cultural techniques for wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation. — The author, on the basis of his experience coming from the work carried out on the embryo transplantation for several years, takes in consideration some aspects, at technical level, regarding the best way to cultivate wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation operations.

In particular, the author refers on the possibility to sow the transplants just made (while the traditional method foresees the drying of transplants for 48–96 hours under laboratory conditions) and he illustrates the results of the transplant culture in jiffypots, which allow to improve survival of materials intended for the growth in field.  相似文献   


The alpine gentian (Gentiana nivalis L.) is a mountain rarity found at only two localities in Britain. It is an annual, establishing anew from seed each year and so the size and persistence of its seed bank is important for survival. Seed bank size was measured in summer, before seeds were shed, by sampling from soils at two sites where the alpine gentian is common. As the seeds do not germinate readily in the laboratory, it was assumed that all apparently healthy seeds extracted from the soils were alive and viable. This assumption was corroborated when 95–97% of seeds buried experimentally for 9–12 years germinated after repeated applications of gibberellic acid solution over a period of 6 months.

Densities of naturally buried alpine gentian seeds at the two sites ranged from 1.3 to 6.8 × 103 seeds m-2 and they comprised a major component of the community seed bank, disproportionately greater than the abundance of parent plants in the vegetation. The half-life of experimentally buried seeds was estimated as 15 or 32 years, depending on depth of burial and soil type. The findings explain why alpine gentian numbers can recover quickly after a population crash and emphasise the importance of the seed bank to the species' long-term survival in the montane environment.  相似文献   

Paolo Meletti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):372-384

New perspectives in the study of factors which control seed germination. — Seedlings of Triticum durum, cv. « Cappelli », coming from unirradiated embryos grafted on to irradiated endosperms (EM(u)/EN(i) of presoaked seeds (in distilled water for 24 h. at 20[ddot]C.) (treatment: X-rays, doses, 2,4,6,8,10 and 20 Kr), grow more than seedlings of control EM(u)/EN(u) (dose 0) (fig. 1). To have this reaction, it is necessary that the used seeds be after-ripe; at the various stages of seed ripening, be ginning from the milk stage, the phenomenon is not present.

On this basis, the author has thought that a natural inhibitor occurs in the after-ripe endosperm of « Cappelli », which is neutralized or destroyed by X-rays.

As an experimental demonstration, some trials have been made of growing wheat seedlings in Petri dish, on moistened (distilled water) filter paper, together with excised embryos or isolated endosperms (fig. 2): the after-ripe endosperm is able to depress the seedling growth (fig. 3). In the same experimental conditions, X-rays, dose 6 Kr, neutralize the inhibition effect given by the endosperm. (fig. 4).

A completely different situation occurs in wheat seed, during its ripening: endosperm is inactive, embryo produces inhibition effects on the seedling growth, which, also in this case, are reduced by X-rays.

These phenomena, put in relation with dormancy in Triticum durum, cv. « Cappelli », which is a relative dormancy, having its maximum at the milk stage, have led the author to the general conclusion that, during dormancy, a germination inhibitor occurs in the embryo of wheat seed; when dormancy is finished, the inhibitor appears in the endosperm, in a situation which becomes stable and definitive.  相似文献   


Background: Hurricanes have a strong influence on the ecological dynamics and structure of tropical forests. Orchid populations are especially vulnerable to these perturbations due to their canopy exposure and lack of underground storage organs and seed banks.

Aims: We evaluated the effects of Hurricane Ivan on the population of the endemic epiphytic orchid Encyclia bocourtii to propose a management strategy.

Methods: Using a pre- and post-hurricane dataset (2003–2013), we assessed the population asymptotic and transient dynamics. We also identified the individual size-stages that maximise population inertia and E. bocourtii’s spatial arrangement relative to phorophytes and other epiphytes.

Results: Hurricane Ivan severely affected the survival and growth of individuals of E. bocourtii, and caused an immediate decline of the population growth rate from λ = 1.05 to λ = 0.32, which was buffered by a population reactivity of ρ1 = 1.42. Our stochastic model predicted an annual population decrease of 14%. We found an aggregated spatial pattern between E. bocourtii and its host trees, and a random pattern relative to other epiphytes.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that E. bocourtii is not safe from local extinction. We propose the propagation and reintroduction of reproductive specimens, the relocation of surviving individuals, and the establishment of new plantations of phorophytes.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Work fulfilling actions and research specified in the Biodiversity Action Plan for SaxÍfraga hirculus is described. Two recovery sites have been set up in suitable mires situated within 3 km of lost sites.

