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Study on the contraction phenomena of isolated mitochondria of pea internodes. — The action of the phosphorylative inhibitors atractylate and oligomycin on ATP-induced contraction of isolated pea mitochondria has been studied. Oligomycin has proved to be an efficient inhibitor of mitochondrial contraction; no effect is seen on the contrary upon addition of atractylate. Both atractylate and oligomycin inhibit completely oxygen consumption of mitochondria with succinate as substrate. On the base of these results it is postulated that the two inhibitors act upon different sites of the phosphorylative reaction sequence.  相似文献   


The ultrastructure of sieve tubes in leaf petioles of HEDERA HELIX. — The structural organization of the sieve elements in Hedera leaf petiole at the beginning of the second year of life has been studied. At this stage of life the sieve tubes are completely developed, but still in full activity.

Their plasmatic structures, though altered, show that they are still alive. The cytoplasm forms a parietal layer; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and plastids are present although very peculiar in aspect. The cytoplasm is bounded externally by a plasmalemma; on the contrary no tonoplast is detectable.

The data reported in this paper are favourable to the idea of an active partecipation of the sieve tubes in the translocation of organic solutes, in agreement with the findings concerning the oat coleoptile.  相似文献   

Elena Maugini 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2-3):206-226

Wood ring evolution in male and female plants of GINKYO BILOBA L. — A morphological examen of the wood rings in Ginkyo biloba L. has been performed on stem sections from specimens of the Botanical Institute of Florence, on wood samples from the collection of Adriano Fiori and on wood cores extracted from the stem of male and female plants growing in the Botanical Garden of Florence.

At the same time the development of the growth ring has been followed on wood samples tacken off the stems of two adult Ginkyo plants growing in the Botanical Garden of Florence.

All the material which has been studied shows the same characters, that is the frequency of uncomplete crescent-shaped wood rings, and consequently a large degree of eccentricity of the stems, depending not only upon the uncomplete wood rings, but also on the changing width of each ring.

Microscopical analysis has pointed out the presence of false rings, limited by discontinuous late wood, particularly in the female plant. This character has been observed only in a fossil wood of Ginkyo bonesii.

It has not been possible to assers how many rings or crescents are formed during one year. From dating records made on wood cores it seems that more than one ring could differentiate during one year, but the cambium shows a very irregular activity in Ginkyo. The factors which control the formation of false and uncomplete wood rings (wood crescents) are also unknown; their formation possibly depending upon environment conditions.

External factors such as water deficiency probably control cambial activity through auxin production. Larson (1964) has shown that draught causes a decrease in tracheids diameter, and the formation of false growth rings; thus the same causes could have been in action in our plants.

Noteworthy are also the data by Gungkel and Thimann (in Larson 1964) showing that auxin content increases downwards in the shoots of Ginkyo and that the apical bud has a very low auxin production, so that it seems possible that in Ginkyo the leaves supply something which the cortical tissue converts into auxin.

Lastly, the almost continuous growth activity of the cambium in Ginkyo must be pointed out, this causes a great difficulty in checking the beginning and the end of this process along the year. It is any way possible to establish the time of the highest cambial activity, which lies in June-July both in the female and in the male plants.  相似文献   


Researches on ultrastructure of Avena coleoptile. 3. The sieve elements. — A study on the ultrastructural organization of the mature sieve elements of Avena coleoptile has been carried out. Data suggest that functional phloem tubes are alive and remain alive until they are working. Judging on morphological basis, the metabolic activity of sieve elements should be of peculiar type and low in comparison to that of the companion cells. In fact the cytoplasm is located in a narrow parietal strand, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum are present, but they appear very modified; plastids and nucleus are absent. The cytoplasm is bounded externally by a normal plasmalemma, whilst the vacuole has no visible limits: a tonoplast is, therefore not identifiable.

The strands connecting the superimposed sieve elements with one another through the sieve plate result to be made by a double membrane system very similar to the endoplasmic reticulum, which we believe to realize cytoplasmic continuity between phloem tubes.

