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Flora of Palmaria and Tino islands. — Palmaria and Tino are two small islands at the entrance of the Gulf of La Spezia. They are formed of grey fossiliferous limestones of the Rhaetian period and of more recent — but still of the Rhaetian period — dolomitic limestones. Their climate is definitely more mediterranean than that of the La Spezia coasts laying near by; the winters are milder and the annual precipitations much lower (at the Palmaria 525 mm, at La Spezia 1375 mm. The flora is composed of 399 entities and has a biological spectrum in which the Hemicryptophytes predominate (35,33%), however also the Therophytes (29,57%) and the Geophytes (15,03%) are frequent. The test of the floristic composition shows that the eumediterranean elements are predominant (24,56%) but also the submediterranean (12,53%) and the central southern European (13,53%) are frequent; besides, the subatlantic (6,01%) and the Eurasian ones are also to be found (9,27%). From the test of the floristic components of the three floras of Palmaria and Tino, Capo Caccia in north western Sardinia and of the Marettimo island in western Sicily, it has been found that there is a bigger quantity of eumediterranean elements than in the islands near La Spezia (24,56%) at Capo Caccia (42,14%) and at Marettimo (47,60%), and on the contrary a decrease of the central southern European (13,53%, 9,50%, 6,40%). The fact that the island of Sardinia was separated from the continent since very early times is proved by the presence at Capo Caccia of a lower number of euro-centralasiatic plants (6,76%, 3,30%, 6,60% respectively), of sub-Atlantic ones (6,01%, 1,65%, 3,80%), and of Eurasian ones (9,27%, 7,85%, 8,20%) and on the contrary by a higher number of Sardinian-Corsican endemisms at Capo Caccia (8,67%), definitely higher than the ones in Sicily at Marettimo (3,40%) and the Tuscan-Ligurian endemisms at Palmaria and Tino (only 0,75%) islands which are a few dozen meters near the coast, from which they were separated in recent periods. Among the plants of phytogeographycal interest I would like to mention Centaurea cineraria which is present at the Palmaria and Tino with the var. veneris; may be once spread on most of the Mediterranean coasts. Most of the Mediterranean plants growing on the Palmaria and Tino have a distribution area which includes a great part of the Mediterranean. Just a few of them (Cephalaria leucantha, Argyrolobium zanonii, Phagnalon sordidum, Staehelina dubia, Pinus pinaster, Antirrhinum latifolium) are western submediterranean, distributed mostly in Europe; in comparison, at Marettimo there are western eumediterranean plants growing in northern Africa with some remains in the Spanish peninsula. At Marettimo eastern eumediterranean plants also grow, while at Palmaria and Tino are to be found only some plants that, from the north-eastern coasts of the Mediterranean sea, reach the interior of the Balkan peninsula (Genista januensis) or the Pontic region. (Coronilla cretica, Dorycnium pentaphyllum var. berbaceum).  相似文献   


The vegetation of the Palmaria and Tino Islands (Gulf of La Spezia). — The vegetation of the Palmaria and Tino islands in the Gulf of La Spezia shows various aspects although they are completely calcareous and do not exceed two hundred meters in height. Along the coast, we have noticed some small beaches with a few psammophytes, and some cliffs vertically overlooking the sea with the endemic Centaurea cineraria var. veneris and with a few shrubs (among which I would like to mention Pinus halepensis) that become bigger and bigger and grow in number with the altitude. On the southern side of Palmaria the Mediterranean « maquis » with Calicotome spinosa, Cistus monspeliensis, Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus is to be noticed. This bush is either compact or rarefied so that it makes a sort of « garigue » on limestone with Euphorbia dendroides, Helichrysum stoechas, Ruta chalepensis, Thymus vulgaris. Owing to the fact that some land strips of Palmaria escaped from fire a thermophilous vegetation is to be found, with a few trees of Pinus halepensis and with a thick undergrowth of Euphorbia dendroides, Cistus incanus, Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis, Smilax aspera. The vegetation of the northern side of Palmaria and Tino is less thermophilous, together with a thick wood of Quercus ilex with some plants of Quercus pubescens and with undergrowth of Viburnum tinus, Smilax aspera, Smilax mauritanica, Coronilla emerus; this wood, especially in the higher part of Palmaria, shows some glades where Erica arborea, Cistus salvifolius, Dorycnium hirsutum grow, with some entities which are distributed quite far from the sea, such as Peucedanum cervaria. Still on the northern side of Palmaria there are some traces of chestnut woods with Castanea sativa, Quercus pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia, Corylus avellana, Cytisus laburnum and with some plants that usually grow in the cooler areas among the chestnut woods and often in the beech woods like Daphne laureola, Digitalis lutea, Helleborus foetidus and Sesleria autumnalis. A comparison between the biological spectrum of the two islands with the one of Capo Caccia in north western Sardinia and of Marettimo island in western Sicily, clearly shows that in going down southwards, a strong increase of the therophytes (respectively 29,57%, 41,73%, 49,59%), of the chamaephytes and of the nanophanerophytes (13,53%, 16,94%, 18,47%) is to be noticed, while the hemicryptophytes decrease (35,33%, 22,72%, 21,28%). Besides, the vegetation of Capo Caccia although being situated half way between the two Ligurian islands and Marettimo, is much more similar to the latter one; evidently Palmaria and Tino are conditioned by their closeness to the La Spezia coasts while having a climate quite different from them.  相似文献   


