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Spatio-temporal variation in seed predation may strongly influence both plant population dynamics and selection on plant traits. The intensity of seed predation may depend on a number of factors, but the relative importance of previous predator abundance (“local legacy”), spatial distribution of the host plant, environmental factors and plant characteristics has been explored in few species. We monitored seed predation in the perennial herb Primula farinosa, which is dimorphic for scape length, during 5 consecutive years, in a 10-km × 4-km area comprising 79 P. farinosa populations. A transplant experiment showed that the seed predator, the oligophagous tortricid moth Falseuncaria ruficiliana, was not dispersal limited at the spatial scale corresponding to typical distances between P. farinosa populations. Correlations between population characteristics and incidence and intensity of seed predation varied among years. The incidence of the seed predator was positively correlated with host population size and mean number of flowers, while intensity of seed predation in occupied patches was positively related to the frequency of the long-scaped morph in 2 years and negatively related to host population size in 1 year. In both scape morphs, predation tended to increase with increasing frequency of the long morph. There was no evidence of a local legacy; incidence and intensity of seed predation were not related to the abundance of the seed predator in the population in the previous year. Taken together, the results indicate that among-population variation in seed predation intensity is determined largely by patch selection and that the seed predator’s preference for tall and many-flowered inflorescences may not only affect selection on plant traits within host plant populations, but also the overall intensity of seed predation.  相似文献   

Correlations between phenotypic traits are common in many organisms, but the relative importance of nonadaptive mechanisms and selection for the evolution and maintenance of such correlations are poorly understood. In polymorphic species, morphs may evolve quantitative differences in additional characters as a result of morph‐specific selection. The perennial rosette herb Primula farinosa is polymorphic for scape length. The short‐scaped morph is less damaged by grazers and seed predators but is more strongly pollen limited than the long‐scaped morph. We examined whether morph‐specific differences in biotic interactions are associated with differences in selection on two other traits affecting floral display (number of flowers and petal size) and on one trait likely to affect pollination efficiency (corolla tube width) in three P. farinosa populations. Differences in selection between morphs were detected in one population. In this population, selection for more flowers and larger petals was stronger in the short‐scaped than in the long‐scaped morph, and although there was selection for narrower corolla tubes in the short‐scaped morph, no statistically significant selection on corolla tube width could be detected in the long‐scaped morph. In the study populations, the short‐scaped morph produced more and larger flowers and wider corolla tubes. Current morph‐specific selection was thus only partly consistent with trait differences between morphs. The results provide evidence of morph‐specific selection on traits associated with floral display and pollination efficiency, respectively.  相似文献   

In animal‐pollinated plants, both the spatial distribution of flowering individuals and the number of flowers that an individual displays affect pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success. Heterostylous species are likely to be particularly sensitive to the contingencies of spatial distribution, as they are reproductively subdivided into distinct mating groups, which usually exhibit self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility and differ in floral morphology. In this paper, we explore the joint effects of both spatial distribution of potential mates and floral display size on morph‐specific pollen deposition rates and seed set patterns in two natural populations of Pulmonaria officinalis, a distylous species with a weak self‐incompatibility system. Both total stigmatic pollen load and the proportion of legitimate pollen decreased with increasing spatial isolation. Legitimate (intermorph) pollen transfer was, however, asymmetric and decreased more rapidly with decreasing proximity to a compatible legitimate mating partner in the S‐morph than in the L‐morph. Total stigmatic pollen loads per flower increased with increasing floral display size, indicating that large plants are disproportionately more visited than smaller individuals. However, because legitimate pollen deposition decreased with increasing floral display size, these results also suggest that larger numbers of flowers increase the degree of geitonogamous pollination. In both the L‐ and S‐morph, seed set significantly decreased with increasing isolation from a legitimate mating partner, but in the L‐morph seed set was less dependent on the spatial distribution of the S‐morph. In addition, seed set significantly increased with floral display size in the L‐morph, but not in the S‐morph. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of potential mates and variation in floral display size may cause morph‐specific differences in pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success.  相似文献   