The data reported are more favorable to the existence in the sieve tubes of an active mechanism of translocation of organic solutes than a passive mass-flow.

The collaboration of companion cells in the translocation mechanism has been discussed.  相似文献   


INTRACELLULAR LOCALIZATION OF CHLOROGENIC ACID OXIDASE IN AGED POTATO TUBER DISCS. — The localization in the cells of chlorogenic acid oxidase has been investigated in potato tubers and discs of potato tuber. It has been ascertained that the rise of activity per gram of tissue, after preparation of discs, is not due to bacterial or fungal growth. The activity is widely distributed among cell fractions. Some activity is found in mitochondria, while most of the activity is distributed among soluble fraction and a « microsomal » fraction sedimented by centrifugation in the range 15.000–50.000 x g. This fraction appears to contain mitochondrial fragments, fragments of the endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. When tuber discs are aged, the rise of chlorogenic acid oxidase activity is much larger in the soluble than in particulate fraction.  相似文献   

Maria Grilli 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(5-6):460-466

Observations on the infrastructures of ANABAENA CYCADINAE and of root-nodules cells of CYCAS REVOLUTA. — Light and electron microscope observations carried on the fine and ultrafine sections of root-nodules of Cycas revoluta, brought in evidence differences structural and infrastructural of cells. These differences concern mainly the modifications presented by reticulum endoplasmic which in middle-aged cells takes a fragmentary and vescicular aspect, and the mitochondria which, in the same cells, show short cristae starting by outside wall of the organul.

About the plastyds, I could bring in evidence that there is plenty of leucoplasts but the proplastyds are still numerous, as the cloroplastyds showing some development of the lamellar system and of grana. Plastyds green are present either in while nodules, either in the root-tops.

In no nodules it has been possible to point out the presence of bacteria while it has been possible to verify that Algae have some polymorphism of structure because the chromatoplasma may result essentially of tree different aspects, by me, indicated as reticular type (fig. 12), lamellar type (fig. 10) and type at mixed structure (fig. 11).  相似文献   


The embryosac development in Nerine rosea Herb. has been found to occur according to the Normal type and indications of an identical development were found for Nerine curvifolia Herb., contrary to the observations of Schlimbach (1924), who reported a Lilium type for this species. Embryosacs of the Normal type also occur in Amaryllis Belladonna, to which a tetrasporic development had been erroneously ascribed by Schlimbach (1924). In Nerine rosea Herb. the formation of the microspores is of the «successive» type; the aploid cromosome number is n=12, in accordance with the describtions of Heitz.  相似文献   

P. Lado 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2-3):359-369

inactivation of mitochondria in the castor bean seed endosperm during ripening. — The present research deals with the behaviour of mitochondria from the endosperm of castor bean seeds, during the last phases of seed maturation. The activities of citochrome oxidase, of malate dehydrogenase, of the succinate-citochrome c reductase system, and the phosphorylating activity, were chosen as tests of the state of mitochondria.

The results obtained show an increase of the first two activities up to the moment when some ovular tissues are still present, and, successively, a more or less rapid inactivation of the three enzymes investigated, which fall to extremely low values in the dry seed. Also the phosphorylating capacity, high during the first phases, drops quickly as the seed approches to dormancy.

A certain amount of citochrome oxidase is revealed in the supernatant from 20000xg centrifugation made to prepare the mitochondrial fraction; its activity gradually increases as the seed advances to ripeness. A further fractionation of the activity not sedimenting at 20000xg reveals that approximately one half of it sediments when centrifugated for 1 hour at 50000xg, while the other half remains in the supernatant. The particles sedimenting between 20000 and 50000xg show very little, if any, phosphorylating capacity (with succinate).