Some ecological, caryological and systematic data on Nepeta foliosa Moris. – Nepeta foliosa is a rare Sardinian endemic species, which lives at an altitude of 1200 m, on the Oliena calcareous mountains in Central Sardinia. Its somatic chromosome number is 2n = 36. From a taxonomical point of view, N. foliosa appears a well isolated species within the Nepeta section, where recently Turner placed it. It shows affinity with species of the Pycnonepeta Benth. section, and particularly with Nepeta multibracteata Desf. For this reason it is here proposed to transfer N. foliosa into the Pycnonepeta section.  相似文献   


The Author points out as the Centaurea horrida Bad., an endemic thorny plant of Sardinia, presents a manifested eterophillia and tries to explain why, among the different Authors, only Moris has evidenced the characteristic; he refers some personal morphological observations on the species and concludes with a new summarized diagnosis of it.  相似文献   

In June 2009 we organized a botanical student excursion to the eastern part of Sardinia, Italy. On this occasion we were able to collect and identify over 80 species of microfungi growing on higher plants. The collecting sites were spread over a large area, among them were La Caletta, Capo Comino, Monte Albo, Cala Gonone, Monte Maccione, San Teodoro, Capo Testa. The collected microfungi were parasitic or saprophytic; Basidiomycotina (Uredinales), Ascomycotina and Deuteromycotina (Hyphomycetes, Coelomycetes) were predominant. Examples are Pezicula corticola (J?rg.) NANNF. (new for Sardinia), on Pyrus communis. Puccinia chamaecyparissi TROTT. (new for Sardinia), on Santolina insularis. Sphaceloma oleae CICC. and GRANITI (new for Sardinia) and Phlyctema vagabunda DESM. (new for Sardinia), on Olea europaea and Arbutus unedo. Puccinia pseudosphaeria MONT. (new for Sardinia), on Sonchus oleraceus. Discula umbrinella (BERK. and BR.) SUTTON (new for Sardinia)(D. quercina WEST. and BARK), on Quercus coccifera. Zaghouania phillyreae PAT. (new for Sardinia), on Phillyrea angustifolia. Phymatotrichum omnivorum (DUGGAR) HENNEBERT, new on Verbascum thapsus for Sardinia. Guignardia punctoidea (COOKE) SCHROTER (new for Sardinia), on Quercus ilex. Many of the collected species are rare or unknown for the area of investigation until now. All specimens are located in the Herbarium ESS, Mycotheca Parva collection G.B. Feige and N. Ale-Agha.  相似文献   


«Poterium spinosum» L. in Western Mediterranean at Calamosca (Capo S. Elia, Sardegna). — The Author has studied the station of Poterium spinosum at Calamosca, a small valley of S. Elia Cape, near Cagliari, Sardinia. Im Sardinia this place is the only one where P. spinosum grows on the contrary to the information given in RIKLI (1946) where P. spinosum is indicated as growing everywhere along the coast in the island. As it is known, P. spinosum is very common along the coast in Greece, Lebanon, Israel, Syria; is absent in Egypt; is present in the calcareous part of Cyrenaica, in Sicily between Siracusa and Capo Passero; it reaches westwards the small island of Djerba (Tunisia) and Calamosca (S. Elia Cape — Sardinia). In Dalmatia has been reported for Spalato (Split) and Ragusa (Dubrovnik). It has not been found lately at Fiume (Rijeka) neither at Tivoli (Latium), Cotrone (Basilicata) and Bari (Apulia). P. spinosum at Calamosca in the higher part of the station is tipically rock-dwelling, lower is still rock-dwelling but associated with Thymus capitatus H. et Lk., while in the lowert part of the station P. spinosum grows on gravel with Thymelaea hirsuta Endl. P. spinosum at Calamosca has never been found growing with Thymus capitatus and Thymelaea hirsuta both. The center of the distribution area of P. spinosum is in eastern Mediterranean where it forms (Greece and Greek islands) a typical association with Thymelaea hirsuta (RIKLI 1946). In Israel P. spinosum is associated with Thymus capitatus (ZOHARY). The distribution area of P. spinosum is solid in its eastern part, fragmented in central Mediterranean and sparse towards the west. Recently the species, which has 2n = 28 chromosomes (LARSEN 1955), has been found to have hypoglycemic principles active against diabetes.  相似文献   

