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New species of Stigmatomyces (Ascomycetes, Laboulbeniales) parasitic on Italian Diptera. – Three new Laboulbeniales parasitic on Italian Diptera are described: Stigmatomyces asteiae, parasitic on Asteia amoena Meig. (Asteiidae), Stigmatomyces athyroglossae, parasitic on Athyroglossa glabra (Meig.) (Ephydridae), and Stigmatomyces geomyzae, parasitic on Geomyza tripunctata Fall. (Opomyzidae).  相似文献   

Eighteen species of Stigmatomyces are reported for the first time from continental Portugal and/or from the Azores. These are Stigmatomyces asteiae W. Rossi et Cesari, Stigmatomyces athyroglossae W. Rossi et Cesari, Stigmatomycescanzonerii W. Rossi et Cesari, Stigmatomyces ceratophorus Whisler, Stigmatomyces constrictus Thaxt., Stigmatomyces crassicollis Thaxt., Stigmatomyces divergatus Thaxt., Stigmatomyces discocerinae Thaxt., Stigmatomyces ensinae Thaxt., Stigmatomyces cf. ephydrae L. Mercier et R. A. Poiss., Stigmatomycesgeomyzae W. Rossi et Cesari, Stigmatomyces limnophorae Thaxt., Stigmatomyces majewskii H. L. Dainat, Manier et Balazuc, Stigmatomyces papuanus Thaxt., Stigmatomycesplatensis Speg., Stigmatomyces ptylomyiae Thaxt. and Stigmatomyces purpureus Thaxt., Stigmatomyces rugosus Thaxt. New records of these species are also reported from Australia, Canada, Canary Islands (Spain), Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Kenya, Hungary, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, USA, Yemen and Zimbabwe. The new records increase, sometimes considerably, information about distribution of these parasites. Two synonymies are also established: Stigmatomyces autriquei Balazuc = Stigmatomyces ensinae Thaxt.; Stigmatomyces psilopae Thaxt. var. camarguensis H. L. Dainat et J. Dainat = S. rugosus Thaxt.  相似文献   


Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes) new for Italy. In the present paper are quoted 19 species of Laboulbeniales not jet reported for Italian flora: Asaphomyces cholevae Th., Corethromyces henroti Balazuc, C. pallidus (Th.), C. stilici Th., Euzodiomyces lathrobii Th., Helodiomyces elegans Picard, Laboulbenia acupalpi Speg., L. inflata Th., L. philonthi Th., L. picardi Maire, Misgomyces dyschirii Th., M. lavagnei Picard, Monoicomyces californicus (Th.), Peyritschiella protea Th., Rhachomyces lasiophorus (Th.), R. furcatus (Th.), R. philonthinus Th., R. pilosellus (Robin). Also the genera Asaphomyces Th., Euzodiomyces Th., Helodiomyces Picard and Peyritschiella Th. are new for Italy. All the quoted species are parasites of Insects of the order of the Coleoptera.  相似文献   