It is suggested that the gradual inactivation of mitochondrial efficiency during the ripening phase is due to a degradation of mithochondrial structures.  相似文献   


On the behavior of mitochondria in the castor bean seed endosperm during the early phases of germination. — In the endosperm of the castor bean seed the oxidative activity and the protein nitrogen contents of the mitochondrial fraction markedly increase during the first period of germination (Beevers and coworkers). The activation of the mitochondrial system is paralleled by a similar increase of the activity of several soluble enzymes; the latter process is severely depressed by protein synthesis inhibitors (Cornaggia, Aberghina).

The present research is aimed to understand at what extent phenomena of activation and/or, respectively, of « ex novo » synthesis are responsible of the increase of mitochondrial activity. The following aspects of the mitochondrial behavior during the early period of germination were investigated:

a) Changes in the activity of cytochrome oxydase, malate dehydrogenase and of the succinate-citochrome reductase system.

b) Changes in the morphology of mitochondria and other particulated cell structures, as revealed by electron microscopy.

In the mitochondrial preparation all of the three enzymatic activities investigated were found to increase rapidly during the first days of germination. The increase during the first 24 hours was almost as large when measured as specific activity (activity per mg protein in the mitochondrial fraction) than when measured on an absolute (i.e. per seed) basis; moreover, it was not significantly inhibited by puromycin or by actinomycin. The increase of the three activities during the following period of germination (second-third day) was accompanied by an increase of the protein nitrogen (per seed) in the mitochondrial fraction, and was consistently depressed by the protein synthesis inhibitors.

In the mitochondrial preparation all of the three enzymatic activities investigated were found to increase rapidly during the first days of germination. The increase during the first 24 hours was almost as large when measured as specific activity (activity per mg protein in the mitochondrial fraction) than when measured on an absolute (i.e. per seed) basis; moreover, it was not significantly inhibited by puromycin or by actinomycin. The increase of the three activities during the following period of germination (second-third day) was accompanied by an increase of the protein nitrogen (per seed) in the mitochondrial fraction, and was consistently depressed by the protein synthesis inhibitors.

These results, integrated with those of other investigations on the same material are in agreement with the hypothesis that the activation of metabolism in the endosperm during germination depends in a very early phase mainly on the transition of enzyme systems from an inactive to an active state; while in a second phase synthesis « ex novo » of enzymes and cell structures predominates.  相似文献   


Low amplitude swelling in isolated pea mitochondria. — The authors have studied the volume changes of isolated pea internode mitochondria occurring in a medium which allows the oxidative activity to proceed. With succinate as substrate respiratory control ratios as high as 9 have been obtained. They can be taken as an index of a tight coupling of mitochondria. The adding of succinate induces on the other hand a slight but continuous swelling which is strongly enhanced by ADP or ATP. Inhibitors of the respiratory chain like antimycin A and of the phosphorylation reactions like atractylate or oligomycin block completely the ADP or ATP-induced swelling. 2,4-dinitrophenol at 5×10?6 M concentration exerts a strong inhibitory action on succinate oxidation and on swelling. Both actions of 2,4-DNP can be reversed by ATP. It can be concluded from these findings that the substances which slow down or abolish the oxidative and phosphorylative reactions inhibit also mitochondrial swelling. This type of volume changes appears therefore to be strictly energy-dependent.  相似文献   

Giorgio Forti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):220-223

EFFECT OF TREATMENT WITH IAA OF PEA INTERNODE SECTIONS ON THE OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION OF THEIR MITOCHONDRIA. — It was previously shown that auxin treatment raises the level of ATP in pea stem sections, under the conditions where the hormone stimulates growth (MARRé AND FORTI). It is also known that under the same conditions auxin stimulates oxygen uptake (MARRé, FORTI e ARRIGONI; MARRÉ and FORTI), and that the auxin induced respiration is most probably mediated by cytochrome oxidase (MARRÉ, FORTI and GAUR).