该研究以生长在新疆北部的二型花柱植物雪地报春(Primula nivalis)为研究材料,对7个低海拔(1 657~2 013m)森林居群和7个高海拔(2 400~2 700m)草原居群的花型比例进行调查,对花部特征进行检测,并对长、短花柱植株在不同海拔居群的花性状分化进行了比较研究,以揭示该类群植物的演化与环境的关系。结果表明:(1)在高海拔草原居群中长花柱植株比例高于短花柱植株。(2)比较草原和森林生态系统中的雪地报春居群,长花柱花形态特征间存在显著差异,但短花柱花形态特征间的差异不显著。(3)高海拔草原居群中长花柱花的花冠筒长度、雄蕊长度、雌雄蕊距离、雌雄异位程度以及雌雄蕊空间位置是导致花性状分化的主要因素。(4)在草原居群中,长花柱花的雄蕊、雌雄异位程度及花冠口至雄蕊距离的变化减少了长短花柱花间的互补式对应性。研究认为,在异质生境中长花柱花性状的变化是导致该物种长短花柱花性状分化的主要因素。  相似文献   

The European rewardless, bee-pollinated orchidDactylorhiza sambucina commonly produces yellow-flowered and purple-flowered individuals in frequencies that range from balanced (per population) to very unbalanced, with parts of the species’ range entirely monochromatic. We studied male and female reproductive success of the two morphs in 22 populations in the Czech Republic, relating it to morph frequency, population size and density, and presence and abundance of yellow and purple co-flowering nectar-providing species visited by the same bee species. Cumulative abundances of yellow nectar-producing co-flowering species (of which, on average,Primula veris made up 56%) had a negative effect on male reproductive success of the yellow morph, and spectral analyses showed that to bumblebees the colours ofP. veris and yellowD. sambucina are different, permitting ready visual discrimination. The cumulative abundance of purple co-flowering species had no significant effect on morph reproductive success. Morph frequencies were unrelated to reproductive success and population size, and there was no evidence of frequency-dependent selection except in one highly unbalanced population. Density of flowering conspecifics was negatively correlated with male reproductive success of the purple morph. Seed mass, viability, and germination success depended on whether seeds resulted from outcrossed or selfed matings and on morph colour. Selfed seeds and seeds produced by the yellow morph from yellow × yellow and yellow × purple crosses had zero germination (after three months), providing the first hint that differential vegetative fitness, rather than differential reproductive fitness via pollinator selection, may explain morph frequencies inD. sambucina.  相似文献   

The reproductive ability related to the population size of the endangered and endemic species Primula merrilliana Schltr.was investigated.In 26 populations observed,only four contain more than 500 flowering individuals,whereas most of them(53.8%) consist of less than 100 flowering individuals.Though the ratio of pin and thrum plants keeps its balance at 1:1 for all populations,the frequency of pin and thrum flowers was significantly biased in most small populations.Population size strongly affected reproductive success; plants in small populations produced significantly fewer flowers and fruits per plant and fewer seeds per fruit,and therefore fewer seeds per plant.The floral density was another important factor that influenced the reproductive success of P.merrilliana,because four main reproductive success parameters (fruits per plant,seeds per fruit,seeds per plant,and the proportion of flowers setting fruit) were all positively correlated with floral density.The size of plants and the number of leaves per plant (measure of habitat quality) were not influenced by the variation of population size,suggesting that the reduced fecundity in small populations may not be a consequence of lower habitat quality,inbreeding depression and pollen limitation as a result of less attractiveness in small populations are therefore likely explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

In order to assess the mechanisms through which the spatial structure of the population influences female reproductive success, spatial distribution of clones, degrees of limitation of legitimate (inter-morph) pollination, type and abundance of pollen loaded on the stigmas, and seed set were measured for many clones of two natural populations of the distylous clonal plant,Persicaria japonica. Within the populations, according to the spatial relation to the nearest opposite morph clone, individual clones were assorted into two spatial types,i.e., clones that congregated with clones of the opposite morph (congregating clones), and clones that occurred singly at a considerable distance from the nearest opposite-morph clone (single clones). The pollination success,i.e., the proportion of legitimately pollinated flowers, and seed set were severely limited in the single clones compared to the congregating clones. Since artificial legitimate pollination improved the seed set in single clones, at least to some degree pollination failure was responsible for the reduced seed set in the single clones.  相似文献   