Seeds from two of the three remaining N. Scottish sites germinated readily, and plants were successfully propagated in a garden. Transplanting to the first recovery site began in 1996 and to the second in 2000. Transplants survived well and increased in size, with some flowering. Direct sowing of seeds to the recovery sites was less successful, with poor survival and very slow growth of seedlings. Competition from resident mire plants is thought to control the performance of the transplants, growth being most checked in hummocks of Sphagnum warnstorfii. Ideally transplants should have c. 100 cm2 basal area.  相似文献   

Mutant frequency “saturation” in Arabidopsis' “main” inflorescence after fast neutron or X-ray treatment of seeds was observed using cell populations with heterogeneous radiation-sensitivities. Mutant frequencies were determined in (1) morphologically normal and conspicuous plants, (2) main and lateral inflorescences, and (3) different M1-fertility classes. At moderate radiation doses (47 Gy fast neutrons and 233 Gy X-rays) significant differences in mutant frequencies between different M1-fertility classes were observed. This suggests that cell populations with heterogeneous sensitivities were studied. No significant differences were observed either between the mutant frequencies in main and lateral inflorescences or between the ones in inflorescences of morphologically normal and conspicuous plants. This suggests that these inflorescences were formed by cell populations with similar but heterogeneous sensitivities.  相似文献   

Background: Long-term climate trends in mountain systems often vary strongly with elevation.

Aims: To evaluate elevation dependence in long-term precipitation trends in subalpine forest and alpine tundra zones of a mid-continental, mid-latitude North American mountain system and to relate such dependence to atmospheric circulation patterns.

Methods: We contrasted 59-year (1952–2010) precipitation records of two high-elevation climate stations on Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range, Rocky Mountains, USA. The sites, one in forest (3022 m a.s.l.) and the other in alpine tundra (3739 m), are closely located (within 7 km horizontally, ca. 700 m vertically), but differ with respect to proximity to the mountain-system crest (the Continental Divide).

Results: The sites exhibited significant differences in annual and seasonal precipitation trends, which depended strongly on their elevation and distance from the Continental Divide. Annual precipitation increased by 60 mm (+6%) per decade at the alpine site, with no significant change at the subalpine site. Seasonally, trends at the alpine site were dominated by increases in winter, which we suggest resulted from an increase in orographically generated precipitation over the Divide, driven by upper-air (700 hPa) north-westerly flow. Such a change was not evident at the subalpine site, which is less affected by orographic precipitation on north-westerly flow.

Conclusions: Elevation dependence in precipitation trends appears to have arisen from a change in upper-air flow from predominantly south-westerly to north-westerly. Dependence of precipitation trends on topographic position and season has complex implications for the ecology and hydrology of Niwot Ridge and adjacent watersheds, involving interactions among physical processes (e.g. snowpack dynamics) and biotic responses (e.g. in phenologies and ecosystem productivity).  相似文献   


Endosperm embryo interrelationships during germination of PINUS PINEA L. (2nd Note). — Experiments have been performed with unripe fresh seeds paralleled with unripe stored seeds (50 days of storage).

The effect of storage is very similar to the effect of further permanence on the tree.

It is confirmed the importance of the endosperm in the germination process already put in evidence in the 1rst note.

The relationships existing between endosperm and embryo during the germination of the seed become more and more strict as the seed ripens, so that in a ripe seed the embryo develops in a normal seedling only in connection of its own endosperm.

In an unripe seed the embryo is uncompletely controlled by its endosperm.

Some remarks have been made about the degree of maturity of the different parts of the embryo.  相似文献   

J. Dierschke 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):263-269
Capsule Seeds of plants from lower salt marsh communities are preferred, with insects less important.

Methods Droppings of Shorelarks Eremophila alpestris, Snow Buntings Plectrophenax nivalis and Twites Carduelis flavirostris sampled in the German Wadden Sea were analysed and compared with food abundance to assess preferences.

Results Shorelarks prefer seeds of Salicornia sp., Suaeda maritima, Atriplex sp., Halimione portulacoides and unidentified small grass seeds. Insects are eaten mainly in periods of seed shortage, but are consumed in smaller amounts during the winter. The food composition of Snow Buntings is very similar, but additionally Triglochin maritimum is commonly eaten. Twites are specialized on seeds of Salicornia sp. and Suaeda maritima and rarely ingest other seeds and insects. All seeds consumed were of plants from lower salt marsh communities. Many halophyte seeds, and especially those that birds feed on, are rich in energy. Large seeds and those which need a long handling time are avoided.