However, auxin has no effect when added to isolated mitochondria. In this paper, the effect of auxin treatment of the tissue on the activity of mitochondria isolated after the hormone treatment has been studied. It has been found that oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria from the auxin treated pea stem sections is 13% higher than that of controi sections. The auxin effect is significant at 96% probabilities. There is no effect of the hormone on the P/O ratio.  相似文献   


Growth cycle and buds differentiation in perennial plants growing in Bari's area. — V. The evolution of the wood ring in Rhammus Alaternus L. from December 1946 to March 1949.

In Rhamnus Alaternus L. the cambium awackens in March with the production of an early wood, characterized by large vessels and loose fibers. It keeps on dividing the following months, producing intermediary wood, whose vessels become narrower and narrower. In June the wood ring is almost complete and the cambial activity slows down. In July late wood is formed, with narrow tracheae and highly lignified fibers. From August to February cambial activity is very scarce and irregular, in the wood produced fibers being tangentially compressed.

In a young branch of R. A. cambium becomes suddenly active in February, that is one month before than in the stem, it goes on during the month of March-June, with an evident diminution in the size of the wood elements. This diminution of size instead of being regular, shows some oscillations, expecially during the month of May. In Sept. the cambium starts again dividing, but rather poorly and irregularly, forming some vessels a little wider than the preceeding ones, so that an incomplete false ring is formed only in some points of the branch. As a rule the autumn wood is a typical late wood. This scarce and irregular cambial activity goes on also during Oct.-Dec. In January is more active and forms rather wide vessels in comparison with those formed in the preceeding month. This new formed wood however does not show the characteristics of the early wood of a new ring.

Concluding, the characteristics of the cambial activity of A. R. are

In the stem: 1) March: early wood. 2) March-June: intermediary wood. 3) July: late wood, resting period. 4) At the end of Autumn a scarce production of late wood is sometimes possible.

In the young branch: 1) February: early wood. 2) March-June: intermediary wood, with positive and negative oscillations in the vessels width. 3) At the end of June the late wood is already differentiated. 4) July-August: resting period. 5) Spt.-Juan.: the cambium starts again dividing very scarcely and producing a transition wood between the two rings. This wood can be regarded neither as a true ring nor a false one, it represents rather the last phase of the late wood formation. 6) In the young branch of the female specimen the cambium starts dividing somewhat later than in the male one. 7) The wood ring width does not vary much in relation to the yearly amount of rainfall. The lack of relation between rainfall and ring width is particularly evident in 1948 (a rainy year). The, «Compleasance» of R. A. could show that this species is, in Puglia, in its own habitat. On the other hand it is rather peculiar that R. A. forms only one wood ring during one year, with production of early wood during the spring, and of late wood in the autumn, instead of producing a second autumn ring following a distint summer rest, as could be expected.  相似文献   


The Author has studied the vegetation of the Ossero pools (the large and the small one) analising especially the formation which are characteristic of them.

In the level partion of the large pool the following formations — starting from the beach — are to be noted: Salicornia herbacea L., Hordeum marinum Huds., Inula viscosa All. and Artemisia coerulescens L.

The Salicornia herbacea L. formation is sensibly homogencus in that portion of its area in which, owing to the high saline concentration of the soil, no other pecies is able to grow. In the remaining portion with a lower saline concentration, other species accompagny Salicornia herbacea.

The Hordeun marinum Huds. formation comprises that portion of the pool which, being but little above the sea level, is invaded by high tides during the winter time. The saline concentation of the soil is here lower than in the area of the Salicornia herbacea formation. On the sea side Hordeum marinum is mixed to Salicornia herbacea; on the opposite side it accompanies annual species with brief life cycle.

The Inula viscosa All. formation which is generally characteristic of the newly formed ground in the Ossero pound is only occasional and consequently unstable.

Last of all the Artemisia coerulescens formation is much more stable than that of Inula viscosa, although established in a ground of similar origin, but with a greater humus content.

Of special interest are two small lakes which are situated on the border of the large pool. Thir vegetation is composed by typically laky species.