We assessed the utility of codominant allozyme markers for paternity analysis in natural populations of Ophiopogon xylorrhizus (Liliaceae s. l.) by means of likelihood‐based approach. In the three independent natural stands of 46 individual plants with 354 seeds of O. xylorrhizus (Liliaceae s. l), we assigned 319 seeds to a single individual with the highest LOD score. Among these, 179 seeds had a significant D‐value. An individual (acting either as female or male) mateds with an average of one other individual on average to reproduce, except when it self‐pollinated. If an individual that neither donated pollen to other individuals nor selfed, being strictly a pollen acceptor, the number of offspring produced was half that produced by as many offspring as individuals which both provided and accepted pollen (4.1 vs. 9.5). Significant positive relationships were found in all the three stands between the number of self‐pollen an individual produced and the number of seeds that individual set. Male outcrossing reproductive success was unevenly varied, both in amount and spatial location. The individuals located in the centre of the stand and the individuals closest to each other had higher male outcrossing reproductive success than those at the edge of the stand. Male selfing reproductive success showed a similar pattern, with an even distribution of female reproductive output. Most mating events were took place within 20 m. The distance between mates mirrored the active ranges of pollinators, and shaped the fine‐scale population spatial genetic spatial structure. The results indicate that selfing assures reproductive success in O. xylorrhizus.  相似文献   

In animal-pollinated plants, two factors affecting pollen flow and seed production are changes in floral display and the availability of compatible mates. Changes in floral display may affect the number of pollinator visits and the availability of compatible mates will affect the probability of legitimate pollination and seed production. Distyly is a floral polymorphism where long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) floral morphs occur among different individuals. Distylous plants frequently exhibit self and intra-morph incompatibility. Therefore changes in morph abundance directly affect the arrival of compatible pollen to the stigmas. Floral morph by itself may also affect female reproductive success because floral morphs may display differences in seed production. We explored the effects of floral display, availability of neighboring compatible mates, and floral morph on seed production in the distylous herb ARCYTOPHYLLUM LAVARUM. We found that floral display does not affect the mean number of seeds produced per flower. There is also no effect of the proportion of neighboring legitimate pollen donors on seed production in pin or thrum flowers. However, floral morphs differed in their female reproductive success and the thrum morph produced more seeds. Hand pollination experiments suggest that differences in seed production between morphs are the result of pollen limitation. Future research will elucidate if the higher seed production in thrum flowers is a consequence of higher availability of pollen donors in the population, or higher efficiency of the pin morph as pollen donor.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which female individuals coexist with hermaphroditic individuals in the same population. Females only contribute to the next generation via ovules, and many studies have shown that they are usually less attractive than hermaphrodites to pollinators. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how females manage to persist in populations despite these disadvantages. The ‘resource reallocation hypothesis’ (RRH) states that females channel resources not invested in pollen production and floral advertisement towards the production of more and/or larger seeds. We investigated pollination patterns and tested the RRH in a population of Thymus vulgaris. We measured flower display, flower size, nectar production, visitation rates, pollinator constancy and flower lifespan in the two morphs. In addition, we measured experimentally the effects of pollen and resource addition on female reproductive success (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) of the two morphs. Despite lower investment in floral advertisement, female individuals were no less attractive to pollinators than hermaphrodites on a per flower basis. Other measures of pollinator behaviour (number of flowers visited per plant, morph preference and morph constancy) also showed that pollinators did not discriminate against female flowers. In addition, stigma receptivity was longer in female flowers. Accordingly, and contrary to most studies on gynodioecious species, reproductive success of females was not pollen limited. Instead, seed production was pollen limited in hermaphrodites, suggesting low levels of cross‐pollination in hermaphrodites. Seed production was resource limited in hermaphrodites, but not in females, thus providing support for the RRH. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 395–408.  相似文献   