Conclusion Changes in the lower salt marshes of the Wadden Sea by embankments and intensified grazing might have been responsible for the rapid population decline from the 1960s to 1980s.  相似文献   


Influence of seed coats on the effect of X-rays on the embryo of «Triticum durum» Desf. – Seeds of «durum» wheat «Cappelli», presoaked in distilled water at 20° C. for 24 h in the dark, were treated with X-rays 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 KR. Before irradiation, seeds were distributed among the following three groups: 1) normal seeds with covered embryos; 2) seeds to irradiate and afterwards to submit to the removal of seed coats (pericarp and spermoderm) on the embryo; 3) seeds to irradiate after having removed seed coats on the embryos. Of course, for every group, the respective unirradiated controls were prepared. The material was sown in sterilized sound and kept in termostatic chamber at 20°C in the dark, for 7 days. After 4 and 6 days the seedling emergence was registered, after 7 days seedling were measured. Of particular interest is the remarkable depressing effect on the growth of seedlings coming from bared and irradiated embryos: this effect is induced – for significant differences, as compared with the behaviour of materials of groups 1 and 2 – especially on the root, by X-rays 2, 4 and 6 KR. No difference there is, on the contrary, among the seedlings coming from irradiated and bared embryos and those coming from irradiated controls.  相似文献   


Endosperm embryo interrelationships during germination of PINUS PINEA L. 1rst note. — Seeds and excised embryos have been cultured in vitro in the dark. Experiments with ripe seeds and embryos have been paralleled with exper. with unripe ones (6 months before natural seed dispersal). The results are as follows:

Both ripe and unripe seeds germinate in the dark into green seedlings.

In both types of seedlings the rootlet is the only part which rapidly increases in length, actually growing, but the growth speed of the root is greater in ripe seeds than in the unripe ones.

Both ripe and unripe excised embryos grow slowly, with greenles cotyledons and dwarf roots, showing a very slight geotropic curve.

The root stops growing more sharply in ripe embryos than in unripe ones.

The hypothesis is raised that the rootlet reaches its full growing power, under the endosperm control, and that this control encreases more and more, as the seed approaches its full maturity.  相似文献   


ACTION OF LIGHT ON SEEDLING GROWTH IN A YELLOW-GREEN MUTANT OF TRITICUM DURUM DESF. — Dry grains of Triticum durum cv. « Cappelli » and its radiation-induced yellow-green mutant were sown in sand in four environment, different for light conditions (daylight, artificial light, ultraviolet rays, darkness), having all the same temperature (23°C.). Seven days after sowing, the following data were registered: a) growth (in cm.) of the shoot and of the longest root; b) fresh weight (in gr.) of shoots and roots; c) water content of shoots and roots.

The following main results were obtained:
  1. the yellow-green mutant always shows less growth and less weight increase than normal « Cappelli », with the exception of the seedlings grown at daylight, which have shorter shoots and longer roots than the normal « Cappelli » but the same weight:

  2. artificial light, besides depressing the growth of the roots of the yellow-green mutant, which becomes green under these conditions, induces a remarkable decrease in the water content of the roots of the two wheats.


Effects of heating dry seed were investigated in Banksia serratifolia and B. ericifolia. Seeds were inviable after 7 min exposure at 150°C or higher temperatures but remained viable after exposure at 100°C and lower temperatures. Imbibed seeds show no dormancy, and seeds survive fire insulated from heat in the thick woody follicles which may persist unopened for several years on the parent plant but open following fire. Effects of nutritional supplements were observed in the seed germination and seedling survival and growth of Banksia serratifolia, B. aspleniifolia and B. ericifolia. Germination with radicle and hypocotyls extension was not significantly affected by a wide range of mineral nutrient regimes. In pot experiments using a heath soil seedling survival and growth were adversely affected by moderate additions of phosphate with surviving seedlings showing toxicity symptoms and poor development of proteoid roots. Moderate supplements of potassium had no adverse effect, and in B. serratifolia and B. ericifolia lessened the adverse effects of phosphate addition. The slow growth of the seedlings accords with the normal low nutrient availability in heath soils but seedlings show little capacity for rapid exploitation of any temporary increase of available nutrients after fire.  相似文献   

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