Silene ichnusae (Caryophyllaceae) a new species of S. sect. Siphonomoipha is described and illustrated. It is a rare chasmophyte localized at Capo Falcone (W Sardinia), on siliceous rocks near the sea. Its relationships with S. velutina, of the S. mollissima group, are discussed.  相似文献   


New species for Flora of Sardinia. — The Author remarks the presence of new species for Sardinia with some observations on the distribution and habitat.  相似文献   

Noel H. Holmgren 《Brittonia》1998,50(2):159-164
Two Nevada species are described here for the first time: Penstemon tiehmii N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to Mount Lewis of the Shoshone Range in Lander County; and Penstemon rhizomatosus N. H. Holmgren, which is endemic to the central Schell Creek Range in White Pine County. They both belong to section Saccanthera and are closely related to P. kingii S. Watson, a Great Basin endemic of valley sagebrush habitats. Both new species are talus plants of higher elevations and differ from P. kingii principally in their rhizomatous habit, petiolate leaves, and pubescence of shorter hairs.  相似文献   

The Malagasy fauna includes two genera of Philopotaminae: Wormaldia McLachlan 1865 and an endemic new genus, Ranarijaodes n. gen. The Malagasy and African (sensu stricto) lineages of Wormaldia are distinct. Apomorphic characters (the shape of the phallic apparatus for the African species and the splitting of the median lobe of the tenth tergite for the Malagasy species) confirm their separation. New captures are reported for two of the four previously known species of Wormaldia. Seven new species are described: Wormaldia ambahibeae n. sp., W. faharoa n. sp., W. fahatelo n. sp., W. randriamasimananai n. sp., W. fahefatra n. sp., W. legrandi n. sp. and W. fahadimy n. sp. Ranarijaodes n. gen. is close to Dolophilodes Ulmer 1909. It is described for the three new species Ranarijaodes fiana n. sp., R. angapi n. sp. and R. atsimo n. sp. The 14 Malagasy species of Philopotaminae are endemics of the island. Their geographical distributions and ecological preferences are described and discussed.  相似文献   


A new Anchusa species was discovered in the massif of Mt. Lattias in South-Western Sardinia. This species, here described as A. formosa, shows a sharp phenotypic differentiation from the other Sardinian endemic taxa of Anchusa, especially in habit, leaf shape and size, inflorescence and calyx morphology. Ecological traits are also peculiar, the plant being restricted to siliceous debris that accumulates in small depositional areas of dry stream beds. A. formosa is likely to represent a paleogenic schizoendemism originated through isolation and genetic drift from the same genie pool of the other Corso-Sardinian endemic taxa of Anchusa. SEM analyses provide additional information on the micromorphology of the stigma and its papillar pattern, pollen grains, mericarp coat surface and trichomes. The anatomical structure of stem, root and leaf were also analysed. Due to its extreme localization and ecological specialization, A. formosa needs total protection in its natural habitat and should be added to National and International Red Lists of plants at risk of extinction.  相似文献   


Contribution to the systematic knowledge of the genus Genista in Sardinia: I. Genista acanthoclada DC. – The author takes into consideration the problems concerning some species of the genus Genista in Sardinia. Full details are furthermore given on the ecology, distribution, floristic composition and taxonomic position of Genista acanthoclada ssp. sardoa.  相似文献   


Under the name Myricaria germanica var. prostrata two species, both distinct from M. germanica (L.) Desv., have been confused, namely M. prostrata Hook. f. & Thoms. (syn. M. hedinii Paulsen) and M. rosea W. W. Smith, hitherto considered endemic to Yunnan but now known to extend westward to central Nepal.  相似文献   