Floral traits that increase self-fertilization are expected to spread unless countered by the effects of inbreeding depression, pollen discounting (reduced outcross pollen success by individuals with increased rates of self-fertilization), or both. Few studies have attempted to measure pollen discounting because to do so requires estimating the male outcrossing success of plants that differ in selfing rate. In natural populations of tristylous Eichhornia paniculata, selfing variants of the mid-styled morph are usually absent from populations containing all three style morphs but often predominate in nontrimorphic populations. We used experimental garden populations of genetically marked plants to investigate whether the effects of population morph structure on relative gamete transmission by unmodified (M) and selfing variants (M‘) of the mid-styled morph could explain their observed distribution. Transmission through ovules and self and outcross pollen by plants of the M and M’ morphs were compared under trimorphic, dimorphic (S morph absent), and monomorphic (L and S morphs absent) population structures. Neither population structure nor floral morphology affected female reproductive success, but both had strong effects on the relative transmission of male gametes. The frequency of self-fertilization in the M' morph was consistently higher than that of the M morph under all morph structures, and the frequency of self-fertilization by both morphs increased as morph diversity of experimental populations declined. In trimorphic populations, total transmission by the M and M' morphs did not differ. The small, nonsignificant increase in selfing by the M' relative to the M morph was balanced by decreased outcross siring success, particularly on the S morph. In populations lacking the S morph, male gamete transmission by the M' morph was approximately 1.5 times greater than that by the M morph because of both increased selfing and increased success through outcross pollen donation. Therefore, gamete transmission strongly favored the M' morph only in the absence of the S morph, a result consistent with the distribution of the M' morph in nature. This study indicates that floral traits that alter the selfing rate can have large and context-dependent influences on outcross pollen donation.  相似文献   

Plants often suffer reductions in fecundity due to fragmentation, degradation and destruction of populations and their sites. Whether this decrease in seed production has population-level consequences is generally unknown. Here, we aimed to determine the current status of remnant populations in the perennial herb Primula veris in Belgium. Furthermore, we investigated the effects of reduced population size and morph bias on reproductive success and explored if changes in demographic structure could be associated with population fecundity. We studied 69 populations that differed in population size from three to nearly 1500 flowering plants. Three different population types could be distinguished: (a) “dynamic” populations, characterized by high densities of 1 year old juveniles, (b) “normal” populations with adult age-stages prevailing, but still a considerable number of juveniles, and (c) “regressive” populations, in which only flowering adults dominate and rejuvenation hardly occurs. The three population types differed with respect to population size and morph frequency. Dynamic populations were significantly larger and showed a weaker morph bias compared to the intermediate normal and the small regressive populations. Reproductive success, studied the previous year in 26 populations, decreased significantly with decreasing population size and was significantly associated with the demographic structure of the populations. Coefficients of variation for the proportion of flowers setting fruit, the number of seeds per fruit and the total number of seeds per plant decreased significantly with increasing population size. Hence, the observed variability in seed set may be one of the causal factors affecting the observed types of population demographic structure.  相似文献   

Hottonia palustris L. (Primulaceae) is characterized by a heteromorphic incompatibility system. The strategy of distylic ramets is believed to promote outcrossing, to maintain overall genetic diversity and to prevent inbreeding depression. In spite of this distyly, an extremely low amount of allozymic diversity was observed in 545 individual ramets from 14 populations in Flanders (Belgium). A possible explanation for such low genetic variation is discussed in relation to the vegetative propagating abilities and the ecological niche width of the species. In contrast to the uniformity in allozymes as well as to the feature of single morph populations, there was a high variability in reproductive success between populations such as the number of seeds per ramet (425–2633), the number of flowers per ramet (9–36) and the mean weight of seeds (0.03–0.17 mg). Small populations and even those consisting of only one style morph may show a high reproductive success. As a whole, H. palustris showed a negative relationship of reproductive success with the surface area of its populations.  相似文献   

Female reproductive success, fruit and seed-set and factors affecting them were measured for 3 years (1995–1997) for 24 populations of Primula sieboldii E. Morren, a threatened Japanese plant species in a highly fragmented landscape in southern Hokkaido. The smaller populations (genets <=; 3) set almost no seeds consistently during the study years. In larger populations (genets >= 7), proportions of failed flowers without damage from fungi or herbivores were relatively high, but fruit set per flower varied among the populations in 1995. Correlations of fruit (r = 0.589, P = 0.011) and seed- set (r = 0.688, P < 0.01) with population pollinator availability were highly significant. In 1995, pollination failure would be the most plausible reason for the variation in reproductive success among the populations. However, pollinator availability was relatively high in all populations in 1996 and 1997. In these years, higher proportions of fruit failed because of antagonistic biological interactions. In the populations with poor pollinator availability in 1995, mean fruit and seed-sets were greater in the long-styled morph than in the short-styled morph. Such between-morph differences are thought to be caused by partial self-compatibility of the long-styled morph and the results of hand pollination experiments support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