The author compares the succession of formation described above with that of the other coast marsh in the mediterranean region, especially at Campora, Arbe (see Morton 1915).

Here is, however, the succession of formations not so regular as in the large pool of Ossero. Nevertheless, both Campora and Ossero are to be classified as « Formation des Meeresstrandes» (Morton).

Crypsis aculeata Ait., Hordeum marinum Huds., and Medicago litoralis Rohde found at Ossero were not known for the flora of Cherso.

The vegetation of the small pool at Ossero (which only rarely invaded by the sea water) does not show the regular succession of formations which is typical of the large pool it comprises two main groups of species, namely: 1) those living between the beach and the pool, and 2) those extending from the pool to the inland.

Some species present in the large pool (among them Crypsis aculeata, Hordeum marinum, Medicago litoralis) are not represented in the flora of the small pool and vice versa.  相似文献   

Sergio Cocucci 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):459-468

Changes of glycolytic substrates level during ripening of the castor bean seed. — The changes of the concentration of carbohydrates and of the main glycolytic substrates in the castor bean seed during the ripening phase were investigated. The following results were obtained:

The level of unphosphorylated sugars and of acid hydrolysable polysaccharides remains almost unchanged, with a tendency to a rise during the ripening phase. The slight increase of these compounds, together with the transition of the R. Q. from high to low values, might be interpreted as an indication of a shift of the seed from the a metabolism of fat synthesis to one of conversion of lipids into sugars, such as is observed in the germinating castor bean seeds.

Hexose monophosphate level sharply decreases during the last period of maturation. However, the level of these substrates does not fall so low as to suggest a severe limitation for the pentose-P pathway activity.

Fructose diphosphate, DOAP, GAP, 3 PGA, 2 PGA, PEP and pyruvate levels consistently increase during the ripening process. This indicates that the drop of oxygen uptake observed in this phase cannot be due to a lack of glycolytic substrates. On the other hand, the ratios between some substrates are shifted, during ripening, from values close to the theoretical equilibrium constants to quite different values. This finding, when correlated with the one of the strong decrease of the glycolytic flow, strongly suggests a severe inactivation of the glycolyting enzymes during ripening.

The increase of pyruvate in tissues showing a decreasing respiratory activity indicates a fall of the oxidative capacity of mitochondria. This might be due to a lack of ADP, or other high energy bond acceptor, following a block of synthetic processes. However, no decrease of ADP level, and an increase of the ADP/ATP ratio during ripening is observed, Among the alternative hypothesis: a) lack or excess of oxalacetate; b) increase of concentration of some Krebs cycle inhibitor; c) inactivation of mitochondrial enzymes, the latter is thought most probable, in view of the finding of a sharp decrease of some other enzyme activities during ripening, of the above mentioned interpretation of the shift of the ratios between glycolytic substrates, and of the very low level of mitochondrial activity in preparation from the mature castor bean seed. These results when correlated with those from parallel investigations on the biochemistry of castor bean seed maturation and germination suggest, as a working hypothesis, that the respiratory metabolic inactivation accompanyng seed repening is due to a general block of the metabolism of ribonucleic acid and thus protein synthesis.  相似文献   


Purpose of this paper is to point out the residues of Quercus Ilex woods in the hilly region of Murgia di Putignano (Puglia) which lies inside the distribution area of Q. trojana, now the main wood-forming tree-species of this territory.

Fourteen different small Q. Ilex stands are mentioned, as marked on alleged map. One of them (n° 1 on the map) has been more carefully studied through a whole year, and all plants growing in it have been collected.  相似文献   


Cultural techniques for wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation. — The author, on the basis of his experience coming from the work carried out on the embryo transplantation for several years, takes in consideration some aspects, at technical level, regarding the best way to cultivate wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation operations.