刺孢小克银汉霉[Cunninghamella echinulata(Thaxt.) Thaxt. ex Blakeslce]是小克银汉霉属的模式种,多年来因不同作者是否将贝尼尔小克银汉霉(C. bainieri Naum.)包含在内而对此种持广义(sensu lato)或狭义(scnsu stricto)的不同理解。我们在国内分离到51株刺孢小克银汉霉(广义)菌种,经与获自css的7株菌(包括刺孢小克银汉霉的模式菌种在内)和IMI的1株菌(原定名称均为刺孢小克银汉霉)一起研究后,根据它们的无性型形态特征有明显不同但在配合试验中又可互相配合形成可育的接合孢子的结果,认为将它们处理为同一个种的两个不同变种较为合理.其中,13株中国的菌和3株CBS及IMI的菌被鉴定为刺孢小克银汉霉原变种(C. echinulata var. echinulata);其余的38株中国的菌和5株CBS的菌被鉴定为轮生刺孢小克银汉霉变种(新组合)[C. echinulata var. verticillata (F. S. Paine.) comb. nov.j.以‘轮生(verticillata)’作为新组合变种的加词是根据与贝尼尔小克银汉霉同物异名的‘轮生布拉小克银汉霉(C. blakesleeana var. verticillata (F. S. Paine) Baijal & B. S. Mchrotra)’而来的.在前人的工作中,对刺孢小克银汉霉持狭义理解的作者往往根据孢子枝的分枝方式、巨型暗色孢子的有无、以及40℃能否生长来区分这两个分类群.对刺孢小克银汉霉持广义理解的作者则认为这些特性毫无意义.我们同意后面两个特性意义不大,因为二者的许多菌系都能形成巨型暗色袍子并在40℃生长,但认为孢子枝分枝方式确实是区别这两个分类群的重要依据.此外,根据产孢构造的种类、孢子枝主枝的直径、孢子枝第一次分枝的数目、分枝长度、孢子枝主枝的顶生泡囊形状以及其直径等性状综合考虑,这两个分类群是不难明确区分的,对12株刺孢小克银汉霉原变种和13株轮生刺孢小克银汉霉相互之间所进行的配合试验结果表明,在具一定性亲和力的(+)、(一)菌系同时存在时,两个变种内和变种之间均可形成可育的接合孢子。对上述三种配合的各六对菌所形成的有性型形态的研究结果则表明,除轮生刺孢小克银汉霉变种内形成的接合孢子的壁往往较厚外,各种配合形成的有性型形态基本上是一致的.我们研究组的其他成员最近曾对小克银汉霉的22株菌进行了rDNA的ITS区的PCR产物长度测定,其中包括了刺孢小克银汉霉原变种和轮生刺孢小克银汉霉变种的各3株菌,它们的平均长度(bp)分别为890±7.5和915±7.6.这个结果也支持了我们在这两个分类群可以互相配合的情况下仍将它们作为两个不同变种的处理.这两个分类群虽然已被发表多次,但它们的描述和绘图均过于简单而未能充分显示出它们的区别性特征,因此我们在本文中再次作了描述并再次提供了详尽的线条图和显微照相.  相似文献   

Nine new species of Laboulbeniales parasitic on Staphylinidae from Ecuador are described and illustrated. These are: Corethromyces palumboi, parasitic on Sepedophilus sp. (Tachyporinae); Diandromyces onorei, parasitic on Hypotelus sp. (Piestinae); Dimeromyces osellae, parasitic on Plesiomalota cotopaxiensis Pace (Aleocharinae); Dimorphomyces carolinae, parasitic on Parosus sp. (Oxytelinae); Kleidiomyces ambiguus, parasitic on Anotylus sp. (Oxytelinae); Mimeomyces gregarius, parasitic on Philonthus sp. (Staphylininae); Monoicomyces trogacti, parasitic on Trogactus sp. (Oxytelinae); Scaphidiomyces pusillus, parasitic on Baeocera sp. (Scaphidiinae); and Teratomyces heterothopsis, parasitic on Heterothops sp. (Staphylininae).  相似文献   

Cesariella graeca gen. sp. nov. is described to accommodate a new species of the Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) parasitic on the endogean ground beetles Reicheadella aetolica and R. bischoffi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Greece. Cesariella is distinguished from the allied genus Laboulbenia by the presence of two cells borne on the inner side of cell III, and by the presence of a conspicuous remnant of the spore apex protruding laterally near the base of the appendage.  相似文献   

The morphological characters used to differentiate species in the genus Labiostrongylus Yorke & Maplestone, 1926, parasitic in macropodid and potoroid marsupials, are discussed. The genus is divided into three subgenera Labiostrongylus (Labiostrongylus), L. (Labiomultiplex) n. subg. and L. (Labiosimplex) n. subg. on the basis of the presence or absence of interlabia and the morphology of the oesophagus. A key to the subgenera is given and a detailed revision of two of the subgenera is presented. Keys to each of the subgenera are given, the species discussed being: L. (L.) labiostrongylus) (type-species) (syn. L. (L.) insularis, L. (L.) grandis, L. (L.) macropodis sp. inq. and L. (L.) nabarlekensis n. sp., in the subgenus Labiostrongylus, and L. (Lm.) eugenii, L. (Lm.) novaeguineae, L. (Lm.) onychogale, L. (Lm.) uncinatus, L. (Lm.) billardierii n. sp., L. (Lm.) constrictis n. sp., L. (Lm.) kimberleyensis n. sp., L. (Lm.) thylogale n. sp., and L. (Lm.) potoroi, n. sp., in the subgenus Labiomultiplex.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):88-96