How genetic polymorphisms are maintained in a population is a key question in evolutionary ecology. Previous work on a plumage colour polymorphism in the common buzzard Buteo buteo suggested heterozygote advantage as the mechanism maintaining the co‐existence of three morphs (light, intermediate and dark). We took advantage of 20 years of life‐history data collected in a Dutch population to replicate earlier studies on the relationship between colour morph and fitness in this species. We examined differences between morphs in adult apparent survival, breeding success, annual number of fledglings produced and cumulative reproductive success. We found that cumulative reproductive success differed among morphs, with the intermediate morph having highest fitness. We also found assortative mating for colour morph, whereby assortative pairs were more likely to produce offspring and had longer‐lasting pair bonds than disassortative pairs. Over the 20‐year study period, the proportion of individuals with an intermediate morph increased. This apparent evolutionary change did not just arise from selection on individual phenotypes, but also from fitness benefits of assortative mating. The increased frequency of intermediates might also be due to immigration or drift. We hypothesize that genetic variation is maintained through spatial variation in selection pressures. Further studies should investigate morph‐dependent dispersal behaviour and habitat choice.  相似文献   

We documented effects of floral variation on seed paternity and maternal fecundity in a series of small experimental populations of wild radish, R. sativus. Each population was composed of two competing pollen donor groups with contrasting floral morphologies and several designated maternal plants. Progeny testing with electrophoretic markers allowed us to measure paternal success. Realized fecundity by each maternal plant and the fraction of those seeds attributable to each pollen donor group were used as outcome variables in path analysis to explore relationships between floral characters (petal size, pollen grain number per flower, and modal pollen grain size), pollinator visitation patterns, and reproductive success. A wide range of pollinator taxa visited the experimental populations, and patterns of discrimination appeared to vary among them. The impact of visitation on male and female reproduction also varied among taxa; visits of small native bees significantly increased paternal success, while those of honey bees reduced male fitness. Only visits by large native bees had discernible effects on recipient fecundity, and, overall, fecundity was not limited by visitation. Maternal plants bearing large-petalled flowers produced fewer flowers during the experiment, reducing their total seed production. In these small populations, postpollination processes (at least in part, compatibility) significantly influenced male and female reproductive success. Variation in pollinator pools occurring on both spatial and temporal scales may act to preserve genetic variation for floral traits in this species.  相似文献   

Tove von Euler  Jon Ågren  Johan Ehrlén 《Oikos》2012,121(9):1400-1407
Costs of reproduction should depend on resource availability and on reproductive effort, which in turn may depend on traits influencing reproductive success. Therefore, variation in both habitat quality and reproductive traits should be considered when assessing reproductive costs. We investigated the effect of habitat quality and floral display on the costs of reproduction in the perennial herb Primula farinosa. In the study area, P. farinosa occurs in habitats that differ in water availability, which strongly influences plant performance. Furthermore, it displays a scape length dimorphism, with two distinct scape morphs differing in attractiveness to pollinators and reproductive success. To test the hypothesis that the cost of fruit production is higher in the long‐scaped than in the short‐scaped morph, and depends on water availability, we manipulated reproductive investment in eight P. farinosa populations along a gradient of soil moisture. Fruit set was higher in long‐scaped individuals, and prevention of fruit set increased flower production in the following year among long‐scaped, but not among short‐scaped plants. Furthermore, costs of fruit production were evident at low and high moisture levels but not at intermediate levels. The results demonstrate an association between a genetically determined difference in floral display and cost of reproduction, and suggest that costs of reproduction are non‐linearly related to water availability. They thus indicate links between the evolution of plant reproductive traits and plant life histories, and between habitat quality and optimal life history.  相似文献   