In particular, the author refers on the possibility to sow the transplants just made (while the traditional method foresees the drying of transplants for 48–96 hours under laboratory conditions) and he illustrates the results of the transplant culture in jiffypots, which allow to improve survival of materials intended for the growth in field.  相似文献   

Luigi Tognoli 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):411-419

Research on submerged culture of single cells of higher plants. — The author describes a method which allows to obtain submerged cultures of single cells of Phaseolus vulgaris and Nicotiana tabacum. The medium composition in macroelements in the culture on agar appears to effect to a great extent the ability of tissues to dissociate into single cells in the subsequent liquid culture. In this respect Heller's solution results to be more suitable than Gautheret's and Hildebrandt and Ri-ker's.

Cells are grown at 24 [ddot]C in 300 ml flasks containing 60 ml of broth on a rotary shaker at 220 rpm.

To prevent contaminations some antibacterial agents were added to cultures of Phaseolus vulgaris. Among these Penicillin and Neomycin were not tossic at 20 and 5 ppm concentrations respectively.

The presence of septa, which are observed also in largely vacuolate cells, seems to confirm the ability of single cells to divide.

The optimum 2,4-D concentration for growth decreases from 6 × 10-8 to 6 × 10-8 during successive liquid cultures, each of them being inoculated with on amount of the previous one. This fact, showing the adaptation of liquid cultures to decreasing concentrations of the growth hormone, is in agreement with previous observations in solid cultures by several authors.  相似文献   


Fixation of carbon dioxide by galls of CUSCUTA AUSTRALIS. — The mechanism of the carbon dioxide fixation by Cuscuta is a controversial biochemical topic. Light induced reactions are involved in MacLeod's opinion while others as Ciferri and Poma believe that mainly a dark-fixation occurs.

In this study use is made of the galls, caused by the insect Smicronyx on Cuscuta australis, that appear more green coloured than the normal tissues.

Equal weights of excised galls were kept both in light and in darkness in contact with C14O2for different incubation times, and the magnitude of the fixation was compared under these two conditions by measuring radioactivity of both soluble and acid hydrolysed fractions.

After short exposures to the tracer the fixation in light greatly exceeds that in dark (25–19/1) while with more prolonged exposures the ratio sharply decreases (to about 5/1): these figures can be interpreted with the assumption that a strong light-induced fixation superimposes itself to a low but definite dark-fixation activity.

The ratio does not change if radioactivity is measured in the hydrolysed fractions.

These results are of course referred to as being largerly preliminar and requiring further and more extensive studies.  相似文献   


Inactivation and riactivation of enzymes in endosperms of castor bean seeds. — On the basis of previous results, the possibility has been investigated of the reversible interconversion of active and inactive form of enzymes in castor bean seeds, during their development.

The results described here indicate that:

  1. the activity of some glycolytic enzymes increases greatly (81% and 400% increase of, respectively, Gl-6-P-dehydrogenase and aldolase) upon incubation of dry seeds for few hours at 4 °C.

  2. The decrease of enzyme activity upon dehydration of seeds and the increase during the subsequent imbibition can be shown reproducibly.

  3. This same observation is made for oxygen uptake.

These results are interpreted to indicate the reversible inactivation of enzymes caused by dehydration of seeds.  相似文献   


Pollen analysis of the sediments of a bog on the slopes of Panià di Corfino (Apennines, near Lucca). Fossil pollens in the sediments of a bog situated on the slopes of Pania di Corfino (Lucca) have been studied. The site studied lies on oligocenic rocks and is surrounded by beeches.

From a depth of 120 cm up to 50 cm the prevailing pollens belong to species typical of beech and silver-fir woods. Layers from 50 to 25 cm contain mostly pollen of herbaceous plants and of Ericales shrubs, especially belonging to the genus Vaccinium. The upper layers (25 to 5 cm) show a prevalence of Pinus mugo pollen. These data suggest that, after a long period during which climatic conditions resembled those of the present, a shift to a colder climate lowered the upper limit of the beechwoods.  相似文献   

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