The endemic New Zealand genus Neolimnia is redescribed, and a key is given to the 14 species now included. Four new species are described - Neolimnia raiti, N. pepekeiti, N. ura, and N. repo. Two new synonymies are proposed; N. ocellata Tonnoir &; Malloch with N. castanea (Hutton); and N. dubiosa Tonnoir &; Malloch with N. irrorata Tonnoir &; Malloch. Lectotypes are designated for N. tranquilla (Hutton), N. castanea (Hutton), N. obscura (Hutton), and N. striata (Hutton). Male postabdomens of all species are illustrated. Character variation and generic, subgeneric, and species relationships are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Genista pichisermolliana Valsecchi (Fabaceae), an endemic plant of Sardinia, were extracted in Soxhlet apparatus and purified by several chromatographic methods. The new compound alpinumisoflavone 4′-O-glucopyranoside (6) was isolated together with nineteen flavonoids, p-coumaric methylester and d-pinitol, while no alkaloids were detected. All the chemical structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis. Since flavonoids represent the main constituents of this plant, the total flavonoid content was determined according to the Italian Pharmacopoeia IX Ed. method.  相似文献   

The Corsica–Sardinia archipelago is a hotspot of Mediterranean biodiversity. Although tempo and mode of arrival of species to this archipelago and phylogenetic relationships with continental species have been investigated in many taxa, very little is known about the current genetic structure and evolutionary history subsequent to arrival. In the present study, we investigated genetic variation within and among populations of the Tyrrhenian treefrog Hyla sarda, a species endemic to the Corsica–Sardinia microplate and the surrounding islands, by means of allozyme electrophoresis. Low genetic divergence (mean Dnei = 0.01) and no appreciable differences in the levels and distribution of genetic variability (HE: 0.06–0.09) were observed among all but one populations (Elba). Historical demographic and isolation‐by‐distance analyses indicated that this diffused genetic homogeneity could be the result of recent demographic expansion. Along with paleoenvironmental data, such expansion could have occurred during the last glacial phase, when wide and persistent land bridges connected the main islands and a widening of lowland areas occurred. This scenario is unprecedented among Corsica–Sardinia species. Together with the lack of concordance even among the few previously studied species, this suggests either that species had largely independent responses to paleoenvironmental changes, or that most of the history of assembly of the Corsica–Sardinia biota is yet to be written. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 159–167.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the anatomical and histological study of a silicified specimen of a palm consisting of a part of the trunk surrounded by roots. The sample comes from the Lower Miocene of North West Sardinia. The comparison with fossil species and exsting species leads to the conclusion that the specimen belongs to a new fossil species closely related to Chamaerops humilis L., widespread throughout the Mediterranean area. Paleo-environmental considerations confirm the presence in Sardinia, in the epoch in question, of formations of Mediterranean forest corresponding in part to forest existing in North Africa today.  相似文献   


A species of the genus Graptodytes Seidlitz, 1887 (varius/ignotus complex) is newly recognised and described based on recently sampled specimens from Corsica and Sardinia, and material in various collections from Algeria, Tunisia, Corsica and Sardinia. The name exsanguis, created by Bedel in 1925 for a variety of what he then called Hydroporus varius Aubé, 1838, is shown to be available for the newly recognised species, therefore named Graptodytes exsanguis (Bedel, 1925) n. stat. (type locality: Algeria, La Calle – nowadays El Kala). This species is similar in size and colour pattern to G. fractus (Sharp, 1882), from which it can be distinguished by strong differentiation of the male protarsal claws, features of the habitus and elytral punctation, and shape of the median lobe of aedeagus. Morphological features of G. exsanguis and G. fractus are illustrated, and pictures showing for each species the variability of habitus and median lobe are provided. For comparison, the habitus and median lobes of other species of the varius/ignotus complex are also illustrated. Habitat preferences of G. exsanguis are described based on field observations in Corsica and Sardinia, and a distribution map of validated records is presented. Analysis of a partial CO1 alignment yielded a basal and divergent position within the varius/ignotus complex for the sequenced G. exsanguis haplotypes from Corsica and Sardinia. Lectotypes are designated for Hydroporus varius var. exsanguis Bedel, 1925, Hydroporus fractus Sharp, 1882 and Graptodytes ignotus var. fallaciosus Guignot, 1932, and the latter is established as a junior synonym of G. fractus.  相似文献   


MONTE LINAS, A NEW BRIGDE STATION IN THE SARDINIAN DISTRIBUTION OF SCILLA OBTUSIFOLIA POIR. — Two new phytocenosis of Scilla obtusifolia Poir. in Sardinia on Monte Linas have been described; their particular interest is that they connect the so far stations of this species in Sardinia. Monte Linas acts as a bridge between the southern sardinian stations and the northern ones, which have been already described by DESOLE (1959).  相似文献   

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