To elucidate the significance of the simultaneous growth of vegetative and reproductive organs in the prostrate annual Chamaesyce maculata (L.) Small (Euphorbiaceae) from the standpoint of meristem allocation, we investigated plant architecture, meristem allocation, and the spatial and temporal patterns in vegetative growth and reproduction in the reproductive stage. The numbers of secondary and tertiary shoots successively increased by branching in the reproductive stage, and the sum of shoot length was greater in secondary shoots than in primary shoots. The specific shoot length (shoot length per shoot biomass) was greater in lateral shoots than in primary shoots, indicating efficient lateral shoot elongation. The internode length was shorter in secondary shoots than in primary shoots, increasing the number of nodes per shoot length in secondary shoots. Many nodes on a shoot generated two meristems, one of which committed to a flower and one to a lateral shoot. The number of reproductive meristems was greatest in tertiary shoots, and 96% of total reproductive meristems on shoots were generated in lateral shoots. On almost all nodes, the reproductive meristem developed into a flower, and 95–98% of the flowers produced a fruit. Therefore, vegetative growth by branching in the reproductive stage contributed to the increase in reproductive outputs. From the standpoint of meristem allocation, the simultaneous growth of vegetative and reproductive organs in prostrate plant species might be important for increasing the number of growth and reproductive meristems, resulting in the increase in reproductive outputs.  相似文献   

Populations of Leavenworthia crassa (Cruciferae) studied for 3 years exhibited among- and within-population genetic variation for a suite of floral and reproductive traits (flower width, petal length, anther position, ability to set seeds in the absence of pollinators, time to first flowering) associated with breeding system. We used electrophoretic markers to show that a population with small, monomorphically colored flowers with introrse anthers had a significantly lower outcrossing rate (t = 0.03) than did a population with larger, polymorphically colored flowers with extrorse anthers (t = 0.33). In the more-outcrossing population the correlation between higher maternal plant outcrossing rate and the suite of six traits approached significance (P < 0.067), with greater petal size, greater flower width, and reduced ability to set seeds in the absence of pollinators contributing significantly. Plants in selfing populations had a generally higher reproductive success, with a higher number of flowers per plant, a smaller proportion of unfertilized ovules, a smaller proportion of fertilized ovules aborted, a higher rate of fruit set, and overall a larger number of seeds matured than did plants from the more outcrossing populations. Pollen limitation did not appear to account for lower reproductive success in outcrossing populations. Resource limitation did not differ substantially between populations. However, within-ovary patterns of fertilization, abortion, and seed weight were significantly less random in outcrossing populations than in selfing populations, suggesting that differential gamete and embryo success may be responsible for lower reproductive success in outcrossing populations.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation, seed predation and scape length in Primula farinosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Floral display and reward production may affect the attractiveness of a plant to a range of interacting animals including pollinators, herbivores, and vectors of pathogenic fungi. The optimal floral phenotype should therefore depend on the relative importance of selection exerted by both mutualistic and antagonistic animals. The perennial, rosette herb Primula farinosa is polymorphic for scape length. Natural populations may include both plants with flowers displayed well above the ground (the long-scaped morph) and those with flowers positioned very close to the ground (the short-scaped morph). In this study, we conducted a field experiment to examine how the relative fitness of the two scape morphs is affected by interactions with pollinators and fruit predators in two different microhabitats (high and low vegetation). As predicted based on the difference in floral display, supplemental hand-pollination showed that fruit initiation was more strongly pollen-limited in the short-scaped than in the long-scaped morph, and that this difference was significantly larger in high than in low vegetation. Moreover, plants with a short scape experienced lower levels of fruit predation than plants with a long scape. Among open-pollinated controls, there was no significant difference in seed output between the two scape morphs. However, among plants receiving supplemental hand-pollination, short-scaped plants produced significantly more seeds than long-scaped plants. The results suggest that the positive and negative effects of a prominent floral display (increased pollination and seed predation, respectively) balance in the study population, but also that the short-scaped morph would have an advantage at higher pollination intensities. Spatial and temporal variation in pollinator activity and seed predation should result in associated variation in the relative fecundity of the two scape morphs.  相似文献   

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