The tropical liverwort Cyathodium, and the family Cyathodiaceae are reported, as new to Europe, growing beneath a deeply shaded dripping recess in the Valle delle Ferriere, a limestone valley near Amalfi, on the Sorrento Peninsula, Southern Italy. The Italian specimens closely match C. foetidissimum Schiffn. from the tropics, but internal cells in the air chambers and crystals in epidermal cells are noted for the first time in the genus. As assumed for a population of the tropical fern Woodwardia radicans (L.) Sm. living in the same area, the Italian population of Cyathodium is most probably a pre-glacial relic rather than a recent arrival from sub-Saharan Africa. Thallus structure in Cyathodium is compared with that of two other deep-shade marchantialean liverworts, Dumortiera and Monoclea, which also exhibit structural adaptation to maximize interception of low irradiances. As in the protonemata of Schistostega, the green luminescence in Cyathodium results from light reflection and is probably a mechanism enhancing light interception.  相似文献   

Eusynaptomyces benjaminii is described as a new species of the ectoparasiticLaboulbeniales (Ascomycetes). It exists only on two very restricted areas of the body (= position specifity) of its hostEnochrus testaceus (F.) (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae): on the claws of the right fore-leg and on the lower side of the frontal border of the pronotum. In these two habitatsEu. benjaminii develops two extremely different growth-forms. Male and female hosts are parasitized on somewhat different parts of their body. This can be explained by their mating behaviour. The growth-forms ofEu. benjaminii are so different that one ignorant of the biology of hosts and parasites, might regard them as members of different species or even genera. They are to be interpreted as adaptations of one species to growth positions and mating behaviour of the host. There is no sex-of-host specifity as assumed by certain authors for several species of theLaboulbeniales.

Five taxa included in the cestode genus Anonchotaenia (Cyclophyllidea, Paruterinidae) have been found in various birds from the Ivory Coast (West Africa). The hosts belong to the families Hirundinidae and Corvidae. A. (Paranonchotaenia) prionopos n. sp., parasitic in Prionops plumata, and A. (P.) malaconoti n. sp, parasitic in Malaconotus blanchoti, are placed in a new subgenus named Paranonchotaenia, which is erected for the Anonchotaenia species showing genital ducts passing between the longitudinal excretory stems. A. (P.) prionopos is characterised by a rather short cirrus-pouch, six to seven testes, and an integumental cavity at the distal extremity of the cirrus-pouch in gravid proglottides. A. (P.) malaconoti differs from the former species mainly by the larger cirrus-pouch and a slightly greater number of testes. The other three species are A. longiovata, parasitic in Hirundo semirufa; A. globata, parasitic in Psadiloprocne obscura (the latter two species are recorded from new hosts and new geographical areas); and Anonchotaenia sp., parasitic in Hirundo rustica. It is assumed that the subgenus A. (Anonchotaenia) is rather a parasite of the Passerida and that the subgenus A. (Paranonchotaenia) tends to be parasitic in the Corvida.This paper is a part of the author's thesis.This paper is a part of the author's thesis.  相似文献   

Sister‐group relationships are resolved for the systematically and biogeographically puzzling austral rove beetle genus Hyperomma by means of phylogenetic analysis of five gene markers (one mitochondrial and four nuclear protein‐coding) for 25 taxa broadly representing the subfamily Paederinae, and six outgroup taxa from Staphylininae and Pseudopsinae. As a result, the new subtribe Dicaxina subtrib. nov. is established for Hyperomma and five other Southern Hemisphere genera previously classified in Cryptobiina. Based on the molecular phylogeny and the discussion of several adult and larval morphological characters, the concept of the tribe Paederini is changed as follows: Paederini sensu novo is reduced to include Paederina, Cryptobiina, Dolicaonina and Dicaxina only, while Lathrobiini sensu novo is established for Lathrobiina, Scopaeina, Astenina, Stilicopsina, Medonina, Stilicina and Echiasterina. The tribe Cylindroxystini stat. resurr. is reinstated for the Paederini subtribe Cylindroxystina because of its very peculiar morphology not fitting either Paederini or Lathrobiini in new sense. The tribe Pinophilini was resolved as sister to Lathrobiini sensu novo, and its status remains unchanged. Morphological diagnoses and other relevant systematic information are provided for all newly established taxa. The taxonomic history of the higher‐level systematics of the subfamily Paederinae is summarized.  相似文献   

A review of the Argentinean specimens ofHaplopappus Cass. has revealed two new species from Mendoza province, both of the sectionHaplopappus:H. boelkei, unique by its caespitose habit and long petiolate leaves, andH. mendocinus, related toH. macrocephalus (Less.) DC.,H. ochagavianus Phil. andH. tiltilensis Phil.  相似文献   

The fossil genus of rove beetles Apticax gen.n . with two new species, A. volans sp.n . and A. solidus sp.n., is described from the Nova Olinda Member of the Crato Formation in north‐eastern Brazil (Aptian–Albian, dated as 125–99.6 Ma old). Both species belong to the clade Staphylininae + Paederinae in the staphylinine group of subfamilies and are the first fossil true Staphylinidae to be described from the entire Southern Hemisphere. Although they resemble Paederinae, the low number of satisfactorily preserved characters do not allow definite placement of either A. volans or A. solidus in any of the subfamilies of Staphylinidae.  相似文献   

Bergonzo E  Rossi W  Weir A 《Mycologia》2004,96(4):703-711
Three new Laboulbeniales occurring on Brazilian Diptera are described. These are Stigmatomyces cearensis, parasitic on Guttipsilopa (Nesopsilopa) stonei (Mathis & Wirth) (Ephydridae); Stigmatmyces gratiellae, parasitic on Cressonomyia meridionalis (Cresson) (Ephydridae); and Stigmatomyces litoralis, parasitic on Glenanthe caribea Mathis and Paraglenanthe bahamensis Wirth (both Ephydridae). Fifteen other dipterophilous Laboulbeniales are reported for the first time from Brazil. The synonomy between Stigmatomyces notiphilae Thaxt. and S. leucophengae Thaxt. also is proposed.  相似文献   

Five new genera, Turononemonyxn. gen. (type species: Turononemonyxsamsonovin. sp.) (Nemonychidae: ? Cretonemonychinae: ? Cretonemonychini), Falsotanaosn. gen. (type species: Falsotanaos convexusn. sp.), Pretanaosn. gen. (type species: Pretanaosocularisn. sp.), Longotanaosn. gen. (type species: Longotanaosrasnitsynin. sp.) from Brentidae: Apioninae: Tanaini) and Turonerirhinusn. gen. (type species: Turonerirhinuskaratavensisn. sp.) from Curculionidae (Erirhininae: Erirhinini), and seven new species, Falsotanaosconvexusn. sp., Paratanaos samsonovin. sp., Pretanaos ocularisn. sp., Longotanaos rasnitsynin. sp., Turonerirhinus karatavensisn. sp., Turonerirhinuspunctatusn. sp. and Turonerirhinus poinarin. sp., are described from Kzyl-Dzhar locality (Kazakhstan, Upper Cretaceous, Turonian).http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:13E0316E-C229-471A-90AA-2D71253B12F9  相似文献   

The Malagasy fauna includes two genera of Philopotaminae: Wormaldia McLachlan 1865 and an endemic new genus, Ranarijaodes n. gen. The Malagasy and African (sensu stricto) lineages of Wormaldia are distinct. Apomorphic characters (the shape of the phallic apparatus for the African species and the splitting of the median lobe of the tenth tergite for the Malagasy species) confirm their separation. New captures are reported for two of the four previously known species of Wormaldia. Seven new species are described: Wormaldia ambahibeae n. sp., W. faharoa n. sp., W. fahatelo n. sp., W. randriamasimananai n. sp., W. fahefatra n. sp., W. legrandi n. sp. and W. fahadimy n. sp. Ranarijaodes n. gen. is close to Dolophilodes Ulmer 1909. It is described for the three new species Ranarijaodes fiana n. sp., R. angapi n. sp. and R. atsimo n. sp. The 14 Malagasy species of Philopotaminae are endemics of the island. Their geographical distributions and ecological preferences are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of parasitic Copepoda (Crustacea) are described and illustrated. Paeon australis n. sp. (Sphyriidae) is the first member of its genus discovered in Australian waters. It is parasitic on Rhinobates batillum, an elasmobranch fish. The other species, Lateracanthus curtus n. sp., is a parasite of an unspecified Macrourus, a deep-water teleost, taken in the northwestern Atlantic. The systematics of the genus Lateracanthus are discussed. Lateracanthus macrurus is relegated to the status of a species inquirenda.  相似文献   


An Atlantic relict on the Apuan Alps: Trichomanes speciosum Willd., new to Italy.—In Versilia, at the foot of the Apuan Alps, has been found the fern Trichomanes speciosum Willd., new genus for the Italian flora and old relict witness, like Hymenophyllum tunbrigense (L.) Smith, of an Atlantic climate which still persists in deep valleys, dug on paleozoic quartz schists, on the tirrenic coast of the Apuan Alps.  相似文献   

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